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Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

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Nanoparticles as a high-temperature anticorrosion additive to molten nitrate T

salts for concentrated solar power
Udayashankar Nithiyananthama,b, Yaroslav Grosua,∗, Argyrios Anagnostopoulosc,
Enrique Carbó-Argibayd, Oleksandr Bondarchukd, Luis González-Fernándeza, Abdelali Zakia,
Josu Mirena Igartuab, María Elena Navarroc, Yulong Dingc, Abdessamad Faika,∗∗
CIC Energigune, Albert Einstein 48, Miñano, Álava, 01510, Spain
Applied Physics II Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), PO Box 644, Bilbao, 48080, Spain
BCES Birmingham Centre of Energy Storage, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Av. Mestre José Veiga, s/n, 4715-330, Braga, Portugal


Keywords: Hot corrosion is profoundly detrimental to construction elements in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants
Corrosion affecting their lifetime, running costs and safety. In this work we have studied the anticorrosion effect of TiO2
Molten salt nanoparticles additives on carbon steel using XRD, XPS with depth profiling, EDX and FIB/SEM techniques. The
Thermal energy storage results revealed that the addition of 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles to molten binary nitrate salt reduces the
Concentrated solar power
corrosion rate of carbon steel more than twice and stabilizes the corrosion scale at 390 °C. The anticorrosion
effect of TiO2 nanoadditive was attributed to the formation of iron-titanium mixed oxide on the carbon steel
surface. It was confirmed by XRD and TGA techniques that addition of TiO2 nanoparticles does not alter the
stability of the salt. In view of presented results, the feasibility of molten salts based nanofluids in the CSPs can
be reconsidered in terms of improved compatibility with construction materials.

1. Introduction Nitrate salts are often the object of investigation due to the high level of
maturity of this storage material. HitecXL salt (48 wt% Ca(NO3)2–7wt%
Reaching necessary dispatchability is a major challenge for renew- NaNO3–45 wt% KNO3) was studied in terms of corrosion with AISI 304,
able technologies, which is typically addressed through efficient energy 430 stainless steels, low-Cr alloy steel T22 [11] and with carbon steel
storage. Concentrated solar power (CSP) technology [1] possesses A516Gr70, stainless steels AISI 304, AISI 316 [24]. The increase in
several important advantages in this sense, as it allows for reliable, low- corrosion rates due to the chlorides in molten nitrate salts was de-
cost and relatively simple thermal energy storage (TES) system [2,3] monstrated for Hitec salt (53 wt% KNO3–40 wt% NaNO2–7wt% NaNO3)
instead of more expensive and complex chemical or mechanical storage [12], Solar salt (60 wt% NaNO3 – 40 wt% KNO3) [13] and
systems [4]. There is a great deal of effort from scientific and en- KNO3–NaNO2–NaNO3–KCl salt [14]. On the contrary, the positive effect
gineering community for further improvement of TES technologies at of chromium in steels on the compatibility between different molten
CSP plants by using two-tank or single-tank thermocline configurations nitrate salts and construction materials has been reported [16,21]. The
[5], where different storage materials and heat transfer fluids (HTF), corrosion rates generally increase with temperature as was demon-
like molten salts, thermal oils, air, phase change materials, etc., can be strated for stainless steels SS-304 and SS-316 at 570 °C and for carbon
used [6]. Corrosion issues [7], particularly with most common storage steel A36 at 316 °C with several nitrate salts mixtures [17]. The same
material NaNO3–KNO3 molten salt [8], are considered important not negative effect of temperature stands for Solar salt, which was tested at
only in terms of safety and power plant reliability, but also in terms of 550 °C [20], 650 °C [21], 680 °C [25] and for Hitec salt tested at 450,
the electricity cost reduction [9,10]. 600 and 680 °C [26]. It should be noted that corrosion rate is often non-
With these regards, a rapidly growing number of works dedicated to linearly depends on temperature, for example, SS-316 steel was de-
the corrosion of molten salts are evident in the literature [11–47]. monstrated to be resistant at 450 °C, while being severely corroded at

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Grosu), (A. Faik).
Received 17 June 2019; Received in revised form 26 August 2019; Accepted 8 September 2019
Available online 13 September 2019
0927-0248/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

600 and 680 °C by Hitec salt [26]. the corrosion scale was also reported for HitecXL salt explored with
It is highly important to carry out the corrosion tests under the carbon steel at 310 °C [27]. Most recently, our research group in-
conditions close to those of real CSP plants. Ruiz-Cabañas et al. in- vestigated the corrosion effect of Al2O3 and SiO2 based molten salts
vestigated the corrosion of carbon steel (CS) A516.Gr70 at the pilot nanofluids at 310 and 390 °C with CS [32]. Both Al2O3 and SiO2 doped
plant scale by continuously or partially exposing it to solar salt at 390 °C molten salts demonstrated around 3 times lower corrosion layer
[15]. From the analysis, the continuously exposed CS shows 5.46 μm/ thickness compared to pure molten salt at 390 °C [32]. However, the
year and partially exposed CS shows 3.57 μm/year corrosion rates [15]. corrosivity was found to be higher when nanoparticles are added to the
Wang et al. studied compatibility of X80 carbon steel, 304, 316L salt at 310°C due to numerous microbubbles of air entrapped in the
stainless steels, and 600, 825 nickel alloys with Solar salt and HITEC interparticle porosity, which increased the rates of oxidation [27,32].
salt under static and dynamic conditions [18]. The authors demon- From this limited number of works it is clear that nanoparticles have
strated the corrosion resistance behaviour of the stainless steel and pronounced effect on the corrosivity of molten salts, however, the
nickel based alloy at 450 °C in the following order mechanism behind this effect is not yet understood. Understanding this
304 < 316L < 600 < 825. They also found that the stainless steel mechanism has tremendous potential to increase the feasibility of
has lower corrosion resistance compared to nickel based alloy [18]. molten salts based nanofluids at CSP plants, bringing the benefits not
Encinas-Sanchez et al. presented the electrochemical impedance spec- only in terms of thermophysical properties enhancement, but also in
troscopy method for monitoring corrosion process at the CSP plants terms of cost reduction of the construction materials.
[19]. The corrosion test was performed by using P91 steel at 580 °C for The aim of this work is to define the dominant phenomena affecting
the time period of 1000h and the observed corrosion rate of ∼300 μm/ the corrosivity of molten salts based nanofluids. For this purpose, a set
year. They also found the maximum mass gain of 0.59 mg/cm2 after of techniques was applied to carbon steel tested with molten binary
72 h corrosion test [19]. Interestingly the mass gain reduced with fur- nitrate salt doped with TiO2 nanoparticles. The corrosion test condi-
ther exposure time due to the detachments of the corrosion layer from tions as well as materials were chosen to be representative for the real
the P91 steel [19]. CSP application. In particular, 390 °C is the maximum temperature for
Walczak et al. described the corrosion problems relevant to TES the cold tank in commercial parabolic through system. While carbon
systems using different combinations of construction materials and steel is a typical material for such tank. The corrosion rates were found
molten salts [10]. A recent review on the corrosion aspects of molten to decrease considerably when nanoparticles were added, which was
nitrate salts is available in Ref. [33]. Corrosion issues for molten salts confirmed by three independent techniques (mass gain, cross-section
other than nitrates are also actively discussed. In particular, carbonate analysis and XPS depth profiling). It was identified that the formation of
[23,41] and chloride [34–42] salts in view of their potential to be used mixed iron-titanium oxide is responsible for the stabilization of the
at the third generation CSP plants at temperatures above 600 °C. A re- corrosion layer and reduction of the corrosion rates.
view on sensible storage materials at temperatures above 600 °C, in-
cluding corrosion aspects, can be found in Ref. [48]. 2. Materials and techniques
Several anticorrosion methods were proposed to cope with com-
patibility issue in the CSP plants. In particular, Al slurry coating reduces 2.1. Material
corrosion rates in nitrate salts at 580 °C and in carbonate salts at 650 °C
[29]. Recently we proposed a spry-graphitization coating for carbon The eutectic salt was prepared by mixing pre-dried NaNO3 and
steel against corrosion attack of molten nitrate salts under cycling KNO3 in 51:49 wt% ratio. Next, the mixture was melted at 360 °C for 6 h
conditions up to 500 °C [22,30]. Encinas-Sanchez et al. tested and grinded using agate mortar to obtain a homogeneous fine powder
ZrO2–Y2O3 coating for protecting P91 against molten nitrate salt at of the eutectic salt. Both the NaNO3 and KNO3 were received from SQM
500 °C, demonstrating environmental benefits of such combination with a purity of 99% and the impurities present in the salts are given
compared to SS-304 alloy [31]. Porcayo-Calderon et al. compared in our previous work [27]. The TiO2 nanoparticles with a particle size
Ni20Cr coating to SS-304 in molten ZnCl2–KCl salt at 350, 400 and of 21 nm were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. The nanofluids were
450 °C [43]. Gomez-Vidal et al. used pre-oxidation for alumina forming prepared by using 99 wt% of the eutectic salt with 1 wt% of nano-
alloys to improve the corrosion resistance under isothermal [45] and particle by physical shaking method. The physical shaking process was
cycling [35] conditions. MCrAlX coatings were proposed against cor- carried out through SPEX Sample Prep 9000-series High-Energy shaker
rosion of molten chlorides salts [46]. Several strategies, namely, the mill for the time period of 15 min. This method has been demonstrated
addition of Mg and pre-oxidation, were suggested by Ding et al. to re- to be suitable for molten salts based nanofluids preparation [27].
duce the corrosion attack of chloride salts at 700 °C [47]. A516 Gr70 carbon steel (CS) used for the corrosion tests has the
On the other hand, enhancement of thermophysical properties of following chemical composition: 98.68% Fe, 0.97% Mn, 0.31% C and
molten salts due to nanoparticles doping (Al2O3, Graphite, SiO2, TiO2, 0.04% P (weight percentage).
etc.) are actively discussed in the literature. In particular, the en-
hancement of thermophysical properties for Al2O3 and SiO2 based na- 2.2. Corrosion test protocol
nofluids are well-known and studied by several researchers [48,49].
Furthermore, the in-situ preparation of the TiO2 based nanofluids shows For the corrosion tests, pieces of CS A516 Gr70 having a size of
7.5% enhancement of its specific heat capacity [50]. However, there is around 3 × 12 × 14 mm were used. These pieces were cleaned with
no information available regarding the corrosion effect of TiO2 nano- ultra-sonication for 15 min using acetone followed by ethanol and fi-
particles doped molten nitrate salts. nally with DI water. It is worth to mention here that, similar to previous
With these regards, corrosion aspects of such molten salts based work [24,27,30], the samples were used under the conditions close to
nanofluids become the point of interest [27,28]. At the moment the practical applications without applying any polishing or other external
understanding of the influence of the nanoparticles on the corrosivity of treatment of the CS surface, which may enormously affect the evolution
molten salt is very limited as well as the number of corresponding ar- of the corrosion rate. The mass of the CS was controlled before and after
ticles [21,28,32,51,52]. Adding 1 wt% of silica nanoparticles into the corrosion tests. The corrosion tests were conducted in alumina
42.7%Li2CO3–K2CO3 salt was reported to reduce the corrosion rates at crucible by immersing CS pieces in 5 g of eutectic salt or TiO2 based
520 °C based on mass variation [51,52]. Fernandez et al. detected the nanofluid. The corrosion tests were conducted under air at 390 °C for
incorporation of alumina and silica nanoparticles into the corrosion the periods of 250, 500, 1000 and 1500 h under static immersion
scale, which reduced the corrosion rates of SS-347 with Solar salt at condition. After the corrosion tests the samples were carefully washed
565 °C [28]. Earlier incorporation of Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles into with hot water.

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

Fig. 1. SEM images of the main steps of cross-section view preparation using FIB technique: a) carbon steel; b) Pt protective layer of ∼500 nm deposited on carbon
steel; c) staircase-shaped cavity excavated using focused Ga ion beam; d) 52° tilted view of the cross-section.

2.3. Methods

2.3.1. Scanning electron microscopy - SEM

FEI Helios NanoLab 450S DualBeam – Focused ion beam (FIB) with
FEG SEM was used to record micrographs of the surfaces of carbon steel
samples after the corrosion tests. Also, the FIB technique was deployed
to observe cross-sectional view of the corrosion layer. Fig. 1 shows the
steps of cross-section preparation procedure. First, Pt protective layer
(∼1 μm) was deposited above the spot of interest on the carbon steel
surface (Fig. 1a) via electron beam (3 keV) stimulated decomposition of
a Pt-containing gaseous precursor (Fig. 1b). Next, a staircase-shaped
cavity was excavated using a focused Ga ion beam (30 keV, 9.6 nA)
(Fig. 1c). The dimensions of this cavity were around 15 μm wide, 30 μm
long and 20 μm deep at the cross-sectional plane. Finally, polishing of
the cross-section surface was performed by low-current (30 keV,
100 pA) focused Ga ion beam followed by 52° tilt of the sample for the
cross-section analysis (Fig. 1d). Using a low-voltage (3 keV) and low-
current polishing combined with Pt protective layer, allowed to pre-
serve the corrosion layer in its initial form and to gain the details of its
Fig. 2. Raman spectrum of TiO2–nanoparticles. Insert: SEM micrograph.
topology usually inaccessible when mechanical polishing is applied.
Additionally, Quanta 200 FEG SEM was used in high vacuum mode

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs and EDX-analysis of the surface of carbon steel after 1500h corrosion test at 390 °C with nanoparticles-free nitrate salt (a, c, d) and nitrate
salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles (b, e, f).

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

Fig. 4. SEM micrographs and EDX-mapping of the surface of carbon steel after 1500h corrosion test at 390 °C with nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nano-

Fig. 6. XRD diffractograms of carbon steel before and after the 1500h corrosion
tests at 390 °C with nitrate salt and nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 na-
Fig. 5. XPS spectra of the surfaces of carbon steel (CS) after the 1500h corrosion
tests with nitrate salt and nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles
(np). Table 1
Quantitative XPS analysis (at%) of carbon steel after 1500h corrosion tests at
390 °C with nitrate salt (CS) and nitrate salt doped with nanoparticles
with electron beam energies 10 kV, 20 kV and 30 kV with BSED and
(CS + TiO2).
ETD detectors. Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) was per-
formed for elemental mapping. Ti2p Fe2p O1s C1s Mg

For observing cross-section in SEM, the samples were put in a resin CS + TiO2 5 26 47 22 –
holder made of Aka-Resin and Aka-Cure catalyst (1 mL + 0,135 mL CS – 32 66 1 1
proportion respectively) to maintain the corrosion layer intact during
the cutting and polishing processes.
2.3.3. Thermogravimetric analysis – TGA
For the thermogravimetric analysis NETZSCH STA 449 F3 Jupiter
2.3.2. X-ray diffraction - XRD was used with a constant airflow of 60 mL/min in the temperature
Bruker D8 Discover X-ray diffractometer was used with a LYNXEYE- range from 40 °C to 700 °C with the heating rate of 10°C / min.
XE detector using CuKα1 radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) and Bragg-Brenato
θ:2θ geometry. The data collection was carried out at room tempera- 2.3.4. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy characterization – XPS
ture, between 10° and 80° with a step of 0,02° and dwell time of 1,03s The XPS measurements were performed in an ultra-high vacuum
per step. The EVA program was used to determine the phase compo- (UHV) system ESCALAB250Xi (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The base
sition of the material. pressure in the system was below 5x10−10 mbar. XPS spectra were

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

Figure 7. a) mass gain and b) corrosion layer thickness for carbon steel tested with molten nitrate salt and nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles at
390 °C.

2.3.6. Contact angle measurements

A KRUSS HT-2 Contact Angle was used to perform the contact angle
(CA) measurements. All the CA measurements were conducted under
ambient atmosphere, with a 2 °C/min heating rate. The presented CA
values are the average of 3 measurements. CA values dispersion is
subject to several factors, among which surface roughness and drop
dimension are the most pertinent. To minimize their effect, a sample
preparation protocol was followed. The salt eutectic powder was
weighed, then milled and afterwards compressed at 40 MPa for 3 min in
a 4 mm diameter round compression dye, to form same size pellets of
0.1g. The measurements were conducted on a carbon steel substrate
(20 mm × 20 mm x 3 mm), which roughness was measured before and
after each measurement using an EPS Interferometer. The surface
roughness is found to have a constant value of S = 0.43 ± 0.20 μm.

Fig. 8. Cross-section of carbon steel after 1500h corrosion test at 390 °C with a) 3. Results
nitrate salt and b) nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles.
SEM imaging of TiO2 nanoparticles (Fig. 2, insert) confirmed the
acquired with a hemispherical analyzer and a monochromated X-ray average size of 21 nm specified by the supplier. Raman spectroscopy is
source (Al Kα radiation, hν=1486.6 eV) operated at 15 keV and power the technique of choice for TiO2 polymorphs characterization. Fig. 2
200 W. The XPS spectra were recorded with pass energies 20 eV and shows a Raman spectrum from the TiO2 nanoparticles. The main peaks
200 eV for high resolution and survey spectra, respectively. The spec- centred at 148 cm −1, ∼400 cm −1, ∼520 cm −1 and ∼640 cm −1 are
trometer was calibrated by setting the Au 4f7/2 level to 84.0 eV mea- close to the peaks’ positions in anatase, thus concluding that the TiO2
sured on a gold foil. nanoparticles used in this study are mainly anatase polymorph.
XPS spectra were peak-fitted using Avantage data processing soft- Fig. 3 presents SEM images of the carbon steel surface after corro-
ware. For peak fitting, the Shirley-type background subtraction was sion test with pure nitrate salt (Fig. 3a) and with nanoparticles doped
used. Quantification was done using elemental sensitivity factors pro- nitrate salt (Fig. 3b).
vided by the Avantage library. A pronounced separation of the corrosion layer (peel-off) in the case
The XPS system features a dual mode Ar ion source MAGCIS of pure nitrate salt is clearly seen (Fig. 3a), while homogeneous cor-
(Thermo Fisher Scientific) which can operate in monoatomic and rosion appears when TiO2 nanoparticles were added (Fig. 3b). The
cluster modes. The samples’ surfaces before XPS characterization were high-magnification micrographs reveal the difference in the corrosion
cleaned by using Ar cluster ions of 1000 atoms. For Ar cluster cleaning layer morphology (Fig. 3c–d versus Fig. 3e–f). Specifically, one can see
an accelerating voltage of 6 keV was used. For depth profiling the that the nanoparticles are merging with the typical flakes of iron oxide
MAGCIS was operated in the monoatomic mode with beam energy (Fig. 3f) - the nanoparticles no longer possess the well-defined crystal
4 keV and beam current 3 μA. shape as compared to the pristine nanoparticles (Fig. 2, insert). Such
observation is in favour of the chemical reaction between the nano-
particles and the corrosion layer. Another argument to support the idea
2.3.5. Raman spectroscopy about possible chemical reactions between TiO2 and carbon steel comes
Raman spectra were recorded with Alpha300R spectrometer from from the EDX-analysis. Tables in Fig. 3 list elemental concentrations for
WITec using 532 nm laser operated at 9x10−4 W. No radiation induced the corresponded surfaces. In case of nanoparticles-free nitrate salt
effects were observed during the measurements. The accumulations of apart from iron and oxygen, magnesium was detected. Magnesium is a
100 cycles were used for the measurements to achieve a sufficient common impurity in nitrate salts and is often detected in the corrosion
signal-to-noise ratio. layers [11,15,24,27,30]. When salt without nanoparticles is used, Mg
reacts with carbon steel during the corrosion test and incorporates into

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

steel. That is why Mg is not found in the corrosion layer after the
corrosion tests with TiO2 doped salt. The similar mechanism was found
in our previous work with Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles [32]. On the
other hand, for the nitrate salt doped with TiO2 nanoparticles titanium
was detected instead of magnesium, which indicates the predominance
of the TiO2-iron reaction over the magnesium-iron reaction.
TiO2 was found all over the surface of the carbon steel. In some
places, titanium forms large agglomerates ∼5 μm in size, as it is evi-
denced from Fig. 4.
XPS spectra shown in Fig. 5 confirm the above mentioned ob-
servations, namely, the presence of titanium and the absence of mag-
nesium in the corrosion layer of carbon steel for the case of nitrate salt
doped with TiO2 nanoparticles (green line in Fig. 5) while the presence
of magnesium was detected in the case of nanoparticle-free nitrate salt
(red line in Fig. 5).
XRD diffractograms presented in Fig. 6 reveal the evolution of the
chemical phase composition of carbon steel after the corrosion tests
with the nanoparticle-free nitrate salt and with the TiO2 nanoparticles
doped nitrate salt. In particular, the surface of carbon steel after 1500h
corrosion tests with nanoparticles-free nitrate salt contains two phases,
namely, iron (Fe) and hematite (Fe2O3). On the other hand, the cor-
rosion products after the tests with nitrate salt doped with TiO2 are
formed by magnetite (Fe3O4), which is a lower degree of oxidation
compared to hematite, and iron-titanium mixed oxide (Fe1.7Ti0.3O3).
The main mechanism for the reduced corrosion rates in the molten salt
doped with TiO2 was found to be the formation of mixed iron-titanium
oxide phase (Fe1.7Ti0.3O3) on the CS surfaces (Fig. 6). This mixed oxide
layer was found to be more stable as compared to iron oxide layer,
which prevented the peel-off of the corrosion scale (Fig. 3) and con-
sequently reduced the rate of further oxidation. The formed phase
suggests that upon oxidation of carbon steel in molten nitrate salt some
Fe3+ iron atoms are substituted by titanium in hematite phase. For-
mation of such mixed oxide can be an explanation of the stabilization
effect, which prevents corrosion layer from peeling off (Fig. 3). Quan-
titative XPS analysis of the carbon steel surface elemental composition
after corrosion tests (Table 1) gives Ti:Fe ratio ∼0.20 which is in accord
with the XRD derived result: Ti:Fe = 0.18.
In order to quantify the effect of iron-titanium mixed oxide forma-
tion in the corrosion layer, the rate of oxidation was determined using
Fig. 9. XPS depth profiling for carbon steel after 1500h corrosion test at 390 °C
three independent techniques. First, the mass gain evolution was ex-
with a) nitrate salt and b) nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles.
Red lines present depth profile of the iron oxide component (FeOx) of the Fe2p amined, which was found to be more than twice lower for nitrate salt
XPS spectral line. FeOx component intensity represents contribution from doped with nanoparticles than that for the nanoparticles-free salt after
several oxidation states of iron excluding metallic iron. (For interpretation of 1500h corrosion tests – Fig. 7a. Most probably, the lower mass gain and
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web corrosion layer thickness at 500h were obtained for the pure molten salt
version of this article.) due to the corrosion layer peel-off (Fig. 3). Apparently, such peel-off
becomes predominant at 500h. This question is directly related with the
kinetics of the corrosion layer formation, which requires more study
and is planned in the future. Next, a similar trend was observed for the
corrosion layer evolution (Fig. 7b), which was determined from the
statistical examination of the cross-sections of carbon steel (Fig. 8). For
example, it was demonstrated by Wang et al. that the corrosion rate of
CS is decreasing after certain period of time while being continuously
exposed to the molten salt [18]. This was related with the reduction of
oxygen and water vapor compared to their initial state and also for-
mation of a new mixed oxide phases [18]. Finally, the obtained results
were confirmed by the XPS depth profiling technique, which revealed
the enhanced thickness of the oxidation layer for nanoparticles-free
Fig. 10. Schematic representation of corrosion layer of carbon steel after cor-
rosion test at 390 °C with molten a) nitrate salt and b) nitrate salt doped with
nitrate salt compared to the salt doped with TiO2 nanoparticles – Fig. 9.
TiO2 nanoparticles based on XPS depth profiling and XRD analysis. In particular, the average corrosion layer after 1500h tests for pure
molten salt is 11.6 μm and for TiO2 doped molten salt is 5.2 μm. These
results reveal that the addition of 1 wt% of TiO2 nanoparticles to molten
the corrosion layer. This was demonstrated using XPS (Fig. 5) and EDX
binary nitrate salt reduced the corrosion rate of carbon steel more than
(Fig. 3) techniques. While when TiO2 is present in the salt, TiO2 reacts
twice at 390 °C and had a stabilizing effect on the corrosion scale.
with the carbon steel instead of magnesium. This was demonstrated by
Additional important observation can be extracted from XPS depth
EDX (Fig. 3), XPS (Fig. 5) and XRD (Fig. 6). The reactions of TiO2 with
profiling experiments. In the case of nanoparticles-free nitrate salt
carbon steel is preferable to the reaction of magnesium with carbon
magnesium incorporation into the corrosion layer of carbon steel can be

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

Fig. 11. SEM images of the cross-section view of carbon steel after 1500h corrosion test at 390 °C with a) nitrate salt and b) nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% of TiO2
nanoparticles. Obtained with focused ion beam technique.

Fig. 13. XRD pattern of binary nitrate salt doped with 1 wt% TiO2 nanoparticles
after 1500h corrosion test with carbon steel at 390 °C.

Fig. 12. Contact angles of a) molten nitrate salt, b) molten binary nitrate
salt + 1 wt% of TiO2 NPs and c) their temperature dependence.

tracked all along the oxide layer (Fig. 9a, green line). This suggests that
Mg forms mixed oxide with iron upon oxidation in molten nitrate salt.
We were not able to determine the Mg containing phase by means of
XRD due to its very low content as can be seen from the EDX (Fig. 3a)
and from the XPS (Figs. 5 and 9a) data. On the contrary, titanium
containing phase (Fe1.7Ti0.3O3) was found to be located mostly in the
topmost surface of the corrosion layer (Fig. 9b). In particular, the
concentration of Ti drops exponentially after sputtering away ∼1 μm of Fig. 14. Thermogravimetric curves of as prepared nitrate salt, nitrate salt +
material and continues to decrease with depth in the corrosion scale. 1 wt% TiO2 nanoparticles and nitrate salt + 1 wt% TiO2 nanoparticles after
1500h corrosion test at 390 °C.
Such observation allows suggesting that after the formation of the
mixed iron-titanium oxide further oxidation of carbon steel takes place
by the diffusion of oxygen through the Fe1.7Ti0.3O3 phase. Such diffu- Based on the XPS depth profiling and XRD analysis presented above,
sion is apparently slower as compared to the diffusion through the while taking into account EDX mapping, one can schematically re-
mixed iron-magnesium oxide, which results in the lower corrosion rates present the corrosion scale of carbon steel after the corrosion tests with
in the case of nitrate salt doped with nanoparticles compared to na- nanoparticles-free molten nitrate salt and nitrate salt doped with TiO2
noparticles-free salt. nanoparticles (Fig. 10).

U. Nithiyanantham, et al. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 203 (2019) 110171

Finally, focused ion beam technique was used to obtain textural corrosion rates reduction and corrosion scale stabilization. By means
properties of the corrosion layers' cross-section. Due to the low-voltage of XRD, EDX and XPS it was shown that growth of surface iron-
ion polishing the cross-section of the corrosion scale reveals the textural titanium oxide is competitive to formation of iron-magnesium oxide
features (like cracks, voids, etc), which are typically lost during the - a chemical phase formed due to the presence of Mg impurity in the
mechanical polishing applied in conventional cross-section preparation. nitrate salt.
Fig. 11 clearly shows that corrosion layer of the carbon steel after the • By means of XPS depth profiling, it was demonstrated that such
corrosion tests with molten nitrate salt poses more cracks (Fig. 11a) as mixed oxide is located on the surface of corrosion scale on top of
compared to the case of molten salt doped with TiO2 nanoparticles magnetite phase, hindering the diffusion of molten salt and further
(Fig. 11b). oxidation of carbon steel.
All the described above observations provide strong evidence of • The investigated molten salt based nanofluid was found to have si-
anticorrosion effect of TiO2 nanoparticles doping into the molten ni- milar decomposition temperature and surface properties (contact
trate salt. This effect we assign to formation of mixed iron-titanium angle on the carbon steel) as nanoparticles-free nitrate salt.
oxides. It is known from literature that the doping by other nano-
particles like silica [21,28,32,51,52] or alumina [27,28,32] also results Obtained results provide important insights into the corrosion me-
in their incorporation into the corrosion layer. In particular, the in- chanisms of molten salts based nanofluids and allow to reconsider their
corporation of Al2O3 [28] and SiO2 [51,52] nanoparticles was reported feasibility for CSP applications due to the improved compatibility.
to decrease the corrosivity of a molten salt. While in other work SiO2 Further work should be focused on the optimization of the concentra-
nanoparticles incorporation had a negligible effect on the corrosion tion of TiO2 nanoparticles, as well as on the feasibility analysis of such
rates [28]. In the case when corrosion tests were performed at lower nanofluids.
temperature (310 °C) micro-bubbling of the nanofluids were found to be
a dominating effect which led to increased corrosion rates, even Acknowledgements
though, the incorporation of Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles was also
reported [27,32]. In this work, we have found that the mechanism of UN gratefully acknowledges the Nanouptake COST Action CA15119
TiO2 nanoparticles incorporation involves the formation of mixed oxide for the funding of a short-term scientific mission (STSM-Grant No
with iron. Such results may also shed some light on the possible me- 42643), between CIC Energigune and University of Birmingham Center
chanism of SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles doping. In particular, in work for Energy storage. YG gratefully acknowledges the Nanouptake COST
[28] iron-silicon mixed oxide was reported as a corrosion product after Action CA15119 for the funding of a short-term scientific mission
corrosion test of Solar salt with SS 347. However, this Fe2SiO4 phase did (STSM-Grant No 42475), between CIC Energigune and International
not have a predominant role for the corrosion rates and the overall Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. The authors express their sincere
corrosivity of the salt did not change despite of nanoparticles doping thanks to Yagmur Polat, Leticia Martinez and Cristina Luengo for their
[28]. technical support.
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ments were performed for molten salts and salt doped with nano- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
particles. It was found that in the investigated temperature range,
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