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Week 2: Learning Guide Unit 1

This discussion aims to help you identify the elements of an effective resume. The
goal is to understand the important components and how to successfully draft your
own personal resume.
Read the relevant pages in the included reading “Resume Secrets Exposed”.

 What is important to include in your resume? 

 What differences could be in resume writing in different countries? 
 How can you make sure your resume stands out?
 Is there anything you are not sure whether it should or should not be included
on your resume? 

Reading the book “Resume Secrets Exposed” has brought my attention to some imperative
elements that are essential to consider when writing Resume. What is important to include in
a resume is firstly the cover letter. Cover letters are bombers and applications without cover
letters are always the first ones discarded (Redelman, n.d.). This letter should target and
impress the reader by listing the achievements backed up with evidence which are essential to
every single resume. It must also include one’s qualifications and skills using powerful words
related to the specific job that we are applying. Not to forget that the Resume should be the
right length (neither too long nor too short) to avoid deletion.
What surprised me in this book was how resume writing differ from one country to another. I
heard many friends who applied for countless jobs in the US for many years but haven’t had
the chance yet to get a single interview. What I found out in the reading is that no one size
fits all resumes and each country has unique requirements and certain information that must
be presented on resumes. For example, adding one’s date of birth or marital status or address
is not recommended to include in resumes and higher possibility for the resume to be deleted.
Another interesting point is that there is major difference between the terms a “CV” and a
“resume”. I remember that once I applied for a job in the US (that was obviously deleted) I
used the term CV since the country where I am living now usually uses the European
To make sure my resume stands out is to include a good cover letter, list my achievements
with evidence, use power words, include relevant qualifications, skills, and information,
avoid spelling mistakes and long resume. Above all, the resume must be presented
professionally to create impression to the employer that I am the right candidate for the job.
I believe that the reading in this unit has provided me information on the essential
requirements of what to include and what to avoid in a resume and how to structure my
resume in a way to impress the reader.

Redelman, G. (n.d.). Resume secrets exposed.
Week 2: Learning Guide Unit 2

Read the relevant pages in the included reading “Resume Secrets Exposed”. 

 What are your top 3 tips for cover letter writing? 

 Using a job that you have recently applied to or a job that you plan to apply
to, draft and share your cover letter. 

My three tips for cover letter writing are:

1. Target and impress the reader by listing the achievements backed up with evidence
which are essential to every single resume.
2. Include one’s qualifications and skills using powerful words related to the specific job
that we are applying.
3. Avoid spelling mistakes.

Optometrist Cover Letter:

Dear Ms. Joukje van Kooyman,

I write in response to your advertisement on LinkedIn for an optometrist position at Curaçao

Medical Center with interest. With my knowledge of optometry and persistence in dealing
with patients, I am certain I would bring a service-focused and high-working attitude to this

I have more than six years of experience in the ophthalmology environment. I have worked in
tandem with the help of optometric technicians who have assisted in investigating and
diagnosing functional eye disorders and abnormalities.

I have experience in fitting contact lenses and familiar with other optical products that
maximize patient satisfaction. I also have experience working with the most current
technology in diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you for reviewing my credentials and experiences for the open position of Optometrist
at Curaçao Medical Center. I look forward to schedule a meeting and discuss about how I can
lend my expertise to serve your patients in the future.

Nariman Daye

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