Sas7 Death and Meaning

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GEN006: Applied Ethics

Module #7 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Learning Unit: Death and Meaning Learning Materials:

Learning Objectives: Student Activity Sheets (PEN Modules)
At the end of the module, the student should be able to:
1. Identify the nature and importance of death. Learning Resources:
2. Determine the relationship of death and meaning. Mabaquiao, N. (2017). Making Life Worth
Living: An Introduction to Philosophy of the
Human Person. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Quote of the Day:

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”
- Haruki Murakami


The previous lessons focused on understanding the nature of ethics and morality, as well as their different
frameworks and theories that justifies the rightness and wrongness of our actions. We were able to identify what
are the necessary concepts that we need to continue our search for the ultimate good.

For this lesson, we will proceed with one action/step that is necessary for us to achieve the ultimate good: ‘Looking
inside Humanity’. We are first to identify one of the most crucial aspects of life which is death. Thus, this lesson
aims to identify the nature and importance of death, as well as its relationship with life and meaning.

Instructions: Draw an object or symbol that, for you, represents death. Be creative and make sure to provide a
small description as why you chose that object or symbol.



Instructions: Take your time to read and understand all the important information you need to know about the
lesson. Also, please do not forget to highlight important information to help you remember.

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− Death is an event or phenomenon. This provides justifications for providing treatments or medical
services to a critically ill person; when a person is considered dead, by virtue of these approaches, medical
practitioners and families of the patient could make necessary decisions regarding the situation of the
patient such as engaging in physician-assisted death.
1. Cardiopulmonary. A person is considered dead when the heart and lungs have irreversible ceased to
2. Whole-Brain. A human person is considered dead when their entire brain has irreversibly ceased to
function. They are no longer conscious and no longer breathing on their own. A person whose brain has
ceased to function but is still breathing through life-support if referred to as brain-dead.
3. Higher-Brain. A human person is considered dead when their upper brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) has
irreversibly ceased to function even if their lower brain (brainstem) continues to function like persons in
a persistent vegetative state and permanent coma. The upper brain controls voluntary muscle movements
while the lower brain controls life processes like respiration.
− Death is a kind of human possibility.
1. Death as a Thrown Possibility. Pioneered by Martin Heidegger, it is the possibility that we find ourselves
already having even though we did not decide on having it or not.
− Death is Certain. Death is a possibility that will surely happen whether one likes it or not.
− Death is Indefinite. Death is indefinite as to when it will come. It is something that can happen at any
− Death is One’s Own Most. A person cannot relegate his/her death to anybody. A person cannot have
proxies or representatives. Death is non-transferable.
− Death is Not to be Outstripped. Death cannot be taken away from a person. He/she cannot choose
not to die.
− Death is Nonrelational. In meeting death, a person cannot be with somebody else. A person has no
choice but to face death alone. This makes a person aware of individuality and independence from
the world.
2. Death as a Wall. From the moment we were born, we are facing a wall and every step we take is towards
it, no matter which way we turn. Death is a future possibility of no longer having possibilities.
3. Death as a Door for Another Life. Involves spiritual concepts of death such as reincarnation and salvation.

“We will never personally taste death. For, death is always described from the perspective of the
living, and as Ludwig Wittgenstein famously put it, ‘Death is not an experience in life’.”

− Living towards death in time gives one's life a direction and framework within which to understand the
changes that life brings, where the young looks forward and the old looks back.
− Changes in perspectives, especially mortality.
− It is useful to think about death only to the point that it frees us to live fully immersed in the life we have
yet to live.

“Covering up and fleeing away the indefinite certainty of death covers up its non-relationality –
leading to being controlled by other people. Courageously facing the indefinite certainty of death
makes one recognize their inauthentic existence and one’s power to change the situation –
choosing to make one’s own choices.”

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Instructions: Write a reflection on the meaning of your own life.
Here are few guide questions to assist you in your reflection, you are not to answer these questions directly nor
answer all of them.
1. When was the last time you had fun? What was it like?
2. What’s one thing that you represent your life right now?
3. Is there anything that you regret doing or regret that you have not done it yet?
4. What is one area in your like that you are struggling most right now? How does it affect you?
5. Are you where you want to be right now? Why or why not?

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Instructions: Answer the following question/s and write your answers in 3-5 sentences only.
1. Do you still fear death? Elaborate your answer.



Think About Your learning. Take a few minutes to reflect on the quality of your work and effort.
1. How does your understanding of death allow you to make your life, and that of others, better?
2. What parts were challenging for you to do? Why do you think was it challenging for you?


1. What is the relationship of life and death?
- Understanding death is necessary so that we will understand our lives better for it allows you to take
control and set a direction for your life. Understanding death also teaches us to value our life and not take
it for granted. We only die once, so let’s enjoy the multiple days that we are living.
2. Why do most people fear death?
- For most people, they are afraid of the terror of the actual process of dying such as the physical pain,
leaving your loved one behind, and not knowing the meaning of life. Also, most people don’t understand
death that’s why they are afraid of it.

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reflection and analysis of the a general analysis and reflection and analysis of the
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lesson. (2)
There are no/few spelling There are some spelling or There are significant spelling
and/or punctuation errors. (2) punctuation errors. (1) and punctuation errors. (0)

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