Basic Electronics (22216)

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ta ae eh PN Te eyA efoto) Ce EP Curriculum & © MCQ for Online Exam @ W§ Lab Manual U8 Lab Manual Answers A ERM CLCR lm Club <) Micro Project < Mypractically website for all Branches. abs 8,Mechanical 8; ve atctoinelaltoae sm atratatee) i | @Computer@ 2216) rrr -r—C=“>EEEE™" uw Mm wv practical No.1:Test the Performance of PN Junction Diode. practical Significance: se ction diode is used well as.indomestic ircuits.wave shaping cireuits and in rectifier of DC Power Supplies. For diode selection plays a vital role, In this practical, students will draw of the given diode to understand diode behavior with respect to applica ige in voltage. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) + Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and ‘Telecommuni knowledge to solve broad-based Electroni «_ Experiments and prai results t0 solve broad-ba problems. + Engineering tools: ationsengineering gineering related problems. Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the sed Electronics and Telécommunicationsengineering Apply relevant. Electronics and Telecommunications technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. Competency and Practical Skills This practical isexpected to develop the following skills for the industry-ident competency: ‘Maintain electronic cireuits comprising of diserete electronic components.” 1. Component identification skills, 2. Component mounting skills. Use DC Power supply to give different voltages. Digital multimeter to measure the voltages and currents. Relevant Course Outeomes Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits. PracticalOutcome Test V-I characteristics of PN Junction diode to:, 1. Measure static resistance of a given diode. 2. Measure dynamic resistance of a given diode. 3. Determine knee voltage of a giv n diode. MI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) + Handle components and equipment carefully. + Follow safety precautions VIL Minimum ‘Theoretical Background aul it has APN Junction Diode is one of the simplest semiconductor devie the characteristic of passing, current in one direction only. Ia suitable positivevoltase (forward bias) is applied between the Wwo ends of Me PN jmetion, it can supply tree electrons and holes wit they require to cross the junetion, as the wih of the depletion layer around the PN junction is decreased. Static resistance (Raane) of a PN junction diode is a ratio of Horwatd vo onward current (I Vora ; hie vesistance (Rama) of a PN junction diode is a ratio oF small chang in forward voltage (AVs) to stall change in forward current ( MW the extra ener (Ve) to the Dyn Basic Electronics (22216) Rayranie= AVs/ Al Q. Figure 1: Diode and its symbol Courtesy: hese: soogle co inheorh?ezinaze of ns007 shines VII Practical Cireuit Diagram a) Sample Figure 2: Cirouit diagram of diode in forward bias b) Actual Circuit used in laboratory ahs (ose The ©) Actual Experimental set up used jn laboratory AMV: “@)- 200 + (0-200m4)) + ve Zz (o-20v) (020% Maharashtra State Board of Technical Uducation stronies (22216) Resources required Quai Instrument Multimeter | digit display. pe Vv ‘ariable DC power supply | [2 Dill Multinne tity Remarks terwith Multimeter, DC Voltmneter and DC ammeter can be used. diode testing facilities will he preferred. a Regulated 0- 30V, 2A, SC protect power supply | display for voltage [current, > | __| Voltmeter 0-20 V __ 1 5 Ammeter | 0- 200 mA, 0-200 pA 1 = Bread board | 5.5 CM X 17CM rT = IN4001 (or any 1 ra - | other equivalent diode) 1KQ(O.Swatts/0.25watts) 1 = Single strand Teflon| As per - wires | coating (0.6mm diameter) | requirement Precautions as per the circuit diagram. rated voltage of diode. This may lead to damaging 3. Connect voltmeter and ammeter with correct pol diagram XI Procedure 1. Connect the electrical circuit as in figure 2. 2. Switch ON the power supply. 3. Increase the input voltage in step of 0.1 V 5. Repeat steps 4 to 5 till | V is reached. | 6. Plot the graph for the forward bias characteristics and I, on Y~ axis, 7. Calculate the static resistanc 2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond the of the diode. larities as shown in the circuit 4, Record the voltage Vy and current Jy in the observation table s of diode by ing Vp on X-axis sticular point, on the chatacteristics, 8. Considering two points on the plotted graph, calculate dynamic resistance. Resources used (with major specifications) Instrument /Components i Specification — Maharashtra State Board of Technical Faucation ~ | Quantity as fester em A Dede aT NGoot ekos. kK [ayes aifimelal ax ao | 2 1, Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections Basic Electronics (22216) XI Actual Procedure falloy eich On. athe pace, Suppl = unless. oun ne heck = On. cond eee a OnE ¥ Rown cirocuit diodes. | NIV Precautions followed \ ODo..mot...oN..the.. owen. supply: waless. ail Weare thee kceda-tlsee ara Lcomnee A Qeonngct...vollmedesn... and omen eler.. sap ith... Cole posarmikes as Shown yn “fhe circu diagyad XV _ Observations and Calculations: ns: Caleulate dynamic resistance: Reynanie= AVE, AlrQ XVI Results jiode = XVIL_ Interpretation of results Eo...p.=9... juachon..diode..afte...o:¢ knee age WM be OCT eA e, SUL Conctusgny k q Teany...>HAS... we. Kn) aie aa ed. Ow age: budlba ae uses 6 ea ARAL Kn ous. Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education & asi estes 2248) xix. Practical related Questions 1, Repeat the above experiment for germanium diode and find its knee voltage ranswers] caount...o€ of O.O4 uching es a Ken Re \ NONE. CONC ae Sbree: + Casa d . whi.cka. | athe msormrecnt — vache Msgs... apids 21S... A ow, J vleace voltag © ; Cece ND OD formmoard.,..oltege romcad Sov oe called as OIR.ath. wes. ha wwoltag... the Q wb B.Ca.> A as. its shee Sine Board of Technical duction {tn indusivios Zenerdiedesare-widel asc Electronics (22216) a Practical No. 2: Test the Performance of Zener Diode. Practical Significance: - regulators t0 regulate the voltage across ci voltage protection circuits and switching =~ surge suppression circuits, for device especially as peak clippers, ireuits. Zener diodes are also used in over applications. Zener diodes are. suitable for protection, for clipping, clamping circ I _ Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) + Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications engines knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics engineering related problems, __, Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices 10 use results to solve broad-based Electronics and Teleco: problems. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. ring nications engineering ‘Telecommunications I Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry- identified competency: ‘Maintain electronic circuits comprising of discrete electronic components.” 1. .Component identification skills. 2. Component mounting skills. 3. Use DC Power supply to give different voltages. 4, Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltages and currents. IV Relevant Course Outcomes Use relevant diode in different electronic circuits. V __ Practical Outcome Test V-I characteristics of Zener diode to: | 1. Measure breakdown voltage of Zener diode. 2. Measure forward resistance of Zener diode. VL Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) ‘+ Handle components and equipment carefully * Follow safety precautions. vn Minimum Theoretical Background Zener diode is formed by combining highly doped P and N semiconductor materials. It works on the principle of Zener breakdown and is normally operated in reverse breakdown region, In reverse breakdown region, high current flow through the diode leading to high power dissipation : The Zener breakdown occurs when the electric field across the junction produced due to the reverse voltage is sufficiently high, this breaks covalent bonds. 1 ‘ humbers of carriers are generated which causes a more current to flow. This mechs is called as Zener breakdown. After Zener breakdown the reverse current incr ner voltage to the reverse Zener lance of a Zener diode is a ratio of rever Melarashta Ste Board of Techals Education ly-used-as-voltage-references-and-as-shun¢—=— Basic Electronics (22216) ~ Figure 1: Symbol of Zener-diode____ Practical Circuit Diagram : a) Sample (30V Figure 2: Zener diode in forward bias —m rae tet) aay (000m) cp: J . = 1NE735. Vi osm c Dezov ‘ 5 y Figure 3: Zener diode in reverse bias b) Actual Circuit used in laboratory OK Oh (c-a06m9) (0304) ©) Actual Experimental set up used in Jaboratory 1 \¥- ee) —$__ ; 1.0K ofr ( Maharashtra State Board af Technical Education s Basic Electronics (22216) XII Resources used (with major specifications) 1 S.No. | Instrument /Components Specification [Bxcad_ boed— Resistor C : : Nal. }_Amenchern | XII eel Rocca nied ‘ Rehr XIV XV_ Observations and Calculations: ‘able 1: Measurement of Vr and Ir ima) ‘Table 2: Measurement of Vr and In S.No. Vuvy | Inimay 1 oO: uA | Ja}ur|atus)ro S)oloe| | OE. gure... Supply 10... 2 Ue ‘Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education asic Electonics 22216) Calculations: XVI Results 1 Zener breakdown voltage 2. Forward resistance of zene! XVII_ Interpretation of result, By a. lomusaed Wins.. cvekent,. LINK Bease..a Fed Rn & bias... Curoment.. emai AS after bseakdown voltage. sSQoncasuec A cod.s...@)Measue< ode. _ampeghonesh Sq. OF... Zener, co OF Zena di XVIII Practical related Questions 1. What is the value of zener voltage for given zener diode? 2. What is the maximum value of reverse current for given zener diode. . What is the effect on voltage across zener diode and current flowing through it, when reverse voltage across it is more than breakdown voltage? 4, What portion of zener diode characteristics is most useful for voltage regulator applications? {Space for answers] olkag aa Serer 5 Fong ek. valves You Nee BB. Med De 20S 1 fiad.. widespread USs.ncthe.... CUB. CULe... pele. bere foe Wh feed geno: Supe\ aa cothceelpme.. land Fhe &. “esshua Sate Board of Technical Education ‘basic Electronics 22216) Practical No. 3:Test the Performance of Photo Diode by Varying the Light Intensity as Well as Distance of the Lightsource. 1 Practical Significanc In industry_and-domestic applications, photodiodes are used in applications of = photo detectors Tike ‘charge-coupled devices, photoconductors, and photomultiplier tubes. These diodes are used in consumer electronics applications like smoke detectors, compact disc players; and televisions remotecontrols. Photodiodes are frequently-used or exact measurement of the intensity of Tight in scientific and industry applications. Generally, they have an enhanced, more linear response than photoconductors. These diodes are much faster and more complex than normal PN junction diodes and hence are frequently used for lighting regulation and in optical communications. 11 Relevant Program Outeomes (POs) * Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications engineeri knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics engineering related problems. « Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering problems, + Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunications technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. IM Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified competency:‘Maintain electronic circuits comprising of discrete electronic components. 1. Component identification skills. 2. Component mounting skills. 3. Use DC Power supply to give different voltages, 4. Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltages. WV Relevant Course Qutcomes Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits. V Practical Outcome - ir i Test the performance of Photodiode by varying the light intensity and distance of the light source. VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) 1. Handle components and equipment carefully, 2. Select instruments of required range and specification. Vl Mini . Minimum Theoretical Background everse A photodiode is a two terminal PN-junction diode that is operated by first reve te - biasing the junction and then illuminating it by light energy to produce eee {tis also called as photo-detector/light detector/photo-sensor, These diode: ee to work in reverse bias condition, it means that the Re ueletoes pad Connected with the negative terminal of the battery and a err oh falls Positive terminal of the battery. This diode is very sensitive to light, so ig on the diode it changes light into electric current. iar 7 ra State Roard of Technical Pdu “pas scenes 222NO) - bs Actual Cirenit used in laboratory oe o£ ¢ «Actual Experimental Set Pp used in laboratory a 8] IX_ Resources required TSU Instrument | Specification | Quantity | Remarks - Ne_| Components | | | Experimental | 840-1000 contact points ; — | lov breadboard | Positive and Negative power | rails on opposite side of the ca [board 5.5 CM X 170M __ | 2 | Photo diode BPW 340 or equivalent | yas | [other photodiode _ 3 "Connecting | Single strand Tetion j (wires | coating(0.omm diameter) | Resistor 22KQ. 0.5Watt T | Digital “13 12 digit display, 9999 counts | 1] Voltmeter (0-25) ¥ Muhimeter | digital multimeter measures. | Ammetex (0-10, A de ( 1000V max), Adi (10 amp qnax), Resista 4 __}(0-100MQ), | | 6 TDC Power /0-30V.2A,SC b= rnly display for volta; Lax 73000 Tumen, Ba meter/Optical hand held type {Power meter, | Uphtwource. | portable Lamp aI | stand Nera, rs State Hoard of Vechueal bshucatto a > 16) ba X Precautions 1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the circuit dagrat _ 2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input voltage of the diode bey rated voltage of diode, This may lead to damaging of the diode. 1 Connectvolimeter and correct polurities as shown in-the-citeui diagram. XI Procedure Test performance of photo diode by varying the light intensity. 1. Select the compone as per ci cuit diayram, 2. Make the connections as per circuit diagram, 3. Apply the reverse voltage, and measure the current when lightlis ndbineidem. 4. Increase the reverse voltage and light intensity in step and ‘ote down the jocurrent. $. Change the light intensity and repeat the steps, 6. Plot the graph of reverse voltage (negative X-Axis) Vs reveFRe photo current (negative Y-Axis) for various light intensity. ‘Test performance of photo diode by varying distance of the light source. 1 per circuit diagram. Select the component as : ight is not incident. 4. Keep the input voltage cons vufficient light intensity and vary and note down the photocurrent, 5. Plot the graph of teverse'vol ¢ (negative X-Axis) V, (negative Y-Axis) for various 's Feverse photo current XU_ Resources use fications) ee _ Instrument ‘Components Specification | Quantity Mult enetero “La digil display 4 : Do Armmet+er |o-200mal va 2am 2 Diode PN Diode | eis Light souroce |Pomtabte. ar - tae ha mp 1 pracedure falloyeq Weconnecl he component ag Rguec...of saverns« fb Foromard Winged So have. measupe . Vhe cureent 4 @Mowly.. inewease she {0 eal CUESEOA Paom De Regulates O& moked x8 Meats of them in mevermse d bias : XIV Precautions followed t é 1 unless ou have checked Power supe clm@cuit=cannechans AS. Pe jhe amet diagzam CMee Siaharnbia Sate Board of Technical Weation — ” spasi Electronics (22216) xv _ observations and Calculations: Table 1: Measurement of Photodiode current when light intensity is __— ~ {Bight No light | meter reading = ried ‘Low Light | — High Light 1 | Condition bax——condition hax meter reading - meter reading’ - condition ( | Distance of | Distance of of light light source in| source in em —- om.) Ve | dp | Ve | Ip Volts. | (iA) | Volts | (HA) > [| 2 Jodo} 2 ade 4 22.0). Ly - G_iggol ¢ "Ste Board of Technical Educalion Q lnool' to 43.0 jo 2 Basic Electronics (22210) | XVI Results Dark Current: ......- |. Orr emen....B.La, Y this puackeal. stiaceese ay wrmlonallead| th Canes PE AN Sonn Diode XIX Practical related Questions _, |. Write specification of photodiode used in above performance. [Space for answers] seeseee Ge ps c ah. Sian Doon Cha ‘Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (22216) Basic Blectronics practical No. 4: Build and Test Half Wave Rectifier on Breadboard, ical Significance: : : : i Fra Oe nore -eftiiently_arid economically fans The a A on ares Work On DC power: Tt becomes neccsiay Te Pont power into DC power. In half wave rectifier single dinde : only one direction through diode. So itis unidirectional levice. _ | Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) ; 4 + Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommuntcall® Cigincen Knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics engineering related problems. | Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use} the reuults to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering ____s problems. : a e Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommuntcation technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. Il Competency and Skills This practical is expected to competency ‘Maintain electronic circuits compris ‘components.’ 1, Component identification skills. 2. Component mounting skills. 3. Use CRO to observe input output waveforms. 4, Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltage and current. develop the following skills for the industry-identified ing of discrete electronic IV Relevant Course Outcomes Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits. V Practical Outcome Test half wave rectifier on Breadboard: 1, Observe output Waveform on CRO. 2. Use of DMM to measure the output voltage. VI. Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) © Handle components and equipment carefully. © Follow all safety precautions. VI Minimum Theoretical Background Rectifier: - It is a circuit, which converts AC supply into the Pulsating DC supply. Rectifier ee Bridge typ (Requires four diode Half wave Rectifier (Req 's onlyone diode) Centre tapped (Requires wo diode) Maharashtra State Board oF Technical Education 26 Basic Electronics (22216) IX__ Resources required S. ]Instrument — | Specification | Quantity | Remarks |.No. | Components | 1, | Transformer _| Step down 9-0-9 V 500mA ! a Digital | Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 | Diailal Multieg — ‘euitimerar— display= ] with diode testin eee | facilities will be 2 24 preferred. 3=}- ERO 125 MHz dual scope A t — = 4, | Bread board _| 5.5 CM X 17CM 1 I 1 3.|Diode | IN4007 (or any other | 1 | ] _| equivalent diode) | i | $.| Resistor __ | 1KQ/OKQ(0.Swatisi25watis) | 1 I = 7.| Connecting | Single strand Teflon | L.S. | 7 LL | wires | coating(0.6mm diameter) —_| - — 4 Precautions 1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit | connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input vol rated voltage of diode. This may Icad to damaging of the diod. XI Procedure 1. Make the connection as per the circuit diagram shown in figure? 2. Connect the CRO probe across the Secondary and measur: across the diodes. 3. Now connect the CRO probes of output voltage (Vm). 4. Observe the waveform on CRO and draw it on 5. From the measured peak Value of output vi value of output voltage (Va). 6. Connect the DMM across the Ry and measure the de vol & Compare the value calculated in step 5 with the value measured in step 6. 8. Tabulate the readings in Table] of the diode beyond the Vp-p appearing across the resistance Ry and measure the peak value| raph pap ‘oltage (Vm). cal late the average or de XII Resources used (with major specifications) [ S.No. [Instrument Components | Specification ‘Quantity 4 Ti =eanslamman! Sd G-0-9V ScomA ad 2 bpigital moltindals ta cheat deat —— = a XI Actual procedure followed if 6... the circutt Omake. &. connection, 4.8. P. diagarn., Ra cm —Tabutate. o AAG... Be. 1995... 10, Maharashtra State Board of Techni shasic Bleetronies (22216) Pi san xIv Sader mnok.. Follow. . ; ; SEBS « creckaome.cmeuth toe halt Wore. £0cH Ber...ustth..... Capac Qilske es. on! AA 2, xv esutions Followed IDo.nort..cwrich... Ncthe.. Pawers. suppl unless a OM Wave checked ice che, ee fonmechons as Pe the cimevit diag san, "sia Sats Board of Tein Hdioaon bad XV__ Observations and Calculations Table 1 “T. TVa Va VOT Ve | Rectified | measured | measured | measured measured | output without withour-—-with filter | with = | (Ve) filter on filter on on CRO on DMM | | LCRO | DMM ss 1V. 8x20 },.Qx20 Me Vt. jE a¢ v e 4 Calculations: VaceVe/e = Ojo oc We Aev XVI Results Veccaleutated = 143.86 y XVIT_ Interpretation of results yn... AB Sh..uua. cMfoam the zack bane g tan Me “oh Becadbonrt Fld oth aeevs, ee ee The vde XVIII Conelustons o mA VS Approwiesedt Ws... cmounk. the..cumcerb...o.n...basexd- bood...and. fod. He wWeRion ceo. XIX Practi 1 St specif al related Questions ¢ the effect on output voltage if we rep ation, place the filter capacitor of different 2. Attach the data sheet of eapacitor used in QT of XIX XX. [Space for answers} . capacitoe 0 oases. changes. era TNs volte ©. TOF nan aCe < the MO a AC Boss. aq capay. eee... at iespend.s by 4 dyawin euecent OS...14 oc haeges In 4 S05..1b. soll tend. +8 sh of Technical Educate Maharashtra State Board of Tech 22216) _ pase Eleouani Basie Electronics (22216) tical No. 7 and 8: Build/ Test Full Wave Rectifier on Breadboard Using Two Diodes (PART- I and I) nsmitted-in-A C-form=Howover-cortain-app hig electronic appliances. Hence, AC mains need i using rectifier when DC power is required. H__Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) ' : a * Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications e knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics engineering related problema «, Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practi the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications e = problems. ngineering (ols: Apply relevant Electronics and Teleco, technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations, MI Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected to develop competency:*Maint components.” 1. Component identi the following skills for the industry electronic circuits comprising of discrete ication skills Component mounting skills, 3. Use Digital multimeter to measure the Voltage and current. IV Relevant Course Outcomes Use relevant diode in different electronies circuits, V Practical Outeome Conver AC signal into DC signal using 3 Sah citout diagram of Halt Wave Rectifier era label cor el components. 2. Observe the waveform of Hall ae Wave Rectifier on CRO at various text points. Half wave rectitie VI Relevant Affective domain re * Handle components and e + Follow all safety pr lated Outcome(s) ‘quipment carefiully, ‘autions, vu ackground is an electronic device Process is known ay Rectification, Like the hall 1 output voltage or etirrent wl used for converting AC into pulsating DC an! awe circuit, a till wave roctitier i ‘ hich is palsating DC. Full weve eerie foe ean inv AC volte. Two diodes ure Sweet Tal wave courte BY TCenacggtet Tapped Full wave rectitier using wwe dh w shown it the fgeee 4; Ciamter tapped transformer is used in this full ware Wetitiee, During the positive & diode D1 conduets and D2 iemains OF riring the po . During Henative eyete diode DL renaits OY but diode D2 ix ON. Note that direction at ¢ FOUL IN Che Load aaa ix same ¢ both the eyetes hence output consists of only pasitive eyeles, . - Maharashira State Hoard of Technical Faacation a e RAS BE sisi Electonics 22216) VIL Circuit diagram: (a) Sample ‘Supp | Lh Be i os a iN 4001 Figure 1:Full wave rectifier without filter, () Actual Circuit used in laboratory 2gov Se 4 - Ac f= 75 CN SA & | | Im t | | Lda 2 LABS ay j (©) Actual Experimental Set up used in laboratory 220M Ae pee Matarakira State Board of Technical Edeation “ Basic Electronics (22216) XV Observations and Calculations Table 1. Tyne of Rectifier Vac Calculated | Va. Measured = rectifier Output (using Formula | (using DMM) ‘Comment es = on CRO (Van) | Ve“ 2V aig) J im a OLIe T ——= = Jeyches Lexlozis | UV/ay ¥ = I 4 [uae aes reas ——€alentations: ———— ae a “appaochmebly Vere = 2-CR/tr)= Wea Same. XVI Results ‘ Vac calculated = AAG v XVIT_ Interpretation as : Ndie. Caleuited posing) fomonule.. lo. Nd.c..nneasueed | BSING. crm A.e. opp £0. eat some. XVIII Conclusion: a ae We... pemlermeo, Moe sockica\ bold ar Seen Khe ak pckica} bood ae 4 +wo diode. XIX Practical related Questions 1. Calculate frequency of waveform obtained at the output of full wave rectifier. 2. Compare half wave and Full wave rectifier based on output waveforms obtained in Laboratory. i [Space for answers} O. Cateolate. Creque ae a" Hance on PAPO beni G err ROW AAS ONE W£echhi- or A eee POM VE ee ae BO. ELT coeen : 1S... ata iz. oe foe | i Ag. . ae ey cael 5 Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Basic Blectronies (22210) Oud. pub... Wes Fox. ee Maharashira State Hoard of Technical fi I m1 Iv v VI Vir Basie Electronics (22216) Practical No. 9: Build and Test Full Wave Bridge Rectifier on Breadboard. Practical Significance A bridge rectifier is an arrangement of four diodes in a bridge configuration, which [provides the-same-output polarity-for either input polarity-ttis-used-for converting: af————~ alternating current (AC) input into a direct current (DC) output. Bridge rectifier is widely used in power supply circuit Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) * Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications engineering knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics enginecring related problems. + Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments. and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engineering problems. : + Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommu: technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations. tions ‘Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the indust competency:‘Maintain electronic circuits comprising of discrete electronic components.” 1. Component identification skills. 2. Component mounting skills. 3. Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltages. Relevant Course Outcomes Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits. Practical Outcome Convert AC signal into DC signal using Full wave rectifier 1. Build circuit of Full Wave bridge Rectifier on breadboard 2. Observe the waveform of Full Wave Rectifier on CRO at various test points. Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) * Handle components and equipment carefully. + Follow all safety precautions. Minimum Theoretical Background The circuit diagram of the full wave bridge rectifier is shown in figure 1. Duri Positive half cycle diode D1 and D4 becomes forward bias and diode D2 and D3 becomes Reverse bias. Currents starts flowing through D1 and D4 which produces output voltage across Load Resistor R = During negative half cycle diode D2 and D3 becomes forward bias and dlodt D1 and D4 becomes Reverse bias. Currents starts flowing through D2 and D3 w! Produces output voltage across Load Resistor R, Re Ystarashira State Board of Technical Education lcctnonies (22216) VIL Cireuit diagram: (a) Sample Figure 1.Pull wave bridge rectifier (b) Actual Circuit used in laboratory *s ~ alley Ef N (c) Actual Experimental set up used in a4 IX Resour S.No. | Inst | Speeifieat | Quantity [SNe |onovac, 2 IR WOK OS 1 4 | Diode Silicon ENAQO7 la a © Ck 25M t 5. Bread board S.9 OMX LTCM. 6] Connecting wines ‘ | | 8 | 1 Fahovashiea State Hoard of Technical Valacation oe ‘eetronics (22216) 1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltaye of the diode beyond the rated voltage of di X Precautions to be Followed | This may lead to damaging of the diode XI Procedure a 1._ Connect the circuit for full wave bridge rectifier on bread board as sho'vn in gircuil diagram— 2. Connect the primary side of the transformer to AC mains and the secondary side to rectifier input. 3. Before switching ON power stipply, check the connections 4. Switch ON the power supply and connect the CRO to the load resistor 5. Measure the peak voltage V. (peak voltage) across load resistor. XIT_— Resources Used S. | Name of | Broad Specifications _| Quantity | Remarks (If | No. | Resouret Make |___ Details \ | | Gaia years shore do DoS watt LT [2 Diod ilicoA TN400F 4 oe [Henn 5 MH an XII Actual Procedure Followed ©...Ce.nneck...cth Rec kh <., CLS. aq fore. Cotte beeidge FD... OO. Gxead. eaé Ya ea dia Noes XIV = Precautions Follow: BBenot..cwhich onthe, pews sepely a ou. havc....chesk ed Pe rcut Corel omg as dhe erect diagzam. XV Observations and Calculations able 1 Ss. Rectified output No. across R (T8430 =34 Calculations: NA XVI ON00NE..0. RES UNE. XVI imerpretatign of results. 20D. vh...of Con MOM CQeakithees ors ay ‘sharashta State Board of Techni a he Regier output 1S. S4V. Lom Basic Electronics (22216) dh. be related Questions Hal Ath. ech Bxcad. bonny Sketch DC output voli: 1B ave, Centre tapped Full: wave wave Bridge rectifier for the same : ¢ of Hal Rectificr input and comment on it. =" [Space for answers] ” 5A exceeding predetermined voltage level withour distorting the remaining Vv m7 vi vit ractical No. 12: Assemble Positive Clipper Circuit on Breadboarg and Test The Performances Practical Significance , ae Inclectronics, a clipper is a circuit designed to prevent the output of a circag applied input waveform, ; Clippers are used for the separation of syn c ignals. The excessive noise spikes above i certsin level can be limited or thing FM transmitters by using the series clippers. The typical application of diode eli for the protection of transistor from transients. Clippers can be used as voltage lini and amplitude selectors. Clipping cireuits are also called slicers or amplitude selectg hronizing signals from the composite Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) * Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications engi knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommunications engines related problems. ‘+ Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use results to solve broad-based Electronics engineering problems. + Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunicatia technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations Competency and Skills, ‘This practical is expected to develop the following skills competency. :‘Maintain electro: components.” 1. Component identification skills, 2. Component mounting skills 3. Use Function generator to 4. Use CRO to observe for the industry identifi circuits comprising of discrete el input waveform. input and output waveform, Relevant Course Outcome(s) * Use relevant diode in different electronics circuits Practical Out Assemble positive eli inper on bread board and test its perforn 7 qliget the required component for positive clipper einer 2. Connect circuit as positive elipper eineure 3. Apply input to the cite Hand observe the output Relevant Affective domain r Handle components 2.Select instruments af, ‘elated Outcome(s) nd equipnicnt ¢ required rang, Minimum Theor: I Background A clipping circuit consists. of f linear et ke junction diodes or ti nsistors, NES like resistor, f ‘ and non-linear eon ike apts Cn eas Aah AMA eveny storage elo part of a signal wave form which apr oF hep theeS SE Hawvnvissn, eT eh appears above ar helaw h eens | " Wi Foorwnee val Sees Rien 8 SRN SHOR set Heme OoneR REA Of at aaditany wavetdern sear the RSENE CERAIENE TRE CRS mY RAV REE AE FEVET OF DD VEL Cd HSER AME DENY A. Seetes CR pees be Es Cumtigaeatinn the Gade is cammactad fh, s RRA MS AE PTS tts SRE RS TRAN et VEL Pescdeat tree’ Sitgeas Semyts nid z Te, ofeyun wid Outpar wayetony Rguret: Cireuit diagram of positive clipper, A Actes! Circuit med in Lsdoratary S./ Acreal Experimental Set up used in laboratory ae MGhent Sak Ba of Ta Beacon ° Basic Electronics (22216) IX Resourees required a i | S. | Instrument Specification No. | /Components »_| Digital Pe Multhiniere Digital Multimeter ; 3172 Tipidisptay. y | be preferred 1 —_t CRO Function Generator 25 MIlz, Dual trace CRO, IMIl7, Sine, T Square, Ramp, TTL (Syne) and DC Outputs | Bread board | 5. 5.CM_X 17CM _ = 1 | IN4007 Cor] 1 ] any other equivalent | | [ As er | Pp ter) | requirement | X — Preeauti to be Followed 1. Do not switch ON the power supply u connections as per the circuit diagram 2. While doing the experiment do not ex rated voltage of diode. This may lead to d less you have checked the circuit eed the input voltag maging of the diode. of the diode b XI Procedure 1. Make the connections on breadboard 2. Connect the function generator circuit (8Vp-p), 3. Observe the input and output w: cuit diagram as shown in figure no.1 al the input and apply sine wave to the input of aveforms on CRO and ski ch it on the graph paper. XH Resources Used - 9de_ TN hoop eSistord 4 k =A. (0-50-95 wai XII —Actual Procedure Followed -PNAke Mhe... b sceadboord OS..pem..curocurt diag shown iq . (a VP ae): Obsewve, th : ovkput. vel A CRO and sketch Pn one eM gpaph pape oT _tagsic Blectronies 22216) XIV. Pr cautions Fol lowed Id eD.a AO S19 benicect i . 6.2. zations and Calculations _ Table 1: Measurement of Vig and Vout 7 paeeae — Input Voltage | Output Voltage Vig(VOUTS) Voutvours) eee Ax to | 2x0 Rasy S THipipew ct aH = It cl 4 osihve cycle of ouipet voltag < Calculations: Not applicable XVI Results “AS... lo e a eee eneokaeeg ef whq.d$.22¥ oye Sly has adv ws. asseenbhs. twee ch so See eee asked PA een eaten ce Vj» but different value of R. 2. Repeat the above ‘Vpn but same value of R a 3, Repeat the above experiment for Vi XIX (2] [Space fo. Basic Electronics (22216) Practical No. 13: Assemble Negative Clipper Circuit on Breadboard and Test the Performance | i Practical Significance: at —nreleetronies=a-clipperis-a-cireuit-desiy from exceeding predetermined volta the applied input waveform: Clippers are-used for the separation of synchronizing signals from the composite picture 4 Signals. The excessive noise spikes above a certain level can be limited or clipped in FM transmitters by using the series clippers. The typical application of diode clipper is for the protection of transistor from transients, Clippers can be used as voltage limiters and amplitude selectors. Clipping circuits are also jgned-to-prevent-the-output-of-a-circuit—————+— ige level without distorting the remaining part of alled slicers or amplitude selectors. I Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) : * Discipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecommunications engin: knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommuni related problems, + Experiments and practi results to solve broad-based ing, tions engineering, an to perform experiments and practices to use the lectronics engineering problems. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and ‘Telecommunications ‘hnologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations, M1 Competency and Skills This practical is expected to develop the competency:‘Maintain electro components.” jollowing skills for the industry identified cuits comprising of discrete electronic Component identification skills Component mounting skills, Use Function generator to give input waveform, Use CRO to observe input and output waveform. AeNe IV Relevant Course Outcome(s) ‘+ Use relevant diode in different electronics cire V__ Practical Outcome Build negative clipper on breadboard and test its performance. J. Scleet the required component for ncgative clipper circuit, 2. Conncet circuit as negative clipper circuit. 3. Apply input to the circuit and observe the output VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcomets) J. fiandle components and equipment carefully. 2.Select instruments of required range and specifications. VIE Minimum Theoretical Background 4 clipping circuit consists of linear elements like resistors and non-linear elements like junction diodes or transistors, but it docs not contain cnergy-storaze elements Board of Technical Education 2 We Basie Blectronies (22216) like capacitors. Clipping circuits are used to select for purposes of transmis part ofa signal wave form which lies above or below a certain reference volag: 9 Thus a clipper circuit can remove certain-portions of an arbitrary waveform, positive or negative peaks. Clipping may be achieved either at one-level or two ‘Clipper has two types: 1, Series Clipper: In this configuration the diode is connected in series with the load, =-2Parallel Clipper:-In-this configuration the diode is connected in parallel-with th oad i Clipper is used to clip off or remove portion of input. signal without distorting gf remaining part of wave form, Co ‘ The negative clipping circuit is almost same as the positive clipping circuit ony difference that is diode polarity. ; 4 During the-positive-half-eyele of the input, the diode is forward biased and sy] positive half cycle appears across the output. | During the negative half cycle of the input waveform, the diode ‘D’ is reverse bi | which maintains the output voltage at 0 Volts. Thus causes the negative half eycle clipped off. | VIM Practical Circuit Diagram : a) Sample - 2 3 Ev z z <0 s & Time g ev ¢ ear Output waveform | Figure 1: Circuit diagram of Negative clipper. b) Actual Circuit used in laboratory . q A TT RQ OQ _| ©) Actual Experimental set up tised in laboratory R Gee ee ‘Monarashira State Hoard of Technical Eakucation tt Basic Electramies (22216) IX__ Resources required S./ Instrument No. “Generator —— ‘Square, —Ramp, — Pulse. = [TTL (Syne) & DC Outputs {_4. Bread board 15.5 CM X17CM { 1 a 3. | Diode }IN4007 (or any other] 1 t | equivalent diode) | 6._| Resistor TKO(0 Swatts’0.25watisy | it ie a 7. (Connecting | Single strand Teflon] As ‘per | wir i coating (0.6mm diameter) | requirement | Precautions 1, Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit rections as per the circuit diagram. 2. While doing the practical do not exceed the input voltage of the diode beyond the rated voltage of diode. This may lead to damaging of the diode. XI Procedure Make the connections on breadboard as per circuit diagram as shown in figure no. 1. 2. Connect the function generator at the input and apply sine wave to the input of Girewit (SVp-p), Observe the jut and output waveforms on CRO and draw it on the graph paper. XII Resources used (with major specifications) . | Instrument /Components Specification | Quantity’ ] | CRO 25 ™MH2, dual Hace = j Bxcadbood 5.50 ~igem a | Disd TN hoot it | esiStom ak L 3. eeanech Single schsand wus 5. Telleq cooing XIE Actual procedure followed . Omak. tne. connecHans....0.n.. bacadboond LEBEL A1OQ ¥.A.0......S.. SRO. 20.0. dL. _ XIV Precautions followed De ned swikch..on..the, el OES see ROME cere ae f Con nechonS ‘State Board of Technical ducal a | iComponents | __SPecifieation Quantity Remarks { 1. | Digital Digital Multimeter: 3 1/2 2 1. Digital Multimeter with {| Muttimeter—t digit display, ~~ — | diode testing facilities will : T T "be preferred CRO | 25 MHz, Dual trace CRO. | 1 {Function —_| MHz, Sine,— Triangle, | 1 aie Basic Electronics (22216) XV Observations and Calculations: fable 1: Measurement of Vi, and V, “Input voltage | Output Voltag Vivo. Q4xto0 Calculations: Not Applic XVI Results apok., olde. orkp os. vel XVIL Interpretation of results Rem the abe: volta: AG. read 2 WOK XVIII Conclusions ma. ais ged. eal ei PRG cial eon. basadh <— Prrmfommance 1 related Questions 1. Repeat the above experiment for 4 V; P-p square wave input wt Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Hasie Hlectnonies (22216) : he Combinational Clipper Oy ctical No. 14 and 15: Build t Breadhoard and Test the Performance. (Part Land 11 1 Practical Significance: : ‘The combinational clipper is the combination of po SS —Sr portion or both POSTIVE TM MELALIVE OF cach hal clipped or removed, Diode clipping circuits is used ive and négative clipper. y reyele of The input voltages voltage limiting applications —IL__Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) = Too tiple Knowledge: Apply Blectronies and ‘Telecommuni knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecommuni related problems, © Experiments and p ications. engin, ications engi lan to perform experiments and practi results (o solve broad-based Electronics engineering problems * Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electronics and Telecommunicatal technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations | Ces to use | al ML Competency and Skills | | ‘This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry iden] comptcncy:‘Maintain electronic circuits comprising of diserete electra components.’ | Component identification skills, Component mounting skills Use Funetion generator to 4. Use CRO to observ azive input waveform, © input and output waveforms, IV Relevant Course Outcome(s) © Userelevant ule in different electronics circuits, V Practical Outeome Assemble combi a est its performance, 1. Sclect the required component for peehn i 2. Connect circuit as combinational clipper 2 uit. 3. Apply input to the cireuit ‘and observe the output VI Relevant Affective 1 Handle component 2.Select instrument domain related Outcomes) 1s and equipment carefully of required range and specifications, VE Minimum theoreti When a portion of both © be clipped, con the figure no), Background Positive binational Md NeEALVE OF each half eyete of the input voltage PPet is used. The circuit for Such a clipper is given Basic Electronics (22216) Figure 1: Combinational clipper ci Pp Puring positive input voltage signal when input voltage exceeds battery voltage © Vi'diode Di conducts heavily while diode ‘Datis reversed biased and so voltage “+ Vs" appears across the output, This output voltage + V,‘stays as long as the input signal voltage exceeds ‘+ Vj‘ —. On the other hand for the negative input voltage signal, the diode “D,* remains reverse biased and diode “Ds* conducts heavily only when input voltage exceeds battery voltage “V2" in magnitude. Thus during the negative half eycle the output stays at *- V2'so long as the input signal voltage is greater than ‘-V3‘ VIM Practical Circuit Diagram : a) Sample Figure 2: Circuit diagram of Combinational clipper. b) Actual Circuit used in laboratory © Yo ( ¥ ©) Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education a Basic Electronics (22216) IX__ Resources required __________— — {bepreferred =. oR D ¢ DC power supply | 1 1 DC| Variable DC power supp! * Regulated 0. 30¥, 2A, SC protectin, upply_| display for voltage an —_ cana current. Instrument Specification Quantity | Remarkg {Components | in a [7. Digital Mug | Digital Digial Mulimeser:? 1? | | diode testing Multimeter _ | digit display. { - 3. | CRO ul trace CRO. | 1 - (4. [Function | IMHz, Sine, Triangle, | 1 | Generator Square, Ramp, Pulse, TTL (Sync) and DC | _| Outp _ _ 3._| Bread board _|'5.5,CM X 17CM 1 I 6. | Diode 1N4007 (or ]2 any other equivalent diode) | | [7 Resistor TKQ(O.Swatts/0.25watts) | 1 i | 8 [Connecting | Single strand Teflon | As per | Liwires | coating (0.6mm diameter) | requirement | x Precautions 1. Do not switch ON the power suj connections as per the circuit diagram, 2. While doing the ex rated voltage of diode. pply unless you have checked the ‘periment do not exceed the input voltage of the diode This may lead to damaging of the diode. XI Procedure 1. Make the connections on breadboard as Per circuit diagram as shown in figure. 3 Apply sine wave as a input 8V p-p from function wenerater he circuit. 3. Adjust V; and Ve less than 4 volts, 4. Observe and draw the input and output waveforms: from CRO. XML Resources used (with major spe fications) —— —_—= == = = XI Actual procedure followed 2 oS pane f...CO.O.N€ chens. 09. bac dhoaed SAP... cameurt.. diag sa, Q- kG ama SIR SOEN. aS, one Maliarashtra State Board of Technical Education Basie Electronics (22216) — XIV Precautions followed . we M.o.. BLA, waite! \ PEMREEO. QU EE aly | eee Checked kta, SuQuoyt con steals as Wyre CHPCOLE AQ ganns Sw! Leasurement of Vi Input voltage | Output Voltage | Comment Viwoury | Vyqavone A re AN Loutpot Co le ws Dope Ne Ny LAN dekput follows (vet fue Ootpo Ketlaus “St ‘tn volte Calculations: Not Applicable RoC XVI Results y s Freon. Alis....dbous.8es all: {nal =e y if NWN, Os SMI IRE MNO AR MEAN MAGNE VAS XVII_ Interpretation of requtts ANY seeveek SD.0.0N, Tha abore. gacslisel. vos observ Vanco...\n ARPED. APHL.G Quipe \ voltage . XVI Cone ety et ARs wo wc opemlarcn Abs ie (nad ho, cup. pcre eeecelsene & SPE ae pene at XIX Practical related Questions 1. Repeat the above experiment By chang 2. Find out the di 3. Draw thejinput and output wave and rettrence voltay Vie and \ [Space for answers] WOM OMA MS. wrt w Basie Electronics (22716) Practical No. 16 & 17: Build Positive Clamper on Breadboard and Test The Performance. (Part I And Il) jgnificance — ~~~ a = rite SEY TE PONE OF he TeGAENG peak ] excursions of a signal to a predefined value by shifting its DC value. The clamper does | restrict the peak-to-peak excursion of the signal, it moves the whole signal up or = j z sto place the peak: ference ee | A clamping cireuit (also known as a clamper) will bind the upper or lower extreme ofa | waveform to a fixed DC voltage level. These circuits are also known as DC voltage cen be constructed in both positive and negative polarities. Clamper adds 2 DC level to the AC output signal. clampers are commonly used in A as negative or positive clamper. tive peak clamper) outputs 2 purely positive waveform | the input signal so that all of the waveform is greater | HI Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) | + Discipline knowledge: Apply Electr knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics e problems. + Experiments and practi the results to solve broad-b: roblems. * Engineering tools: technologies and tools w lan to perform experiments and practices to use jectronics and pply relevant an understand Il Competency and Practical Skills This practical compeiency ‘Maintain electronic circuits components.” : 1. Component identification skill 2. Component mouatin; . Use CRO to observe 4. Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltage and current. skills, IV Relevant Course Outcomes ‘* Use relevant diode in diff V Practical Outcome VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) * Handle components and equipment carefully — - rcareereeenesoesnensesee! Basic Blectronics (22216) b, Actual Circuit used in laboratory cc. Actual Experimental ce used in aboratory IX Resources required [S.No. [Name of Resource | Suggested Spe ‘ification __| Quantity 1 | cRO 25MHzz, Dual scope |. _ 1 | Funetion Generator_| TMHz, Multi waveform output | 1 2 [Diode 11N4007 (or any other equivalent | 1 + | diode) 3_| Resistors [KO (.Swatts/0.25 watts i ‘4 _| Capacitor [Inf (or any other capacitor | 1 __| value) [_3__| Bread Board 5.5 CM X 170M 1 Connecting wires | Single strand Teflon coating | As per | 9.6mm | requirement Precautions to be Followed 1. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. While doing the experiment do not exceed the input volta, rated voltage of diode. This may lead to damaging of the diode. xe of the diode beyond the XI Procedure 1. Make the connections on breadboard as p Jiagram as shown in figure no. 1 2. Apply sine wave as input of 8V peak to peak to the circuit 3. Observe and draw the input and output waveforms from CRO. Maharashira Si nical Fdueation Basic Elecrromiss (22216) Quantity | Remarks gp aes = a 8 jowed I @make ake gongechans. PM nv bbage cd baal as. £D... ee diagzarn. AS... OLN... Snot. XIV Preemie aoe De.notON thepowen supply E58 Soy, \avechecked - einen dt0.4, echions as per Neencree diagvams- XV Observations and Calculations Table 1: Measurement of Vig and Vout | ‘SNo._] Input voltage | Output Voltage 0] Comments Venous | Vgeawouds | Wwoéd of twite 1 __IQ NS eee Saag Not applicable. CT Tey jae SaRPE TS Shr ted XVI Results Feamc ths. .absus..cesoll. Tapeh 3 | BM..GN -odhpuk, Socsalh kage = nse ah Foro \ XVI Interpretation of results gga ths cboue. Pde. cal Topol, nolbeg eS. Ssh epw & twice “of Enpot vig: NVI Genet, n O. ASW.) pesibye ipem. on Ane. Raack yesh he pemlommance XIX Practical related Questions « Repeat the ab “ak to peak and T * different value of a ¢ output and input. Bosdof 36 ;Pacitor and observe output and eran all c..AS dauble...6: cookpub aieetromie—equipment, computers ta the Terminals of the PNP and NPN itimeter. (PART-I and II) Using CRO and Mul 1 Practical Significance ——_ devices used for applications like amplifi —ostiliator circuits and switches. In digital cation of ve circuits th levisions; ‘oltages, current and are also used in ey are used as switches. It is used in industrial control, and radio transmitters UB Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) Discipline knowledg Telecommunications engineering knowledge to solve broad-based Electr ctronics engineering related:problems. ——— + Experiments and practice: Plen io perform on the results 10 solve broad-based Electronics and Ty problems. + Engineering tools: Apply relevant technologies and tools with an understandin ‘periments and practices to use elecommunications engineering Electronics and Telecommunications ig of the limitations, TH Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-identified competency “Maintain electronic circuits comprising of discrete electronic components.” 2s! ng of transistor tifications of terminals of BIT IV Relevant Course Outcomes Use BIT in electronics circuits. Practical Outcome Identify the terminals of the PD 1 ‘P and NPN wansistor using Digital Multimeter and CRO Measure the resistance between base and emitter. Meusure the resistance between base and collector. Measure the resistance between emitter and collector. Operste CRO in component testing mode. “I Practical Stalls Identify type of ransistor, st Different terminals of transistor. Measurement Skills, want AsTey Handle o Si ‘e domain related Outcomes components and equipment carefully. - instruments of required range. um Theoreti 1 Background ination of two diodes connected back to iunsistor has two PN junctions (a combination of two dio ane Pit med biased and the other is reverse biased. The forward eee whereas 2 reverse biased junction has a high 109 ‘smobile—phones,—eudio—amplifiers suas Blestonies (22210) XI Procedure ing Multimeter Gang set the rmultimet Measured the to ils ohms range, nee between hase andl emitter, nd collector, cn emiticr and collector, Sass — [Row |Cotlector [ene [Base XII Precautions Select proper range in Digital Multimeter. XII Resources used (with major specifications) S.No. | Instrument /Components | Quantity “20 mAne | s [“Transistems. | 8¢549 (Nv Pa DoS eneetens 1LoNo9s5~ (yen!) xIV esl proce hes! OQ. Ser... echt, AP..AKS... AM eae an ere ee ea PANS and. mete. 1 BAT Dase...6....Colleckors, XV Preeslitions followed | Ong PRR CMe. : XVI Observations and Calculations: ce using Maltin * Testing of PNP terminal resi 1. Resistance between emitter and base Ray 2. Resistance between Coll id hase Rew 3. Resistance between Collector and Emitter Rey tor Basie Electronies (22216) Reps! i etween Collector and base soe ind Emitter Re | : | For PNP following pattern is observed on CRO between base and collector — _ @ © For NPN. following pattern is observed on CRO between base and emitter: | 7 ° * For NPN: delenit Pattern is obser ‘ed on CRO between base and collector: | . 5 rom the values of Risk, © From CRO pattern the tr Caleulations: NA. XVI. Results ‘cuandRexon DMM the transi ransistor is identified as NA tor is identi Has NLP.Now | XVI Int pretation a resus frosn. «abou, mokeake, oR staaeee" gy Rapsteake sag caleplae ase. Maharashira State Hoard of Technical Baweaton 1 conclusions yvitl ¢ jus Poselical elated Questio List the specification of transistor, a ee [Space far nnawers) Lisl ol Axonsislorp ake, EF NINE below an 3 © Goalbin.Qiqnal.... Leansitbom Fie NG, Package @. BLAAA (NPN . @..B65.5.4....CPmR) B.- (eee ~ciwansishores. -2N2AS5°.N PN) L2N3055 Cones, Gosek cation a Nacesil ae Ome. wn. below: 4 MM colleclarw Heceakes (2 V5. Moc. amarximam, .valwe..of powero dis sipo: ‘\a....colleckom..oF a Aransislom. g —ransishom Caeqyensy a\ which he Comenon, eran ‘ mm Vommard cuseent ayn \e any ct and es Ne . Mant SAW WNW S apedya yy - . 5 . Ab & yan and and wat veal Vier Aaansy on Graline) Basic Electronics (22216) Hen...cue cot... So - : \ Set? olle des hep ass ek mes 4 5 S 4 of Technival Educa hia State Board of Tech ion Maharashtr ir in Iv oy VE Vil Maharashira State Board of Technic aap lienerinnaietia Practical No. 22: Test the Performance of BJT Operated In CE Practical Significance A BIT is commonly-used as an amplifier. Common Emitter (CE) mode ig mode of operation Tor'a BIT. All types of amplifications. Reley nt Program Outcomes (POs) 1 iseipline knowledge: Apply Electronics and Telecomm knowledge to solve broad-based Electronics engineering relat Tye XPetiments: and practice: Plan to perform experiments the results to solve broad-based Electronics and Telecomm problems. - * Engineering tools: technologies and tools wit Apply relevant Electronics and ith an understanding of the limitation: Competency and Practical Skills This practical is expected t competency:*Maintain components,” 1. Component identification skills, 2. Component mounting skills, s. ‘© develop the following skills for Clectronic circuits comprising of 3. Use Digital multimeter to measure the voltage and current, Relevant Course Outcomes ° Use BJT in Electronic circuits, Practical Outcome 1. Identify terminals of given transistor, 2. Measure input and output curre 3. Sketch graph for voltage versu, 4. Caleulate current amplificatio nts and voltages, S current, n factor B. Relevant Affective do main related Outcome(s) Handle components an Xd equipment carefully Minimum Theoretical Background CE is the most frequently used configuration in practical provides good voltage, cu emitter circuit and the out put is taken from the emitter "cx e collector-emitter ommion’ to both input and output. CE configuratern provi between input and output signals al Education Telecommunicaiog Mo, the un an-be nesformiag ety mode with suitable biasing, Common-emitter amplifiers are also Used j, SS) »_ frequency circuits, ce = é i eg nications eng: (ed problems, and practices ty We ications sineig the industry-identifeg discrete “clectronig amplifier circuits, since it trent, and pow: is applied across the base ‘ircuit, making the a phase rovers 134 te 4 Liss series 22216) i circuit Diagram ri Figure 1: Cireui dlagram of BUT ince Actual Cireuit ‘used in laborato isram of BIT in CE mode “RUC Pe “©- “Or + Re jook.a Veg 4 (oy Yee ly Eee vee nee (o- sev) KX Resourees required _ Instrument | Specification Quantity | Remarks \ ‘Components Digital Digital Multimeter: 31/2 [2 1, Digital Multimeter Multimeter digit display. with transistor testing “ facilities will be preferred | 2. In place of Digital Multimeter, Voltmeter J and ammeter can be | used. 16) ponies C _ : Resources used (with m . °F Specifications) M a t+ { h T = bp | Voc ra a —_S > €. Actual Experimental set up used in laboratory ute Board of 12 XV Observations and Calculations: ‘Table 1: Drain Characteristics s. Vv Vsti No. | Vos (V) Ip(mA) Vos (V) Ip(mA) Vos (V) Ip(mA) |? oe 5.6 zu ac | 2 22 2] 4 [os 4 4S 4 a [ @ [sal c fas | ¢ za ‘ 8 54 g us g Loo S| ao | sy to de lo 26 6 | : Transfer Cl s. V eae Vp Vos WV No. ‘| Vos (V)__| In(mAy Vas V) Ves (V) Tp(mA) | [ - 2 | 5.2 | a 43 4 Bou [s. Vos=n0..V) ee Vos VY] iotmay jification Factor: | | avo E we Vj A Ves ju Results 1, Drain dynamic Resistance=......Ls.A1.-%, 3. Mutual Conductance (Gm) 0.9.5, | 3. Amplification Factor (1) = poe pert of results perelina, ds pane cesistance Be his wee Ned. B.Cdrapt tahomn...factom. eats ode. Vc, 93 a\ Wi Cy pees xann..,Char® frases ae rs pay © Rents aman te see P ota cero) RSE sacturer of given JFET. Is of given JFET. (NX Practical related re 1. Write the Part number and manu 2, Write the steps to identify terminal for answer [Space i i: TEE esides “8 AWM ‘nal S 158

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