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RE ESSENTIAL INTRAPARTUM # NEWBORN CA DEFINITION Essential Intrapartum and Newborn care | Interventions for rare and quaily care of bivining madness 206 THT TT Ts Wilh nd a we Wie for the newboy, 48 hours of intapartum period (labor and delivery) and O (oy ie jime-bound and evidence. ina series Of fime-bound aad evidence -baigg err and their MEWDOIAS, Hin ng PURPOSES: | 1. 10 continue appraisal of the newnorn throughout mit norpital Hay 1. To provide safeguard against infections. 4. 10 inidione feedings 4. 10 provide guidance and health instructions 10 parents $ To reduce the risk of maternal and fetal a¢ath PRINCIPLES 1. Observe immediate drying of ine newkorn 2. Initiate carly 3 3. Observe proper cord clamping and cutting; the puuarions have stopped (1-5 min). 4 tniliale non- reparation for early breastfeeding + promote reoming in for & rows. tor of teast 30 sceonds and perform rapid Btre¥many, - 40° shin contact. tne cord thould b€ clamped and cut after EQUIPMENTS: + 0 pais oF gloves instrument clamp + Hepatitis D +t dey linen “1 sino + nee wactines | Bonnet + tidney basins a | + orytocin ompule with 4ee mringe * ye ointment © 5 tuveralin springer with area | wit neease + stetnorcope for FE | | pian aot Drea RATIONALE Freporasion \ 1. 10 practice aseptic techniques decontamination rolution for glover and equipment | er 6 ponents ante foe on te taatitote tare of delivery ond deacare pain 1. this giver the mother the energy 10 ph during delivery 3. 10 teazwe the mother that the labor is frogeting normally patient aicady in tne OR epoung tor delivery | Le Eniucer patent ombort; prepares her for delivery pir i phlegm 4. his decceayes ine cht of intcctin 5. To prevent the svenmision of oentony “ > FEMI Upright porition is more effectwe for & exporeg, ‘nfechious microogoaims, Jo ensure promph newnain “etulcitalion in care the baby it born with @ tow APGAR sO this mover it easier for the nurte to ve femember the nee et part of the delivery. oder of tober L deively = Pxpulion oF ty Je baby Calor ; | in deuvered , oxy injection ¥ Gloves), dy tinen ane wonnet once A? | fons Peper teauete of tnline 840d snrreqy stonaraum vilonin k te prevent Beeang eetete™: 146 ointment presen eptaii 9. Cleaning the perineum with 806 ay test vaccines SEERIE ME HOLLIE OF intccHon 4, eHon tor boty wit Meveccarcsychances of cross eontamine the motwer & them foyphanets OF cron contamination mero 4o the cord "Iantims trom the perineum won't be peonstet Scanned with CamScanner to. The gloves will prevent cron contamination. + At the time oF petivery 11. freventt maternal apnea and deceases FUR dcceleranons hh. Prepares for shin 40 skin contact ont neonate is bor0. 1s. Perineal support and contolned delivery of the head helpt prevent rears Me For documentation purposes 15. 10 heip alleviate tne mother's anviely over the siluakon “FIRST 30 SECONDS Iu. To facilitok immediate drying 1. 10 prevent hypothermia of the bary and WW aNIESH If the baby tH In netd of tuctioning; stimulates beaming 11-3 minures 11, flevents hypomermia caused by damp clom 14, To Prevent hypomnermia because the mother's thin warm, regulating the babys heartnear and breaming (mothers wemperature is optimum) 10. Faciitates neat vetennon by preventing evaporation of body fluids and Feeps the baby warm M To teep the newborns head wor, 12. Dryfocin induces uterine contracrca, wieine ‘ontraction decreases oxygen delivery 10 send avy 18. IM oryrein faver erect in approximately 1-3 minutes, preparing the mother for the Ihird stage oF Mor, 14. To atleviote tne mothers onxiciy becouse information facititors underrtanding 15. To facivitow aepeconon Ju. 10 prevent “Sick injuries] accidents “CLAMPS AND CUTS THE umelucaL CORD 1, 10 keep the baey worm 23. Uh ret of gloves " removed 1 prevent C101) contamination with the umbilical cord. To Entue mart enough bived reaches the baby» sopped pullakons signitier that Cord can be cut 30. In prerarakon for the cutting of the ford and occude blood flow. $1. Te help stop pleating st fiom the blood ventels In Ine umbilical cord Cutting near the plaiHe clamp and no! midway decreases the nik OF infection from excers umbilical cord tissue, which it moist 33. TD wait for the delivery of the placenta, 34. 10 that the bosy* anterior body fated dicey Nuords the mother, 35. To fauiitote the recovery OF the momner, decreares chance of Postpartum hemorrhage. Su. 10 check tor nigns if me third stage oF tabor hor stark 59 TO keep the ule fom eatering Ihe petit ond causing spurious einer false ewigente OF separanon oF even inverting the wierus BY Te ote whether mere iH a tenie oF “Giver ar Mme placenta moves in’ Ine vagina the ord lengthens corel eng thening or 34 Emre Mat the placenta w ny teparaieg te prevent retained placenta: $0. To deliver the membranes comply, Placenta that 1s tained can caute hemowhoge [8 rom 4. this facilitates its ease of itt recovery ee {0 148 prepregnant state {1 TO determine if there it a nEEE for minor suigical repairs fan cause postpartum hemorhage and] 4. 10 check whether blood 1088 1s within aerm al 43. Retained placemai mater in tection. limits or not $5. To facilitae the prevention of infections & art of eecovery Gu. To ensure proper disposal of biomedical wask. Scanned with CamScanner To Kill all mictoorganisms. 42 qe. Because Slood can be a medium of harboring microorganisms 4q. Io prevent the glove from being In ditect Contact with the skin. 50. To avoid touching the soiled glove To avoid fuching He Soiled glove « sl st. Yellow bins are used for pokntally infectious health cart waste, $3, To prevent Me transfer of microorganims. 34. Asressment helps determine the baby and the mother's immediate necds, prevents complitatons after birth. 55. Early recognition promot: early inftanon of Reatng. 5G. Aside from nutrition , this gives the baby the earliest dose of antibodies ftom the mother , and b0Osts immunity. 5}. To mate an acurate documentation & promoks proper identification records of the baby. REFERENCES errr SLr—™—C—rmr—“*™—“C Eres. Depariment of Health. Retrieved from: https] doh. gov. ph |Uunang- yakap 7)? Republic oF the Philippines + WHO €INC briefer (207). | lives by translating evidence fo practice. Essential nvaportum & Newborn Care (EiNc): saring mothers! and newborns! Scanned with CamScanner

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