Sas10 Social Justice and Social Inequality

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GEN006: Applied Ethics

Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Learning Unit: Social Justice and Social Inequality Learning Materials:

Learning Objectives: Student Activity Sheets (PEN Modules)
At the end of the module, the student should be able to:
1. Define the concepts of intersubjectivity, accountability, duty Learning Resources:
and responsibility, human rights, and social change. Atack, I. (2005). The Ethics of Peace and War. Edinburgh
2. Justify the importance of ethics in good governance. University Press.
BBC Northern Ireland. (2020). What is Inequality and
Social Justice. YouTube. Retrieved from
Mabaquiao, N. (2017). Making Life Worth Living: An
Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person. Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.

Quote of the Day:

“It is our duty as human beings to proceed as though the limits of our capabilities do not exist.”
- Teilhard de Chardin


In the previous lessons, we focused on looking inside humanity by understanding the nature of human death and
its relation to finding the meaning of life, and by identifying the basic principles of Bioethics and using it to analyze
issues that are related to death, but most importantly, life.

We are to proceed to another action/step towards our achievement of the ultimate good which, for these
succeeding lessons, will focus on ‘Being Just to Others’. First, we are to identify the concept of social justice and
its relation to social inequality. We are to determine other concepts such as intersubjectivity, accountability, duty
and responsibility, and social change.

Instructions: Accomplish the survey below by checking yes/no, then answer the essay question in 3-5 sentences.
1. Have you ever wondered where your next meal was going to come from?
2. Do your parent/s have a stable job?
3. Do you own your house or place of shelter?
4. Did you have a father figure growing up?
5. Are you able to student in school without working for yourself?
6. Are you able to go to the doctor without worrying about the bill?
7. Do you feel safe and secure walking alone at night in your community?
8. Were you able to have a vacation in the past months?
9. Do you have access to a private education growing up?
10. Do you have comfortable learning environment?

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1. Reflect on the questions, what are the questions trying to portray? Do you think it reflects privilege?
Elaborate your answer.
2. Reflect on your answers, what does it say about you? Do you consider yourself as privileged? Elaborate your



Instructions: Take your time to read and understand all the important information you need to know about the
lesson. Also, please do not forget to highlight important information to help you remember.

− The state to show equal treatment towards others.
1. Redistributive Justice. Concerns the justice in imposing punishments and penalties (e.g., You will receive
a failing grade for cheating).
2. Compensatory Justice. Concerns the justice in compensating or paying people for what they have lost
because of being the recipient of wrongful acts (e.g., In a car accident, the victim is given medical care
which is paid by the driver).
3. Distributive Justice. Concerns the justice in the distribution of benefits and burdens.
− Egalitarianism. Members of the group should receive equal share in the distribution.
− Capitalist Justice. The distribution is dependent on the contribution of the members of the group. The
greater the contribution to the success of the goal, the greater share in the distribution, or the lesser
the contribution to the same, the lesser should be the share in the distribution.
− Socialist Justice. The distribution is dependent on the need of the members of the group.
Example: Buying pizza for a friend’s dinner.
Egalitarian If you have 5 friends, including yourself, the pizza will be cut in 5 slices.
Since you gave a larger amount of money to buy the pizza, you will be given the
Capitalist Justice
biggest slice.
Since your one of your friends is very hungry because s/he was not able to eat
Socialist Justice
breakfast and lunch, s/he will be given the biggest slice.

− It is the phenomenon of difference in size, degree, circumstance, among others.
1. Natural Inequality. Inequality in our initial endowments in life which includes inheritance, genes, and
social status. These are inequalities brought by biological differences (e.g., Height).
2. Social Inequality. Occurs when resources are unevenly distributed in society. Uneven distribution of
access and opportunity brought by power, religion, kinship, prestige, race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual
orientation, and class. These are inequalities brough by social factors (e.g., Education).

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Interactive Question:
1. What do you think is the relationship of Social Justice and Social Inequality? Does Social Justice try to
resolve Social Inequalities, or does Social Inequalities cause Social Justice?

− Refers to the shared awareness and understanding among humans which involves giving respect to each
other’s personhood. It implies that you are either treating the person as a subject (ends) or as an object
(means) (e.g., Treating a person as a means is, “Mahal mo ako dahil mo kailangan mo ako?” while treating a
person as an end is, “O kailangan mo ako dahil mahal mo ako?”).
− In treating other people, our actions are bounded by two (2) concepts that serve as fundamental normative
rules about what is allowed or owed to people. These are rights and duties.
− Entitlements or interests one is allowed or permitted to pursue.
− Contractual Rights. Rights a person acquires when one enters into a contract of agreement with another
party or person.
− Legal Rights. Rights that a person possesses by virtue of one’s citizenship, acquired either by birth or by
choice. These are temporary rights for a person may change his/her citizenship.
− Human/Moral Rights. Rights all human persons possess by virtue of being human or a moral entity with
freedom, rationality, and sentience (e.g., Right to life, liberty, and personal security).
− An obligation or task that someone is required to perform.
− Moral Duties. An obligation to act based on ethical beliefs and personal conscience (e.g., Telling the truth).
− Moral Responsibilities. A state of having a duty to deal with something or someone morally (e.g., Fair
treatment towards own children).

“It is our moral duty as moral agents to promote social justice in order to eliminate or eradicate
social inequalities for equality is a moral right that everyone should be able to receive or possess.”


Instructions: Draw or make a poster that would illustrate one (1) of the social inequalities present in Philippine
society. You may use a separate sheet of paper or canvas to draw or make your poster, then submit it to your
subject teacher during the scheduled deadline. As much as possible, show your creativity and imagination. You
can also use online editing applications such as Canva and PPT to make your poster. Lastly, provide a brief
explanation about the social inequality you’ve illustrated at the bottom or back part of your sheet or canvas.


Instructions: Answer the following question/s and write your answers in 3-5 sentences only.
1. Reflect on the social inequalities that you’ve illustrated above, why do you think it still exists?



Think About Your learning. Take a few minutes to reflect on the quality of your work and effort.

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1. As a member of the youth, how can you try to address these social inequalities you’ve illustrated above?
2. What parts were challenging for you to do? Why do you think was it challenging for you?


1. What is the relationship of privilege and social inequality?
- Privilege, in a certain way, promotes or creates social inequality because it provides certain members of
society with better opportunities and access to necessary resources in order to be successful in life. In the
other way, this privilege should also be used to be eradicate social inequality. It should be the moral
responsibility of those who are privileged to provide opportunities for the victims of social inequality.
2. What is the relationship of social justice and social inequality?
- Advocating for social justice eradicates social inequality because the victims of social inequality are given
opportunities and access to resources that they need to empower themselves.

Content is comprehensive, Content is somewhat Content is incomplete and
accurate, and credible. It comprehensive but appears inappropriate. It
demonstrates an in-depth disorganized. It demonstrates demonstrates a lack of
reflection and analysis of the a general analysis and reflection and analysis of the
lesson. (3) minimal reflection of the lesson. (1)
lesson. (2)
There are no/few spelling There are some spelling or There are significant spelling
and/or punctuation errors. (2) punctuation errors. (1) and punctuation errors. (0)

Output demonstrates the Output is factual but showed Output demonstrates no
learner’s own interpretation little interpretation from the interpretation and expression
Content and expression of the lesson, learners, and details from the learners, and details
and shows appropriate details somewhat show the concepts has no connection with the
and concepts of the lesson. (3) of the lesson. (2) concepts of the lesson. (1)
Output contains various visual Output contains visual aids but There is very little evidence of
aids to display information in distracts or hinders the details creativity. There is not clear
Creativity multiple ways. Very of the lesson. Appropriate use structure. It seems that texts
appropriate use of creative of creative texts and graphics. and graphics were randomly
texts and graphics. (3) (2) placed. (1)
Output is well organized, easy Output is satisfactorily Output is poorly organized and
Clarity to understand, and easy to organized but difficult to very distracting to read and
read. (2) understand and read. (1) understand. (0)
There are no/few spelling There are some spelling or There are significant spelling
and/or punctuation errors. (2) punctuation errors. (1) and punctuation errors. (0)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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