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The video that we were supposed to watch give us an introduction of What is critical thinking?

In the video is mentioned that critical thinking is a good reason for your beliefs for example: so
supposed that you and your friend are going to a party tonight, and his mom says to you that
he wont be able to be at the party. So, before she tells you the reason you will try to deduce
what the possible answers are.

So critical thinking make sure we have good reasons for our beliefs, and so one of the skills
that you learn when you’re studying critical thinking is how to distinguish good reasons for
believing something from bad reasons for believing something.

The video also talks about what is an argument. An argument is a set of statements that
together comprise a reason for further statement. A good argument has premises that make
the conclusion likely to be true, Arguments support their conclusions, and bad arguments
don’t support their conclusions. So the key part of critical thinking is learning to evaluate
arguments to determine whether or not they’re good or bad, that is, whether or not their
premises support their conclusions.


Skill #1 Ask Yourself: How You Know That What You Know Is True

Skill#2 check your sources The next step after you realize that you don’t have a good enough
reason to justify whether what you believe in is true - is to check your sources. Ask yourself:
how credible is the source of information that I am relying on? For example coming back to my
story of spider snacking - what was the website which had an article about that story? Was it a
credible website? What did it base the information on? Thinking about this, already on the
spot, I realized that the website I was looking at, did not have any signs of credibility.

Skill #3 check multiple sources information may be misleading. As I mentioned at the beginning
of this video, there are plenty of people who want to mislead us for their personal gains. Just
because one website claims that some - quote on quote - fact is true, may actually be false

skill #4 check contradicting sources

skill# 5 be humble You have a limited fund of knowledge and a limited perspective. In fact,
your knowledge and perspective may be limited in ways that you’re not aware You don’t know
what you don’t know.”. No matter how well we think we know something, there will always be
something that we don’t know.

Skill# 6 don’t blindly trust authority

There is a phenomenon called: “appeal to authority”. It’s our natural tendency

to automatically believe what a presumed “authority figure” has said. A claim made by an
authority makes many people skip all the other critical thinking elements. These people think:
“If that person said it, it must be true!”. Too many times - it’s not.

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