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This policy spells out the guidelines for availing the leaves by the employees.


The leave policy has been developed to ensure that the employees are availing leaves with proper
approval as per leave policy.


This policy covers all employees up to COOs of SIMPOLO GROUP and the rest will be covered under the
certified standing orders of the respective company.


An unplanned absence or delay seriously hampers the ability to maintain adequate sta ng, therefore
employees are expected to report to work regularly and on time, and provide sufficient advance notice
to allow HODs/ Reporting Authorities and Managers to plan for scheduled absence.


Every employee is entitled to all National Holidays; Festival Holidays with full pay as decided by the
management from time to time (Refer Holiday List as per Annexure-1). It is mandatory for all to attend
Office and Work on National Holidays.

After celebration of the National Days, employees may leave the campus if they are not required by the
respective department to perform the duties on the day. During Celebration on the National Days all
employees must attend the function in UNIFORM ONLY.

For PH-Public Holidays, if there is GM’s requirement for employees on floor, he will have to attend the
work; otherwise he will enjoy the leave.


a. Any employee who desire to obtain leave shall submit the leave application/card in the prescribed
format for planned leave (FORMAT ATTACHED AS ANNEXURE-2) duly recommended by HOD and
approved by their respective GM and forwarded to HR in advance.

b. For leaves less than 3 days, the employee can submit the duly recommended & approved leave card
to the HR department before leaving the campus.

c. Application for leave for more than three days shall be made at least 7 days before the date from
which the leave is required and it shall be sanctioned by the appropriate authority within three days of
its receipt.

d. In case of Emergency/sick leave, proper intimation should be communicated to the respective HOD
and it is the sole responsibility of the concerned HOD to inform the HR Department or divisional time
office in writing with the prescribed format (ANNEXURE-3) before completion of the shift. After
resuming duty, duly approved leave application/card should be submitted by the employee to the
respective HR office immediately that is within the shift he wants to continue the entitled job.

e. In calculation of leave, fraction of leave of half a day or more shall be treated as one full day leave and
less than half a day shall be declared absent.
f. All leave will be granted at the convenience of the management. A workman can proceed on leave
only after it has been granted by the sanctioning authority/management, in addition to exigencies of
work management has every right to refuse, curtail, minimize or revoke leave.

g. A workman who desires to obtain leave shall apply to the sanctioning authority notified by the
management in prescribed leave application form (ANNEXURE-1) through their sectional/departmental
head who can either recommend or reject the leave for good reasons. Only GMs will be authorized to
sanction leave with the recommendations of HODs.

h. Number of times in which leave may be taken in a month should not exceed three and at a stretch
employee can enjoy 15 days leave. Thirty days leave may be sanctioned at a stretch, if candidate is going
for self-marriage.

No workman will be allowed to go on leave for three or more consecutive days without information in a
month except on medical ground with sufficient medical proof. After returning from the said leave a
workman will have to produce sufficient medical proof duly forwarded by the concerned authority with
clear remarks to the HR department mentioning the penalties if any.

i. Application for leave for more than two days due to sickness shall be considered, when supported by
medical certificate issued by a registered allopathic medical practitioner. Further, while reporting back
for duty after availing sickness leave workman has to produce a fitness certificate issued by the medical
officer of similar capacity.

j. Any workman suffering from contagious or infectious disease will be sent on compulsory leave on
advice of the doctor approved/nominated by the management. If any leave is due to him, the same shall
be adjusted and if no leave is due, the days of compulsory leave shall be treated as leave without pay.

k. Mere submission of application of leave or applying for its extension will not be deemed that leave
has been sanctioned.

l. If a workman after proceeding on leave, desires an extension thereof, he shall make an application to
the sanctioning authority, concerned HOD and Plant Manager well in advance stating good reasons
there in for the reply to reach him before the expiry of the leave which had been granted /refused to
him unless the workman receives the reply granting extension of leave he shall presume that the
extension has not been granted and in that case he must report himself on duty just on the expiry of his
leave originally granted. A workman must not proceed on leave until and unless he obtains written leave
sanction order. Those not doing so will be guilty of misconduct and besides they will be considered as
absence without leave and suitable disciplinary action will be taken against them.

m. If a workman does not take whole of the leave in any one calendar year allowed to him under sub-

(a)Earned Leave not taken by him shall be added to the leave to be allowed to him in the succeeding
calendar year, provided that the number of days of leave that may be carried forward to a succeeding
year shall not exceed 15 days. Provided that the total number of days i.e. accumulation of leave shall be
maximum 15 days.

n. When leave once applied and granted by the management and granted leave not availed during the
period of which it is granted, an application for Cancellation must be submitted within 24 hours of the
commencement of leave failing which leave shall not be cancelled and workman shall not be allowed on
o. The management reserves the right to revoke the leave and call the employee to join his duty before
expiry of his leave in the case of exigencies of work. In such case the Employee will be treated on duty
from the date on which he starts from the station to reach the reporting destination and the balance
leave could not be enjoyed by him shall be credited to his leave account. Traveling expenses of workman
in such cases would be borne by the management as per TA rule of the company.

p. Unless in the leave application such sanction is expressly given, employee absenting themselves on a
day immediately preceding to or succeeding a holiday or a weekly rest day shall not be entitled to wages
to those holidays and the day or days of absence.

q. Leave is not to be granted to an employee under suspension.

r. A record shall be maintained for leave of absence which is sanctioned in respect of each and every
employee by the management.

s. If an employee being absent without information for three or more days without leave balance, he
will be issued a warning letter.

t. Number of leave days will be decided only by the concerned GM.


There is no specified system given by the management for encashment of leave .One can encash leave
only during the full and final settlement. Encashment of balance leave will be encashed on basic salary
of the employee. For Example:

Basic Salary/30 X Balanced Leave.


I. Every employee up to the Level of COO can enjoy EL.

II.As per factory Act an employee who works for Twenty Days, the organization will credit 1 Day EL in
employees’ account.

III. The Calendar year means January to December as per the factory act. The number of Earned Leave
will be credited in employees’ account for the calendar year in the starting of the Next Year that is in the
month of January only, and he/she can enjoy the credited ELs during that year.

IV. Maximum 05 ELs can be carried forward to the next year.

V. Maximum accumulation will be 15 days.

VI. One employee can enjoy 15 ELs at a stretch.


An employee will not be allowed temporary leave in any circumstances. Any employee availing
temporary leave will face deduction in their salary as per the calculation of the salary per hour.


1. An employee is eligible for Weekly Off, only after six days of working.

2. Employees working in rotational shift may get a weekly off before/after completion of six days
3. It is mandatory to be present before or after the weekly off day to enjoy a paid weekly off.

4. If employee is absent, before or after the weekly off, the weekly off day will be considered as absent.

5. If employee is on leave before or after the weekly off day, then the weekly off day will be declared as

6. Employees at any grade should enjoy their weekly o on the stipulated day

7. Any employee working on weekly of, and if the Gross Salary of employee is more than Rs.17, 500/-
(Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Only) will be provided C.OFF. (Compensatory offs)

8. An employee can enjoy compensatory off within three days, from the day he performed duty on
weekly off.

9. No C-Offs can be enjoyed jointly with weekly offs. Two or more C-Off s cannot be enjoyed jointly, only
on exceptional cases G.M. of plant may permit to enjoy Two C.OFFs jointly considering the employees
presence in the production a airs during the W.O.

10.If C-Offs not enjoyed in the stipulated time, it will be lapsed automatically.

11.It is most important factor that during enjoyment of C-Offs the production process must not be
hampered. It will be the sole responsibility of the H.O.D and G.M.(Plant)

12. During weekly o s, if HOD/GM calls the employee (Workers) for duty, they will be paid against extra
hours of working as “Production Incentives”/C-Offs.

13. Production incentives will be paid to the employees, whose salary is up to Rs. 17,500/-(Seven Teen
Thousand and Five hundred only) Rest the employees will enjoy C.OFFs’.

14. Employees must be submitting the O.T slip (Performance Incentives) within 48 hours of duty


1. All employees are eligible for 7 days CL in a year.

2. Casual leave can be combined with Earned Leave. CL will not get carried forward to the next calendar
year and lapses automatically.

3. CL can be enjoyed 2 days in every four months and once it can be enjoyed 3 days at a stretch in a


All Employees of Simpolo Group will be allotted leaves as below:

Earned Leave- 15 Days
Casual Leave 07 Days
Holidays- 05 Days
TOTAL 27 Days

1. Leave application form

2. Leave card

3. Holiday list of the current year.

4. Leave Register.

5. Holiday list.

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