All English Editorial 27.08.2022

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A draconian law that needs to disappear

The north-east needs to be freed from the net of AFSPA, as it has subsumed constitutional rights with impunity
forces  were  eliminated  or (Extra Judicial Execution Victim Fa- shelved.
disabled. milies Association (EEVFAM) vs Un- Former Union Home Minister P.
Shadow over Soren Nagaland, other aberrations
ion of India & Anr.),  it  was  found
that the first six cases investigated
Chidambaram was of the firm opi­
nion  that  AFSPA  should  be  with­
He should resign as CM and not continue in While there was some semblance were indeed fake encounters. This drawn.  But  stiff  resistance  from
of peace having been restored af­ prompted  the  Court  to  conclude the  Defence  Ministry  which  was
the hope of getting elected within six months M.P. Nathanael ter the Shillong Peace Accord with that the veracity of the allegations headed  by  A.K.  Antony  scuttled

ncertainty  looms  large  over  Hemant  Soren’s the Naga insurgents in 1975, the sit­ made  by  the  Association  was the proposal. The Indian Army of­

continuation as Jharkhand Chief Minister as he uation took an ugly turn after the beyond  suspicion.  Having  come fered stiff opposition to any propo­

is  likely  to  be  disqualified  by  the  Governor  as he  statement  made  by  the breakaway  group  led  by  Isak under  the  scanner,  the  AFSPA sal to do away with the much­det­
Member of the Legislative Assembly; the Governor has Prime  Minister,  Narendra Chishi Swu and Thuingaleng Mui­ drew critical comments from the ested law.
received the Election Commission of India’s opinion on Modi,  in  April  this  year,  to vah formed the Nationalist Social­ Supreme Court.
the people of the North­east to the ist  Council  of  Nagalim  (Isak­Mui­ Despised by every citizen of the There needs to be a review
the question. Technically speaking, Mr. Soren could re­
effect  that  the  Government  in­ vah),  better  known  as  the son…”,  AFSPA  1958  empowers States where it has been in force, The  present  dispensation  at  the
main in the post for up to six months without being an tends  withdrawing  the  much­ NSCN(I­M),  in  January  1980,  and even a non­commissioned officer AFSPA was not withdrawn despite Centre has been hailed for its bold
MLA. He could also get elected in the meantime. But dreaded  Armed  Forces  (Special resorted  to  large­scale  violence (may  be  a  Lance  Naik,  a  Naik  or their demands. The very basic te­ decision to rescind the law as the
that technicality apart, it is a huge loss of face for him Powers) Act 1958, or AFSPA, com­ across the States of Nagaland and Havildar)  to  “fire  upon  or  other­ nets of democracy which espouse Army would have still offered re­
and the parties that form the ruling coalition in Jhark­ pletely from the region — this fol­ Manipur. Thuingaleng Muivah is a wise use force; even to the causing the  principles  “of  the  people,  by sistance to its withdrawal. It must
hand, i.e., the JMM, the Congress, and the RJD. The case lows  its  partial  withdrawal  from Tangkhul  Naga  from  Ukhrul  dis­ of death”; no prosecution against the  people  and  for  the  people” be noted that at a function in Gu­
against him has its roots in a mining lease that he gave parts of Assam, Nagaland, Aruna­ trict of Manipur while Isak Chishi them is possible without the con­ have stood negated. No section of wahati on April 23, Union Defence
chal  Pradesh  and  Manipur  in Swu was a Sumi Naga from Zuneh­ sent of the Central Government. society would ever allow itself to Minister Rajnath Singh said that all
himself as a Minister for Mines in 2021. The BJP com­
March this year — could spell tid­ boto in Nagaland. Isak Chishi Swu It is the consent from the Cen­ be subjected to a law that is as dra­ three wings of the defence forces
plained to the Governor on February 11, 2022, that this ings  for  the  denizens  of  these died  in  June  2016  after  the  Naga tral  government  that  is  delaying conian  as  AFSPA,  which  in  effect were  in  favour  of  the  removal  of
act was in violation of Section 9(A) of the Representa­ States. The Prime Minister was ad­ Framework  Agreement  had  been any  further  action  being  taken curbs the liberty and the rights of AFSPA  from  the  Northeast  and
tion of the People Act, 1951. The Governor referred the dressing a ‘Peace, Unity and Deve­ signed  between  the  Government against the commandos of the Ar­ the  people  as  enshrined  in  the Jammu  and  Kashmir,  but  the  act
complaint to the Election Commission of India (ECI) for lopment’ rally in Diphu in Assam’s and the NSCN (I­M) in August 2015. my’s 21 Para (Special Forces) who Constitution — a Constitution that remained in place “due to the sit­
its opinion, as required by law, on March 28. On August Karbi  Anglong  district.  In  the It  is  believed  that  the  agreement killed six locals initially in a case of is held sacrosanct by the nation. uation”.  In  Nagaland,  AFSPA  has
25, the ECI wrote to the Governor that Mr. Soren could north­east,  Nagaland  has  largely was  rushed  through  given  Isak mistaken  identity  in  Mon  district been  removed  from  the  jurisdic­
be disqualified under Section 9(A). The awarding of a borne the brunt of this draconian Swu’s health condition. The agree­ of Nagaland on December 4, 2021. Resistance to a rescinding tion of 15 police stations in seven
law after it was imposed in the late ment has been hanging fire since The incident led to a riotous situa­ Efforts made in the past to rescind districts,  while  in  Assam,  it  has
mining lease to himself was a brazen act of self­service,
1950s when insurgency raised its then  as  the  Government  has  not tion  in  which  more  persons,  in­ the law have met with failure. The been removed completely from 23
misuse of office and breach of people’s trust. One can­ head in the State. agreed  to  permit  a  separate  flag cluding  an  Assam  Rifles  jawan, iron lady of Manipur, Irom Chanu districts;  one  district  will  be  co­
not also not take note of the innocence of his thought and  constitution  for  Nagaland were killed. Unconfirmed reports Sharmila,  went  on  a  16­year  long vered  partially  under  the  Act.  In
that such a transparent act of corruption would go un­ Roots in the Raj which  the  NSCN  (I­M)  is  deter­ put the civilian death toll at 17. hunger  strike  starting  from  No­ Manipur, 15 police station areas of
noticed or unpunished — reminiscent of his father Shi­ The  genesis  of  the  law  can  be mined to have. vember 2000. Hailed as a heroine six districts will be excluded. Ho­
bu Soren going to a bank and depositing the cash he traced to the Armed Forces (Spe­ A generation has lived with AF­ Court’s stand for  nearly  two  decades,  she  fell wever, there needs to be a compre­
had received as bribe. cial Powers) Ordinance 1942 which SPA in Manipur and Nagaland. Re­ Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of from glory when people were dis­ hensive and serious periodical re­
was enacted by the British to sub­ sidents in these States have been India passed an interim order re­ approving of her breaking the fast. view undertaken by the Centre till
Mr. Soren’s agonies may not end with disqualifica­
jugate  the  rebels  in  the  country victims of the aberrations commit­ cently  “staying  further  proceed­ On being asked to comment on the the entire North­east is freed from
tion.  Two  PILs  against  him  are  pending  in  the  Jhark­ during the Quit India movement, ted by security forces for decades. ings pursuant to FIR No.27 of 2021/ withdrawal  of  AFSPA  in  several the tentacles of AFSPA.
hand High Court which seek a probe into the alleged al­ particularly in Assam and Bengal While AFSPA gives sweeping pow­ Final Report of the Special Investi­ parts of Manipur, Assam and Naga­ Investigations into the 1,528 al­
lotment  of  mining  lease  for  a  stone  quarry  in  a in  October  1942.  The  law  conti­ ers to the security forces to shoot gation  Team  [SIT]/Chargesheet,” land, she was of the opinion that leged fake encounters also need to
0.88­acre land parcel in the Angara Block of Ranchi and nues to be enforced in its new for­ and kill anyone on suspicion and on a petition filed by the wives of this was a new beginning and a re­ be fast tracked and taken to their
the alleged laundering of money via some shell compa­ mat as the Armed Forces (Special even search or arrest any person the  commandos  found  guilty  by sult of decades­long fight. logical  conclusion.  If  necessary,
nies said to be linked to his family members. On June 3, Powers) Act 1958. without  warrant,  no  prosecution the SIT. The  Justice  B.P.  Jeevan  Reddy there needs to be incarceration of
Indubitably,  the  need  for  the against  them  is  possible  for  any Armed  with  unbridled  power, Commission that was tasked with the  guilty,  thereby  sending  out  a
the High Court accepted the maintainability of the PILs,
law  was  required  in  the  1950s wrongdoing without the previous aberrations by security forces op­ reviewing the provisions of AFSPA clear message that those who mur­
holding that they did not suffer from any anomaly. In when Naga insurgents resorted to sanction  of  the  Central  govern­ erating in the States are bound to submitted  its  report  on  June  6, der under the cloak of the uniform
separate  pleas,  the  High  Court’s  decision  was  chal­ large­scale violence. Hundreds of ment.  While  the  Armed  Forces take place. When the Extrajudicial 2005  with  the  recommendation of  the  security  forces  cannot  ex­
lenged by the Chief Minister and the State government Indian Army soldiers, central and (Special Powers) Ordinance 1942, Execution  Victim  Families’  Asso­ that AFSPA be withdrawn. Surpris­ pect  to  go  scot  free  if  there  are
in the Supreme Court, which on August 17 reserved its State paramilitary personnel were authorised “Any officer not below ciation  Manipur  (EEVFAM)  ap­ ingly,  it  had  suggested  making violations.
order in the matter and stayed the High Court proceed­ either killed or injured in ambush­ the rank of Captain in (the Indian) proached the top court in 2012 to amendments  to  the  Unlawful  Ac­
ings. The BJP is waiting in the wings to upend the Jhark­ es  that  had  been  meticulously Military forces... to use such force have 1,528 cases of alleged fake en­ tivities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UA­ M.P. Nathanael was Inspector General of
planned  and  launched  by  the  in­ as may be necessary, even to the counters investigated through the PA) to achieve the purpose of AF­ Police, Central Reserve Police Force
hand government, and has tasted blood. The arrest in
surgents. Informers of the security causing  death  against  any  per­ Central  Bureau  of  Investigation SPA. The report was subsequently (CRPF)
July of three Jharkhand Congress MLAs in West Bengal
with  huge  amounts  of  money they  had  allegedly  re­
ceived to defect was a smoking gun. Cornered by pro­
ceedings of disqualification as an MLA and potentially
facing a corruption investigation, Mr. Soren will have di­
Puttaswamy and the fading promise of a right
minished authority over the MLAs of the alliance. The Five years after the crucial judgment on the right to privacy, the ground reality is an eye-opener
honourable thing for him to do in this instance of dis­
how the negotiation of privacy is gation revealed that the Indian go­ cess to the VPN service. The justifi­
qualification would be to resign as Chief Minister. His placed  now,  they  would  realise vernment had purchased access to cation  provided  by  the  Govern­
absence from the central seat of power in the State will

that not much changed following the Pegasus spyware suite in 2017 ment for the request to collect and

be a test for the alliance and its government. the formal recognition of the right as part of a roughly $2 billion ac­ furnish  data  predictably  begins
to privacy. The Personal Data Pro­ quisition  deal  for  weapons  and and  ends  with  a  mention  of  the
Murder in the sewer Karan Saini
tection Bill, 2021, which had been
in  the  offing  for  quite  some  time
miscellaneous  surveillance  gear
from  Israel.  The  alarming  revela­
words “national security”.
While it need not even be said
Deaths during manual cleaning now  (despite  how  flawed  it  may tions and the planting incriminat­ that VPN services in and of them­
of sewage are unacceptable have been) was withdrawn earlier ing evidence in at least one case, selves do not enable or significant­

ugust 24 has passed, mark­ this month after an unnecessarily targeting Indian nationals (alleged ly further criminal activity in a way

ll  human  lives  are  precious,  but,  in  practice,
ing  five  years  since  a  nine­ long period of stagnation. tempt to lend some kind of legiti­ to have been carried out by the Go­ where  such  a  response  would  be
some are seen as less precious than others. Des­ judge Bench of the Supreme macy to the unethical and possibly vernment  of  India)  reveals  a  bla­ warranted, the Government’s po­
pite the efforts of courts and governments, law Court of India delivered a crucial Personal data for a price illegal  nature  of  their  trade.  This tant disregard for any jurispruden­ sition  demonstrates  that  it  is  not
and enforcement have been unable to keep a certain ca­ judgment in the case of Justice K.S. Meanwhile, the ground reality for status quo leaves the general popu­ tial  significance  the  Puttaswamy above placing hindrances in an in­
tegory of workers out of harm’s way: those who are en­ Puttaswamy (retd.) vs Union of In- the  citizenry  has  not  changed lace open to a range of harm in the judgment  might  have  been dividual’s  effort  to  exercise  their
gaged in sewage cleaning. While the job itself is danger­ dia (2017). The judgment delivered much either. Data security breach­ form of elaborate phishing attacks thought to carry. fundamental  right  to  privacy,  of
ous,  as  several  other  human  pursuits  are,  sewage on  that  date  formally  recognised es  which  result  in  the  loss  and and  financial  scams  aided  by  the which  informational  privacy  is  a
the right to privacy as being a fun­ theft  of  personal,  sensitive  data attacker’s access to personal infor­ Other ‘transgressions’ part. However, this should not be
cleaning  involves  working  with  human  excreta,  and
damental right stemming from the have  not  reduced  in  terms  of mation,  as  well  as  other  harmful The  recent  interventions  by  the surprising given other privacy­in­
cannot be seen without invoking the concept of dignity right  to  life  and  personal  liberty, measurable frequency or their im­ activities which rely on the attack­ Government which aim to restrict fringing transgressions, and consi­
of  labour.  To  allot  the  task  of  removing  excreta  and guaranteed under Article 21 of the pact. Even worse, as of today, any er possessing key bits of informa­ Indian nationals from subscribing dering that the initial position, ar­
cleaning sewers to humans when machines are able to Indian Constitution. The Bench al­ person or business within and out­ tion about an individual. to  and  accessing  VPN  services gued by the then Attorney General
do the work is a gross violation of rights. It is in this con­ so held that while the right to pri­ side  India  is  still  in  a  position shows  a  similar  disregard,  too. was that “the right of privacy may
text that Tamil Nadu’s recent move to notify the rules of vacy is intrinsic to an individual’s where,  for  a  slight  bargain,  they ‘Spying’ from above Summarily,  the  Government  has at best be a common law right, but
the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers ability  to  exercise  bodily  autono­ can procure the personal informa­ While the threat model for a gener­ demanded  that  VPN  service  pro­ not  a  fundamental  right  guaran­
my,  it  is  still  not  an  “absolute tion for a vast majority of the peo­ al user of the Internet in India may viders — most of which operate in teed by the Constitution”.
and  their  Rehabilitation  Act, 2013,  though  belated,
right” in and of itself, placing limi­ ple, categorised and labelled neat­ only  comprise  non­state  actors jurisdictions  outside  of  India  — In light of all of this, five years
must be seen. While manual ‘scavenging’ is completely tations  in  a  manner  similar  to ly wherever possible, for use and (such  as  cyber  criminals  and  un­ start  collecting  and  maintaining later,  it  can  be  said  confidently
prohibited, the rules allow manual cleaning, in specific those  placed  on  the  right  to  free consumption. scrupulous  businesses),  indivi­ KYC  records  on  Indian  nationals that the Puttaswamy judgment has
conditions where mechanical equipment cannot be de­ speech and expression. Data  concerning  the  scale  and duals with certain political and in­ who seek to avail their services. missed  the  mark  quite  spectacu­
ployed to fix the problem, or when it is absolutely ne­ nature  described  here  is  used tellectual  affinities  however  have The  kind  of  information  re­ larly  for  the  objective  that  was
cessary to have human intervention, after stating the An erosion most often by some legitimate ad­ found themselves worrying about quested to be collected and stored sought, and that it represents a fo­
valid reasons for allowing such a process to take place. Five years later, however, the once vertising  agencies,  unscrupulous the capabilities of the Government includes  general  identifiers  such regone opportunity to protect the
eventual­beneficiaries of the agen­ telemarketing firms, and cyber cri­ in this regard; and rightly so, as far as  full  name,  phone  number, rights of Indian citizens while en­
But, more importantly, it specifies a long list of protec­
cy that the recognition of the fun­ minals. Brokers of such data have as  the  security  and  integrity  of home address, and more (informa­ suring all of the checks and balanc­
tive devices and gear that any person engaged to clean a damental right had promised may in  fact  become  so  brazen  where their  electronic  devices  are tion which generally is not sought es  necessary  to  prevent  Govern­
sewer or a septic tank must be provided, including air realise that the order delivered as they  have  taken  to  listing  their concerned. by  VPN  service  providers,  and ment  overreach  and  abuse  of
line breathing apparatus, air line respirator, air purifier part of the judgment has not been goods  for  sale  on  mainstream  e­ An  investigation  in  January which may only be validated by a power.
gas mask, a device for artificial respiration, mask and upheld in letter or in practice. For commerce platforms. This may be 2022  by The New York Times of­ potential customer having to fur­
breathing  apparatus.  Besides  this,  chlorine  masks, example, one can consider the na­ done in a bid to reach more cus­ fered some credence to the debate nish valid identity documents to a Karan Saini is an independent security
emergency medical oxygen resuscitator kit, gas moni­ ture of the relationship that is cur­ tomers who can discover and sub­ and  outcry  that  had  existed given service provider), along with researcher and public interest

tor for gases, hydraulic devices, and first aid will have to rently  shared  among  consumers sequently purchase the data they around the alleged use of the Pega­ a small box asking for the “reason” technologist. He is presently a Technology
and  companies.  If  one  looks  at provide, but perhaps also in an at­ sus spyware in India. The investi­ for which an individual sought ac­ Fellow at Bellingcat
be provided by the employer. The list is not limited to
those devices mentioned. Regular maintenance of the
equipment and devices has also been mandated by the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
rules. Naturally, all workers must be fitted out in the sa­ To read more letters
fety gear before they enter the sewer line. Spyware issue and the nation, the threats cooperate with the we leave out the ‘relevant very disturbing . It was a day online, scan the QR code

The practice of manual cleaning of septic tanks and For the past few days we posed by malware cannot be investigation is not a clause’ which ensured their the survivors of the horrific

sewers has been, and will always be, as long as it exists, have been reading about underestimated. Hence, even surprise. Even though the remission, why is the state crime lost their the strength of her intellect
Pegasus and how ‘malware’ if there is no proof digital forensic findings intent on glorifying them? If independence and right to but also the great power and
a serious concern  in  any  country  sworn  to  humane
has been found in five establishing that the malware remain inconclusive, the a law fails to show society the live in dignity and safety.  love she had in her heart.
treatment of all citizens. While quibbling has dominat­ phones, but of there no in question is Pegasus, the development is unlikely to correct way, it will only end Rameeza A. Rasheed, Her mission — of
ed discussions about the actual number of deaths due proof of it being Pegasus. detection is still cause for allay fears of sophisticated up causing more harm than Chennai unconditional care and
to  manual  scavenging,  government­acknowledged Experts and the highest grave concern. The hacking and the continued good. We wait for the self­sacrifice — still lives on.
deaths from manual cleaning of sewers and septic tanks court in the land are Government ought to have use of illegal tactics. The Supreme Court of India to set Mother Teresa “The biggest disease today is
are  shocking  enough.  A  total  of  971  people  lost  their dealing with the matter. But extended its full cooperation deployment of new tools and things right. August 26, 2022 marked the not leprosy or tuberculosis,
lives while cleaning sewers or septic tanks since 1993, I have a simple question. to the Supreme technologies in a manner Madhusree Guha, birth anniversary of Mother but rather the feeling of
Was Pegasus purchased by Court­appointed “Pegasus that compromises the rights Kolkata Teresa. Over two decades being unwanted;” was one of
the  year  the  law  prohibiting  employment  of  manual
the Government? And the technical committee”. It is of citizens is a serious issue. have gone since the passing her more famous lines. The
scavengers was enacted, according to the Social Justice answer from the important to safeguard the The least the Government ■ The release of the 11 of Mother Teresa but one world must remember this.
and Empowerment Ministry. Tamil Nadu is among the Government counsel digital security of our nation can do now is to implement convicts stirs up images of cannot forget her greatness R. Sivakumar,
top States in the list. Since the causes of deaths while should be either a yes or a from ‘foreign powers’. By not the recommendations that horror and of gruesome and that is derived not just from Chennai

cleaning sewers and septic tanks are predictable — nox­ no. The firm that made the making things clear, the try and ensure a safer digital heartless acts even after 20

ious  gases  —  not  taking  measures  to  prevent  those software has categorically Government has missed a environment. years making our hearts corrections & clarifications:
stated that it sells the golden opportunity to alter N. Sadhasiva Reddy, bleed and causing us to bow Late correction: In a Sunday Magazine story titled “The elusive
deaths would be criminal. Proper implementation of amrita” (Aug. 14, 2022), the reference to Durvasa insulting the he­
software only to the general perception of its Bengaluru our heads in shame. The 11
the rules, and adequate monitoring are absolutely es­ donistic Indra should be corrected to cursing.
governments. role in the spyware issue. men were all given a
sential. Simultaneously, all efforts must be taken, with­ Deepak Das, A. Venkatasubramanian, An aberration ceremonial welcome. None It is the policy of The Hindu to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please specify
in existing schemes, to provide compensation to the fa­ Jaipur, Rajasthan Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu It is shocking how 11 convicts of them had even a trace of
the edition (place of publication), date and page. The Readers’ Editor’s office can be
contacted by Telephone: +91-44-28418297/28576300 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to
mily members of those who have died, and to provide involved in gang rape and remorse on their faces. To Friday); Fax: +91-44-28552963; E­; Mail: Readers’
Editor, The Hindu, Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002, India.
them a way out of the profession, if they so wish. ■ From the data security ■ That the Central murder are being treated like see them receiving the All communication must carry the full postal address and telephone number. No personal
perspective of an individual government did not heroes by the state. Even if ‘honours’ done to them was visits. The Terms of Reference for the Readers’ Editor are on




The great Godavari floods 
People living along the mighty river in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have faced three floods in the last two months. T. Appala Naidu, P. Sridhar and 
B. Chandrashekhar report on the recurrent floods, logistics of irrigation dams, and concerns about relief and rehabilitation 

n the last week of June, Kunja Sai Ku­
mar, a farmer belonging to the Koya
tribe, was jubilant as he sat with the
160 families of his community in Muku­
nuru village for a dinner. The village is
situated on the banks of the Sabari river,
a tributary of the mighty Godavari. The
Koyas  sang  songs  of  prayer  for  a  good
harvest in Mukunuru, situated in the Al­
luri  Sitharama  Raju  district  of  Andhra
Pradesh. The men completed all the ri­
tuals mandated for bringing down the
curtains on the three­day Bhumi Puja,
celebrated to mark the commencement
of the agriculture season in July. Paddy,
sesame, pulses and chilli are the major
crops grown in Mukunuru and its sur­
rounding areas. In summer, the farmers
earn  their  income  by  selling  sweet­
smelling  mahua  flowers  and  nuts  col­
lected from the forest.
Their  prayers  went  unanswered.
Within  a  fortnight,  the  Koyas  turned
sombre as the Godavari, in all its rage,
submerged  their  crops,  fields,  homes,
and  hopes  as  early  as  July.  They  were
surprised, for they were generally pre­
pared for floods in the months of August
and  September  every  year.  This  time,
the villagers were subjected to not one
but  three  floods  in  July  and  the  first
three weeks of August, which cut them
off  from  the  mainland.  While  they
mourn  the  loss  of  their  crop,  they  are
equally worried about the next harvest.
“How can crops now be grown on this
land,” asked a distraught Sai Kumar.
Beeraboyina  Ramakrishna,  50,  said
the  Godavari  floods  have  “wrecked
their  plans”.  Water  gushed  into  his
thatched  house  and  spoiled  the  seeds
he had stored, which were to be sown
on 11 acres of land. “Except my bullock
cart, which I had tied to a tree, everyth­
ing was swept away by the floods,” the
farmer said. 
On August 25, when the waters had
mostly receded, thousands of tribal pe­
ople,  who  had  fled  their  villages,  said
they  were  waiting  to  return  to  their
houses, which are still filled with mud
and yellow­brown water. Residents marooned in Sunnambatti in Dummugudem mandal of Bhadradri Kothagudem district leave their homes by boat. (Below): The water level in the temple town of Bhadrachalam in Bhadradri Kothagudem
Apart from Alluri Sitharama Raju, the district of Telangana reached the highest level since 1986. G.N. RAO *

flood waters have affected four districts
in Andhra Pradesh — Eluru, Dr. B.R. Am­ All­India Democratic Women's Associa­ thatched  house  in  Dr.  B.R.  Ambedkar daiah, who previously ran Koitur Bata, a not  only  in  Bhadrachalam,  but  also  in
bedkar Konaseema, West Godavari and tion.  “Strengthening  the  two­decade­ Konaseema.  Half  his  house,  at  Vakala school for the Koyas, agreed this was a the  upstream  area  of  Kaleshwaram.
East Godavari — affecting the lives of ov­ old  karakatta (flood  bank)  along  the Garuvu village, was already under wa­ major problem. “We have been flooded Here too, there is a debate on a project
er two million people. banks of the Godavari in Bhadrachalam ter. He ekes out a living by fishing in the with requests from the Koyas and Kon­ — the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Pro­
A survey of the damage caused by the and  extending  it  to  the  entire  flood­ Godavari. da  Reddis  in  the  flood­hit  villages  for ject. Construction on this project by the
floods is still in progress. “We have not prone area in the Bhadrachalam and Pi­ “All  my  six  daughters  are  married. clothes.  We  have  managed  to  arrange Telangana government began in 2016 af­
been  able  to  carry  out  the  survey  be­ napaka constituencies is the only way to This  year,  I  borrowed  ₹70,000  from some hundred sets of clothes to be dis­ ter  redesigning  and  re­engineering  of
cause of these repeated floods,” officials find a lasting solution to the flood me­ them to replace the roof of my thatched tributed by August­end.” the  Pranahitha­Chevella  Lift  Irrigation
said.  The  Indian  Navy  (Eastern  Naval nace,” she said. “It is imperative that the house.  But  now  the  floods  have  shat­ Residents  of  the  region  were  also Project taken up by the united Andhra
Command, Visakhapatnam) and the Na­ five gram panchayats situated near Bha­ tered my hopes of building a permanent worried  that  their  fertile  agricultural Pradesh government in 2007. The pro­
tional Disaster Response Force were de­ drachalam  in  Andhra  be  transferred house,” he said. Peda Satyam named his lands along the Godavari would be ta­ ject  is  expected  to  provide  water  for
ployed to help the government in relief back to Telangana’s Bhadrachalam divi­ youngest  daughter  after  the  Godavari. ken  up  for  construction  of  the  guide drinking  and  irrigation  purposes  to
and rescue efforts. sion  so  that  the  karakatta can  be “We can never leave the river,” he said. bund of the barrage of the Sitamma Sa­ about 45 lakh acres in 20 districts in Te­
extended.” In the Godavari region of Andhra Pra­ gar multi­purpose project. langana,  apart  from  Hyderabad  and
Tussle over a project sures such as the construction of flood On  July  17,  Chief  Minister  K.  Chan­ desh, the flood causes losses to the tune For those living in remote areas in the Secunderabad.
In the neighbouring State of Telangana embankments to prevent flooding in the drashekar  Rao  announced  the  alloca­ of ₹2,000 crore every year. In 2020, the forest,  commuting  during  floods  is The July floods inundated two pump­
too,  a  similar  mood  of  despondency temple town. Andhra Pradesh Minister tion of ₹1,000 crore to take up works for estimated loss was above ₹2,000 crore, nothing  short  of  a  nightmare.  A  preg­ houses of the project on the night of July
prevailed.  On  July  16,  in  the  temple for  Water  Resources  Ambati  Rambabu the protection of Bhadrachalam town. as  per  government  records.  This  year, nant woman of Aswapurampadu village 14­15 as the river witnessed an unprece­
town of Bhadrachalam in Kothagudem refuted the contention that raising the “This  should  be  immediately  released the losses have not been estimated due in Karakagudem mandal had to be car­ dented flow of 28.71 lakh cusecs (cubic
district,  the  waters  of  the  Godavari upper  cofferdam’s  height  had  caused and alternative housing should be pro­ to repeated floods. ried on a ‘doli’ (makeshift stretcher) by feet per second) at Medigadda, one of
swelled frightfully, taking the flood level the floods in Bhadrachalam and assert­ vided,” said Deva of Ayyapa Colony. Offi­ In the low­lying Eluru district, villag­ her family members through slushy ter­ the  three  key  barrages  of  the  project.
to 71.30 ft. This was the highest level the ed  that  the  project  design  had  been cials said compensation of ₹10,000 each ers  said  the  situation  was  so  bad  that rain to a road point, when a local stream (The other two are Annaram and Sun­
town had seen after the floods of 1986 cleared  by  the  Central  Water has  already  been  disbursed  to  about they ran out of drinking water. Villagers flooded  the  kutcha  road  connecting dilla.) According to the project authori­
when the water level reached 75.6 ft. It Commission. 16,000 families affected by the floods. in  Toorpu  Mettu  said  they  were  com­ their  village.  She  was  subsequently ties,  the  flood  level  in  the  Godavari  at
was way above the third warning level Apart from its problems with the Te­ pelled to drink the flood water. The Na­ shifted  to  the  District  Headquarters Kaleshwaram, located in the upstream
of 53 feet (the second warning level is 48 langana  government,  the  Andhra  Pra­ ‘We can never leave the river’ vy  was  pressed  into  relief  operations. Hospital  in  Kothagudem  in  an of  Medigadda  Barrage,  surpassed  the
feet and the first is 43 feet). This year, desh  government  is  also  engaged  in  a In Andhra Pradesh, the Godavari meets Those suffering from prolonged illness ambulance. previous  highest  level  of  107.05  m,  re­
the  flood  level  rose  above  the  third tussle with the Centre on the relief and the  Bay  of  Bengal  through  its  five were forced to brave the flood waters to “About  190  pregnant  women  from corded in the 1986 floods.
warning  level  of  53  ft  four  times.  The rehabilitation package. This has led to branches — Gowthami, Vridha Gowtha­ reach  nearby  hospitals,  and  pregnant the  flood­prone  areas  were  shifted  to The first pump house constructed to
flood  waters  forced  the  authorities  to doubts on the rehabilitation of the tribal mi,  Coringa,  Vasista,  and  Vynateya  — women had to be airlifted. This Koya tri­ our hospital based on the expected de­ lift water from Medigadda at Kannepally
shut the bridge running across the town people from the submerged areas, who which  together  let  a  staggering  1,300 bal habitation has 79 families. livery date, by the officials between July is designed to stand a flood level of 107.5
for  two  days.  While  Kothagudem  dis­ are  mostly  from  the  Koya  community tmcft  (thousand  million  cubic  feet)  of Apart  from  the  people,  the  floods 10 and 29,” said Dr. Ramakrishna, Supe­ m at  that  location  against  the  highest
trict  was  among  the  worst  affected  by and the Konda Reddi community, a Par­ floodwater  into  the  sea  last  August have also affected the wildlife of the re­ rintendent, Government Area Hospital, flood level of 106.7 m recorded in 1986.
the floods in Telangana, the Adilabad, ticularly Vulnerable Tribal Group. Jagan alone.  The  division  into  these  five gion.  Deer  and  black  bucks  can  be Bhadrachalam. All of them had safe de­ However, the pump house was flooded
Jayashankar  Bhupalpally,  Kumuram Mohan Reddy said the Centre is yet to branches occurs downstream of the Sir found on at least 20 islands of the river, liveries  at  the  hospital  last  month,  he as the level crossed the 107.5 m barrier
Bheem  Asifabad,  Mancherial,  Mulugu, release funds to the State for relief and Arthur Cotton Barrage at Dowleswaram all of which have been affected by the said. this  time.  Opposition  parties  have  al­
Nirmal,  and  Peddapalli  districts  were rehabilitation (the project was accorded near Rajamahendravaram city. “In the floods.  In  the  flood  mitigation  plan  of There are dozens of tribal habitations leged  that  the  pump  houses  were  de­
battered by heavy rain. ‘national status’). central and eastern delta, spread across the State government, the protection of that  lack  pucca  roads,  said  Aruna,  a signed  at  levels  lower  than  what  was
Rambabu of Subash Nagar colony in While  the  dispute  over  the  project the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Konaseema dis­ wildlife is still to get any attention, said former Zilla Praja Parishad member of recommended.
Bhadrachalam recalled how his family raged on, aggrieved residents of Subash trict, 98 habitations in 17 mandals had environmentalists. Yellandu. “Bike ambulances fitted with As there was damage to crops as well
had to move out of their home on July Nagar Colony in Bhadrachalam staged a been affected by the Godavari floods by On  the  Chintoor­VR  Puram  stretch, sidecars should be immediately pressed as siltation along the course of Godavari
15. “We left all our belongings behind. dharna in July to draw attention to the July 16. More than 14,000 people were thousands  of  tribal  women  waited  for into service in such areas in the tribal and its tributaries, the flood level in the
We  moved  to  a  relief  camp  at  a  local recurring problem of flooding. Scores of evacuated,” said District Revenue Offic­ clothes as all their belongings had been majority district until all the tribal hab­ river  at  Kaleshwaram  reached  a  new
school and spent sleepless nights there people, mainly women, squatted on the er Ch. Sattibabu. A majority of these are carried away by the floodwaters. At Mu­ itations get pucca roads,” she suggested. flood level of 108.8 m. A senior engineer
for over a week. In the last week of July, main road in front of the Government island villages. kunuru  village  in  Chintoor  mandal  of of  the  Irrigation  Department  said  this
we returned to our home only to find a Degree College to press for a permanent On the rainy midnight of July 16, Mal­ East Godavari, a Koya tribal girl said she Devastation in Kaleshwaram had ripple effects, with the pump house
portion of the house damaged. Electric solution to the problem. ladi  Peda  Satyam,  60,  had  fled  his had no clothes left. In Hyderabad, G. Ya­ The floods have left a trail of devastation at  Kasipeta,  in  the  upstream  of  Anna­
appliances were wet and the certificates “We are apprehensive that the water ram Barrage, also being submerged.
of our children were soaked,” he said. level  in  the  Godavari  will  constantly New records of the flood level were
The  Telangana  government  blamed hover above the first flood warning level also  seen  at  several  other  locations  in
the Andhra Pradesh government’s deci­ of 43 ft at Bhadrachalam once the Polav­ the upstream.
sion to increase the height of the Polav­ aram  project  is  completed,”  said  Swa­
aram  irrigation  project  by  1.5  metres, my,  a  resident  of  the  temple  town. ‘Our lives have been paralysed’
for its woes. The Polavaram project is an “Both  the  Telangana  and  Andhra  go­ With  the  Godavari  witnessing  heavy
under­construction multi­purpose irri­ vernments should work together to sa­ floods in 36 years of the last 70 years,
gation project on the Godavari river, in feguard Bhadrachalam. This is home to people  living  along  the  river’s  course
the Eluru and East Godavari districts of the  17th  century  Sri  Sitaramachandra both in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
Andhra  Pradesh.  Following  Andhra Swamy temple. It is frequented by devo­ brace themselves to face the impact ev­
Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s tees from both the States.” ery  alternate  year  on  an  average.  As
direction  on  July  15,  the  State  govern­ Anxieties over the project deepened, Venkatesh Jatvi, a resident of Chintoor,
ment raised the height of the upper cof­ especially after the last round of flood­ said: “Since July, our lives have been pa­
ferdam of the project to increase its ca­ ing.  “There  is  a  worry  that  the  severe ralysed. People who died of prolonged
pacity  so  that  it  could  withstand flooding  in  Bhadrachalam  was  caused illness during the floods could not even
massive  floods.  The  decision  helped by the increase of the height of the up­ get a decent farewell.”
Andhra Pradesh prevent damage to the per  cofferdam  of  the  Polavaram  pro­ This  year,  the  river  has  discharged
cofferdam as well as the overflowing of ject,” said M. Venkateshwarlu, District nearly 4,277 tmcft of surplus water into
floodwaters, but, ironically, several low­ Secretary, Telangana Vyavasaya Karmi­ the sea from Sir Arthur Cotton Barrage
lying areas of Bhadrachalam were ma­ ka  Sangham.  “This  needs  to  be  ad­ as on August 26. This is the highest in
rooned  soon  after.  Telangana’s  Tran­ dressed by both the State governments. the  last  decade.  The  disaster  calls  for
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he utterly condemnable
T attack on author Salman
Rushdie on August 12,
2022, at Chautauqua, New York
KDVEHHQXQKDSS\ZLWKWKHPDQQHULQZKLFKWKHSDUW\ state, raises several issues. The first
KDVEHHQUXQKHKDVDOVREHHQDPHPEHURIWKH is the deafening public silence of
most political personalities, civil
E\$]DGDQGRWKHU*OXPLQDULHV+HQFHKLVH[LW killing Rushdie, as sufficiently
horrific to deserve condemna-
\HDUVDURXQGKDOIDGR]HQMXVWLQ is only a blip in the periphery of
they are aware of but which
hours without leading anywhere.
&RQJUHVVZRUNLQJSUHVLGHQW$OORIWKHPOHIWWKLV\HDU2WKHUVHQLRU&RQJUHVVOHDG be stressed that their silence is $3.9million. The fatwa and the Roman Catholic Church rea- itself is a society wielding the-
HUVZKRHDUOLHUTXLWWKHSDUW\LQFOXGHIRUPHU3XQMDEFKLHIPLQLVWHU$PDULQGHU6LQJK conspicuous given the issues the bounty stand though the for- ching right to the top. The Re- oretical, and sometimes prac-
DQGIRUPHU8QLRQPLQLVWHUV-LWLQ3UDVDGDDQG-\RWLUDGLW\D6FLQGLD$QGRIFRXUVH attack raises. The basic one con- mer was declared inoperative formation progressed through tical, authority in social affairs.”
cerns freedom of speech and a by Iran’s then President, Sayyid debates, which led to the emer- All this changed drastical-
WKHUHLV$VVDP&KLHI0LQLVWHU+LPDQWD%LVZD6DUPDZKRLVQRZZLWKWKH%-37KH writer’s ability to speak what is on Mohammad Khatami, in 1998. gence of Protestantism as a ly by the middle of the 17th
WKUHDGUXQQLQJWKURXJKWKHJULHYDQFHVRIDOOWKHVH&RQJUHVVOHDGHUVZDVWKHLUH[DV his/her mind. Rushdie’s son, It is wrong to hurt people’s vibrant stream of Christianity. century. The conflict between
SHUDWLRQZLWKWKH*DQGKLV,QIDFWWKH*DQGKLVKDYHVWDUWHGUHVHPEOLQJWKH%RXUERQV Zafar, wrote on Twitter on August religious sentiments, particu- Religions exist not in vac- the new social and economic
RI\RUH,WZDVVDLGDERXWWKH%RXUERQVWKHUXOLQJG\QDVW\DWWKHWLPHRIWKH)UHQFK 20, “Free speech is the whole larly in the form of blasphemy. uums but in communities forces clamouring for recogni-
thing, the whole ball game. Free It is equally wrong to shut out whose cultures have evolved tion of their legitimacy and the
5HYROXWLRQ  WKDWWKH\KDGOHDUQWQRWKLQJDQGIRUJRWWHQQRWKLQJ)RUDIWHUWKH speech is life itself.” That it is, legitimate questioning by dub- through history following traditional doctrines of the
IDOORI1DSROHRQDQGWKHLUUHVWRUDWLRQWKH\FRQWLQXHGZLWKWKHLUROGZD\VWKHZD\V indeed, so becomes clear when bing it blasphemous. Besides, changes in social and econom- church whose moral authori-
WKDWKDGOHGWRWKH5HYROXWLRQLQWKHILUVWSODFH6RQLD*DQGKLLVDLOLQJ3UL\DQNDKDV the attack is viewed in the context who decides what is blasphe- ic relations and the spread of ty had been undermined by
SURYHGWREHDGXGPLVVLOH$VIRU5DKXO*DQGKLRWKHUWKDQSURYLGLQJFDWFK\TXRWHV of the storm Rushdie’s novel, mous? It should not be the knowledge. Religions are not the Reformation, was sus-
The Satanic Verses, first published cleric who has proclaimed just doctrinal and metaphysi- pended by a truce, under
WRWKHPHGLDKHGRHVQ·WRIIHUDQ\WKLQJVXEVWDQWLYHIRU&RQJUHVVUHYLYDOLQWHUPVRI in September 1988, had unlea- something as blasphemous. 3410C4B0=3 cal phenomena but sources of which politics, business and
WKHSDUW\·VSRVLWLRQLQJSROLF\SDUDGLJPZRUNDEOHSURJUDPPHVDQGRUJDQLVDWLRQ shed, triggering public protests in Even if someone has said or 2A8C828B<0A4 sets of spiritual and moral spiritual exercises, each
4BB4=C80;5>AC74 coordinates that enable people assumed “a separate and inde-
EHLQJ/HIWLVWVWU\LQJWRLQMHFWWKHLURZQTXL[RWLFDJHQGDLQWKH*23,WVHHPVWKDWWKH where most Muslims held that phemous beyond doubt, the to cope with the many chal- pendent vitality”.
some of its contents insulted answer lies in condemning it 2A40C8E44E>;DC8>= lenges and setbacks con- Debates and criticism are
Prophet Mohammad and were
blasphemous. It was banned in
and rebutting it by reason and
information and not murder-
>5A4;868>=B fronting them in their quotid-
ian existence. To be able to play
essential for the creative evo-
lution of religions, making for
many countries, including India. ing the perpetrator. Murder in <0:8=65>AC748A this role, they themselves must their continued relevance to

On February 14, 1989, Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini, who had
such cases is meant not mere-
ly to punish the perpetrator but
2>=C8=D43 be open to change in response
to new situations emerging
society. Criticism is almost
always initially condemned as
become Iran’s supreme leader in spread terror so that no one A4;4E0=24C> over time. heresy but is often subse-
1979 following the defenestration
of the regime of Shahanshah
else dares to do or say the same
thing or something similar.
B>284CH2A8C828B< An example from the his-
tory of Christianity will be ins-
quently accepted, leading to
changes in doctrine and prax-
(King of Kings) Mohammad Once murder is accepted as a 8B0;<>BC0;F0HB tructive. RH Tawney writes in is. Murder and its sanctioning
Reza Shah, issued a fatwa or a reli- permissible punishment for 8=8C80;;H Religion and the Rise of Capi- have no place in the world’s
gious edict calling upon Muslims blasphemy, it can also be pre- talism (1926), which remains moral, spiritual and theologi-
to kill Rushdie. scribed in cases — like allega- 2>=34<=430B a classic despite the decades, cal universe. The attempt on
A religious organisation, 15 tions of corruption against 74A4BH1DC8B “When the age of Reformation Rushdie’s life has to be con-
Khordad Foundation, which the clergy — where blasphemy begins, economics is still a demned unequivocally. Silence
announced a bounty of $2.7mil- is alleged not on genuine >5C4= branch of ethics, and ethics of is not an option when religious
lion on Rushdie’s head following grounds but to squelch legiti- BD1B4@D4=C;H theology…the legitimacy of bigotries of all variety —
the fatwa, raised it to $3.3million
in 2012. On the 27th anniversary
mate criticism. Along with
the doctrinal issues it raised, 0224?C43 economic transactions is tried
by reference, less to the move-
Muslim, Christian and Hindu,
for example — are globally on
of Ayatollah Khomeini’s edict in one of the main planks of the ments of the market, than to the rise.
February 2016, 40 news outlets in Reformation, which began in moral standards derived from (The author is Consulting
Iran added another $600,000 to 16th century in Europe, was the traditional teachings of the Editor, The Pioneer. The
the bounty, taking the total to widespread corruption in the Christian Church; the church views expressed are personal.)

=eSXQT_QR_ed^_dXY^W cWPc19?[TPSTab

Sir — As a concerned citizen, I wish to
draw the attention of the authorities con-
cerned towards the increase in road acci- QPbXb8cRP]]^cQTXV]^aTSW^fcWTaTfPbP
dents across Indian cities due to potholes. adRZdb ]^c ^][h ^] cWT bcaTTcb Qdc P[b^ X]
$$3QRWRQO\VXUYLYHGWKH%-3DWWDFNRQLWVOHDGHUV With each monsoon rain, more and more
degradation in the surface and quality of
EXWKDVVXFFHVVIXOO\XVHGLWWRLWVDGYDQWDJH road structure is observed. The roads
these days have become a death trap due
0RR^aSX]V c^ cWT aT_^ac ^dc ^U cWT !(

Many human lives are lost, vehicles’ shock X]eTbcXVPcX^]^][hUXeTfTaTU^d]Sc^R^]cPX] bW^RZTSQhcWT
absorbers and wheel rims get destroyed. bcaXZTbcWPchTb
FDOULYDO7KH&%,LQTXLU\RUGHUHGE\'HOKL/*WRSUREHDOOHJHGFRUUXSWLRQLQ$$3·V As per a prominent newspaper report, WT UX]SX]Vb ^U cWT aT_^ac ^U cWT Tg_Tac RP[[TScWT?TVPbdbb^UcfPaT0bUPaPb\P[ cTaSPhZX[[TSP]S
accidents caused by potholes killed 5,626
people during 2018-19.
The foremost thing concerning pot-
C R^\\XccTT R^]bcXcdcTS Qh cWT Bd_aT\T
RPbT d]STa[X]T cWPc cWT PccT\_c c^ [Pd]RW P
V holes is that either roads are not designed fT[[_[P]]TS RP\_PXV] PVPX]bc cWT 2T]caP[ \TP]cWPccWT_W^]TW^[STaXbQTX]Vb_XTS^] 2WP_[h]TX]RT]caP[DZaPX]T
OLQHZDV0DQLVK6LVRGLDZKRKDSSHQVWREHH[FLVHPLQLVWHURI'HOKL$VSHFWDFOHZDV specification or, during construction, CWTTg_TacR^\\XccTTaT_^ac]^c^][hSTQd]Zb R^\_dcTab[P_c^_bP]S\^QX[T_W^]Tb8cRP] ¯3T]XbT1a^f]
inspection practices and poor mainte- cWPccWTR^d]cahbcX\TfPbfPbcTSP[^]VfXcW _Tab^]QdcP[b^cWTR^\\^]\P]8cS^Tb]^c 8cWX]ZcWTXa
nance add to the trouble. The Govern- B^dcWRX]T\PXb
SDUW\VXUYLYHGEXWHPHUJHGVWURQJHUE\SOD\LQJYLF strategy to address the issue of road safe- cWThPaT]^cP_X]V
WLPFDUGDQGGHIOHFWLQJWKHOLTXRULVVXHVXFFHVVIXOO\ ty, in particular to potholes. I urge High- Rahul Gandhi into politics, and partic- activities. However, we often don’t realise 7^[[hf^^SCWTh
ways Minister Nitin Gadkari to take ini- ularly after January 2013 when he was the extent of harm we might be causing PaTcT[[X]Vbc^aXTb
$$3PXVWJHWWKHFUHGLWIRUGH[WHULW\LWVKRZHG tiative and ask the State Governments to appointed as the Congress vice-president, to the environment. Many of the Ganesha ^eTaWTaTfTPaTbT[[X]VbcPab
,WQRWRQO\KDQGOHGLWZHOOQRWZLOWLQJEXWDOVRXVLQJ take swift action and fill up the potholes the entire consultative mechanism which idols sold in the market are made of plas- 0Rc^a
LWWRLWVDGYDQWDJHE\SOD\LQJWKHYLFWLPFDUGVKRZ with quality materials. Also as the work existed earlier was demolished by him. All tic, thermocol, POP and other non- ¯0]d_\:WTa
FDVLQJLWVDFKLHYHPHQWVSXEOLVKHGLQ1HZ<RUN7LPHV of smart cities is going on, the senior and experienced leaders were biodegradable materials, which have a
DQGFUHDWLQJWKHSHUFHSWLRQWKDWWKH%-3ZDVRXWWR Government must see to it that roads are sidelined and a new coterie of inexperi- detrimental effect on both the plant and
developed to correct specifications. enced leaders and sycophants started run- animal life. \^aTR^a_^aPcT
WRSSOHLWVJRYHUQPHQWE\EX\LQJLWV0/$,WWXUQHGRXW Ramesh G Jethwani | Bengaluru ning the affairs of the party. Such state- For decoration, use only fresh flowers, b_^]b^abWX_Pc
WKDWWKH%-3ZDVQRPDWFKWR$$3·VFRXQWHUDWWDFN ments coming from a senior leader, diyas and electric bulbs. Avoid shiny rib- cWTVaPbba^^cb
1J14*C14?B6BECDB1D54/ [TeT[bXcf^d[SQT
,WKDGQRFOXHDQGSOD\HGLQWRWKHKDQGVRI.HMULZDO who had been associated with the bons, thermocol, plastic beads, etc. Avoid
7KH\WULHGWRGLVFUHGLW1<7UHSRUWZKLFKIHOOIODWWKH Sir — The frustrated and depressed Congress for nearly five decades, show the purchasing betel nut, haldi-kumkum or
senior Congress leader and former Chief signs of frustration, depression and his other puja items in packets as they typ- _a^\^cTb_^acbX]8]SXP
UDLGVKDYHEHHQE\DQGODUJHXQVXFFHVVIXOLIWKH\IRXQG Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr anti-party attitude. It is not surprising that ically cannot be recycled. Instead, buy the 0cW[TcT
DQ\WKLQJLWLVDWOHDVWQRWPDGHSXEOLF7KHUHDIWHU$$3 Ghulam Nabi Azad, quit all positions in Azad may join the BJP in the coming whole betel nut or buy haldi-kumkum in ¯=TTaPY2W^_aP
ZHQWIRUWKHILQDODVVDXOWVD\LQJ%-3ZDVSRDFKLQJLWV0/$VDQGPDGHRIIHUWRDWOHDVW the Congress party including the prima- days, which will fully expose his selfish a box. Also, do use a reusable bag when
RIWKHPLQFOLQLQJ6LVRGLDZLWK5VFURUHV3HRSOHODSSHGLWWRRDVWKH0DKDUDVKWUD ry membership as he did not see any hope political attitude. shopping. Immersion of Ganesha idols in
of survival in the party. Azad is the sec- Bhagwan Thadani | Mumbai lakes, tanks, rivers and other water bod- APWd[6P]SWXWXb
LVVWLOOIUHVKLQWKHPHPRU\DQGFRPSOHWHO\LJQRUHGWKHOLTXRULVVXH7KH%-3NQRZV ond member of the Congress’ dissident ies is not good for the environment or _PachP]SPbb^RX
VKRPH G-23 group to leave the party after for- 1>53?6B95>4<I71>5C8381DEBD89 marine life. Many a time, the idol does PcTbXbcWPccWTh
VWDWH*XMDUDWZKHUHHOHFWLRQVDUHGXHVKRUWO\VRQHHGVWREHUHLQHGLQ%XWIRUQRZLQ mer Union Minister Kapil Sibal quit ear- Sir — Festivals in India are generally cel- not dissolve entirely and leaves several
WKHURXQGRQH.HMULZDOZLQVKDQGVGRZQDQGWKH%-3LVOHIWOLFNLQJLWVZRXQGV'HILQLWHO\ lier this year. He blamed former Congress ebrated with all the frills, and the same pollutants behind. Hence, symbolic
president Rahul Gandhi for destroying is true for Ganesh Chaturthi. Right from immersion in the comfort of your home ^da?<cWPccWThaTb^acc^UP[bT
URXQGWZRZRXOGEHJLQVRRQ%XWIRUWKDWWKH%-3ZRXOGKDYHWRGRDORWRIKRPHZRUN the Congress party, which shows his utter handpicking flowers and decking up puja is a better option. W^^Sc^Tg_P]ScWTXa_PachCWT
$$3KDVFUHDWHGDSHUFHSWLRQWKDWWKH%-3KDVXQOHDVKHG2SHUDWLRQ/RWXVLQ'HOKLDQG disloyalty towards the party which gave rooms and pandals, to making modaks Jubel D’Cruz | Mumbai \^\T]ccWTUP[bTW^^STg_[^STb
BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) 19?[TPSTa
VHQJHUPDWWHUPRVW Azad said that since the entry of tend to immerse themselves in a host of
[TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯APeXBWP]ZPa?aPbPS
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k0D6DBC !&!!!

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he soul of policing in India still

belongs to the British Raj. The

and rusted. The police forces are essen-
tially taken as means of providing employ-
OLHVZKLOHFULPLQDOVPD\ZDONWKHVWUHHWV changed. The means and modes of crimes
ral agencies, with specific mandates to
FDODQGELRORJLFDOIRUHQVLFVDPRQJRWKHUV tem is said to be political interference. In
cal workers.
Robin Hoods carved out their respec-
,QDUHSO\E\WKH'LUHFWRUDWHRI)RUHQVLF6HUYLFHVWRDUHFHQW5LJKW tive territories, and became the custodians ?>;824
of justice for the victims in the true spi-
rit of the laws of the Jungle that the power- 2><<8BB8>=
/DERUDWRULHVORFDWHGDW&KDQGLJDUK.RONDWD+\GHUDEDG3XQH*XZDKDWL single out Bihar for such Robin Hoods, but in 2000, the Padmanabhan com- ing was top to bottom approach, put together come to about 70 per
their breed holds grounds in several (&(8= ((% mittee. This paved the way for the which has survived seven and a cent. This is despite the fact that
states, inspiring the Mumbai industry to CF>A4C8A43 Soli Sorabjee Committee to draft half decades in the country. The not all complaints are converted
make films after them. the new model police bill. In the time has come to just reverse it, into FIRs.
Indeed, registering an FIR remains a 36?B<>E43 Prakash Singh case, the Supreme and make it bottom to top. Thus, it will be worthwhile
herculean task, as the police remain firm
to ask the complainants to write plain
C74BD?A4<4 Court in 2006 gave its order, bind-
ing the states and the union terri-
This can be done if ‘Kaptan-
based’ policing is given a fresh
to see if a police person who has
a record of 80 per cent or less
paper complaints and forget them. An FIR 2>DAC5>A tories with seven directives. The look. Someone who has been very under his or her jurisdiction be
would call for filing a charge-sheet by con-
ducting investigation, and there isn’t time
8<?;4<4=C0C8 apex court set up a two members
committee to monitor implemen-
studious, who cracks one exami-
nation in a course of two to three
compulsorily retired after 10 years
of service. This can act as a force
for the police to engage in meticulous >=>58CB tation of the seven directives. The years, becomes the head of the dis- multiplier along with the norm
tasks. The alibi is obvious that the police core mantra of the seven directives trict police set up is erroneous. Let that each complaint be automati-
forces are overburdened. A major chink A4?>ACBC74 was to ensure that there is no us open the channel that someone cally converted into an FIR, and
of them is deployed for the security of the 0?4G2>DAC8= political interference in the func- who dares to take bullets on his all the relevant statistics be dis-
VIPs. Such alibis existed two decades ago; tioning of the police. chest, and relentlessly skills on the played prominently at the police
they exist now, and they may still be (('B4CD? Over the years, it has been job with training be shown the stations, roundabouts and railway
offered another two decades later. A8148A> found that the non-compliance of path to climb the hierarchy ladder stations.
The time is running out and the police the seven directives of the Supreme fast. It will be equally important to
reform requires a fresh look, for the peo- 2><<8CC44 Court ranged from 57 to 80 per The police academy at the ensure that the service rule reforms
ple aren’t the same, who would helplessly
lament their fate. The people seek account-
0=38=! cent. The directives were proce-
dural in nature such as fixed terms
Central level and their branches in
each state should be entrusted with
for the Indian Police Service (IPS)
be attempted, with clear aims to
IDFWWKDWWKHUHDUHFURUHFDVHVSHQGLQJLQ,QGLDDWGLIIHUHQWOHYHOVRI ability. Law and order has become the ?03<0=0170= for the district police heads, trans- the task of rapid training and skill check the political abuse of the
WKHMXGLFLDU\ principal poll agenda in several states.
2><<8CC44 parent appointment of the direc- with modern policing, while arm- police forces. This can be done by
2XWRIWKHVHIRXUFURUHFDVHVDUHSHQGLQJDWWKHGLVWULFWFRXUWOHYHO Also, policing has to be modern, because tor general of police, stability of ing them with the latest gadgets so ensuring that no IPS officer works
DQGPDQ\PLJKWEHSHQGLQJGXHWRODFNRIIRUHQVLFUHSRUWVZKLFKDUH the inter-state crimes now have transna- tenure of the personnel, process- that one police person can func- in a state for more than seven
LQWHJUDOVXSSRUWIXQFWLRQVRILQYHVWLJDWLRQV tional ramifications. There are too many based transfer and posting, estab- tion as a mobile police station. The years, and the Centre should dis-
dots in policing that cannot be left for the lishment of police complaint task of the academy should be to solve the permanency of the cadre
$VSHUDQHZVSDSHUUHSRUWIURP$XJXVWDURXQGIRUHQVLF police personnel to brood over in the authority, separation of investiga- train the manpower in policing in system.
WHVWVZHUHSHQGLQJDWWKH)RUHQVLF6FLHQFH/DERUDWRU\LQ5RKLQLDVRI darkness. tion and law and order functions. such a manner that they discharge With this, when an IPS officer
-XQH,QPDQ\RIWKHFDVHVSHQGLQJWKHWLPHIDFWRULVVKRFNLQJ Law and order is a state subject. This Now that the aspirations of their duties on the basis of a laid comes to the Centre for deputation
ZLWKSHQGHQF\VWUHWFKLQJWRDVPDQ\DVWKUHH\HDUVIRUFKHPLFDODQG on the lines of agriculture remains the the people, which were reflected in down process, which is well-pub- in another state, his service records
WR[LFRORJ\UHVXOWV)RUHYLGHQFHRIELRORJLFDORUFKHPLFDOQDWXUHFKDQFHV main stumbling block for any reform. The the constitution of the first com- licised and visible that minimizes should be the basis for his or her
RIFRQWDPLQDWLRQDQGVFRSHRIPDQLSXODWLRQLVGLUHFWO\SURSRUWLRQDOWR police reform has been attempted several mission in 1979, remain unfulfilled the interference of anyone, includ- retention in the services, and if
times. Scores of committees were set up. even while India celebrated the ing the political dispensations. they are not up to the mark they
WKHWLPHWDNHQWRDQDO\VHWKHPWKHUHE\LQFUHDVLQJWKHPDUJLQRIHUURU They gave their reports. Heavy volumes The career graph of the police should be compulsorily retired.
75th anniversary of Independence,
LQDVFLHQWLILFSURFHGXUHDQGWKHUHIRUHWKHILQDOFDVHLWVHOI of such reports afterwards gathered dusts. the occasion calls for drastic personnel be compulsorily linked Thus, a cadre should be of just
0RUHRYHULQ,QGLDWKHUH·VDODFNRISUHVHUYLQJVSDFHIRUH[LVWLQJ The Supreme Court too tried its hands to measures. to the conviction rates in cases seven years, and it should become
HYLGHQFHZKLFKUDQJHVIURP'1$VDPSOHVDQGILQJHUSULQWVWRGHYLFHV force reforms on the states. To begin with, policing must dealt by them, and also the verifi- dynamic with rotation of the
OLNHPRELOHVODSWRSVWKDWPLJKWQRWVZLWFKRQLIDIHZ\HDUVRXWGDWHG The National Police Commission was be process-based, and the training able crime statistics in their juris- officials.
WKDWWHFKQRORJ\'HOD\LQJWHVWLQJOLPLWVWKHVFRSHRIWHVWDEOHHYLGHQFH set up in 1979. In 1996, two retired DGPs and the career progress of the per- dictions — beats, blocks, tehsil, Indeed, there will be a need for
moved the Supreme Court for implemen- (The author is Director, sonnel from bottom to top of the mofussil, district, and state. The an authority at the Centre to over-
tation of its reports. The apex court in Public Policy Research hierarchy be linked to the tangible National Crime Research Bureau see such functions of policing,
TXDOLW\LQWKHLUDQDO\VHVDQGUHSRUWSUHVHQWDWLRQV7KHUHLVDOVRDVHYHUH 1998 set up the Ribeiro Committee and Centre.) performance on duty. It has to be states that the conviction rates of which should be done with a
VKRUWDJHRIVWDIIWUDLQHGLQIRUHQVLFVFLHQFHDFURVVODERUDWRULHVIXUWKHU admitted that the British Raj polic- all the law enforcement agencies mandate from Parliament.
°C7419?H>DC7F8=6;4034A °34;782<

n view of the economic Russia’s Assembly, or Duma, Renault, British American have to do the same for all services, countries are allowed, ernment to “prepare an updat- wrote, adding that this option

I sanctions imposed by
NATO members and other
European Union countries on
said membership of these bod-
ies brings no benefit “but
instead directly harms our
Tobacco, and Starbucks, have
pulled out of Russia to protest
the war. Removal of Russia’s
other WTO members.
India had given the MFN
status to Pakistan in 1996 after
in limited circumstances, to
In general, MFN means
ed strategy for our actions in
the World Trade Organization”
by June 1. It’s not the first time
is set out in Article X of the
It merely means that it is
Russia for invading Ukraine, country.” He said Moscow’s “most favoured nation” status the establishment of WTO in that every time a country low- Russia has discussed leaving the very difficult for the WTO to
Moscow plans to quit the Foreign Ministry had sent a list means those countries can 1995. But Pakistan has not ers a trade barrier or opens up WTO, which it joined in 2012 get a two third/three fourth
World Trade Organisation of international organizations impose tariffs on Russia in given MFN status to India till its market, it has to do so for the after 19 years of negotiations. majority for expelling a coun-
(WTO). This is being mulled in to Parliament (Federal excess of what WTO rules typ- date, violating the WTO rules. same goods or services from all James Bacchus, a professor try and there are no veto pow-
response to the decision to Assembly) with orders to ically allow, in addition to Therefore, the trade between its trading partners—whether of global affairs at the ers as such. The WHO mem-
remove its “most favoured review and break obligations or allowing them to sanction India and Pakistan has been rich or poor, weak or strong. University of Central Florida bers have also pressed the
nation (MFN)” status for treaties that damage Russia. Russian companies. curtailed, resulting in extreme Politico reported that the idea and a former member of the Geneva-based health body,
invading Ukraine. Several The announcement comes The MFN status is an eco- poverty in Pakistan. of withdrawing “appears to be WTO’s Appellate Body, wrote which usually avoids taking a
countries have suspended two months after a pro- nomic position in which a However, some exceptions a U-turn from the govern- in March that Russia should be stance on politics, to take action
Moscow’s trade preferences Kremlin minority party in the country enjoys the best trade are allowed. For example, coun- ment’s side,” noting that Russia’s expelled from the WTO. against Russia. On May 10, the
and imposed tariffs in excess of Duma drew up a bill calling for terms given by its trading part- tries can set up a free trade WTO mission had written to Although there is no specific WHO’s European Committee
what WTO rules typically Russia to quit the WTO follow- ner(s). It is mandatory for all agreement that applies only to the news organization in April provision in the Marrakesh adopted a non-binding resolu-
allow. ing a decision by a group of the member countries of the goods traded within the group “the government provides Agreement that established the tion, condemning Russian
Russia may, therefore, sever countries, including most WTO to grant MFN status to — discriminating against goods counter-arguments in support WTO, “it is possible for two- attacks on Ukrainian health
ties with prominent interna- European nations such as each member country. As per from outside. Or they can give of our membership.” thirds of the WTO’s 164 mem- care facilities and the war’s
tional bodies, including the Canada, Japan, and the United MFN, the countries cannot developing countries special But Russian President bers to alter the rights and impact on public health. The
WTO and the World Health States to suspend Moscow’s normally discriminate between access to their markets. Or, a Vladimir Putin said in April obligations of members and— same resolution urged WHO
(The author wrote - World
Organisation (WHO), saying trade preferences. their trading partners. Grant country can raise barriers that “illegal” sanctions on if a member refuses to agree— chiefs to close their Moscow
they have “neglected all oblig- Trade Organisation: Hundreds of western busi- someone a special favour (such against products that are con- Russian companies by Western for three fourths of the mem- office for non-infectious dis-
ations toward our country”. Implications for Indian nesses, from Adidas, as a lower customs duty rate for sidered to be traded unfairly trading partners had violated bers to expel that member eases and relocate it to anoth-
Pyotr Tolstoy, deputy speaker of Economy.) McDonald’s, and Pepsi to BP, one of their products) and you from specific countries. And in WTO rules and told his gov- from the organization,” he er country.

Many meanings of swaraj

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
We should assess our political vocabularies and their contextual relevance
monalities, forge solidarities, learn
that our lives are interdependent,
and that the common good can only

Azad’s parting shot be realised through social struggles

because we inhabit a community of
fate. We cannot ground our politics in
Would do Congress good to ponder over concerns raised personal beliefs of how we should

live. Gandhi was a great political
S a leading member of the G-23 or the group of 23 dissenters, it was NEERA CHANDHOKE strategist, a man whose life is worth
only a matter of time before Ghulam Nabi Azad ended his political POLITICAL SCIENTIST emulating, and a person who showed
journey with the Congress. The party has hit back with well- us the way. But there is nothing to be

rehearsed talking points over the exit of yet another seasoned leader, but EVENTY-FIVE years after gained by uncritical acclamation of
Azad’s parting shot, a five-page lacerating resignation letter to Sonia Gand- Independence is a good time his philosophy, or exegetical writings
hi, paints a canvas full of embarrassing operational insights. Whitewashing to assess our political vocabu- on his thought. It is time to filter
them will not be easy. His scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi, blaming him laries. Take the concept of through his writings and interpret
for the defeat in the 2014 General Election and the consequent downslide swaraj. It has become an integral part them for the here and now. This is
of the party, also calls him out for childish behaviour, immaturity, non-seri- of our political lexicon, we have a what is done to great
ousness and for demolishing the consultative mechanism. political party named Swaraj, the DEFINING SWARAJ: Gandhi suggested it meant self-rule and self-restraint. FILE PHOTO political philosophers.
The concerns expressed by the former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Chief Minister of Delhi has written a Swaraj becomes meaningful when
Minister, who also served as Union Minister, that the Congress has book titled Swaraj, and recently BJP we recollect the political context in
reached a point of no return, are not his alone. Considering the limited
leaders told us that swaraj means When we manage to master our propensity to violence, we which Hind Swaraj was written in
duties, not rights. We had always 1909. Gandhi responded to the cult of
possibility of change in a family-run party, the G-23’s demand two years
thought that the concept handed attain substantive freedom. This meaning of swaraj violence that had overtaken young
ago for a complete overhaul of the organisation and a full-time, collective
and visible leadership came out as wishful thinking, but the point being
down by the freedom struggle meant resonates as it applies to both private and public domains. Indians in the aftermath of British
the right to freedom! The appropria- policies of revenge post the 1857
made was valid. It was alluded to by Azad in the letter, as he compared the tion of swaraj is another story. revolt. When violence becomes the
Congress’ functioning with the remote control model that demolished the Let us explore the implications of nialism, the individual cannot be the India. ‘You will not be able to under- architect of history, Gandhi suggests,
institutional integrity of the UPA government, where Sonia Gandhi as inter- the vocabularies, the imaginaries, holder of the right to freedom unless stand me if you think that I am talk- it can only replace one sort of oppres-
im president is the figurehead but all the important decisions are taken by and concepts of the freedom strug- her political community is free of ing about the villages of today. My sion with another sort of oppression.
her son, ‘or rather worse, his security guards and personal assistants.’ gle, which were Brahmanical, San- external domination. Individual free- ideal village still exists only in my Those who rise to power by murder,
The leadership question has plagued the Congress ever since skritised, metaphysical and abstract. dom is dependent upon collective imagination.’ Nehru’s observation he said, will certainly not make the
Rahul Gandhi resigned as the party chief in May 2019, taking moral In 1921, Gandhi defined ‘purna freedom. This is a minimalist reading was acerbic: ‘What is there in the nation happy. ‘Those who believe
responsibility for the debacle in the Lok Sabha elections. A new swaraj’. He suggested that the word of swaraj. For Gandhi, independence ‘Man with the hoe’ to idealise over? that India has gained by Dhingra’s
president is scheduled to be elected soon, and a non-Gandhi is not was sacred, a Vedic word which was incomplete unless future citizens Crushed and exploited for innumer- act and other similar acts in India
meant self-rule and self-restraint. It of the state realise swaraj, i.e., become able generations, he is only little make a serious mistake. Dhingra was
ruled out even as loyalists pin their hopes on Rahul Gandhi chang-
is different from mere independ- autonomous of irrational removed from the animals who a patriot, but his love was blind. He
ing his mind and taking over the reins again. As it struggles with
ence. We know that Gandhi fought and excessive pas- keep him company.’ Above gave his body in a wrong way; its ulti-
internal dynamics, it would do the party good to heed Azad’s advice passionately against communalism, sions. This interpre- all, the identification of mate result can only be mischievous.’
to undertake a ‘Congress jodo’, and not just a ‘Bharat jodo’, yatra. but he seemed to have uncritically tation of swaraj puz- personal ethics with If only we knew, Gandhi seemed to
adopted the same political language zles; it confuses public political ethics troubled suggest, what violence is about, we
as other leaders: that of ‘Vedic’ Hin- with personal ethics. Peo- Nehru. ‘Gandhiji is would willingly forswear it.
duism in a society racked by commu- ple can practice self- always thinking in The power of violence over human

Attack on Indian-Americans nal riots, and marked by the growth

of majoritarianism.
In 1906, the leadership of the Indian
restraint in their personal
life. Should this be imposed
on others?
terms of personal sal-
vation and of sin,
while most of us have soci-
beings must not be underrated. It is
not a weapon that we can pick up
and discard at will. It can best be
Racism-driven incidents continue in the US National Congress, determined to Gandhi’s idea of swaraj troubled ety’s welfare uppermost in our likened to a quagmire that relent-

avoid a split in the party, called upon the quintessentially modern Jawa- minds…His attitude is essentially lessly sucks people into its murky
HE alarming verbal and physical attack on four Indian-American the Grand Old Man of India, Dadab- harlal Nehru. Gandhi, wrote Nehru that of the ascetic.’ depths. When violence holds individ-
women in Dallas, Texas, on Friday is the latest in an ever-expanding hai Naoroji, to chair the Calcutta ses- in his autobiography, ‘expressed the Undoubtedly Gandhi’s belief that uals and groups in thrall, moral dis-
list of crimes caused by racist and xenophobic sentiments in the US. sion. His biographer Dinyar Patel very spirit of [our] ancient and tor- self-rule is central to swaraj raises integration follows. For we cannot
The women were racially abused and physically smacked by a Mexican- writes that 81-year-old Naoroji gave tured land’. But he could be hope- problems. Is it the job of the demo- control violence; violence controls
American woman in a parking lot in Dallas. In a video recording that has the presidential address to a 20,000- lessly wrong in many matters. Nehru cratic State to ensure that its people us. When we manage to master our
gone viral, the woman, later identified as Esmeralda Upton, is heard strong crowd gathered at Russa Road, loved Gandhi but he did not have observe discipline in their personal propensity to violence we attain sub-
telling the group: ‘I hate you Indians.... You Indians are everywhere.... Go Tollygunj, on December 26. Naoroji, much patience with Gandhi’s spiri- lives? The ethics of the public sphere stantive freedom. This is the one
back to India. You... people are ruining this country.’ She threateningly too frail to read out his speech pub- tualism. It did not sit well with are distinctive, simply because they meaning of swaraj that resonates
advanced towards the group, motioning as if to pull a gun out of her bag, licly, established swaraj as a right democracy. In 1940, Gandhi admitted pertain to the common good. In this because it applies to both the private
and told them she would shoot them if they did not stop recording. accruing to Indians. In worlds of colo- to Nehru that he had idealised rural space we learn to conceptualise com- and the public domains.
In April, a Sikh man was attacked with a hammer at his workplace in New
York by a black man; the same month, a 75-year-old Sikh visitor from Cana-
da was severely injured during another racism-fuelled hate attack. Though
turbaned Sikh men and Muslim women bear the brunt of the anger of Amer-
ican bigots — the worst case in recent years was the attack on a Wisconsin
gurdwara that left seven people dead in 2012 — surveys show that Indian-
Americans face racism on a regular basis. A survey of 1,200 adults last year
The man with a golden voice
showed that one in two among them was subjected to some form of discrim- RK Saboo Mukesh was born in 1923 into a mid- advised me to keep a distance from in the room. My friend said, ‘Sorry
ination over the previous 12 months; nearly 60 per cent of the respondents dle-class family in Delhi. He was first the film fraternity as that would not be Raja, Mukesh is no more. He passed
said they suffered discrimination on the basis of their skin colour. Despite
electing a black President and a coloured woman Vice-President, the US poli-
ty is far from egalitarian — blacks fare worse than other racial groups in
employment, wealth, education, home-ownership, healthcare and incarcer-
W E meet so many people in
life, but some leave an
indelible mark on us. My
friend Mukesh, the famous playback
singer, was like that. He was an ace
noticed by a distant relative, actor
Motilal, when he sang at his sister’s
wedding. Impressed, Motilal brought
Mukesh to Mumbai and he started as
a singer with Pehli Nazar in 1945, fol-
good for me in the long run. I slowly
withdrew myself and will always
thank him for his sane advice.
When I was nominated Rotary Dis-
trict Governor for 1976-77, Mukesh
away in Detroit yesterday.’ It was like
a bombshell. I rushed to Mumbai to
attend his last rites. At the cremation
ground, I met Raj Kapoor, who was
ation. Black inmates were 33 per cent of the country’s prison population in crying bitterly. ‘Mukesh kya gaya
2018, while being below 13 per cent of the US population. It gets worse — singer, ever smiling, handsome and a lowed by Andaz, which was a big hit. was elated and said he would come to meri to awaaz hi chali gayi.’
gentleman. I had met him through a He rose to be one of the most sought- Chandigarh and would do several free Mukesh was called the ‘man with a
blacks are killed by the police at more than twice the rate of white Americans.
friend, but soon we became good after playback singers. concerts to collect funds for my serv- golden voice’. In the music industry,
Indian-Americans, a successful immigrant group, are prosperous and
friends. While on holidays in Mus- His career was launched in associa- ice projects. But sadly, it was not des- he was counted as a legend. Maestro
prominent because of the high-profile management positions they reach soorie, we spent a lot of time together, tion with Raj Kapoor, which contin- tined to be. On August 28, while on Salil Choudhury, remembering
— and this triggers the bigotry of many other race groups. However, US and our friendship grew stronger. He ued throughout their lives. In 1972, one of my club visits to Abohar, I was Mukesh, said, ‘Each word from his
law enforcement agencies must be congratulated for their efforts in bring- came to Chandigarh at my request for Mera Naam Joker was produced and invited for breakfast by a friend there. lips was a pearl. No one could sing the
ing the perpetrators to book; Esmeralda Upton was arrested soon after her a free concert to raise funds for the Mukesh sang for Raj Kapoor. Mukesh As soon as I entered his home, I way he did. His vocal timbre was out
racist attack and is likely to be sentenced to a jail term. Such alacrity and new blood bank at the PGI. He sang invited me to go to Jaipur for the heard Mukesh’s song being relayed of this world.’
certainty in punishment is something India must aspire for. solo in his melodious voice for one and film’s premiere. During that event, from Radio Ceylon. I commented, As the date comes closer, I remem-
a half hours, playing the harmonium having met many film personalities, I ‘Oh, that is Mukesh, my friend, ber fondly my friend and his songs
himself and a tabla to accompany. was getting closer to them. Mukesh singing.’ There was a strange silence that resonate in my ears.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
Words are tools which automatically carve concepts
Opacity raises doubts the NGT, and public outcry could not Not easy for PSPCL interests of the powers that be.
out of experience. — Julian Huxley Apropos of ‘Pegasus report’, the move the administration to act PSPCL owes its present pitiable SQN LDR KK SHARMA (RETD), NANGAL
case has failed to elicit any relevant against the mining mafia. Notwith- condition to politicians (‘Subsidy
information from the government standing the tall claims and delayed, PSPCL forced to seek more Nepal sceptical
whether the spyware was used to tokenism, the deep-rooted nexus loans’). Treating PSPCL as a chari- Nepal’s minister concerned has said
on this day...100 years ago carry out snooping. This reveals between the powers that be and table trust to supply free electricity that the Agnipath scheme does not
that the all-powerful government unscrupulous contractors’ lobby is for political gains is ridiculous. Fur- conform to provisions of the tripar-
can stymie the endeavour of the obvious. Otherwise what explains the ther, the commitment to pay timely tite agreement signed by Nepal,
judiciary also to discover the truth ambiguity, inaction and even tactical subsidy never sees the light of day. India and Britain in 1947. Nepal will
about a very critical issue which acquiescence of the agencies con- Waiving huge pending arrears and take a final decision on the issue
jeopardises the smooth functioning cerned? How long can we keep losing the Central Government’s rules to after wider consultations with politi-
lahore, sunday,august 27, 1922
of democracy. Right to privacy is an historic property, vital communica- restrict power purchase and sale by cal parties and stakeholders. The ill-
inviolable right. Citing national tion lines, funds and the all-important power corporations failing in clear- conceived scheme will not only
A misstatement that must be corrected. security as reason for not divulging environment to the greed of a few? ing dues have further added to its affect the composition of the armed
TO false accusations inspired by questionable motives, silence has always or sharing information is not ten- GP CAPT JS BOPARAI (RETD), BHADSALI woes. If politicians intend to carry forces, but also affect foreign policy
appeared to us to be the only appropriate reply. But when in the pursuit of their able. Opacity bodes ill for democra- on with free supply of power, they and the security of the nation. India
object the accusers make statements which, unless contradicted, may harm a cy, reinforcing the suspicion that Bridge collapse should at least ensure timely pay- should take into account its concerns
public cause, one does not depart from the proper role in contradicting such the government is misusing its The collapse of the Chakki railway ment of subsidy. to protect age-old ties.
statements. One such statement is that we have asked the Governor to dismiss authority to book political adver- bridge was a man-made disaster. The RAVINDER SINGH, JALANDHAR CAPT AMAR JEET (RETD), KHARAR
the Education Minister. No man who understands plain English need be told saries. It also betrays the arrogance narrow-gauge line connects major
that we have done nothing of the kind. The position that we have taken up is of the government that it does not areas and is a lifeline for the people Inappropriate appointment Fill up potholes
different. We have asked the Governor to do precisely that which constitutes care two hoots about how ostensibly of Himachal Pradesh. The collapse The appointment of a serving IGP Refer to ‘Pothole accidents’; roads
his most important function in regard to the transferred subjects in the present autocratic this act is viewed by the of the bridge is a result of illegal min- as chairperson of the HPPSC is not have become death-traps due to pot-
stage of constitutional development in India, to see that his ministers act in judiciary or society. ing going on in the vicinity. Despite a good decision. Bodies like Infor- holes and no one feels safe. Many lives
concert in respect of all really important matters and to assure himself that any ROSHAN LAL GOEL, LADWA warnings by the railway authorities, mation Commission, Vigilance are lost and shock absorbers and
policy or measure in respect of such matters to which he is asked to give his nobody cared to stop the indiscrimi- Commission, state PSCs and Lok- wheel rims get destroyed. Either
assent is the policy of the ministry as a whole and not of any individual Illegal mining nate mining. The mafia is too power- pal should not be headed by state roads are not designed according to
minister. It is only in the event of his being unable to make the ministers act Refer to ‘Illegal mining threatens ful. Ministers, leaders and bureau- police or political fraternity. There the correct engineering specifications
harmoniously that we have asked the Governor to send away either or both of another historic rly bridge in Kan- crats develop myopic vision for is no dearth of highly professional or substandard material is used dur-
the ministers, and get new ones who may be expected to act in the proper way. gra’; the danger to another bridge, an obvious reasons. Graft money kills and competent people in these ing construction. Inadequate inspec-
To interpret this to mean that we want Mr Fazl-i-Hussain to go is absurd. In ancient temple and an NHAI road their conscience and they resort to domains. Retired professionals are tion and poor maintenance only
reality the resignation or dismissal of Fazl-i-Hussain is the very last thing of exposes criminal negligence and self-service. The nearby bridge is the most suitable for such appoint- aggravate the problem. The govern-
which we have been thinking, not only because he is undoubtedly the ablest inertia of the local administration. For going to meet the same fate if ments. The politician-police ment must formulate a multi-pronged
Mussalman we have in the Council, but because his resignation would not sure, it is a man-made disaster, which prompt remedial steps are not taken nexus is in the spotlight across strategy to address the issue and iden-
solve the difficulty at all. The policy which Fazl-i-Hussain has been following could have been avoided by an alert and the culprits are not booked. the country, and such appoint- tify the potholes and fill them up.
has, to all outer seeming at any rate, the support of Mussalman members of the administration. Even intervention by KARNAIL SINGH, KHARAR ments point towards the vested RAMESH G JETHWANI, BENGALURU
Council, and so long as this is so, any Mussalman who might be appointed in
his place would be likely to follow the same policy. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

Bilkis Bano case is bellwether of democracy

rent socio-political context accords gious identity, that she is a Muslim
this case a seminal quality. August 15 Even as India appears to be jettisoning first and her Indian citizenship dis-
marked the 75th anniversary of India
attaining freedom in 1947 and Prime
Gandhi and his commitment to counted? This kind of collective
moral amnesia among the majority
Minister Modi in his expansive religious harmony and tolerance, the community and state complacence
address to the nation dwelt on India’s or, worse, state complicity, have
many achievements and the potential resolution of the Bilkis case will also be shrouded pogroms in India. The
of the nation and hailed India as the
“mother of democracy”.
a test of the Ambedkar tripod: to what inexcusable 1984 Sikh killings in the
aftermath of PM Indira Gandhi’s
DIRECTOR, SOCIETY FOR POLICY STUDIES A special mention was made by degree has India@75 been faithful to assassination testify to this pattern.
Modi of India’s ‘feminine power’ and How the Supreme Court deals with

ITH the Supreme Court his agony about the treatment accord- the pursuit of liberty, equality and the remission of the Bilkis Bano case
agreeing to hear a peti-
tion challenging the
ed to women was palpable when he
added with anguish: “What I wish to
fraternity? Fraternity remains elusive convicts is a bellwether for the judici-
ary and will shape the Indian journey
remission by the Gujarat share is that it hurts me to say that we for a big cross-section of people. towards 2047, the centenary of the
Government of the 11 convicts in the have witnessed a perversion in our “mother of democracy”. Will the state
tortuous Bilkis Bano rape and murder day-to-day speaking and behaviour. OUTRAGE: Civil society is up in arms against the release be Janus-like: a constitutional hare
case, the sense of national dismay and We have been casually using exple- of the 11 convicts of the Bilkis case. FILE PHOTO when the forum mandates such fideli-
outrage that followed their release on tives and cuss words which are abu- ty and a rabid communal hound when
August 15, soon after the Red Fort sive and against our women. Can we The contrast between a free nation.” Further, a handful and-local-politician combine; and dictated by opportunistic electoral
speech of Prime Minister Narendra not pledge to get rid of every behav- what Modi said about of women BJP members when this is finally awarded outside compulsions? And will the judiciary
Modi, is now tempered by a sliver of iour, culture that humiliates and women in general and Devendra Fadnavis, of the state after years of litigation, remain mute to such duplicity?
hope. A slender hope, that the highest demeans women in our daily life?” and his exhorta- a senior Maharashtra a casual executive decision snatches Even as India appears to be jetti-
court will ensure that justice is not That very afternoon (August 15), tion that they not BJP leader, have con- away whatever modicum of justice soning Mahatma Gandhi and his
sullied or denied to a hapless victim the Gujarat Government approved be demeaned and demned the remis- that the victim has received from a commitment to religious harmony
who was subjected to the most horrif- the application for the remission of humiliated was stood on sion, but they are higher judicial body. and tolerance, the resolution of the
ic and diabolical degree of sexual the life sentence of the 11 convicts its head by the Gujarat exceptions. Godhra 2002 has also shaped the Bilkis case will also be a test of the
assault in 2002 during the Gujarat and they walked out of the Godhra Government with Civil society Indian political trajectory and of Ambedkar tripod: to what degree has
riots. sub-jail as free men. impunity as it took was up in arms Modi’s ascendancy within the BJP. India@75 been faithful to the pursuit
Bilkis Bano, a pregnant young moth- To compound this unprecedented recourse to a legal technicali- and at last count, His rise — from being the Chief Min- of liberty, equality and fraternity?
er, was among the many victims act of according clemency to those ty. But what is even more shame- over 10,000 citizens ister of Gujarat at the time to his Fraternity remains stubbornly elu-
engulfed by the post-Godhra anti- convicted of the most heinous ful is that not a single representative have issued a statement urging the assumption of office as Prime Minis- sive for a large cross-section of India
Muslim hatred that seized Gujarat at crimes (gang-rape and murder, of the government chose to deplore or SC to revoke the remission of the 11 ter in 2014 — is illustrative of this and the caste-creed-religion tag
the time. She was forced to witness including that of a three-year-old chastise this travesty of justice in rela- convicts. This case will soon be orientation. It is instructive to note remains tenaciously alive in the
her family members being violated, child), the freed convicts were met tion to the Bilkis case. heard by the highest court. that the collective Indian response body-politic. Whether the vulnerable
seven brutally killed and her infant with garlands by their supporters — Exceptions do exist and to her cred- The Bilkis saga has a distinctive to another horrific gang-rape in Indian citizen is doomed to remain
child’s head smashed by the perpetra- an event reported with some unbri- it, an IAS officer of the Telangana relevance at multiple levels for 2012, the Nirbhaya case, was very the eternal supplicant to the vagaries
tors. The fact that the murderers were dled glee in certain sections of the cadre, Smita Sabharwal, shared her India@75, now seeking to burnish different. The national outrage was of the State and its elite or he can
neighbours of the victim added to the Indian audio-visual media. disbelief in a tweet where she noted: its profile as an exemplar of democ- tsunami-like and the institutional claim the status of the much-cher-
diabolical nature of this crime. The subtext was that the convicts “As a woman and a civil servant I sit racy and freedom. One relates to the redress relatively swift. ished freedom that August 1947 her-
While there are many dimensions did not deserve the punishment in disbelief, on reading the news on arduous path that a rape victim has This begs that uncomfortable but alded will define the texture of the
and layers to the Bilkis saga — and a meted out to them by a Bombay the #BilkisBanoCase, we cannot to undergo to obtain justice from an inescapable question of whether the world’s largest democracy as it
saga it is if the chronology of this court and that ‘justice’ had finally snuff out her right to breathe free insensitive and venal investigative Bilkis case has elicited an ostrich-like ambles towards the centenary, fet-
episode is recalled in detail — the cur- been awarded to them! without fear again, and call ourselves machinery comprising the police- response only because of her reli- tered by its own certitudes.

How we journalists killed news TV

WORKED at NDTV for nearly the lives that journalists lived. From news content to whatever drove the
two decades, and continue to be being the upper middle class, they ratings. News had to be entertaining
associated with the brand as an moved into the category of the super- to attract eyeballs and make viewers
occasional contributor to its rich. It became normal for editors to be stick to the screens. The best way to
opinion section. Whatever I write seen in five-star hotel restaurants or do that was to focus on emotive
about the bid to take over NDTV is flying business class for foreign holi- issues and entertainment.
bound to be one-sided. It is a topic days with their families. Their homes Opinion TV took over prime time
that is best left for other, less biased were strewn with curios from across slots as star anchors perfected the
commentators. What I will write the world, while they sipped tea from art of generating ratings through
FORMER SR MANAGING EDITOR, about is the larger story here: that of Good Earth mugs. Many swapped their noise. Newsgathering suffered as
the corporatisation and financialisa- Fabindia kurtas for bespoke couture. channels cut back on travel and
tion of India’s news media, especial- During this entire period, news chan- pruned or even shut down bureaus.
During this period,even the ly TV news. It weakened journalism
and turned it into a commodity.
nels were barely breaking even. Even
the most profitable channels had rela-
Those who resisted this slide had to
pay in the form of a drop in their rat-
most profitable news This is not meant to be an exercise tively low returns on investment. A ings, and, therefore, revenues. Big
in pointing fingers at others. majority of the news channels ran on corporates stepped in by either tak-
channels had relatively low Instead, I will turn my gaze inwards, losses. The only way they could sur- ing over networks entirely or provid-
returns on investment. A towards my own culpability in the
assassination of TV news.
IRRESISTIBLE SLIDE: Very few senior journalists were bold enough to take on the corporate
power and even they, often, eventually capitulated. FILE PHOTO
vive was by raising more money in the
form of equity and debt. But equity
ing finances to prop them up.
Senior journalists were aware of
majority ran on losses. The I joined NDTV in 1999, at a salary of investors were increasingly sceptical this turn towards the corporatisation
Rs 10,000 a month. By 2004, it had tions in these new channels — a sig- Channels were being launched every of the earning potential of news TV. of news media. Most not only accept-
only way they could survive increased at a decent pace: my nificant jump in designation and sen- other day, and the talent pool was This prompted the proprietors of news ed it, but also went out of their way to
was by raising more money monthly salary rose to Rs 85,000 and
I was given a car as a perk. These
iority on top of a salary that was three
times of what I was earning.
small. As an editor, half my time went
in protecting the flock and trying to
networks to expand into the entertain-
ment space, to attract institutional
build bridges with the corporate
world. Other editors established
in the form of equity and were the early years of the global NDTV, like other older networks, had convince people against leaving for investors and strategic partners. The regimes of self-censorship where sto-
stock market boom that would last to match these fabulous pay packages the promise of better pay. The only market capitalisation of the listed ries that questioned big businesses
debt. But equity investors till the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) being thrown at their employees. way to hold on to people was to news companies shot through the roof. went through fatal editorial scrutiny,
were increasingly sceptical of of 2008 brought everything crashing Overnight, salary bills more than dou- reduce their workload drastically. Then came the crash of 2008, such that they never made it on air.
down. Media companies began tap- bled. This moment, in mid-2005, would This meant increasing the headcount which triggered a recession in the Very few senior journalists were
the earning potential of news ping the stock markets and raised forever destabilise TV news compa- without any change of output. developed world and a crisis of liq- bold enough to take on the corporate
large amounts of money. nies, since they were already paying By 2007, freshers had to be paid uidity across the globe. The valua- power. But even they often capitu-
TV. This prompted the Established faces in TV news, many much more than what the print media three times what new entrants were tion of TV news networks collapsed, lated, after a few ineffectual
networks to expand into the from the NDTV stable, were was paying while earning much less. paid just a couple of years earlier. Hir- which meant that it became tougher protests, because they knew which
approached by other media houses to Once journalists got used to the cor- ing became a farcical exercise. I recall for them to leverage their assets and way their bread was buttered.
entertainment space. The branch out and launch new channels. porate salaries, they expected hand- one case where we were so desperate raise debt. Instead of focusing on Today, the corporate control of news
They were given significant ‘sweat’ some raises every year. Their aspira- to hire that we told a prospective inter- the market cap, they had to redou- media is almost complete. It is the cul-
market capitalisation of equity, which ran into tens of crores. tions were driven by the path shown viewee what we would ask her a week ble their efforts to raise revenues. mination of a process which trapped
listed news companies shot As these new channels began taking by senior editors — some had become in advance. She had no experience This is where the already unhappy journalists in a valuation bubble, where
baby steps, they had to poach people entrepreneurs, while others were get- and rejected our offer of Rs 45,000 as relationship between journalism they believed they deserved manage-
through the roof. Then came from established networks, like ting CEO-level salaries. starting salary. In today’s value, that and ratings became toxic. ment-level salaries. It is we who must
NDTV, to run their operations. I was Till early 2008, TV news was one of is nearly Rs 1.3 lakh a month! Senior journalists, earning massive take responsibility for what happened
the crash of 2008. among those who were offered posi- the most lucrative professions to join. This had a transformative effect on salaries, were tempted to tailor their to journalism. We killed it.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 Fabricated and
unbelievable (4-3-4) 8 2 6 3 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2079

9 Having died out (7) ■ Shaka Samvat 1944

10 Sure thing (5)
11 Terrifying person (4) 1 8 ■ Bhadrapad Shaka

■ Bhadrapad Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

12 Insistently precise (8)

■ Hijari 1444 Chandigarh 35 26
14 Swallow up (6)
16 Socially awkward (6) 5 6 ■ Krishna Paksha Tithi 15, up to 1:47 pm New Delhi 34 26
18 Benevolent concern (8) ■ Shiva Yoga up to 2:06 am Amritsar 33 25
19 Homeless child (4)
22 Corner (5) 5 8 4 1 3 7 ■ Magha Nakshatra up to 8:26 pm

■ Moon in Leo sign

23 Grape sugar (7)
Ludhiana 34 27
7 1
24 In torrents (4,3,4)
Bhiwani 36 25
DOWN 3 1 2 4 9 7 5 6 8 Hisar 35 27
2 External (5)
3 Good-hearted (4)
4 A spice (6)
6 3 7 8 5 4 7 9 6 8 3 5 2 1 4 Sirsa
5 Gambling card game (8) 4 8 5 6 1 2 7 3 9
Manali 26 14
6 Mad (7)
7 Be source of
4 8 9 5 4 2 8 1 6 7 3 Shimla 22 16
2 6 1 7 4 3 8 9 5 Srinagar 29 18
annoyance (3,4,4)
8 Paltry payment (7-4)
13 Perfect (8)
9 3 8 3 7 5 6 9 4 2 1
YESTERDAY’S sOLUTION 15 Country of southeast 1 7 8 3 2 4 9 5 6 Leh 28 12
Across: 1 Tawdry, 4 Egomania, 9 Enrich, 10 Cockatoo, 12 Lurk, 13 Basic, 14 Boon, 17 Gobbledygook,
20 Wheel and deal, 23 Role, 24 Blunt, 25 Wily, 28 Confront, 29 Come to, 30 Sheepish, 31 Canton.
Europe (7)
17 Watchword (6) 7 1 4 2 5 4 9 1 7 6 3 8 2 Dehradun 34 23 1
Down: 1 Theology, 2 Wardrobe, 3 Rock, 5 Growing pains, 6 Make, 7 Notion, 8 Abound, 11 Hard 20 In the company of (5) Mussoorie 24 18
6 2 3 9 5 8 1 4 7
feelings, 15 Alpha, 16 Moody, 18 Reticent, 19 Play down, 21 Precis, 22 Glance, 26 Grip, 27 Iota. 21 Stock of money (4) EASY TEMPERATURE IN OC
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Incorporating and directly descended

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
Kashmir Muddle~III A MEMBER

There was also a lurking fear in Nehru‘s mind that if India lost the plebiscite, he might ASIAN VOICES
Learnings for India lose his job. By removing Abdullah from power and putting him behind bars in August
Merit and
E arlier this year, Union Minister of State for 1953, at a time when he was trying to devise a formula for a plebiscite that would be
Electronics and Information Technology
Rajeev Chandrasekhar said in a public interac-
acceptable to both India and Pakistan, Nehru wanted to foreclose the possibility of myopia

tion that legislation to cover the digital universe Kashmir‘s secession from India, while at the same time trying to wipe out the State‘s ights activists say the commis-
which Indians now inhabit was a pressing necessity. ‘Special status‘ sion report is regressive and
Since then, the Centre has been working on a new part of a ploy to deprive the
law ~ a previous attempt to regulate digital media underprivileged and margin-
under updated Information Technology rules had alised communities of the opportuni-
sparked a row in 2019 ~ which would apply to digital ties in the state affairs.
media and require tech platforms, for the first time, Photo via National Inclusion
Commission website. In a highly strat-
to apply for registration with the Information and ified society that reinforces discrimi-
Broadcasting Ministry. The I&B Ministry would be nation based on caste, class, gender,
the state’s administrative department that would language, region and religion, among
regulate and, if required, penalise platforms dis- others, affirmative action should not
seminating “news on digital media through any come with an expiry date.
electronic device”. Legislation to this effect is wide- It takes decades, if not centuries,
ly expected to be introduced in the forthcoming to undo the wrongs done to margin-
Winter Session of Parliament. alised communities over centuries.
As policymakers work on the draft of the new And yet, the National Inclusion
Commission, the constitutional com-
law, it may be helpful for them to take a close look at mission formed to make recommen-
the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA), a dations for the protection of minori-
landmark piece of legislation which is in the final ties, has recommended ending reser-
stages of being fully approved by EU institutions. vations in existing government ser-
The thrust of the Bill is that it enjoins specific oblig- vices.
ations, rights, and duties on digital companies. The A report published by the com-
DSA’s co-regulatory mechanisms are of particular mission has recommended doing
interest. (Co-regulatory mechanisms are governance away with the reservation system in
structures where state involvement exists but is lim- promotions through internal compe-
titions, 14 years after it was brought
ited, and most of the actions are taken by other
into practice.
stakeholder groups usually under the oversight of The report calls reservation a
one or more governmental bodies.) Tech expert temporary arrangement ~ and rightly
David Morar makes the point that such mechan- so. However, it fails to identify the
isms, fundamentally transparent, can be more inclu- elephant in the room ~ the perpetua-

sive than garden variety policy-formulation and tion of discrimination in every aspect
would have built-in buy-in from industry. he removal of Sheikh Ab- tus”. With the passage of time, a ainst him were dropped and he munal violence in South Kash-
The EU, of course, has a history with Big Tech of dullah from power was plebiscite in Kashmir, no matter returned to Srinagar to a rousing mir, which many people believe
which its antitrust case against Microsoft is an followed by a succession what the UN might resolve, was reception. On Nehru’s sugges- was instigated by some disgrun-
of Prime Ministers/Chief becoming more and more diffi- tion he went to Pakistan and after tled Congressmen, the G M Shah of Nepali society that hinders the
example. In this context, writes Morar, the EU has Ministers (from 1966 onwards) cult to implement. extensive discussions succeeded government was dismissed, and growth of individuals from margin-
expressly pointed out that the DSA package is a tool who were indirectly chosen by In fact, Nehru had been in persuading President Ayub Governor’s rule imposed. alised communities on an everyday
to not just protect the rights of users, but to also New Delhi because of their prox- thinking of settling the Kashmir Khan to visit New Delhi for talks Dr Farooq Abdullah was basis, even in higher positions of pub-
“establish a level playing field” given the outsized imity to the leaders in Delhi and issue on the principle of accept- for a permanent settlement of reinstated in power in November lic service.
role of “a few large platforms”. Under the DSA, there for this the Indian government ing the status quo, with rectifica- the Kashmir issue. 1986 under the Rajiv Gandhi- Notably, the study, which focused
are extra obligations for very large online platforms turned a blind eye to their cor- tions of the border that would But the sudden death of Farooq Abdullah accord which only on the provisions related to the
(VLOPs) and, crucially, for search engines. ruption and undemocratic prac- satisfy both India and Pakistan. Nehru on 27 May 1964 ended was criticized not only by the old Civil Service and the Health Service,
The DSA and its accompanying legislation such tices. All the elections held in He mentioned this during meet- that possibility. Sheikh Abdullah guard in both parties but also by provides a glimpse of Nepal's broad
as the Digital Markets Act have been brought in with J&K, barring the one in 1977, ings with Pakistan Prime Minis- was interred again from 1965-68 Maulana Mirwaiz Farooq, Chair- field of public service.
were rigged. ter Mohammad Ali and the Plebiscite man of the Awami Action Com- The premise of the study con-
the clear purpose of countering the power of the
Political opponents who Bogra and Interior Front was banned, mittee. He criticized it as a sell- ducted by the commission seems
large companies. In its construction and applica-
demanded ‘plebiscite’ to deter- Minister General to prevent it from out to the Congress. to be that prolonged reservation ~ if
tion, the DSA separates very large online platforms ~ mine Kashmir’s future were pre- Iskandar Mirza in participating in the Soon after assuming office, this term has any merit in an eternally
defined as having more than 45 million monthly vented from taking part in elec- May 1955, and even elections in Kash- Dr Abdullah advised the Gover- discriminatory society ~ has allowed
active users ~ from the rest of the online ecosystem. tions and put behind bars, thus earlier, during his mir. Finally, the nor to dissolve the Assembly and the creamy layer from among the
Experts agree that assessments, codes of conduct, muzzling their voices. Suppres- two meetings with Sheikh was exiled in elections held in March 1987, targeted groups to usurp all the
and audits are the holy trinity of regulating the digi- sion of dissent and corruption in Liaquat Ali Khan in from Kashmir dur- besides the National Conference opportunities multiple times while the
tal world. How these are adapted in Indian legisla- administration created resent- 1948. But for obvi- ing 1971-72. and the Congress, the Muslim real victims continue to be margin-
tion which would need to take into account the wide ment among a large segment of ous reasons, they The India-Pa- United Front (MUF), viewed by alised.
disparity in internet-access, educational standards, the educated middle class, who did not agree. In kistan war and the many as a spontaneous local The argument is based on the
were not a part of the ruling elite. February 1954, the liberation of Bang- political formation, without any social elite's false sense of entitlement
and socio-cultural contexts of millions of users ARUN KUMAR
Despite his ‘modernisation’ and J&K Constituent As- BANERJI ladesh brought ab- links with the Congress, also par- that the opportunities not being used
could well make or break the country’s future. ‘integration’ programmes, Bak- sembly, while ad- out a significant ticipated. by the doubly marginalised should go
shi was removed from power on hering to the special The writer is Professor (Retd.) change in Sheikh It was expected to do well to the unreserved category.
of International Relations
11 October 1963 due to corrup- position of the State, Abdullah’s atti- as a debutant political party as There is no doubt that the reser-
Ukraine’s I-Day tion and his dictatorial mode of passed a resolution
and a former Dean,
Faculty of Arts,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
tude; he no longer people were fed up with years vation system is not flawless, but the

functioning. confirming the le- talked about a of ‘family rule’, corruption and remedy to this problem is restructur-
ereft of the faintest grandstanding over Nehru looked upon Kashmir gality of Kashmir’s plebiscite for set- lack of economic development. ing it to ensure opportunities for the
Ukraine’s Independence Day observance six as a symbol of India’s secularism. accession to India. tling Kashmir’s future. However, the elections were doubly marginalised, not ending it
months after the war with Russia, Wednesday He believed if Kashmir seceded By October 1956, it had ad- An opportunity came in allegedly rigged to prevent the altogether.
event was marked by a quiet resolve by its Presi- from India, the fate of Muslims opted a Constitution for the State 1975 through the signing of the Congress from losing its control Moreover, there is no guarantee
dent, Volodymyr Zelenski. He has reminded the in India would be jeopardized. which became operational from Indira Gandhi-Sheikh Abdullah over Kashmir and a coalition individuals from marginalised com-
comity of nations that Ukraine is a country “reborn” That Nehru was not really keen 26 January 1957. It provided for Agreement. He agreed to accept government was formed with the munities do not face discrimination in
on holding a ‘fair and impartial’ the jurisdiction in the state of the Jammu and Kashmir as an inte- National Conference and the promotions and other opportunities,
in conflict with a renewed sense of cultural and plebiscite, despite his formal Indian Supreme Court and the gral part of India by getting a res- Congress. even in higher-level positions in pub-
political identity, “now wholly separate from Russia, commitment to it, became clear Comptroller and Auditor General olution passed by the State As- The rigging of elections trig- lic institutions.
and that has united democracies with a new sense of as early as December 1948 beca- and declared that the State of sembly on the condition that all gered the violent insurgency in In a landmark judgement earlier
purpose”. On I-day, President Zelenskyi was mildly use he was not sure about the Jammu and Kashmir ‘is and shall the Acts and Ordinances issued Kashmir towards the end of the this year, the Supreme Court of India
satisfied that the feared escalation of attacks by Mos- outcome. be an integral part of the Union of by New Delhi since 1953 would 1980s and early 1990s as many of said reservations do not contravene
cow are yet to materialise. He has pledged to prevail Perhaps it was Indira Gand- India’, despite protests by Sheikh be reviewed. Sheikh Abdullah the frustrated MUF leaders took the idea of merit or equality, but
in the war, for all the trundling of tanks at the behest hi’s letter to her father written Abdullah from his prison cell, and returned to power as the Chief to arms and fled to Pakistan for help realise the constitutional goal of
of the Kremlin. from Sonemarg on 14 May 1948 the UN Security Council. It led to Minister in 1975. But the agree- military training, supply of arms equality.
It was fairly obvious that the Ukrainian leader that influenced his decision. She the formation of a new opposi- ment was never placed before and diplomatic and financial Merit is a misnomer in a society
wrote that in Kashmir only Shei- tion party in the State, the Parliament, nor did the promised support, and our neighbour took that builds institutions by favouring
has targeted his remarks as much as foreign donors kh Abdullah felt confident of Plebiscite Front, led by Mirza review take place. full advantage of this. some groups while discriminating
as at his domestic audience. Wednesday’s presenta- winning the plebiscite and argu- Afzal Beg, one of Abdullah’s close New Delhi’s attitude India’s Kashmir problem is against others.
tion was his latest attempt to urge Ukraine to hold ed that mere political talks would Associates, while reduction in towards the State had always the result of the follies of our While acknowledging the strati-
on, as tens of thousands of soldiers huddled in not suffice; what was important Kashmir’s autonomy proceeded been determined by the exigen- political leaders, both at the Cen- fied nature of discrimination, the
trenches across a 2,414-km frontline that has been was gaining peoples’ confidence apace, especially during the cies of the political party in tre and in the State, their lust for Morarji Desai government commis-
scarred by towns now blasted out. And then he through economic development. tenure of Ghulam Mohammad power at the Centre, be it the power, creating anger and sioned BP Mandal to identify areas
sounded somewhat rhetorical ~ “Every day is a new There was also a lurking fear Sadiq as the Prime Minister. Congress or the present ruling resentment among the people of affirmative action necessary for
reason not to give up. Because having gone through in Nehru’s mind that if India lost By December 1964, Jammu dispensation in New Delhi. that gave Pakistan opportunities other backward classes (OBCs) in
so much, we have no right not to reach the end. the plebiscite, he might lose his & Kashmir’s position was virtu- The dismissal of the legiti- to fish in troubled waters. India in 1979.
job. By removing Abdullah from ally on a par with other Indian mately elected government of Dr Abolition of Article 370, The Mandal Commission's rep-
What is the end of the war for us? We used to say
power and putting him behind provinces. The autonomy guar- Farooq Abdullah in 1984 was through a ‘surgical strike’ laun- ort, which came into action only in
‘Peace’. Now we say ‘Victory’.” bars in August 1953, at a time anteed under Art. 370 of the Indi- engineered by New Delhi and a ched by India’s Home Minister 1990 under VP Singh, recommended
The presentation must seem to be still more when he was trying to devise a an Constitution remained a mere new government led by G M on 5 August 2019 has not brought 27 percent reservation for the OBCs.
remarkable as mass gatherings are prohibited in formula for a plebiscite that fig leaf, with the extension of the Shah was put in place, with the about any substantial improve-
Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, as the United States and oth- would be acceptable to both jurisdiction of laws passed by support of the Congress leader- ment in the situation on the
ers had warned that the Kremlin could intensify mis- India and Pakistan, Nehru want- Parliament in the Central List, as ship in New Delhi as well as in ground and even 75 years after
sile strikes to coincide with Independence Day, ed to foreclose the possibility of well as in the Concurrent List, to Kashmir, although it led to wide- independence the Kashmir prob-
which commemorates Ukraine’s separation in 1991 Kashmir’s secession from India, Jammu and Kashmir. spread protests in the Valley and lem remains unresolved. SAMAJDAR AMULYA RATAN —
~ the year the Soviet Union disintegrated. By the while at the same time trying to Sheikh Abdullah was releas- threw J&K politics in turmoil. Missed every moment since this day
afternoon, close munitions had struck in the Kharkiv wipe out the State’s “Special sta- ed in April 1964, all charges ag- Following widespread com- (Concluded) of 1994. — Family members.
region in north-eastern Ukraine.
This was what they call a “baseline fire” level of LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Russian long-range fire into Ukraine in recent
weeks, not exactly the intensification that the former Hearing a PIL filed in the mid-
Soviet satellite had geared up for. Ukrainians
appeared determined not to let Russia’s war spoil
their holiday. Perhaps the most visible sign of Kiev’s
The freebie culture dle of political sparring over PM
Modi’s ‘revadi culture’ jibe to
deride parties offering poll-eve
resolve was the backdrop that President Zelenskyi SIR, “Cost of freebies” (22 August) downtrodden, notwithstanding its freebies last month, the court has
chose for his I-Day address, specifically the column and “Way to disaster” (23 August) multiple adverse effects. categorically reiterated that free-
raise a national concern about the Besides overburdening the bies should not be confused with
of wrecked Russian tanks and artillery on display
culture of electoral freebies in the public exchequer and stultifying genuine public welfare measures
along Kiev’s central thoroughfare. country’s political set-up which is the growth of the state, unbridled aimed at fulfilling constitutional
In Russia, the state media did not carry promi- gaining momentum day by day. popular culture de-politicises the mandates and that it will be anti-
nent displays of the war’s six-month mark. Russia’s In a representative, multi- gullible electorate and violates the democratic to prevent parties from
defence minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, said that Moscow party democracy, people’s partici- sanctity of the electoral process. making poll-promises to voters.
intended to slow down its military campaign in pation in the electoral process, Voters lose their moral right to The court has further suggest-
Ukraine chiefly to reduce civilian casualties. The their interaction with the govern- choose the right candidates and ed the setting up of an expert com-
Biden administration let it be known on Wednes- ment, and public opinion play a question their elected representa- mittee comprising representatives
day that it was sending nearly $3 billion in weapons crucial role in its success. But in tives, thus making a mockery of of the government as well as
and equipment to Ukraine. This had previously the absence of good governance participatory democracy. organisations like NITI Aayog,
and real empowerment, politi- Interestingly, this complicat- Finance Commission of India, the
been approved by Congress. President Biden said cians attempt to satisfy the imme- ed issue has once again engaged Law Commission, Reserve Bank of
in a statement that the military assistance would diate needs of the people. Under the attention of the Supreme India, ECI, Opposition, etc. to
help Ukraine to acquire air defence and artillery sys- the garb of welfare measures, they Court. In one of its earlier judg- examine and resolve the complex
tems, munitions, and other equipment “to ensure it announce a host of catchy and ments, the apex court had stated issue after thorough debate and mental works. The elected govern- like water, electricity and housing
can continue to defend itself over the long term”. hyper sops to woo the electorate. that electoral freebies were not discussion. ments are constitutionally bound so that people can live a decent
Peace did not figure very prominently in anyone’s Almost all political parties justify anti-Constitutional but the provi- It is time to regulate freebies to provide basic healthcare, afford- and dignified life.
rhetoric, and might even seem to have been spurned this practice on the pretext of sion of irrational freebies was a and find the right way of spending able quality education, means of Yours, etc., D S Kang,
by Zelenskyi. socio-economic upliftment of the serious economic issue. tax payers’ money on develop- livelihood and essential services Hoshiarpur, 25 August.

‘Quite a tragedy of errors’

In an interesting letter to the Times, suggested
by a recent incident at the London Zoological
Gardens, Dr. Walter Saise recalls the words of
command addressed by a friendly mahout to
the elephant on which the doctor travelled
while on a geological investigation in the

ndians across the land were it's divvied up is another matter. Lumding forest in Assam. The words most in
incredulous when Fifa banned use, as noted by Dr. Saise, were "chai," "mail,"
their national federation recent- Q: What would you do if you were "dilli," "birri," and the meanings as explained
ly, noting a departure from the the AIFF's president? to him were - "chai," take care, or in Hindustani
usual setpiece situations the senior A: I think we've to get the right "khabardar"; "mail" go on, or step out, or in
team were found in: meaningless people in. Technical people should Hindustani "chalo." "dilli," lift up, or in Hin-
wins against rivals worse than us and be put in charge of the game. In dustani "uthau;" and "birri," pull down any-
abject capitulation when facing even India, there's a lot of screaming thing (like overhanging branches) in the jungle,
mid-level Asian countries. This is the around certain players but we proba- or "pakarke khaincho." The mahout could only
contemporary story. With the ban, bly lack a sense of history. The ones tell Dr. Saise that these words were "Hathi ki
we were up in the headlines, at least that are made much of haven't bat," or elephant language, and knew no more
our own, and, of course, a certain played against the sort of teams we about them. Dr. Saise thinks it probable that
nuisance value had come to be atra- did: Argentina, Uruguay, Russia. In they are from the language of those who first
ched to us. Never in football's global club football, I've played against tamed the elephant and have been handed
mainstream, despite two Asian Penarol. The reason why I say this is down with other words from generation to
Games gold medals, an Asian Cup simple: our successors have played generation from one mahout to another. He
final appearance and a fourth-place against much easier footballers and suggests that the words "chai," "mail," "birri,"
finish in the Olympics, we have been teams. Once I fetched up in south- "dilli" were probably used by the mahouts who
very modest internationally with a lot ern India for the Nehru Cup and drove the elephants to attack the army of
to be modest about. But a liberalised found Renat Dasayev with the Russ- Alexander the Great. This is a curious specula-
economy eventually brought money ian contingent. But do they have a tion, whether well founded or otherwise, and it
into the game and executive power record of matches played by individ- would be interesting to hear the opinion of an
became a huge temptation, and ual players? I doubt it. Assam resident of experience.
being able to cling on to it turned out
to be an important job for one or two Q: But isn't it a fact that players NEWS ITEMS
people who were completely inno- moving into administration leave
cent of how the world was going
about the business of getting better
people deeply disappointed across
the world given that they're THE CHRISTIANITY
in the game.
After the coronavirus struck,
required more to deal with the
game's commercial aspects than
elections ceased being held. Fifa said football itself? Also, Michel Platini LONDON, AUG 26
nothing until the matter reached the Q. How did you feel when you heard leaders are sought to be got rid of with. They're in the mainstream sulied his name getting into it. He's Mr. A.G. Widgery, Professor of Philosophy and
court of law, and when Praful Patel, of the ban, having been India's left- legally when things get out of hand. competition. scraped through a case but the Comparative Religion, Baroda, addressing the
erstwhile chief of the All-India Foot- back for a long time, playing with A: That's an important point too. monkey is not off his back. Churchmen's Conference at Oxford yesterday,
ball Federation, was given his march- incontrovertible distinction? If I'm cracking the whip, I mustn't be Q: Why does football not grow up to A: I know exactly what you suggested the possibility of the birth of a new
ing orders, hell broke loose. The A. It's been quite a tragedy of making mistakes myself. And I know a respectable stature in India? Why mean. Quite correct. Yes, I do think religion in the East, which was he said, devel-
counter-attack that was subsequent- errors. A big one. Why did they not Fifa is widely criticised for so many is its profile so low despite the ex-players should be restricted to oping its religions with Christian contribu-
ly launched, at the highest level, in hold the AIFF elections after 2020, things. It had to shed Sepp Blatter, Indian Super League and the I- technical aspects of football. If you tions. He declared that only an infinitesimal
Zurich, by those who had been out- when they were due? Also, why did who ruled it badly for a long time League? need someone to speak on behalf of number of the vast millions of the East ever
played, resulted in the ban order and they fail to pre-empt it despite know- before being ousted. Before Blatter, A: One major problem is that the federation, there should be other concerned themselves with Christianity. The
the labyrinthine complications we ing it was very much on the cards? It Fifa had Joao Havelange, who we're a poly-lingual country. Go to people for that. educated Oriental saw little if any real reason
would be trapped in for quite some had been on television and in the sparked off so much controversy. Japan, they've one language that to change his religious faith. The idea that the
time now. Aloke Mukherjee, who has papers. Everyone knew Fifa was per- Yes, Fifa should be unimpeachable everyone speaks. Go to South Korea Q: Do you think someone like West was materialistic and the East predomi-
played for and coached India, Ben- ilously close to banning India. Our in terms of its own integrity. and it's the same. They've grown to Bhaichung Bhutia can lead the nantly spiritual was a very important cause for
gal, Mohun Bagan, East Bengal and high-ups failed to stop it. Fifa doesn't the extent that they've hosted a AIFF? the non-consideration of Christianity. Christ-
Mohammedan Sporting Club, told tolerate third-party interference. It Q: Do you think that Fifa is over- World Cup. Here, in India, every A: I've played with and coached ian teaching must be presented in a less auto-
Pulakesh Mukhopadhyay in an follows this policy. It's as simple as active in countries like India when it region has several languages being him and I've seen a certain leader- matic way, appealing to the intelligence. The
exclusive interview that we had got that. suits it to be so? It banned Pakistan spoken and written by so many peo- ship quality in him, but I don't know Christianity that India needed was one that
it all entirely wrong and would suffer some time ago. ple. Cricket is different because it's if he can lead the AIFF. What you've would give it spiritual and social unity.
again unless technical people were Q: True, India goofed up on a royal A: Could well be true, that. After controlled much more efficiently. to reckon with is that Indian football
put in charge of running the game.
Having retired from his high, execu-
scale but Fifa, which punished us,
would be a byword for corruption
all, countries like India and Pakistan
don't make it to the World Cup finals
The rewards are simply fantastic.
Even Bengal's old cricketers are given
has shrunk and diminished in terms
of quality and impact. When Ciric STOCK EXCHANGE OR
tive position in a public sector under-
taking, he spoke at length. Here are
anywhere. The whole of the world
knows it is in cahoots with national
and are easy to bully. European fed-
erations are much stronger. They can
a pension which is very, very good.
Former international footballers in
Milovan was our coach, it was easy
to discern he was an amazingly far- GAMBLING DEN
excerpts: federations for their votes and it and do take on Fifa because they India can't even dream of it. There's sighted man. He was known the BOMBAY, AUG 26
looks on impassively when their know they can't be fooled around some money in football now but how world over. In response to the invitation of the Board of
Directors of the Bombay Stock Exchange, a
meeting of brokers was held last evening. Sev-

Who, indeed, will bell the omniscient cat?

eral brokers made lengthy speeches urging the
directors to put a check to reckless specula-
tion by capitalist syndicates, which, they said,
was reducing the Bombay Stock Exchange into
ASFAND YAR WARRAICH When no one answered, it became One should not overstate the a gambling den. As a result of the meeting the
clear that none had the courage to importance of any such exercise directors held prolonged deliberations and

nce upon a time, a group of undertake this Herculean task. (laws sans enforcement via political have today put up a notice to the effect that, as
mice, finally fed up of liv- The meeting came to an end, the will are utterly useless), but let us not the Board of Directors of the Stock Exchange
ing under the constant mice hurried back to the safety of undervalue it either. Laws provide us find that there has been a corner in the shares
tyranny of their archneme- their burrows, and as for the Cat, with the beginning point of account- of the David and Currimbhoy mills, there will
sis, the Cat, decided that the time well, it pretty much kept on doing ability and without them, we remain be no forward transactions in these shares
had come to take some concrete just as it pleased. clueless as to where to even start. after the September settlement.
action against their feline foe. Much like the mice in this ren- This is precisely why, even today, we
A grand council was convened, dering of a timeless fable, Pakistan’s find ourselves debating the merits
and there, behind closed doors, the politicians too have been locked in a and demerits of ‘neutrality’. There THE BRETT
little mice gathered together and
deliberated on the best course of
game of hide-and-seek with their
own forever enemy — the pesky
can be but one demand: obedience
to the Constitution. COMMERCIAL MISSION
action. Someone suggested this, ‘establishment’, that invisible part of The sooner this is all done, the ALLAHABAD, AUG 26
another suggested that, but even the army’s top brass that has appar- better, because the civ-mil imbal- The Brett Commercial Mission to Kabul is
after prolonged discussions, they ently been using the formalised polit- ance is not, as is often believed, our not expected to be a prolonged undertaking.
could not manage to settle on any ical hegemony of its institution to most pressing problem — that Its main purpose will be that of arranging
definitive strategy. steer Pakistan from one shipwreck to remains lawlessness and total elite with the Afghan Government details of a
Finally, one mouse had a eureka another. Before his party reverted to the of ‘resistance’ and their shallow calls capture, located within a model of trade convention on lines laid down in the
moment and cried out: “I’ve got it!”. Apart from three decades of politics of mediation, Mr Sharif Sr too for ‘civilian supremacy’, it is difficult development that places the pursuit Afghan Treaty. It was provided that represen-
Taking the podium, it reminded direct rule, it stands accused of hav- was openly claiming that his govern- to feel sorry for our political class. of individual over collective interest. tatives of the two governments should be
its fellow rodents that what made the ing “pulled strings from behind the ment was sent packing after a Whenever presented with an oppor- Pakistan is fast approaching a appointed to discuss the conclusions of the
Cat so dangerous was the stealth scenes to oust elected governments, combo-punch delivered by the judi- tunity to bargain for goodie bags, dangerous convergence of destabil- trade convention regarding measures neces-
with which it operated. Its slinky propped up pressure groups, created cial-military nexus, and Mr Gilani, they rarely fail to fall in line. What ising factors: a youth bulge with very sary for carrying out article 9 of the Treaty,
footsteps ensured that it could not divisions in parties to split their vote while speaking on the floor of the else might explain the fawning sin- little prospects, a festering crisis of whereby trade goods coming to Afghanistan
be heard, its nocturnal nature bank, financed opposition parties to Senate on whether an ailing Mushar- cerity with which all our mainstream identity, accelerating religious fanati- from Europe and other countries could be
allowed it to work under the covers destabilise elected set-ups, etc in raf ought to be allowed to return, political parties — PTI, PML-N, PPP cism and climate change. opened at railway termini at Jamrud and
of shadow, while its ability to pounce order to maintain its grip on political dropped all trace of pretence and — rushed to secure an extension for Kinship networks, long credited Chaman, for packing and arranging to suit
unannounced guaranteed that it power … its presence can be felt in declared that since no one was “able the current army chief? The bill took for buffering the unpredictable the capacity of baggage animals without this
could always take them by surprise. every sphere — including the media, to stop him from leaving”, no one 20 minutes to pass in the National effects of modernity, are rapidly dis- being the cause of a re-imposition of customs
What they needed to do, it sur- judiciary and business”. will be “able to stop him from return- Assembly, even less in the senate. solving. Trust in the system is shat- duties. Other articles of the Treaty provide
mised, was to somehow take these This shows too. ing”. Such “decisions”, he candidly Who will bell the Cat indeed, if tering, aided by a post-truth world for the import into Afghanistan of machin-
sneaky talents away, and to this end, In a recent speech in Balochis- admitted, “will be taken elsewhere”. everyone’s trying to woo it? If unde- where disinformation runs rampant ery, engine and the export to India of goods
the mouse made a simple suggestion tan, Mr Sharif Jr, our premier incum- When one prime minister after mocratic interferences are to stop, and opinions are formed on What- from Afghanistan.
— why not just tie a bell around its bent, stated that he would like to, another begins brazenly announcing parliament must become something sApp forwards. What will ultimately
neck? much like any other NGO, “raise the their political impotence, how are more than a chamber of convenience be birthed into this void is an ideo-
“Bravo, bravo,” said all the mice issue” of missing persons before citizens of this country meant to have and return to its basic functions. The logical monstrosity that no force in AIRPLANES TO "SPOT"
in the audience, elated on finally
finding a solution — except one old
“powerful quarters”. His predeces-
sor-in-interest, Mr Khan, has by now
a modicum of belief that they live in
a functioning democracy? Are our
army’s laws must be revised. Intelli-
gence agencies must be roped in,
this country will be able to control.
If we are to find the surefooted- FOR TRAWLERS
geyser, who raised a very pertinent confessed that he did not have the elected representatives truly that their mandate, function and territor- ness required to tackle the challenges The Scottish Fishery Board and the Air Min-
question: “But, who will bell the authority due to his office, that his helpless? Are they perhaps so deeply ial competence defined with effec- to come, everyone must first be istry are conducting a series of interesting
Cat?” Upon hearing this, the mice “hands were tied” during his short- compromised? Or, are they merely tive oversight. And the legitimacy of made to kneel before the sword of experiments this week off the coast of Scot-
began to look at one another. Ner- lived tenure, and that “everyone Janus-faced — democrats by the the military’s sprawling economic the law. land, in order to locate shoals of herrings by
vously, they shuffled their feet, and knows where the real power lies in light of day, co-conspirators at night? empire must be tested against con- observation from airplane. Three machines
nervously, they twitched their noses. Pakistan”. See, for all their grand gestures stitutional touchstones. Dawn/ANN. from Leuchar's Aerodrome Base, Fifeshire,
will be engaged and will operate off the Fife
CROSSWORD and Forfar coasts. Each machine will carry
NO 292173 an expert from the Fisher Board, who will act
as observer. When a shoal of fish has been
located, information with details of bearings
will be communicated to the Scottish fishing
ports. Fishing fleets will thus be able to pro-
ceed to sea with a guarantee of finding fish at
ACROSS dancing for the most 24 Family film about one taxation in jackpot? (9) 7 They colour red say, 18 Potentially costlier place a given spot and at a certain time.
vulgar (7) story said to be trad 2 Doggedly chucking losing heart when of retirement (8)
1 In favour of words
14 Vacuous mag about Chinese feature (7) egg back that’s embarrassed (5) 21 Elevated lords
revealing actions in an
nouvelle cuisine – it’s 27 Grub – tiny amount for scrambled in a 8 He ran 18 earlier (5) and ladies left an
old book (8)
fluff on the table (9) daughter, maybe just a curious way (5) 13 Often nuisances will artwork (5)
5 Brought forth small
article out of granary
say (4)
16 Learner and expert
making intricate
dash (4-4)
28 Bit of a head obtainable
3 Crosophile caught
in small space
disguise boredom (5)
15 Asked for advice,
23 Little bounders
beginning to tire AT LONDON CLUB
fabric (4) in bar area of London (6) with this woman – initially ambassador needing place to LONDON, AUG 26
9 How is domesticity a
19 Pulse started after 29 Uncluttered yet 2 leader of dogs quits offshoot of sleep (5)
cover for erudition? (6)
heart’s cleared (4) twiddly (4) snarled (8) embassy 25 Mostly not too Major O'Dell, who was charged at Bow Street
10 Raider (not half) coming
20 Forking over in the 30 This game is the pits (8) 4 Prang in rear end upon department (9) hot around 1000 in connection with a scene at the Constitu-
after spoil and gold (8)
borders and small area parking (4) 17 100 pranks involving metres (5) tional Club, Northumberland Avenue, follow-
11 Originally Caribbeans DOWN
play loosely like this? (7)
in the middle (9) 6 Refrain from singing the French in 26 Soldiers with ing expulsion for an infraction of the rules
22 Difficult couple in a 1 Take out of state this? It might be loud old book of uniform – it shows
12 I’ll shun solitude when
hurry mostly (7) control one form of near end of melody (9) songs (9) what’s available (4) relating to cheques, was today sentenced to a
month's imprisonment in the second division.
The secretary of the Club admitted that
cheque which was dishonoured was repre-
sented the same day and met. Notice of appeal
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) has been given.


Rich pickings National emergency in Pak after
floods kill over 900 people
n the eve of Independence Day, the Bengal
O government’s department of women & child
development and social welfare celebrated the
“internationally acclaimed brainchild of [chief minis-
ter]Mamata Banerjee” — the Kanyashree scheme.
Nazrul Mancha witnessed a gathering of over 2,000
students and officials to celebrate Kanyashree Divas.
The chief minister’s tweet put the project in perspec- midst the ongoing devastation
tive: “The Kanyashree scheme was initiated with the
aim of empowering girls across Bengal. As it contin-
ues to run successfully, on #KanyashreeDibas, I con-
gratulate every single girl enrolled in the scheme for
A caused by heavy rains and floods in
different parts of Pakistan, the gov-
ernment on Thursday officially declared a
"national emergency".
dreaming big and fearlessly chasing your dreams. As per the latest data by the National
Keep shining brighter!” Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
For those unfamiliar with this scheme, girls are the rains and floods had so far killed 937
given financial assistance under Kanyashree-I and people, including 343 children, and left at
Kanyashree-II. The K-I level is for students in be- least 30 million without shelter.
tween Classes VII and XII (annual financial assis- Meanwhile, Sindh recorded the high-
tance of Rs 1,000) and K-II is a one-time grant of Rs
25,000 (given to girl students who complete Class XII est number of death as 306 people have
without getting married). The government has report- lost their lives due to floods and rain-relat-
edly spent over Rs 12,000 crore on the scheme till ed incidents from June 14 to date.
now. The women & child development and social Balochistan reported 234 deaths whereas
welfare minister,Shashi Panja, said, “Through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab recorded
Kanyashree, money is not the only thing, it is to also 185 and 165 deaths, respectively. Nine
give them strength and self confidence to dream and deaths were reported in the Gilgit-
progress is taking place. This is for everyone, whoev- Baltistan region during the current mon-
er is studying and has not gotten married, they are soon rains. In the same period Islamabad
Kanyashree”. Mentioning that there are nearly 8,000 reported one death, Dawn reported citing
Kanyashree Clubs, the department also released a NDMA.
short audio-visual film, Ami Kanyashree, Ami Cyber The abnormal increase in rainfall has
Yoddha. The same day, there were eye-catching ad- generated flash floods across the country,
vertisements in leading dailies announcing: “Almost particularly in the southern part of Pak-
80 lakh Kanyashrees touched by the light of istan, which remains inundated at the mo-
progress.”This is certainly laudable,if it were not for ment with 23 districts of Sindh being de- bility of re-emergence of another cycle in per what the provinces had conveyed. "It is of money would be required for their reha-
the grim reality about where and how the funds are clared "calamity-hit". September." Comparing the current situa- still an evolving situation and every day bilitation in the wake of large-scale disas-
used by the recipients.The government certainly does In the face of calamitous floods, the tion of Pakistan with the year 2010 floods, the needs assessments were changing as ter, she said in a statement.
not monitor whether the students are dropping out of Minister for Climate Change Sherry Senator Rehman, earlier this week, said the rains did not stop and the water kept This unprecedented emergency situa-
schools and colleges after they receive Rs 25,000 in Rehman said a "war room" has been estab- that the current situation was worse than coming," she said, adding that the number tion comes amid the rising political tension
their accounts. A random survey unveiled some un- lished by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif at that. "The water is not only flowing from of homeless was growing. in the country over a terrorism case filed
savoury facts. Mita, the daughter of our domestic NDMA, which would spearhead relief op- the north as in 2010, but it is equally or Sindh has asked for one million tents against former Prime Minister Imran
help, completed her schooling and enrolled in a col- erations across the country. more devastating in its sweep and destruc- and Balochistan has demanded 100,000 Khan. Writing for the Dawn, Pakistani
lege. Once she turned 18, she collected a Kanyashree However, the incessant "monstrous" tive power," she added. tents, she said, adding that all tent manu- columnist Zahid Hussain said nothing
form from her school and Rs 25,000 was deposited in rainfall had made it difficult to carry out According to the senator, flash floods facturers had been mobilised and external could be more surreal than watching polit-
her account. Her parents added a room to their house relief operations, especially helicopter sor- caused by heavy rains had swept away donors were also approached for tents. ical leaders engaged in a sordid game of
with the money meant for their daughter’s higher ed- ties, minister Rehman admitted. bridges and communication infrastructure Meanwhile, Pakistan's Information thrones while a large part of the country is
ucation. Rajlakshmi, whose widowed mother could "Pakistan is going through its 8th cycle in various areas of the country. "Almost 30 Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb urged the devastated by torrential rains.
scarcely make ends meet, used her largesse to of monsoon; normally the country has only million people are without shelter, thou- nations, including overseas Pakistanis to In an article titled "Politics in times of
straighten her long tresses and buy some ornaments. three to four cycles of [monsoon] rain," the sands of them displaced and have no come forward and helped their people at calamity", Hussain said villages have been
Shiuli, another student, spent it on a new wardrobe. minister said during a press conference in food," she said as quoted by Dawn. this critical juncture, according to Dawn. wiped out by flash floods. "There are hor-
Others have opted for smartphones,mainly to play Islamabad. Stressing the need for relief from in- "The entire nation, especially the over- rific scenes; the destruction across the
games, instead of laptops which would have helped "Pakistan is under an unprecedented ternational donors, the minister said that seas Pakistanis, should donate generously country has left thousands of people home-
them during online classes. monsoon spell and data suggests the possi- the need for shelter and relief was dire as to help the flood victims as a huge amount less and without sustenance," he added.

Infants born to older fathers Dogs with more active POEM

cry differently: Study owners get more exercise
baby's cry is a kind of com- og owners who spend more time ex-
Leave This
A munication used to draw an
adult caregiver's attention,
and each infant screams in a similar
D ercising themselves often tend to ex-
ercise their dogs, according to a new
study. The researchers found that more active
Leave this chanting and singing
and telling of beads!
yet distinct way. An international owners are also more likely to evaluate their
study team analysed the vocal behav- dog's body weight as optimum. Whom dost thou worship in
iour of infant mice, known as pups, The findings of the research were pub-
to establish how the father's age in- lished in the journal PLoS ONE. this lonely dark
fluences the pups' vocal communica-
tion and body weight growth.
Sydney Banton of the University of
Guelph in Ontario, Canada, and colleagues
corner of a tem-
The team published their find- presented the findings in the open-access ple with doors all
ings in the journal iScience. journal PLOS ONE on August 24, 2022.
Research suggests that infant spring. One of the team's main find- Obese dogs may face a number of health shut? Open thine
crying can serve as a marker of a ings was that the advanced paternal problems, such as diabetes and cardiac dis-
baby's development. Altered crying age causes alterations in early vocal ease, and concerns about dog obesity are in- eyes and see thy
in a baby may indicate a risk for
autism spectrum disorder or other
behaviour and increases the number
of offspring with atypical develop-
creasing worldwide. Earlier research has
identified associations between dogs' body
God is not before Rabindranath
neurodevelopmental disorders. Re- mental patterns. weight and diet, exercise, and sociodemo- thee! He is there Tagore
searchers know that children with "This vocal feature of pups born graphic factors. However, those studies tend-
these disorders show particular cry- to aged fathers is similar to that of ed to be small and focused on individual for a longer time, were more likely to per- where the tiller is tilling the
ing patterns. pups from autism spectrum disorder countries. ceive their dog's body weight as ideal, and
However, scientists do not fully model mice. Moreover, pups born to For a broader, international perspective, were less likely to report having been told hard ground
understand what makes the crying
patterns of these children different.
young fathers showed a rich reper-
toire, while those born to aged fa-
Banton and colleagues analyzed results from
a survey of 3,298 dog owners living in
that their dog was overweight.
Among dogs who were 5 years old and
and where the pathmaker is
Recent studies have shown that ad-
vanced paternal age is a risk factor
thers exhibited a limited repertoire,"
said Professor Osumi.
France, Germany, the United Kingdom,
Canada and the United States. The survey in-
older, owners were less likely to perceive
their dog as having an ideal body weight if
breaking stones.
for neurodevelopmental disorders In recent years, scientists have cluded questions about both owners' and they had been told their dog was overweight, He is with them in sun and in
and lower body weight in the off- studied ultrasonic vocalizations in dogs' diet and exercise routines, and each if they reported attempting to control their
spring. Wanting to better understand mice to learn more about the neuro- owner's perception of their dog's body dog's weight by limiting food intake, and if shower, and his garment is cov-
the connection between a father's age
and vocal behaviour in their off-
biology of vocal communication.
They know that when a pup is sepa-
weight. Analysis of the survey responses
showed that dogs were more likely to get
they reported giving dogs other foods, such
as treats, every day. The findings suggest that
ered with dust. Put off thy holy
spring, a research team led by Pro-
fessor Noriko Osumi, Tohoku Uni-
rated from its mother and littermates,
it emits ultrasonic vocalizations con-
more exercise if their owners spent more
time exercising themselves. More active
many owners may attempt to control dogs'
body weight through diet, but not through
mantle and even like him come
versity Graduate School of Medicine sisting of various sound elements. owners were also more likely to perceive exercise. The researchers therefore call for down on the dusty soil!
has conducted a study, using mice, to When the mother hears these sounds, their dog as having an ideal body weight. veterinarians to be given more resources to
determine how paternal ageing influ- she responds by coming to retrieve Compared to owners in other countries, own- help owners develop exercise routines to Rabindranath Tagore
ences the vocal behaviour of off- the pup. ers in Germany tended to exercise their dogs avoid weight gain in dogs.

Leisure activities may lower risk

of death in older adults
ccording to a recent study led away, according to the authors. compared to not participating in any cal activity per week, according to

A by researchers at the Nation-

al Cancer Institute, a division
of the National Institutes of Health,
The results are published in
JAMANetwork Open on August 24.
The NIH-AARP Diet and
of these activities, getting the re-
quired amount of physical activity
each week through any combination
the second edition of the Physical
Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Even bigger reductions in the risk of
older adults may have a lower risk of Health Study included 272,550 of these activities was related to a death were associated with the
death from any cause, as well as adults between the ages of 59 and 82 13% decreased risk of mortality amounts of exercise performed by
death from cardiovascular disease who answered questionnaires about from any cause. Racquet sports par- the most active people (those who
and cancer, if they engage in a vari- their leisure-time activities. The re- ticipation was linked to a 16% risk went above and beyond the guide-
ety of leisure activities on a weekly searchers examined whether engag- decrease and running to a 15% re- lines for physical activity), although
basis, such as walking for exercise, ing in comparable amounts of seven duction when they examined the role there were diminishing returns as ac-
jogging, swimming laps, or playing different exercise and recreational of each activity separately. Howev- tivity levels rose. Even those who
tennis. activities, such as walking, cycling, er, lower risks of death were found engaged in some recreational activi-
The results imply that older per- swimming, other aerobic exercise, for all of the assessed activities. ty, even if it was less than what was
sons should take part in leisure ac- racquet sports, golfing and other Adults should perform 2.5 to 5 advised, had a 5% lower risk of pass-
tivities that they love and can main- forms of exercise, was linked to a hours of moderate-intensity aerobic ing away than those who did not en-
tain because many of these activities lower risk of dying. physical activity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours gage in any of the activities exam-
may reduce their chance of passing The researchers discovered that of vigorous-intensity aerobic physi- ined.
NEW DELHI | SATURDAY, 27 AUGUST, 2022 Editorial 7
EDITORIAL ‘Merely’? Not really!
Much-needed Bilkis Bano’s rapists have been released in a sickening
intervention travesty of justice and human decency

ape – a four letter, The Supreme Court has now
he Supreme Court of India has had a busy day on single syllabic word stepped in as the country’s con-
Thursday — a day before Chief Justice NV Ramana is thrown around science keeper and directed
was to retire. Capping Ramana’s dynamic term as ever so the Gujarat Government to file
the CJI, the Supreme Court heard petitions related crude jokes among friends, its responses. Interestingly, Jus-
to its three contentious rulings, including the rare review of SHUTAPA PAUL as threats to scare women, or tice Ajay Rastogi while hearing
the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) verdict. In even as statistics to showcase a plea against the remission
his short tenure, NV Ramana introduced a new energy and the swelling numbers of vio- asked, “Merely because the act
spirit in the working of the apex court, and by the gesture of lent incidents. We may use was horrific, is that sufficient to
showing urgency to hear these three cases of immense pub- the word lightly but it changes say remission is wrong?” Yes,
lic interest towards the end of his term, he has left a legacy the life of anyone unfortunate Sir. It most certainly should
that needs to be continued. The momentum appears to be enough to face it. Imagine an be wrong for monsters, who
going forward, with lawyers being readied for arguing in the exercise of force against you, gang-raped women, mur-
25 shortlisted pending cases of Constitutional importance where you can’t move a limb, dered people, and heartlessly
before a five-judge Constitutional bench, starting Monday. your body fights and freezes, snuffed out the life of a little
The message is loud and clear that the activism shown by NV you’re filled with fear, anger, child, to spend even a day out
Ramana is not going to end with his term, it will continue helplessness and pain, as an of incarceration.
under the new CJI, Justice UU Lalit. Justice Lalit has been unwanted, unsolicited, unwel- After Bilkis was gang-raped
a strong proponent of instituting more or less long-lasting Remission come outsider barges into by the men whom she knew
Constitutional benches to ensure that cases of critical impor- is certainly you without permission. The from her village, she was left to
tance are not made to linger in corridors of court. Com- trauma of a rape survivor is die. Though it took her hours
ing back to the three cases heard on Thursday, while hearing not suited repeated over and over again to regain consciousness and
the petitions challenging the remission of 11 convicts in the for monsters as they relive those horrid strength to reach safety, she
2002 Bilkis Bano gang rape case, the Supreme Court sought terrors throughout their life! did. She fought the legal fight
response from the Gujarat government. The Gujarat govern-
who gang- Lives are destroyed, families Sexual crime against women in India has increased by 70.7 per cent in two decades for years, even when her state-
ment, exercising the authority granted by the Supreme Court raped women, are decimated, futures tram- ment was allegedly truncated,
under section 432 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, had murdered pled over — a rape can change ture, Bilkis now has to face sion: “How can justice for any feel gutted when sexual crimes her FIR had crucial details
announced the remission of the 11 convicts on August 15 everything overnight. It has her tormentors again. After woman end like this? I trusted against women in India has missing, and several times
this year. The remission attracted widespread public ire on people, and happened to many women in being in prison for 15 years, the highest courts in our land. increased by 70.7 per cent in when she felt that the state
account of the nature of the crime and the victim’s right to heartlessly India; it happened to Bilkis 11 people convicted of raping I trusted the system, and I was two decades. What message machinery was against her.
live without fear. Given that remission is a delicate provision Bano too. But for her, it was Bilkis walked free on Indepen- learning slowly to live with my does this send out? But she won her justice then,
under the Indian Constitution, with a justified narrow scope, snuffed out much worse. She was 21 years dence Day through an out- trauma. The release of these The Supreme Court says and I’m sure she will do now as
the Supreme Court has been right in holding the Gujarat gov- the life of a old and five months pregnant dated remission policy. There convicts has taken from me that it didn’t order for the well. But the question is, how
ernment accountable for its move. The moot point of conten- when she was gang-raped. is political and religious colour, my peace and shaken my faith release of the convicts. Chief much are we prepared to make
tion in the case is that the Gujarat government has arguably little child She also witnessed 14 mem- social outrage, and nationwide in justice.” While appealing to Justice NV Ramana said that it innocents suffer? How often
granted remission under its 1992 policy, and not under the bers of family being murdered, protests at this travesty of jus- the Gujarat government, Bil- would have to be seen if there do we keep expecting strong
current policy of 2014. More clarity on the Gujarat govern- including her three-year-old tice. My heart breaks for Bilkis kis further urged the govern- was application of the mind. individuals to keep remain-
ment’s “application of mind” will come in with its response in daughter who was allegedly and all women of India who ment to “undo this harm” and “We have to see whether there ing strong? How long do we
the next hearings. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court’s inter- “smashed” to the ground by have to see convicts on life sen- “give me back my right to live was an application of mind or hope that they keep fighting?
vention is indeed a welcome one. Secondly, in an extremely one of the accused. tence walking into freedom on without fear and in peace.” It’s not. This court didn’t order for It’s not fair.
rare open-court review of its own recent judgement, the If being gangraped and the historic day of our nation’s sickening that those criminals their release but only asked The writer is an author and
Supreme Court has decided to reconsider its verdict uphold- watching her family killed in freedom. A “shaken” Bilkis were garlanded and welcomed the state to consider remis- media entrepreneur.
ing the key provisions of the Prevention of Money Launder- the riots wasn’t enough tor- spoke about the “unjust” deci- as heroes. You can’t help but sion as per the policy,” he said. Views expressed are personal
ing Act, 2005. Generally, hearing of review petitions is done

Tuition with caution

seldom, and in closed chambers. Under review has been the
July 27 judgement in which a Supreme Court bench compris-
ing Justices AM Khanwilkar, Dinesh Maheshwari, and CT
Ravikumar — while hearing a batch of 240 petitions against
the PMLA — upheld the validity of all the contentious provi-
sions in favour of the government. The review bench, headed
by Justice NV Ramana, could agree on reconsidering “at least”
two provisions — the non-provisioning of ECIR copy to the
accused by the Enforcement Directorate before arrest; and
the reversal of burden of proof and presumption of innocence
Private tuitions, despite several shortcomings and fallouts, hold value for India’s
on the part of the accused. Given the rampant and allegedly
biased deployment of ED against opposition party members knowledge economy, labour market and students’ careers; and can’t be scrapped outright

by the government, and the overwhelming powers that the
agency enjoys under the PMLA, the apex court’s intervention ven as the vision of non-teaching tasks, including
was due. In the third case relating to the alleged use of Israeli transforming India census activities and election
spyware Pegasus by the Union government against Indian into an ‘equitable and duty, often at the cost of the
individuals, the Supreme Court took note of the technical vibrant knowledge precious teaching time.
committee it had appointed under the leadership of Justice society by providing high- Addressing the issues in
RV Raveendran. The committee report clarified that among
KDP RAO quality education to all, and the education system is more
the 29 mobile phones it examined, only five were found to thereby making India a global important than declaring a war
be infected with malware. It is, however, not clear if the mal- knowledge superpower’, as on private tuition. The much-
ware found was related to Pegasus in any way. The Supreme envisaged by the NEP 2020, hyped China’s crackdown on
Court also observed that the Government of India had “not is yet to be realised, the tuition the tuition industry is no suc-
cooperated” with the committee, in the same manner as it did industry — the ‘parallel edu- cess story, let alone a model
with the Supreme Court last year. It is quite irresponsible on cation’ and the ‘new normal’ for other countries. It was
the part of the government to ignore a matter of such grave — poses a predicament for, if merely a trial-and-error exer-
concern under the garb of “national security.” CJI Ramana not an undoing of, the entire cise whose impact is yet to be
was clear in his view that the State should not get a “free pass system. Firstly, the thriving pri- tested while a huge number of
every time the spectre of ‘national security’ is raised”. The vate tuition business is only jobs were lost as a side-effect.
Supreme Court should be duly credited for re-initiating the proving that learning and eco- Prof. Mark Bray, an eminent
debate on these crucial matters. It appears that the Indian nomic status have a positive scholar from Hong Kong Uni-
judiciary is on a path of reform. It is hoped that rigours of law correlation — a challenge to versity, feels (and agreeably so)
will be explored to ensure justice for the needy in upcoming the state policy of mitigat- that the tuition industry should
hearings. ing socioeconomic inequali- be recognised and evaluated, as
ties through quality education it has strong implications for
to all. Secondly, tuition dis- the knowledge economy, the

DearEditor tracts students from collective

learning in the school environ-
ment and from developing as
labour market, performance
of schools, and the lives of
children and families.
a well-rounded personality, Populist measures pur-
DESTRUCTIVE WAR HYSTERIA essential for grooming them ported to curb tuition will only
The entire world is at its knees before the superpowers that into responsible future citi- Addressing the issues in education system is more important than declaring a war on private tuition end up encouraging under-
zens. Thirdly, paid learning ground activities. For example,
are strong militarily and have access to natural resources
squeezes the budgets of par- 50 per cent in Luxemburg, 45 participation, has the highest Inc., Kaplan, Khan Academy, South Korea banned private
like oil and other fuels. Ukraine-Russia war, which is now ents; the burden is doubled on per cent in Ireland, 41 per cent percentage of tuition seekers Pearson Plc, Preply, Revolu- tuitions in 1980 but, when
more than six months old, proves that the weak nations parents of private school stu- in the UK and, 40 per cent in (55 per cent), followed by an tion Prep, Skooli, Tal Group, black marketing of tuition
are being treated as sitting ducks to be bulldozed at will dents already paying fat sums Italy. According to the Global industrially and education- etc. The industry is thriving flourished even at higher fees,
by such super powers. Sadly, these rulers don’t care a hoot as annual fee, ironically includ- Education Census, among ally advanced state like Maha- not only with competitiveness the ban had to be lifted in 2020.
even knowing well that innocent civilians are being killed in ing ‘tuition fee’. Above all, Asian countries, when 90 per rashtra (49.35 per cent), and and product variation but also Besides, it is unethical to han-
wars played by them — bringing devastation and nothing In Asian private tuition breeds irrespon- cent children in elementary Uttar Pradesh (46.67 per cent) by going in for strategic acqui- dle the matter with an iron fist
else. Statesmen of the world need to find ways to avoid countries, tuition sibility among formal school schooling received tuition in while it was only 32.26 per cent sitions and partnerships. The since tuition is neither a crime
wars through common platforms like the United Nations has become an teachers, so much so that even South Korea, 85 per cent of in Andhra Pradesh. Effective Indian tuition market is worth nor an antisocial activity. On
which should not be made redundant otherwise the world private schools advise parents high school children went to administrative intervention around USD 20 billion today, the contrary, it is an efficient
may be headed for destruction sooner than later. Vladimir inseparable to engage private tuitions for private tuitions in Hong Kong; in AP, through disincentives and is expected to grow by parallel institution useful for
Putin needs to be reined in politically rather sincerely by component their kids. likewise, the figures for Japan to teachers for poor perfor- leaps and bounds. developing human resources.
all the nations forgetting their personal interests. Post One can go on counting and Malaysia were 70 per cent mance in public exams, is Growth in the tuition Each country needs to develop
the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia War has impacted all the of formal the ills of private tuition but, and 83 per cent, respectively. found to have helped improve industry in developing coun- its own model of dealing with
economies badly, and with such adamant war hysteria as education — at the same time, it will only be However, the pattern of atten- the quality of education and tries is only a symptom signi- private tuition because what
that of Russia, no nation will prosper — Russia included. uncharitable to condemn the dance in private tuitions in reduce dependency on tuition. fying a much-deeper malaise works in one country may not
aptly called industry as an evil, ignoring Europe varied, depending on Secondly, most private tuto- entrenched into the school work in another. While proper
— BRIJ BHUSHAN GOYAL, CALIFORNIA via email ‘shadow the brighter side of the well- various factors such as per- rial and coaching centres in education system. We can’t surveys are necessary to cre-
evolved age-old institution of sonal ambitions, choice of AP got transformed gradu- blame the private tuition indus- ate a database to make policy
schooling’ learning, which is actually sup- subject, credibility of agency ally into full-fledged private try without examining the interventions, identification
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to
since it makes plementing the government’s etc. Tuition there is seen more schools, and a keen competi- issues in the right perspective. of ways to engage with mar-
efforts in addressing quality as a facility to enrich student’s tion among them was respon- In a country with around 15 ket forces have become indis- You can also send your comments to The Editor, good for what concerns while also providing subject knowledge — supple- sible for quality maintenance. lakh schools, more than 33,000 pensable. Governments should
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 is missing in stable employment to a large menting the school teaching Many other studies, in general, nurseries and a thousand uni- regulate the tuition sector by
number of qualified people as students aspire to excel in point to the fact that lack of versities, ensuring quality of aiming at equity-oriented opti-
classrooms in the country. The predica- academics. In Asian countries, effective control on both gov- learning is an extremely diffi- mum utilisation of trained pri-
ment, however, cannot remain however, tuition has become ernment and private schools in cult task. Students in govern- vate academic manpower with

Tweet of the day unaddressed for long, for we

cannot afford a laissez-faire
in the field of education — a
an inseparable component
of formal education — aptly
called ‘shadow schooling’ since
terms of delivery is responsible
for exponential growth in the
tuition market.
ment-run schools and colleges
face greater disadvantage, as 17
per cent of the teachers’ posts
a mutually beneficial collab-
oration between both insti-
tutions i.e., the educational
primary social obligation for it makes good for what is miss- There is a boom in the (around 1,06,000) are offi- institutions and the tuition
governments. ing in classrooms; it is a basic tuition industry today, as cially said to stand vacant for firms. The guidelines may
Pegasus Private tuition, as an insti- necessity to learn in order to two important factors, inter years. When private schools include concessions for eco-
Supreme Court appointed Committee tution, came into existence pass in examinations, which alia, fueled the demand for are profiteering under the ‘cel- nomically and socially weaker
alongside the formal institu- schools barely fulfill. tuition: growing awareness ebrated brands’, caring too lit- sections, partnership between
observed that the Government refused to tions of education across the A study by Prof. K Sujatha, about the importance of best tle for excellence, government schools and tuition firms, cre-
cooperate in the probe world. Surveys show that per- National University of Educa- learning and the rise in fam- schools are plagued by typical ation of a knowledge pool,
centage of students attending tional Planning and Adminis- ily incomes of people over the problems like crowded class- financial assistance to aspir-
5 of the 29 phones were infected with KAPIL SIBAL tuitions in secondary educa- tration (NUEPA), shows that last two decades. The global rooms, lack of subject special- ing tutors and tuition firms
some malware @KAPILSIBAL tion in Europe are: 84 per cent a high tendency for private private tutoring market size ists, one teacher teaching many etc. The NEP perhaps needs
in Greece, 70 per cent in Lith- tuition is observed in states stood at USD 92.59 billion subjects, teachers’ absenteeism, a revival.
Often non-cooperation is evidence of guilt uania, 77 per cent in Malta, 63 where serious problems of in 2020, with giant partici- lack of inspection by authori- The writer is a former
per cent in Spain, 60 per cent quality education exist at sec- pants including BYJU’S, Club ties etc. Another peculiar fea- Addl. Chief Secretary
Time for government to come clean! in Hungary, 54.7 per cent in ondary levels. Kerala, despite Z! Inc., Chegg, ETutor, Tutor ture of government schools is of Chhattisgarh.
Portugal, 52 per cent in Poland, success in universal access and Group, John Wiley & Sons that teachers are also assigned Views expressed are personal
pg 5


27 AUGUST 2022

SC relook at PMLA order,

Guj remissions welcome
he decision of the Supreme Court to review one of its orders and anoth-
er of the executive has come as a great relief to people who were wor-
ried that the orders harmed the cause of justice in an unprecedented
The Supreme Court’s July 27 judgment in a case that challenged provisions
of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA), had upset not just
jurists but also people who believed in the fundamental rights a democracy
offers. The apex court held that the Enforcement Directorate is not a police
force and hence the restrictions placed on police while dealing with citizen’s
rights are not applicable to it. It also upheld the provision that the burden of
proof lay on the accused.
The observations came at a time when there are allegations coming from all
over the country about the Enforcement Directorate being used by the ruling
dispensation to target political opposition. Moreover, the federal agency has
faced allegations that it has misused legal provisions that were aimed to help
it crack white collar crimes such as money laundering. In fact, the Supreme
Court itself had once caught the agency red-handed when it tried to impress
upon the bench that the accused had indeed confessed to the crime and hence
must be punished as per the law. The court, in its

Time to join forces to take

Governments can final judgment, however called the confessional
bank on statement a figment of the federal agency’s imag- LETTERS
technicalities but ination and let the person walk free.
their decisions, sen It is in this background that the court has cho-
to review its order on two key aspects — not
even while providing an Enforcement Case Information
showing mercy to Report and reversal of the presumption of inno-
the convicted, cence. Restoration of the basic rights that were
should aim at sacrificed to administrative expediency will go a
long way in the restoration of the people’s faith in
strengthening legal process. The court can be reassured that
people’s trust in none with a stake in the survival of the country
on Beijing’s ‘wolf warriors’ Delhi needs to take India through theft and
An ascendant BJP could
be suspect on engineering
polarisation by leveraging
caste and creed divides
the legal system will have an objection to legal measures to chase espionage — on land, sea, and the inquisitive use of
a few tips from its air and space, in cyber-
black money and prosecute its owners. agencies to unsettle Op-
Equally reassuring is the court’s decision to review the order of the Gujarat Abhijit smaller neighbour space, commerce, econom-
position parties. The Op-
to the east. While
government to give remission to 11 persons who were convicted for the gan- ics and the military.
grape of a pregnant woman and the murder of her three-year old daughter and Colombo and Topping it all, of course, position, too, abdicates its
other family members. The state government had gone by the recommenda- is territorial acquisition onus in parliamentary gov-
tions of the district level committee which favoured the release of the convict-
Islamabad for “forward deployment”
ed criminals in one of the most gruesome incidents that took place during the slumped, posts. These range from ernance with disruption.
Gujarat riots of 2002. Bangladesh has Djibouti (Africa), Piraeus Instead, it has to patiently
While issuing notice to the Union and state governments, the apex court sug- shown the way on (Europe), Gwadar (Persian
construct a strong narra-

gested that remissions were being offered to people recklessly and wondered if he overlords of the biggest hurdle for the Gulf), Hambantota (South
how to take Beijing
there was proper application of mind in the instant case. The court also said Beijing — the rul- Hans’ dream and desire of
bully head on.
Asia gateway) to the tive of its own. As perplex-
it will also look into the question as to whether the decision was within the ing Communist land-sea supremacy, cut- Solomon Islands (Pacific
parameters of law amid reports that the guidelines of the Gujarat government Party of China ting through South Asia. Ocean).
ing that the BJP should
in force now bars it from granting remissions to people convicted of murder and its military India’s noisy and chaotic, In the context of India simultaneously be sidelin-
and rape. The state government, however, banked on a Supreme Court order arm, the People’s Libe- yet functional, democracy integrity. Sri Lanka is a and China, therefore, ing its own senior leaders
which directed it to decide the case based on an earlier policy wherein there ration Army (PLA), along remains an eyesore for the case study that shows how here’s a question for
was no such objection. with its air force and naval CPC-PLA, despite its failed Xi has skilfully employed Emperor Xi. Is an agreed when it is on its avowed
Governments can bank on technicalities but their decisions, even while wings — are well schooled attempts to undercut Sun Tzu’s precept: “The boundary between the two crusade for a Congress-
showing mercy to the convicted, should aim at strengthening people’s trust in in the art of using symbols India’s diversity from best way to subdue the Asian giants in the mutual
the legal system. Any action which produces a result to the contrary would and signage (as the within. enemy is to win without interest or not? If not, the mukt Bharat. It seems set
ultimately weaken the democracy. It’s the people’s trust on which democracy Mandarin language prov- Ever since the Kremlin fighting”. That’s how the matter ends. But if yes, on annihilating opposition
thrives, not on narrow interpretations of the law. ides) to further its decep- launched its invasion of CPC-PLA managed to cap- why has the CPC-PLA been of every description, within
tion both at home and in Ukraine in February, six ture Hambantota port on its land grab spree since
international diplomacy. months ago, Xi is also fac- without war, fire or the 1950s? Does the Middle or without. This is a bad
It was therefore no sur- ing unheard-of criticism bloodshed. Kingdom really think that omen for national politics.
Hindsight disfavours lockdowns prise that Beijing’s chief
“wolf warrior” diplomat in
charge of its New Delhi
from a nation that he
thought was like Beijing’s
vassal estate Pakistan.
Coming back to India, the
CPC-PLA’s main target in
South Asia, it is defiantly
attempts to gobble up
Indian territory will leave
bilateral relations unaffect-
Both are in dire need of
wisdom and sagacity.

here isn’t anything quite as full of wisdom as hindsight. When Rishi embassy, at the first media Thus, when Sheikh Has- multiplying the sub- ed, or allow them to R. Narayanan
Sunak, now the underdog in the political race to Prime Ministership of interaction after a two- ina-led Bangladesh made Himalayan front by specif- become “normal”? Does it
the UK, opened up on how much his country would have been better off year Covid-plagued gap, an uncharacteristically ically focusing on New still think that it can carry Navi Mumbai
had it not allowed experts, epidemiologists and scientists so much power to went into overdrive recent- critical comment in an Delhi’s sovereign assets, in on espionage, crime, theft
interview with London’s and loot in this country
decide on lockdowns, he set off a debate in which he too was ridiculed. ly to reiterate that “Taiwan a desperate bid to make it
When the coronavirus Covid-19, in its alpha to delta forms, attacked the is Beijing’s internal ques- Financial Times, the grace- dependent on the Dragon. after bankrupting India’s
world, there were few who could have resisted the loud call of science to put tion”, which he said was ful lady truly kindled ideas From raw material to capi- neighbourhood? If so, the
lives in lockdown in the hope the infectious pathogen would go away. Until “very different” from the for all those who feel subju- tal and consumer goods; Dragon’s “wolf warriors” INDIA TOOK the road less travelled,
medicine grappled with solutions as it studied the virus and came up with unresolved issues relating gated by Beijing. the seven-decade-old are living in fool’s par- joining the United States and 11
treatment protocols and science came up with the vaccine in January 2021, to the India-China border, Bangladesh’s finance min- Chinese threat to India’s adise. After over 70 years, other nations to vote against Russia
very few had possessed the wisdom to question the crippling shutdown. better known as the Line of ister Mustafa Kamal open- security and sovereignty is how much longer will it and allow Ukrainian President Vol-
As many as 225 nations lost at least one person to Covid while five of the Actual Control. ly warned all developing increasing so fast that the take to arrive at a common odymyr Zelenskyy to address the Un-
smallest dots on the atlas like Falkland Islands or a compact but more popu- In the process, ambas- countries to think twice few who still feel that grow- “perception” of the bound- ited Nations Security Council. In the
lated area like the Vatican City escaped without a fatality. There were a few sador Sun Weidong only before taking loans via ing India-China trade, com- ary between the two past few months, India had tacitly ex-
Nordic countries that defied the doomsday pundits and kept their economies signalled the acute fear China’s Belt and Road as merce and investment will nations? tended support to Russia by abstain-
open, but could not avoid deaths or stamp out the fear among their people. psychosis of his masters in global inflation and slow nullify all negative forces Beijing needs to swiftly ing at the UN Security Council on
Those who suffered the most fatalities were the USA, India, Brazil, Russia and Beijing, particularly of his growth add to all-round are in for a terrible shock, come up with a real plan of the former Soviet Union nation’s
Mexico. ultimate boss, President Xi strains. The Bangladeshi that could be worse than action to revert to the pre- military aggression against Ukraine.
It may not have helped that the lockdowns did incredible damage to the Jinping, owing to the glob- minister put it plainly: the way Jawaharlal Nehru May 2020 status quo in rela- However, Russia was left isolated in
world economy. Even so, some like China, New Zealand and Australia fol- al turbulence and “Everybody is blaming was betrayed in the 1960s tion to captured Indian the procedural vote as China
lowed zero Covid policies until its foolishness became apparent as the protec- transcontinental anti- China. China can’t dis- and lamented his error land. Showing off mone- abstained and India broke a pattern.
tion of the vaccine, herd immunity and seroprevalence began kicking in and China wave. Beijing’s hith- agree. It is their responsi- after irreparable damage tary muscle won’t work too N.J. Ravi Chander
Covid became more of an endemic disease causing fewer deaths than even the erto unstoppable diplomat- bility”. Gutsy Bangladesh, was done. long. Perhaps Delhi needs Bengaluru
seasonal flu. ic, commercial and indus- specifically handpicked by To take just one example to take a few tips from its
If humanity had had the foresight, the global economy would not have been trial juggernaut has stum- Beijing in the last 20 years of China’s diplomatic smaller neighbour to the
shut down like this though it would have been impossible to say that when
bodies were lining up for cremation or burial and the health infra had no ready
bled; unlike Lord
Krishna’s victorious chari-
for ambitious trans-conti-
nental projects, deserves to
deception and deceit, see
Beijing’s swift response
east. Bangladesh has
shown the way on how to
supply of oxygen to help the most affected in the waves of mid-2021 in India. ot deftly manoeuvring be appreciated and after external affairs min- take Beijing bully head on. IT IS TIME all the bankers, particular-
Truth to tell, science may have delayed the major reopening to 2022 when it through webs of hostile admired. It has clinically ister S. Jaishankar noted While Colombo and ly the SBI which is said to have lent
could have been done a year earlier without causing such economic and social citadels with ease. exposed the Dragon’s that an “Asian century will Islamabad slumped before hugely to the Gautam Adani Group,
disruption. Emperor Xi now knows designs and threats with not be possible until India the CPC-PLA; from the spy take cognition of the warning given
Going forward, do we have the ability to correct, particularly in the major he’s no longer in command exceptional candour. and China are on the same vessel’s docking at out by the reputed Fitch Group’s
and challenging areas like the balance having tipped totally towards the rich, of an invincible yellow Bangladesh aside, even page”, with the Chinese Hambantota to the CPEC Credit Sights, that the group is “deeply
the yawning education gap between the tech capable and the poor and the loss chariot trampling upon the three small Baltic nations spokesman reiterating its pressure on Pakistan’s hin- over leveraged”. The manner in which
of jobs, except in the gig economy, many parts of which flourished during the “barbarian” universe. US — Estonia, Latvia and now-familiar hollow and terland, Dhaka stands tall, it is going ahead taking over entities
pandemic. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Lithuania — are now irri- false rhetoric: “We have far speak its mind loud and including the electronic media at huge
recent Taiwan visit poured tants for the CPC-PLA as more common interests clear. investments every other day makes
cold water on a self-created they openly resent the lat- than differences”. All this The CPC-PLA’s mischief one wonder wherefrom the money is
illusion that has visibly ter’s muscular policies. All in a bid to lure India away in South Asia is unlikely to coming! There is every possibility of
THE ASIAN AGE rattled him. The Pied Piper seem to have learnt Sri from its growing strategic end anytime soon. India the borrowings of at least some of the
regiments of Han pane- Lanka’s economic disaster alliance with the United should not, therefore, companies of the Adani Group falling
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR gyrists, spies, bullies and lesson caused by Chinese States, which the CPC expect anything other than into the category of Non-Performing
Editor Printer & Publisher saboteurs, across conti- machinations. Taking regards, perhaps correctly, hostility from the Middle Assets. Unless the bankers are alert
THE ASIAN AGE office is located at:
nents, are seeking renewed exorbitant loans and end- as a long-term threat. Kingdom’s twenty-first and take precautionary measures, the
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: ops. And India is right on ing up with bankruptcy, India must remember century “wolf warriors”. day is not far when we are going to wit-
(011) 23211124. top as a potential destina- ultimately surrendering that “forward deployment” ness either the exodus of the owners of
Published and Printed on behalf of and for tion that can propel the state assets to the foreign is the CPC-PLA’s forte. It The writer is an the group a la Vijay Mallya or banks
◗ Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New demand-driven economics has deployed hundreds of
predator shows utter help- advocate practising in the being forced to write off loans.
Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301.
◗ London: Quickmarsh Ltd, 8th Floor, Block 2, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ. of the Chinese growth lessness in protecting sov- thousands of its citizens to Supreme Court. Views Tharcius S. Fernando
RNI Registration number: 57290/94 engine. But India is also ereignty and territorial target the West as well as expressed are personal. Chennai

Farrukh “Oh Bachchoo, we grow with fairy tales of Britain. dates relegated in the race are now publicly declar- Dhondy of Sachapir Street, or indeed of

Then some move on to hairy tales This is a very popular bandwagon. You see, gen- ing their bottom-licking support for Liz, hoping or Sarbatwalla Chowk, Pune, because a dear left-wing
Look around you, the world is scary tales tle reader, out of the eleven candidates who initial- calculating that when she becomes PM she will friend of mine was asked by Corbyn’s chief hench-
So Bachchoo broadcast your bewarey tales!” ly joined the race to offer themselves for this posi- give them a ministerial job. Oh bandwagon! With man: “Is this fellow Dhondy with us?” I am certain
Cabbages — From Paoon Roti to Pavarotti, by Bachchoo
tion, nine were eliminated by the Tory constitu-
tional process and Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak were
the crowds jumping on you, save a little space for
this elder of the British Asian community. People
the enquiry pertained to my ennoblement when
Corbyn became king. Alas, it didn’t come to pass
& Kings left standing and competing. who were ideologically sceptical about our Liz are and I remained plain Mr Botany B.

used the phrase in my teenaged years to abuse When they went head-to-head at first, I rejoiced now begging for a job. Dare I say, “me too”? And then this deluge of pledging support to Liz
people with whom I disagreed, but didn’t till because they seemed to so viciously attack each Yes, gentle reader, this is where I come in. I am hit the headlines. Suck up and hope to advance is
later discover what “running dogs” meant. I other that it was very likely that when one of them petitioning Liz as an ardent supporter and have the Tory motto of the day. Which forces me to think
had the same problem with “bandwagon”, but defeated the other there would be permanent war- even tweeted her to say that my tarot cards have what, apart from my flattery of her being the incar-

Cosying up to
used Wikipedia to figure out what it meant. fare splitting the Tory Party. Alas! That now seems pronounced her not simply a follower, but the rein- nation of the great Britons (But not Selassie, you
Growing up in India, one saw, passing on the unlikely as Rishi is losing traction and Liz is carnation of Margaret Thatcher, Henry V, Winston idiot! — Ed… It will get the Rastafarians in, boss —
streets, several wedding parties and parades with almost certain, intellectually challenged though… Churchill, the Duke of Wellington, Florence fd); can I offer Liz to be accepted onto the bandwag-
bands leading them. These mobile ensembles, (Oops! Sorry, omit that insight please — fd). Nightingale and Haile Selassie (Please check that on? I suppose I can say that as an elder of the Asian

Liz… To get a known as “naankhatai bands”, were perfectly

turned out in pseudo-British military uniforms
and walked along ahead of the wedding procession.
The reasons are four-fold. Rishi is seen as the
architect of the crisis of the cost of living and the
possible 13 per cent inflation that the UK is pre-
last reference — Ed).
You see, gentle reader, offering my flattery to Liz
Truss as twenty bum-licking Tory MPs are present-
community I can offer spiritual guidance and free
up her kundalini, or whatever it is that spiritual
gurus do.

Cabinet job, or There were no wagons onto which one could jump.
But of course, one knows that in more affluent
colonising Europe, the bands on a parade would
dicted to suffer. Second, he is a billionaire and so
assumed to be out of touch with the woes and
despair of ordinary people. Third, he is seen as a bit
ly doing in hope of a Cabinet job, may at last fulfil
my long-standing ambition to be a member of
Britain’s House of Lords. I know a few Indians
To tell you the truth, I don’t expect Liz Truss to be
PM for more than a few months or till the next
scheduled election which any Opposition to these

become a lord! not be taxed to walk.

Enough etymological trash — the bandwagon I
want to jump on is the one that is currently parad-
ing through the streets, nooks and crannies, the
dodgy as he allowed his wife to go tax-free on her
millions of unearned income from India as a tax-
dodging “non-Dom” — someone who lives in the
UK but registered themselves as not a domestic cit-
already there — Swaraj Paul, for services to Swaraj
Paul; Karan Bilimoria, for selling Cobra beer
which went bankrupt; and, of course, Meghnad
Desai, who is actually, as an economist, a
Tory-conducted-crises of Britain will win. But,
dear reader, lords are for life. So, Liz, this is a dec-
laration that I am backing you — (and not) the
hedge-funding Indian capitalist Rishi Sunak! (But
hawks and Hearns of the United Kingdom touting izen. And fourth, of course, the conviction that Ri- respectable and respected lord. this Truss is not much of a socialist herself — Ed…
for votes in the election to be the leader of the Tory shi was the Brutus who had stabbed Caesar BoJo. Now, if Jeremy Corbyn was in power, I had a Relax yaar, when I am a lord, I will introduce you
Party and automatically the next Prime Minister So, Liz comes out top and almost all the candi- chance to be ennobled and declare myself Lord to Rupert Murdoch — fd). I I I I




Prime Minister Narendra Modi


an of the universe. VCD players for each of the 18
Modiji has every wards in which the recording
single element of could be played to the people.
the universe bal- Modiji always thinks ahead of


anced in such a su- time and his ideas strike a cord
per human way with the people because of their
that astuteness in innovativeness. This is the rea-
statesmanship becomes his sec- son why people connect more
ond nature.The narrator brings and more with Modiji.
to the readers how Modiji has In February, my wife, daugh-
complete control over human na- all know, Modiji, has a different ter and I went to meet Modiji.
ture and his razor sharp intelli- and varied perspective to every- One knows immediately that you
gence, infinite wisdom, emotion- thing and he gave us eye-opening are standing in front of a great
al intelligence and deep knowl- suggestions about how we could leader when he addresses you
edge, make him the genius who use the presence of a huge gath- with first name. And this is how
is loved, followed and revered by ering to our advantage. As we Modiji is! He always begins the
not just the nation but the world. had figured out that those part of interaction with “How are you?
Modiji’s personality is multi- the event would certainly have How is your mother? Hope you
faceted. With children, he as- relatives and friends wanting to didn’t face any problem during
sumes the persona of a child. support Modiji, we decided to tap COVID!” Meeting him is like
With adults, he knows which that potential. Eventually we meeting a family member and
aspect of his personality to made lists of all the people who there is nothing formal about it.
bring to the front to make the would vote for Modiji as suggest- I am into micro-finance and I
best out of a situation. When in- ed by the attendees, and then we shared with him a few ideas that
teracting with him, one never monitored them throughout. I was planning for Gujarat and
feels one is trying to establish a An interesting aspect that said that we must implement the
connection with the unattaina- came out of this event was when idea all over India. Immediately
ble. He is extremely welcoming we came up with the idea of re- he took interest in the sugges-
and responsive and never makes cording an IVR kind of message tions and responded positively.
one feel that one is trying to con- by Modiji. It was a simple but ex- Last but not least, Modiji is the
verse with somebody unap- tremely effective message as in perfect Management Guru. He is
proachable. He is ever open to those days technology was not so a master delegator as he knows
suggestions and we never hesi- advanced and nothing like this exactly who has the potential to
tate to talk our ideas out with had been done earlier. We got a successfully complete a particu-
him. Modiji is always super re-
ceptive to ideation with out-of-
He has the knack of making any
conversation lively and cheery
these, life becomes so much hap-
pier and inspiring. Well, I got
MODI IS THE PERFECT high quality voice recording done
with automatic dialing features,
lar work. He also ensures that all
the IAS officers, who possess
the-box thinking being his forte. by responding and reacting to married in 1989. It came as a sur- MANAGEMENT GURU and got all the STDs and PCOs to deep knowledge about the func-

each and every idea. prise for me that the business- odiji is the perfect work towards this campaign. It tioning of the country, work
In 1983, my father left us men meet was decided to be held Management Guru. He turned out to be fantastic and hard towards the development
for his heavenly abode but in the same city as that of my is a master delegator as people were elated to receive calls of the nation. He does not limit
Modiji’s presence was so wedding venue to make it con- he knows exactly who has the saying “Hello, It is me, Narendra his reach only to the party mem-
powerful and embracing venient for everyone to attend potential to successfully complete Modi. This election is very im- bers, but takes everyone along to
that I never felt I did not the function. So not for once did a particular work. He also portant…” in Gujarati and an work for progress. Another ob-
have my father around me I feel that I was alone or that my ensures that all the IAS officers, instant bond was created with servation that I have made is that
or that there was none any father wasn’t there. who possess deep knowledge our voter base. The campaign cre- if you show him something on a
more to care about me. In An interesting incident that I about the functioning of the ated a kind of a stir in the circles paper, he never touches it. He
1987, I became CA. In 1988, would like to share is from the and people were thrilled with the will ask you to explain every-
country, work hard towards the
I got my office renovated. time when I was in-charge of the newness of the idea. thing orally and will come up
development of the nation. He
Now office renovation is computer centre in 2002. I was Not just this, Modiji because with the solution there and then,
no big deal but at a per- also handling work pertaining to
does not limit his reach only to the of his futuristic vision, asked me leaving nothing for the future.
sonal level, I was made to electronic media. It was the first party members but takes everyone to figure out a way to share his All I can say is that he is a master
feel extremely special by time that Modiji was contesting along to work for progress. message across to all the stake- of Monkey Theory and he uses it
the presence of Modiji an election. First he became CM holders at once. Every Saturday for maximum benefit.
and all my colleagues at and then in six months he had to pected and we wanted to make or Sunday he would come to Ra- TO BE CONTINUED...
the function I had organ- get elected and he decided to use of this opportunity. We built jkot but in two days how many
ized. When people make fight from Rajkot. Since it was a a writeup and 15 to 20 of us did meetings could he be present COMPILED AND EDITED BY
it a point to lend their high profile election, people our groundwork and shared our for? He suggested we record a SHASHIKANT SHARMA
support at events such as from all over Gujarat were ex- thoughts with Modiji. But as we video of his message and buy AND SHWETA SHARMA
 Vol 1  Issue No. 358  RNI TITLE NO. DELENG/2021/19840 Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Impressions Printing and Packaging Limited, C-21, 22 Sector-59, Noida-201301.
Published at G-20, 3rd Floor, 309, Preet Vihar, New Delhi-110092. Phone 011-49846474. Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act


Iran seeks long-term contract with India on developing Chabahar port

Editor’s By Ateet Sharma Sonowal, then it can not only become th-South Transport Corridor India Ports Global Limited

Desk New Delhi, Aug 26: Iran has said that it is ready to
sign a long-term contract with India on developing the
Chabahar port in order to realise its true potential in the
coming years.
the gateway for Indian trade with Eu-
rope, Russia and CIS countries but also
turn into one of the most important
ports in the world in the near future.
(INSTC) in the region will increase sig-
nificantly due to Chabahar.
Making it clear that Tehran sup-
ports implementing agreements and
(IPGL), through its wholly-owned
subsidiary India Ports Global
Chabahar Free Zone (IPGCFZ), took
over the operations of the
Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development During his three-day visit, Sonowal commercial relations with New Delhi, Chabahar port on December 24,
Rostam Qasemi expressed Tehran's intention during his also visited Chabahar and met Iranian Mokhber particularly pointed that the 2018.
meeting with visiting India's Minister of volume of investments Since then, the Shahid Beheshti
Ports, Shipping and Waterways, and commercial and eco- port has handled more than 4.8 mil-

Finland PM’s Sarbananda Sonowal in Tehran earlier this

Qasemi described India as an "impor-
nomic exchanges be-
tween the two countries is
not commensurate with
lion ton of bulk cargo and contin-
ues to act as a catalyst to unlock the
huge trade potential in the region

‘partygate’ tant and big country" that can play an es-

sential role in the transit of goods in the
region. He also hoped that the relations be-
the deep and long-term
political relations.
Sonowal told
by handling shipments and trans-
shipments from various countries,
including Russia, Brazil, Thailand,

episode frames tween the two countries regarding invest-

ment in Chabahar port will materialise.
Mokhber that New Delhi
is committed to expand-
Germany, Ukraine, Oman, Romania,
Bangladesh, Australia, Kuwait,

larger issues and

Sonowal referred to the cultural, histori- ing bilateral relations with Uzbekistan and the UAE.
cal and civilisational commonalities be- Iran and will always stand India has also supplied six Mo-
tween Iran and India and reiterated the role by the country as it has bile Habour Cranes (two with 140-

blurred lines
played by Chabahar port, India's first over- done throughout history. tonne and four having 100-tonne
seas port project, as a trade multiplier as it A Memorandum of capacity) and other equipment
can reduce the route, cost and time of Understanding (MoU) on worth $25 million.The port has also
transporting goods in the region signifi- recognition of Certificates provided the much-needed sea ac-
It calls for sober conversation, cantly.
He stated that the port's growing potential as a swift, Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber.
of Competency in Unlim-
ited Voyages aimed at smoothening
cess to landlocked Afghanistan
with India supplying 75,000 tonne
not hasty virtue-signalling economical trade conduit between Central, South and The top Iranian politician mentioned the movement of seafarers from both of wheat to Kabul as part of the hu-
Sanna Marin has now apologised — she had South-East Asia, remains to be tapped fully. that the commercial exchange and countries was also signed during manitarian assistance programme,
also issued an apology for a visit to a club in De- If the full potential of the Chabahar is realised, said transit of the International Sonowal's visit. three years ago.
cember 2021 after being exposed to a Covid-posi-
tive person.
There is an undeniable element of sexism and
ageism to the opprobrium heaped on Finland’s
Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, after a video of her
uninhibitedly enjoying herself at a party surfaced
earlier this month. At 36, Marin is one of the young-
est heads of government in the world and since her
tenure began in 2019, she has been a popular and
also polarising figure in domestic politics. Take, for
Pak refuses to end Kashmir obsession,
instance, the demands by Opposition leaders, and
even from her political allies, that she take a “volun-
tary drug test” after the party video surfaced. Boris
Johnson, who blatantly lied about flouting Covid-
19 protocols at 10 Downing Street while the UK was
rules out war, focuses on proxy war
Srinagar/New Delhi Aug 26 (IANS) After losing waiting to take complete control. not prevail till the "Kashmir issue" is But the big question which
under harsh pandemic restrictions, did not face any a 32-year long proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir, Pathetic plight of the denizens of resolved. Pakistani rulers need to answer
such questions. Marin has now apologised — she Pakistan has started talking about peace. India has Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and He should decide what he wants is whether they are really inter-
had also issued an apology for a visit to a club in always maintained that it is not an aggressor and region witnessing zero development then talk about peace and other ested in trade, commerce and
December 2021 after being exposed to a Covid- stands for reconciliation. But its desire for peace during the past seven decades are an things. other activities? The answer is big
positive person. should not be considered as its weakness. ample proof of the fact that Pakistan Double standards no, had they been really sincere
There is much that is problematic in the target- After Narendra Modi took over as the Prime Min- rulers have always treated POK as it Sharif's statement that "war is not about "peace parleys" they
ing of Marin for her alleged indiscretions but the ister of India in 2014, he made it clear that talks and colony and a breeding ground for the an option" doesn't mean that Pakistan would have stopped talking
defence that has been offered on her behalf — that terror cannot go together. terrorists. has stopped fighting the proxy war in about Kashmir and focused on
this is just“what people her age do”,or that the party If Pakistan is really serious about restoring per- POK demands freedom J&K. It's a hint that Pakistan can only the issues that could have
was a private affair — only turns the spotlight on a manent peace then it should give up its obsession Prime Minister Sharif rather than fight using proxies i.e. the terrorists brought both the countries
larger question: For people in public life in the age with Kashmir and stop sponsoring terror. Then only sponsored by it and not closer.
of social media, where must the line be drawn be- it can build a healthy relationship with India. Just through its conventional Pak always sabotaged
tween the public and private? On the one hand, talking about peace is not enough. army as it cannot match peace moves
young and tech-savvy politicians like Marin have Sharif's peace talk the skills and strength of India has always shown its in-
used social media to their great benefit. For those Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif last the Indian Army and sec- clination to move on the path of
from the generation that has grown up with the week said that his country wants to maintain peace ondly resources of Pakistan peace, prosperity and develop-
internet, this may seem perfectly natural.Yet it is also in the region but he was quick to add: "Sustainable are limited. If it goes for a ment but Pakistan has always
true that the public image of a political leader often peace in South Asia is linked to the resolution of war its resources cannot sabotaged the peace initiatives
needs to serve a broader constituency, including Jammu and Kashmir issue in line with the UN reso- last even for one week. So by sponsoring terror activities.
among other world leaders, and the notion that “this lutions and the wishes of Kashmiris, and nothing how can Pakistan even The country that has been un-
version of me is informal, apolitical and private” short of it would work." think about war being an able to resolve the issues con-
while the more rehearsed or choreographed mo- By harping about resolution of the so-called option? fronting its own citizens keeps
ments are meant for the public at large, may not be Kashmir issue and by talking about the outdated Pressure mounts on on dreaming about Kashmir be-
as easy to define. There are also questions about UN resolutions Prime Minister Sharif has once again leaders coming a part of Pakistan.
security — and not just so-called propriety — that indicated that his desire for peace is nothing but a Amid deepening eco- After abrogation of Article
arise from the prime ministerial judgement, or lack mere rhetoric aimed at keeping the conflict alive. nomic crisis in Pakistan 370 and J&K's transition into a
of it, shown in letting down her guard among Leave Kashmiris alone talking about the wishes and aspira- and the rapid geopolitical shifts saner Union Territory Pakistan knocked
people who would then make images and videos It seems that the Pakistan Prime Minister needs tions of J&K people needs to look to- people in the neighbouring country at the door of every country to
of a private party public. to be reminded that the people of Jammu and Kash- wards PoK where people are on the are mounting pressure on the helms- seek support for the so-called
The rise of social media is changing politics, and mir by endorsing New Delhi's August 5, 2019, deci- streets and are demanding freedom men to malize ties with India as it's im- "Kashmir cause" but none of the
also politicians. Not all sections of society have sion to abrogate J&K's so-called special status have from tyrannical rule. portant for the survival of Pakistan. countries, including the Islamic
caught up with these transformations wrought by made it amply clear that the future is secure with The Pakistan Prime Minister on Trade between India and Pakistan nations, came forward to support
technology, and many of the old shibboleths around India and they want Pakistan to leave them alone. one hand proclaims that his country has remained suspended since 2019. Pakistan. All the countries in clear
the public and private spheres need to be rethought A common man in J&K is aware of the fact that the wants permanent peace with India A World Bank study in 2018 had re- terms told Pakistan that J&K is an
and re-articulated. That debate needs sober conver- neighboring country is caught in the midst of the through dialogue as war is not an op- vealed that trade between India and internal matter of India and they
sation and deliberation, not the hurried virtue sig- crisis as its economy is in doldrums and China is tion for either of the countries but in Pakistan could touch as high as $37 have no right to interfere.
nalling of Partygate. the same breath says that peace can- billion if the situation malises.

New video shows continued torture of Assam elephant in TN temple

the Srivilliputhur Nachiyar Thirukovil Department had encouraged PETA because she's being kept illegally in elty to Animals Act, 1960, was regis- Tamil Nadu Captive Elephants (Man-
temple for over a decade and she is India to inspect the elephant and re- the first place, authorities must seize tered against the mahout. agement and Maintenance) Rules,
now at the nearby Krishnan Kovil port on its findings, the mahout re- this elephant for rehabilitation at a In addition, a wildlife offence re- 2011, and Section 51 of the WPA, 1972.
temple . fused to allow the group's investigat- sanctuary where she can live in the port under the Wild Life (Protection) Despite these actions, the second
The recent evidence of abuse ing team to openly take photographs company of other elephants, un- Act (WPA), 1972, along with the Tamil video showed that Jeymalyatha's
shows the use of weapons, including and video footage. Nonetheless, the chained," says PETA India Director of Nadu Captive Elephant (Management abuse continued at the hands of an-
pliers by the latest mahout, who was team managed to covertly gather evi- Advocacy Projects Khushboo and Maintenance) Rules, 2011, was re- other mahout. And now, she continues
put in place after numerous other dence. Cruelty to Jeymalyatha appears Gupta."No living, feeling being can portedly registered by the to be abused by the latest mahout, as
mahouts were caught on video beat- to be so routine that the mahout used tolerate being constantly chained, Srivilliputhur Forest Range in July.A PETA India's inspection report reveals.
ing her. The shocking report also re- pliers to painfully twist her skin to con- jabbed, and beaten. If authorities fail Jeymalyatha was never returned There have been numerous inci-
veals that the tusker was beaten so trol her even in front of inspectors. to help her, Jeymalyatha may act her- to the Assam Environment and Forest dents in Tamil Nadu and throughout
Chennai, Aug 26 (IANS) Just when savagely she can be heard screaming Numerous ankuses were found in the self, by killing her mahout or others Department by the Srivilliputhur India in which frustrated captive el-
it looked like that life was improving in pain in a viral video filmed at the shed in which she's chained by two around her, as many other frustrated Nachiyar Thirukovil temple after her ephants killed their mahouts.
for this temple elephant, the People holiest of places -- the sanctum legs for up to 16 hours a day. elephants have done." six-month lease expired. Examples include Deivanai, who
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sanctorum of the Krishnan Kovil For the four hours during which Following complaints filed by The first video which surfaced in was also from Assam, killed her ma-
(PETA), India, has submitted a new vet- temple, where she is kept chained to inspectors were with the elephant, no PETA India and the intervention of the February 2021 and showed her being hout at the Subramaniya Swami
erinary inspection report to forest de- the floor. water or food was offered. And as she's government body the Animal Welfare beaten at a rejuvenation camp, led temple in Madurai.
partment officials in Tamil Nadu and Previously, a video showed forced to spend most of her life on Board of India after two viral videos Tamil Nadu's Hindu Religious & Chari- Masini, who is kept at the
Assam showing the continued abuse Jeymalyatha screaming while being concrete, her feet are painfully in- showed mahouts beating table Endowments Department to Samayapuram Mariamman temple in
of the captive tusker, Jeymalyatha. beaten by two mahouts at a rejuvena- fected, PETA India stated on Friday. Jeymalyatha, a first information report suspend the two mahouts involved. Trichy, and Madhumathi, who was
The temple elephant, known as tion camp. "Because mahout after mahout under sections of the Indian Penal The Tamil Nadu Forest Department used in a temple festival in Madurai,
Joymala in Assam, where she's from, Although the Tamil Nadu Forest beats and harms Jeymalyatha and Code, 1860, and the Prevention of Cru- booked them under Rule 13 of the had also killed their mahouts.
has been kept in the illegal custody of

PM to Commission First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier ‘Vikrant’ on 2 September 2022

Ahmedabad, 02 Sep 2022 will laid in Feb 2009. The first phase of equipped with a ski-jump for launch- as part of Basin Trials in Nov 20. ance testing of propulsion machin- indigenous warship grade steel for
mark the historical milestone of ship construction was completed ing aircraft, and a set of three ‘ar- ‘Vikrant’ has successfully completed ery, electrical & electronic suites, the ship through partnership be-
realisation of Nation’s commitment with successful launch of the ship in rester wires’ for their recovery multiple phases of Sea Trials from deck machinery, lifesaving appli- tween Navy, DRDO and SAIL, which
towards ‘Aatma Nirbharta’, a land- August 2013. onboard. Aug 21 to till date, where the ship’s ances, integrated trials of majority of has enabled the country to become
mark date for the Indian Navy and The 262 mtr long and 62 mtr Inspite of COVID related impon- performance, including response of equipment/ systems and trials of self-sufficient with respect to war-
the entire Nation; with Commission- wide Vikrant displaces approx 43000 derables and restrictions, adversely ship’s hull to various conditions of other auxiliary equipment were as- ship steel. Indigenous content of the
ing of first Indigenous Aircraft Car- Tonne when fully loaded, having a affecting availability of OEMs & sup- operations, manoeuvring trials, main certained and proved to the satisfac- project is approx. 76%. The Indig-
rier (IAC) ‘Vikrant’. Hon’ble Prime Min- maximum designed speed of 28 ply chain, readiness of ship’s propul- propulsion, Power Generation and tion of Indian Navy’s trials team and enous construction of Aircraft Car-
ister would be the Chief Guest on Knots with endurance of 7500 NM. sion and Power generation equip- Distribution (PGD), ship’s Navigation ship’s crew. rier is a shining example in the
this momentous occasion. Vikrant is The ship has around 2200 compart- ment/ systems in harbour was tested and Communication systems, endur- In line with the prevailing prac- Nation’s quest for ‘Aatma Nirbhar
the largest warship to have ever ments, designed for a crew of around tices being followed by other ad- Bharat’ and ‘Make in India’ Initiative.
been built in India. It is also the first 1600 that include specialised cabins vanced countries having experi- With the commissioning of
indigenously designed and built Air- to accommodate women officers ence of building Aircraft Carrier, ‘Vikrant’ on 02 Sep 22, India would
craft Carrier for the Indian Navy. and sailors. The carrier is designed the deck integration trials of join the select group of nations hav-
Designed by the Warship Design with a very high degree of automa- fixed wing aircraft and exploita- ing the niche capability to indig-
Bureau ( WDB), Indian Navy's in- tion for machinery operations, ship tion of Aviation Facility Complex enously design and build an Aircraft
house organisation and built by M/s navigation and survivability. The car- will be carried out post commis- Carrier, which will be a real testimony
Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), a rier is equipped with the latest state sioning of the ship when the op- to the Make in India thrust of Gov-
Public Sector Shipyard under Minis- of the art equipment and systems. erational command & control of ernment of India.
try of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, (The ship boasts of a fully-fledged the ship including flight safety is Commissioning of ‘Vikrant’
the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier is state of the art Medical Complex with the Navy. would be a proud and landmark
christened after her illustrious pre- with latest medical equipment facili- ‘Vikrant’ has large number of moment for the Nation showcasing
decessor, India’s first Aircraft Carrier ties that includes major modular OT, indigenous equipment and ma- our Aatma Nirbhar credentials dur-
which played a vital role in the 1971 emergency modular OT, physio- chinery, involving major indus- ing ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, a true
war. therapy clinic, ICU, laboratories, CT trial houses in the country viz. testament to the country’s zeal and
Vikrant meaning victorious and scanner, X-Ray machines, Dental BEL, BHEL, GRSE, Keltron, fervour in pursuing capability build
gallant, the foundation for presti- complex, Isolation ward and Kirloskar, L&T, Wartsila India etc. up towards enhanced maritime se-
gious IAC was firmly established in telemedicine facilities etc.) as well as over 100 MSMEs. The curity in the Indian Ocean Region
Apr 2005 by ceremonial Steel Cut- The ship would be capable of op- indigenisation efforts has also and shall demonstrate Indian Navy’s
ting. In order to push the erating air wing consisting of 30 air- led to development of ancillary unwavering commitment to contrib-
indigenisation drive, the Warship craft comprising of MiG-29K fighter industries, besides generation of ute towards peace and stability in
grade steel required for construction jets, Kamov-31, MH-60R multi-role employment opportunities for the region. The induction and rein-
of IAC was successfully indigenised helicopters, in addition to indig- 2000 CSL personnel and about carnation of ‘Vikrant’ is thus not only
through Steel Authority of India Lim- enously manufactured Advanced 13000 employees in ancillary in- another step towards strengthening
ited (SAIL) in collaboration with De- Light Helicopters (ALH) and Light dustries thus bolstering plough our defence preparedness but also
fence Research & Development Combat Aircraft (LCA) (Navy). Using back effect on Nation’s economy. our humble tribute to the sacrifices
Laboratory (DRDL) and Indian Navy. a novel aircraft-operation mode A major spin off of building an In- made by our freedom fighters for the
The hull fabrication was progressed known as Short Take Off But Arrested digenous Aircraft Carrier is the independence of the nation and our
thereafter and the ship’s keel was Recovery (STOBAR), the IAC is development and production of brave soldiers during the 1971 war.

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MarchIng towards future

Indian armed forces @75:


Vohra’s book
can be a ready
The challenges ahead
India overall, since 1947, has done reasonably well in keeping at bay the many
reckoner for
young IPs offIcers
Bhushan Lal Vohra, is a familiar figure on TV
diverse security challenges which came its way. However, the strategic and Channels and has extensively contributed to
multiple newspapers, mostly on security and
military lessons from our confrontations, since 1947, must never be forgotten. police related issues. For the information of read-
ers, he is perhaps amongst very few IPS officers
sonably well in keeping at as in May 2020, the serious lower is woefully inadequate as we have similar equipment who have served in the maximum number of
bay the many diverse secu- Chinese border transgres- for modernization. fielded by both the warring Central Police Organisations besides in the na-
rity challenges which came sions in our Eastern Ladakh Among Indian Armed nations. Additionally, the tional capital as well as the States of Manipur
its way. However, the stra- sector also brought out some Forces myriad critical accre- Indian military must study and Tripura. A prolific writer, Vohra’s 14th book,
opinion tegic and military lessons
from our confrontations,
deficiencies in our security
tions, the Indian Air Force
fleet has to be speedily aug-
emerging aspects of future
warfare, newer technologies,
``An Unlikely Police Chief From and To Jaisalm-
er House’’ published by Konarak was released on
since 1947, must never be In addition, the Army has mented to a minimum 42 nuclear, cyber and space war- Friday by former Jammu and Kashmir Governor,
KAMAL DAVAR forgotten. also to keep its counter-in- fighter squadrons strength fare where China has taken N.N.Vohra and legendary Police officer Prakash
Soon after attaining inde- surgency expertise in fine while the Indian Navy’s a leap. Singh. For someone who has extensively covered
pendence and the accession fettle for some parts of the submarine force also needs Many dispassionate ob- the police during his earlier days in the profes-
of J&K to India, the Indian nation, notably insurgencies substantial accretions. Our servers feel that in many fac- sion, I would strongly recommend this book to
Army successfully thwarted in J&K and North East too indigenous defence pro- ets of Indian society there is a young IPS officers, who need to acquire the art
elan and the desired results the Pakistani tribal invasion have a tendency to flare-up. duction remains well below marked increase in politiciza- of interacting with politicians as well as ensuring
has much to be proud of. in J&K which had threat- In addition, Pakistan’s efforts expectations and the govern- tion of institutions and undue that the rule of law remains supreme. The book
Nevertheless, many emerg- ened to wrest the state from to trigger secessionist winds ment has to come up with infusion of religion and re- captures Vohra’s
ing aspects, nuances of the the Indian Union-- that if the in Punjab can never be taken innovative and encouraging gionalism. All these aspects long journey which
nation’s security and well- Army was not halted pre- lightly by the Indian Army in measures to give a fillip to the are anathema to the ethos, commenced after As a senior functionary of
being have to be factored in maturely, the Army would concert with the para-mili- ‘Atam Nibharta’ schemes. We upbringing and handling of the tragic parti- the BSF posted in Jammu,
and pursued earnestly with have ensured that portions tary and state police forces. need substantial augmenta- the Armed Forces and it is tion of India and he introduced the solar
vision and resolve. For the of J&K and Gilgit-Baltistan As the Indian Armed tion to our R&D budgets thus imperative for the mili- he arrived in Delhi lighting system on the
nation’s honour, its Armed would have also not been Forces continually prepare and induction of drones for tary’s top hierarchy to ensure as a three-year old international border to
Forces can never be found in Pakistan’s possession. to combat and defeat the en- a variety of roles. Genuine that such foul winds does not with his parents check infiltration during
wanting. Subsequently, the Chinese emies of the state, its top mili- public sector and private en- permeate into our traditional from Punja Saheb. night by Pakistanis. The
By any standards, India is perfidy led to our debacle in tary and political leadership terprise cooperation is war- noble value systems. In fact, after the Pakistanis who resisted
located in one of the most 1962. The 1965 War, again has to bear in mind certain ranted, beyond lip service, to The Indian Armed Forces memoirs of Former it also lit up their side

s India completes geo-politically troubled re- triggered by Pakistan to fo- imperatives which are sine- attain self-sufficiency in our have their work cut out to Delhi Police Com- of the border as well
75 years of its inde- gions of the world. That it ment unrest in J&K led to qua-non in ensuring the na- defence needs is the need of sustain the nation’s honour m i s s i o n e r Ti l a k after sometime.
pendence from 200 is surrounded by two con- India having a clear upper tion’s territorial integrity and the hour. and territorial integrity as it Raj Kakkar who
years of British yoke, there is sistently anti-India neigh- edge at the termination of well-being. Defence reforms, Importantly, what is indeed has done admirably in the also had narrated
much to celebrate about and bours, China and Pakistan, operations. In 1971, India’s where required, must be con- beyond comprehension is past. We have the respect the extreme con-
equally much to introspect. both individually and col- Armed Forces brought to the ceived by institutionalizing that even after seven months and love of our people to ditions his family
Revisiting the functioning lusively posing threats, only nation its finest hour, ever in review committees and on a of Gen Bipin Rawat’s tragic sustain us even if somewhere went through after arriving in the capital as refu-
with stark honesty of all its aggravates the formidable its long history, by dismem- time-bound basis and not as demise, no CDS has yet been governments falter. As a Vet- gees, Vohra has captured his initial struggle very
institutions and governance challenges it has to confront bering Pakistan and a new knee jerk reactions once any appointed. Once the new eran, all I can state is that the graphically. The reference to the Jaisalmer House
structures will produce real- for its security. Both these na- nation, Bangladesh, being cataclysmic events befall the CDS is appointed, among Indian Armed Forces will on the cover is a story in itself as it was here that
istic mid-course corrections tions being nuclear powers, born. Pakistan, after a lapse nation. Secondly, the govern- his first priorities will be to remain ever-ready to do the he began his career as a junior clerk in 1964
and suggest better paths for synergistically anti-India, of nearly 30 years, once again ment must allocate atleast 2.5 go into the much debated nation’s bidding and as true and 38 years later, he returned to the building
the nation to traverse. The also adept at asymmetric committed a folly by captur- to 3 percent of the GDP for and essential theatrisation and resolute professionals, as the Director General of Civil Defence and
Indian Armed Forces, un- warfare makes India’s stra- ing some border posts in defence as recommended by conundrum. Meanwhile, the bring glory to the nation in Chief of Home Guards. In other words, it took
questionably, one of the few tegic challenges mind-bog- Kargil and subsequently many Inter-Parliamentary Indian military will do well all battlefields which they him 38 years to climb those 36 steps to the top.
institutions of the nation, gling. was inflicted a telling defeat Standing Committees for De- by studying the current Rus- encounter. Vohra joined the IPS in 1967 and served in the
which has lived up to its as- For the record, India over- by the Indian Army and In- fence in the past--the current sian-Ukrainian conflict and Lt Gen Kamal Davar is a retired Union territory cadre, first under Nikhil Kumar
signed responsibilities with all, since 1947, has done rea- dian Air Force. As recently allocation of 1.5 percent or drawing early lessons from it Army veteran. in the North District and subsequently under
N.K.Shinghal in the Central District. He was lat-
rIght PrescrIPtIons er allotted the Tripura-Manipur cadre and his
exploits there demonstrate how committed he

Risks and reforms in Muslim world   the Taliban took power, Af- but their fundamentalism lam was projected as a politi- adopted much earlier, then
was in keeping his professional responsibilities
intact. Amongst his many contributions was
his role in curbing insurgency in Tripura and
Manipur. While serving in the CRPF as DIG
ghanistan plunged into eco- appears to be much less in cal, totalitarian, supremist, today the condition of the (Range), he was instrumental in convincing the
nomic difficulties. Within a intensity when compared intolerant, oppressive, and a Muslims would have been then Joint Secretary in the Home Ministry that
year, the financial condition with the ideas of the ISIS xenophobic religion. different. since every one could not be awarded medals,
opinion has further deteriorated.
Along with difficulties like
and Al Qaeda.
They need to delineate
The rationalists in the
Muslim world were not
 The point is that even the
ulema who have studied
the government must introduce Commenda-
tion Discs to encourage the jawans and officers.
drought and unemploy- themselves particularly given the importance they from best seats of educa- This suggestion was accepted and implemented
ATIR KHAN ment, the crippling banking from Al Qaeda. Their area deserved. The works of tion such as Oxford believe in all Central Police Organisations and later also
system and dwindling for- of influence is limited to Af- philosopher-scientist schol- in following the old estab- all State police set-ups. In the CRPF, he was in-
eign exchange reserves are ghanistan, though they are ars such as that of Aver- lished traditions of Islam, or strumental in setting up the CRPF School in Ro-
also making life difficult. trying to make some inroads roes (Ibn Rushd) brought at least they consider it to be hini. As a senior functionary of the BSF posted
The fourth challenge is to into Central Asia but ISIS about enlightenment in wise to follow them. in Jammu, he introduced the solar lighting sys-
interview said: Afghanistan gain international recogni- and Al Qaeda have bigger Europe, which was going In India Jamiat Ulema-e- tem on the international border to check infiltra-
is confronted with massive tion. Of course, countries and more dangerous plans, through the Dark Ages. But Hind and Jamaat-i- Islami, tion during night by Pakistanis. The Pakistanis
problems. around the world are still which expand even up to his works did not reach the and some ulemas of South who resisted it also lit up their side of the border
First, the formation of an looking at Afghanistan with India. Such people are re- center of Islamic intellectual India and Gujarat are creat- as well after sometime. In the SSB as its Chief,
inclusive government. In hope and want to advance portedly behind the bomb- traditions until the 19th Cen- ing an awakening with some Vohra recognized that the Constabulary was get-
the Doha Agreement with the bilateral relationship ing of the mosque in Kabul tury. good teachings. In countries ting demotivated since they had not been given
the US, the Taliban leader- according to their respec- recently. Bomb blast in a mosque like Malaysia, we have high- their promotional increments, the reason being
ship had assured that all tive interests, but there is no Unfortunately, this ideolo- in Kabul is another wake- ly inspiring examples. For that they had not undergone the pre-requisite
communities and classes recognition of the Taliban gy is beginning to have some up call. Both Allah and His example, Sisters in Islam, training due to lack of facilities. He discovered
would be represented. But government. The United audience in India. The police Prophet wanted Muslims an organization established that 3000 Constables were affected and thereby
till now the rule is basically Nations has not allotted a claim to have arrested Al- to be a moderate, justly bal- in 1988. The members of he ensured that they underwent their training in
dominated by Pashtuns and seat yet. Qaeda operatives in Tamil anced community. An um- this organization fought for their respective battalions so that they could be
Talibs. Communities like If Taliban were practical, Nadu and West Bengal. In mat-e-wasta, Holy Quran their rights and did a won- eligible for their increments. Super Cop Julio Ri-
What has happened in Af- Hazara, Tajik, Uzbek are then they would have real- the wake of these develop- 2:143, says. derful job of empowering beiro has complimented Vohra for the manner in
ghanistan one week ago still not getting proper rep- ized that no country in the ments, Assam Government Countries like Morocco Muslim women. which he stood up to politicians in Manipur and
is a bad omen. Islamists resentation. world runs completely ac- has also started verification and Saudi Arabia are do- Indonesia is soon going to has stated that this was a classic example from
have now started bombing Not only this, the condition cording to the Islamic prin- of Imams and Madrasas ing a good job in the under- host R20 Summit in Bali. which young IPS officers should learn. There
mosques, and are started of minorities there is pathet- ciples. Muslim dominated in the state. More facts will standing of the religion. So The event is called ‘G20 is an anecdote which Vohra relates in the book
killing innocent civilians. ic. Especially people of Sikh countries have taken a prac- emerge as and when the is Turkey, which has also Religion Forum’, or R 20 about Rajiv Gandhi, who came to visit Manipur
This alarming situation and Hindu community have tical approach and have only charge sheets are filed and selected 1600 hadith out for short, it will be a paral- for campaigning in 1991 and was not deterred by
needs serious introspection. had to migrate from there. adopted the spirit of Islam in the trials are taken up. of 10,000 hadith after a lel event to the annual G20 the fact that the Chief Minister, who belonged to
A huge explosion had Human rights violations are their laws and governance Of late this kind of ideol- decade-long exercise. Those summit that Indonesia will the opposing party, did not provide him with a
ripped through a crowded a big concern. The women practices. Iran is a different ogy has assumed menacing have been distributed in ev- host this year, and is being bullet proof vehicle. Rajiv had a successful trip
mosque in Kabul killing 21 have also not got equal par- model of governance alto- proportions. It will take at ery mosque and religious perceived by scholars as an and then left for Odissa the next day and was as-
people and injuring more ticipation. gether. least a generation to miti- institutions for focused effort to quell the ideas of sassinated in Sriperumbudur, two days later. He
than 33 persons. All this The second challenge is The sooner the Taliban gate the damage it has done. studies. radical Islam and extrem- also served in the NSG and held the position of
happens after alien forces to control terrorism and open up to the world, the Sultan Shaheen, a Delhi- The Ottoman Empire ism and promote modera- the Home Secretary in Manipur, a post normally
have withdrawn and Tali- extremism. The manner better it is for Afghanistan. based Islamic scholar, gave ruled a large part of the tism. Indians will also be reserved for IAS officers. Vohra has been in-
ban are left to fend for them- in which the US killed Al- Today no country can stay in a speech in the UNHRC. In world. But even after reach- participating in this sum- spired by Nikhil Kumar, his first Boss, Prakash
selves. Qaeda chief Al-Zawahiri in- isolation. All countries need his address he said that ing the zenith, its leaders did mit. Singh and KPS Gill amongst his seniors besides
It’s been one year since dicates that the Taliban has assimilation of ideas and its Islam started off as a peace- not change with time. In the Until and unless Muslims NN Vohra. He is a strong believer in work ethics
Taliban are struggling to still not been able to control people need to respect the loving religion with ele- rule of Ottoman Empire, the learn to challenge the mis- and considers India to be a land of opportunities,
run the government. They the activities of terrorist tradition and values of other ments of spirituality, but due printing press was not al- conceptions, which have However, he feels that the Police Reforms were a
are determined to govern on groups like Al-Qaeda and people living in the country. to various reasons several lowed to be adopted in the crept into the community must and would go a long way in establishing the
the principles, which are not ISIS in Afghanistan. Only then the progress is misconceptions had crept in Muslim world for almost and take corrective steps, rule of law in the country as well as increase the
acceptable in today›s world. The third challenge is to possible. the theology largely between 400 years. A heavy price establish good institutions, faith of the common people in the forces.
Pankaj Saran, former Dep- overcome economic and fi- Even Taliban are consid- 8th and 11th centuries. This was paid for this. Perhaps if they will not be seen as a PANKAJ VOHRA
uty NSA of India in a recent nancial difficulties. When ered to be fundamentalists, caused great damage and Is- the printing press had been progressive community.

Editorial Director: Prof. M.D. Nalapat; Managing Editor: Pankaj Vohra; Editor: Joyeeta Basu; News Editor: Bikash C Paul; Printed and Published by Rakesh Sharma for and on behalf of Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd.; Printed at: Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd, Khasra No. 39, Village Basai Brahuddin Nagar, Gautam Buddha
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8 legally speaking the daily guardian review
saturday | 27 augus t 2022
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CJI Justice NV Ramana’s farewell speech

of human existence, the seed of equivalent advantage. breathe. with 3 grandchildren Sriya,
power of human struggles, I never claimed myself An English politician once Sri Nitya and Sai Virat. I do

am searching for words dignity in poverty and most to be a scholarly judge or a said, and I quote: not have to worry about my
to adequately express importantly unshakable great judge, but I have al- “History is not the burden post retirement phase.
my gratitude for the hope and faith. Through ways believed that the ulti- of one man or woman alone I am demitting my office
good words spoken about these ordinary everyday ex- mate purpose of justice de- but some are called upon to with utmost contentment.
me by all. periences, I developed the livery system is to provide meet a special share of its When you ultimately judge
I am very happy to see all extraordinary passion of justice to the common man. challenges. History is more me as a Judge, I would like
my well-wishers, friends serving the people. I have elaborated in my than the path left by the past. to say that I may be judged
and family members who Being a first-generation earlier speeches as to how It influences the present and as a very ordinary Judge,
have travelled with me for lawyer, I have faced many difficult the life of a Judge is. can shape the future.” but one who greatly rel-
many long years. You all challenges in my life and Your health also gets ruined Only history can judge as ished and enjoyed the job. I
have taken trouble to reach realized that except hard in the process. Only Judges to the influence of the path may be judged as one who
this place to bid farewell to work there is no shortcut and lawyers understand left by me on the present meticulously followed the
me. I thank each and every to success. The journey of this aspect of a Judge’s life. It and the future. rules of the game and did
one of you for assembling struggle and bitter experi- is for you lawyers to explain Before I conclude I would not trespass into provinces
here and for showering ences in my career helped to the people of hard work like to place on record my forbidden. More important-
your blessings on me and me to diversify my activities. involved in a judge’s life. sincere thanks to all my col- ly, as one who recognized
my family. I had the opportunity of de- In the last 75 years, our leagues on the bench. preliminarily the moral
You all know where I start- fending the State in several jurisprudence has evolved I had the privilege of being power of a Judge. I may be
ed. My life’s journey began cases. I watched the impor- considerably. Our judiciary he got to write the judgment and My constant endeavor was progress in appointing more guided by learned Attorney remembered as a Judge
in a remote village called tant events of this country is not defined by a single or- lay down doctrines of law that to make the people aware, women judges and promot- General Shri K.K. Venugo- who heard the senior and
Ponnavaram in the Krishna unfolding from close quar- der or decision. Yes, at times, continue to operate deep into the not just about their rights ing social diversity on the pal, the Bheeshma pitamaha the junior alike. As a Judge,
district of Andhra Pradesh ters. I always accepted re- it fell short of peoples’ expec- future. Every lawyer who today and obligations, but also Bench. We got 15 new Chief of the Indian legal fraternity. I always wanted my name
where electricity, roads and jection as God’s redirection tations. But most of the times, wins on the basis of R.D. Shetty about the Constitutional Justices for various High I also thank the Solicitor to be etched on the hearts of
basic amenities were not and retained my honesty it has championed the cause and Maneka Gandhi judgments scheme and democratic Courts during the same pe- General for his active as- the people through my con-
available. First time I saw and integrity. I want every of the people. It was widely owes his victories in no small values and institutions. My riod. This process is a reflec- sistance to the Court. On a duct and behavior, rather
electricity when I was 12 advocate to remember that predicted that with A.K. measure to Bhagwati’s foresight” sincere effort was to initiate tion of the coherence and personal level, he is a good than case law and journals.
years old. I learnt the alpha- sometimes life scares you, Gopalan, the due process In earlier days, the Bar a dialogue. determination of the Judges human being. He comes for- I want to remain in those
bets in English around the and beats you up, but there of law was history. But, this used to play a proactive role As part of my public speak- to strengthen our institution, ward readily to help anyone vibrant hearts which will
same time. We used to reach is a day when you realize Court, in the case of Maneka in the resistance. The mem- ing engagements, I have fo- to further the goal of justice. in need. give me warmth and keep
school walking on muddy that you are not just a sur- Gandhi restored what was bers of the Bar used to will- cused on certain subjects These are the issues that I Mr. Vikas Singh, the Presi- me going forever. I have
roads, across the fields and vivor, you are a warrior. You taken away earlier. Similarly, ingly associate themselves of institutional importance. tried my best to solve. How- dent of SCBA is a dynamic seen the flow of emotions in
crossing streams. With a lot are tougher than anything ADM Jabalpur was seen as a with various social causes. The focal point of any jus- ever, I acknowledge there are leader. He is very persuasive, Courtroom No. 1 this morn-
of struggle, and hard work that is thrown your way. My death knell on personal lib- It is the legal battles initi- tice delivery system is “the many other issues that the but with a little soberness he ing. This is a reflection of the
I have come up in life. For professional life was also full erty. Subsequently, the error ated by the Bar Associations litigant- the justice seeker”. system is facing and it needs can achieve even more. strong sense of your belong-
this, I thank my first gurus, of challenges. stood rectified by a 9-Judges that have led to progressive But our system, practices, scientific assessment. From Before I conclude, I would ingness with the institution.
that is, my parents and the To begin with, I was in Bench in K. S. Puttaswamy. interpretations of the Con- rules, being colonial in ori- the very beginning my stand like to sincerely thank the I was touched by the display
teachers in various govern- two minds- to be a judge or This institution never hesi- stitution. It is in this spirit gin, may not be best suited is that since independence Secretary General, the Reg- of emotions in particular by
ment schools. to be among the people to tated to remedy itself. Your that the Bar must work to to the needs of Indian popu- no systematic assessment of istrars and the entire Reg- Mr. Sibal and Mr. Dave.
I am indebted to all my offer leadership. I believe hope upon the institution strengthen democracy. lation. The need of the hour the judicial system in India istry of the Supreme Court. I never miss an opportuni-
teachers and lecturers be- in destiny, in God and the cannot be so weak that it One aspect that I want to is the Indianisation of our has taken place. The Bar, the My personal residential staff ty to quote the famous Telu-
cause the essence of educa- blessings of the Almighty. It is shattered with one per- bring to your notice is my legal system. When I say Bench and the Government has worked with me for a gu poet Maha Kavi Gurajada
tion that they had given to has been the honour of my ceived unfair judgment. choice of travelling across Indianisation, I mean the are all equal stakeholders in long time. I thank them all Appa Rao garu, and I quote:
me was helpful not only for life to be elevated as a Judge. When it comes to an indi- the country almost every need to adapt to the practi- the justice delivery mecha- for their constant dedication “deshamante matti kaadoy
the purpose of acquiring ac- I accepted it with all humility. vidual judge, the expecta- weekend to speak to the cal realities of our society nism. We need their coordi- and hard work. deshamante manushuloy”
ademic knowledge but also I always remembered myself, tions are very high. In the public through various and localise our justice de- nated efforts to revamp the The media has been ex- Gurajada garu gave a
helped in providing neces- while functioning as a Judge, game of cricket, the player events. The popular percep- livery system. I have pushed entire system. tremely cooperative in dis- universal definition to the
sary moral strength and of my privileged obligation is expected to hit every ball tion is that the Indian judi- for modernisation of judicial The issues faced by the ju- seminating the information concept of nation. He said a
courage to face any calamity to discharge services to this for a six. After all, everyone ciary was alien and quite infrastructure as a means diciary cannot be looked at about the judiciary. You nation is not merely a terri-
in life. This arduous journey great society. Once I became loves to hit a six and win distant to the general public. for providing access to jus- in isolation. The judiciary is share the equal burden of tory. A nation is essentially
finally brought me to Delhi. a Judge, I gave my heart and accolades for himself and There are still millions with tice. I also tried to highlight independent when it comes dispelling myths and no- its people. Only when its
This long journey is mind to it. the team. But only a player suppressed judicial needs the difference between the to adjudication of cases, but tions. I thank you for being people progress, the Nation
marked by many experi- From the date I joined knows as to how to deal with who are apprehensive to ap- arrears and backlogs to put with respect to finances an active partner in this progresses.
ences, most of which are bench till I reached the each ball, given the condi- proach the judiciary in times things in perspective. “Ar- or appointments it is still collaborative project of
sour rather than sweet. highest possible position in tions of the pitch, the style of of need. My experience so rears” refer to delays that are dependent on the Govern- strengthening judiciary. I “swanta laabham konta maa-
At the young age of 17, I the judiciary, I was subjected bowling and the placement far has convinced me that unwarranted. Every delay is ment. To coordinate and to thank each one of the jour- nuku
could lead a trade union of to conspiratorial scrutinies. of the fielders. At times, the in spite of fulfilling its Con- not an arrear. Some cases of get the cooperation from the nalists who have been cov- porugu vaariki todupadavoi”
around 10,000 workers. My family and I suffered in circumstances may not al- stitutional mandate, the delay might be due to valid Government, interaction is ering the proceedings of the Gu r aj ad a g a r u we nt
At the same time, I could silence. But ultimately, the low him to score even a judiciary does not find ad- reasons. On the other hand, inevitable. But interaction Supreme Court diligently, on to urge people to rise
also lead students, farmers truth will always prevail. single run. equate reflections in the me- “backlogs” refers to a situa- does not mean influence. I efficiently and instantly. above one’s own interest
and employees. I was im- Satyameva Jayate. The advocates are best dia, thereby depriving the tion where the number of hope this dialogue between My journey so far has and to extend a helping
mersed in so many agita- At this juncture, I am re- placed to understand this people of knowledge about cases instituted in a period the judiciary and the public been made possible due hand to those in need. If
tions and struggles. I have minded of the words of Mar- predicament of a Judge and the Courts and the Constitu- is more than the number of will continue. to innumerable sacrifices we put this principle in
also suffered on account of tin Luther King, Jr.: dispel wrong notions about tion. I felt it was my Consti- cases disposed of in the same With the best of my in- made by my revered par- practice, we will soon start
the Emergency excesses. In “The ultimate measure of them. Here I would like to tutional duty to dispel these period. tentions and efforts, I have ents Shri Ganapati Rao and seeing a better world free
fact, I lost an academic year man is not where he stands read out what Senior Advo- notions and bring the Court I am happy to inform that carried out my solemn duty Smt. Sarojini Devi, and my of conflicts and violence.
on this count. Confronting in the moments of comfort cate Mr. Sanjay Hegde wrote closer to the people, by way thanks to my collegium with a debt of gratitude to two elder sisters Prabhan- It is towards establishing
problems, and resolving is- and convenience, but where in a newspaper article, and of generating awareness and judges and consulting judg- my motherland. This coun- jani and Vani. My wife Siva- such a progressive world
sues, is not something new he stands at times of chal- I quote: building confidence among es, in the last 16 months, we try has provided me with mala stood by me like a rock, that we collectively need to
to me. This period enabled lenge and controversy” “When a senior advocate asked people about the judiciary. could appoint 11 judges to many opportunities and through thick and thin. She endeavour as global citizens.
me to interact with persons Anything and everything [Justice] Bhagwati about the di- From what I get to hear from the Apex Court and out of happiness, and it was an has been my equal partner As enlightened citizens
of varying ideologies and that I could achieve were chotomy between the reasoning the common people during the 255 recommended for honor to serve you all. Both in all my struggles and suc- and as the most important
broadened my horizons. only after facing a lot of and the relief [in Maneka Gan- my visits, I am happy to the various High Courts, 224 your support and criticism cesses. I am blessed with stakeholders of our judicial
They taught me as to how struggle, setbacks and hard- dhi and R D Shetty], the judge note that people are able to Judges are already appoint- has carried me this far. The two loving daughters Dr. system, I urge upon you all
to live in isolation, in an en- ships in life. I have embraced explained that his brother judg- engage with me on my sub- ed. This amounts to nearly end of my tenure just marks Sri Bhuvana and Sri Tanuja to think about the society,
vironment where you can- all the challenges that came es were only concerned with the ject in their language. I have 20% of the total sanctioned the end of my constitutional who continue to cheer my the nation i.e. the people. It
not express or share your my way and strengthened relief being denied in those cases. actively tried to promote a strength of the High Courts. assignment, however, I shall life. is the universal brotherhood
thoughts on any of the issues. myself and understood that As long as [Justice] Bhagwati sense of belongingness of Due to our concerted efforts, fulfill the constitutional Now my family also in- that will bridge the gaps.
I witnessed the resilience every failure carried with it a followed their lead on the relief, the people with the system. we could make considerable vows till the end my last cludes Rithesh and Trilok, Thank you.


India-UK agree to exchange experiences and best practices in

areas of working of commercial courts, and ADR
and legal professionals and Department and Depart- virtual summit held on 4th tor. The President Law So-
in time bound manner. ment of Justice, Member May, 2021, between the ciety of England and Wales
During the recent meeting of The Government of India Secretary NALSA and Hon’ble Prime Ministers along with her team joined
India-UK Joint Consultative and United Kingdom had Director Indian Law In- of India and UK and the the meeting virtually. She
Committee (JCC), a broad on 10th July 2018 entered stitute, New Delhi partici- launch of the ‘Enhanced explained in detail the regu-
agreement was reached to into a MoU for promoting pated in the deliberations Trade Partnership’ (ETP) to lations which determine
facilitate exchange of expe- cooperation between both from the Indian side. The unleash the trade potential the areas of court practice
riences and best practices countries, in the sphere of UK side was led by Dr. Jo between the two countries and legal advice by non UK
in the area of working of Law and Justice. A Joint Farrar, Second Permanent who had also agreed to fa- qualified lawyers. Secretary
commercial courts, alter- Consultative Committee Secretary, Ministry of Jus- cilitate each other’s market- BCI, emphasised about the
nate dispute resolution (JCC) has been constituted tice, Government of UK. access concerns including responsibilities vested in
mechanisms like arbitra- in terms of the MoU to car- She was accompanied by the opening of legal servic- the Council to protect the
tion and mediation, use of ry out its objectives by firm- Senior officers of Minis- es sector in India, on recip- rights, privileges and inter-
technology in case manage- ing up the way forward in try of Justice and British rocal basis. est of lawyers, whom they
ment, justice dispensation areas of cooperation. The High Commission at New The LSC deliberations represent. However, the
and enforcement of con- third in-person meeting of Delhi. Both the Leaders Co- were also attended by the representatives of both the
tracts and in area of simple the JCC was held at New chaired the meetings. British High Commissioner countries appreciating the
legislative drafting. It was Delhi on 18th August 2022 As regards the subject of to India, H.E. Alex Ellis. potential benefits of the
further agreed that training at New Delhi. framing regulations for en- The meeting was held in a opening up of legal ser-
and capacity enhancement The Indian delegation try of UK Law Firms and cordial atmosphere where- vices sector to the respec-
programmes would be con- was led by Dr. Niten Chan- Lawyers under the MoU tee (LSC) meeting held later countries as stated above, England and Wales. The in both the sides appreci- tive economies, agreed in
ducted in reputed Institutes dra, Law Secretary. Senior was concerned, the same in the day on 18th August and representatives of the Legal Services Committee ated each others concern to principle to work together
for legal advisers, draftsman, officers of the Department was discussed separately in 2022. The Committee con- Bar Council of India (BCI) in its meeting recalled the the challenges in the open- to find common ground for
judicial officers, prosecutors of Legal Affairs, Legislative the Legal Services Commit- sists of officers of both the and the Law Society of outcome of the India-UK ing of the legal services sec- benefit of all stakeholders.
t h e da ily gua r dia n r eview
sat u r day | 2 7 augu st 2 0 2 2
new de l h i policy & politics 9

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh calls for

linking StartUps with MSMEs
PM Modi taking all measures including necessary policy changes to strengthen
the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector.

nion Minister of
State (Independent
Charge) Science
& Technology; Minister of
State (Independent Charge)
Earth Sciences; MoS PMO,
Personnel, Public Grievanc-
es, Pensions, Atomic Energy
and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh
today called for linking
Start-Ups with Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) sector and said that
the Government headed by
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi is taking all measures
including necessary policy
changes to strengthen the
Addressing the 8th In-
dia International MSME &
StartUp Summit and Expo,
as chief guest, Dr Jitendra
Singh said, this sector has
played an important role in Dr Jitendra Singh remind- does not lag behind in fulfill- connected with the sector, turn their dreams into ideas Dr Jitendra Singh was young entrepreneurs are He said, Narender Modi’s
shaping the Atma Nirbhar ed the audience about the ing the needs of the world. Dr Jitendra Singh said, even and ideas into reality and pleasantly surprised to now quitting their jobs in 8 years as Prime Minister
Bharat and added that the commitment of the Modi Even if it is the MSMEs we the Union Budget 2022-23 the launch of Startup India find huge number of Agri the IT sector and MNCs to gave India vision for 2047
government has substan- government for making have to take our products to has presented a compre- in 2015 by Prime Minister MSME stalls and pointed establish their own start- and laid the roadmap for the
tially increased the budget MSMEs globally competi- the world with ‘Zero Defect hensive package of policy Modi had opened floodgates out that a new wave of Agri- ups, as these young entre- next 25 years of Amrit Kal
in the last eight years to tive and quoted Prime Min- - Zero Effect’. We have to be announcements aimed at of opportunities for them. tech start-ups has emerged preneurs are now begin- which would witness the as-
strengthen the MSME sec- ister’s Independence Day proud of Swadeshi”. supporting the recovery of The Minister also gave the in the country in the last few ning to realise that investing cent of India as a front-rank
tor. The Minister also in- Address delivered on 15th of eferring to the introduc- MSME, hit hard by COVID example of the Purple Revo- years and these start-ups in agriculture is one of the nation in the world.
formed that the government this month as saying, “I also tory remarks of Rajnish pandemic. lution in Jammu and Kash- are solving problems relat- very few safe and profitable Earlier, Dr Jitendra Singh
is encouraging unique local call upon the private sector Goenka, Chairman, MSME- Dwelling on the theme of mir, which transformed the ed to supply chain manage- businesses. visited the different stalls of
products to reach the global to come forward. We have to DF, wherein he said that the India@100, Amrit Kaal- lives of farming commu- ment, improper infrastruc- Dr. Jitendra Singh con- the 8th India International
markets and, in the process, dominate the world. One of MSMEs account for almost Opportunities for Youth, Dr nity beyond imagination by ture and inability of farmers cluded by saying that one MSME & StartUp Expo and
strengthening the Indian the dreams of a self-reliant one-third of India’s economy Jitendra Singh said, today adopting to highly remuner- to access a wider range of can’t visualise India @2047 interacted with some of the
economy. India is to ensure that India and over 11 crore people are Indian youth is impatient to ative lavender cultivation. markets. He also said that through the prism of 2022. MSME entrepreneurs.

Industry InauGuratIon

IndIa’s mIneral and metal sector set for PM to visit Gujarat on 27-28
robust Growth: steel mInIster August
TDG NEWS NETWORK possesses a robustness that TDG NEWS NETWORK people with a space for remembrance
will help in dealing with where they can pay homage to the lost
Majority of our natural re- drastic changes caused by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi souls.
sources are finite therefore the climate change. These will visit Gujarat on 27th and 28th Prime Minister will inaugurate and lay
it is critical that the world moves will have multiple August. At around 5:30 PM on 27th the foundation stone of projects worth
finds environmentally and benefits for the nation and August, Prime Minister will address around Rs 4400 crore in Bhuj. Prime
economically viable way of have a multiplier effect on Khadi Utsav at Sabarmati Riverfront Minister will inaugurate the Kachchh
using these scarce resourc- the GDP due to associated in Ahmedabad. At around 10 AM Branch Canal of Sardar Sarovar Project.
es, said Union Minister for supply chain as well as con- on 28th August, Prime Minister will The total length of the Canal is around
Steel and Civil Aviation Jy- sumption related indus- inaugurate Smriti Van Memorial in 357 km. A part of the canal was inau-
otiraditya M. Scindia at the tries besides creating large Bhuj. Thereafter, at around 12 noon, gurated by the Prime Minister in 2017
International conference on employment opportunities Prime Minister will lay the foundation and the remaining part is being inaugu-
Circular Economy and Re- both directly within the stone and inaugurate various devel- rated now. Canal would help in provid-
source Efficiency, organized ed that circular economy mental sustainability and plant and indirectly in asso- opmental projects in Bhuj. At around ing irrigation facilities in Kachchh and
by the Indian Institute of is the need of the hour, and circular economy. ciated industries. 5 PM, Prime Minister will address a drinking water in all 948 villages and
Metals Delhi Chapter here we must make it mandatory The Minister said, the Gov- The Minister said that In- programme in Gandhinagar, marking 10 towns of the Kachchh district. Prime
today. Chairman of SAIL, part of our lives in due to ernment of India has taken dia has increased installed the commemoration of 40 years of Su- PM IN BHUJ Minister will inaugurate various other
Soma Mondal, Ulrich Grein- fast depletion of natural re- timely initiative through capacity of production of zuki in India. Prime Minister will inaugurate Smriti projects as well including New Auto-
er Pachter, CEO, Region sources to meet the needs of NITI Aayog by forming 11 steel by 50% to 155 million Van Memorial in Bhuj district. Envi- matic Milk Processing and Packing
India & Asia Pacific, SMS modern economy. committees to promote Cir- tonnes in Financial Year KHADI UTSAV sioned by the Prime Minister, Smriti Plant of Sarhad Dairy; Regional Science
Group, Dr S.K.Jha, CMD, Scindia added that metal cular Economy in various 2022 from around 100 mil- It has been a constant endeavour of the Van is a one of its kind initiative. It has Centre, Bhuj; Dr. Baba Saheb Ambed-
MIDHANI, Dr. mukesh Ku- industry is highly energy sectors including Metals lion tonnes in financial year Prime Minister to popularise Khadi, been built in an area of around 470 acre kar Convention Centre at Gandhidham;
mar, Chairman,IIM, Delhi intensive industry and thus sector covering Ferrous and 2014. During this period of generate awareness about Khadi prod- to celebrate the spirit of resilience shown Veer Bal Smarak at Anjar; Bhuj 2 Sub-
Chapter and delegates from cause large carbon emission, non-Ferrous metals. eight years per capita con- ucts and promote the use of Khadi by the people after the death of around station at Nakhatrana etc. Prime Min-
Mineral and Metal Sector which is a major challenge Shri Scindia apprised that sumption of Steel also has amongst youth. As a result of the ef- 13,000 people who had lost their lives ister will also lay the foundation stone
were present in the confer- for the global community Ministry of Steel is working gone by almost 50% to 77 forts of the Prime Minister, since 2014, during the 2001 earthquake which had of various projects worth over Rs. 1500
ence. thus we have to adapt new as a nodal agency and has kg per capita today. Steel In- sale of Khadi in India has witnessed a its epicentre in Bhuj. The Memorial car- crores as well, including the Bhuj- Bhi-
Scindia highlighted that technologies to achieve the already prepared a detailed dustry is on a steady growth four fold increase, whereas in Gujarat, ries names of the people who had lost masar Road.
the consensus seems to have goal of zero carbon emis- roadmap for promoting path led by government of the sale of Khadi has witnessed a mas- their lives during the earthquake.
emerged across the globe sion. We all agree that in to- circular economy in Metals India’s Investor friendly sive eight fold increase. The state of the art Smriti Van Earth- PM IN GANDHINAGAR
that circular economy is the day’s technological dominat- sector covering all facets of policies in addition to gov- In a one of its kind event being held quake Museum is segregated in seven Prime Minister will address a pro-
only way towards conserva- ed world, nothing is waste production from mining to ernment’s focus on strength- as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, blocks based on seven themes: Rebirth, gramme marking the commemoration
tion of resources. We must and all so-called wastes can finished metal production ening the infrastructure of Khadi Utsav is being organized to pay Rediscover, Restore, Rebuild, Rethink, of 40 years of Suzuki in India, being
understand that the future be converted into resources and their recycling / reuse the country. Revolutionary tribute to khadi and its importance Relive and Renew. The first block is held at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar.
of humanity cannot be built for wealth creation by adop- including utilization of all changes have brought in during the freedom struggle. The Ut- based on the theme Rebirth depicting During the event, Prime Minister will
on a ’take-make-dispose’ tion of suitable technology, wastes and by-products gen- the Mineral and metal sec- sav will be organized at Sabarmati Earth’s evolution and ability of the earth lay the foundation stones of two key
model i.e., Linear Economy. the Minister stated. erated in the process. tors and today India is now Riverfront, Ahmedabad and will wit- to overcome every time. The second projects of the Suzuki group in India
Metal sector needs to be India’s Mining & Metal Minister highlighted that 2nd largest steel producer in ness 7500 women khadi artisans from block showcases Gujarat’s topography - the Suzuki Motor Gujarat Electric Ve-
at the forefront of circular sector is set for robust devel- the circular economy is the world, Shri Scindia also various districts of Gujarat spinning and various natural disasters that the hicle Battery Manufacturing Facility at
economy model in view of opment in view of expected much more than recycling. said. charkha live at the same time and at state is vulnerable to. The third block Hansalpur, Gujarat and Maruti Suzuki’s
its pervasive applications jump in demand to sup- A very large part of our Scindia hoped that the the same place. The event will also takes one back to the immediate after- upcoming vehicle manufacturing facil-
besides the inherent poten- port the emerging boom in energy consumption, and Indian Institute of Met- feature an exhibition showcasing the math after the 2001 earthquake. Gal- ity in Kharkhoda, Haryana.
tial of metals to be amenable growth in the automotive, therefore the related green- als, Delhi chapter to come “Evolution of Charkhas” by displaying leries in this block address the massive The Suzuki Motor Gujarat Electric
and adaptable to business infrastructure, transport, house gas emission is close- out with recommendations 22 Charkhas from different genera- relief effort undertaken by individuals Vehicle Battery Manufacturing Facil-
models following 6R prin- space and defence. The ly linked to the extraction, from the deliberations at tions used since 1920s. It will include as well as organisations. The fourth ity at Hansalpur, Gujarat will be set-up
ciples of Reduce, Recycle, challenge in this fast-paced processing, transportation, this international confer- charkhas like “Yerwada Charkha” block showcases Gujarat’s rebuilding with an investment of around Rs. 7,300
Reuse, Recover, Redesign world is to confront the by- use and disposal of materi- ence on this important sub- which symbolises the charkhas used initiatives and success stories post 2001 crores to manufacture Advance Chem-
and Remanufacture, the products of sectors such as als. Circular strategies such ject which shall help the during the freedom struggle, to the earthquake. The fifth block prompts the istry Cell batteries for Electric Vehicles.
Minister further added. steel, which is at the same as circular design, material industry to move towards charkhas with latest innovations and visitor to think and learn about different The vehicle manufacturing facility in
The Minister recalled vital for economy and on the efficient production, reuse, Zero Waste and Zero Harm technology used today. A live dem- types of disasters and future readiness Kharkhoda, Haryana will have the
Prime Minister Naren- other hand is hard to abate repair and recycling lead to approach. onstration of the production of Pon- for any type of disaster at any time. The potential to manufacture 10 lakh pas-
dra Modi’s address on 15th sector with respect emis- saving in material consump- Ulrich Greiner Pachter, duru Khadi will also be done. During sixth block helps us to relive the experi- senger vehicles per year, making it one
August 2021 in which He sion of carbon dioxide. Steel tion and reduce greenhouse CEO, Region India & Asia the event, Prime Minister will also ence of an earthquake with the help of a of the largest passenger vehicle manu-
emphasized on the urgent Makers across the globe are gas emission. By focusing on Pacific, SMS Group said inaugurate the new office building of simulator. The experience is designed in facturing facilities at a single site in the
need of Circular Economy set on course to evolve suit- maximum value retention that India’s Steel Industry the Gujarat Rajya Khadi Gramodyog a 5D simulator and is meant to give the world. The first phase of the project will
Mission. In his address, the able strategies to tackle the and closing the material re- has changed a lot towards Board and a foot over bridge at Sabar- visitor the ground reality of an event at be set up with an investment of over Rs.
Prime Minister had exhort- twin challenges of environ- cycle, the circular economy positive growth. mati. this scale. The seventh block provides 11,000 crores.

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