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Joshua B.

Vibal 3rd year BTVTED – ELECTRICAL

Home Economics Literacy

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1901 American methods of American Teachers Philippines

instruction were ensured ( Thomasites )
by bringing in hundreds of
American Teachers called
Thomasites. In 1901
vocational training in
housekeeping and
household arts was made
an important element of
girls’ education in the

1913 Elvessa Ann Stewardt, a Elvessa Ann Stewardt University of Nebraska

graduate of University of
Nebraska, went to the
Philippines as a teacher in
Home Economics.
1920 Girls in grade 5-7 were Girls in grade 5-7 University of Nebraska
required to devote 80
minutes a day to home
economics activities which
included cooking, sewing,
housekeeping, sanitation,
home nursing, infant care
food selection,
embroidery, lace making.
1929 Elvessa Ann Stewardt Elvessa Ann Stewardt Manila.
became the
superintendent of Home
Economics in the Bureau
of Education in Manila.
1941 Every secondary girl was Every secondary girl, Philippines Normal School
required to have at least
one year of home Teachers of Home
economics before Intermediate Home
graduation. Teachers of Economics
intermediate Home
Economics were required
to be graduates of the
Philippines Normal School
or the equivalent which
required 3 years of study
beyond secondary level.
For 20 years Domestic training had Filipinos Filipino Schools
flourished in Filipino
Schools starting with
sewing, cooking, and
1. Home Economics help to raise a healthy nation through good food and nutrition, clothing and
body care. It helps the nation to reduce poverty, crime, prostitution and other vices associated with
youths. This is because its knowledge provides many jobs for youths who are qualified and interested to

2. The development of home economics shows that the satisfaction of people's social and economic
needs has always been its broad aim through history. ... Home economics extension helps to maintain
the balance between economic and social factors in community development.

3. The various essential skills that home economics discusses include financial planning, cooking
and nutrition, safety, and overall skills in life. In today's world, financial planning is a skill that everyone
needs to know, no matter what professional background they come from.

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