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Proactive Organizational Behavior Solution

To Motivate And Upgrade Employees


SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................2
SECTION 3: OFFERING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING.........................................5
SECTION 4: ORGANIZATION TEAM WORK..................................................6
SECTION 5: ENSURING HEALTHY WORK-LIFE BALANCE................................7
SECTION 6: CONCLUSION..........................................................................8

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of how people behave in organizational settings.
Its principles are applied with the goal of making organizations and the people in them work
more effectively together. Organization behaviour can split into different sections such as job
satisfaction, performance, innovation and leadership. It also can lead a company on how to
reorganise teams, modify structure or how to evaluate individual performance.
Organization behaviour has become an important role nowadays as every company has their
own internal culture to lead their business towards success. It helps the company to structure
business and helps leaders to make important decisions. Understanding the importance of
organization behaviour can help us to easily adapt to the healthy working environment and
understand the goals we need to achieve.
Understanding of organization behaviour can help in making the company become more
effective as it helps managers to understand on how to motivate and engage their
subordinates. It also helps a company on how to maintain the interpersonal relationships
employees share with each other as well as with their higher and lower subordinates.
Thus, understanding of organization behaviour can help in recognizing the patterns of human
behaviour and in turn throw light on how these patterns profoundly influence the
performance of an organization.


Employee motivation techniques are essential to the success of a company. Motivated

employees will work harder and dedicate themselves to the company mission. You may have
to work out how to motivate an overwhelmed employee, how to make them feel valued, or
how to give them a more challenging role.

 Improve corporate and team culture

Workers nowadays want to feel like they’re helping make a difference .They also want to feel
like they’re part of a team, especially when their deskless job has them working alone or in
isolated conditions  sometimes. In a philosophy where everyone is  equal and value, and
contributes their skills to the objectives of the company. So they can work in a team and share
knowledge and ideas.
Starbucks is a company which encourages employees to practice more on communication
between colleagues or customers. An effective communication can help employees be more
collaborative to make the order fulfillment process efficient. Thus, it contributes to quality of
service, positive customer experience and business effectiveness. Other than that, Starbucks
is a company that has a servant leadership approach. In this approach, leaders, managers and
supervisors need to be strongly supporting their subordinates to ensure that their employees
grow in the company. As they always believe that employees who they cared for are the ones
who care about customers. The more you care for your employees, the better service they can
provide to their customers. Nowadays, employees are afraid to voice out to their superiors,
therefore Starbucks provides a forum to encourage the employees to ask questions and
communicate with their superiors.
McDonalds always encourages individual learning by offering training and development
opportunities for their employees through Hamburger University, global mobility and
leadership development programs. In addition, McDonalds prioritizes employee’s needs and
development. They always emphasize support for subordinates to ensure every employee
grows in the company. To ensure support for people, the company always encourages
employees to engage management to help improve processes and procedures.

 Non-Financial Encouragement
Non-financial encouragement is an employees motivations that don’t involve money.
Nowadays, experienced managers found that financial motivation is not the only kind of
reward to retain their employees. Apart from financial motivation, there are also non-
financial motivations which can retain their employees to stay such as personal recognition,
personal growth, participation in the decision making and self fulfillment. There are various
non-financial motivations such as medical insurance, reduced or flexible working hours,
family medical leave, vacation & paid time off, tuition assistance and free lunch and snacks
for their employees. For example, working at McDonalds has a flexible work schedule. There
are no fixations of working hours for their employees. They only need to work max 40 hours
per week which employees can schedule on their needs. Other than that, McDonalds also
provides free lunch and snacks for their full time employees and also gives up to three weeks

of paid vacation for their employees per year. Apart from that, McDonalds also provides
family medical leave which is up to two weeks for their employees if they have any family
emergency issues that need to be settled.
Starbucks provides a flexible work schedule for their employees. Starbucks has a well
organized communication channel for employees. It places an important channel on labour.
For example, managers plan the working hours per worker and arrange the schedule of time
off, according to the worker needs to meet the requirements. Starbucks always collects the
employees feedback by doing interviews weekly to see what their employees need. After that,
they will figure out what is the best plan or policy for the employees. Starbucks even wants
every employee to join in making and developing plans, then work together in achieving their
goals. As a result, the policies and principles are communicated between all staff, and there is
no limitation in employees’ personal opinions.

 Workplace Environment

A healthy workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome

in a stressful atmosphere. The most important thing that influences employee motivation and
happiness, and how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working
environment. A healthy workplace environment is good for a company as it help to bring in
more sales to a business, improve productivity and reduces costs related to absenteeism,
turnover, worker’s compensation and medical claims. Mcdonalds has unveiled an initiative to
foster safe and inclusive workplace it calls Global Brand Standards. It focus on four main
areas which is harassment, discrimination and retaliation prevention, workplace violence
prevention, restaurant employee feedback and healthy and safety. McDonalds created a
global cross-functional human rights working group which helps to oversees implementation
of the policy and improves their procedures and practices. To help their employees more
understand of their rights and their duty to respect the rights of others, McDonalds offers
training to all the employees on the policy implemented. In order to maintain a healthy
workplace environment, McDonalds will do employee survey every completed year and also
annual health and safety audits with action plans to reinforce a culture of safety.

 Provide a positive communication

Positively presenting new ideas and projects encourages employees to support the success of
the company. When everyone understands the company goals the level of employee
motivation can increase dramatically. Starbuck has a well-organized communication channel
for employees. For example, managers plan the working hours per worker and arrange the
schedule of time off, according to the workers' want in order to meet their requirement. There
are interviews weekly to see what employees' needs are. Starbucks even wants every
employee to join in making and developing plans, then work together in achieving their
McDonald's adopts multi-channel communication methods to ensure that all its messages are
delivered to staff. These include the use of print, online and other forms of technology such
as video conferencing. Working in partnership with its communication agency, Summersault,
McDonald's produces two employee magazines.


Employee training is essential as it allows each individual to expand their knowledge base
and enhance their job abilities, allowing them to be more productive in the workplace.
Regardless of the expense of staff training, the return on investment is enormous if done
Employees who get training increase their skills and understanding of their work scope.
These employees also gain more confidence in their talents. This may boost their
performance and allow them to function more efficiently and effectively. Therefore, they can
make better, safer and more cost-effective use of the company's resources, tools and
machinery. That said, organisations can expect fewer accidents and equipment impairment.
Combined, all these results can lead to less wastage.
At McDonalds, their ambition is to leverage their scale to provide training and education
programs to help build a positive future for everyone, no matter where they are in their lives.
Beside that, their training, education and leadership development programs can take them to
the highest levels of their organization. Regardless of where someone starts at McDonald’s,
everyone has an opportunity to grow and progress through a variety of pathways.
The Starbucks training program has played a big role in the company's success. Starbucks
puts new employees through a strict training regime in their first 2-4 weeks on the job.
During this time, new recruits complete at least 24 hours of training. Starbucks' training
doesn't focus exclusively on the mechanics of the position because they understand that their
employees are an extension of the brand, initial training includes sessions on coffee history,
coffee knowledge, customer service, retail skills, and a 4-hour workshop about how to brew a
perfect cup of coffee. Furthermore, Starbucks incorporates large doses of hands-on
experiences into its training programs. New employees are expected to get their hands dirty
from their first day on the job and to hone their coffee making skills throughout the training
schedule. The takeaway for small business employers is that training content alone won't
equip your workforce for front line realities. For full impact, it needs to be combined with
hands-on experiences that allow workers to learn through trial and error.
Training helps sustain employees' skill relevance. It also assists in their personal growth and


Improving teamwork aims to increase productivity and performance for the benefit of the
organization. For example, salespeople thrive on healthy competition, but they close more
deals, and the organization benefits when they work as a team. Encouraging and promoting
teamwork boosts productivity because it makes employees feel less isolated and helps them
to feel more engaged with their tasks. You can do this by regularly holding team-building
activities and opportunities for your team members to bond and get to know one another. As
a business owner, you would benefit from increased productivity through efficient team
projects, which may be completed well ahead of the deadline.
Starbucks established a well-developed system to keep good relationships between managers
and employees. As mentioned, they use the title “partner” regardless of the level of the
worker, which narrows the gap of bureaucracy. Furthermore, they co-work in the first liner to
eliminate the distance between different statuses. Otherwise, the partners are encouraged and
sponsored to volunteer in organizations and participate in charity events. These external
programs are known to integrate the volunteers and are also a great way to make them come
together for a bigger cause, nurturing that sense of partnership and teamwork. The employees
who feel connected and engaged in their communities are more likely to stay at Starbucks
McDonalds workers created a program called 'The Buddy System' that pairs new hires with a
buddy who can provide the ‘no stupid questions’ safe place that is essential to a high-
functioning team. The system that I mentioned has only two rules, you must reply to your
buddy’s via emails or texts within half an hour and buddies are required to meet up at least
once a month for lunch or coffee. Through the buddy system, it’s helped connect people who
will likely go on to take roles in many different parts of the company, creating bridges that
will build a feeling of team unity among future leaders across McDonald’s.


Work-life balance may, directly or indirectly, provide employees with more temporal
flexibility or control over the level of working time. This may mean that employees are better
able to manage their family and other obligations and prevent spillover into the work domain,
which could otherwise interfere with their work tasks and ability to cope with job demands.
Work–life balance support may lead to optimum time schedules which will have positive
effects on employees’ wellbeing.
McDonalds always promotes flexibility, opportunity, equality and development. They have
done some research to map the new ‘9-5’ as they want to have a work life balance for their
employees. McDonalds always offers their employees the choice of a guaranteed hours or
flexible contract, giving their employees the option to choose which working hours they
prefer. During interviews with candidates, McDonalds needs to understand what works for
them and use these conversations to create a job that suits different ages, lifestage and
lifestyles, to better understand the candidates are looking for a job around family
commitments or a part time job to earn some extra money on weekends. Work flexibly
should not have an impact on a person's career progression. This applied to both mums and
dads, as well as non-parents. Flexible working isn’t a parent issue, it is more likely a people
issue. McDonalds always believes that everyone should be given the opportunity to work
more flexibly but that doesn’t diminish ambition, desire or opportunity to progress. Flexible
working makes employees more happiers, thus employees will become more motivated, more
loyal and more productive.
Starbucks had created a flexible leave policy called PTO (paid time off). For employees who
had worked for one years, they are eligible for paid vacation days. This leave policy also
applied for part time employees also. Other than that, Starbucks employees also earn 1
personal day for every 1st of July and 1st of January, this leave must be used within the
following 6 months or else it will expire. It’s worth noting that vacation benefits vary by
location, position and the length of employment. As an employee of Starbucks, they are
eligible for mental health treatment through Lyra Health all at no cost. With these benefits,
employees can search for the mental health professionals who meet their needs and
immediately book an in-person or video appointment with a therapist or coach at no cost.
Starbucks decided to expand its mental health benefits because they believe that mental
health has become increasingly tied to the workplace due to its impact on employee
productivity, absenteeism, human error, staff turnover and also company profits. According
to the World Health Organization, there is an estimated $1 trillion in lost productivity each
year due to depression and anxiety which are the two leading mental health concerns.


Employee motivation is very important for a successful organisation, so the company should

focus on it in order to stay competitive in the market and avoid some problems such
as employee high turnover that will affect the business. Thus, effective motivational
techniques should be practiced at the workplace
In most organizations, the management views employee motivation as a fruitful technique to
increase employee productivity. When employees get motivated, they try to strive even more
and this points out the fact why motivation is crucial in management. They have tried and
applied different strategies in trying to tackle this issue and in most cases they have not been
The major guideline management in organizations can apply in tackling this problem is for
them to understand what motivates each employee. Incentive programs should be aimed
through the whole organization as they provide the best solution to motivating employees.
Nowadays, Starbucks is not only one of the fastest growing corporations, but also an
outstanding business model with low employee turnover rate and high profit performance.
Starbucks shows that motivation is the key factor of a company policy, opposite to the
principles of classical management which is only concerned about production and ignores
workers' ideas. A good relationship between managers and employees could maintain a high
quality of performance. What we can learn from Starbucks is that using the correct strategy
leads to success.
Employees are the main and important resource of McDonalds. These people make sure the
interaction of the financial and other resources of the organisation which help in functioning
of the organisation. As a global fast food company, the success of McDonalds is not owned
by the individual but by team functionality. Without the sufficient corporation and team work
the McDonalds can not or it is unable to deliver their product and services. Therefore,
employee motivation is important for McDonalds to provide good and fast quality services to
their customers. In the field of productivity and the quality McDonalds tests its employees as
the primary means of growth. McDonalds success is based on the motivation theories that
have changed some features of them.


Article shared by Employee Guide

Article shared by Olivia Hunt

Article shared by Rafael San Roman Rodriguez

Article shared by Tong Van

Article shared by Kristen Bialik

Article shared by Edward Ferguson

Article shared by Andrew Thompson

Article shared by Hammers (2003)

Article shared by Indeed Editorial Team

Article shared by McDonalds

Article shared by Starbucks

Article shared by Starbucks

Article shared by Mallory Hendry

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