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Identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality traits, appearance, and/or expressions that
characterize a person or group. In sociology, emphasis is placed on collective identity, in which
an individual's identity is strongly associated with role-behavior or the collection of group
memberships that define them. identity refers to the ways that people's self-concepts are
based on their membership in social groups.

Examples include sports teams, religions, nationalities, occupations, sexual orientation, ethnic
groups, and gender.


Our sense of personal identity and of who we are as individuals.Identity is the qualities, beliefs,
personality traits, appearance, and/or expressions that characterize a person or group.

Personal identity

The self we know:

identity refers to a sense of self that a person develops over their life.

Your personal identity is unique to you because no one has the exact same mix of features,
memories, habits, emotional dispositions, and knowledge that you have.Personal identity is
similar to social identity, but personal identities are about all of your unique features whereas
your social identity usually only counts your sociological categorizations.

Examples include:

gender, race, social class.

Role identity

Role identity theory posits that individuals construct their identities based on investments in
social relationships rather than, as demographic research suggests, on the social categories to
which they could claim membership.

Lastly, a son should assist and protect the family in the absence of his father.Father and son
should exist independently and function interdependently at the same time. Learning from one
another and growing through their own individual lives.It is a tradition in Igboland that in the
absence of the father of the family, the first son takes over the administration of the family. He
is expected to take care of the mother and assist his siblings.”

Be helpful
Your parents will have to depend more on you as you grow, so protect them and help them if
you can.

Be kind

This is a no-brainer. Treat them with the respect they showed you while raising you.

Protect your family

Not just your parents. Protect your sisters, brothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.


Continue to go to school and get an education. Learn from mistakes and lessons, adults and
children. Read books. Use your knowledge to make rational descisions.

Be well behaved

Don’t add more stress to your already overworked parents by misbehaving. Everyone messes
up, but make sure you follow it up with a sincere apology and a promise to never do it again,
and mean it.

Enjoy yourself

You are a man, you are unique and special, and you mean everything to your parents. Be proud
of yourself. Become the best you can be.

Social identity

Social identity allows people to be part of groups and gain a sense of belonging in their social
world. These identities play an important role in shaping self-image. The more people identify
with a particular group, the more that group plays a role in shaping how people feel about

Religious identity is one’s sense of group membership and attachment to a religion and the
significance of this membership to one’s self-concept (Peek, 2005). Some students, by choice or
compliance, may express their religious identity by what they wear (e.g., hijab, crucifix, Star of
David) while others may not feel compelled to make public their religious affiliation. Although
there is an assumption that religion/religious affiliation is not a salient part of many emerging
adults identities,

The self we act

We are choosey an identity to act.

Multiple identity

the individual is not simply defined by. one identity evolved from societal structures, but rather
by various ones. These. identities – formed due to social roles, age, gender, reference groups,

We all have multiple identities race, gender, age, sexual orientation, occupation the list goes on
and on.


If we are sitting in a classroom then we have two identity at the same time one is student and
other is friend ship.But we are choosey to show the identity.Here we show the identity of
students not close friends identity.

Social Network

Relationship with parents

Parent-Child Relationship is one that nurtures the physical, emotional and social development
of the child. It is a unique bond that every child and parent will can enjoy and nurture. This
relationship lays the foundation for the child's personality, life choices and overall behaviour.

Relationship with Siblings

play a unique role in one another's lives that simulates the companionship of parents as well as
the influence and assistance of friends. Because siblings often grow up in the same household,
they have a large amount of exposure to one another, like other members of the immediate

Relationship with relatives

family relationship involves interaction between all the members. It typically includes living
under one roof, communicating, taking care of each other, dealing with challenges, carrying
forward family traditions, and giving each member a sense of belonging.

Relationship with friends

It is a dyadic relationship, meaning that it involves a series of interactions between two

individuals known to each other. It is recognized by both members of the relationship and is
characterized by a bond or tie of reciprocated affection.

fight occur among the friend and siblings then we support siblings. We didn't support friend.
We gave more priority siblings to friends

Need for Identity support

This set of characteristics allows you to be definitively and uniquely recognisable. Identity plays
an important role in empowering individuals to exercise their rights and responsibilities fairly
and equitably in a modern society.


we are studying and preparing exam. We become bore and tired. Then we call to our friends to
talk. After talking we feel relax.Here we need social network to hide student identity

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