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Nicole Shane N.

BSIT 1 – Section 12
Readings in Philippine History (MWF 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm)

Historical Method of a Historical Research

Historians use historical research methods to obtain data from primary and secondary sources
and, then, assess how the information contributes to understanding a historical period or
event. Historical research methods are used with primary and secondary sources. Below is a
description of each type of source.

What Is a Primary Source?

Primary sources—raw data containing first-person accounts and documents—are foundational
to historical and academic research. Examples of primary sources include eyewitness accounts
of historical events, written testimonies, public records, oral representations, legal documents,
artifacts, photographs, art, newspaper articles, diaries, and letters. Individuals often can find
primary sources in archives and collections in universities, libraries, and historical societies.

A primary source, also known as primary data, is often characterized by the time of its creation.
For example, individuals studying the U.S. Constitution’s beginnings can use The Federalist
Papers, a collection of essays by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, written
from October 1787 to May 1788, as a primary source for their research. In this example, the
information was witnessed firsthand and created at the time of the event.

What Is a Secondary Source?

Primary sources are not always easy to find. In the absence of primary sources, secondary
sources can play a vital role in describing historical events. A historian can create a secondary
source by analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting information or data provided in primary
sources. For example, a modern-day historian may use The Federalist Papers and other primary
sources to reveal historical insights about the series of events that led to the creation of the
U.S. Constitution. As a result, the secondary source, based on historical facts, becomes a
reliable source of historical data for others to use to create a comprehensive picture of an
event and its significance.

Historical research involves the following steps:

1. Identify an idea, topic or research question
2. Conduct a background literature review
3. Refine the research idea and questions
4. Determine that historical methods will be the method used
5. Identify and locate primary and secondary data sources
6. Evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of source materials
7. Analyze the date and develop a narrative exposition of the findings

Berg and Lune (2012). Steps of Historical Research. (p.311)
Norwich University Online. (2020, December 15). Historical Research Method.

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