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Significance of the study

The research is made with the aim of ascertaining whether the family budget has
anything to do with the academic performance of students grade 11 and 12 ABM
(Accountancy, Business, and Management). More especially, the results of the study will be
of great benefit to the following:

Students - through this research, students will have a deeper understanding of budgeting
as well as knowledge of budgeting techniques and their significance through this research.

Parents - they were able to assist with the family finances.

Teachers - this study thus operates as a first step in the direction of the objective of
disseminating information, knowledge, and facts about student budgeting awareness and
its effect on academic achievement.

Future Researchers - the ideas presented might act as a springboard for fresh
investigation or as a tool to verify the validity of earlier findings. As a cross-reference, it
also offers background knowledge and a summary of budgeting abilities.

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