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What is the first thing you do in the morning? What do you do next? Can you guess
what we’re going to learn today? It’s about DAILY ROUTINE, activities we do every day.

Intro new vocab (circle the pic)

[1] Ok, I have some words for you to talk about your routine. I will divide the class into 2
teams. This is team 1 using red markers and this is team 2 using blue markers. You will
listen to the audio and circle the word that you hear. For example, they say “go to
school”, you will circle this picture as fast as you can. The faster team will get the point.

What does it mean? (check nghĩa từ khó)

Practice vocab (hidden pic)

Let’s move on to another game. Everyone, stand up! Make 2 line here. Two students at
the front row need to guess what activity is behind these shapes, and tell your friend
the word, the last students of each team will write the word on the board and say bingo.
For example, I have this picture, what activity is this? (hỏi) So, you need to tell X “….”,
and then X will tell Y the word.

1. make the bed 7. take out garbage

2. have a shower 8. feed the dog
3. get dressed 9. go to work
4. read the news 10. wake up
5. do the laundry 11. drink a coffee
6. buy groceries

Practice irregular verb

Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, you went to school. (ghi bảng)

So, to talk about something in the past we should use V2/ed. There are some irregular
verbs that you should remember (show list V2)
It’s time for you to practice these verbs. I will turn on the music and when it stops, the
student keeping the pen will look at the picture and say, for example: “he did the


What were you doing at yesterday? I was + Ving (ghi bảng)

What was she doing at She was + Ving

Để hỏi người khác đang làm gì tại 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ, mình sd cấu trúc … và để
trả lời mình sẽ dung:

 What were/ was + S + doing at ____ yesterday?

 S+ was/were + Ving

Let’s practice these expressions. This team will ask and this team will answer.


Can I ask you again? What were you doing at 7 p.m yesterday?

So, what time did you … yesterday? So, you … at 7p.m yesterday (ghi bảng)

Khi muốn hỏi về ng khác đã ăn cơm, đã đi học, đã dắt cho đi dạo lúc mấy giờ, mình có
thể sd cấu trúc: What time did you + Vo + yesterday?

Để tr.lời thì mình dùng: I + did something (v2/ed) + at …

Vd hỏi bạn đã giặt đồ lúc mấy giờ vào ngày hôm qua, mình sẽ có: What time did you do
the laundry? (hỏi) I did laundry at 7p.m

Let’s practice these expressions. This team will ask and this team will answer.

I have a conversation and you need to fill in the blank buy guessing the actions. You can
do this in pair. I need one volunteer from each group to come here. You are Tim and you
are Lucy, you will role play the conversation and act out the bolded words I give.

Là 2 bạn sẽ đọc đoạn này ha, nhưng đến chữ in đậm thì bạn k được nói mà phải diễn tả
nó. Vd, như Lucy sẽ nói I was [hành động] and [hành động]. How about you?

Let’s me check your guessing. (khoanh chỗ sai) Ok, let’s listen to the audio and check
your answers.

A: What were you doing at …. (time) yesterday?

B: I was .... and .... (action) How about you?

A: I was …… (action)

B: And what were you doing at (time) yesterday?

A: I was …. (with someone) (action).

B: What time did you …. (action) yesterday?

A: Well, I …… at ….

B: What did you do before that?

A: I .... and ….
1. wake up
2. get up
3. make the bed
4. do exercise
5. have a shower
6. brush my teeth
7. get dressed
8. have breakfast
9. drink coffee
10. read the news
11. go to school
12. go to work
13. wait for the bus
14. do the laundry
15. have a break
16. buy groceries
17. wash the dishes
18. take out garbage
19. take a walk
20. walk the dog
21. feed the dog
22. do homework
23. go to bed

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