Advanced Project 8

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- Juan José Quispe
- Carmen Quispe Granados
- Jimena Urquieta
- Ana Veronica Tarqui Jaramillo

TEACHER: Roxana Saavedra

COURSE: Advanced 8

SCHEDULE: 7:16 - 10:45 p.m.

YEAR: 2022

Animal Migration


Topic: The migration of 2 great animals

Hook/attention getter: Animal life is a very beautiful field, and the most beautiful thing about their


1. Emperor penguin migration

1. Characteristics: Largest size and weight of its species. Life 15 to 20 years. Height and
weight of 1,.2 meters and 43 kilograms. Speed of 40km/h in the sea.

2. Habitat: Antarctica

3. Causes for migration: To feed and reproduce.

4. Description of the migration: Starts on April

5. Distance traveled: About 100 to 150 kilometers.

6. Interesting points: They don’t live in the North Pole, are faithful, body temperature of

2. The humpback whale

1. Characteristics: Height and weight from 12 to meters and 36 000 kilograms.

2. Habitat: All oceans, except polar seas.

3. Causes for migration: To feed and reproduce.

4. Description of the migration: Migrates between high latitudes where it feeds and low
latitudes where it breeds and pairs due to low predators.

5. Distance traveled: About 20 000 kilometers.

6. Interesting points: One of the longest migrations, twice a year, produce a melodious song.


Major points to summarize: The main reasons for animal migration are temperature changes,reproduction
and survival of predators.

Closing comment/summary: Animal migration is an incredible gift of nature where we can encounter
anywhere, so we must not let it decline because it would be a danger to it and us because we have a
link with them.

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