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College of Engineering, Architecture & Fine Arts

Civil and Sanitary Engineering Department

ENGG 416


Factors Influencing Job Productivity of Skilled and Unskilled Workers: Perception

between Contractors and Construction Workers in Batangas

Group 4


Liwanag, Ruby Anne P.

Mercado, Mary-Baby M.

Santelices, Darline Joy C.


March 11, 2022


General Objective: The study aims to identify factors influencing the productivity of skilled
workers and unskilled workers from the perspective of contractors and construction workers in

Specific Objectives:

1. To investigate the relationships between skilled and unskilled workers according to the
perception of contractors and construction workers
2. To evaluate and discuss different factors influencing job productivity on both skilled
and unskilled workers in Batangas
3. To present a statistical investigation on factors influencing job productivity
4. To make a recommendation and improve the job productivity of skilled workers and
unskilled workers in construction jobs.


Conceptual Literature

Construction W orkers and Contractors

A construction worker is hired to handle a variety of practical tasks on a construction

site in order to maintain a smooth operation flow. A construction laborer typically works under
the supervision of a site supervisor or construction manager. A contractor, on the other hand,
is an individual or firm hired to provide labor, equipment services, and materials needed for
the project to run smoothly. Contractors examine the architect’s designs and use them to create
a bid package outlining how much they anticipate the project will cost. A construction worker
is required to handle manual construction tasks. Construction workers, on the other hand,
require a contractor to provide a foundation for delegation of duties and to ensure a safe
working environment. Construction workers and contractors are critical to the operation’s
smooth flow.

Contractors have significant roles to play in construction worker management aimed at
enhancing overall construction productivity. Delay and loss of construction productivity may
occur as a result of a contractor’s inability to effectively utilize construction human capital. In
accordance to the study, contractor-specific factors responsible for cost and time overruns are;
shortage of skill workers, poor resources and time planning, actions of sub contractors, site
management and poor labor productivity. Furthermore, lack of effective planning and
scheduling, shortage of a capable and sufficiently large construction workforce and difficulties
in financing by contractors are the common causes of delay in construction projects. Under a
single system of contract, construction clients award the execution of the entire project to a
single prime or general contractor. (Adebowale & Ayodeji, 2015)

Job productivity

Job productivity is not dependent on making working hours of workers longer, but
measurement of both quality and quantity together of work done by an employee in a specific
time frame. It is not just about getting things done, it also encompasses effectiveness and
efficiency. This means workers are utilizing their work hours smart to generate more and better
results in reduced time. A concept of prioritizing the right things rather than spending long time
with the less important ones. Inclusions of productiveness are meeting deadlines, good results,
and using time and effort efficiently (Nevogt, 2022).
In a book Psychology in Organizations: Integrating Science and Practice edited by
Kevin R. Murphy and Frank E. Saal, they have discussed efficiency as directly proportional to
productivity. When a person is highly effective, then he also is productive. Job performance
was also explained as related to productivity. Although it has been discussed that not all
performance brings productiveness, they highlighted the importance of great ability leading to
great performance, and hence, productivity.

Skilled and Unskilled Workers

Skilled labor is defined as work which necessitates specific training and skills.
Unskilled labor is defined as work which does not necessitate a specific set of skills or a proper
education. The primary distinction between these two kinds of work would be that skilled labor
necessitates specialized training, whereas unskilled labor does not. Furthermore, due to the
numerous technological advancements in existence currently, skilled work is in higher demand
than unskilled labor. As a result, many unskilled laborers are opting to learn special training in

order to advance to skilled labor stances. Finally, due to their background, skills training,
abilities, and training, skilled labor workers typically pay more than unskilled labor workers.

According to Dardiri et al. (2017), construction workers are typically compensated on

a day or unit cost rate, which means that if they take part in a training and skills test, their salary
will be diminished they may not be compensated at all. As a result, certification developers
should make a commitment to decrease this type of loss. Furthermore, in reality, both certified
and noncertified employees are constantly considered as having equal credentials. Often, the
company doesn't even want to trouble with improving builder quality since it is viewed as each
individual’s personal commitment to accomplish. Improved competency of skilled
construction workers is the responsibility and interest of all stakeholders involved, including
the government, construction sector, academic institutions, professional society boards, and
laborers themselves.

Related Studies

The study (Ghoddousi & Mohammad, 2021) stated that factors of (1) amount of
remuneration, (2) work satisfaction, (3) timeliness of remuneration, (4) ethical behavior of
manager, (5) promotion opportunities which have the most effect on productivity in Iranian
construction projects. A total of 31 factors selected and were divided into 7 broad categories.
The analysis indicated that the most important grounds affecting sub-contractors’ productivity
in descending order include: Materials/Tools, Construction technology and method, Planning,
Supervision system, Reworks, Weather, and Jobsite condition. Project managers should focus
on the identified major grounds and relevant factors in order to improve productivity as long
as they commit construction activities to sub-contractors. (Ghoddousi & Mohammad, 2021)

In this study there are total of 31 factors are selected based also on other previous
researchers. The perception of companies’ manager was asking about by the mentioned factors
and they are groups upon productivity on a time-based criterion. The researcher’s proposed
study also wants to include, ethical behavior of manager and promotion opportunities in their

When a construction project is built with highly experienced, skilled laborers, the
project's safety performance can improve dramatically. Experience and increased knowledge

play a significant role in skilled laborers' inappropriate acts. The author conducted a study on
factors affecting construction industry safety, and based on a survey, the author stated that
safety managers and labor (workers) agree on the top six dynamics, the best performers of
which are maintaining a safe working environment, creating safety courses, and instructing
employees and supervisors (Hussain, 2020).

Because project execution is risky and vulnerable due to outdoor duties, work-at-risk
locations, difficult job-site plants, and machine and equipment operation, skilled professionals
play an important role in all conditions. The study will help to understand what are the factors
that must be take into account that affects the skilled and unskilled workers in the project.

To avoid mistakes and enhance project performance, the author highlighted the
importance of improving investigation procedures and training the work force, assigning tasks
based on labor skills, and pre-task prepping by project managers. Construction firms must
invest in employee training in order to generate a higher level of expertise overall. To
accomplish this, construction companies should provide substantial training programs for new
employees, refresher training courses for any and all levels of employees, and mentorship
systems that allow experienced workers to pass on their knowledge to the younger working
generation before retiring. In relation to skill training, construction companies should use
Occupational Safety and Health Administration training to recruit and train employees to
enhance on-site safety (Hussain, 2020).

As the study continue to discuss the study, it is theorized that the more workers trained
the more skilled workers continue to immerge. With the release of new construction jobs only
growing, there has never been a more critical time for the construction sector to combat the
skilled work shortage. Simple changes to orient the construction industry as a mechanism for
improving for new competitors in the labor force will make a significant difference in the

Also, from a technical paper in Kuwait studying about factors affecting construction
labor productivity, it is mentioned that the most important challenge of the state in the area of
construction is low productivity. Described in the paper is the importance of labor cost being
thirty to fifty percent of the overall construction as a reflection of a project’s success. (Jarkas
& Bitar, 2011)

The paper gathers result through questionnaires answered by contractors in Kuwait
while this research will not be focusing on the contractors only. Perspective from laborers will
be considered and will be part of the analysis in identifying factors influencing productivity of
In a recent (Quezon & Ibanez, 2021) study it was discussed that the influencing factors
affecting highway construction projects' labor efficiency were grouped and categorized
according to their similarity. Groups of factors that have a high effect on highway construction
are described below. Fifty-three identified factors influencing labor productivity for road
construction projects, and their corresponding Relative Importance Index (RII) was calculated
using the equation (3.3). These factors were classified into seven groups such as (1)
management factor, (2) workforce, (3) supervision, (4) schedule compression, (5) materials &
equipment, (6) health & safety, and (7) motivation. The groups of factors are discussed in
detail. (Quezon & Ibanez, 2021)

This recent study was conducted in Cagayan Valley region, Philippines. In this study
tried to fill the gap so that the managers from the construction industry would be able to be
clarified how the worker’s productivity plays a major role to the performance of every project
that they are going to be implemented during or after the pandemic period and it focus only in
highway construction. On the other hand, the proposed study is not limited in highway/road
construction industry however researcher also want to include the health and safety factors
since it is pandemic.

Obtaining knowledgeable and skillful labor has been critical to the growth and
performance of the construction sector. Masons, carpenters, steel fitters, plumbers, plasterers,
and painters are skilled professionals in the construction industry, and their services are
essential in completing construction project. The author highlighted that an effective approach
must take into account that education, instruction, and continuous improvement policies must
respond to changes and the need for skills and expertise in a flexible and timely manner (Ridell,

The study will also highlight the different approach that must take into account when
different policies will make changes to skills of an individual in a certain time. As a result, it
is critical for the construction sector to understand the complexities of the labor market in order
to ensure the availability of consistent skilled labor. Experienced labor allows you to improve
project quality and profitability.

Skills are the required capabilities that can also be skillfully implemented in a specific
circumstance for a specific purpose, and a skills shortage takes place when employers are either
too busy finding employment for a specific occupation, or when specialized skills are required
within the same occupation, under present levels of compensation and working conditions, and
location. Shortfalls in an occupation are usually for highly specialized and experienced
employees, as well as fairly low overall unemployment (Shekhar, 2021).

An occupation may also be designated as having a shortage even though it does not
have a shortage in all specializations and may only have a shortage in certain geographical
areas. This study will explain the changes in technology that result in additional techniques and
skill specifications frequently lag behind retraining.

The construction industry's expansion means a rapidly deteriorating skills shortage. A

shrinking pool of skilled managers, professionals, and artisans, combined with a failing
education and training system, results in a shrinking pool of human resource departments.
Companies are starting to have difficulty recruiting and maintaining experienced workers
because they are trying to compete with more affordable offers, resulting in greater staff
turnover. Because of their low professionalism, younger employees are increasingly hesitant
to put in the necessary effort to achieve professional qualifications (Shekhar, 2021).

Construction has a reputation for having low profit margins, which explains why there
is a resistance to raising wages. The study will aim to understand that the construction skills
profile is distorted toward the age of retirement. As skilled managers and artisans retire and
there are insufficient recruits to replace them, the skills shortage is expected to worsen as
construction prices rise, posing an unnecessary burden to the economy of the construction

The author also highlighted that because of a vastly increased industry-wide shortage
of skills, the construction industry is striving to manage rising demand for its services. The
skill shortage will worsen as the development of construction work rises, and it is most acute
in the government sector, where engineers, natural scientists, and artisans are in high demand
(Shekhar, 2021).

The industry's shortage of practitioners and managers is mirrored in many parts of the
globe, as the construction sector becomes more and more global. Human, resource, logistical,

and financial resources are being leveraged to obscene levels, posing risks for both contractors
and their clients.

In order to improve labor productivity, identifying CFs affecting CLP is necessary.

Therefore, various factors influencing construction labor productivity have been identified and
classified by numerous researchers from different countries as represented in the previous
studies. Therefore, an effort to divide factors into major global groups, it may best encompass
and relate to the various relevant factors is necessary. Based on referencing and considering
previous studies, the present study synthesized some of the most important factors impacting
construction labor productivity. A total of 45 critical factors influencing labor productivity in
the construction industry, which are divided into six categories as follows: (1) manpower (7
factors), (2) management (13 factors), (3) motivation (8 factors), (4) work condition (5 factors),
(5) project (7 factors), and (6) external (5 factors). (Van Tam, et al., 2021)

The study was conducted in Vietnam, this study managed 45 CFs affecting labor
productivity in the construction industry. The study is based on the perception of construction
project managers in comparison with contractors’ perspective. The proposed study is focus on
the perspective of contractors and construction workers. Since the study formulate the factors
from global factors the researcher will also include similar factors from the study.

Advancements and development in construction are highly obvious as modern

technologies are applied to it. However, it is mentioned from an article about a survey in Qatar
that workers or what they call “operatives” are still the industry’s primary drivers. With all
these high-tech approach in materials and methods, Abdulaziz M. Jarkas, Charles Y. Kadri,
and Jamal H. Younes still believe that workforce productivity is still a large factor and relevant
in construction management. The goal of their study is to identify and rank the various factors
that influence the productivity of construction workers in Qatar. From these articles, out of 35
factors, they shortlisted it into 10 factors using a technique called “Relative Importance Index”
(RII). This technique is used to assess the relative significance of the quality factors involved.
The 10 ranked factors of productivity in Qatar are labor skill, material shortages, labor
supervision, labor shortages, communication between site management and labor force, lack
of construction managers' leadership, weather, delays in responding to "Requests For
Information" (RFI), lack of providing labor with transportation, proportion of work
subcontracted. (Younes, et al., 2014)

This research on the other hand is a study conducted in the whole province of Batangas.
Moreover, it is not only the point of views of the workers but also the contractors they are
working for. Results of factors affecting the productivity in Batangas may vary compared to
Qatar due to differences of people, nature, and environment they are living in. The published
article was also conducted using RII technique which is more of a qualitative approach while
this research will generate results through quantity.
Another article studied the causes of low-skilled workers’ performance in construction
projects in Nigeria. While workforce is the key driver of the industry, laborers are still divided
into two main general groups which are the skilled and unskilled workers. The published
articled talked about the performance of the skilled one as important aspect in the productivity
of construction management. From this, they gather causes of inefficiency of workers in
Nigeria’s construction industry. And results show that major factors of low-skilled employees'
performance were low pay, a lack of appropriate skill development centers, and a lack of
incentives. (Zannah, et al., 2017)
While this study from Nigeria is close to this research in terms of approach which is
quantitative, this research will be focusing not only to the unskilled laborers, but also to the
skilled and the contractors. And while their respondents are stakeholders, this research will
gather results from contractors, and both skilled and unskilled workers


Adebowale, O. J. & Ayodeji, F. J., 2015. Analysis of Construction- Related Factors Affecting
the Efficiency of Construction Labour. Journal of Construction Project and Innovation, 5(1),
p. 1116.

Ahmad Dardiri, S. T. K. e. a., 2017. AIP Conference Proceedings. Enhancing the

competitiveness of skilled construction workers through collaborative education and training,
p. 9.

Amritkar Shekhar V., P. W. S. M. P. K. M., 2021. fInternational Research Journal of

Engineering and Technology (IRJET). Impact of Skilled Labour Availability on the
Performance of the Construction Industry, 8 August.p. 4.

Ghoddousi, P. & Mohammad, R., 2021. A survey of the factors affecting the productivity of
construction projects in Iran. Technological and Economic Development of Ecobomy, 18(1).

Jarkas, A. & Bitar, C., 2011. ASCE LIBRARY. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 9 March 2022].

Quezon, E. T. & Ibanez, A. G., 2021. Analysis of inluential factors affecting

worker'sproductivity on highway construction projects during Covid-19 pandemic in Cagayan
Valley Region, Philippines. Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, p. 78.

Ridell, T., 2017. The Impact of a Skilled Labor Shortage in Construction. [Online]
Available at:

Shahid Hussain, W. X. T. H., 2020. Impact of Skilled and Unskilled Labor on Project
Performance Using Structural Equation Modeling Approach. [Online]
Available at:

Van Tam, N., Quoc Toan, N., Tuan Hai, D. & Le Dinh Quy, N., 2021. Critical factors affecting
construction labor productivity: A comparison between perception of project managers and
contractors. Taylors Francis Online, 8(1).

Younes, J., Kadri, C. & Jarkas, A., 2014. Taylor & Francis. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 10 March 2022].

Zannah, A. et al., 2017. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 10 March 2022].


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