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A Moment for a Lifetime

By: Prince Joshua T. Sumagit

“Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re going to get,” words from
Forrest Gump. The experiences we have in life are at best random, therefore each and
everyone one of us had an utterly significant change in our lives. A moment that if it had not
had an unforeseen consequences we would have completely forgotten it. These moments are
the things that most of our lives are made up of and with this I prepare myself for what might
end up being a life-altering experience without knowing which delicious sweets are sweet. It’s
these little moments where we made decisions or accidents that make our lives the way they
are. There in one moment in my life that had it not caused a quite difference in my present and
future I would have forgotten about it. I would have probably never thought about it again.

It was late November to early December of 2017, I was 13 years old that time and in 7 th
grade. During that time, I was an active Boy Scout recruit of Babag National High School, I
joined different activities in line with scouting. One of which is the 6 th ASEAN Scout Jamboree.
At first, I was a little hesitant to join with this so-called event for the reasons of “academics”,
but then some of my colleagues encouraged me to join with this international event for it will
be fun and an amazing experience to join such event. A day before the deadline of passing the
requirements for the event, I took the risk and decided to join this seven-day jamboree that will
be held at Tagum City, Davao. From this event, I have learned and realized things about
myself. First, I realized that I am capable of interacting with people. Secondly, I have learned to
be an independent person. And lastly, I have learned about how I can be a good camaraderie.

Mid-August in my 9th Grade, I was appointed as the Grade 9 Representative in the

Supreme Student Government. This occurrence changed my life for who I am and what I am.
When I first joined with this organization I doubted myself if I can do things that needs to be
done to be able to help my co-officers. But then, people around me were so positive about me
they even looked up to me. I just realized that it’s their way of appreciating me and boosting
my self-confidence. Through this organization I was able to conquer my fears little by little.
Being an officer of this organization with a high morale can boost your confidence and will train
you as a person and discover more about yourself. As a matter of fact, I won as the Auditor in
that same school year with the highest vote casted onto me. I just couldn’t believe it how this
event turned my introverted self into a bold and confident one.

Just a year ago, I was elected as the President of the Supreme Student Government
with a landslide victory. This is one of my unexpected and favorite moments in my life. I
couldn’t believe that I will won the presidency that year due to my popularity in school. During
my time as the SSG President, I was able to interact more with teachers and students. I was
able to develop my leadership skills and also my critical thinking skills. And through this, I was
able to manage my time between school works, household chores, and being a student leader.
I also realized how tough it is to be a leader with limited resources. During my term, the SSG
don’t have funds for students’ activities. It was really hard to think on how and in what other
ways that I can possibly help students. But I overcome these challenges and I will again run for
vice-presidency this school year.

These are some of my happiest and memorable moments in my life that thrills and
cherishes me from within whenever I recall it. I was overjoyed to bring honor to my school.
Furthermore, I got rewarded for doing what I wanted that makes my parents happy. I try to
forget all of my problems by remembering the happy memories of my life. This helps me to
boost my confidence and be optimistic to face various situations in my life.

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