Ogl340 - Paper 2-1

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Chloe McKendry

OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side

Bill Erwin


Total Word Count: 1732 words (includes references + cover page)


Addressing the Economic/Political AI Issues

My Organization Plan- In Paper 1 “Analysis and Interpretation of the Impact of Artificial Intel-

ligence” I conclude the section about the economic and political impact of artificial intelligence

by explaining, “it is easy to see how automation has snowballed into political and economic chal-

lenges. I worry that the loss of jobs will lead to a deep sense of worthlessness, boredom, anger,

and fear” (McKendry, 2022). Here in paper 2 I will provide a possible solution to combat these

economic issues and ways to avoid witnessing the negative effects of job loss, suggested by AI

expert Andrew Yang. In The War on Normal People, Yang explains how a universal basic in-

come will likely need to be put in place to combat the loss of income due to automation (Yang,

2018). Many argue that giving individuals a guaranteed income will decrease work ethic and

cause people to quit their jobs. However, at the suggested $1000 a month, individuals who only

receive this income would still be essentially living in poverty (Yang, 2018, p. 166). Instead, I

believe this money each month would allow families to have deeper connections. This is evi-

denced by Chapter 17 of The War on Normal People where we see that the only two groups of

individuals who work less when given extra income are high school age teenagers which resulted

in “high school graduation rates [rising] substantially… by as much as 30 percent” and mothers

who were seen “[spending] more time with their children” (Yang, 2018, p. 176). I agree with

Yang that these groups are likely benefitted by less time spent working and instead can redis-

tribute their energy to better areas like education and child care (Yang, 2018). While Yang sug-

gests each person over 18 years of age receive a UBI of $1,000 per month, I believe this number

should be $1,100, just a slight increase to ensure individuals living alone have the opportunity to

live as well as those with two or more UBI receiving members in the family. This of course is af-
fordable, as soon as the United States hops on the bandwagon of adding a value added tax

(VAT). Large companies must be held accountable for their responsibility to contribute to soci-

ety and the VAT will do just that while avoiding inflation since “we wouldn’t be increasing the

money supply” (Yang, 2018, p. 183).

My Personal Plan- While creating a personal plan for the economic changes due to AI and auto-

mation is quite challenging, there are a few ways I can maintain financial stability in uncertain

times. In my current life as a college student I follow a strict budget. I’m unemployed and need

to self-support with own savings, my monthly room and board from the VA, and the small

amount of income I receive from my dad, less than $400 a month. I’ve found ways to feed my-

self for around $250 a month and have limited my spending on activities and leisure time to $150

or less per month. Though I often have to say no to plans and find myself having fear of missing

out, I recognize how much better this is than adding a part-time job to my already busy schedule

with a 18-credit semester and weekly visits to see my family almost an hour away. Another solu-

tion in my personal plan to obtain financial success is making my skillset difficult to replicate by

AI. By working toward holding a leadership position, I can be the individual who makes the

choices, and while others below me lose their jobs to automation, I can remain fairly certain that

higher level positions to monitor and supervise these forms of AI will always be needed. With

specialized leadership qualities, I can ensure that I will always be able to find a position that pays

well and is not at risk of automation.

Addressing the Sociological AI Issues

My Organization Plan- As suggested by Andrew Yang in The War on Normal People, there

needs to be a way to encourage individuals to give back and become a larger part of their com-
munity. Digital Social Credits (DSC) is one way to ensure people receive the service and care

they need, while encouraging others through a form of payment to complete these tasks (Yang,

2018). While this may sound a bit unrealistic, Yang reminds us that “this scenario is based on a

system currently in use in about 200 communities around the United States called time bank-

ing… a system through which people trade time and build credits within communities by per-

forming various helpful tasks” (Yang, 2018, p. 191). I believe that this system would solve a

multitude of problems. Not only would communities be brought closer together, money would be

saved by those in need and those in the giving position will feel the reward of being useful and

making a difference, contributing to lower rates of depression and less hopelessness. Similarly,

with less time “left to his own devices” individuals will spend less time “watching TV, drinking,

and having his health deteriorate” all beneficial and qualities related to self improvement (Yang,

2018, p. 190).

My Personal Plan- My personal plan looks very similar to my organization plan. It is extremely

important in my own life to spend time with those around me and give back. Each year around

the holidays I give various foodservice workers large tips, usually 70% or more. Similarly, I do-

nate to my favorite charities: St. Mary’s Food Bank, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and ASPCA.

Another way I give back is by donating my time to the neighbors I grew up with in my mom’s

community. Doing laundry or running to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for the newest

neighbor, a single mother of 3, makes me feel like my time was spent well. Similarly, preparing

food or dropping off groceries to the elderly couple on the block who I’ve known since before I

could talk fills my heart, and I know they appreciate the gesture too. Overall, continuing to make

an impact on the community is a great way for me to help our country avoid the social ills of au-

Addressing the Psychological AI Issues

My Organization Plan- Using the previously suggested ideas to implement UBI and social cur-

rency will have many positive psychological effects. In Paper 1 “Analysis and Interpretation of

the Impact of Artificial Intelligence” I mention that “work gives purpose and meaning to life for

humans, and many spend their entire life dreaming of and pursuing a career. So what will hu-

mans do without a job? We know that unemployment leads to an increase in drug use and vio-

lence” highlighting some psychological challenges presented with automation (McKendry,

2022). However, we saw success with extra income provided in North Carolina in 1995 when re-

searchers gave 25% of families $4,000 per person each year. Researchers observed an increase in

conscientiousness and agreeableness among children as well as a decrease in behavioral and

emotional disorders (Yang, 2018, p. 178). This can be attributed to lower stress and an improve-

ment among relationships between spouses, which I believe would be a trend seen if UBI is im-

plemented, since a large percentage of marital problems can be linked to financial difficulty. In

the long-term, it will be easy to identify the many positive psychological impacts which will re-

sult from enacting a universal basic income and social credits like improved quality of life and

decreased mental illness, especially among children who are often the greatest victims of

poverty. In order to avoid the devastating effects of automation on individuals, a UBI and DSC

must be considered as they provide the greatest chance for success throughout the age of automa-


My Personal Plan- In my own life I will be sure to maintain positive habits. Not spending too

much time absorbing the media which threatens mental health is one way to remove some of the

psychological harm of automation. I notice that when I watch the news, or even spend too much
time thinking about the future, in particular when I consider job loss due to automation and the

effects of this, I find myself feeling hopeless, afraid, and anxious. Minimizing this exposure is

key. Continuing to see my counselor as well as taking my medication daily will be practices I

will need to take into my future career and life alongside AI. In addition, staying active, main-

taining relationships with friends and family, and eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains,

and lean protein will allow me to stay afloat despite the mass changes occurring all over the

country as a result of automation.


In Chapter 8 of AI Superpowers by Kai Fu-Lee “A blueprint for human coexistence with AI” the

author reminds us of his prediction that “we will technically be able to automate 40 to 50 percent

of all jobs in the United States” which cannot be ignored (Lee, 2018, p. 199). I’ve created this

paper to act as a source of organized information about the possible ways in which we can fight

back against this massive job loss that is estimated to occur over the next few decades. The pre-

viously mentioned solutions to fight automation by AI may seem out of reach or very challeng-

ing. It is important to acknowledge that no matter what direction the United States goes in, a

multitude of issues will become visible and will be faced by the majority of Americans. The

fixes to these problems will be anything but simple, and assuming that we will not face difficulty

as we make this transition is foolish. In order for individuals and society to thrive during the up-

coming years many changes will need to take place as countless threats, many of which cannot

be forecasted at this time, are inflicted by automation.


Lee, K.-F. (2018). Ai Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order. Mariner


McKendry, C. (2022). (rep.). Analysis and Interpretation of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence.

Yang, A. (2018). War on normal people: The truth about America's disappearing jobs and why

universal basic income is our future. HACHETTE Books.

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