Cost Accounting 1

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L etry objective of Accounting 1 | To prowde Finacial information abo an eeonomis entity. tO. | tered trees of users. SS C = | “Types oR «Users ee SS Hanagers for planning Govarnmend, those who enatralling ant prove fur 5 ane decision maki those Who have varios Taderest ia the pp ewners la employe s F Ly iternal Heme gemend operation Sepplier § customer’ jae sters be-petensia investors Q tax aothorrtres Scanned with CamScanner — a a DATE _ feersha We gend sind ae tae servis “ea hess > [hegre ne provide he nece Fiarp PP Geman pod aja Ceanvse Top ine gs Ltabitie 5 = naaufadu _panefa efunin Time, inf dppadion = eadidig ae accumulate peigned to cela. ng to prodee tion ds “cost nedure | _ |= Hedi foctehin’ cess involves the materials into throvyh uv ant fretory camer $109 fia ished applcad oo M9 suehercs the | the labor various eypenses. Yr Oo g Cost 9 oy e Oi | gerersi Acsovaliny “cevels peat | mone forcturin business - sto aceat of prestucd coat onigiaaily 49 saHiefy maragenents Caer madi, - Accounting infermatics s vseful for tees ef 7 aetivities ell os or qanpahions. > Accouting - importony fer prefid= seeking entities [aed ~ for = Pref Jerqonizadjans govern medal agen Casi all “9 is net aly bel also fe ‘svoh S$ Churehes., qaet Actoviting the frelet county, that pea Sores wot repork storm atvon fs) 4304 rf as charities of reconds about is seats: ’ Sf. a7 expardet phase _ Beeound ag which Poomptly “wrth the er fraarcral informs managenend 2osd may proovel . Of pend ening ond = eho oe Parhsclar Service prodect, prose ray Selling oO "Scanned with CamScanner © VT Ascovahing G3 peimane concerned with pinan statement $ for seeternal vie 6, -thoce whoo? [| [SpPly fencts to) the centidy nat - ather persons who may have vested - [sre fa the fimancral operainans _ ] fs. the firm. o[ vs the vse Of accounting Mnformaten fer reporting fo ° _ |_| external parties | *9eleotig” investors L _ ant > oredtitors ~ of “ “Sut pels from aa ecouating x wo = Syston . ; a0 ty oe Bepeds crnaied a Sea Q\e escorting feecses on the i s eaterprs se as a whole, — = ee —— a Scanned with CamScanner agent or divisional concerns rather thar those recounting — + ingermation « casa addrectes inchividval of the “enterprige as a- whole. | on the Aeeas o dio, caiher then 94eresteol visite the erqaaitation Us is ek separate and different fren fisnneral “Gocowating. a [Ra wal accounting methods are foals thad are Available fer Se fo ponagement. a fFaarcray Are Ha nagerial 9. Viet un? - posta =| Accounting | sHenes |2"* dearce of prea preaisien | ‘1 thperting hrstorvoal en ‘Heal Scanned with CamScanner “Managerin| Accounting — | hore corcerne 07 the timetinegs oe the +nformation co “yre lecicion on hanot ae greeter ehgnfiemee re| internal decjon- 7 moragene) cant wart 40 fhe} makers required for toolay$ Aecision fae managerial accevntin The measering oa sed Goes et Mecessarily hove to be restrict! to peses : _ _ _ Exomples = - - Te 07 cconomie measere veh at peso aa > physroal measvre such as ‘poeadls, ailons, dons, er utes : 2 eclayonship cteasere 9tch OS rations = is the’ yatersectin between financial ant managerial accoutpin . > The) information of ha accovating 13 nee clea Gol used by Seth Qreatoral art mmayenial secourting- -_W Tprevieles Proceed “Ees} infermairn te ertéengl parties) such aS stockholders, erecta, ark various requlatory- beara for crealit aot invebtment decrgrors: - ~ Ses} eccoutling previoles — proolved _ seat - | Mfetmatie also’ 4o internal parties Beh as panagers fer plaonng ot —_seabrsting: : _ Scanned with CamScanner Compriatior of — cost of Gyavel2— Solel — machi ce /) - Fe esti cect e” nceriony 4 eS Purchase f geod ovailabic for = Teese taal merchandise invetory Cot of J Goods Sold roha se ay ar] ne Pajertals Leber aetory’ ovpchend eet t : (Farenaid | Unused (raera} ] [ener | a porn e 7. + fwork engine 3 Predection | | press _ freee ss“ Jlavertoey | _ . {= _ _ jo ———F Ua sole [ —Fiarshe ecd3 Storage) — — _ $c = 1 + Scanned with CamScanner oc ¢ perehaning collecting people fer labor ofA compensate them “with cagh —gnel called 49 th andthe | MGhirecd = matervals or achivifie? fo ~ faery overhena. The materials ell be pa after the. (purchase yn the storage ent will be pel ato prodectioa, the vavsed matervals are callen as Salaries and umgeg material vetbory simce 404 all materva/s will bes pel to. predivehinns Affen > The predvetion proces, the oeipd or finisheo! ood S will be | pa yn the yaished nas Seey ed a wilh be ealiest AS work ia, preces> inveatory since they ave aed ved done er finvthed- A Per poling the Finished “goods 09 ahe Piavehed ods sberoge, the prodved thal are sold ore “recorded 93 cool of Goods soll ond the on ball prodvadn are finished 92e9S invettory ancl will wart vals] dherr Hime of perchase- Labor > : The people hirsol for the Production proce #3 ef materals are the ofe5 who will work for ids a9 make pr - make the materials as (a Goed$ for. the customers fo _ Ve and will © te corded a a | Gacas” sel ant Fhe Wa fencshedt ek? are feconted finished “goods neni Scanned with CamScanner ove ~ factor: —; = The same ere “since vst be costs in mare factoring produc}” 0 thal» he/she an —;rsover the eoete by SeHiin t sey pree ont oat get beta a ‘his/her business the Hering” camper > Te The enmity | must have kacelea ge oo how their compete works aA algo to adjys+ something the business fe te be | __ patronize anol favorable te the cotbomers. LC. Tin on. Conjracts | \ order for the “manufacturing Lira’ to be ~~ Qwardea nanefacturiag Cont racds 7 by the government or _privated “iene, the mus4 sebmil competitive bral | ond must aot Sek wo hegh_ te Scanned with CamScanner ole te compete with others. [y avsi costs to be incurred! and : To meh_alse provide profit fer the eS profitabrhty Firms 7 ved ~‘exelole those — produced "frat ares leas] profitable ort r l must gout to. those. produets —_ that ns ther efforts Ore more profitable: ‘Ceontrof — Alanna ar - 4 fa the preeess of fermelating short-4erm nal loag-term\-plane, Yoal 5 [ant aedron © to aehiere, 2 pardecan objective . . tngee Stary to. nenag! emend. as, iW can help < firn r Soorti nad ini the operations fasioe the fiom. _ 4 Compenert of Planning a : | J ate Strotegre .° /Plaaara: ¥ Tackeal Planning = ‘4 Operortion ¢ Planing 5 . J Scanned with CamScanner Jt: Stoateys Planning _ ; ey: term goals orate’ busine 6s strategies, implemeatia them anet — evaluahig the « eemits of erecuting the ~ plan, i reqacd — +o company’s averall lenge form «goals I Jacdical Plomig 2: = chor} Ferm goals - => it octhnes “actions +e achieve Bhorl- term goals —y Occurs after a business, team, or indivedval has created @ strategic plan thal oufiines general goals. TIL. Operations Planning ~day te cay inplenertotion of tactreal plans = detailed plan that proveder clear piedvre of how a fen or adeparimed will — Contribete to vaehievencid of the fram’ - [= Conk ling will enscre thal the _geals ma dde in panning were met or achieved: = [= wil moniter the , operations. of. the | firm. —_ Scanned with CamScanner order coshin Seating 7 jet order Costing = = a eystem wher evstomens watches of preaveds => cach prooucd produced jee 7 are “vtracked “by cerdered can a eb caphre costs orden 3 xy eee services considered ome the which a >it and ee Lj of incleoles Ts Poouments * vee to thot fakes. place- emall, vaiqee 1s coasclered 5 jo” ant also be ¥ frack by predveing each materials, \dbor, and = ossoeerhead tay nonefoctering tavircament* track’ cata: cost Sheed acedeot to keep va finished ry ieee ft Hotervals ~assores allecaled to cequisttion fer nodenval track anol costs jobs i ee ef all fincsheot jobs — are properly proce»? Scanned with CamScanner oate 4 4 Tavettery ant addled te work fn "proces: _| : 7 ee eTime tioked ] labor cole ae allocated fo work 1 process inventory based ne conpledion of time fietels, ihendipyg_ who ae a worter spend | pime on: ka 4 used \maiay 0 ta peau facturin Johere varts are 4 Soatinvous ly vaadee prodeceal throvgh ae on more processes. } : 1 Evanple. x Hanofuctor of eraser + Han facture of chemenls Tuprocested. foo! woo elt ¥ of) re ng rh ; —— = eH - - ! Proce 5 corhng ye weet by companies that make large nember of ar'ailar [ preduetss or maitdan A conyimacs _ preadvetion flee 42 _ Scanned with CamScanner werkeot on time ie eagh individual job Suitable for Tadvelnies where orders pees +0 _ comple teal fOr mm Both ams 40! ta the turing desermine pe throwg pecvou 3 cost of procoly Serves of” ‘Similar _ procesces “materals 3 ventory lator, ord overhead thea thy francfer the” cons to a Werk va iP roce ss laventory account: fe They beth “ese reacted overhead rate: Las ‘apply overk pp Svidowle for thes oats h es th # the costin | one, “fe = ef n| process ano! coeds are “|process rather ther inohvcotval je inchusicie® thet te produce 1S __ volumes of Pomeyesert prodvehs. Scanned with CamScanner ale _ a Selot for a | ‘ TP pivss Hercherichine © [ae laventory « Begrante ¥ | #8 Geools Aw bie] —e A epchandise FT joer | Zoek op a ont ge eae he teas , The DEAgram: Expacatien of : wm Uaiike 0 Haw factun'ng Zonpanyy — ec $501 pecohaad 9? are Corsi —_ ore iF font nt ia clvele the prom oe ; olvats since "7 e mone hac fur eg ok pre “4 ney, Fhe aodivipiese Tthat= eet, oe ts the abe ying Gad selli°9 obew of prodkucts: i Scanned with CamScanner “eld predvels wy Geods Soll, necowd while are 10 Herchawlite | —Heraqerert an —onvet- est - ounting . =f Hanagemen|\ \ este =e Hema gertal aecovtting onal Praeeial Accounting are Similar ia that they are rnorlovaly focused, produce fvnan oral ronafoceing conde tha} comet be red fala er, elireed ae varied coteclion of product cosls thal camel be preelically or covinently 4raced dirtefly te ere Preduets 7 ] Factory Overhenot- 8 cleo = brawn 4 os SS tronepered eri overheaeh sin -~ factory overhead are all indir'reed costs Gnd they carl be) aHrrbuleal [te @ pardevlar~ prelucd or server 1 Aireetly ond Inekedles epperacs Ike Aepreciation, reat expenses Of factory, Heeleverty, property eyperscs, Sepervision expenses, etc. ime Costs. —* 7 = Direct mateciale and direct \ labor, costs that are Airely . relates 40 | the raterials and Inbor seat fa _Proolwed ion. of gee Scanned with CamScanner —Gonversien Costs = Diceed labor ‘andl a Herta [thes epee ——— | = he seen}s _asscoiated with, distrbeting, marketing od calling OR product . or service to ie customers . 7 Sapte were to 48 sere getting 7 enc ~ ordece fr ey jeosts Feanples = = ute 1 Lok Advertising. s ~ re x Shipping + # Sales 74ravel 1 | Sales Commissions # Seles Salaries ~ 1 ¥ Warrant, ~erpenses: L& tHtere . Equipaert ae T ¥ Salesperson. Balanites and Voges ¥ Waveland , erterfanment | 4 | Scanned with CamScanner A Administrative | Ge never} -Eppenees — = a business thet - the orqawzatron as a ~ the . jnetiaadea! |p eesential Costs. thal. qre ~-aaccointedd with the — management, admactrative, cleeves! at geet feretion wihin an orgerentven Trdmples — * |p Txccctive compensation lt General Accounting, lk. Seeredanal jy Peblc relation lw Reat |e Ublities Ip Insurance Ik Txeoetive Wages ancl benefitee if Depreeratin on offrae >’ fixtwres and. equipment 4 ¥ Legal counse! .anad accounting Staff ‘calarres ¥ Mot other similar expese having to oe with the overalls general’ actarnestentrey ef |. the organraation: asa? whole S All orgonizatons have marketing anet colaincslative- Cwperses , regardless of whether “the Serganizations are ment factor merchandising °F Service in ature 1 z Scanned with CamScanner PS I ‘Casls Classified as to Variabiity Variable —Cos}s—— ————_________ 7 Capi eoste Thal will change: if Yhe + amount “@f good or serie: thal 4 business Produces change > costs tha} ail Ts wary dice —_——_ relation fo volume cof production. hit the activity | increase by 90¥o) total variable cosh will alee [a tnerease by | 80%e ; Jt. (> Gost per onil will remain consent aS quently chmqet witha a relevent ranqe | Exonpes: uae | % Direc4 lator coste ¥ Direct, [Paw mafenialy j HUEY Costs ¢fredvetion Supplies: ¥ Sales connisions w Feeighl ot = Fixeot volume (ereases.. anol vice yerem- peest ipercunit Mecreased. a? > | Vm id remains -Cerstand \ reqarctless Of procluetion: oupet | ya bit aloes eal change eth an increase [See Aeerease in “amount of qacds o- | [services | E-omples : . er | Rettal lease oe . # Interest , Cpperses # Salamis mote te cop Depreciation Scanned with CamScanner _——Fwo -eategones of —Fecet-Costy ——— +t eaganithed led fired cone = ley = tem Shoo —_——. + costs that jhe compmy is required fo. ineve, fo maintam the current —e leqfecn commdments on the pork am Ts caregenens as a > resvld of ps > costs: that emana} Simply’ Clinraate ve lweslowtts 0 @aseds such at buildings | not equipment Real estate toyes ¥ Insurance epperse Filepeeiation on equipnent Honag eat E xed. Costs ~ short = term ~ 7 > also frown aa Al’s cretronary, peyonres, or fiaeneot fiecot corte N (> more likely fe nage Goring fime | | pertoct than commrHeal contd: i — — [ee coste that ore nevrrad 07 shord- tern bast ant Can be Mere «easily modified ta response te ehonge $ ia managenent objectives Enan pes: __¢ Bavertisiag progrank — — Pybie - Delatons __# Pestaroh ands clevdopment 04 Hanagenert p regean* # Internships for students. Scanned with CamScanner Hixed cost aan aan — > items’ of cost wlth fired anol eS component 7 Tr se you ated $0! Understarc 3 dhe mix of these elements of Biowary aeh oliretig. go phe. level @ “| predvotien because port of the ~Tessh ts fixed while the resd vs ~T varibles +S emivaniorble—coe}— : [Se Hivture of Fired arol mnnble t i components. : wet ee a | : ' | > The fired portion represents ya fhe. Seqivertable cos} aS fe - fee for making a cert _iten ~) or Berwice variable nel the ~ | wariable «portion fs the cos} ceharged » | the _cerwiee. - fer actually us Step | Gos} —— “Ta casts thal deesad) charge in afrod A - “4 pre pecton to Fhe Changes tn edivity | lwde Gy changes my iy in ShepF i 4 Scanned with CamScanner _cleserfies as to, relation _ te —_ “coals = “Honvfactung eee “Departmental Charges — _ ty. costs. thal mediately ately ehnegedl, be the | perticulan mone poked | departments erdmens thet — incurred the costs ~since the cost? em be Conveniently toleatified or Associated: eth >bke olepartmentsy "+ “qral benefited” fron the Fait costs. oA — Departmental} ly costs that we some elher _ manefacturing.. aepartment s or accomts GA are “later allocated er demefered to another le periment thal indireeth benefited fren the 4 . costs. ;. Sad _ Cos classified to there “matene as common or jorat — J Coimmon—Costs cosfS ~hich are incurred fe more than ore Spreetect; je ferifory or | ony «other speerfic costing objec ~b H varise where the processing” of 0 | Single raw matenal: oc Premetion fe Cowces revlis 10 jwo of moe oatpercn predvots Scanned with CamScanner _ Capital —Egperditeees ———— eH refs $2 the late the are eset by a finn fe 4] he Prchase, imProvemen} 9r “maint emance of ‘feng - tern vases « jo improve the effie yeh the co Up intencted™ Fo benef more thaa one ace ountin 4° pecats aree ] 4 . “lp Cost thal willbe an expense + ja the accounting perred when the. explidiece 7 dakes pice: | ow > expendiere «that will Genet current, pened oaly and is recorded as an, erpewc i costs for planing, control, arc avalyticel : processes Stortacol—to-st estimated erperse™ that Aermaty A Jocurs alering thes ‘proevcdiin OF 1 produced or performance of A evict | part esfabiishet by ving Infermadion [Taccumiated from past? experience pnd dala Securca from research ehedins Scanned with CamScanner > meacures” terms of onl fos a ara apes & aves -£ dhe movies the night before On: eran- > Opportunity coal: Time Spead steatyrn art thal motey to Spero on seme thing else “A farmer chooses i plavt when}. cost: “piaating a afferent (erp or Alternative deen op torees —Ditferestiol—Gost Hrcremertet—eos}— ‘ + > Aifperence bejween the cos} of two allerastive decreiors., or of .@ ohange io Opt ievels- Trample + The €984 Of alfernabve:A i's P20,000 per year aad the coahief Alteraadive b 13 Bigooo per year by jerentin| Coat: the’ olpference’ of P20,as0 and 15j0d0 which» (8 P g;o0e — | me Scanned with CamScanner — Poteveart cos} a = Go} celerml . foe AecjSion = | = @vordavle a felis, eae that ohenge me v0? the alternatives Out ref-pecket —cost— = something thal you hat te pay for denser expense ‘Qcorreet « that you were responsible for Or money Msses yee baad. to bear. . > Sv F Gest To ghovld be used 19 analysing + fulure course ef achens > a = nel afferential costs [a west that-ehas olveady opeat {s are. cannol be “recovered! Za cons dered debe certrollable: cost. [oats parvicclae level o£ nana gener? Teh that evel has power te | avthorige the cost: Scanned with CamScanner coeds prodvction ovehead by the ~~ costs the} are controllable over fhe jog "pen May ne} be controllable oven }—_ the short cun- = monagenent - has 20 “the Amon) o, on’ erclver e ee} and og contrac} Gos} flow +» Hane fmodoning —Frem 4 2 * P Cos} "Wneyrrence pee Fartled co gy jest Labor — == = fimy Werk Goods ced Solal ord Aolmiasicadive. ———————-—p operat © Bpente “Werk _Nor “process, consrtte off qdoats that arc’ gtartet buf not conplejeol . Fi ||_qeeds et goeate that ore eonpide ant feady for” sale i Scanned with CamScanner Merohanaleing “Ficm Gost Flew cosl snoverence Eypese. omlegoy ~piaiched good? selling Jan! Adminve: Gos\— Flow cos) |ineurresce Gost incutrenee Oirec! Madera ~p cost of service = } Drew) (labor - - ----3 } J ct Overhead — --- Factory Ove f _ selling ond Adainistrative > Operating _eypense ~ + important Pormuvias— Total Variable ees] = Varmblé eos} per vart ye tHe outped i 4. 2 Jetal | cost= Tetal variable ost te) a ye Outpet “at Vobig heed pat _ Fired bests Total cos} at lowest = Scanned with CamScanner oate Hethod of | Separating Mrxeet geste ayo —Fiix eo! —an dh —Yarrable — oa h-bew Pert Methool oe 3M nDancol ef beast Square >) Soatter raph [The followin dala was gathered for ra reqs “of ABC Company. Total cost (4) 724, goo joe 27, 59C 29;00¢ 31,900 $f 34,0Cc ~ F27,800 4 I 7 $20 — eco. > 6,506 Teo P41 fuard Scanned with CamScanner eed costs cen 7 P34,c coe - £34,0 oo Fig §O — overhtao_Cos}- ——— co ( ca =e] 991620, | Jota) cos}s | foo ums are —~ _ rejected fo be used nent perred caret by 4 | =Fo3, 180 te te ee | FO $32,900 +s of and aA Sepacat’ components 0 ploding Ces}) aon raphical otiviy orrespondlin y-ar's. a 3) L | Tete]_costs if _ Pres _t - a5 ; : =o ee rene ' ~ ot - | “i re 1s” thea drawn = )) Visca Taspectior methed o- techargee 1 txed ancl yarmble niet cosh 6 Weed along nants Bei cos} (fe. Pireed soning ire gape Scanned with CamScanner on | | LC — teas} L ‘Savore —H-et hoot aor] s(x] [ToT Conta] xy ¥ ~ — | eee” | P29, 900" |20, 264,066 | 42, 400 - —> | tae | 34, Coe 77, P#e,0cc | C72,400 924,906 | . __nvy = (2x) (fy —Veriable—Coet {0} > Ee ry a Re 347 er 997656, 000 12/2 §9, 00° = 12, 110,400 = 4, 70 F000 172%, Coo S00 = 42, Fic . i 5 Scanned with CamScanner _—_Overheaoal costs 4-4 -bx—— _ — ——\— en cr TT sPiygr7-ce_ 26-67 (#22) : Fy 877-682 +P 91;996 > Plo} the : Gotivily level (ve. number of wards, aber [howe et) aA aon and tela) —Tmikea cost along y-an's- Step 2 «Draw “reqression” «We “pra a regression line orce The scatters ph by vesval faspectior Onot sry to ania ~ —Ghe felal vertical qlistaree between the -t [Nee ano all thé Polak. Extent the ne +. Yoward t=. YAKS Shep 2] Fine Fetal Fixet cost syetal fiver giver by the y-intersept the line. 7, Sjepl 2 Draw ~ data on. scatter graph: Plo} intercep}, i the pomd® ~ _ [at whieh the Woe ete y-axis 4 i Step 4:1) Fiad variable cos} _ per var} ~ Yariable sos) per meat vs eqal_t2 the ~~, _Tslepe of the Whe. Take two poirt? : [Cn xi) ara (45s yo) to the Wee one! __ [ealeviate vartable ‘Oost ~vsing The follewing Form Variavid Cost per Uni} 1 = [Slope q ee ___— Scanned with CamScanner Financial Statements TT © | lacome ~ Statement o r ° Statement ef Chen ges TFA Equity e © Balance “Sheets Cash flow Statement = Alihough Thece fiaorcrah Batement sare | vsefel “to nanagenent as wef, 93 external | vsers, aclditiongl reports, Schedules , a7 oralyses | are required for “iMteraal use in pRoning | onal. Control + + vot deo Accounting pares the. Additional [information required) by necageneni, aned also provides data Aece scary for the preparation of external financial’ | + Statement. “Scanned with CamScanner for the’, cools BAIA Ber “thet Vala ton fhe balonce sheef- > tes the —— Sy ReceTy JaneT e aiftreoN Spark of -menufactunin accounting when compared with nerchanc'sing accounting t J oF [> Rerchandirse Inventory fs n0f the ooh Accot te- deal with be} alse phe. Materials laventory, Work | in Process |aveatory ant Fiarghed 2 » Goods laventory- yall of phe sepples and nakenal on hond meant for the after + of (pre duets. : } tisha tbe td ~—Hatlerials—avertory— — ~ Ly vse 9g menvfactening companys v seal he Fee” the. tena ing of Tverd any through the prostyetien _preeess \ Tp laven tory slanpa as mae panne: Tes moves $0 york 17 process, 4hen. moves +o finisher qos: Scanned with CamScanner Le whea ventory 4 Gay materials favertory - repretents veatory F ye 6 ~ started has en, or moved costs \neurred arel “| a8stgned ~Fe_ predvets ping produces tphas 20. couterprt in mercharcising 4 accounting o + - ~ components fs a eempny "S= (nvertery 1 fhed peevialy completeat pe vital 9 rome neato rs Halenole mat bei out, molde ay assembled, or 1a some other way ohenged ato a finishecl prodvel atl por sf | te. ehange, Fo Froroheat Product, $4 musi) se. People, machines, WA other | factory, resources eonane decdnerty, |. sseppiies varel 80. on}. All of product cost must enter: ito + __ Boeouating a, for Weck (jn Process laventory- Scanned with CamScanner ATE Sinan preted & yee pee toto th . — “storage area — __ , feansferred to Fintsheo! G the “work 17) Process [avea tory + accou} - _ costs: are \ from ~“Frarsh ol Goa ds : |avertor: “y theseace= athe proalets fon a raw malerials aA was pop ovate | proolvedion oral recorceot as Work [ta * Progesee vloverdony. ey 4 iT yhe pasa arc Sold, the costs [ot the roduc ares yonsfered + [fom he Faiskeo! Good Inver jory AKecout: to Cost of Cred? Solo aécounh}:, >) Kecomtia pstadoras a eatin [debt “ede of the Finished | Trrentonp account oliffer “prom those | fer the Merchanofi'se — Inventory account - Bla" Hone factining: Siem, Balmble proolucts oe prooluced” = pather | thar perchated- Al cos}s debijet to the Frarshet Good laventory acco represent Scanned with CamScanner — ost of— Goods —Gotot com petet— ja Herchanclisin ag Co ‘Concern Beqinag merchonotise (oventory ~ Plus: Purchases [merchandis) = OSSCS~™S | Herchonclse “ewaii lable for: sale i i ritaventory eno! “4 | ee8h ef goods toh Beqianing finteheot good favertory Pics: Cob] of qoods _marfactureo! [Total goods avaiable for Sale Lees: Peareheot qooels inventory er Cos} of qoode soll) Ze Herchonalisi= ancl Hanfactsring are ibperent from gach other since “megehandiaing has a Achiiidy of -beying anol selling [of proolvets while manfacturing has an caetividy of proce or makin ols in cheat of buying selon: ry, there [are accounts that olffer from fhe vr [Fees Tike the: porchase 19 merchandlisi [represents cosh of gocols 10 moaufactering which » were J aequired Goring the | Perioot “for ‘reese. Anot the © term Scanned with CamScanner pate |? Herchordli ce [nvertory 7 replaces SRinvsheot “Goods [avettory * in manufacturing ———“qnot Vhe term * purchases 7 replaces —teost ef goods manfactured” 17 manufac jo defemme the 7 cest of gees Solo. of -Gocals «Hen facture of * Ts prepared \4o summarize he + jnarefactering: arotivrdy «© the rien — renee — Aa A hes oe la Se fiom us equivateny he to perohases or merchandli's!' rth. eles ef goods “menefactered staeaerd Ts a Summary oF — the’ aired materials, orev} labor, factory overhead anol work (9 place aceount- ° Ie Hateriale + Direct babor « Factory Overheadl mies cost. Of ‘material whith bevone [= Bark cof: the product Pern mantactured anot which’ can be? readily tolentigied © wether a certain Proceed. Examples + Fabric used fo aR abe Cloghjn “Cieeul board included (in a Fado i Leather uset fo make “shoes of bags Hl Sleek incledted in an AAomoae ah lle Scanned with CamScanner Dare Timber vted $0 ceastrocl a hovee used 9 - le mater’ ai cannot be readli' yoo fdlentifiedt “with sony partredar jem o_manefactwed > these are the. matenalé ote mn | the preotecticn Ploeess. of, goods wt camel be linked te q Specific —job Sr 5 prodvcd Examples = "és ¥ Glee aRA x | ig orl | ¥ Tape * Clemacey supple s i iit refers to the salaries and wages part 40 workers that can be directly attributed ta specrfre fiarghed product §. Exom ples = 7. > # Payroll taxes ¥ Roost of revlar working hows overlime hours worked * 4 Unemployment) tay - % Employmend. (asurarec < ¥ Calaries of machine Sarat * ¥ * Salar ef factory workers Salowies of engineers Scanned with CamScanner Indirect Labor — ——- “yeosh of any labor thd eupperis - “Yhe production process, but 75 | -————~Traf olivecdly involved in thE | Aehive: ef materiale > into oools Fr mpl: a $ Salaries 2. Accountants. ~ ee re € Se ae Tor YK Salates Of haimtennce Pereome! Y Salaries anol Wages of department heads , supevisers, inspectors andl padajarsirative Assrstonts ~ | ab costs incurred dering fhe manufac etrny | proce ss excep} costs of dived labor aad Airect majerrais — Lram ples: : Vim cinttreecA | labor Ty InelicecA Motervals ¥ factory Ret — F Factory tities Depreciation ~¥ Sopplies aa ean oh % Tare s ~ vey Production * Hi 4A | ed Scanned with CamScanner _ He efecto a y Gos} Flow Frishid Goods Iwentory Cost of Goods Solel Baki xey [Sd xy —————_> cold ey ed evr | * “ry ces} flow begin uith cosls _ | men _fncurneot « Henufacturing costs Storf in mony ways. They may be _e8sh pmyments, neurred kabihties, frxeot assel olepreevalion, or cx pred prepare —___ tepmter. The cost thet have. been Incurred are recorded a8 either ohirect _ materials, direct labor of factony overheat — @°616- The resources Vunil be used in - —._Predlved andl mus} frorsfer to work A a process inventory Account. After the goods are _Alreaay compleied, they ve Scanned with CamScanner "goods Mnvertory ~~ pods “are solely phey” —— _ the coat OF goods —Cos}—Flew - Manufa ohucing Firms ooo Tanne aren — a + y ; - Here foretert Shorkemeot ———— “Ly the finoncial statements 19 manefoetorsing 4 = has jittle ffennce to the memchanising ~ compares: 7 | fount 07 the balence 1 —> Aécount titles most corporation — § ~ Sheet are, the. same 0 Aeper ding on Fhe inclusivy é oe _ cone etatenert® fer a merchandiser are. the Gane bed ‘anata manufac te! Ta manufac wring, a Of goede selol . fs useot instead ) poroheses vacecutt - since -manufacturiae ate nop bay ~ ‘ell ei bel. + and —_ | Tpredvoe rpredoets ee remly Per Scanned with CamScanner bate ———Heferminin ——7s_ the __ jn come, = Se = : gpecial marvfactung statement, the statement of cos¥ of | goods man factures, ——Tahich 78 prepaca te supper . the Pequre on the come: SEAtemenh ee two | ahve O° tatement are te total wanvfackor oat ad the cost of the cost the come oodles sold is fhe cosh preaect to a _aisteFader [Renfactoren or retailer Scanned with CamScanner Hateials Inverbory Jawa t Puxy holed Purchases or ror USE a Invertary, Decent ye Pent ot Foy “Factory | Ov | Overhend wo % ~Jotal nan fecturing coats or ~ Aotat: Work 69 Pabss, Fovery | aa 1 Mey ~ Coed of! qoods put inte process ave Less: Werk 19 process, December 9) iw “asst eff goeets anifactred ee ee ~ Add: Fareed goods, Jawvary! ey ~“Tetal goods available fer sale ~~ _ ver ~~ Less: Fiqrched qoodls, Decemetr 3 Maye “Cosy of qeede§ self ~normal ; Pus Steps" or reempettng the 6084 — =f Cocos —Solot —- “stepi:) compte cos4 p maherials use le foto the beginning palace of materiale (0 she Jaeertory accom) os _ Vee perchases a9 «the subtotal "represents the cost of meieriale iS ake ecst of Scanned with CamScanner Date ees peat ps the Total Tetel _nanvfactering costs it the She fetal mancfactoring —_ TF geste by Oe awa ef ied, areal fabor Aro the, factory 4 ed applied —] overheaod gee oF Compete Hee cosh off gorals pot ito process So hdd fhe tobal mere facturing Gosis te ——T Fre bey recess Inventory ——ealarce + et the cost of goods — pet inte process Gtep A> Compde. the -oost~ of grote mone fac tureot ae The aAifference between. cost of : goods pul mato precesS ond the [ending balence of Work 19 Process “puenter7 78 the cost vo “geet « maneforctured — | ctep §: Compe phe Total: -qpeds- available for’ Sale | }* Get the total \qoods awnilable for sale by adding the: “cost oF ods nenufactuctl to the beanar balrce [of ghe Fiwehect Goodlé Inventory: 7 step je? Compete the ‘ef goods Golal =eermal Le The cost of goods sold - nonmal is _ | competed by “subimmcting “the eneting balonce fav sheel goods. ~Mnvertory 4 —____baloneé ta fr a et unsolel’ in 8 Scanned with CamScanner ———— “@: cos} of grots sola (3 corsiderect = ~ — P —| nn enperee for the period 19 which (he relabect preolvets were Salot- a | eg gate —b The accowting cycle «(s the —_ saae 4 a mone factea Br ntacaig e ee mpg I OIA ow ~.garvice > Journal entries an used to recorol [ron seed ions : ee ‘journal exjries are US€of g——— nr ee a revewes SQ 7 _apprepo sis Period: — > ores “eninies recorded 7 ee ‘ twertory 7 - Wr Perpetual ,Hethed — [Paw aatermls percha es are recorded 0 —«sthe Da al lav eatery eclodia lwertory Hi > » Baw mat rads _ percha se s Ac6omd — ~ Scanned with CamScanner —— > The aw materials oa a iherense (olebr —pakeeTals eS net aia seounls Payal et — Ht the end Aa the “Gye —pitties are prepare the clesin 4 fhe format of the income stodenent a monufacterer* fs aot sqnifion ty _ Taf fered Bron thay fe a “techanet ser @ In the income statemand Of a menefactuning concern, the coet ef geods eblol v's Uscanlly chown as one figure 1 Sepported the cost. ool col at Siatemert, is also. the general procedure pyblichedt report. le At the cnot of the periool, we” compare the total of the Factory Ovethend Control wecound anol the Factory Overhewd Applied accom. aE the factory lesser Woh is eo tendency Scanned with CamScanner “Tf the applies! overhemd i's Tareader ther Ractory overhenet_ certrol, thea we url have on 7 . joverappl'¢d factory overhead | which ™ conerdered favorable |becavic effec} ts a -Cecrene on cos} of goes cold theeby > _ th erea 6g he sess pep: [fo company vs elesing THs wockerappl te Joverapphied out Gh — the end of fhe yearj>ne-entr7 is made at the ent (of the month. [Ark efa company, les ing the + factory help queskt gelol break sales even Include + Feyeot—cos} ~ T elvale = =| - * Fixeet T ¥ Fixed ENP Hoole} a “pee ce ar, are. linear th Ault -prockucd je) eoston} cae Aumbtr © “to ‘ even (ech! of Tfichanges #7 4 co > the _ ey __even_peith {ef changes? ¥ Direed ¥ Direc} Labor T ¥ Vorigble Overhead Te Fivect companies, ag eke a = eo fae SE ae ae yyy vats te 2 reg even ay the break preee__ on the point all costs opole Ces one Vows 3s more verbs rncrease that prodced ac ¥ Varvable Selling # Variable 4 Admins Hrative Materials overhear Sly Kolmarstative 5 Assuptiors———— corsten} can Vo variable mot gar OL alivicled fiver Clements sales mig to Lt aventanes. Scanned with CamScanner Sunny of revenveanot_ cog} As Sumptrors a Relemt range- the Compary §$ assumes to, be = operating within the relevant range of! activity Speer (veo! lor edermining the reyewe “anof cos} in formatio1 useol. The relevent rege refers $c the renge of Bctivily over ehich @ variable cos) per cart remain centtart or A fined Cost remaint fired in total & Revene = revewe per” wail iy assumes fo” remajn conctenk . “Total revewe flvetvates 9 direc proportion "to voleme c. Variable cos4- variale ace assumed in remain constant on ai) per basis: Telal yarsable vary costs fluctuate (0 direed proportion $0 volume d- Fixed cost- Total fixed cost ave Assumed + aman Corstany rx, greens of charges in volume ancl clone of NS fined cost ong per wd bast) increnses as - veleme decreases: anct decrease as yokme increases. SHived Cost- before Scanned with camScanner pate Ore Prodvot Gos}—Velume —Profr Pola peverwe* Selling price per un} ¥ bomber of -ua}s SoloA “Toleal cos} + Total Variable Cost 4 Tota] Total Variable Cost > Variable cost per um} [ ¥ Vo.of varts Slot —Seles— Volume What is the profit impacd if chocobte Company Gar dnerease vert sales. £7071 $lcoc’ te qisj0ce by ereasin the monthly . adverhisitg Ovdec} oy Seo? ) ae ae (1,200 ¥ 4 cH) - $8,000 =§ 1,006 ssume §P SP re { sp tie ee Units # 134000 ei4 ~ fales + 20k, coe <— Ie ¥ 13,000 Ve + I86cc0 en ® v00 “ 1 39,006 2,098 _ 5 ——“qales?_ 18 *_199,00¢ —¥ 416+¥ 12000 ar 7144006 -7 12)% 12,006 ve = Ne OE 1D wt A 4%, 00¢ >. or *4 « 12,000 eH = A a Fis Meee da} ws ——~Fe = 10,006 10,00¢ at Ts the profit “impack rf chocolate Company can v8 hi her quality raw materials, qs, inereasing the variable cost per oad oy yo, fo qeerote on in ecease inward wales fron (12,006 to 2R00e ? Pe apr le = "ais = a e00e - Salen = 44¥,006 > 1 x Roce Variabk Cost = 899,000 —> 14 x 76,000 Conti Hargin = Fixed cost 56, 200 2°38 ¥ 2Roce 10, oe Vet Income 7 4¢,0@ (+ 8,000) henge in Fixeot—Cosh, Seles Pree —_— anol — fou me——— What is the profil impack. /. _ £ 300 x doe preak Even rea (wats) = | Total red cos) ° ai : T Sales price = Vefpnit : or Total iret cost conde’ betion margin Jonit Ler Break Ever Poind (units) eter beren Bargin 5 a ice. Variable per uate < cos} ml __ _ —— a. CM per var} Sales price func Scanned with CamScanner _ Break Teva Point _ (ree) bp za eo Fi - _(Pses) Yer able cos\ _ variable cos _per var} e as a Palio Selling Price conaite Company's “preted profil fe Ye coming yer 73 OS Qollowe « LT Total [per und Sales |PGv0,0c| | —\vaiabe cos SSSC*dCB 0 TV Congr et Horgin 240,000 Five a iazene ~~ T Operating” Income _ ~ | T¥006| compte the | Variable cost rato cotter bt) atic break-ere point in oats compet _ o pete dhe of i ge Compete the break-even sales (9 Peecs varvabl: cost pend Selling, prrce sie i Pac > Poe = Gof —_ Yariable cos} Pato = Scanned with CamScanner CH per unt Tales prieefoaiy pent fsa funk)» LOT Get cat penne oP et in feet vas 5 aT —_—— . PR 1A9,00e otal fixed coal Cont Parga palo P 199, 0ce ——“prget Propet + —_ methods can 6 Useol fo colefermine the eale> volume 5 $e Kaew how bike S mest be SIA tearm Scanned with CamScanner Gales * variable expenses 4 Fieeot iva tered s $ 9%0ce 93, Bcc chocdlated 36b,0ce 236,006 A20¢e 40,0ce 5e0 ; ving Contributer Hagin Approach __Unt sales $6 Five expenses + Targed Prof Ateva | the vat confribedion Narain feat ptt “3 | _Fdejoce + $ S400 | — $4 [chocolate _ 4 — $90,060 _ 7 - 4 __ prety eee ness ery on break-even > the excess ef boda js the “excers A (or. octal) — | _ sales over fhe break even an wok ales ee __Heegin io =the 2ak ~Fyen Sno, sh ae Feotot—Sa}es_—— Break ~ Fyeq Saes Scanned with CamScanner opt heverage — SO Tydecrease in Golesi ohecrease (a income fe fhe chonac goles ) saenedive «opening _ pereettaye “ehenges 7 lin + — spy balance sp measure ve high operayne )_ leverage, even small — jercentage inc ree’ (olecreate) 17 cales ta cavic a — percentage nerease Income. eee «) = feveraqe +» Vo. to (nc reoue | decrease the ncone Contr eupion Hacgin Operating Income $500,006 Variable Costs 300,006 Geer _ __ Conteh. Marg. 20,000 rneome will alse i Fixect. Costs iMerente by 5 6 89” fhere’s 44 \ of treone by Scanned with CamScanner 49,00¢ x _loe" , st) 4 ae [nc ome 200 O66 ___ bet vl —— : . « a efor = dooce = - Pi nereae of “108 ve: — 4ei0ce ¢ devece © te, oc ——* ~ tacoma. > en salee herp e regen! — 500,000 Tnerease of 2% -» Geoo,ow.) Bac,0ce < increase Of 0% —7 360,006 200,866 Gs increase: Of ole 4o,225 1¢0,0c¢ x Ieé, 000" ~ 40,006 _ _ —$o,ecu “Frample of Targed Profi}: - — Versa lace Sell” a Product for leo per var\ + The variable cosh 1S Fes Pervert, anol fined costs are, - $45,000. Required = a | Determine dhe break -even _ pond ved 10 8Qles! . 7 7 2] Determine phe. _t0le3 “Gare requieed fer the: conipany chicos | target “pre: of Toca ————} —F ee — _ Break - ever Point (esos) > Total —— Sel 3 Scanned with CamScanner _ art iS (on arya Selling Price e $ loo ~ arts * 2, toe . sales 100.» $9 80,0ce & Ice » 2,800 Varrable Cosh 210, 200) EIS « Vgco Corteibion Costs 98 © “Fo ooe e326 « 2 00 Fixed Cos} + 435,00¢ {— $25,000 I "$940,006 “(U897008) — Gorin Hangs “reo, 008 . ( t0,000) Gigiec — Open) hese Scanned with CamScanner ate Harsig —~ operat ay as Sa EE SEEN geen ene 2p" =e 160,0e¢ oF teyoeg ~~Eyample of Horgin of fafely SS rs et Hels ne. hag’ sales of § 1,952 cog, ~ wd the break-even point 9 sales dollars ws “$ 75,000 ooo: Regie _ ¥ [Determine the company's margin jaf safed7 as a. percent of Corrend sales S neeloes a Hargin of Saley en an Sef 7 Patio hal se is the ceabinatio of Prot vets - being marketed by the Canpany THIS “meased in ferms of oe vats sold” Scanned with CamScanner _—Formvlas- et Contes S toa 4 2 ot ——— Gen eee Ne Sates prvee Patio av ana a _ piable €28) Variable cost par vat a ‘ 2 ne ee — “patio Selling Preece yall Conbei beh “Sales price per vat aa “on Varrable cot per ~ Ever Point (ent) = Jetal fixed cosh a Contribetion Hi jon Heibehion Harginfont Poi 1 (res08) P Tetal fixet cosy a _ Contributed arg Ratio or ~ see ge I tel pohly. 1 — Target Pre fh —— | Break -Even _Total Fixeol Cost + pratt Point (uns) Unit Conte). Marqin Sales (ents) er ror Of Safety Total fales Hera of Safety Ratios —_ foray of Safety (vats) >-Currat Sales aes Scanned with CamScanner aera eee tees Hogg of tapete (tater) yin ree ~ — — —~ ~~ Operati pr Revenge Ho : , 2 Contribetion Harain~ ~ “Operating he. + J = “operating heone’ ~ _— Leverage i dey Degree of Operatin for BEP (wis Total _ fixed cos} Wwergh CH Per um —-KReenalive eebive™ ~ pee {units} = “; soe aie —~ Examples — Fixed Cos} = 1 fo0,000 | WERE cape oy Cont pibofion Hargis pe ony [P4007 P6-00-- F400} — | — : | ~ Th __ [belt by sales +e a | aL imix cate weiaiteal \eanteiboyion nary pe Scanned with CamScanner arc made. based oF orolers DE ee cates epsting ea —— s me Spores! pl eat plac Rod Tense ae each Saal saa ca porchase oo custome Job Orler costing syste $c ain _ lad “Heck in. hatiten non firare ial [resources Wey matenal tS pyre) (recor s; sepphen) invoreeg onet Lortchead allocations: rier Sovree—Boeyments—fer——§ inet Orcler— Costing — —________| _ta leb-ocdte Cosh Sheoh - yrs a Oecument ceed $0 recoral |S env Faatening, Costs \onel is prepare by: compares Thal use [eeorder “ “System to @mpute met “gilocak __ _285ts rs proctecds and se-vices _ Ss 2H oy used qo - charge -eoat aL fe yobr bed gs alse. g es I the company’s accounin 7 a = bia separate cos Shee pepred separate co 31 Shee __ fer each job - Een Scanned with CamScanner —treaple of job 65} sheet _S. — ~~ Jo® Cost Sheey Day fated - _Oate complede A — De “ok TMatenals| direct Labo: fey v0 | Amount [Ticket] Hours ~ fa taferials Stockcar —tI 7 bre the perpetval avertory of I costs ond “quanhilies “of matenals er heal ae = =Pa report used 1 @ job avcler costing to track act recor fhe mumbo FS of uns that are purchased ard i'ssveal the proolection fing a a ceparate Sfockeard i's prepared for _fach 47pe of = material on hard — Scanned with CamScanner DATE __ Teanple of @Aakecial evoke cand Lecatienr nh Store reo: ea = “Pitaimen Stores Ledge Acct: Ven 4 5 et of aA Goods Stock Cad wthese recess gre the Perpedeal book inventory of cess ord goantifie s? at. Z2nple qocd> hell for sare. > the file of finished gocds stook a deel fer len Selah was ‘s the + ; Lb sidan lealge, ~S Fin'shef Greods Conor Fe es a Facile overhead, Control "Cosh Dedorel these records @ecumel Aeteitedm “factors ao mene fac: e08ts by parla Scanned with CamScanner —paterials Requisition, Time peket mot clock ecsarat : . _ tp as the source documets for charying costs fo jobs ot department. _ a fe Cave in fxing eS O75 by bitey fer central anol vinge Jol matenrals —_ ant — labor ; ———gaterale Requisition A source olocunert that the - . >is — — production ceportment uses 40 requen - materials — for mene factor ot a The job newer, co ate of 1 enol “prope menagen oh signaores - process. Received by _thacyed to Job/Dep Scanned with CamScanner ate gomple: Employee Wore Ba: = [Employee umber Department I © Glock cords —» a sewce sowee of dédomats for eines | yo recerd labor costs T Le cards used ey employees to ~ reqiste; phere time Of arrival erty - a HIRE °F departure fom, their Scanned with CamScanner Ya menvfactorin record all matenalt eontrol accoun}, “the materials accou Purchase of materiale one su Matenrals ool eupplies- adlirect mmterials ond supplies 3 wher materials 9 porchased, The 7 omovnt is posted. ond > clebi ted “b Haterials or Stores (instead of pweharat 7 __ firs perioaiol one thes perchase, 1's * “entered oan individeal Tay withkela - ae [= PS compled) “paseo on the —~ fable provide A bye Bureav | of Sterne Revene — 9 685 Premions aa Phil Healh Canicibohas ~~ Fable is prvited ky The Secral Seeunity Systen Payroll Account is Gommarized Peer follows = —— = | Payroll % Total wajes . and I salaries eamed by [factory a —fectieeh (See) bering — [fer eik pected Scanned with CamScanner co eed Factory “Payroll Summarized below —ord Fhe ~~ Aeount Aectunt thats « vacel _ #98 Oceemintt | 5 oe fo factory prime! — Bb the seme dime 2 — fetounting for Facbery Overhesrek Ti Enteies are made mi the: general. fowl for iadirecd materials endl ~ tadlirecA + jabor fem the ~ summary of omenals seed md the labor cost =. sunaay. [Wothke factory Overhead eypares ave 1 - recorded in the ger levlger fos ih invoices << i a : i Tm A Factory overhead sebsilary ledgte may 6 used ef othe number o __ tee large _ acceumts Useol — Factory © overhead Canto): —Foctery . overhead appked scanned with CamScanner “a Factory. Overhend Applica — + is ved $e aegunulate acdory. ovechend 40 proceed ion, @ pre dederamned wie amt this (8 con using any Tne following as a base: # darts Vs used even if there ys actal factory overhend becavse mt the time yhe overhead ES needed cost 1 oF eee completed, the acWwal ovechenA [ts nel yet owailable (4h achat Scanned with CamScanner Li) ee chown only ak” the aa “Ke items in the thctory ovechandl ——— | control «= actounl are “10 erred, phe Cantral a2¢ ome) a preter ~Sverkeaot re (eb ercler ¢ eh fre wal ry the = _ fer ~ the the © folowing’ eoty: no Werk i Process Applet Factory Overhead Mo enter, made on “the Gosh hoot — __ faetery overhen tcc, tone Selva] “ouithead ceil WN wy nobiregl matervals,; inotreet lakor, ancl eyrell 77 Overhead _ | cantrol accout os they are nour | Other factory Overhiod “euch as 3 cleppectation 1 anol enpiredt tasurance lare oebried Btrance at debilew to a | Pmetory Overhea Gontrol, _ when oopeting OO entries | on ~ pecorotent — fayes, a7 ofebifeo te Facto onal egpiredt rolling account “fee accemulaty The a incorreed fa precteotien 7 cost oF {nokired materia) = anot Supplies i aseed 1 rom the warthovse at | Tl Scanned with CamScanner Deer of tnohirert labor a) jhe game “yime | ore} ing payroll 2) Cosh | of indtircet eppre Perchated er oud icken| 4 cost of Other Idling} ey pete heurred ca the peouns teeter vbcletering Ovirheaoh hyp Appl LIDS ee footings : he 09 of the “ alloented be . Becounbins ecieot upon protsetion ange ‘ Closing. a . b et oe oo factor y foq - | ete tur tn) Hh Pemad ey The | __Preetttermined ovte, cal “Overdudder Applied Overhead the some time, feb, work in procens +e the atifRenince ‘belwees the — | Betval overhead acum ont He appeA Neverhend Scanned with CamScanner

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