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1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to introduce the Open Office writer – its environment and functionalities.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Familiarize the elements of Open Office writer display.

2. Create document using Open Office writer.
3. Understand the different style and editing in document.
4. Apply moves his document may require using what Open Office writer offers.

3. Discussion:

What is Writer? It is the word processor component of which is a free alternative to
Windows' MS Word. This can be used to create documents such as reports and letters. File extension
is .odt by default. However, the format can be saved in a manner that can be open in Windows 2003 or
Windows 2007 application.


1. Creating a new document

File >> New >> Text Document New icon in the standard toolbar. Ctrl + N

2. Opening an existing document

File >> Open Open icon in the standard toolbar. Ctrl + O

3. Opening an existing document

Choose which file to open.

4. Opening an existing document

Click OK

5. Saving a document (.odt)

File >> Save Save icon in the standard toolbar Ctrl + S

6. Saving a document (.odt)

Type the file name in the Name text box.

Choose in which folder to save.

Click Save

7. Saving as MS Word (*.doc)

File >> Save As

Type the file name in the Name text box.

Choose in which folder to save.

Choose the file type.

Click Save

8. Saving changes

Save icon in the standard toolbar or Ctrl + S

9. Viewing in Writer

Zooming controls Zoom drop-down menu in the standard toolbar

Page Preview

Page Preview icon in the standard toolbar File >> Page Preview

10. Printing a document

File >> Print

The Print File Directly icon in the standard toolbar

11. Undoing & Redoing changes

Undo: Undo icon in the standard toolbar Ctrl + Z

Edit >> Undo

Redo: Redo icon in the standard toolbar Ctrl + Y

Edit >> Redo

12. Working with Text

Selecting text: Just click and drag on the texts you want to highlight

Select All: Ctrl + A

Copying texts: Copy icon in the standard toolbar

Right-click >> Copy

Edit >> Copy

Ctrl + C

Pasting texts: Paste icon in the standard toolbar

Right-click >> Paste

Edit >> Paste

Ctrl + V

Cutting text: Cut icon in the standard toolbar

Right-click >> Cut

Edit >> Cut

Ctrl + X

4. Resources:

Open Writer

5. Procedure and Output

Exercise No.1

A Story to Remember

1. Create a short story with at least three separate pages.

2. Insert a graphic into each of the pages. Once the graphic is inserted, resize and centre the picture.
Under each graphic, insert a text box into the document. Type at least 50 words tying your picture into
your complete story. Make the text box bigger if you need to.

3. Change or add a border to your text box.

4. Put a page number, date and time in each page. The page number must be in the bottom right of
the footer. The date must be in the header on the right side of the page. The time must be in the header
on the left side of the page

5. Do a spell check and word count. Type the word count at the bottom of the page.

6. Please type your name and word count at the bottom of the page.

Part 1
Part 2

A Story to Remember

"The Corona Virus 2019 has impacted many individuals throughout the world, and the
Philippines is one of the numerous cases. This is what I see every day on television
and on social media, and it's also what the news is about”, said Roberto, who is eleven
years old. The main concern on his mind is why everyone appears to be scared of
Covid 19.

"Why are my parents refusing to let me leave the house? Why is the government
urging citizens to remain indoors? Why do my parents insist on growing veggies now?
Those are the questions that run through his thoughts on a regular basis." Mang Jose's
repeated reaction was to prepare for the probable duration of the" Enhanced
Community Quarantine," which was followed by a directive to follow just what was
necessary by law.

Robert came out and played one day while his parents were in the yard. The cops came
by and placed him in their car as he was playing. He was taken to their town hall,
which shocked him. Present were a lot of people there, including adults, children,
women, and men.

"The cops also caught you," remarked one of his classmates, Manuel. "What was his
fault that the cops arrested him?" Roberto wondered. The DSWD officer came shortly
after. Robert was among those who had taken a seat. They were informed of the
offense they had committed. He also discovered that Covid 19 was deadly and
infectious. The necessity of being at home, as well as the social distance he hears, are
both important for them.

"Thank you for providing us with so much information, DSWD. I'm not going to leave
the house anymore "he stated "Perhaps my father lacks sufficient information, which is
why they are unable to explain clearly it to me. I'll share a little of what I've learned
with them based on what I've found.” Robert planned.

Robert expressed regret to the cops for abandoning the residence. For the sake of
himself and his family's protection, he pledged to follow the law.

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