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Unite (one) ............................................................ ……..3

Unite (two) ....................................................................4
Unite (three)..................................................................4
Unite (four) ...................................................................5
Unite (five) ....................................................................6
Unite (six) .....................................................................7
Unite (Seven) .................................................................8
Unite (Eight) .................................................................8
Unite (Nine) ..................................................................9
Second part .................................................................11

Unite (one)
1. One up: get the better of someone.‫فریب دادن‬
2. Take with a grain of salt: accept or believe only in part; not accept
too much. ‫اندکی باورکردن‬
3. Get away with: Do something bad without getting caught. ‫کارخالف‬
‫را به موفقیت انجام دادن‬
4. Fall for: believe mistakenly in a dishonest person ‘claims. ‫بجان‬
‫همدیگرزدن یا گول خوردن‬
5. Take advantaged of: use someone’s weakness or ignorance for ones
‘own purpose. ‫سوی استفاده کردن‬
6. Make an example of: show what happens when someone does
something wrong. ‫درس عبرت دادن‬
7. Face the music: submit or expected punishment or negative reaction.
‫به سزای اعمال رسیدن‬

Unite (two)
8. Trouble_shooter: someone who can find the sources of difficulties or
who can solve problems or disputes.‫مشکل گشا‬
9. Make it: succeed. ‫موفق شدن‬
10. Get (right) down to business: waste no time before beginning to
discuss an important issue. ‫کاروباراشروع کردن‬
11. Make a living: Earn money to pay for food clothing and other
important needs of daily life. ‫پول کمای کردن‬
12. Make a deal: Conclude a business agreement.‫معامله تجارتی کردن‬
13. Get a head: move to higher and higher position within a business
or organization.‫پشرفت کردن‬
14. Work(one’s) way up: Progress in one’s career. ‫دروظیفه پشرفت‬

Unite (three)
15. Pay off: Pay back completely. ‫مکمل پس پرداختن‬
16. Cash in on: Take advantage of something.‫فایده گرفتن‬
17. In the long run: Over a period, time ultimately.‫بال خره‬
18. Null and void: Canceled; no longer effective. ‫باطل‬
19. In the black: Have more money than a person or business owes;
make a profit.‫درفایده‬
20. Give someone a break: Give someone extra time or another
chance.‫کسی را موقع دادن‬
21. On hand: Available.‫قابل دسترس‬،‫دردسترس‬
22. Do business with someone: Have a business relationship with
someone. ‫معامله تجارتی کردن‬
23. In the red: Have more money than a person or business has; in

Unite (four)
24. I’m afraid: Polite way up disagree.‫متآسف هستم ببخشید‬
25. Caught up: Too involved in something. ‫مصروف بودن‬

26. See what (someone) means: Understand.‫مطلب کسی را دانستن‬
27. Make a point: Communicate an idea in a discussion. ‫ابرازنظر‬
28. I’ll bet: Be sure. ‫مطمین هستم‬
29. Lose (one’s) markbes: Go crazy. ‫دیوانه شدن‬
30. Take a joke: Accept; laugh at oneself.‫مزاغ فکر کردن‬

Unite (five)
31. Box-office smash: Great financial success. ‫کمای بزرگی مالی‬
32. Get a dick out of: Thoroughly enjoy. ‫مکمل لزت بردن‬
33. Show up: Appear for a date or appointment. ‫حصه گرفتن‬
34. Behind the scenes: In the background not on stage.‫پشت پرده‬
35. Act out: Display; perform. ‫اجرا کردن‬
36. Get carried away: Be overly enthusiastic.‫عالقمند شدن‬
37. Keep your feet in the ground: Be more realistic.‫واقع بین بودن‬
38. Act up: Misbehave be naughty. ‫شوخی کردن‬

39. In the public eye: Noticed by a lot of people. ‫درمحضر عام‬
40. Rise to the occasion: Meet a challenge successfully.‫موفق بر آمدن‬

Unite (six)
41. Down: Depressed. ‫ناراحت‬
42. Bring (something) out: Caused. ‫باعث شدن‬
43. Low spirits: Depressed.‫ناراحت‬
44. Blue mood: Depressed.‫ناراحت‬
45. Under the weather: Depressed.‫ناراحت‬
46. Down in the mouth: Depressed.‫ناراحت‬
47. To tell you the truth: To be honest with you. ‫درحقیقت‬
48. Coop up: Confined. ‫درقید بودن‬
49. Rusty: Poor form lack of practice. ‫ضعیف‬
50. Before long: Soon. ‫بزودی‬
51. Feel up to (doing something): Well enough to do something. ‫مایل‬

Unite (Seven)
52. Red tape: Needless but official delay.‫کاغزپرانی‬
53. Run into a brick wall: Meet a serious difficulty. ‫به یک مشکل جدی‬
‫مواجه شدن‬
54. Off the beaten track (path): In an area away from the center of
town; away from commonly used roads.‫مساحت بیرون از شهر‬
55. Bend over backwards: Try very hard.‫به جدیت کوشش کردن‬
56. Swing: Make something workout. ‫توسعه دادن‬
57. Stick (one’s neck out): Take a risk.‫خود را در خطر انداختن‬
58. Hit the roof: Become very angry. ‫بسیارقهر شدن‬

Unite (Eight)
59. Ahead of time: Before the appointed time; early.‫قبل از وقت‬
60. Stand (someone) up: Not keep a date. ‫معطل نگداشتن‬
61. Make fun of: Ridicule, tease, laugh at someone. ‫ریشخندزدن‬

62. Let off steam: Express anger. ‫ غمگین شدن‬، ‫غشمگین شدن‬
63. Look down one’s nose: Feel superior to; think one is better than
others. ‫بی هرمتی کردن‬
64. Out of one’s depth: Beyond one’s ability to deal with a situation.
‫مافق قدرت‬
65. Stick with (something): Work on a problem until it’s solve; not
stop trying. ‫مبارزه کردن‬
66. Benefit of doubt: Assume the best about someone. ‫بی گناه دانستن‬
67. Keep in touch: Communicate frequently. ‫درارتباط بودن‬
68. Catch on: Learn; understand.‫ فهمیدن‬، ‫دانستن‬
69. Chalk up (to experience): Add to one’s knowledge and
understanding.‫به تجربه خود افزودن‬
70. Hit the books: Study hard.‫به جدیت درس خواندن‬

Unite (Nine)
71. Narrow-minded: Nott willing to accept others opinion and value.
‫تنگ نظر‬
72. Leave out in the cold: Not be allowed to participate. ‫اجازه اشتراک‬
73. Have a say: Opportunity to express an opinion.‫ابرازنظرکردن‬
74. Throw a wet blanket(on): Be negative and discouraging. ‫دلسرد‬
75. Lose (keep) (one’s) temper: Not become angry. ‫بی‬،‫حوصله کردن‬
76. Take a stand (on): Express and defend one’s filings or ideas about
an important matter. ‫نظریه دادن‬
77. Sit it (on): Join or be present at a meeting.‫اشتراک کردن‬
78. Stick up for: Defend.‫دفاع کردن‬
79. Push (someone) around: Be bossy, make someone do what one
wants.‫رهبری کردن‬
80. Showdown: Important meeting at which disagreement are
expected.‫رقابت کردن‬

10 | P a g e
81. Pass the buck: Avoid responsibility, expect others to do things one
should do oneself.‫خود را از مسولیت شانه خالی کردن‬
82. Straight out: Expressed directly and honestly.‫واضع گفتن‬

Second part
83. Go to pieces: Lose control of one’s emotions and behavior. ‫هوش‬
‫پرک شدن‬
84. Pull (oneself) together: Get one’s emotions and behavior under
control. ‫خود را اداره کردن‬
85. Have a ball: Have a wonderful time. ‫وقت خوش داشتن‬
86. Keep an eye on: Watch.‫متوجه بودن‬، ‫مواظب بودن‬
87. Keep the ball rolling: Keep things going; help people to continue
their conversations.‫ادامه دادن‬
88. Off the top of (one’s) head: Expressed without much thought. ‫بی‬
89. One the spot: In an embarrassing situation.‫حالت شرم آور‬

11 | P a g e
90. On the tip of (one’s) tongue: Almost but not quit; able to
remember something.‫درنوک زبان‬،‫درسرزبان‬
91. Just in case: In the event that.‫درصورت ضرورت‬
92. Hit it off: Get along well together upon first meeting. ‫آغازخوب‬
93. Slip of the tongue: Unintentional insult, something said
accidentally; faux pas. ‫اشتباه زبان‬،‫لغزش زبان‬
94. Get off on the wrong foot: Begin a relationship with a
misunderstanding. ‫آغاز خراب داشتن‬
95. Laugh off: Treat laughably trivial or unimportant. ‫بی اهمیت جلوه‬
96. “skip it”: Don’t worry about it, don’t give it another taught. ‫مهم‬
97. “No hard feelings”: I am not angry. ‫قهر نیستم‬
98. Slap in the face: Serious insult. ‫توحین بزرگ‬

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99. Rub it in: Remind someone of his/her mistakes or
embarrassments. ‫اشتباه کسی را به رویش کشانیدن‬
100. On speaking terms: On friendly terms. ‫بطور دوستانه‬
101. On the lookout: Observe closely to avoid a potential problem.
‫ مواظب اوضاح بودن‬،‫مواظب بودن‬
102. Clear the air: Settle all disputes make everything peaceful. ‫آرامش‬
‫را برقرار کردن‬

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