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INTERNATIONAL 11-14 Dee MS MMs ane Ngee Rec adv Sa el WORKBOOK everson CONTENTS BA Food and nutrition 8B Plants and their reproduction ‘BC Breathing and respiration 8D Unicellular organisms 8E Combustion 8F The periodic table 8G Metals and their uses BH Rocks BI Fluids 8J Light 8K Energy transfers 8L Earth and space Command words The SI System Hazard symbols Periodic table 15 ar 51 75 87 m1 128 135 147 149 150 151 2 Look at the food chain. State the source of energy for: a the swallow ; —> RS => ei > Gr b the oak tree. ov 3 In your digestive system, ccalaed ‘greeny ‘adybird swallow foad is taken into your body by the small intestine, Tick (Y) all the organs that are part of the digestive system. O artery O bladder O brein O heart O kidney O large intestine © cesophagus O pancreas O skin O small intestine O spinal cord O stomach b What carries digested substances from your small intestine to all the cells of your body? ___ 4a Design a healthy meal plan for one day. Breakfast: __ Dinner: What do scientists mean by diet? 2 The table shows the nutritional information found on a packet of food. Typical values | Per | Per 1759 a Draw a smile on the face in the box to show how 100 g | portion confident you are in understanding the label - the ; bigger the smile, the more confident you are. Protein 209 359 b_ How many grams of carbohydrate are in 100 g of z carbohydrate e2g | 1619 the food? - ofwhich sugars | 9.59 61g © How many grams of protein do 200 g of this food ‘at 189 | 329 03g | 08 meee ‘of which saturates Q fi 23 r 1d Calculate the grams of fat in two portions of the hd 8 4 food. @ Give the names of two nutrients not found in this food, What do we need nutrients for? Tick (v) ail the correct reasons. O for growth © for energy O for food O for repair for good flavour for our stomachs 3 Some carbohydrates in the food are sugars. Name one sugar. __ hh Give one reason why you need to eat fibre 3 Complete the table to show some tests for different nutrients. Nutrient Test Positive result rub on paper ‘greasy mark protein turns from blue to purple starch iodine solution 1a Name one activity in which your body gains mass. bb Name one activity in which your body loses mass. 2. Why do you need starch in your diet? __ ‘3a What does your body use fat for? =a b State one food that is a good source of fat. __ 4 The table shows the amount of energy in some different foods. Energy in different foods ( ) ‘a. Give the unt symbol that is missing in the top row [Typical values | Per 1009 _ | Per portion ofthe table, See banana 370 370 b_ Which food contains the most energy? breakiast cereal 1520 360 rill 275 330 State the mass of banana in one portion. d Calculate the amount of energy in a portion of cereal served with a portion of milk and a portion of banana. 5 Which process releases energy from food? Tick (¥) one box. © A respiration © B excretion O © digestion OD exhalation 6 Draw one line between each ‘need!’ and a ‘nutrient’. Draw another line between each ‘nutrient’ and a “good source’ Nutrient Good source hy eyes) growth and repair 11 The table shows the energy required by different activities. Eneray a Which activity requites the most energy? Activity required per hour (kJ/h) 7 aot ie sleeping 180 b Calculate the amount of energy used when you: watching TV 250 walking slowly 470 cycling slowly 660 running fast 1700 walk slowly for 2 hours: ii cycle slowly for 3 hours sleep for 2.5 hours. _ © Look at both the tables on this page and the last. How many portions of milk provide enough energy for ‘1 hour of slow cycling? d_ Hosni goes for a slow walk for 4 hour, and then watches TV. After 2 hours he falls asleep for 20 minutes. Calculate the energy he hes used, wb 2a Raviis a fitness trainer. His wife is the same age and works at a call centre. Who will need more energy per day? _ b Explain why thisis. 3 Discuss in a group which of the following need more energy each day: teenagers or young children, who both have similar levels of activity. Write your answer below and why your group thinks this. Who needs more energy: Why we think this: _ 4 In groups, discuss how the words on the left can be linked with the words on the right using a simple phrase, Then complete the lines with your best ideas. It may help to use different colours. One has been done for you. en is used by the body for insulation bet growth and repair carbohydrate carbohydrate sucrose energy water blood scurvy vitamin C To stay heaithy people should have a __— dit, which means that they eat a wide —_____ of _--— to give them all the ooo they need. People who have too much or too little of a eect ieeefee Pre eniasaceesaatee 3a This diagram shows the = = cetesemes [eses| oc] = | se [te groups in a healthy diet. Draw lines from the labels to complete the diagram. One has been done for you. b_ Martin's diet consists mainly of French fies, lamb mince, white bread, low-fat spread and cola, He claims that his diet is healthy because he only uses low-fat spread Explain why he is wrong, SBS 4 How will a balanced diet stop people becoming overweight? 5 Draw lines to match each deficiency disease with its cause and symptoms. Deficiency disease Cause a Which of these are problems often caused by obesity? Tick (Y) al the correct boxes. O stamvation being overweight O high blood pressure O heart disease O scuny G low pulse rate People who are obese are more likely to suffer from a problem called angina, in which heart muscles do not get enough blood. Describe why the heart muscles do not get enough blood, 8 Look at your answer to question 4a on page 3. For part b explain why your meal plan is healthy or explain how you could improve it 41 People have asked a pizza company to use healthier pizza bases. “The nutrition information for the existing pizza base is shown, State some ways in which the pizza base could be made healthier. b_ Choose one way and explain two ideas for changing the pizza base in this way. © Choose one idea and design a delivery box to advertise your new pizza base. Draw your design on the outine below. Ingredients Bleached white flour water, glucose, sucrose, salt hydrogenated vegetable ail (to add sttechines), xanthan gum {to add stretchiness) [inn ‘ypialvaer | per10g] persewing a bag wa | sos rin 5s carbone [629] 38 stunt gas Sag ia [oss [25s | fis ozs | ate ‘Allergy advice Product contains gluten 4 What is an organ system? Bp 2a What does the digestive system do? _ b Why do we nead to digest food? _ 8 The liver makes a substance that helps digestion. List three other organs that also produce substances that help with digestion. 4 Work in a group to discuss how to add two or three short labels to the diagram to explain how food is moved down from the mouth. Then write in your labels. 5 Draw lines to link each part of the digestive system with its name and function. Digestive system Organ name large inte ‘rectum (Shallintestine Borah Organ function ‘food is mixed withiacid and cigestive juices food is digested and smallimolecties’ Eee FaRSSARUBSARES IS REL RSE wat gatting id of undigested food from your gut as faeces {getting rid of undigested food from your gut as faeces __ eating food __ soluble molecules moving into the blood cae getting rid of waste substances produced in cells p 7. Give one benefit and one cisadvantage of having bacteria in your gut. Benefit Disadvantage _ 8 Describe how enzymes help digestion. 9a Enzymes are often called ‘biological catalysts’. Discuss in a group why this might be. Write your answer below. Enzymes are often called ‘biological catalysts’ because _ b Compare your group's answer with another group. If you can, write down one way in which you could improve your answer. 4 Calculate the area of a basketball court, which is 28 m long and 15 m wide. _ 2a Caloulate the surface area of the smallest face of the cuboid in the diagram. © Calculate the surface area : volume ratio of the cuboid. Give your answer as a decimal without units. 2 The cuboid is chopped into 6 smaller cuboids. Cross out the incorrect words. ‘The total surface area increases / decreases / stays the same. ‘The total surface area : volume ratio increases / decreases / stays the same. 3 Tick (v) the phrase that best completes the following sentence. ‘To get enough of the substances they need from their surroundings, a cell needs: G A alarge volume compared to its surface area. G B alarge surface area compared to its volume. O © a small surface area compared to its volume. GD assurface area that is equal to its volume, Explain why the same amount of pieces. food is digested faster when itis in small pieces compared with large B 8 Calculate the increase in the surface area : volume ratio of this cube when it is divided into smaller cubes, as shown. 4 The diagram shows a model of the small intestine. Visking tubing is a thin material containing tiny holes that only small molecules can pass through. Visking tubing a Inthe model, what does the Visking tubing represent? mixture of water, ‘enzymes and starch water tightly ted bb Inthe model, what does the water outside the tubing represent? = © What would you expect to find in the water at the end of the experiment shown in the diagram that was not there at the start? Explain your reasoning. 2 Explain why there is an overall movement of soluble molecules out of the small intestine. To answer this, tick (“) one box for each of parts a and b below. a_ The soluble molecules move by: O A dissolving. OB enzymes O ¢ diffusion. © D Brownian mation. b This is because: © A the soluble molecules are more concentrated inside the small intestine. CO B there is more water inside the small intestine. CO G there is more pressure inside the small intestine. © D enzymes attach to the molecules. 3 How is the small intestine adapted to absorbing digested nutrients quickly? 1 Look at the nutrition label Nutri List the nutrients shown on the label. Serre Eanuhyg contains Eneray Fat! 11s of which saturates 89 Carbohydrate 45.59 2 Name a nutrient not on the nutrition label and describe its use in the body. Name of nutrient What itis used for 3 Drawa flow chart to show how cells get a fuel for respiration after you have eaten starch. 4a In groups, discuss how to eat healthily. Record your group's ideas below. b Compare your group's answer with another group. If you can, write down one way in which you could improve your answer. p 1 Allplants are in the plant kingdom, Name one other kingdom. Ce ii building __ iv medicine 1 food Bp 1a What characteristics of animals are different from those of plants? ‘2- Bellis perennis, Leucanthemum vulgare and Belis sylvestris are all lowering plants that are called daisies. a_Name one genus of daisies. b Give one species name of daisies. © Suggest which two of these species of daisias are most similar. Give a reason for your answer. BS 3 How are flowering plants and conifers: a. similar b different? _ 4 Fungi were once thought to belong to the piant kingdom, a. Suggest why they were grouped with plants, a Tick (7) one box in each row to show how these animals are classified, Animal Invertebrate Vertebrate snail o o fish oO oO snake a Oo fy 0 Oo : b Give a reason for your answers to part a. 6 Draw one line from each animal group to its characteristics Animal group Characteristics 7 Look at this drawing of an animal Is this animal a mollusc, an insect or an arachnid? Give a reason for your answer, 11 Draw one line from each scientific term to its definition Scientific term Definition SB 2 A sweet jar is 50 om tall. Sweets are taken from the top 5 cm. There are 24 sweets, Estimate the total number of sweets in the jar. Show all your working 5 Afield is @ rectangle 20 m long by 15 m wide. A quactat 0.5 m x 0.5 m was placed 10 times on the field A total of 6 daisy plants were counted inside the quadrats, a_ Estimate the daisy plant population in the whole field. Show your working, b Give one advantage and one disadvantage of placing the quadrat 20 times on the field instead of 10 times. Advantage Disadvantage _ 41 Use words from the box to complete the text. You may use each word once, more than onde or not at al. ‘Sexual reproduction happens when a male _ joins with a female ___to forma __ The offspring will ____ some characteristics of their male _ and some characteristics of their female 2. The scientific name of the apricot is Prunus armeniaca, and the scientific name of the plum is Prunus domestica, A plumcot is produced by sexual reproduction of a plum and an apricot. Tick (Y) one box to show which term is used to describe a plumcot. O A species O C tertile OB hybrid OD asexual b_ Discuss the following with a partner, then write down your agreed answers, i How can you use their scientific names to determine how closely related the apricot and plum are? Ii Why can you not produce plumcot seeds through reproduction between two plumcot plants? iii You can produce new plumncot plants by taking cuttings from a plumcot plant. Will the new plants show inherited variation? Give a reason for your answer. 3 What do strawberry plants use to reproduce: a soxualy - : : b asexually? ‘1a Use words from the box to label the reproductive parts of the flower. b State the function of the anther. __ Name the flower part in which the female gamete is found. _ Bp d_ Name the male reproductive organ in plants. __ SB 2a What happens in pollination? 3a Complete the table to describe the characteristics of wind-poliinated and insect-pollinated flowers. Characteristic Wind-pollinated Insect-pollinated petals anther position | stigma structure pollen grains scent bb Compare your table with @ partner. Write any better answers in the table in a different colour. p 4 What is meant by cross-poliination? 5 Agardener plants some apple trees. One tree has flowers that only contain anthers, the other trees have flowers that only have stigmas. Explain the importance of the tree with anthers. 4 2000 cm® of airs fitered through a machine. It traps 268 pollen grains. Calculate the concentration of, pollen grains in grains/om*, 3 Describe how you controlled other variables in your investigation so that they affected the results as litle as possible. 4a Wiite the details of where or when you placed each slide in the table below. Details of slide Rank order b_Atter looking at the slides with a microscope, rank the slides in order, with + being the slide with the most pollen. 5 Write @ conclusion from your results about the conditions in which there is most pollen in the air. 7 ‘1a Number the statements in the order that describes what happens after pollination. The first one has been done for you. | ] Apolien grain sticks to the stigma. “The male gamete joins the female gamete in the ovule. ‘The male gamete moves down the pollen tube to the ovule. ‘The nuclei of the gametes fuse to form a zygote. [Ja tube grows from the grain down through the style to the ovule. b Tick (v) one box to name the process in which the male and female nuclei fuse, G A pollination O fertilisation BB germination GD seed formation p 2 What does the zygote go on to form? a Label the structures on the diagram of a bean seed, b_ Which two structures on the diagram are parts of the embryo? 4 The fruits of some plants have ‘wings’ that make them spin as they fall. The table shows the results of an experiment to find out how the length af wings on a model spinner affects the time it takes to fall 2.5 m, Length of wings | 1stdroptime | 2nddroptime | 3rd drop time _ | Mean drop time (em) (s) (s) (s) {s) 10 2.63 ° 2.66 2.57 8 2.27 2.58 2.81 6 1.84 1.84 1.78 4 144 1.46 1.48 2 4.09 1.18 Aaa 0 0.70 0.68 0.72 a Gircle the value in the table which is anomalous. b Suggest a reason for the anomalous value. © Calculate the mean drop time for each wing length, ignoring the anomalous value. Write your answers in the table. d_ Write a conclusion from the results in the table, € Discuss your conclusion with a partner to see how you could improve it. Mark any corrections to your conclusion clearly Explain the importance of your conclusion for seed dispersal 5 Describe two ways, other than spinners, 6a What protects tomato seeds? _ b Why do the seeds need protection? 1 The table shows a ‘confidence grid’. Tick (¥) one box for each statement in the table. ‘Statement Definitely | Might be Might be Definitely correct correct wrong wrong a. During germination, enzymes, | break down food stores in a seed | to produce glucose. Mitochondria in plant embryo cells carry out photosynthesis. © Dorment seads are not alive because they are not growing. d_ Seeds need mineral salts from the soil to make proteins and oils in order to germinate. 2a Seeds carry out respiration, Complete the word equation for respiration: glucose + oxygen -» Explain why seeds carry out respiration. 3a Complete this word equation for photosynthesis. + water > _ + glucose J} 42 What adcitional resources does a seedling need compared with a germinating seed? S 1 What is the point of giving organisms scientific names? 2a Explain why conifers and mosses are classified in the same kingdom. 3 The diagram outlines the life cycle of a flowering plant. Label the diagram clearly to show when the following happen: pollination, ferilisation, seed dispersal, | seating germination. 4a Explain how plants make glucose, ee plant b Use your answer to part a to help explain why plant biodiversity is important, ‘1a Here is the start of a concept map on respiration. Work with @ pariner to add suitable words from what you have learned before, including breathing and gas exchange. Add comments to explain the links between the words. / respiration an ee b Compare your concept map with other students and add anything else that you think is useful J} 2a When someone starts to do exercise, what happens to their breathing and heartbeat rates? wB 1 Beaker X contains peas that are starting to grow. Beaker Y contains boiled peas. In which beaker will ‘a the temperature rise? Explain your reasoning, 2 Use words from the box to complete the text. Words may be used more than once. ‘The process releases ____.. which is transferred to molecules of See : ‘These molecules carry the __ __ around the cell to wherever itis needed for making other cell processes happen. BS ‘Sa Write out the word equation for aerobic respiration. b Suggest one way in which this is a good model for respiration and one way in which it is a poor one. & 1 Beaker X contains peas that are starting to grow, Beaker Y contains boiled peas. In which beaker will: athe temperature rise? Explain your reasoning. Aerobic respiration is a series of reactions in cells that req 8 a gas called This gas is used to break down into __., which is transferred to molecules of ‘These molecules carry the around the cell to wherever itis needed for making other cell processes happen. BS 3a Write out the word equation for aerobic respiration. 4 Draw one line from each word to its definition. Scientific term exhalation! 2. The diagrams show how breathing causes ventilation of the lungs. fio cage ‘a Name the part labelled A. b Add an arrow head to the blue line above each trachea to show the direction of movement of air into or out of the lungs. Discuss with a partner how the air pressure inside your lungs is changed and how this causes air 10 move. Agree a description of what happens when you breathe in and write it here. J) How are cols in the gas exchange system specialised to keep the lungs clean? Complete the sentences using words from the box. Gas exchange in the lungs occurs by a process called __ happens because of the continuous __ _movernent of molecules, There are more _ _ molecules in the blood than in the air in the __ 80 More molecules move into the air from the blood than in the opposite direction. There are more _ ___molecules in the air than in the blood, so there is overall movement of those molecules ‘The diagram shows an air sac i blood from blood overall movement overall movement n the lungs and an alveolus. lel areas eee ae Name the gases on the heat ( diagram. x 7 Y Explain the importance of each air sac being surrounded by a network of capillaries. network of capillaries red blood cell an air sac an alveolus: Explain how the wells of @ capillary and an alveolus are adapted for gas exchange. 4. Tick (v) the term that means the amount of air that is breathed in and out with each breath. O A breathing rate G B tidal volume G total lung volume G D ventilation depth : J 2 Hitesh and Josie measured their tidal volumes just before and just after exercise. Their results are shown in the table, Tidal volume (em°) istry | andtry | Srdtry | 4thtry mean | Hitesh before exercise 450 440 420 __430 | Josie before exercise 850 360 310 300 [Hiteshatterexercise | _1010 1100 1050 990 Josie after exercise 750 ‘950 a40 | 900 ‘a Calculate the range of each set of results. Hitesh just before __ Hitesh just after _ Josie just before Josie just after b_ Which set of results can you be most sure of being correct. Explain your reasoning. © Complete the table by calculating the mean value for each set of results, d_ Explain why itis useful to use the mean value when discussing these results, # Compare your conclusion to others in your group. If you can, write down one way in which you could improve your conclusion. 1 The table shows how a student's pulse rate changed over 50 minutes, during which time she did some running. | Time (minutes) o | 8 | 10] 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 [ pulse rate (beats per min) 62 | 63 | 62 | a6 | 112 | 115 | 114] 95 | 84 | 69 | 62 a With a partner, discuss a method for this investigation that would give repeatable results. Write your method below, 1 Correct the mistake in each of these sentences. a. Oxygen is carried by haemoglobin in white blood ces. Blood that is carrying a lot of Oxygen is dark red. Carbon dioxide isa reactant in aerobic respiration 4 Substances are exchanged between tissues and blood in veins. 2a Write one other sentence about blood vessels that contains a mistake, Ask a partner to spot the mistake, then to mark the correction to your sentence. 3. Number the statements in order to show how blood in the lungs circulates through the body baok to the lungs. The first one has been done for you. [1 Bloost is carried trom the lungs in blood vessels to the heart, {|} the heart pumps the blood to the lungs {_] Capitaries connect to form veins, which carry blood back to the hear. [__] the heart pumps the blood through arteries to other parts of the body. = Blood flows through the tissues in capillaries. 4 Explain why the amount of cartoon dioxide in your blood increases when you run upstairs, 1 Explain why an asthma attack causes shortness of breath. To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below, a In an asthma attack: b This means that: CO A the breathing tubes get wider. © A too much air gets into the lungs. O B the breathing tubes get narrower. O B much less air gets into the lungs. O C the diaphragm stops working. CO € the pulse rate decreases. OD the lungs shrink. CD the lungs stop breathing in oxygen. B 2a Why does blood from a smoker contain less oxygen than blood from a non-smoker? Give as many reasons as you can Discuss your reasons with a partner to see if they have anything clfferent. f possible, write one more reason that you did not have in part a. b Explain why cardiovascular disease can cause cells to die. Emphysema is damage to the lungs that the surface area for gas ‘exchange. So oxygen diffusion into the body is ___. than normal. This means __ oxygen gets into the body with each breath, so the person has to get enough oxygen into their blood. 11 Give the meaning of vital capacity. 2a Carry out the practical to collect measurements of vital capacity for as many people as you car Construct a spreadsheet like the one below. Add columns for other measurements that you think might affect vital capacity. A B c D E name vital capacity age height bb Write suitable units in the table beside the variables. © Collect measurements from as many different people as you can, Add their measurements to your spreadsheet, Then construct scatter graphs from your spreadsheet and look for any correlations. Describe one correlation you have found. 3. The scatter graph shows the resuits from a study on vital 000 1 1 capacity in a large | | group of young men, e000 . a Drawalineofbest ft gg | x*x | on the scatter graph g 1 xx = | | b Describe the sco . 1 = x / relaionehip shownin XX | tne scatter graph. ae g | | xx : x 100 1 + — - + sl | a 1900088718180 41 This apparatus is used to compare air that is breathed in and breathed out, a Name an indicator that could be used to replace limewater to test for the mouthpiece presence of carbon dioxide. I b_ Astudent breathes gently through the apparatus for 2 minutes. Desoribe any _ changes to the limewater that would be seen in each tube. Explain your answer. limewater bolting tube A, boiling tube B 2 Explain why the temperature of exhaled ai is usually warmer than that of inhaled air. 3 Plant leaves have many stomata in their lower surface for gas exchange. a Describe how gases enter and leave the leat. b Tick (v7) one box to show when respiration happens in plant cells. OA onlyat night OB onyindayight =O © allthe time O D never © plant is placed in a sealed container with a beaker of yellow hydrogen carbonate indicator. At sunset the following day the indicator is pink. Explain this observation. 4 This apparatus is used to compare air that is breathed in and breathed out. a Name an indicator that could be used {0 replace limewater to test for the mouthpiece presence of carbon dioxide. | bb Astudent breathes gently through the apparatus for 2 minutes. Describe any changes to the limewater that would be | seen in each tube. Explain your answer, limewater bolling tube A. boiling tubs B 3 Plant leaves have many stomata in their lower surface for gas exchange. a Describe how gases enter and leave the leat. b Tick (v) one box to show when respiration happens in plant cells. OA onlyat night OB onlyindayight © allthe time O D never © plant is placed in a sealed container with a beaker of yellow hydrogen carbonate indicator. At sunset the following day the indicator is pink. Explain this observation, oD ao f Discuss with a partner what happens in aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Then tick (¥) the correct box in each row. Only aerobic Only anaerobic Both aerobic and anaerobic breaks down glucose oO a a produces carbon dioxide a a a produces lactic acic a a a requires oxygen a a a releases energy a a a ‘occurs in plants and animals a a o 2a State the function of the ATP produced in respiration. b Compare the ammount of ATP produced in aerobic and anaerobic respiration. p 3a Suggest why anaerobic respiration is important for a sprint swimmer. 1 Look back at the concept map that you drew in topic 8Ca. a Check for any mistakes and make any corrections in a different colour. b_ On the lines below, write any new words or ideas that you have learned in this unit. Then see if you can + add some of these to your concept map. 2 Discuss reasons for the following with a partner. Then write your answers. a Athletes may do warming-up exercises to raise heart rate and breathing rate before a race. b Sprint athletes may not take a breath during their race but their muscies still contract strongly. © The average resting heart rate for a young man is 60 beats per minute. The resting heart rate of an athlete may be only 40 beats per minute, 8 Anathlete falls during a race and cuts her leg. Dark red blood flows gently out of the cut. Which type of blood vessel has been damaged? Give a reason for your answer. 1. Use the initials to name the seven processes carried out by living things. 2 Draw one line from each kingdom to its deseription. Kingdom animals plants fungi protoctists prokaryotes 3 The diagram shows a human cheek cell. Work with a partner to answer the questions about the cell a Desoribe the function of the: cell membrane Description mostly Single“Sall6d) With HUcletis i cell fead’on ining organisms: SHGIS=CalGa He HUATCUS inicell Neon ead GaN) __—— call membrane ruclous | cytoplasm containing mitochondria 1a Name one kingdom that contains only unicellular organisms. © Calls of plants, fungi and prokaryotes all have cell walls. Explain why they are not all grouped in one kingdom. b Number the following in order of size, starting with 1 for the largest. [__| prokaryote cett virus | protoctist cel 3 Label the diagram of a virus 4a Complete the sentences to explain how a virus makes new viruses. The virus gets inside a as ‘The strand of virus genes causes _ The new viruses then so they can infect other cells. Name one example of a human disease caused by viruses. _ © Explain why viruses cause harm to cells, 5 Discuss these statements with a partner and then write down what they mean, a Viruses carry out replication not reproduction. 6 Use words from the box to complete the text about diffusion, Diffusion happens because particles are constantly ‘When there are more particles in one region than another, there will be an overall movement of particles from where there are __to where there are 7. The diagram shows two cubes of clear jl. a Which cube has: i the larger surface area ii the larger volume? Explain why surface area : volume ratio decreases as the size of a cube increases. Yen ¢ The cubes were placed in a beaker of water coloured with a dye. After 30 minutes the dye had reached the centre of cube A. Colour in cubes A and B to show how far the dye had spread into the cubes in 30 minutes. Explain what you have drawn for cube B. Dp 8a Which organ system carries materials to human tissues? _ b Explain why a unicellular organism does not need a transport system but humans do. 1 Discuss the following questions with a partner before writing your answers. a How are vaccines and antibiotics used differently against bacterial diseases? BS 2. Why will an antibiotic not cure measles? Bp 3 Inacommunity, a disease is less likely to spread from an infected person if many people have been vaccinated against that disease. Explain this observation. BS 4 Inyour experiment on hand washing: a Which of your methods would be best for removing bacteria from skin? b_ Explain how you made this conolusion. 4 Complete the word equations for respiration in a yeast cell. a aerobic respiration: glucose + _ anaerobic respiration (fermentation) glucose -> Discuss with a partner which type of respiration produces the most ATP. Then write an answer that explains your choice, 3. Explain why a new yeast cell formed in asexual reproduction has identical characteristics to the parent cel 4 Use the letters on the graph to answer the questions, ea eter Circle the correct answers. ‘a Atwhich point is the yeast population growing fastest? A B.C At which point is there no growth in the yeast population? Number of yeast cells A B c © Which resource is most ikely to be the limiting factor for the growth of a population of yeast cels? Time oxygen carbon dioxide glucose ethanol 4 Use the diagram of a bacterium to flagellum ircular ch 2 answer the questions. lag circular chromosome a Which structure is found in the nucieoid =" region? Ww a ects b Which structure controls what enters call well and leaves the call? ZN cal surtace Pot membrane Which structures protect the bacterium? d_ Which structures contain genes? @ What evidence in the diagram shows that this bacterium species can move? 2a Work with a partner to complete the Venn diagram = /“Srmatoatanenres 7 \\ onto a } for the parts of plant, animal and bacterial cols Place shared parts in the ovesappig areas | b Use your diagram to construct hoe a statement key to identity which type of organism a cell comes from. Ask your partner to check your key to make sacs alts sure it works well eee 3 Some species of Lactobacillus bacteria are used to make yoghurt from milk ‘a Circle the product the bacteria make that causes the milk to become sour. carbon dioxide lactic acid ethanol oxygen bb Name the two-word process that makes this product. Name one other place (in a different organism) where this process happens. 4a Use the axes to sketch a graph to show how the numbers of bacterial cells in a jug of fresh milk might change with time. b Draw a second line to show how the number of bacterial coals in the jug would change in a fridge, Label the lines on the graph clearly 3 Fl i 2 © Compare your graph with others in your class. Write notes on the graph of any corrections that are needed, Time & Whooping cough is a disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. a Describe how you can be protected from becoming ill with whooping cough. b Describe how someone who already has whooping cough could be treated to help kill the bacteria inside them. 4. Tick (v) one box to show data that would be best presented as a pie chart. OA The time taken to make yoghurt from milk depending on temperature. OB The number of deaths from flu infections in each month of the year. D ¢ The proportions of humen infections caused by different bacteria. © D.-The number of bacteria in different samples of water. 2 The pie charts show the top 10 causes of death in two different groups of countries in 2016. Low-income countries High-income countries soe ry ley sees 56) CRO aati ten : urinate birth inlectons (17%) labetes (38). trast cancer (35) a osstve ston rece before ith aes a oe) breathing oyst ‘uberovisis arboea “ 175) 6%) 13%) si en lung 9ease (10%) hear disease rae (12%) (13%) stoke 10%) J breathing ystom HviAios cancers(10%) dementia (10%) (125) a What causes the most deaths in low-income countries? Bi cseases caused by pathogens and parasites oe 7 eee [i cisoases caused by cals b_ What position does this come in the top 10 for high-income countries? Pot working properly Dinu & The colours show how the diseases can be grouped into different types. i In low-income countries, calculate the proportion of deaths caused by infectious diseases. ii Calculate this proportion for high-income countries. Ii How do your answers to parts i and ii compare? iv Suggest one reason for the differences in the main causes of death in the high- and low-income countries, 1 The diagram shows two Euglena protoctists found in pond water. a. Why are these two cate organisms grouped as Coplasm /memnbrane protoctists? nucleus comractle —mitochondkion ‘ecudle 2. Plasmodium is a protoctist Paramecium ‘contacto vacuole that causes malaria in [| humans. Discuss these questions with a partner Pero oedata Leaman | Pacrocean iad before answering. Use the enon ne ‘epoaices nn ‘Good tem eres diagram to help you. ere | Sort a_ Is Plasmodium a pathogen? — aelalalel Give a reason for your sro set ea or ‘eis blood cats . answer. a Write a word equation to describe photosynthesis. 2 The table shows the biomass of different trophic levels on a coral reef. Trophic level producers primary consumers _| secondary consumers Biomass (g/m*) 703 192 4 ‘a Use the information in the table to draw a pyramid of biomass on the grid. Most producers on a coral reef are unicellular algae. Explain why pollution that kills the algae is a problem for the reef community. 3 Mercury is a poisonous metal that is absorbed from water by algae and stored in their cells. The diagram shows part of an ocean food web: ; Would a tuna or a salmon contain more mercury? Explain your answer. large toh 4 salon sma sn poe microscopic eimate —— ' microscopic algae 4 Tick (V) one box te show the definition of decomposer. © A something that breaks down easily in the environment © B anorganism that breaks down the tissues of dead organisms © C ananimal that eats dead animals OD a plant that captures animals to eat 2. Some of these statements about the carbon cycle contain mistakes. Discuss the sentences with a partner and mark any corrections. ‘a The process that takes carbon dioxide from the air is respiration. b The only organisms that take carbon dioxide from the air are producers. ¢ Fossil fuels contain very litte carbon. d_ The only process that adds carbon dioxide to the air is combustion. When decomposers cause decay, they release carbon dioxide through respiration, 3. Agardener builds a compost heap using kitchen and garden waste. a Explain why covering the heap with a blanket causes compost to form faster. a 5 8 a 3 z 8 i 3 z 8 3 3 : 3 8 s 8 zg 8 8 3 2 é 4. Name the type of molecule that a fungus uses to break down large organic molecules into smaller ones. 1a Write down the most important point you learned about each of the following Topic Important point viruses diffusion microscopic fungi (e.g. yeast) fermentation growth curves bacteria protoctists pyramid of biomass decomposers ‘carbon cycle b_ Compare your points with other students to check they are correct. Mark any corrections in a different colour. 2 Scientists find many different types of microorganisms underground. However, they do not find living algae. Explain why, | 4. Use a pencil to tick (v) one answer to each of the following questions. ‘a Combustion is best desoribed as: b_Agas in the air that is required for combustion is: © A aphysical change. © A nitrogen. * OB decay. © B oxgen. O © achemical reaction. > © carbon dioxide. OD achange of state. © D methane. & Magnesium oxide is: d_ Hydrogen powered vehicles may become more O A anelement. popular that petrol or diesel ones because: OB amixture GA hydrogen is an explosive gas. O € anon-meial OB hydrogen does not cause pollution when it © D acompound. burns. hydrogen is cheaper than petrol © D hydrogen is lighter than ai. 2. Ask your teacher how many of your answers to question 1 are correct. Then work with others and the Student Book to identify your incorrect answers. Make corrections and check with your teacher. Do this. until they are all correct. J 3 Why are the fuels used in most modern cars harmful to the environment? 4 Write the word equation for when hydrogen burns in air. 5 Acstudent burns a fuel and collects the gases that are produced. She thinks that one gas might be carbon dioxide. Explain how she could test for this gas. Define the word fuel. What is the product of the reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell? _ Explain how products are formed when a hydrocarbon fuel comibusts. To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below: ‘The products are: b This is because: © A hydrogen and carbon dioxide. O A oxygen is removed. O B carbon and hydroxide. © B carbon dioxide reacts with the hydrogen atoms. © C carbon dioxide and water. O © oxygen reacts with the carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. © D hycrogen andi carbon. C2 D hydrogen reacts with the carbon atoms and oxygen atoms. ‘Write down a reason why hydrogen might be dangerous to use as a fuel in cars. Describe the tests for the following gases and their positive results. Fuels A, B and C were burnt and the products [Eyer] Golour of cobalt chloride at end were added to blue cobalt chloride, The table = f lue shows the results. B | One fuel is @ hydrocarbon. Explain which fuel is eae the hydrocarbon. 6 pink ‘When blue copper sulfate is heated, it turns white and releases water vapour which condenses back to liquid water wher it is cooled, ‘What name is given to the water that is lost from the blue copper sulfate? 41 What element is added to alurninium when it takes part in an oxidation reaction? p 2 One carbon atom reacts with one oxygen molecule to produce one molecule of the product, Draw a iagram to show this reaction. (Hint: A carbon atom is shown as @ single circle) p 3 Write word equations for the reaction of each of these metals with oxygen: @ magnesium © copper__ - 4. What does the law of conservation of mass tell us? __ 5 Complete the table. Reaction Mass of metal | Mass of oxygen Mass of oxide | magnesium + oxygen 2ag 164 iron + oxygen 56.9 729 | copper + oxygen [ | 32g 9 | 6 Many years ago, an opponent of the phlogiston theory wrote an explanation of why the phiogiston theory is wrong. Complete the gans using words from the box. burns heavier escapes when something The phlogiston theory says that EEEEEEEeE - But magnesium gets _ as it burns. Supporters of the theory say that in this case the phlogiston has a negative mass! A much better explanation is that magnesium gains __ __from the air so that its mass 7 Magnesium reacts vigorously with oxygen, releasing a lot of energy. Describe ane way in which energy is transferred when magnesium oxidises. ‘1a Use a penail to tick (7) the boxes to show if these statements are true or false. ‘Statement True False 1 iron + oxygen ~ iron oxate a o In an oxidatior: reaction, oxygen is added to one of the reactants. o a ili During an oxidation reaction, metal atoms grow in size. a oa iv The products in an oxidation reaction are always heavier than the reactants. a o v__Non-metals, such as hydrogen, also form oxides. a o VI 56g of zinc reacts with 16 g of oxygen to meke 82 g of zinc oxide, a 0 b Ask your teacher how many of your answers are correct. Then work with others and the Student Book to identify your incorrect answers. Make corrections and check with your teacher. Do this until they are all correct. © Choose one of the incorrect statements and write a correct version. Discuss your answer with others in your group to check. 2 Ascientist conducts some experiments with a mystery element X. The table shows the results Mass of X(g)__| Mass of product (a) when the scientist heats "X’ in air. 40 56 30 42 ‘a Describe the pattern of the results, ao 20 28 10 14 b Suggest what happens to the mystery element when it is heated, © What mass of oxygen would combine with 120 g of X? 3. The diagram shows the reaction between hydrogen one hydrogen and oxygen. State the number of: molecule. La. aH different elements in water oe - oxygen molecuies to oxidise two hydrogen MAIECUES — one oxygen = @ | molecule. : " oo ~eo © hydrogen atoms in awater molecule one water molecule d_atoms in an oxygen molecule, 4 Combustion is an exothermic reaction. What does exothermic mean? 2a Complete this fire triangle diagram. b Explain how to use the fire triangle to remember how to put out a fire. FUEL 3. Explain one way of putting out a large fe of wood and paper. “To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below. a Away to put out this fire is to: b This works because: O A coverit with a blanket. BA oxygen is added. : OB put water on it. GB oxygen and heat are removed. © € put petrol on it. BC tuelis removed. O D usea fan to blow on it. OD fire is removed: 4. Write down the meaning of each of these hazard symbols in the spaces below. a b © Symbol [Name p 8a Explain why an oil fire should not be treated with a water-filled fire extinguisher. b Tick (¥) one box to show your level of confidence about fire and fire safety. Lam confident of teaching the class about this idea. Lam confident about contributing to a group discussion about this idea. OI would rather work with someone else on this idea. SB 1 Inthe experiment shown, two variables ere the volume of fuel burnt the diagram, and the time it takes for all the fuel to burn. ‘a Which of these is the inclependent variable and which is the dependent variable? i independent variable: _ ii dependent variable: b_ One variable that should be controlled is the type of fuel. Explain how using different fuels might affect the dependent variable, © Describe one other variable that should be controlled in this experiment and what effect it might have if ‘were not controlled properly 2 The table shows a ‘confidence grid’. Tick (¥) one box for each statement. Statement, Is definitely | Mightbe | Might be __ | Is definitely correct [correct | wrong _| wrong The independent variable does not change because of anything the experimenter does. bb The dependent variable is the variable | the experimenter measures. i | © The dependent variable is changed | when the independent variable changes «@ A control variable is fixed so thet it can change the dependent variable in the | correct way. | 3. Use words from the box to complete the sentences. You can use the words more than once. experiment you need to stop the only the _ variable causes changes in the _ variable. A test like this is @ ___test and is one that produces the data that it is supposed to. A ___ test produces __ data. 4 Some students recorded the time 10 g of different fuels burnt and the highest temperature reached by @ beaker of water heated by each fuel. They wrote: Fuel C burnt for six minutes and fuel D burnt far half as long, and fuel D only heated the water to 26°C but juel C heated it to 71°C. 10 g of fuel A burnt for 7 minutes and the water reached 63°C. Fuel 8 heated the water to 55°C and burnt for 4 and half minutes. Design a table to present these results. Use the grid below. 5 Some students wanted to find out if different metals burnt for different lengths of time in oxygen. They lowered samples of hot metals into gas jars of oxygen (shown in the diagram). They recorded the length of time that each metal burnt. Write down three control variables for this investigation, and how to control each. Control variable How it is controlled 41 Name the carbon-containing compounds produced by an engine in which there is incomplete ‘combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel 2. Complete this table. Wiite the name of each molecule in the space provided, b d “ @@ @08 | @@ Name 8a Suggest an example of a nitrogen oxide and draw a diagram of itn the box, ¢ Write down one way in which harmful emissions from car engines are reduced, 4. Tick (¥) the best description of a catalyst. A catalyst: O A reacts with substances that cause air pollution. OB siows down reactions that produce pollutants. O G isa type of fter found on vehicle exhausts GD speeds up a reaction but is not used up or changed, Explain how acid rain is formed. To answer this, tick (7) one box for each of paris a and b below. a Certain gases dissoive in water vapour in the air including: This causes rain that: © A carbon monoxide. O A has a pH of about 7. OB sulfur dioxide, OB has ahigher pH than usual O ¢ soot OC has a lower pH than usual GD hydrogen. OD needs to be neutralised with an acid 6 Acidic waste gases from a power station chimney can be neutralised by sprays of calcium hydroxide before they are released into the atmosphere. Complete the word equation to show this reaction: nitric acid + calcium hydroxide — Tick (¥) the breathing problem Acid rin erisionsin the UK 1900-2007 caused by air pollution. OD A asthma O B bronchitis OG cancer * 7 ar O D diabetes Look at the graph. ‘Acid rain emigsions (milion tonnes) Complete the gaps in the sentences below using words and figures from the box. You may use ther once, more than once oF not at al G5 93 10 18 17 50 85 2002 rmilion increased tonnes The line graph gives information about acid rain __ eee over a _ year period in the UK. The total amount of acid rain emissions __nearly every year between 1990 and __ In 1990, the total of acid rain emissions was __ Ht __ tonnes. This figure fell to _ milion in 2007. This is a reduction of SEES __%. Suggest one reason for this change in emissions. 5S 41 Where does most of the energy that warms the Earth’s surface come from? BSB 2a Explain how carbon dioxide in the air helps to cause the greenhouse effect. Share your answers to part a with others. Discuss which answers are best and why, then write down ‘one way in which you could improve your original answer. 3 Look at this graph and answer the How the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere questions below. has changed 1800-2018 a What does this graph tell us about the ‘concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? b_ Why does the shape of this graph concern scientists? 4 Suggest two effects of global warming in countries near where you ive. ‘Carben dioxide concentration (ppmy) peer peere eee 100 1850~=««1800| «1980 -——«—(2000 '5 Calcium carbonate imestone) is heated Year uring the production of cement. undergoes thermal decomposition Explain why cement production contributes to global warming. SB 4 Where does most of the energy that warms the Earth's surface come from? Bw 2a Explain how carbon dioxide in the air helps to cause the greenhouse effect. b_ Share your answers to part a with others. Discuss which answers are best and why, then write down ‘one way in which you could improve your original answer. 8 Look at this graph and answer the How the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. questions below, hhas changed 1800-2018 a What does this graph tell us about the Sie concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? b Why does the shape of this graph concem scientists? 4 Suggest two effects of global warming in countries near where you lve. Carbon Giowide concentration (oprm) - 1800 10 / 1900-| 1950-2000 8 Calium carbonate limestone) is heated = uring the production of cement. It undergoes thermal decomposition. Explain why cement production contributes to global warming, Bp 1 Where does most of the energy that warms the Earth’s surface come from? Bp 2a Explain how carbon dioxide in the air helps to cause the greenhouse effect. b Share your answers to part a with others. Discuss which answers are best and why, then write down ‘one way in which you could improve your original answer. 8 Look at this graph and answer the How the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere questions below. has changed 1800-2018 a What does this graph tell us about the oS a concentration of carbon dioxide in the : atmosphere? ne ame 320 ha fae b Why does the shape of this graph concern scientists? 4 Suggest two effects of global warning in countries near where you lve ‘Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) 2704 eo ae 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 5 Calcium carbonate imestone) is heated Year during the production of cement. It undergoes thermal decomposition. Explain why cement production contributes to global warming p 11 What is the carbon footprint of a business or organisation? Explain why some companies encourage their employees to use car sharing schemes. This is when two. ‘or more employees travel to and from work in the same car, rather than each taking their own cars. Find out how far some of your [Foog Distance travelled to your plate food has travelled fits food miles) and write your data in the table. Use your data to state and explain one way toreduce = your cartoon footprint, - You are going to work in a group to prepare a poster or presentation slide for your school’s management team on how to reduce your school's carbon footprint. Explain four important points that you want to include on your poster. not moving (such as 4 Some new cars have stop-start technology, where the engine stops when the car at traffic lights). State the advantages: for the driver 2 Substances A-D were heated in air. ‘The products were then tested with limewater, blue cobalt chloride and dilute acid. ‘The table shows the results. Results of tests on products | added to | addedto | reaction limewater | blue cobalt | with dilute chloride | acid Write the correct letter from the table to identity turns milky [nochange | no reaction each of these substances: 7 a 3 |0|@|>| Substance no change reacts carbon turns pink | no reaction calcuum carbonate tums milky | no change reacts magnesium methane 3. Explain why the products of incomplete combustion are different from those of complete combustion. To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below. a The products of incomplete combustion include: This is because: GA methane and carbon monoxide. O A adifferent fuel is used. © B carbon and hydrogen. OB thereis nat enough oxygen. © carbon and carbon monoxide, G there is too much heat. © D carbon dioxide and carbon trioxide, OD there is not enough carbon. 4. Most petrol sold around the world has had the sulfur impurities removed from it. What pollutant would be formed by car engines if this was not done? p 1 Describe the difference between an element and a compound. 2 Tick (¥) the statement that best explains what a chemical reaction is, OA when two mixtures are heated together OB when the atoms in substances are heated together 6 when substances are heated to make a new substance OD when the atoms rearrange to make new substances 3 Tick (¥) the statement that best explains what a physical change is. © A achange from an element to a compound OB achange from a mixture to a compound OG achange from one state to another © D acchange where no new substances are made 4 Write down two observations you might make that would suggest a chemical change is happening. 5 Ice becomes liquid when it gets warm, and water bubbles when it boils. Are these chemical reactions? Discuss this in your group, Cross out the incorrect answers in the sentences then write your agreed answer below. Ice becoming liquid is / is not a chemical change. Water bubbling when it boils is /is not a chemical change. We think this because: p 6 In certain fireworks, carbon, sulfur and aluminium react with oxygen. Weite word equations for these three reactions. 41 Complete the following sentences using wordls from the box. Use each word only ance. Each element is made up of just ene type of _ atoms in any particular _ ____ are identical. Compounds contain ___ or more elements that are chemically Atoms are not created or destroyed during chemical _ 5 they are rearranged to make new _ Bp 2a Draw a table to compare the physical properties of metals and non-metals. Share your table with others in your group. Try to ad to your table. 3. Find the symbols of the following elements on the periodic table on page 150. a magnesium sulfur © carbon ds gallium 4 64g of copper metal reacts with 1.6 g of oxygen in a sealed container, a Calculate the mass of copper oxide that you expect to be formed. b_ Draw a smile on the face in the box to show how confident you are in your answer ~ the bigger the smile, the more confident you are. 4 Think about the element magnesium. a List two physical properties of magnesium metal. e w Name ammonia methanol Number of atoms | 1 Chemical formula | 4 Look at this word equation: carbon + oxygen > carbon dioxide a Draw a diagram to show how the atoms are rearranged in the reaction. The formula of oxygen is O,, b- Compare your diagram with others in your group and discuss any differences. Make changes to your diagram if you need to and record what you have changed. 1 Complete the following sentences using words from the box. Use each word only once. ‘Mendeleev __ periodic When he published his * table, Dmitri placed the _ in order of the of the atoms. He grouped elements with similar _ together, and realised that he needed to leave gaps for elements that were yet to be _ S 2. Describe one chemical property of: the halogens b the alkali metals © the noble gases. 3. The noble gases are in the last group of the periodic table, in the furthest right column. Tick (v) the property which best describes the members of this group: O A reactive © B unreactive © C radioactive O D unactive 4 Lithium is in group 1 of the periodic table. @ teacher placed some lithium in water and a chemical reaction ocourred. Write down one observation you might make. 5 Complete these word equations. sodium + water __ zine + chlorine + a Use a pencil to tick (Y) one answer to each of the following questions. Name an element which is a noble gas. © A chlorine OB oxygen OC radium © D radon Narne an element which is an alkali metal. OA magnesium O B calcium O potassium O D aluminium Give a physical property of the alkali metals, OA very hard OB electrical conductors O © magnetic OD unreactive Give a chemical property of the alkali metals. © A electrical conductors O B react with oil © C react with water OD soft Name an element that was in Mendeleev's original tabla, © A bromine CO B xenon O ¢ galium OD scandium Chlorine will react with most metals to form a compound with a name ending in: D A chloride. © B chorate O G chlorite. © D chlorine, ‘Ask your teacher how many of your answers to question 6 are correct, Then work with athers and the ‘Student Book to identity your incorrect answers. Make corrections and check with your teacher. Do this until they are all correct. 1 Ateachor added ean mete tomar Se Cotecte the [mass of lithium | Volume of gas _| gas and measured its volume, The table shows her results: | metal (g) | collected (em?) a. Plot a scatter graph of these results. Put mass on the O41 138 horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. 02 138 b Label the anomalous result on your graph. 03 47 ¢ Drawa line of best fit; leave out the anomalous result 04 587 05 696 e Compare your graph with others in your group and discuss any differences. Write down one thing that is hard to get right when drawing scatter graphs. 4 Lookat the graph. It shows what happens when a solid element is heated untilit first melts and then boils. “Temperature (°C) Time (minutes) a Which line, AB, BC, CD, DE or Ef, represents the melting point? a= b_ Which line, AB, BC, CD, DE or EF, represents the boiling point? oe © What state is the substance in between C and D? a d_ Draw a diagram to show how the particles are arranged between A and B. @ At which letter will the particles have the least amount of energy? p f Explain why the temperature of the liquid does not change as it boils. 4 Lookat the graph. It shows what happens when a solid element is heated unti it frst melts and then boils. Temperature (°C) Time (minutes) ‘a Which line, AB, BC, CD, DE or EF, represents the metting point? b Which line, AB, BC, CD, DE or EF, represents the boiling point? What state is the substance in between C and D? d_ Draw a diagram to show how the particles are arranged between A and B. At which letter will the particles have the least amount of eneray? — p 1 Explain why the temperature of the liquid does not change as it boils. 4 Sodium melts at 98°C and boils at 883°C. ‘a Whats the freezing point of sodium? 2 Gallium melts at 30°C and boils at 2400°C. What state will gallium be at room temperature, 25°C _ ans b itheld in the palm of someone's hand, assuming skin temperature is about 34°C? 3. The boiling points of some elements in group 7 are: bromine (59°C), chlorine (85°C), fluorine (-188°C), iodine (184°C), a Describe the trend in the boiling point down group 7. 1b Which element is most likely to be a liquid in the classroom? 4. Look at the periodic table on page 150. Write down the name and symbol of the element that isin: group 1, period 2 b group 2, period 3 © group 7, period 2 _ d__ group 0, period 4. 5. Look at the periodic table on page 150. Name and give the symbol for an element that is: inthe same group as carbon bin the same period as sulfur. 4 Yuri Oganessian is a Russian nuclear physicist, who researches super heavy chemical elements. Look at the periodic table on page 150 and find the element thet is named after him. Write down its atomic number, name and symboi. 2. Rutherfordium is named after Ernest Rutherford. About a teacher, he said: “Professor Bickerton's genuine enthusiasm for science gave me a stimulus to start investigations of my own." ‘Suggest two ways in which Prof. Bickerton may have shown his enthusiasm, y 3 Work in a group to draw a diagram explaining how new elements are made. Do not use words. p 4 Work in a group to show the information in the table as symbols. Use as few words as possible. High / low ‘Strong / ductile / | Shiny (when Conductors / melting points _| malleable/brittle | polished) / dull_| insulators Metals 11 There are trends in the properties of the alkali metals in the periodic table, a Complete the sentence below by crossing out the incorrect word, ‘As we go down the group, the alkali metals become more / less reactive. b The fourth alkali metal, rubidium, also reacts with water. i Name the two products formed. © Suggest why the elements in group 1 are called the alkali metals. 2 Ascientist reacts two elements, a silvery metal and a gas, with oxygen. She then adds water to each ‘of the compounds that have been formed. The compounds dissolve and she tests these solutions with phenolphthalein. a. Fllin the table below using the information given. Phenolphthalein is pink at pH 8 and above, and colourless below pH 8 Element that was reacted _| Colour of solution with Acidic or alkaline solution? with oxygen phenolphthaleis silvery metal pink ges colourless b State where, roughly, you would expect to find these elements in the periodic table. Give reasons for your answers. i The metal would be found __ because 8 Acids react with different substances. a Tick (Y) one box to answer the following question. When an acid reacts with an alkali the reaction is called: © A dacomposition O B neutralisation. O € indication. © D displacement. b_ Complete this general word equation. acid + base» 4 When acids react, salts form, The type of salt depends on the reactants. ‘a Complete the table with the salt that would form in each case. Acid Base | Salt that forms hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide | nitric acid potassium hydroxide | sulfuric acie copper oxide | b Write a word equation for the reaction between zinc oxide and hydrochloric acid, 5 Explain the pH change of water when carbon dioxide is added to make it ‘sparkling’. To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below. a The pH: b This is because: © A changes from about 7 to about 4. O A oxides of metals are alkaline. GB changes from about 4 to about 7 CB ovides of metals are acidic. © © changes from about 7 to about 9. O © oxides of non-metals are alkaline. CD changes from about 9 to about 7. © D oxides of non-metals are acidic. 6 Hot iron wool produces a yellow flame when it reacts with chlorine, However, iron just glows red when it reacts with bromine. a Suggest what the reaction of hot iron wool with fluorine might look tke. Sp 1 List the names and symbols of five elements found in fireworks. i name _____ symbol oe name symbol SSeS ii name “_symbot___ iv name v name _ symbol 2 The table contains information about the halogens. a Desoribe how the arrangement of the parties [Element [Atomic | Melting | Boiling changes between the melting point and the number point ¢¢) | point (°C) boing point. 4° fluorine 9 ~220 188 7 - chlorine 7 | 102 24 = bromine a]? 59 iodine ssf 1n4 184 b Whatis the freezing point of bromine? © What state will fluorine be in at -180°C? _ 'd_ Describe the trend in the boiling points of the halogens as you go down the group. @ Chlorine can form an oxide, Cl,0. If this were added to water, what pH Would you expect the solution to bbe? Tick (¥) one box. Gas os7 Oc Opis 1 Fluorine exists as molecules of two fluorine atoms. Write the formula of fluorine, 9 Tick (¥) the statement that best describes the meaning of ‘atomic number’ OA The number of atoms in a formula, OB The number of protons in a single atom. O The number of neutrons in a single atom © D The mass of a single atom. 1 In the list, tick (¥) all the metals. GA aluminium OD tead O G slate OB carbon O E nickel O H silver O ¢ cotton O Foil O I zine J) 2a Name two properties of ron that make it suitable for building tll structures. 4. When magnesium is added to sulfuric acid, bubbles appeer. In your groups, discuss what is happening. Record your group's thoughts in the first section below. Ignore the other section for now. There is no right or wrong answer. Ideas from my group: 41 Draw one line from each metal property to an item in which that property is useful. Then draw one line from each item to match it with the most suitable metal. Metal property Item Suitable metal ‘ecedicenlictor of heat) alleable and ductile 3. Complete the following word equations. a sodium + oxygen > _ b magnesium + fluorine -» © silver + chlorine 4. Define what is meant by the term catalyst. 5 Give a reason why only small amounts of a catalyst are usually used, 41 Describe what rusting is. 2 Astudent put some iron woo! in an empty.test tube ful of air, and then put it upside down in a beeker of water. Over time, the iron rustéd and removed the oxygen from the air, allowing water to rise up the tube. ‘At the start there was 36 cm? of air in the tube and at the end there was 28.8 cm? of air. a Calculate the volume of oxygen that was lost. Show your working, b Caloulate the percentage of oxygen in air. Show your working. PS Give two reasons why the corrosion of titanium window frames is not a problem, 4 Complete the table below. Metal ‘Symbol equation for metal | Ratio of different atoms reacting with oxygen in the metal compound titanium (1) T +0, > 10, (12 manganese (Mn) MnO, 7 copper (Cu) 20u + 0, + 2cu0 | Zl 5 Give the ratio of the two different atoms in aluminium oxide (Al,0,) 6 The drawings show two iron nails in different places. : a Explain which nail (X or Y) rusts more quickiy. Bp 1 Write word equations for the reactions of potassium and calcium with water. 2 Look at the diagram of four different metals reacting with cold water. List the order of their reactivity (most reactive frst). UE 8. The table shows a ‘confidence grid’. Tick (¥) one box for each statement in the table. Statement Is definitely | Might be | Might be —_| Is definitely correct correct wrong wrong a When a metal reacts with water, the only produt is the metal hydroxide, | b When metals react with oxygen, one | product is always hydrogen, | © Hydrogen gas in a boiling tube burns | with a squeaky pop. dA catalyst needs to be regularly | replaced as it gets used up. 4 Look at the table. Use it to help identity the metals below. TIE reacon a Metal X reacts in air but does not react with cold water. soa Metal Xis oo oe a & | reaum Wa Metal Y catches fire with cold water and burns in at. Tr WZ : [cacum wa ene — sons Z © Metal Z does not react in cold water and reacts only slowly or arin partially in ai. Metal Z could be = Key [yar mae] 7 or Pe bee eve aia | ve ic | fas v imac [eee Rane) Paci [coon v [x Tick (¥) the correct ending for each sentence in parts a and b below. ‘Accuracy describes: OA how reliable a measurement is. OB how close a measurement is to its real yalue. O 6 how best to find the exact value of a measurement. OD how to control all the variables in an experiment. ‘An anomalous result is: © A one that does not fit the pattern of other results. O B produced when an experiment only gives you one reading. O one that you can be sure is correct. © one that you use to work out how accurate the rest of your results ave. Explain the difference between repeatable and reproducible data. ‘The drawing shows a 20 litre bucket, @ 1 litre jug, a 500 om? beaker and a ‘50 cm* measuring cylinder, Identity the one that should be used to measure: the volume of drink let in a 330 cm? can after a few sips have been drunk ‘the volume of milk present in two nearly halt full | litre bottles the volume of water in a sink. 4. Three groups of students added different metals (A, B and C) to hydrochloric acid. They recorded the volume of hydrogen gas produced by each. The tables show their results. Student group X ‘Student group Y Student group Z Volume of gas Volume of gas Volume of gas collected in 20 s (om?) collected in 20 s (om?) collected in 20 s (om?) Metal A | 28 Metal B 28 Metal © 50 Metal B 24 Metal C 51 Metal B 26 Metal C | 52 Metal B 36 Metal C 51 a Explain which group's data is the least reliable touse, A © Circle an anomalous reading d_ Suggest a reason for this anomalous reading, b Try out your exercise with a friend and ask them for feedback. If you can, make improvements to your original exercise in a different colour, J) 4. When added to dilute acid, name a metal that might: a explode _ b notreact. 2a Use a pencil to tick (¥) whether the statements below are true or false, Statement True False i Metals react faster with acids than with water. oO ao ii if a metal reacts with an acid, effervescence occurs. oO oO iii After a metal reacts with an acid, the metal is always visible in the solution, ao ia iv Ifa metal and an acid react, the only product is hydrogen. a ia} v A salt will catalyse reactions between acids and metals. a a Ask your teacher how many of your answers are correct. Then beaker work with others and the Student evaporating, Book to identify your incorrect ‘basin answers. Make corrections and fiter pager a gauze. check with your teacher. Do this fiter tunnel until they are all correct. ‘ipod. 4 3. Calcium was added to. conical flask —— neat hydrochloric acid until the reaction stopped. The diagram shows the final twa stages in the preparation x Y of a sample of the salt, ‘a State what is happening in diagram X. b Give the reason why this is done. ¢ State what is Happening in diagram Y. 4. Give the general equation for the reaction between a metal and an acid, 5 Complete the following equations, a Mg+H,SO,-+ MgSO, +___ b Ba+H,S0,~ © irons __~ iron chloride + hydrogen d ___ + nitric acid — sodium nitrate + 6a Complete the table below that gives information about metals reacting with acids and the salts they produce. Metal Acid ‘Salt (name) Salt (symbols) _| Ratio of different atoms in the salt magnesium (Mig) | hydrochloric acid [magnesium MgCl, 12 Hc chloride | sodium (Na) sodium chloride | 1A ‘magnesium (Mg) EEE MgSO, ha / potassium) sulfuric acid | potassium sulfate KO, (H,S0,) potassium (k) ritric acid (HNO,) - 11:3 b Describe the test that will determine the gas produced in these reactions. 7 Inyour group, look at your answers to question 4 on page 75. Discuss your ideas again to find out if they have changed. Now, write @ better answer in the lower box on that page. Pi 12 Explcn the citference between a mixture and a pure substance, 2. Below is a table af information about different alloys of copper and iron. Alloy ‘Composition Properties compared to the main metal in the alloy bronze 90% copper = harder 10% tin + stronger * does not corrode easily * more shiny brass 70% copper * stronger 30% zine * improved ductiity (easily deformed) +more shiny steel 99% iron = harder 1% carbon + stronger stainless steel 74% iron * stronger 18% chromium, + mote shiny X% carfoon + does not corrode a Explain why sculptures in public parks are made from bronze rather than copper. b Some musical instruments are made out of long lengths of brass tube. Why can brass be pulled into tube shapes more easily than copper? d_ Calculate the percentage of carbon in stainless steel Name the property that all the alloys have that is an improvement over their pure metals. 3 The diagram shows a model of the atoms in a metal and an alloy. a Add labels to the diagram to explain why there is a difference in properties between the pure metal and the alloy, when a force is applied b Share your labels with others in your group. If you think you can improve your labelling, add any changes ina different colour. 4 Use a pencil to tick (¥] the correct ending for each sentence in parts a to d below. ‘a The metting point of a pure solid is the temperature at which: OA ittums into another substance. OB itturns into a liquic. OC the atoms break all the bonds between them. OD the atoms break apart. b The boiling point of a pure liquid is the temperature at which: OA the water in it evaporates. OB ittums into a gas. O G it becomes invisible. OD evaporation occurs under its surface. ¢ Melting and boiling points are useful for identifying pure substances because: © A those temperatures ate fixed and do not change. OB pure substances are always easy to melt and boil CC they occur at the same time. CD they are the same value but one is postive and one is negative. The metting point of an alloy: GA is the same as the metting point of the metal that the alloy contains the most of. GB is fixed, and occurs at one certain temperature, O does not occur at one certain temperature but over a range of temperatures. © D is the same as the boiling point of the metal that the alloy contains the least of 5 Ask your teacher how many of your answers to question 4 are correct. Then work with others and the ‘Student Book to identify your incorrect answers. Make corrections and check with your teacher, De this, until they are all correct. fii Gb the neme of 6 ecleraiet tet Conductivity of mibtures of metal X and metal ¥ studies metals. 70000000 a oe 60000000. 2 The graph shows how the z conductivity of an alloy of two @ s0000000 metals, X and Y, varies with 2 compasition. 3 40000000 z a You ere a scientist looking fora a. 000000. material that can be used in the wiring fora car. State the best 20000000, composition of the alloy for this OR x. 50% x: 100% x use. 100% 50% ony increasing percentage mass ofX __%X - - %Y b At this composition, the alloy is not suitable. Suggest a property that it may have that makes it unsuitable for electrical wiring p 3 Work in a group to design a device that will test one of these properties: strength, ductility, malleability or heat conductivity a What property have you chosen? e Is your device a new invention or will you adapt an existing device? eee © Explain the main features of your design and how it will work by drawing a labelled diagram in the space below. 4 Give the name of a scientist that Conductivity of mixtures of metal X and metal Y studies metals, 70000000 i : 60.000 000 7+ The graph shows how the E conductivity of an alloy of two ® sooo0ceo. metals, X and Y, varies with z ‘composition. & coovocce You are a scientist looking for a 8 s9000000 material that can be used in the wiring for a car. State the best 20000000 composition of the alloy for this 0% x 50% X 100% x use. 400% 50% Y o%Y Increasing percentage mass of X _%X %Y At this composition, the alloy is not suitable. Suggest a property that it may have that makes it unsuitable for electrical wiring. Work in @ group to design a device that will test one of these properties: strength, ductility, malleabilty or heat conductivity. ‘What property have you chosen? EEEEEEEE Is your device a new invention or wil you adapt an existing device? a u Explain the main features of your design and how it will work by drawing @ labeled diagram in the space below. 1. Drawings A-D show objects made of different metats. c a Suggest which metal you think each of objects A, B and C is made of. b Suggest a suitable alloy for soulpture D. D 2 Write down the ratio of the different atoms in the following compounds. a MgCl, _ d KS0,_ 3. Zinc is added to dilute hydrochloric acid and a reaction occurs. When copper is added the reaction rate increases (the reaction is speeded up). b NaOH © BaSO, ‘@ State the purpose of the copper in this process. b State what will be left in the tube at the end of the reaction. 4 Complete the table below. Metal Reactant(s) Product(s) magnesium |» water magnesium hydroxide + hydrogen iron oxygen | calcium calcium hydroxide + hydrogen copper oxygen [barium hydrochloric acid iron [water + oxygen indium indium nitrate + hydrogen i ii b Whatis the name given to molten rock that spills out of a volcano? _ aa 2. Enupting volcanoes produce a lot of CO,. What type of substance is carbon dioxide? Tick (¥) ane box. © A anelement O Bamixture OG ¢ acompound OD anatom p a What effect does carbon dioxide have on the temperature of the Earth? 4 When volcanoes erupt, sulfur dioxide, water vapour, and ash and rock fragments often enter the atmosphere. a Give the name of a compound released during an eruption. b Give the name of a mixture released during an eruption _____ are mixtures of different minerals. The minerals are chemical and these form _ __ that fit _and give the rock its together. The grains are different sizes and _ » Rocks made of rounded grains are said to be porous. ‘What does the term porous mean? o Draw a diagram in the box on the right to show how grains are arranged in a porous rock, Add labels to explain why the rock is porous. © Name one type of porous rook. 3 Limestone is a rock that is used in building Give two uses of limestone. 4a State the number of different minerals in the rock on the right. b Daseribe the grains in this rock 5 Suggest two imporant properties for a rock used to make: a astatue b ahouse, 11 Label the diagram of the Earth. p 2 Whats the difference between lava and magma? 3 Explain what happens to particles as liquid rock cools down. To answer this, tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below, As liquid rock cools down, the particles: b This is due to: GA stop moving. CA forces of attraction between the particles. OB start to form a grid pattern. GB forces of repulsion between the particles. O start to get bigger. OC the rack cooling down. GD stan to get smaller. GD atoms combining to make them bigger. 4a Name an igneous rock. b_ Some igneous rocks are intrusive (they form Underground). Explain why intrusive igneous rocks have large crystals. ‘Sa Which of the diagrams on the right is most likaly to be extrusive rock? Tick (¥) one. b_ Give a reason for your answer. 1 State the conditions in the Earth that lead to the formation of metamorphic rocks. i \& 2 Look at the diagram. At which of the numbered places will you find metamorphic rocks? Explain your answer. 3 Look at the drawings of granite, gneiss and basalt below. a. State which is the metamorphic rock. b Give a reason for your answer. 4 Read the following paragraph about the formation of different types of rocks. Underline or highlight the names of three different metamorphic racks, ‘rock called amphibolite is often found near basalt that has been found buried deep underground and heated to 700°C or more. A rock called sandstone is formed from sand grains. Quarizite can be formed when sandstone is heated. Both quartzite and granite are very hard rocks. Gnaiss resembles the granite itis formed from, with layers of coarse grains. 5 How confident are you at describing how igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed? Draw a smile on the face in the box to show how confident you are ~ the ( ee bigger the smile, the more confident you are. p 1 Suggest why a volcano grows bigger before it erupts. 2 The diagram shows a model of a volcano. When vinegar (an acid) is poured into it, a chemical reaction occurs, a State one way in which this is a good model of a volcano. b State one way in which this is a poor model of a volcano. 3 The diagram shows a model seismorneter. ‘You are going to prepare a short information poster to go with the model to explain how it works. a Write down the key points you will jnclude on your poster. pencil — LF plastic cup of gravel pen— strip of paper cardboard box. 11 Draw one line from each type of weathering to one cause. ‘Type of weathering ogical weal fhysical weathering, 2a Freeze-ihaw action is a type of which sort of weathering? - b_ From the following list, tick (“) which rocks are most likely to be affected by freeze-thaw action, OG granite sandstone O basalt O gneiss e » nitric acid + sulfuric acid + calcium carbonate + © Write down one reactant from a or b. a Write down one product from a or b. G limestone O marble nitrate + 4 The table shows a ‘confidence arid’. Tick (7) one box for each statement in the table. {Air pollution can cause acid rain, which contains nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Complete the word ‘equations to show the reactions of these acids with limestone (which is calcium carbonate), + carbon | Statement I Definitely correct Might be correct Might be wrong Freeze-thaw action happens in wet places where | the temperature often goes below 0°C. | Physical weathering only occurs when there is | contact between a rock and water. | Caroonates, such a8 limestone, react with acid | and are used to make soils less acidic. Physical weathering is when bits of rock are | moved from place to place. 5 State the factor that determines the size of sediment particles that a stream can carry. p 6 What happens to the shape of rocks that are transported in streams? 7 Glaciers can also cause abrasion. : a Whatis.a glacier? _ b Describe how glaciers cause abrasion. _ 8 The diagram shows how rocks are weathered by freeze-thaw action. Complete the labels below, to describe what happens at each stage (a-d). a Water _ a Repeated expansion and _ 1a The diagrams show the formation of a sedimentary rock. Use the words in the box to write captions for each stage (iv). compaction _sedimentation b_ Compare your labeling to others in your group. Improve your labels if you can. 2 Sedimentary rocks can be turned into metamorphic rocks. a What has to happen for a sedimentary rock to become a metamorphic one? Cross out the incorrect words to complete the sentences. sedimentary rock called basalt / mudstone can be turned into marble / slate by heat and pressure. In a similar way sandstone can be turned into fossils / quartzite. SB 3 Where does the ‘glue’ came from that holds the grains together in a sedimentary rock? ‘The flow chart summarises the scientific method State the term that is missing from the third box. How does a scientific hypothesis becomes a theory? Tick (¥) the best answer. GA When you test the hypothesis, you get results that agree with it. OB Ascientist makes a hypothesis, © The data from many investigations support it GD An investigation gives identical results when carried out a second time. Read the following statements about the scientific method. Tick (¥) those that you think are correct, © A ttis often impossible to control variables when doing geology investigations. © B Geologists cannot do experiments and so do not, use the scientific method, © Scientists can never prove that a hypothesis is true, © D The data collected must be quantitative for a hypothesis to be true, O E Aprediction tells us what has happened in an experiment. OF Ifa single test shows the prediction is correct, the hypothesis becomes a theory. hypothesis needed Question Experiment Hypothesis looks correct | Draw a new version of the diagram above to show the scientiic method for a geologist SB 1 How is investigating the Earth different from investigating chemical reactions or electricity? 2 The masses of pieces of granite, marble, sandstone and limestone were measured. The rocks were then put in water for two hours. After drying them, their masses were measured again. The mass of water absorived per gram of rock was then calculated. a. State the independent variable, b State the dependent variable. _ ¢ Describe the hypothesis being tested. d_ Predict which rock would absorb most water. @ Explain how you came up with your prediction, 7 eee EEEEEEEeEe 3. Jelly can be used as a model to help investigate how the runniness of the lava affects how far it wil flow. The jelly Volume of hot water Time taken to travel used to make jelly (em*) | 10 cm down a ramp (s) is made more runny by adding more 5 | 420 water. The results of one experiment are | 8 370 shown in the table. fo ood a Give the independent variable. - oe 12 10.3 oe 15 16.4 20 10.8 State which result is anomalous. 7 esse Describe what the results show. 1. Iron pyrite, also known as ‘fool's gold’, has the formula FeS,, a Tick (¥) two statements that are true, D A iron pyrite is a mineral. ; OB The iron in ron pyrite is found in its native state. O FeS, is acompound. * © D tron pyrite contains gold. OE tron pyrite contains three elements. O F Goldis often found in sedimentary rocks. b_ How confident are you that you chose both correct sentences? Write 0, 1 or 2 in the box. (0 —My answer was a complete guess. 1/=I think | have at least one correct, | 21am certain that | have both corect 2 Complete the following sentences. a Arock that is worth mining is called an _ b These rocks are obtained by _ ¢ The rocks are crushed to obtain the _ d_ Metals that are found as elements are in their Ja Label the rock cycle in the diagram. Draw a line from each bullet point in the left-hand list to a bullet point ina box or on an arrow. In the boxes on the diagram, write in one example of each different type of rock. © Compare your labels with others. Make any corrections or additions in a different colour, weathering, erosion, deposition anc cementation « igneous « increasing temperature and pressure © meting and cooing metamorphic + sedimantary « : Ee » 2 Explain how magma can form either basalt (with small crystals) or gabbro (vith large orystals) 3 Ifa volcano stopped erupting, it would eventually get smaller. a Describe two ways in which the rocks could be weathered. b Describe two ways in which the weathered fragments could be transported. 4 Limestone (calcium carbonete) reacts with sulfuric acid. Complete the word equation for this reaction, calcium carbonate + sulfuric acid > + water + po ° o Matter can exist as a solid, liquid or gas. Which state of matter is: snow air water in the ocean? _ A few explorers have visited the deepest parts of the oceans, 11 km below the surface, ‘Their submarines withstand forces 1000 times bigger than on the surface. Explain in as much detail as you can: ‘what causes the forces on the outside of a submerine _ Mountaineers have also visited the highest mountains in the world. The top of Mount Everest is nearly 9 km above sea level ‘Most climbers use oxygen masks when they climb this high. Explain, in as much detail as you can, why they need to do this. ‘Suggest two other problems that people have to overcome when climbing high mountains. ‘You may not have known all the answers to questions 2 and 3. Work with a partner to write a list of things you need to find out about to help you write better answers to these questions. 41 What property do solids and liquids share and why? Tick (¥) one box for each of parts a and b below. Solids and liquids both: b This is because the particles in them: 1 At have fixed shapes. A vibrate about fixed positions. OB are dificult to compress. O B ae different sizes OC fow. ; OG © are very close together. OD filthe container they are in, OD are held together by very strong forces. 2. Explain why solids and liquids behave differently, Tick (7) one box for each of parts a and b below. a Aproperty that is very different between solids different because: and liquids is: OA the forces between particles are stronger OA having @ fixed volume. in liquids than in solids. OB having a fixed mass. OB the forces between particies are stronger OC being able to be compressed. in solids than in iquids. CD having a fixed shape. OC the particles are closer together in fquids than in solids. OD the particies in solids do not move. 8a Describe one similarity between the properties of liquids and gases. b Describe two differences. _ 4a Draw one line from each scientific term to its correct definition. Scientific term Definition b Use ideas about particles to explain why each of these things happens. i Diffusion happens because __ Brownian motion happens because _ Materials expand when they are heated because _ p 5 Asubstance cools down when energy is transferred away from it. Explain how this affects: a the movement of the particles __ 6 Complete these sentences using words from the box. When a __ or gas is heated, the particles __ faster and so need more space in which to move. When a solid is_ — the particles: a more and so the solid takes up more space. Density is the mass of a certain _ of a material. When a material is heated its ______ does not change but the volume gets ‘This makes the density y 7 Explain how a liquid thermometer works. y 8 Abrridge is built without expansion gaps. Explain what could happen to the bridge if the temperature became: a much hotter than the day it was built __ b_ much colder than the day it was bul. Density cannot be measured directly. Write down two quantities thet you need to measure to allow you to calculate density. Complete these sentences by crassing out the incorrect words. ‘The density of a liquid decreases / increases when it is heated. This happens because the liquid contracts / expands, 80 its volume increases / decreases. The mass does not change, but the larger / mailer volume means its density is now greater / less than before. A piece of metal is a cuboid with width 2 om, length 5 cm and height 1.5 cm. Calculate its volume. Describe how to measure the volume of a piece of modelling clay. Write down two different units used for: volume eee mass density A =HEEEEE ‘The formula for calculating density can be written as d = : A student has a piece of material with a volurne of 90 om and a mass of 1.8 kg Explain what they need to do to calculate the density in g/om®. Calculate the density. density = unit = 7 7 b Ba Calculete the missing values in this table. Write your answers in pencil ‘This triangle helps you to calculate the density, volume or mass. Write down the equations that you need to use to calculate: mass, if you are given a density and a volume volume, if you are given a density and a mass. Mass Volume Density Unit | i 109 40 om? | it 50 kg 2m | iw | O4kg 20 om? w | kg | 20 kgim® v | 4em 40 g/m? vi aig | 27 gfom? vil mnt 50 kgim? ‘Asis your teacher to check how many of your answers are correct. Work with a partner and the Student Book to identify your incorrect answers. Make corrections and check with your teacher. Do this until they are all correct. “The density of aluminium is 2.7 g/em®. You have a piece of aluminium with a volume of 50 car. Write down the formula you need to use to calculate its mass. Work out its mass, mass = 9 Calculate the volume of 810 g of aluminium. volume = unit Bp 1 Explain why diffusion is a physical change. _ 2a Name two other physical changes. __ b Name two chemical changes. __ 3 The graph shows how the How the temperature of @ pure substance temperature changes as a pure Iain tis coche wid ate ‘substance is cooled and then 120: heated again. +00 B Add the fllowing labels tothe greph. ba One has been done for you. aad 7 2 00 B where the substance is boiling 2 50 (where it is condensing © F where it is freezing za G where itis a gas. L where itis a liquid M where is it melting S where it is solid ‘Tene (minutes) b Compare your answers to part a with @ partner to check for mistakes. Mark any corrections to your labels in a different colour, 4a What is the melting point of the substance? Draw a horizontal line across the graph to help you to work out the answer. b_ What is the boiling point of the substance? © What is the freezing point of the substance? d_ Explain why you do not need the graph to work out your answer to part e.

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