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Developmental Instability and

Individual Variation in Brain
Implications for the Origin of Neurodevelopmental
Ronald A. Yeo,1 Steven W. Gangestad,1 and Robert J. Thoma2,3
Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, 2MIND Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico

ABSTRACT—Research on the origin of neurodevelopmental tions: Why do neurodevelopmental disorders so often occur to-
disorders has traditionally been pursued within a con- gether (comorbidity)? Why are some observable (phenotypic)
strained, disorder-specific perspective. The developmental features commonly shared across neurodevelopmental disor-
instability (DI) model described here offers a broader ap- ders? Why are disorders with adverse outcomes and a strong
proach based on the evolutionary genetics of normal genetic component nevertheless maintained at relatively stable
variation, reflecting our understanding that the processes levels in the population?
generating genetic diversity are not unique to any specific
disorder. The DI model helps account for shared features, DEVELOPMENTAL INSTABILITY: PHENOTYPES AND
including atypical functional and anatomic asymmetries, GENOTYPES
reduced general intellectual functioning, and complex
patterns of heritability, across different types of neural Diverse genetic and environmental stressors introduce ‘‘noise’’
variation. The model suggests research strategies that may or imprecision into developmental pathways, and natural
help illuminate the specific and unique causal factors selection favors organisms capable of buffering the impact of
characterizing different types of neural variation. these factors on the developmental processes that combine
to produce an organism’s observable characteristics—that is,
KEYWORDS—developmental instability; neurodevelopmen-
its phenotype. Thus, organisms continually face the adaptive
tal disorders; genetics; evolution
problem of how to buffer themselves against such perturbations.
Because the specific factors causing DI are difficult to mea-
In this article we outline a model for the origins of individual sure directly, researchers have identified two different types of
differences in brain development based on the construct of de- higher-level proxy variables, or markers, of DI. These markers
velopmental instability (DI). This approach was pioneered by are in turn associated with measurable phenotypic variations, or
evolutionary theorists such as Waddington and Lerner, and de- correlates, of DI. One marker is fluctuating asymmetry (FA):
veloped in recent years by Gottesman, Markow, Woolf, and deviations from symmetry on bilateral traits such as finger length
others. DI is conceptualized as a vulnerability factor for varia- or ear width that are symmetric at a population level. Because
tion in brain development across both the normal spectrum and the same genes control development of the left and right sides
that of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and of the body, deviation from perfect symmetry reflects develop-
dyslexia. The DI model may help address the following ques- mental error creeping into growth processes. For example, left
and right ear length is equal at a population level, yet each of
us shows minor deviations from perfect symmetry. Researchers
Address correspondence to Ronald A. Yeo, Department of Psychology,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122; e-mail: often aggregate several fluctuating asymmetries into composite scores that show moderate heritability (Mller, 2006). The

Volume 16—Number 5 Copyright r 2007 Association for Psychological Science 245

Developmental Instability and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

second marker is a composite measure of minor physical Foremost among the genetic influences on DI is the number
anomalies (MPAs), physical features caused by slow or disrupted of genetic mutations an individual carries, referred to as one’s
fetal growth rates. For example, hypertelorism (wide-spaced mutation load. Estimates of the number of new, harmful muta-
eyes) reflects slow growth during a particular point in prenatal tions per generation range from 1.6 to 3 (Prokosch et al., 2005).
development. Individuals may have up to several hundred mildly deleterious
Measures of DI correlate with important traits in normal mutations that will eventually be removed from the population
populations. FA accounts for a substantial amount of variance in through natural selection. The selective advantage of low-FA
general intellectual functioning; greater FA predicts lower in- males in mating contexts may reflect a female preference
telligence, especially on intellectual tests tapping general for their ‘‘advantageous genes.’’ DI may also be greater when
ability or ‘‘g’’ (Prokosch, Yeo, & Miller, 2005). The relationship individuals have relatively more genetic loci where the alleles
between DI and intelligence is not mediated by variation in brain are the same (homozygous)—as would be the case with
volumes but may be mediated by neural-processing speed, be- inbreeding—than when individuals have differing alleles
cause faster processing during cognitive tasks has been linked at many genetic loci. Environmental factors can also increase
with reduced FA. Several studies (Yeo, Thoma, & Gangestad, DI; prenatal stress, toxin exposure, and illness are probably the
2002) have shown that individuals with greater DI show atypical most important.
functional brain asymmetry, evidenced by atypical hand skill Various factors enable alleles that contribute to adverse out-
(both left handedness and extreme right handedness) and comes to persist in the human gene pool. First, the causes of new
atypical cognitive asymmetry. Figure 1 shows the relationship mutations, such as ionizing radiation, are ongoing, where
between variation in hand skill and DI (Yeo et al., 2002). Note removal of mutations from the gene pool occurs over generations.
that moderate right handedness, the population mean, is asso- Second, heterozygosity at a given locus cannot ‘‘breed true’’—
ciated with the lowest level of DI. DI also predicts atypical an- that is, some offspring of two heterozygous parents will inevitably
atomic brain asymmetry, including atypical asymmetry of be homozygous (as for example, when one Tt genotype mates
temporal lobe structures critical for language. DI appears to with another Tt, one quarter of their offspring will be homozygous
be an important factor in human mate selection. Men with lower TT and one quarter will be homozygous tt). Third, genetic
FA (less DI) have more sexual partners and are preferred by conflicts between members of a species may fuel persistent
females during the fertile part of their menstrual cycle (Gan- antagonistic coevolution of genes. For example, a fetus’s genes
gestad, Thornhill, & Garver-Apgar, 2005). Other studies link maximally benefit from a greater flow of nutrients from the
reduced FA with fewer infections, stronger immunity, and better mother than would be optimal to maximize the mother’s fitness.
health (Mller, 2006). Just as football offenses and defenses coevolve over time through
persistent introduction of new adaptive variants, so too maternal
and fetal ‘‘strategies’’ coevolve through persistent introduction of
new genetic variants. Because new variants are not introduced
into all individuals simultaneously, this process helps maintain
1.00 genetic variation.
Developmental Instability

There need not be some hidden benefit (e.g., creativity) to

genes linked with neurodevelopmental disorders for the genes to
0.50 be passed on and maintained in the gene pool. Disadvantaged
alleles will always be present. The best that individuals can do
is to minimize the frequency of these alleles in their offspring
via careful mate selection. Hence, humans have evolved psy-
chological mechanisms for seeking mates with genomes less apt
to lead to atypical development.
As DI disrupts mechanisms that help maintain the integrity of
−0.50 developmental processes, one consequence of greater DI is a
−1.50 −1.00 −0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 greater impact of environmental stressors. For example, Rose
Relative Hand Skill
(2005) compared genetically identical (monozygous) twin pairs
with high FA with monozygous twin pairs with low FA. Twin pairs
Fig. 1. Hinged linear relationship between developmental instability and with higher FA were significantly less alike on a standard
hand skill on Annett’s Peg Moving task. Hand skill is represented as right-
minus-left latency (peg-moving speed), with extreme right-handedness on personality test, and these results were replicated in an
the leftmost side, left-handedness toward the right side, and median rel- independent sample. Similarly, high-FA preschoolers who were
ative hand skill at the low point of the figure. The DI score is a composite of exposed to family stress had more negative psychological
skeletal fluctuating asymmetry scores and minor physical anomalies. Each
data point represents the performance of groups of nine or more individ- adjustment than low-FA children with equivalent stress expo-
uals. See Yeo, Thoma, and Gangestad (2002) for additional details. sure (Rose, 2005). These reports suggest that greater DI leads to

246 Volume 16—Number 5

Ronald A. Yeo, Steven W. Gangestad, and Robert J. Thoma

reduced buffering from environmental stress—and thus that particular developmental processes and, in the context of high
individuals with high DI are an ‘‘at risk’’ population. Although DI, result in specific atypical outcomes. Gene-by-gene inter-
data are lacking, the genetic factors underlying greater DI may actions are expected to occur, such that, for individuals of high
also permit a greater functional impact of single genes known to DI, lower ‘‘doses’’ of specific liabilities are required to result in
be relevant for individual variation in behavior. the development of a disorder. Environmental factors may also
cause specific outcomes. Frequent examples may be environ-
A MODEL FOR NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS mental stressors (e.g., infections) that have different effects on
developmental processes when they occur at different points in
We have proposed a two-factor DI model for neurodevelopmental time. Because individuals with low DI require more powerful
disorders (Yeo, Gangestad, Edgar, & Thoma, 1999). The first doses of specific factors to develop a disorder, unique factors
factor refers to the generalized effects of DI. Mutations at may be best identified in individuals relatively low in DI.
different loci throughout the genome (and other genetic factors) We distinguish DI from those factors specific to particular
contribute to DI (see Fig. 2). Although the specific mutations will disorders, but recognize that origins of phenotypic atypicality lie
vary across individuals, they may well have a similar impact on along a continuum. Some reflect predominantly generalized
developmental processes, making the identification of specific factors and others relatively unique factors. Nonetheless, the
genes important for neurodevelopmental variation quite key components of the DI model hold: Causal factors that have
difficult. Further, as the impact of DI is not specific to a given relatively generalized effects exert them through DI, and these
developmental pathway, individuals with perturbed develop- interact with both specific genetic and environmental effects to
ment of one phenotypic feature may also demonstrate perturbed give rise to atypical neurodevelopmental outcomes.
development of other features. Hence, high DI leads to ‘‘corre- The DI model offers several testable predictions. First, an
lated atypicalities,’’ or comorbidity. increased incidence of the markers of DI should be found in each
The second factor reflects genetic or environmental causes relevant neurodevelopmental disorder. Second, we should
that are specific to particular atypical outcomes. For example, be able to observe a greater incidence of known correlates of
certain mutations or other genetic variants may affect only DI, such as atypical functional and anatomic brain symmetry
and reduced intellectual functioning, in each disorder. Third,
because DI increases the risk of atypical brain development in
general, high-DI individuals may well show features of several
different neurodevelopmental disorders—in other words,
comorbidity. Below, we summarize empirical support for the
model in three specific neurodevelopmental disorders.



Markers of DI
Several studies have observed that children with hyperactivity
and dyslexia have an elevated incidence of MPAs and there is an
extensive literature documenting increased MPAs in schizo-
phrenia (Yeo et al., 1999). Fewer studies have examined FA.
Two studies have examined relations between FA and ADHD
symptoms in normal college populations (Stevenson et al.,
Fig. 2. The idealized two-factor developmental instability (DI) model.
DI, or imprecise expression of developmental design, is caused by a number 2006). In the first, greater total FA predicted more ADHD
of factors including mutations; maternal–fetal conflicts; and environmental symptoms in males. In the second, greater body FA predicted
perturbations such as those due to pathogens, free radicals, biotoxins, and greater symptoms in women only; the different pattern of results
nutritional stresses. DI may result in neuropathology, expressed as neuro-
developmental disorder, but the precise outcomes of DI vary. Specific de- across studies was attributed to sampling variability. Future
velopmental disorders may also be affected by factors specific to them (e.g., work should examine whether these effects are stronger in
genes affecting neurotransmitters or receptors, precise timing of develop- individuals carrying the full diagnosis of ADHD. We investi-
mental perturbation). DI likely interacts with specific factors to influence
outcomes (e.g., if DI is high, lower ‘‘doses’’ of specific factors may result in gated the incidence of FA and MPAs in dyslexia and schizo-
dysfunction). Though we represent just two disorders here (schizophrenia phrenia (Edgar, Yeo, Canive, & Miller, 2006). A composite index
and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD), the model applies to was greater in both dyslexics and schizophrenics than in
all neurodevelopmental disorders. This version is idealized because causes
probably vary along a continuum rather than falling into two discrete classes controls. Considered individually, the MPA score differed
of factors. from controls in both groups, although the FA measure did not.

Volume 16—Number 5 247

Developmental Instability and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Several studies have found greater FA in people with schizo- schizophrenia are maintained despite abundant evidence that
phrenia (Yeo et al., 1999). Schizotypy (a set of personality traits schizophrenics, especially males, have fewer children and
found in schizophrenia) is also associated with greater FA (Rosa hence pass on fewer of their genes to the next generation. The
et al., 2000). existence of ‘‘schizophrenia genes’’ largely reflects the continual
operation of the engines of genetic diversity, including the
formation of new mutations and genetic conflict. This perspec-
Correlates of DI
tive is consistent with one large three-generation study, which
In ADHD, a variety of atypical asymmetries have been reported,
found no compensating fertility advantage to relatives of
including atypical hand, foot, ear, and eye dominance; atypical
schizophrenic individuals (Svensson et al., 2007).
linguistic- and emotional-processing asymmetries; and an ele-
vated incidence of atypical asymmetry of the planum temporale
(an area of the temporal lobe that is associated with language CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
processing). Atypical handedness, language lateralization, and
asymmetry of the planum temporale are commonly observed in The evolutionary genetics of mental illness and learning
schizophrenia (Edgar et al., 2006; Yeo et al., 1999). We recently disabilities cannot be disentangled from the evolutionary genetics
noted atypical lateralization of evoked brain activity in both of normal variation. Understanding how individually advanta-
schizophrenics and dyslexics using magnetoencephalography geous or disadvantageous genes aggregate in individuals or
(Edgar et al., 2006). families requires an understanding of human mate selection.
Modest reductions in general intellectual functioning are Our theory posits two interacting causal factors—those as-
characteristic of children and adults with ADHD, and the entire sociated with DI and those that are disorder specific—and
association between ADHD and IQ can be accounted for by produces the following questions for further investigation:
shared genetic influences (Kuntsi et al., 2004). Reduced verbal
IQ, and to a lesser extent performance IQ, are typically noted in  Do causal factors interact in different ways for different
people with dyslexia. Relatively lower intellectual functioning is disorders? One might expect that more common disorders
also a risk factor for schizophrenia, and it represents a vulner- require fewer additional specific factors and should thus
ability factor for, rather than a consequence of, the emerging more directly result from DI.
disease (e.g., Reichenberg et al., 2006). One possible explana-  Does the developmental timing of DI matter? Different
tion worthy of further investigation is that reduced intelligence measures of DI (MPAs, FA of skeletal features, FA of dermal
in these disordered populations reflects increased DI. ridges on the palms and fingers), which reflect perturbation
during different time windows, may inform us of the critical
developmental periods for different disorders.
Genetics and Comorbidity  Can measures of DI be used as tools to clarify the environ-
ADHD, dyslexia, and schizophrenia are each heritable and in- mental and genetic causes of specific disorders? The study
fluenced by many genes. Individual genes identified to date have of affected individuals relatively low in DI may be most re-
relatively small effects. Comorbid conditions are common. A vealing of specific genetic influences or brain abnormalities
large-scale study of psychiatric comorbidity among adults with (because such individuals require a bigger ‘‘dose’’ of genetic
ADHD found elevated rates of mood disorders, anxiety disor- influences or brain abnormalities to exhibit disorders), while
ders, and substance abuse problems (Kessler et al., 2006). An- study of individuals high in DI may be most revealing of
other large-scale study of children diagnosed with ADHD found environmental stressors (because those individuals are more
that 50% also had a learning disability and 17% also had a sensitive to such stressors).
behavioral disorder (Decker, McIntosh, Kelly, Nicholls, & Dean,
2001). People with dyslexia tend to have elevated levels of
The DI model offers much promise. Although the amount of re-
schizotypy, and an excess of schizophrenia is found in people
search incorporating measures of DI has steadily increased in the
with dyslexia and their relatives (Yeo et al., 1999). Specific ge-
past decade, much more empirical work and theoretical refinement
netic loci for dyslexia overlap with those for IQ (Posthuma et al.,
is needed. We urge researchers to, when feasible, regularly include
2005). Twin pairs in which both individuals have schizophrenia
measures of DI in their studies of neurodevelopmental disorders.
have greater FA than twin pairs in which only one individual has
schizophrenia. Greater paternal age, which is associated with
greater mutation load, has been linked with both schizophrenia Recommended Reading
and reduced intelligence (Malaspina et al., 2005). Again, further Kowner, R. (2001). Psychological perspective on human developmental
investigation can address the role of DI in generating these stability and fluctuating asymmetry: Sources, applications, and
implications. British Journal of Psychology, 92, 447–469.
Polak, M. (Ed.), (2003). Developmental instability: Causes and conse-
The DI perspective may also provide insight into one of the quences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
most vexing problems in psychiatric genetics: how the genes for

248 Volume 16—Number 5

Ronald A. Yeo, Steven W. Gangestad, and Robert J. Thoma

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