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Healthcare and Quality of Life Impact Analysis


Abiomed 2.0

Heart pumps

Abiomed develops, manufactures and markets Impella®, the world’s smallest heart
pump. Impella® was initially used during cardiogenic shock following a heart attack Product Impact 3 3 Business Practices
or heart surgery. The company has since expanded its use of Impella® to include 2.0 1.0
STEMI heart attacks and as a long-term bridge to recovery of the heart. Abiomed
distributes the product themselves and collects vast quantities of data from every Product Impact Intent Business Practices
device deployed. Impella is a significant improvement on the Abiomed’s commitment to tracking patients, Abiomed looks to be a challenging and rewarding
Abiomed previous standard of care for high-risk PCI rewarding staff for procedural success place to work and the company appears to
and cardiogenic shock patients. Impella is a and inclusion of key technical staff in the manage its business responsibly. However,
substantial proportion of Abiomed’s business management team all, along with a high governance practices lag the market and a lack
and there is clear evidence that is has a positive, investment in R&D, point to a strong level of of disclosure means there is insufficient evidence
critical impact on the health of a currently small, intent to maximise the potential impact of their demonstrating its approach to key stakeholder
but growing population. Impella device platform. relationships.

Investment Case
What challenge is the Diseases and malfunctions of the heart. The company views its broad mission as aiding ‘heart muscle
Company tackling? recovery’ and wants to use technology to allow patients to live healthy lives with their own hearts.

Is the Company’s The medical data suggests that Impella® is a significant improvement over the alternative (intra-aortic
offering sufficiently balloon pump). Patients who are treated with the pump have fewer adverse events, shorter stays in Relevant Targets Relevant Products
different and better hospital and are readmitted to hospital at half the rate. Furthermore, the company has a significant
Target 3.4 By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from Abiomed manufactures the world’s smallest heart pumps which
than the status quo? patent portfolio and has had the market to itself for a number of years.
non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment are used to take pressures off the heart during the vital moments
and promote mental health and well being. when someone is suffering a heart attack.
Is there a committed Abiomed was founded in 1981 and its first 25 years were focused on developing the world’s first fully
management team? implantable artificial heart. Whilst this endeavour prompted advances in the treatment of late-stage
What have they done heart disease, it had limited success and was ultimately determined to be too invasive and complex.
before? CEO Mike Minogue joined in 2004 and changed Abiomed from a ‘heart replacement’ company to a
‘heart recovery’ company, as he believed helping patients recover their own hearts would be the best
outcome for patients and the most cost-effective solution for society.

How does the Company Abiomed heavily emphasises its patient-focused culture, with photos and stories of patients on every
treat stakeholders? wall in the office. The sales force is incentivised on patient outcomes rather than volumes sold. Hiring
good sales people who fit into the company’s culture is a top priority. Equity incentives are offered to
most employees to foster a culture of ownership and promote retention. Looking at third party sources,
Abiomed receives good reviews from employees/former employees. Employee comments describe a
challenging and rewarding working environment, and consistently highlight its patient-first mission.

Is there a potential to Abiomed’s Impella® has a significant technological lead compared to other offerings. The closest
create a profitable and competitor is Abbott, but their offering appears inferior (a patent challenge from Abiomed forced
defendable business? its redesign) and a pause in their programme owing to pump operational issues has increased
Abiomed’s lead.

Is the business Probably best considered over 10 years. Assume increased penetration of its existing indications and
attractively valued? growth of these markets, continued expansion outside the US and the addition of new indications and
markets (40% revenue CAGR). Margins today are 26%, long-term assumption of 50% (given >80%
GPM). On 10x EV/EBIT, make >4x money over 10 years.
This presentation is intended solely for the use of professional investors and should not be relied upon by
any other person. It is not intended for use by retail clients.


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CM15025 Positive Change slide pack 0221
Ref: 51332 INS PS 9241

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