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Molecular Regulation of Exercise-Induced

Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

Marcas M. Bamman,1,2,3 Brandon M. Roberts,1,2 and Gregory R. Adams4

Department of Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama 35294
UAB Center for Exercise Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35205
Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham,
Alabama 35233
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of California Irvine, Irvine, California 92617

Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is a widely sought exercise adaptation to counteract the muscle
atrophy of aging and disease, or to improve athletic performance. While this desired muscle
enlargement is a well-known adaptation to resistance exercise training (RT), the mechanistic
underpinnings are not fully understood. The purpose of this review is thus to provide the
reader with a summary of recent advances in molecular mechanisms—based on the most
current literature—that are thought to promote RT-induced muscle hypertrophy. We have

therefore focused this discussion on the following areas of fertile investigation: ribosomal
function and biogenesis, muscle stem (satellite) cell activity, transcriptional regulation, me-
chanotransduction, and myokine signaling.

hether to counteract disease-related mus- Herein we therefore focus on mechanisms con-

W cle atrophy or improve athletic perfor-
mance, skeletal muscle hypertrophy is among
sidered central to the hypertrophy of individual
myofibers. We published an extensive review of
the primary goals and a well-known adaptation this topic in 2012 (Adams and Bamman 2012);
to resistance exercise training (RT). The pur- thus, our emphasis in this article is on scientific
pose of this review is to provide the reader advances over the past 4 years.
with a summary of molecular mechanisms— The skeletal myofiber is a complex but
based on the most current literature—that are well-characterized, highly-organized structure
thought to drive resistance training – induced packed with myofibrils, each consisting of sar-
muscle hypertrophy. Because muscle cells— comeres (i.e., contractile units) in a series that
known as myofibers—are terminally differenti- define a registered ultrastructure of contractile,
ated and thus cannot reenter the cell cycle, RT- anchoring, and tethering proteins. The myo-
induced muscle enlargement is dependent on fiber plasma membrane (i.e., sarcolemma) is
the cellular hypertrophy of existing myofibers. home to a dynamic network of transmembrane

Editors: Juleen R. Zierath, Michael J. Joyner, and John A. Hawley

Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Exercise available at
Copyright # 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a029751
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a029751

M.M. Bamman et al.

receptors and transport proteins that respond to effect determinations cannot be made in the
stimuli and communicate signals to intracellu- absence of the ability to genetically or pharma-
lar organelles and to the extensive syncytium of cologically manipulate a target gene or signaling
peripherally located nuclei dispersed along the pathway. On the other hand, the human rele-
full length of the myofiber. Mechanically loaded vance of even correlational/associative findings
contractions during resistance exercise result in is equally obvious and can be leveraged for
a unique cascade of signaling events that pro- mechanistic “reverse translation” studies in low-
mote the net accumulation of intracellular pro- er animals. One extremely valuable strategy rep-
teins and thus myofiber enlargement along resenting a significant advance over the past few
with remodeling of the extracellular matrix. years has been the utilization of human re-
While the entirety of the molecular responses sponder phenotyping and subsequent molecu-
driving myofiber hypertrophy are not fully un- lar interrogation. In other words, although we
derstood, there have been important advances cannot manipulate the human phenotype, we
in recent years—particularly in the areas of ri- can leverage similarities and differences in exer-
bosomal function and biogenesis, muscle stem cise responsiveness among human subjects (i.e.,
(satellite) cell activity, transcriptional regula- interindividual response heterogeneity) to then
tion, mechanotransduction, and myokine sig- identify common and differential patterns rang-
naling—that are the focuses of this work. It ing from molecular to behavioral phenotyping.
should be noted that this discussion is centered To better understand potential processes
on available findings in humans adapting to RT modulating RT-induced myofiber hypertrophy,
(which involves preferential hypertrophy of a decade ago we began using cluster analysis
type II myofibers), supplemented by comple- approaches to classify human subjects as non-
mentary results in animal models as warranted. responders, moderate responders, and extreme

We wish to emphasize that the intent of this responders based on each subject’s degree of
relatively brief article is to highlight recent ad- myofiber hypertrophy following standardized
vances; thus, the reader should not consider this and well-controlled RT interventions (Bamman
an exhaustive review. For example, a rich litera- et al. 2007). This strategy has yielded valuable
ture has accumulated that establishes a putative insight into potential cellular and molecular
central role for cellular hypertrophy–promoting regulators of human RT-induced myofiber hy-
processes regulated by the master kinase, mam- pertrophy (Bamman et al. 2007; Kim et al. 2007;
malian target of rapamycin (mTOR) or more Petrella et al. 2008; Mayhew et al. 2011; Tha-
specifically its complex 1 (mTORC1). It is be- lacker-Mercer et al. 2013). We have since vali-
yond the scope of the present work to review the dated the utility of the model (Stec et al. 2016)
evidence base of mTOR in sufficient detail. As and today similar strategies used by a number of
such, the reader is referred to thorough reviews research teams continue to bear fruit (Davidsen
(Hornberger 2011; Adams and Bamman 2012; et al. 2011; Prestes et al. 2015; Ahtiainen et al.
Jacobs et al. 2014). Discussion of mTOR and 2016; Ogasawara et al. 2016). Of course all par-
related cell signaling—including phosphory- ticipants in RT trials benefit to varying degrees
lation/activation of its major downstream in other ways (Bamman et al. 2007; Bickel et al.
readout p70S6K—herein is limited to recent 2011; Churchward-Venne et al. 2015) (e.g.,
advances within the focus areas of this article. strength gains, functional mobility improve-
ments, etc.) but clustering specifically on myo-
fiber hypertrophy reveals clear differential ad-
aptations (including magnitude of functional
gains) (Bamman et al. 2007) that enable inves-
Interrogating potential regulatory processes of tigations of potential mechanistic underpin-
RT-induced hypertrophy directly in humans is nings (molecular and otherwise) to help
of great value but certainly not without limita- advance the field. It should be noted that, to
tions. For obvious reasons, definitive cause – date, no follow-up studies have been completed

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Exercise-Induced Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

to determine whether high and low respond- driven largely by damage/repair, whereas the lat-
ers—based on a single defined outcome (e.g., er responses after a few weeks of training were
myofiber hypertrophy)—consistently maintain more reflective of anabolism supporting myo-
their responder status. There are numerous ap- fiber hypertrophy (Damas et al. 2016). Thus,
proaches to manipulating the stimulus (i.e., RT much like the magnitude of myofiber hypertro-
prescription) that may influence an individual’s phy (Bamman et al. 2007), the acute muscle pro-
response, which opens the door to the attractive tein synthesis response to RT is variable between
application of a precision medicine strategy. individuals and the relationship between the
two appears to strengthen as training progresses.
Hypertrophy driven by net protein synthesis
requires increased ribosomal function. To that
Central to myofiber hypertrophy is the accretion end, enhanced protein translation rates can be
of cellular component proteins in various pools achieved by increased ribosomal efficiency (i.e.,
and compartments (e.g., myofibrillar/contrac- greater translation of mRNA per ribosome)
tile, mitochondrial, sarcoplasmic reticulum, cy- and/or elevated ribosomal capacity via ribo-
toskeletal, etc.). This accretion requires an over- some biogenesis (Fig. 1). Both processes are reg-
all net positive protein balance, with anabolism ulated at least in part by mTORC1 activity. Re-
exceeding catabolism over an extended time pe- sults of a recent study of compensatory overload
riod. The short-term induction of mixed muscle hypertrophy in a murine model suggest en-
and myofibrillar protein synthesis after a bout of hanced mTORC1 activity (by knocking out a
resistance exercise has been documented nu- major repressor called regulated in development
merous times, with elevations seen within an and DNA damage 1 [REDD1]) has a greater
hour postexercise and persisting for as many as impact on translational efficiency than capacity

48 h (Phillips et al. 1997; Wolfe 2006; Mayhew during the first few days following loading (Gor-
et al. 2009; Burd et al. 2011; Schoenfeld et al. don et al. 2016); however, mTORC1 also plays a
2013). This has led to a flurry of research focused central role in ribosome biogenesis by regulat-
on translational control, with particular empha- ing the synthesis of both ribosomal proteins and
sis on the molecular regulation of translation ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) (reviewed in Mayer
initiation. However, recent results question the and Grummt 2006). In humans, acute responses
degree to which protein synthesis and/or trans- to resistance exercise and long-term RT have
lation initiation signaling responses to an initial focused largely on ribosomal efficiency until re-
exercise exposure are prognostic of eventual RT- cently. Several lines of recent evidence suggest
induced myofiber hypertrophy as an adaptation ribosomal biogenesis may be a key rate-limiting
to several weeks of training. For example, Mitch- factor in the regulation of RT-induced myofiber
ell et al. reported no correlation between the hypertrophy (discussed below).
myofibrillar protein synthesis (MyoPS) re- Ribosome biogenesis is a complicated and
sponse 1– 6 h after an initial resistance exercise tightly regulated process. As summarized else-
bout and the magnitude of long-term, RT- where (Wen et al. 2016), synthesis of a single
induced muscle hypertrophy (Mitchell et al. functional ribosome requires transcription of
2014). In an interesting subsequent study, four ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs 28S, 18S, 5S,
Damas et al. (2016) confirmed no relationship and 5.8S) and translation of approximately 80
between the 24 – 48 h MyoPS response and even- ribosomal proteins. The process is highly regu-
tual myofiber hypertrophy when studying lated, energetically expensive, and supported by
MyoPS during the first week of training; howev- hundreds of proteins involved in the produc-
er, strong correlations were noted when MyoPS tion, assembly, and transport of the ribosome.
was quantified in response to exercise during Transcription of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) to
weeks 3 and 10 of a 10-week RT program. The the rRNAs by polymerase I is considered a ma-
investigators’ assessments of muscle damage jor rate-limiting step in ribosome biogenesis
suggest that the week-1 MyoPS response was (Mayer and Grummt 2006).

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M.M. Bamman et al.

Normal ribosomal translation

Increased translational capacity

Increased translational efficiency

Figure 1. Ribosomal function. Skeletal myofiber hypertrophy as an adaptation to resistance exercise training is
accomplished by cellular protein accretion over time, which requires increased ribosomal function. Enhanced
protein translation rates can be achieved by increased ribosomal efficiency (i.e., more translation per ribosome)
and/or elevated ribosomal capacity via ribosome biogenesis (i.e., de novo synthesis of ribosomes). Current
evidence indicates that both of these routes to enhanced translation are involved in resistance training hyper-
trophy, and support for the latter has been building rapidly in recent years.

Using total muscle RNA as a surrogate of n-Myc) in moderate and extreme responders
rRNA (80% – 85% of total RNA), the magnitude compared to nonresponders (Thalacker-Mercer

of change in total muscle RNA over the course of et al. 2013). It is also noteworthy that only the
RTappears linked to the magnitude of myofiber extreme responders showed sustained phos-
(Stec et al. 2016) and muscle (Figueiredo et al. phorylation 24 h after their first full exercise
2015) hypertrophy. Via K-means cluster analy- bout of the autoinhibitory domain of p70 S6
sis to phenotype human subjects based on the kinase, a key signaling intermediate known to
degree of type II myofiber hypertrophy, Stec modulate both translation initiation and ribo-
et al. found that only extreme responders suc- some biogenesis (Mayhew et al. 2011). The
cessfully up-regulated muscle rRNA expression human findings are corroborated by dose-de-
(indicative of ribosomal biogenesis), and the pendent induction of muscle hypertrophy and
biopsied muscles of both moderate and extreme ribosome biogenesis across four doses of me-
responders increased c-Myc protein content (a chanical overload via graded synergist ablation
major upstream regulator of ribosome biogen- (i.e., graded overload of plantaris by ablation of
esis). Additionally, follow-up studies in vitro various amounts of gastrocnemius and/or so-
showed that growth factor– induced human leus) in rats (Nakada et al. 2016).
myotube hypertrophy was prevented when de Additional support for ribosome biogenesis
novo ribosome biogenesis was blocked by a spe- as a major regulator of myofiber hypertrophy is
cific inhibitor of rRNA transcription (Stec et al. provided by studies of aging. The well-known
2016), a finding recently advanced and linked blunted capacity for RT-induced myofiber hy-
to mTOR regulation during hypertrophy in pertrophy with advancing age is associated with
C2C12 myotubes (von Walden et al. 2016). blunted induction of key regulatory processes:
Transcriptome profiling of pretraining skel- (1) In response to a single bout of resistance
etal muscle among three RT hypertrophy exercise, expression of 45S pre-rRNA was up-
responder clusters revealed higher pretraining regulated in adults 39 years of age but not in
expression of several ribosomal protein mRNAs 76-year-olds (Stec et al. 2015); (2) during 6
and higher expression of major upstream regu- weeks of RT, surrogate indices of ribosome bio-
lators of ribosome biogenesis (c-Myc and genesis (RNA:DNA-ratio and c-Myc induction)

4 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2018;8:a029751

Exercise-Induced Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

were impaired in conjunction with blunted ation of satellite cells into fusion-competent
muscle hypertrophy in old versus young adults myoblasts that fuse into the growing myofiber
(Brook et al. 2016); and (3) using the synergist as nuclear donors. Indeed, a strong linear cor-
ablation model, the blunted hypertrophy noted relation between the human myofiber cross-sec-
in aged mice was linked to blunted ribosome tional area and the number of myonuclei per
biogenesis as indicated by impaired induction fiber was recently noted (Karlsen et al. 2015).
of both pre-rRNA and rRNA (Kirby et al. 2015). The concept of a ceiling on the nuclear DNA/
Further, it was recently noted that muscle ex- cytoplasm volume relationship is not unique to
pression levels of 45S pre-rRNA and c-myc skeletal muscle and is actually a primary driver
increase substantially after an acute resistance of cell division in mitotically active mononucle-
exercise bout in untrained subjects (Nader et ated cells. In fact, some current strategies in
al. 2014), although these responses are blunted cancer-targeting therapeutics are focused on
in the trained state. Overall, the recent findings disrupting the protein synthetic machinery in
in humans discussed throughout this section, cancer cells to limit cellular hypertrophy, there-
supported by both animal models and in vitro by mitigating proliferation (Devlin et al. 2016;
studies, strongly implicate ribosomal biogenesis Rebello et al. 2016).
as a central regulator of RT-induced myofiber There are numerous lines of evidence indi-
hypertrophy. cating resistance exercise, and long-term RT in-
crease the prevalence of muscle satellite cells in
humans (Dreyer et al. 2006; Mackey and Ro-
binovitch 2006; Petrella et al. 2008; Verdijk et
Located within the basal lamina and just exte- al. 2009; Snijders et al. 2014, 2016; Nederveen
rior to the myofiber sarcolemma are resident et al. 2015). Correlative evidence supporting

multipotent muscle stem cells known as satellite satellite cell – mediated myonuclear addition
cells. While not fully differentiated, satellite cells during human RT-induced myofiber hypertro-
are largely committed to the myogenic lineage, phy gained traction in the mid-2000s (e.g., Ol-
and their essential role during muscle regen- sen et al. 2006; Petrella et al. 2006, 2008) and
eration following damage is well established studies reporting modest hypertrophy with no
(reviewed in Dumont et al. 2015). As a brief appreciable myonuclear addition (Petrella et al.
summary, on significant injury/damage, quies- 2006, 2008; Verdijk et al. 2009) fueled the con-
cent satellite cells enter the cell cycle and some cept of reaching a domain ceiling that led to a
of the cell progeny differentiate into fusion- “demand” for nuclear addition. This concept
competent myoblasts and form new myofibers was reaffirmed recently as moderate myofiber
or fuse into existing damaged fibers to promote hypertrophy was accomplished in older adults
repair. Regarding this role there is no debate. in the absence of myonuclear addition, whereas
On the other hand, one of the most contro- nuclear addition accompanied greater hyper-
versial topics in the field of muscle biology cen- trophy (Stec et al. 2016). New research leverag-
ters on a potential role of satellite cells in the ing the Pax7-DTA satellite cell depletion mouse
process of RT-induced myofiber hypertrophy. and myonuclear transcription rates lends addi-
As we reviewed in detail previously (Adams tional support for myonuclear reserve capacity
and Bamman 2012), findings supporting a key (i.e., expansion of the domains before demand-
role of satellite cells are based on the tenet that ing additional nuclei) (Kirby et al. 2016). In the
each nucleus in the multinucleated myofiber is absence of satellite cell – mediated myonuclear
limited in its capacity to transcriptionally regu- accretion, the number of transcriptionally active
late a finite volume of cytoplasm termed the myonuclei and the amount of RNA generated
myonuclear domain. Thus, significant myofiber by each myonucleus increased during hypertro-
hypertrophy beyond the domain ceiling of each phy (Kirby et al. 2016). When the average my-
myonucleus requires the addition of nuclei, onuclear domain is already near the ceiling at
which are thought to result from the differenti- the outset of a hypertrophic stimulus, there ap-

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M.M. Bamman et al.

pears to be a need for myonuclear addition early depletion on mechanical overload-induced

during the intervention. For example, in study- muscle hypertrophy. A similar magnitude of
ing young adults with myofibers near the theo- muscle hypertrophy (via synergist ablation)
retical domain ceiling in the pretraining state, was noted in tamoxifen-treated (i.e., satellite
Snijders et al. (2016) reported myonuclear ad- cell depleted) versus vehicle-treated control
dition in conjunction with RT-induced myo- mice. There was, however, a profound impact
fiber hypertrophy but no significant expansion of satellite cell depletion on muscle regeneration
of the nuclear domain, suggesting that the my- following myotoxin injury. The hypertrophy re-
ofibers needed nuclear addition to enlarge. Very sults of McCarthy et al. in the Pax7-DTA mouse
recently, myonuclear addition in conjunction were recently challenged (Egner et al. 2016). In
with extreme RT-induced human myofiber hy- this follow-up comparison, Egner et al. reported
pertrophy was hypothesized to be a means of a stronger dependence on satellite cells to
meeting the demand for more rDNA templates achieve myofiber hypertrophy consequent to 2
toward facilitating ribosome biogenesis (Stec weeks of compensatory overload; however, a
et al. 2016). number of methodological differences between
Interestingly, results in humans not ex- the two studies make direct comparisons diffi-
periencing appreciable myofiber hypertrophy cult. Extending the duration of overload from 2
suggest myonuclear addition also occurs in re- weeks (McCarthy et al. 2011) to 8 weeks (Fry
sponse to stimuli and/or demand for additional et al. 2014), the team who developed the Pax7-
nuclear control (e.g., high metabolic demand) DTA mouse noted successful but blunted myo-
other than reaching the theoretical domain ceil- fiber hypertrophy, coupled with lesser myonu-
ing to support hypertrophy. Interesting recent clear addition, reduced muscle specific force,
work by Frese et al. showed marked myonuclear and increased fibrosis (i.e., extracellular matrix

addition during the competition training phase deposition). It is noteworthy that functional
among young highly competitive endurance cy- muscle quality in mice induced to hypertrophy
clists with no change in myofiber size, resulting appears partially dependent on successful myo-
in a more than 50% contraction of the myo- nuclear addition even in models not driven by
nuclear domain (Frese et al. 2015). The finding mechanical overload. For example, Qaisar et al.
is complemented by a thorough investigation (2013) recently reported similar magnitudes of
of fusion-promoting processes, implicating myofiber hypertrophy in the extensor digitorum
the fusogenic genes Syncytin-1 and Syncytin-3 longus muscle of myostatin knockout (2/2)
and corresponding protein signaling cascades mice and muscle-specific insulin-like growth
in the accumulation of myonuclei during the factor I (IGF-I) overexpressing (þ/þ) mice;
metabolically demanding exercise training yet myonuclear domain and specific force were
period. Further, in a nonexercise study of maintained only in IGF-Iþ/þ , suggesting func-
monozygotic twins, older women on hormone tional muscle quality suffered in myostatin2/2
replacement therapy (HRT) showed smaller at least in part caused by failed myonuclear
myonuclear domains in type I myofibers com- addition.
pared to twins not on HRT, while fiber size was Overall, we interpret the findings in both
not different (Qaisar et al. 2013). humans and rodents as generally in agreement.
The findings in humans notwithstanding, In fact, the latest research findings seem to large-
innovative work in 2011 from McCarthy et al. ly reaffirm the model summarized in our 2012
(2011) called into question the need for satellite review (Fig. 2) (Adams and Bamman 2012). (1)
cell – mediated myonuclear addition during the The initial phase of mechanical overload-in-
early phase of myofiber hypertrophy. After de- duced myofiber hypertrophy is not necessarily
veloping a novel tamoxifen-inducible mouse satellite cell – dependent—particularly if the
strain (Pax7-DTA) enabling conditional abla- myonuclear domains have room to expand be-
tion of .90% of muscle satellite cells in adult fore reaching the postulated ceiling—thus, in
mice, the team found no impact of satellite cell this early phase, myofiber enlargement can oc-

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Exercise-Induced Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

Net protein synthesis Net protein synthesis


Ribosomal efficiency and capacity Ribosomal efficiency and capacity

# of myonuclei sufficient # of myonuclei not sufficient
(to support ribosomal biogenesis) (to support ribosomal biogenesis)

2000 μm2
MND 2000 μm2
1500 μm2

Hypertrophy of myofibers with small Myofiber hypertrophy beyond theoretical

MNDs (e.g., regrowth after atrophy) MND ceiling facilitated by myonuclear
resulting in MND expansion addition, resulting in MND maintenance

Figure 2. Distinguishing satellite cell–independent and –dependent myofiber hypertrophy. In smaller myofib-

ers with small myonuclear domains (MNDs), resistance exercise training (RT)-induced cellular hypertrophy is
not necessarily satellite cell –dependent and can be accomplished by protein accretion alone (via increased
ribosomal efficiency and capacity), as each myonucleus has “room to expand” both its transcriptional activity
and cytoplasmic domain. In contrast, in larger myofibers with MNDs at or approaching a ceiling size, additional
nuclei are needed to support enhanced ribosomal function and biogenesis en route to protein accretion; thus,
for successful RT-induced hypertrophy of fibers with larger MNDs, satellite cell– mediated myonuclear addition
may be essential and rate-limiting. (From Adams and Bamman 2012; adapted, with permission.)

cur primarily by protein accretion alone; and not entirely clear. Novel findings over the past
(2) with more extended exposure to the me- few years suggest that control of the muscle
chanical overload stimulus—as myofiber en- transcriptome may play a central role. Indeed,
largement progresses and myonuclear domain an elegant recent study by the McCarthy labo-
size expands—satellite cell – mediated myonu- ratory showed a robust up-regulation of myo-
clear addition may be essential for continued nuclear transcriptional activity during the early
hypertrophy. stages of myofiber hypertrophy (Kirby et al.
2016), which led to altered expression of genes
known to modulate myofiber size.
Based on the evidence available, we approached
Transcriptome Profiling
this article from the position that the effective-
ness of RT-induced myofiber hypertrophy In 2012, the Trappe group published a thorough
largely rests with processes regulating ribosomal investigation of muscle transcriptome profiling
capacity, which at some stage appears facilitated focused on the impacts of RT and acute resis-
by satellite cell– mediated myonuclear addition. tance exercise in young and older adults (Raue
The full gamut of molecular cues regulating et al. 2012). A remarkable 661 genes were iden-
these processes in response to RT is, however, tified for which (1) transcription was altered by

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M.M. Bamman et al.

acute resistance exercise in both the pre-RT and changes seen in low responders may limit the
post-RT states; and (2) the changes in expres- ability to express genes that promote hypertro-
sion correlated with individual magnitudes of phy and muscle remodeling and, in support of
RT-induced muscle hypertrophy. Follow-up fi- this, targeted polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
ber-type-specific microarrays indicated that the showed that only high responders increased
transcriptome profile of type IIa myofibers IGF-I mRNA expression (Davidsen et al.
was impacted by resistance exercise far greater 2011). In a recent small study of high versus
than that of type I myofibers (463 vs. 26 differ- low RT responders, a screen of 800 miRNAs re-
entially expressed genes in type IIa vs. type I vealed that 26 were differentially expressed by
myofibers in young). Further, based on tran- muscle hypertrophy responder classification
scriptome alterations, the muscles of young (Ogasawara et al. 2016). These studies have re-
were much more responsive than those of old. vealed novel targets for future studies deemed
Because type II myofibers hypertrophy substan- necessary to fully appreciate the role of miRNA
tially more than type I myofibers during RT, and biology in muscle hypertrophy.
young tend to hypertrophy more than old, these
findings strongly suggest that transcriptional
Transcriptional Coregulators
regulation plays a key role in determining RT
hypertrophy potential. Using cluster analysis Because of the growing evidence suggesting that
of myofiber hypertrophy, we found remarkably muscle transcriptome influences RT-induced
different basal transcriptome profiles in non- myofiber hypertrophy and is itself substantially
versus extreme RT responders (Thalacker-Mer- altered by single exposures to resistance exercise,
cer et al. 2013). In addition, follow-up func- recent attention has been given to transcription-
tional annotation revealed networks favoring al coregulators (i.e., proteins that interact with

growth, ribosomal activity, and stem cell activity transcription factors to either activate or repress
in extreme responders versus proinflammatory the transcription of particular genes). For ex-
processes in nonresponders, which suggests that ample, a splice variant of the transcriptional
the pretraining muscle transcriptome profile is coactivator, peroxisome proliferator-activated
highly influential in the RT myofiber hypertro- receptor g coactivator 1a (PGC-1a) known as
phy adaptation (Thalacker-Mercer et al. 2013). PGC-1a4, was found to influence RT-induced
muscle hypertrophy, potentially by up-regulat-
ing muscle IGF-I expression (Ruas et al. 2012).
Resistance exercise – induced up-regulation of
Small noncoding RNA molecules (i.e., micro- PGC-1a4 was indeed affirmed recently (Samu-
RNAs [miRNAs]), modulate gene expression elsson et al. 2016); interestingly, the effect ap-
via RNA silencing/posttranscriptional regula- peared uncoupled from nutritionally enhanced
tion. The first evidence that miRNAs may mod- mTORC1 signaling. Recent evidence suggests
ulate skeletal muscle hypertrophy appeared in the muscle hypertrophy-promoting effects of
2007, when McCarthy and Esser (2007) noted a PGC-1a4 may be through the actions of one
substantial drop in miR-1 expression concomi- of its transcriptional targets, G-protein-coupled
tant with increased IGF-I expression during receptor 56 (GPR56), which is induced by
hypertrophy in mice, suggesting miR-1 may re- mechanical overload and up-regulates IGF-I
press IGF-I, with derepression fueled by the (White et al. 2014). With only one identified
loading-mediated drop in miR-1. Differential thus far, this series of studies should fuel further
muscle expression of four other miRNAs interrogation into the potential role of tran-
(miR-378, miR-29a, miR-26a, miR-451) was scriptional coregulators in the muscle hypertro-
first noted in human high versus low responders phy adaptation.
based on RT-induced muscle hypertrophy in Overall, these recent advances support a role
2011 (Davidsen et al. 2011). Subsequent gene for the muscle transcriptome and its molecular
ontology analysis suggested that the miRNA regulation in the RT hypertrophy adaptation.

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Exercise-Induced Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

Much more work is clearly needed to elucidate tions (vs. the same number of submaximal
the mechanisms of transcriptional control, contractions). Remaining elusive for decades,
which in our view presents an opportunity for however, are the precise mechanisms by which
fertile research. increased mechanical loading transduces bio-
chemical responses that ultimately lead to the
MECHANOTRANSDUCTION biological adaptation of myofiber hypertrophy:
the quintessential “black box.” Since our previ-
There is a general consensus that the efficacy of ous review of mechanotransduction and poten-
RT-induced myofiber hypertrophy is load-de- tial mechanosensing processes (Adams and
pendent. In other words, the common view is Bamman 2012), a bit of progress has led to the
that a minimum threshold of mechanical load- recognition of a few molecules and communica-
ing must be met to result in the adaptive process tion networks in the extracellular matrix (ECM),
of hypertrophy. We previously covered the con- sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, and sarcomere that
cept of RT dosing in detail (Adams and Bamman appear to be involved in transduction of mecha-
2012), and the idea of load-dependent dosing to nosensing to hypertrophy signaling (Fig. 3).
maximize muscle growth was reaffirmed in a
recent animal model (Eftestol et al. 2016). Using
Phosphatidic Acid
an in vivo electrical activity model, Eftestol et al.
found approximately twofold greater hypertro- Just as mTORC1 is considered a master regula-
phy and substantially more myonuclear addi- tor of muscle protein synthesis and myofiber
tion in response to maximal isometric contrac- hypertrophy, data have emerged—largely from

Extracellular matrix DGC Integrins


Myonucleus tin
Plectin-1 ac DGKz
De oso PA
sm Rib mTOR LEL
MARPs in


Figure 3. Schematic of mechanosensing elements supported by recent evidence. The latest studies of molecules
and communication networks localized to the extracellular matrix (ECM), sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, and sar-
comere suggest the transduction of mechanosensing to hypertrophy signaling involves (1) increased phospha-
tidic acid (PA) via the mechanosensitive diacylglycerol kinase z (DGKz) and PA-induced mammalian target of
rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, localized to late endosome – lysosomal (LEL) hybrid organelles; (2) signaling
initiated by the mechanosensitive costamere complexes dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DGC)
and focal adhesion vinculin – talin–integrin complex; (3) signaling and nuclear transcriptional activity initiated
by intermediate filaments (e.g., desmin, plectin-1); and (4) contraction-induced mobilization of muscle ankryn
repeat proteins (MARPs) from titin filaments.

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M.M. Bamman et al.

the Hornberger laboratory—implicating the adhesion vinculin – talin –integrin complex,

lipid second messenger phosphatidic acid (PA) which is tethered to desmin intermediate fila-
as a mechanically sensitive signal that directly ments at the z-disc. Protein turnover in these
activates mTORC1 in response to mechanical complexes is regulated by integrin-associated
load (Hornberger 2011; Jacobs et al. 2014). In focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Indeed, one group
an elegant series of ex vivo studies exposing iso- identified FAK as an upstream regulator of the
lated muscles to mechanical stretch, supple- mechanosensory mTOR pathway (Klossner
mented with in vitro myoblast studies, the et al. 2009). The DGC, a complex of numerous
Hornberger group showed quite convincingly structural and signaling proteins linking the
that mechanical stimulation up-regulates PA, contractile apparatus to the myofiber membrane
and that PA activates mTORC1 signaling and (sarcolemma), is critical for maintaining myo-
protein synthesis independent of intermediate fiber integrity. Indeed, lack of the primary DGC
signaling (e.g., extracellular regulated kinase protein dystrophin, as seen in Duchenne mus-
[ERK]) (You et al. 2012). The team subse- cular dystrophy, causes irreparable myofiber
quently determined the mechanically sensitive damage, and declining levels of dystrophin in
up-regulation of PA results from its synthesis by aging muscle increase susceptibility to damage
the z isoform of diacylglycerol kinase z (DGKz) (Hughes et al. 2015). Interestingly, dystrophin
(which synthesizes PA via the phosphorylation itself is capable of mediating signals relevant to
of diacylglycerol [DAG]), suggesting that DGKz muscle hypertrophy (Acharyya et al. 2005). The
is a mechanosensitive enzyme that, on mechan- a7b1 integrin complex also seems to play a role
ical load, increases PA and ultimately mTOR in muscle hypertrophy and has been shown
signaling (You et al. 2014). Further interroga- to modulate myoblast adhesion, migration, pro-
tion suggests that PA-mTORC1 signaling axis liferation, and differentiation (Boppart et al.

may be localized to hybrid organelles consisting 2006). Among humans, changes in b1 integrin
of late endosomes coupled to lysozomes (LELs) protein levels during RT correlate with changes
(Jacobs et al. 2014). PA treatment indeed in- in muscle size (Li et al. 2013). While both of
creases muscle protein synthesis and mTOR sig- these costameric protein complexes (DGC and
naling in vivo (Mobley et al. 2015). Translating integrins) are attractive candidate mechano-
these findings to human RT, supplementation transducers involved in hypertrophy signaling,
with PA was recently found to drive greater RT- their interrogation has not advanced much since
induced muscle hypertrophy than placebo (Joy our last review (Adams and Bamman 2012).
et al. 2014). The remaining knowledge gap is the
precise mechanism(s) by which DGKz-synthe-
Intermediate Filaments
sized PA is activated by mechanical load.
Among the intermediate filaments, desmin is
emerging as a player of multiple roles beyond
maintenance of myofibrillar integrity and sar-
Costameres are highly ordered macromolecular comeric structure at the z-disc. Novel findings
protein complexes that connect the z-discs of in 2015 indicate that desmin is also important
sarcomeres to the sarcolemma and ultimately for myonuclear positioning, deformation dur-
the ECM, and are therefore central to lateral ing mechanical load, and JNK signaling (Pal-
force transmission and overall myofiber integri- misano et al. 2015). Additional recent findings
ty. As the structural anchor for the myofibrils, point to plectin-1, which is linked to desmin
costameres are certainly mechanosensory and and may be a key signal transducer (Staszewska
some protein components are known to func- et al. 2015). Plectin-1 appears to be largely re-
tion in signaling (i.e., mechanotransduction). sponsible for maintaining the architecture and
Two major protein complexes make up the cos- docking of the subsarcolemmal myonuclei, and
tameres in skeletal muscle: dystrophin-associat- is linked to sarcomeres via desmin. The novel
ed glycoprotein complex (DGC) and the focal findings of Staszewska et al. indicate quite con-

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Exercise-Induced Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy

vincingly that plectin-1 plays a central role in They can act in an autocrine, paracrine, or en-
mechanosensitive signaling induction, as docrine manner to affect the muscle itself, sur-
knockout models markedly reduce the nuclear rounding cells, or cells at distal locations in non-
transcription of known mechanosensitive com- muscle tissues. Myokines are now recognized as
ponents. To date, plectin biology has not been potentially important for cross talk between
studied in the context of RT and, more broadly, skeletal muscle and the liver, adipose tissue,
a search for “plectin and muscle hypertrophy” bone, and the brain (Pedersen and Hojman
returned zero publications. In our view, plec- 2012; Kaji 2016). For several myokines, contrac-
tin – desmin interactions and signal transduc- tile activity is a key regulator of gene expression,
tion are ripe for investigation. translation, and secretion, although in many
cases their physiologic function(s) are not fully
understood. In our 2012 review (Adams and
Muscle Ankyrin Repeat Proteins
Bamman 2012), we highlighted what was
As reviewed elsewhere recently (Lun et al. 2014), known about a few myokines and associated
muscle ankyrin repeat proteins (MARPs) are signaling cascades in the context of exercise-in-
linked to titin in the sarcomere and perform a duced myofiber hypertrophy (e.g., fibroblast
variety of functions, including modulating the growth factors [FGFs], interleukin [IL]-4, IL-
activity of transcription factors. Using the 6, IL-8, IL-15, IGF-I, hepatocyte growth factor
mouse compensatory overload (synergist abla- [HGF], leukemia inhibitory factor [LIF], and
tion) model and gene expression profiling, myostatin). To our knowledge, there have been
Chaillou et al. identified a functional group of no major advances since then. However, it
up-regulated genes that included three MARPs is noteworthy that recent studies—leveraging
thought to be involved in mechanotransduc- “omics” approaches—have led to the identifi-

tion: ankyrin repeat domain 1 (Ankrd1), cation of over 500 myokines induced by muscle
Ankrd2, and cysteine and glycine-rich protein contraction (Norheim et al. 2011; Raschke et al.
3 (Csrp3). During compensatory overload, 2013; Catoire et al. 2014; Hartwig et al. 2014).
Ankrd1 mRNA is increased over 50-fold at day These recent discoveries open the door to
1 and remains elevated 20-fold at day 3, promising research in molecular muscle biology
whereas Ankrd2 and Csrp3 are also increased to functionally characterize the role(s) specific
(Chaillou et al. 2013, 2015). When muscle is myokines may play in driving the molecular
loaded, MARPs migrate from the sarcomere mechanisms of RT myofiber hypertrophy.
into the nucleus to regulate numerous transcrip-
tion factors, some of which are involved in my-
ofiber hypertrophy (Kojic et al. 2010; Belgrano
et al. 2011). The majority of published literature In recent years, the black box representing the
on MARPs in muscle hypertrophy is focused on regulation of loading-induced muscle hypertro-
cardiac muscle. However, it is noteworthy that phy has begun to be populated with an array of
polymorphic variants of Ankrd6 in humans are putative mechanisms. In the 4 years since we last
associated with skeletal muscle size and the reviewed this topic, there have been a number of
magnitude of RT-induced muscle hypertrophy refinements to proposed mechanisms and the
(Van Deveire et al. 2012). Cumulatively, the identification of previously unsuspected con-
findings suggest that these sarcomere-related tributors.
proteins may play a role in RT hypertrophy sig- One of the most powerful approaches used
naling, although more work is needed. to investigate RT-induced compensatory hyper-
trophy has been the application of statistical
methods in larger human studies that allow
the identification of distinct subpopulations
Myokines are cytokines, growth factors, and with regard to the hypertrophic training re-
other proteins secreted by skeletal muscle. sponse. Use of naturally occurring experimental

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