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Welcome to the AniGame world! This is the first guide I’ve ever made, so if there is anything I missed or there is
a mistake, let me know. This guide is catered towards beginners and is best viewed on a computer, so I will be
using the default AniGame bot prefix to streamline your experience. To begin your AniGame journey, type .start.
Note: If your discord account is under 3 months old, you will have to join the Verification Server and type .verify in
the #general chat of that server.

Make sure you join the Official AniGame Server using the command .invite to have access to the community,
help, and invite the bot to your server! Don’t forget to read the rules and be courteous to the helpers! They
provide support when they can and help maintain the bot and server! To access this guide, type .basics.

**On the top left of the document, click the “Show Document Outline” button. This will allow for quick
navigation within my guide by jumping to specific sections or chapters. Alternatively, you can use the CTRL + F
shortcut to manually search for information you want to see.


To start, type .p to access your profile. You can also view other people’s profiles by typing .p <ID / @user>. Below is
an explanation of each section in your profile.

User Status
This is for a status message that people can see if they want to view your profile. To change your status message,
type .edit profile. The bot will then prompt you to enter your profile with this message:

Type any message you like and the bot will ask you to confirm with a checkbox. Click the green check and it should
now display your text in your profile.

Clan Name
Eventually, you’ll either create your own clan (for 100,000 gold) or join one, some may choose to never join one but
there are benefits such as bonus stats to your cards and teams, access to the clan shop, and rubies. The command
to view your clan info is .cl and another player’s clan is .cl view <ID / @user>. You can also check to see your clan
donations with .cl donations. To read about clans, click here.
The base currency is obtained by battling, clearing floors & locations, doing raids, gambling, or selling cards. The
command to check your gold is .g or .bal. You can use gold to purchase packs or buy cards from the market.

Badges are collectibles for participating in events. The command to see your badges is .badge

Raid Pass
In order to join raids, you’ll need 2 passes. You will passively get 1 Raid Pass every 5 hours. The limit for passes is
capped at 10, however, you can get more passes when there’s compensation from the admins or voting while you
have 9 passes when you have VIP Premium or from lottery. The command to check your Raid Passes is .pass.

Displays your current profile level. The command to check your level is .level or .lvl (this command will also display
your current experience)

A special currency obtained by donating to the official AniGame Server or voting. The command to view your
diamonds is .dia or .diamonds. You can get diamonds by voting every 12 hours using the command .vote or .daily.
These are used to purchase packs or the VIP Premium from the Diamond Shop (Click for more information).

Stamina is required to battle. Each battle requires 5 stamina and passively, you regain 2 stamina every 4 minutes.
Your maximum stamina increases every time you level up. The only way you can replenish stamina is to level up or
when you complete your vote, so maximize your stamina usage when you can. The command to check your
stamina is .stam. Every hour, you can use the command .hourly to get back 5, 10, or 15 stamina. You will reach the
maximum stamina of 210 at level 80.

Team Selected
Displays the name of your current selected team. The command to check the details of your team is .team. To learn
about Team Building, click here.

Displays your current experience over the required amount needed to level up. Experience is gained when doing
floor battles. You get 3 exp per battle (5 stamina) as a beginner which later drops to 2 exp per battle. There is no
experience command, so use .level or .lvl to check.
Clan Rubies
A special currency obtained by donating gold to your clan. These are used to purchase individual cards from the
Clan Shop. (Click for more information)

Displays the current location you’re on. There is no other way to check your current location besides .p. The
command .loc will show you all the locations that currently exist. To jump straight to Floor Climbing, click here.

Premium Days Left

After you’ve purchased the VIP from the Premium Shop, this will display how many days left you have until it
expires. There is no limit to your Premium Days, so you can always feel free to buy more; the 31 days you purchase
will be added onto your existing Premium Days left.


Let’s get to the game itself now. Anigame has a whole roster of cards which are characters from anime series and
even special game / cinematic characters. These cards will be found in your inventory. To access your inventory,
type .inv. You will see your first card like so:

Card Number
#1 represents the number of your card in your inventory based on the Card ID. By default, your cards will be sorted
by their Card ID in descending order. You can check a card with .info <Insert Card Number>. **This number can
change as you use fodders, buy cards, sell cards, or trade cards, so make sure you check your inventory often.

Card Name
This is the name of your card’s character. You can give your cards nicknames up to a 14 character limit. The
command to do so is .nick <insert card number> <insert desired Nickname>. To reset a nickname, type .nick
<insert card number>.
Ex: .nick 1 Sniper Girl will nickname Card Number 1, Sniper Girl

[Evo 1, 2, 3]
Displays the evolution of your card. In order to evolve a card, you will need TWO copies of the same card, at the
same Evolution, and leveled up to its max limit. Evolving Super Rare cards requires 5,000 Gold for each evolution
and Ultra Rares require 25,000 Gold for each evolution. Think of evolving as fusing two copies to create a stronger
version. In doing so, you will lose one of the base copies, but gain a stronger version which will reset its level to 1.

The icon next to the Evo represents the card’s element. For against other elements i.e. Fire vs Electric… etc, the
interaction is going to be Neutral. Refer to the diagram below:

Neutral Fire Water Electric

Ground Grass Light Dark

Displays the rarity of your card. There are 5 rarities starting with Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra
Rare. If you don’t want your inventory to be sorted by ID, you can alternatively sort your inventory by their rarity with
the command .sort rarity which will be permanently sorted in that manner. *Rarity is fixed and NOT Upgradeable.
1. Common, Uncommon, Rare - These rarity cards are used generally as experience fodders for leveling up
your individual cards. **See below on leveling cards
2. Super Rare & Ultra Rare - These rarity cards are what you’ll use to climb floors, battle in raids, or PVP.

Level (Leveling up cards)

Displays your card level. In order to level up cards, you’ll need to use fodders using the command .massenh <insert
card number>. **By default, this command will use any Common (provides 100 exp each) and Uncommon
(provides 200 exp each) cards to level up your card. NOTE: These exp values are fixed regardless of the level of the
card you’re using (I.e. a level 40 Rare will give 300 exp, the same amount even if it were a level 20 Rare card). If you
want to use Rare cards (provides 300 exp each), you’ll need to include a filter like so:
a. .massenh <insert card number> -rarity rare or .massenh <insert card number -r r
b. Another important thing to note is if you use fodders with the same name as the card you’re trying to
enhance, you will get a 3x EXP multiplier bonus as seen below.
This is the most efficient way to enhance as you use only a third of the number of cards required to max
level a card. In order to include the name filter, just add the filter -name <insert card name> or -n <insert
card name> after .massenh <insert card number>.
c. However, in order to acquire fodders of the same name, it requires you to farm the floor with the desired
card, so it is locked by location. Since each Location has 3 Rarities of each card, make sure you farm the one
at the highest floor for the best rates for Uncommon and Rares.
**These filters can also be used to find cards in your inventory.
Ex: To find cards with the name Padoru in your inventory, type .inv -n Padoru or just Super Rare copies of
Padoru, type .inv -rarity super rare -name padoru or .inv -r sr -n padoru

Another command is .enhance <insert card number> <insert specific card numbers of the fodders you
want to use>, but this is more specific and not commonly used.
I.e. If you want to enhance card number 1, but only using cards 3, 4, 5 to enhance it, you would type
.enhance 1 3, 4, 5

d. Cards with different rarities have different level limits as shown below:
i. Common - Level Limit: 20
ii. Uncommon - Level Limit: 30
iii. Rare - Level Limit: 40
iv. Super Rare - Level Limit: 50
v. Ultra Rare - Level Limit: 60

Card ID
Each card will have an ID based on the order in which the card was created. This ID is used to track cards in trades
and to buy & sell cards on the Global Market.
You’ll eventually encounter a wild card spawn like this: Card Spawns will have a Claim Button for claiming purposes.
Spawns are based on SERVER ACTIVITY, so keep that in mind if you are trying to farm on a private server with a few

There is a pity system to Legendary Packs*

On your 12th continuous pack opening without any URs, you will get a guaranteed UR on your next pack.

There is a card pack shop which will require gold to buy packs that contain 5 cards of random Rarities. The
command to access the shop is .shop.

There are 4 types of basic packs:

Common Pack, Rare Pack, Epic Pack, and Legendary Pack

A pack will contain 5 different cards with varying rarities depending on which one you buy:

Common Pack
2,000 Gold Each (3,000 Gold Each for a Daily Common Pack)
70% chance for Common
20% chance for Uncommon
8% chance for Rare
2% chance for Super Rare

Rare Pack
10,000 Gold Each (15,000 Gold Each for a Daily Rare Pack)
50% chance for Uncommon
42% chance for Rare
8% chance for Super Rare
0.1% chance for Ultra Rare

Epic Pack
50,000 Gold Each (75,000 Gold Each for a Daily Epic Pack)
50% chance for Rare
50% chance for Super Rare
0.4% chance for Ultra Rare

Legendary Pack
100,000 Gold Each (150,000 Gold Each for a Daily Legendary Pack)
57% chance for Rare
40% chance for Super Rare
3% chance for Ultra Rare

New Packs
New Common Pack - 5,000 Gold Each
New Rare Pack - 25,000 Gold Each
New Epic Pack - 125,000 Gold Each
New Legendary Pack - 250,000 Gold Each

To buy a pack, the command is .buy <insert pack name>

I.e. .buy epic pack will spend 50,000 gold for an Epic Pack
I.e. .buy daily epic pack will spend 75,000 gold for an Epic Pack for cards from Daily Series
I.e. .buy new epic pack will spend 125,000 gold for an Epic Pack with cards from Newly released Series

Daily Packs
At the top of the shop, you’ll see the Series of the day - this follows the order of the Locations. The Next
Refresh will tell you how much time is left before the Daily Series will change.

The cards within the Series of the day will be listed at the bottom. To buy packs that will only have cards
from the series, use the command .buy daily <insert pack name>. However, keep in mind that daily packs
cost 1.5x the amount you would normally pay.
(See the Daily Pack prices in the green parenthesis above.)

New Packs
At the bottom of the shop, you’ll see the New series. To buy packs that will only have cards from the series,
use the command .buy new <insert pack name>. However, keep in mind that daily packs cost 2.5x the
amount you would normally pay.
(See the New Pack prices in the green parenthesis above.)
Diamond / Premium Shop
These can be used to purchase items from the Premium Shop which you can access by typing .dshop. The
Premium Shop has 5 items you can purchase by typing .dbuy <item name here>. Their packs have different rates
and will also give Holy Fragments. Click here to read about Holy Fragments. However, it is worth it to purchase the
VIP first with .dbuy VIP due to these bonuses:

1. For 31 days, you receive 50% increased Stamina Regen (3 Stamina per 4 Min instead of 2 Stamina per 4 Min)

2. Voting now gives you 2 Raid Passes instead of 1 Raid Pass

3. Voting now gives you an additional 5 Diamonds

Global Market
The global market works across all servers connected to the bot. To search for cards in the market, use the
command .market <insert filters> (For a list of filters that work, check the Filters here). This market sells any rarity
of a card, so make sure you use the proper filters. Otherwise, you’ll make the wrong purchase.

Buying Cards
Remember the Card ID? You will need the Card ID to buy and sell cards.

In the example below, I am searching for Super Rare cards of Wolf. After typing .market -rarity sr -name
wolf, it will only show Super Rare copies of Wolf.

By default, the list of available cards for sale will sort based on
the lowest price. Once you choose the card that you want to
purchase, copy its ID at the back.

In order to buy a card from the market, the command is .mk

buy <insert card ID>. This will open a confirmation message.
Once you click on the green check, the purchase will be done.

If you would like to bypass the confirmation message, you can

instantly buy by using the command .mk cbuy <insert card ID>.

It’s a good habit to check the market frequently for cards you want since prices will fluctuate depending on
the current meta talents to have. Even the Daily Series of the Day will have an effect on the market.
Selling Cards
If you have some cards you would like to sell, you can check their IDs in your inventory and get ready to list
them on the market. You will need the Card ID and come up with a Selling Price for your card. The
command to sell a card on the market is .mk sell <insert card ID> <insert selling price>.

Since the global market is cross server, there is a 5% tax on your Selling Price, so if you want to sell a card
for 100,000 Gold, you will only get 95,000 Gold once someone buys your card.

To check all the cards you have for sale on the market, use the command .mk list.

What if you made a mistake on the sale price or listed the wrong card for sale? You can remove a card that
you listed for sale by using this command: .mk remove <insert card ID> or .mk rem <insert card ID>. If you
would like to remove multiple cards, you can use a comma (WITH NO SPACES between the IDs) after the ID
and input more card IDs like so:
I.e. .mk remove 123456,123457,123458

However, if you remove a card that you had just put onto the market, it will have a 2-hour cooldown before
you can put it back on the market for sale.


Selecting Your Card
Once you start, your inventory will have a random Super Rare card. You will need to use that card to climb floors
and clear locations. To select your card, the command is .select <insert card number>. Since you only have one
card at the moment, you will type .select 1. You can check the current card you have selected with the command
.info. This will display your card’s stats, talent, level, Evo, and familiarity.

Locations & Floors

Locations are based on the world of an anime; you begin in Location 1: Steins;Gate. Each location has a roster of
characters from that anime and each character has their own floor. The total floors that a location has is equal to
the roster number multiplied by 3, meaning you’ll have to fight the same character 3 times while getting
progressively harder. At the end of a battle, you will get:

1. Common, Uncommon, or Rare card of the character you defeated

2. Gold & 500 bonus gold if it’s a floor you haven’t cleared yet
3. 2 Experience (this experience is for your profile and NOT your card)
4. Familiarity with your current selected card. (The more you use the same card to climb, the more familiarity
you gain which will increase the gold reward you get from battling a floor. The way this works is every 300
familiarity you get will net you 1% more gold up to a cap of 3000 familiarity (10% bonus gold).
**Familiarity will stack indefinitely if you keep using the card but will not go any higher than the 10% bonus
gold. Keep in mind, if you trade a card with familiarity to someone else, the familiarity will reset to 0.

Once you clear all the floors in a location, you will get 2000 bonus gold and unlock the next location. As you
progress, the floors will definitely get harder and harder. Later on, certain floors will require certain Evo 3 Super
Rares or Ultra Rares cards, specific talents, Clan Stat bonuses, or even RNG.

Battling / Climbing Floors

Now that your card is selected. We can get to the battles. With your card selected, the command to battle is .battle
or .bt for the abbreivation. This will prompt a fight with the current floor.

Once the battle is done, you will get a prompt to progress to the next floor. The command to move to the next floor
is .floor next or .fl n for the abbreviation. You can also .bt all at a floor that you’ve cleared to expend all stamina.

Repeat the commands .bt and .fl n after each battle until you clear the location. You’ll know when you’ve cleared a
location when it prompts you to move on to the next location. To travel to the next location, the command is
.location or .loc <insert location number>. Since you start at Location 1, to go to the next location, you would type
.loc 2, .loc 3, .loc 4… and etc.

Keep in mind that even after clearing locations, you can always travel back using the .loc command and travel to
specific floors to farm fodders for a card you would like to efficiently level with .fl <insert floor number>.
**You can only travel to Locations that you’ve cleared or are currently trying to clear.

Tips for Early Climbing

For early climbing, make sure you check what talent your card has. Check the TALENTS & TEAM COMPS section of
the guide to see what it does and potential counters. See below for a list of suggested Talents that are good to start
off with. As you climb, you’ll naturally start saving up a lot of gold. I would invest in building at least one of the
suggested Talents to an Evo 3 and climb as far as you can until you hit a wall.

Good Early Passive Talents to Have

- Overload - This will provide a huge damage buff from the start to power through floors.
- Temporal Rewind - A good one-time burst and heal at Round 4

Good Early Active Talents to Have

- Elemental Strike - Consistent Damage
- Double-Edged Strike - Hits harder than Elemental Strike, but with recoil damage
- Balancing Strike - Deals True Damage based on your HP and 3x more Damage if your HP is at a
lower percentage than your opponent.
RNG Based Talents
- Evasion - Builds up the chance to dodge basic attacks at a 65% cap (except Talents)
- Lucky Coin - Provides a random stat buff / heal depending on the dice roll
- Precision - Builds up crit chance up to a 100% cap and stacking crit damage

**If there are other talents that you’ve used other than the ones I’ve listed, that’s okay! If you used a different
talent to climb in the early game, feel free to let me know and I’ll include it on the list.

Walls / Difficult Floors

Eventually you’ll hit a point where you can’t beat a floor for a variety of reasons:
1. Your card is underleveled or requires a higher Evo value (Evo 2 or Evo 3)
2. Your card’s Element is at a disadvantage
3. Their Talent counters your card’s Talent
4. Your Clan Stat Bonuses aren’t enough
5. RNG (Resists, Crits, Evade) - See below for the flat chances in a battle:
a. Resist Debuffs (Poison, Burn, Stun, Recoil) - 15%
b. Chance to Crit - 5%
c. Chance to Evade - 1% (Only applies to normal attacks and NOT Talents)

Floor Guide (Loc 48+)

We now have an AniGame Community Floor Guide (Location 48+) - see link below to access the guide!

Once you’ve amassed a fair amount of Super Rares or even Ultra Rares, you can start creating teams. A team is
composed of 3 cards. See the following commands for their usage and explanations below.

.team create <insert desired team name>

This command will create a team with your chosen name. Keep in mind, this name is case sensitive for
setting cards. You can create up to 5 teams.

.team delete <insert team name>

This command will delete the existing team you have already created. **This will NOT delete your cards, so
don’t worry about losing them. There is no command to rename a team, so if you would like to change the
name, you’ll have to delete the team and create one in the correct name you want.
.team set <insert card number>
Once you’ve decided on the 3 cards to put into your team, use this command to individually place them.
The process of setting a card is shown below.

1. If I want to place Card #13 into a team, the command is .team set 13. You will then be prompted with
a list of your team names.
2. Type the name of the team you would like the card to be in (Case sensitive). You will then be
prompted to decide which position you would like the card to be in. A team has 3 positions, and yes,
order does matter depending on which talents you would like to use first.
3. Type 1, 2, or 3 to decide on the position. Repeat the steps for the remaining 2 cards.

.team select <insert team name>

This command will select the team you would like to use in a raid, pvp, or dungeon battle.

This command will display your current team selected, the cards on the team, stats, and power level.

.team view <insert team name>

This command will display the cards, stats, and power level of the selected team name (Case sensitive).


What are Talents?
A major aspect of the cards are their talents (or skills). You can check the talent of a card in your inventory with .info
<insert card number> or if you don’t own the card but know their name, use .cinfo <insert card name>. Talents
are especially important in raids as certain team comps with the right talents can deal major damage in raids.

There are two types of talents - Passives and Actives.

1. Passive talents require no mana, but will proc once a certain criteria is met or at the start of the battle.
2. Active talents require mana which is the blue bar underneath your HP when you battle as seen below:
You get Mana by attacking or being hit. The amount of mana you get will vary depending on many factors. In the
image above, my team has two cards with Active talents, so there are two Mana bars.

Once a Mana bar is filled, you will use your talent in the order you placed them in your team. If you have Active A
and Active B, once the bar is filled, Active A will be used first. Once the Mana bar is filled again, Active B will be
used, followed by Active A… etc.

Some Talents can provide a Buff or a Debuff. You only have 1 Buff and 1 Debuff active at a time, so make sure you
don’t stack two Buff Talents as the second buff will overwrite the first buff. For example, putting Regeneration with
Endurance will not work; once you have a stack of Regeneration, the moment that Endurance comes up, it will
replace that stack of Regeneration with Endurance and vice versa.

This differs for Debuffs; however, if you’re up against a card that will give you a Debuff such as Burn or Poison,
having a Recoil Talent is useful to get rid of those Debuffs. Using this mechanic can help against Raid Bosses that
have the Blaze, Poison, or Time Bomb Talent since it will get rid of those Debuffs.

Passive Talent Library

Below is a list of all the Passive talents. Depending on the rarity of the card, some talents will have different values.
The first percent represents the value if the card is Super Rare and the second percent represents the value if the
card is Ultra Rare. For some cards, there are no changes between Super Rare and Ultra Rare talents.
Countered By: These are counters for climbing! For the starting locations, you don’t really need counters.
End-Game floors will require Ultra Rare Evo 3 and even RNG. Keep in mind this is NOT a Floor Climbing guide!

Descriptions and Counters

● Berserker (Atk / Def) - While your health is low, increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 54% / 60%.
Countered By: Trick Room (Atk / Def), Vengeance (Atk/Def)
● Blood Surge - When your health becomes low, increase the LIFESTEAL of all allies by 81% / 90%.
Countered By: Overload, Balancing Strike, ATK Damage Actives
● Bloodthirster - Increases your LIFESTEAL, restoring HP equal to 32% / 36% attack damage your allies
deal, as well as increasing all healing effects by 41% / 46% (up to a maximum of 50%).
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Balancing Strike, Atk Damage Actives
● Celestial Influence - Start off the battle with 72% / 80% increased Mana Regen, while decreasing
enemy familiars' Mana Regen by 18% / 20%.
Countered By: Overload, Elemental Advantage
● Divine Blessing [Buff] - Start off the battle with a stack of Divine Blessing, increasing your ATK/DEF
by 45%. (This will last 4 rounds)
Countered By: Elemental Advantage
● Dominance - While your HP % is greater than or equal to the enemy's HP %, increase the ATK of
allies by 30% / 34%.
Countered By: Overload, Balancing Strike, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Executioner - When the enemy's health is below 48% / 54%, increase your ATK by 90% / 100%.
Countered By: Overload
● Grievous Limiter - When the battle starts, decrease the ATK of enemy familiars by 72% /80%. Their
ATK increases by 9% / 10% every turn after that.
Countered By: Trick Room (Atk), Elemental Advantage
● Life Sap - Every round, deal 3% / 4% of the enemy familiars' max HP as damage, and heal for 175% of
the damage dealt.
Countered By: Lucky Coin, Poison
● Miracle Injection - Start off the battle by decreasing your HP and max HP by 18%/20%. Increase your
SPD/ATK/DEF by the amount decreased x2.
● Overload (Atk / Def) - When the battle starts, increase the ATK/DEF by 99% / 110% of all allied
familiars. Your ATK/DEF decreases by 14% / 16% every turn after that.
Countered By: Trick Room, Overload, Elemental Advantage
● Protector - When your health drops below 25%, restore the HP of all allied familiars by 36%/ 40% and
raise their DEF by 63% / 70%.
Countered By: Poison, Life Sap, True Damage
● Recoil [Debuff] - Start off the battle with Reflector buff, reflecting 20% of the damage you take to
enemy familiars instead.
Countered By: Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Reflector - Start off the battle with Reflector buff, reflecting 20% of the damage you take to enemy
familiars instead. (Lasts the whole battle)
Countered By: Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Reversion - Once your health drops below 36% / 40%, revert the stats and HP of all allied and enemy
familiars back to their base stats. Your allied familiars also increase their DEF/SPD by 21%/ 24% after
the reversion.
Countered By: Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Soul Stealer - Absorb 6% / 7% of the enemy familiars' DEF every turn.
● Temporal Rewind - Buff your allies with a stack of Temporal Rewind (this does not stack, and
refreshes the ability instead). After 3 turns, restore your HP to half the difference between your
original HP and your current HP, and deal the same amount to your opponent.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Transformation - When the battle starts, decrease the SPD of all allied familiars by 27% / 30%, and
simultaneously increase their base HP and ATK by 54% / 60%.
Countered By: Overload, Life Sap, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Underdog (Atk / Def) - While your HP % is lower than the enemy's HP %, increase the ATK/DEF of all
allies by 27% / 30%.
Counters for Underdog Atk: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
Counters for Underdog Def: Life Sap, True Damage, Poison
Active Talents Library
Below is a list of all the Active talents. Depending on the rarity of the card, some talents will have different values.
The first percent represents the value if the card is Super Rare and the second percent represents the value if the
card is Ultra Rare. For some cards, there are no changes between Super Rare and Ultra Rare talents.

Countered By: These are counters for climbing! For the starting locations, you don’t really need counters.
End-Game floors will require Ultra Rare Evo 3 and even RNG. Keep in mind this is NOT a Floor Climbing guide!

Descriptions and Counters

● Amplifier (Atk / Def) - Increase the ATK/DEF of all allied familiars by 23% / 26% for each allied familiar
of the same type as the wielder. (This effect is doubled if your team only consists of 1 familiar)
Counters for Amplifier Atk: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
Counters for Amplifier Def: Life Sap, True Damage, Poison
● Balancing Strike - If your HP % is lower than the enemy's HP %, deal 27% / 30% of your base HP as
True damage. Otherwise, this skill deals 9% / 10% of your base HP as True damage.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Blaze [Debuff] - Inflict a stack of Burn to enemy familiars, dealing 10% True damage per turn, as well
as reducing all healing effects on them by 75%.
Countered By: Recoil, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Breaker (Atk / Def) - Decrease the ATK/DEF of all enemy familiars by 36% / 40%.
Countered By: Life Sap, Lucky Coin
● Celestial Blessing* - Increase your max Mana (up to 600 total) and Mana Regeneration by 36%/40%,
and heal allied familiars equal to 2.5x your max Mana.
* Heal caps at 1000 at max Mana, but can heal beyond that amount with other talents.
● Dexterity Drive (Element) - Deal Element damage equal to 9%/ 10% of your SPD, and deal additional
damage according to the difference between your SPD and enemy's SPD.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Double-Edged Strike (Element) - Deal Element damage equal to 27% / 30% of your ATK, and take 1/4
of the damage dealt to yourself.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Elemental Strike (Element) - Deal Element damage based on 18% / 20% of your ATK.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Endurance [Buff] - Buff your allies with Endurance, taking 65% less damage from normal attacks for
3 turns.
Countered By: Life Sap, True Damage, Poison
● Evasion - Increase your EVASION by 28% / 32%, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks. (Capped at
65% EVASION Chance)
Countered By: Life Sap, True Damage, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin (and
● Freeze [Debuff] - Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well
as permanently decreasing their ATK by 18% / 20%. *Recoil will not stop the Stat Decreases*
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin
● Lucky Coin - Roll a 36 / 40 sided dice. Your allied familiars gain the amount rolled x 3%
HP/ATK/DEF/SPD at random.
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin (and Luck)
● Mana Reaver - Absorb up to 36% / 40% Mana from enemy familiars, and deal True damage equal to
the Mana absorbed x10 (damage is further multiplied by number of enemy familiars).
Countered By: Life Sap
● Offensive Stance - Increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 72% / 80%, and simultaneously decrease
their DEF by 18% / 20%.
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin
● Pain for Power - Sacrifice 12% / 14% of your allies current HP to increase the ATK and SPD of all allied
familiars by 54% / 60%.
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Balancing Strike, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin
● Paralysis [Debuff] - Gain a 72% / 80% chance to inflict a stack of Stun to enemy familiars, disabling
their next turn, as well as permanently decreasing their DEF by 18% / 20%. *Recoil will not stop the
Stat Decrease nor the Stun if it happens*
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin
● Poison [Debuff] - Inflict a stack of Poison to enemy familiars, dealing 5 + 5% True damage every turn
it persists. (This caps at 7 stacks for 35% Poison damage)
Countered By: Recoil, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin
● Precision - Increase the CRIT of ally familiars by 28% / 32%, and increase CRIT DMG by 39% / 44%.
(Capped at 100% CRIT Rate)
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage, Lucky Coin (and Luck)
● Regeneration [Buff] - Buffs ally familiars with a stack of Regeneration, healing them for a small
amount (7.5% of your Max HP at 1 stack, 15% at 2 stacks, and 22.5% at 3 stacks) every turn.
Countered By: Blaze
● Rejuvenation - Restore the HP of all allied familiars by 21% / 24%, as well as increasing healing effects
on allied familiars by 18% / 20%, up to a maximum of 50% heal increase.
Countered By: Blaze
● Restricted Instinct [Debuff] - Inflicts a stack of Silence on enemy familiars for up to 3 turns,
restricting any of their abilities to be used. *Recoil will not remove Silence as it restricts Talents*
Countered By: Overload
● Time Attack (Atk / Def, Element) - Deal 9% / 10% of your base ATK/DEF as Element damage. The
damage increases by 40% for every turn passed.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Time Bomb [Debuff] - Inflict a stack of Time Bomb to enemy familiars, dealing 30% of your ATK as
True damage after 1 turn.
Countered By: Overload, Recoil, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Trick Room (Atk / Def) - If the enemy familiars' ATK/DEF is higher than yours, your allies gain
ATK/DEF equal to 108% / 120% of the difference between the two ATK's/DEF’s, and simultaneously
reduce their ATK/DEF by the same amount.
Counters for Trick Room Atk: Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
Counters for Trick Room Def: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Ultimate Combo - Every time this ability is casted, increase your Fighting Counter by 1. This skill
deals 5% / 6% of your SPD x the amount of Fighting Counters you have as True damage. If your allied
familiars have a total of 3 Fighting Counters, this skill deals 30% of your opponent's max HP as True
damage instead, and your Fighting Counters are reset back to 0.
Countered By: Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage
● Unlucky Coin - Roll a 36/40 sided dice. Enemy familiars have their HP*/ATK/DEF/SPD reduced by the
amount rolled x 2 at random.
* HP Rolls only affect CURRENT HP not MAX HP
● Vengeance (Atk / Def / Spd) - Deal True damage to all enemy familiars equal to 19% / 22% of their
Countered By: Life Sap, Overload, Atk Damage Actives, Elemental Advantage

Example Team Comps

Starting off, you’ll want to focus on cards with specific talents to do well in raids. Most raids under a Power Level of
2,000 can be done with almost any comp, but later on, team comp will be important. Below are some examples:
**These teams are not meant to be the golden standard, you are free to make your own team comps as there
are other factors that will affect your team such as Clan Stats, Elemental Advantages, and the Raid Boss.

- Lifesteal Team [Good starter team to have]

Blood Surge, Underdog Atk / Def or Pain for Power, Breaker Def

- Time Attack / Poison Team [Good starter team to have]

Regeneration, Protector / Underdog Def, Time Attack / Poison

Having a full team of Super Rare Evo 3 as a beginner should put you at around 2,800 Power Level at which you
should be able to safely do raids up to around 3000 - 3500 Power Level depending on the stats of the Raid Boss,
their Element, and Talent. **Keep in mind, Power Level isn’t everything; if your team comp is solid and has
elemental advantages against the boss, you can still carry.

However, feel free to ask for help as the #questions-and-inquiries channel in the official server will prove to be of
great use. Just be polite and patient.

Below are some other comps for mid-game / end-game Raids. Keep in mind certain Raid Bosses will have certain
comps that will do well against them. Since this is a beginner guide, those specific comps won’t be listed.
- Trick Room Team
Trick Room Atk, Trick Room Def, Blood Surge

- Burst Team
Trick Room Def, Precision, Blood Surge

- Blessing Team
Celestial Blessing, Rejuvenation, Time Attack

- The Turtle Team (Due to Sap being nerfed, this team is not as effective)
Life Sap, Berserker Def, Endurance

As you do more raids, you’ll see other players using cards or even talents that you would least expect to
work on a certain Raid Boss. The fun in the game is learning and improving, so I’ve decided to NOT include
the names of specific cards to build, but rather provide the Talents and have you explore the options.

Raids are the co-op aspect of Anigames. Up to 6 players can join a raid. A raid boss can be any card, so with a team,
it is a 3 v 1, but each user will use their own team to battle. Should you and your party finish a raid, you will be
rewarded with gold, fodders, and potential Super Rare or Ultra Rare drops. However, how do you get a raid?

Raid Spawn
The command to spawn a raid is .rd spawn <insert difficulty: easy, medium, hard, or impossible>. You can do
this every 4 hours. Once you spawn a raid, you’ll get a notification from the bot of the raid that you spawned. It
should look like this:
Despite it being called difficulty, it doesn’t represent how hard a raid is to complete. This actually represents
the TIME you have to complete a raid; the higher the difficulty, the more HP a boss will have which
subsequently will require more time to finish. See below for the timers of a raid:
- .rd spawn easy or .rd spawn e will spawn a raid to defeat within 1 hour
- .rd spawn medium or .rd spawn m will spawn a raid to defeat within 2 hours
- .rd spawn hard or .rd spawn h will spawn a raid to defeat within 3 hours
- .rd spawn impossible or .rd spawn i will spawn a raid to defeat within 4 hours

Rarity / Class & Drops

Since a Raid Boss is a card, they share the same attributes as a card, such as rarity, scaling stats based on the
raid level, element, and talent (not displayed). However, a difference would be the Total Possible Drop Loot
Rewards which is based on the rarity of the raid. Below are the standard potential drops you will get based
on the rarity:
- Common (Class D Raid Boss) - 4 Super Rare Cards
- Uncommon (Class C Raid Boss) - 5 Super Rare Cards & 1 Ultra Rare Card
- Rare (Class B Raid Boss) - 6 Super Rare Cards & 2 Ultra Rare Cards
- Super Rare (Class A Raid Boss) - 7 Super Rare Cards & 3 Ultra Rare Cards
- Ultra Rare (Class S Raid Boss) - 8 Super Rare Cards & 4 Ultra Rare Cards
These drops are the potential TOTAL reward amongst all raid participants in the party, so not everyone will get
Super Rare or Ultra Rare cards. In addition, the percent chance of getting Super Rares and Ultra Rares scale with
the level of the boss, so the higher the level, the better the rates.

In order to qualify for drops a player must deal 10% of the Raid Boss’s Max HP. (But don’t be leech)

Joining / Leaving a Raid

After spawning a raid, you’ll notice on the bottom is a 6-digit code with the command .rd join <insert raid code>.
**You must have 2 Raid Passes to join one, but those passes will not be taken as long as the raid has not yet started.

If you join a raid, you can check the information with .rd view. If you want to do this raid, type .rd leave and you will
keep your passes. If you leave while a raid is in progress, you will not get back your passes. **If you leave while a raid
is in progress, the boss will lose 15% of its remaining HP to balance out the loss of the player.

Raid Leader Commands

The first person to join a raid will become the raid leader. You can share the code with friends or clan
members, or publicize your raid so anyone can join with the command .rd public. Raids will automatically
go public if they’re not claimed within 30 minutes, but will be private (hidden from public lobbies) once you
join it. If you joined a raid in public lobbies and would like to make it private, use the command .rd private. If
there is anyone you would like to kick from the raid before it starts, check which position they are at (2, 3, 4, 5
or 6) and type .rd kick <insert position number of player>. **This command only works if the raid hasn’t
started yet.

Once you have a full lobby / party, or the desired members for the raid, only the leader can start the raid
with the command .rd start.

If you do not want to join a raid you spawn, you can look elsewhere for a raid such as in the Official AniGame
Server in #raid-recruitment or in Public Raid Lobbies.

Public Raid Lobbies

You can check public raid lobbies with the command .rd lobbies <insert filters> (you can see the possible
filters in the Filter Library Chapter).
This will display a list of lobbies that you can navigate and show the Card Name, [Difficulty], Rarity, Level, ID
(Raid Code), and [ Current participants / 6]. If you find a raid for a card you like or would like to build, use the
raid join command, .rd join <insert 6-digit Raid ID / Code>.

Raid Status
You can check the status of the lobby by typing .rd party which will display all the players currently in, including
their name, player ID, Level, and team Power Level.

After a raid begins, you’ll see additional information such as the Raid Challenge Timer of the raid, the members in
the raid, their raid Energy, their Total Damage, their Total Attacks, and their Last Attack timer.

Raid Battle
Once the raid has begun, you will have raid energy, which is stamina for battling in a raid. Raid energy has a cap of
25, which you will start with. You can check your energy with the command .rd energy. You cannot regen energy
past 25 / 26 since the rate for regenerating energy is 2 Energy every 2 Minutes.

Just like stamina, a single raid battle will use 5 Energy. The command to do a single battle is .rd battle or .rd bt.
However, should you choose to use all your energy to battle, you can use .rd battle all or .rd bt all. If you have
enough energy to battle a specific amount (2, 3, or 4 battles), you can do so as long has you have enough energy to
do so with the command .rd battle <specify battle amount> or .rd bt <specify battle amount>. Once you finish a
battle, you will see a summary of your damage like below.

Boss HP / Rage Mode

As seen above, you’ll notice there are two separate damages - Damage for Boss Defeat and Damage for
Raid Boss Endurance + Damage Dealt
1. Damage For Boss Defeat is the base HP of the boss. Once you’ve reduced that HP to 0, the boss will
enter [Rage Mode].
2. Damage for Raid Boss Endurance is the remaining HP of the boss for the raid over its base HP. This
is the damage you deal to the boss during [Rage Mode]. During this phase, the boss will passively
gain 25% Atk, 5% Def, and Crit Rate every round. Just like normal battles, the raid battle caps out at
20 rounds and you cannot deal more than the boss’s base HP in [Rage Mode].

- If your battle gets deleted while it is in progress, it will count as a forfeit, and you will lose the
energy that you would’ve spent and deal 0 damage.
- If you change your team while a battle is happening, it won’t affect it in real time until the next
time you battle.
- Currently, the cooldown for battling is 2 minutes, so if you plan on doing two single battles, you
have to wait 2 minutes before you can start the second one.
- Only 2 separate battles can occur in a single channel.
- You must deal at least 10% of the Boss’s total HP to qualify for the drops!

Vote Kick
Once a raid has begun, you cannot kick anyone unless their last attack was a certain time away. The amount of
time required to kick a person differs depending on the difficulty of the raid:
- Easy - Time Required to Kick: at least 25 Minutes
- Medium - Time Required to Kick: at least 35 Minutes
- Hard - Time Required to Kick: at least 45 Minutes
- Impossible - Time Required to Kick: at least 55 Minutes

To kick a player that has reached the required time since their last attack, the command is .rd vkick <insert
position of player>. Depending on the amount of people in the raid, you’ll need others to vote with you. The
amount of votes required is below:
- If there are 5 - 6 players in a raid, the amount of votes required to kick is 3
- If there are 3 - 4 players in a raid, the amount of votes required to kick is 2
- If there are 2 players in a raid, the amount of votes required to kick is 1
**A player kicked in this fashion will lose an additional raid pass.

Raid Surrender
If you get stuck in a raid where at least half the players have not battled over the required amount of time to vote
kick, any of the active players including yourself can use the command .rd surrender. This will surrender the raid
and all active players will receive 1 Raid Pass back while the inactive players will lose an additional Raid Pass.
Clans are guilds - you can either create your own clan and or join an existing
one. The benefits of being in a clan are the Clan Stat bonuses and access to
the Clan Shop. You can view the stat bonuses by typing .cl. If you wish to
check the bonuses of another user’s clan, the command is .cl <@user / user
ID>. Doing so will show this:

Creating a Clan
The price for creating it is 100,000 Gold. Only a single clan can be created on
a server. If you want to create a clan, the command is .clan create <insert
desired Clan Name>. To rename your clan,you need 1,000,000 gold or 500
diamonds by typing .clan rename <Insert New Name> and has a cooldown
of 3 days per change.

Clan Leader
Leaders can change the structure and hierarchy of the clan. You can promote a single member to become Vice
Leader and another member to Admin. You can pass the role of leader to another member, however, that right is
also possible for the Clan Vice Leader AND Admin.

As leader, you also have the power to disband your Clan. This will delete the clan entirely which will render all
members within that clan to be clanless. The command for disbanding a clan is .clan disband.

Clan Attributes
When viewing your clan, you’ll see the following:

Clan Description
A text description of your clan. This can be edited by the Clan Leader or Vice Leader with the command
.clan edit.

Clan Level
Displays the Clan Level, which affects the total number of members at subsequent levels.

Clan Gold
Displays the current amount of Gold that has been donated to the Clan. This Gold is used to upgrade the
Clan Level and Clan Bonuses.
Clan Bonuses
Displays the current stat bonuses for all members in the clan. Each stat can be upgraded by clan gold, but
the Gold required to upgrade each subsequent level will be doubled. Upon creation of a clan, all bonuses
will be at Level 1 which is 5%. Increasing the level will increase the bonus by 1%. The starting Gold
required to upgrade a stat from Level 1 to Level 2 is 1,000,000 Gold. Since that value doubles, from Level 2 to
Level 3, the Gold required is 2,000,000 Gold then 4,000,000 Gold, 8,000,000 Gold… etc.

Only the Leader or Vice Leader can upgrade these bonuses once there is enough Clan Gold. The command
to do so is .cl upgrade. This will give you a prompt with emotes as seen below:

Simply react to the emote that corresponds with the stat that you would like to upgrade to do so.

Clan Image
When displaying your clan, you have the option to include an image. If there is no image, then your clan
image will display your clan server icon instead. This can be a static image or an animated GIF. Only the Clan
Leader or Vice Leader can change this. The command to change the Clan Image is .cl image <insert image
URL>. To reset the image back to your clan server icon, just do .cl image. (Max size: 498px x 295px)

Promote / Demote
The Clan Leader, Vice Leader, and Admin are the only members in a clan who have the ability to promote.. To
promote a member of your clan, use the command .clan promote <@user> <title>.

I.e. .cl promote @GuineaPig admin will promote user @GuineaPig to Admin.

To demote a clan member, the command is .clan demote <@user>.

Managing Clan Members

Inviting Members
You can only invite a member of the clan if you are Clan Leader, Vice Leader, or Admin. To invite someone to
your clan, the command is .cl invite <@user>.

Kicking Members
You can only kick a member of the clan if you are Clan Leader, Vice Leader, or Admin. There are two ways to
kick a member: the first command is .cl kick <@user>.

The second command is .cl kick2 <insert user’s Discord ID>. You can copy the user’s discord ID by
right-clicking the user’s name and clicking Copy ID (make sure you have Developer Mode enabled - this can
be done by going to your Discord Settings > Appearance > Scroll Down to the Advanced Tab and turn on
Developer Mode).

Leaving Clan
If, at any point, you would like to leave your Clan for any reason, the command to leave is .cl leave. Once you
leave a clan, there is a 24-hour cooldown before you can join another.

Clan Donations
Different Clans will have different requirements for members to donate Gold. These donations will ultimately
benefit all the Clan members due to the Stat Bonuses that every member will get. These bonuses seem small but
will make a difference later on when doing certain Raids or even climbing floors.

Donating will also provide a special currency for individual clan members in the form of Rubies. The conversion rate
for Rubies is 5 gold for 1 Ruby, so if you do not donate a gold amount that is a multiple of 5, you will lose out on a
ruby. Once you are in a clan, the command to donate is .cl donate <insert gold amount>. The command to see
how many rubies you have is .ru or .rubies. The command to check your clan member donations is .cl donations.

Clan Shop
Rubies are used in a special Clan Shop, accessed with the command .cl shop. The cards sold in the clan
shop will reset every day depending on your time zone. To buy a card from the clan shop, the command is
.cl buy <number 1 - 5>

- It will sell Super Rare cards for the price of 50,000 Rubies (Which requires 250,000 Gold donated).
However, it is best to avoid buying Super Rare cards from the Clan Shop and save for Ultra Rares.

- Every Sunday, the clan shop will have an Ultra Rare card for the price of 250,000 Rubies (Which
requires 1,250,000 Gold donated). Whether or not the Ultra Rare card is worth the price is dependent
on market research and your decision
There is a dex for all the existing cards that you can access by typing .dex. This will display all existing cards in
alphabetical order based on their name. You can apply filters to the dex to do a more detailed search by using the
command .dex <insert filters>. For a list of Filters, click here.

If you know the name of a card and would like more detailed information on the card such as the series it’s from,
stats, element, and talent, the command is .cinfo <insert character name>.

If you would like to check the cards that are related to a specific series, the command is .dex -series <insert series
name>. This will provide a list of the cards pertaining to the desired series currently existing in Anigames.

Change Logs
The command .changelogs will display the most recent changes made to the bot made by the developer.

After trading or buying cards from the market, those cards will have a cooldown in which they cannot be traded
again until the cooldown is over. To quickly check which cards you have are on cooldown, type .cd.

Daily / Voting
The command .daily or .vote will provide you with a link to vote for the bot. You may vote every 12 hours and there
are benefits if you do it often. Upon voting, you will get the rewards as follows:

1. 1500 + 250 x Streak (Capped at 18) Gold (6000 Gold)

2. 10 Diamonds (+5 more Diamonds if you purchased the VIP Premium from the Diamond / Premium Shop)
3. 1 Raid Pass (2 Raid Passes if VIP was purchased)
4. 500 Bonus gold if you’re married.
5. Stamina refilled to your max capacity

Daily2 (Removed)
The command .daily2 can ONLY be used in the Anigame Official Server every 24 hours. It is only usable by server
boosters of Anigame OS using Discord Nitro. Using this command gives 1000 Gold and 20 Diamonds to the user.
Dungeons / PVP
.dg bt <Easy, Medium, Hard, Impossible>
Once you have a team set up, you can fight a randomly generated team. Winning or losing these battles will
not cost nor net you anything, but give you ideas on counters / ideas for new team comps or strategies.

.dg fight <@user>

This command will start a battle between your currently selected team versus another user’s team (3 v 3) if
they accept the challenge.

.fight <@user> <insert gold amount to bet (optional)>

This command will start a 1 v 1 with your current selected card against another user’s selected card if they
accept the challenge. You can insert a gold amount after the user’s tag if you two plan on betting gold.

When there are events, the commands to check for relevant information are .help event or .ev help for general
commands there. Otherwise you can check the #change-logs channel in the Official Server for additional
information / updates.
.ev spspawn
To spawn an event raid, use the command above. The cooldown for the event spawn is separate from the
normal raid spawn, so you can do both at the same time.

Favoriting Cards
You can add a card to your favorites by using the command .fav add <insert Card Number>. This will add a “Star”
Icon next to the card you selected. You can have multiple favorites with no limit and these cards will NOT be
included in trades UNLESS you specifically include the card. All your favorites will be displayed if you use the
command .fav. If you want to remove a favorite card, use the command .fav remove <insert Card number>.

The bot has a coinflip command to potentially earn gold. The command to bet gold is .gamble <insert gold
amount you are willing to bet> <choose heads or tails>. As seen below, the amount you get back if you win the
toss isn’t 100% of the money you used to bet. You will only profit 85% of your bet back.

The command .items will display fragments from events and Holy Fragments.
.ev redeem
During an event, they will release a new fragment that you get from doing event raids. Each successful
event raid will net you 1 fragment for the event. Depending on the admins, you can redeem a Super Rare or
potential Ultra Rare if you type .ev redeem while having the required amount of fragments.
You can get Holy Fragments from the Diamond / Premium shop by buying packs there. Once you have 60,
you can redeem a random Ultra Rare from the Series of the Day with this command.

The leaderboard command will display the current leader board (Top 10) based on the category of your choosing
with the command .lb <insert category name>. The categories that you can display are below:
- .lb g will display the Top 10 Users with the most gold
- .lb cl will display the Top 10 Clans
- .lb ur will display the Top 10 Users with the most Ultra Rare cards
- .lb lvl will display the Top 10 Users with the highest level
- .lb loc will display the Top 10 Users who have cleared all the Locations (resets daily)

The command, .lottery can be done every 10 minutes. It costs 750 gold for a chance to get:
1. A random Card (including event exclusives) of any rarity, but the higher the rarity, the lower the chance
2. Gold (either less or more than you spent for the lottery, capped at 10,000 gold)
3. Stamina (capped at 70 stamina)
4. 2 Raid Passes
5. Experience (from 1-15 exp to a cap at 100 exp)

Marriage / Divorce
You can marry another player with the command .marry <@user> or .propose <@user> which will send a request.
Currently, the benefit of being in a marriage is 500 bonus gold when you vote. You can only have one partner in
marriage, so if you want to divorce, the command is .divorce.

The referral command is .referral to check if you’ve been referred to AniGame by another user and your Referral
Code. There is a referral exclusive card, Hastune Miku, that you can get when reaching certain referral counts and
2500 Gold for each referral you get. In order to get referrals, another user who has not yet been referred yet must
type the command .referral <@mention you or your Referral Code>

Reminder (Votes)
The command .reminder will be on by default for new members of the bot. For older members, use this
command to turn on a 12-hour reminder for .vote / .daily.

Ping (Server Lag)

Sometimes the bot might lag or be unresponsive, so the command .ping will test to see if there is a lag to the bot.
Trading Cards
You can trade cards with other players once you are level 9. Be wary of scams though unless you’re trading with
someone you trust. It’s safer to trade in the Official AniGame Server.
.trade <@user>
This command will initiate a trade with the tagged user if they accept.

.tr add card <insert card number(s), use commands to separate if multiple cards>
This command will add individual cards you would like to include in the trade (including Favorites)

.tr add cards <insert filters>

This command will add multiple cards based on your filters. By default, this will ONLY add uncommon and
common rarity cards, so if you would like to add Rare, Super Rare, or Ultra Rare, make sure you use the -r
filter. A unique filter for when trading fodders is the -limit or -l <insert quantity>.
I.e. .tr add cards -n sora -l 500 will add 500 total Common and Uncommon cards of Sora.

.tr add gold <insert gold amount>

This command will add the desired gold amount.

.tr view
This command will show a summary of what’s being traded between the two users.

.tr confirm
This command will confirm what you have given. You CANNOT add anything else to the trade once you’ve
confirmed a trade so make sure you double check. Both users must type this for the trade to go through.

.tr cancel
This command will cancel a trade if anyone types it.

The command .tower will display two values: [ Clan ID and # of card claims in the past hour ]. You are limited to
claiming 60 cards every hour.

The filter commands will make it easier to find cards in your inventory, in the dex, in raid lobbies, and in the market.
These filter add-ons will go after your command: i.e. .inv <insert filter 1> <insert filter 2>... etc. See below for filters
Filters for .dex, .inv
1. -element <neutral, fire, water, electric, ground, grass, dark, light> or -ele
2. -evo <insert 1, 2, or 3> (This will filter only cards that are evo 1, evo 2, or evo 3)
3. -name <insert card name> or -n (This is for looking for cards with a specific name(s), use a comma to
include more names)
I.e. .inv -n all might, izuku midoriya (This will search your inventory for those 2 cards)
4. -rarity <c, uc, r, sr, ur> or -r (Abbreviations are for Common, Uncommon, Rarity, Super Rare, and Ultra rare)
5. -stat <hp, atk, def, spd> (This will sort the cards with the highest desired stat)
6. -series <insert series name> (This will only display cards from a particular series, use a comma to include
more if necessary)
7. -nick <nickname here> (Case-sensitive to search your inv for a nicknamed card)
8. -talent <insert talent name> or -t (This will display cards with the desired talent name)

Filters for .market

1. -element <neutral, fire, water, electric, ground, grass, dark, light> or -ele
2. -evo <insert 1, 2, or 3> (This will filter only cards that are evo 1, evo 2, or evo 3)
3. -name <insert card name> or -n (This is for looking for cards with a specific name(s), use a comma to
include more names)
I.e. .inv -n all might, izuku midoriya (This will search your inventory for those 2 cards)
4. -rarity <c, uc, r, sr, ur> or -r (Abbreviations are for Common, Uncommon, Rarity, Super Rare, and Ultra rare)
5. -series <insert series name> (This will only display cards from a particular series, use a comma to include
more if necessary)
6. -sort id (Sorts the market by ID) or -sort id+ (Sorts the market by ID in reverse order)
7. -talent <insert talent name> or -t (This will display cards with the desired talent name)

Filters for .massenh <insert card number>

1. -name <insert card name> or -n (This will use cards with the desired name(s), use a comma to include
more names as fodders to level up your card)
I.e. .inv -n all might, izuku midoriya (This will search your inventory for those 2 cards)
2. -rarity <c, uc, r> or -r (Abbreviations are for Common, Uncommon, Rarity)
3. -exclude <insert card name> (This will use any cards as fodders EXCEPT the ones you named. Use a comma
to include more cards that you would like to avoid using to enhance.)

Filters for .rd lobbies

You can also include filters from the above, such as the name, element, and rarity
1. -element <neutral, fire, water, electric, ground, grass, dark, light> or -ele
2. -difficulty <easy, medium, hard, impossible> or -d (Difficulty pertains to the time limit you have to finish a
raid starting from 1, 2, 3, to 4 hours)
3. -name <insert card name> or -n (This will search for raids with a specific name(s), use a comma to include
more names)
I.e. .rd lobbies -n izumo, sora, gowther (This will search all public raid lobbies for those 3 cards)
4. -rarity <c, uc, r, sr, ur> or -r (The higher rarity a raid is will provide more copies and higher chances for Super
Rare and Ultra Rare drops)
5. -series <insert series name> (This will only display raids with cards from a particular series, use a comma to
include more if necessary)
6. -talent <insert talent name> or -t (This will display cards with the desired talent name)

Filters for .trade

You can also include filters from the above, such as the name, element, and rarity
1. -element <neutral, fire, water, electric, ground, grass, dark, light> or -ele
2. -exclude <insert card name> (This will include cards EXCEPT the ones you named. Use a comma to include
more cards that you would like to avoid using to enhance.)
3. -evo <insert 1, 2, or 3> (This will filter only cards that are evo 1, evo 2, or evo 3)
4. -name <insert card name> or -n (This will include the card with a specific name to the trade)
I.e. .tr add cards -n naruto, sasuke (This will add Common and Uncommon Naruto & Sasuke)
5. -l <insert quantity of cards> (This will include the amount of cards you would like to trade)
I.e. .tr add cards -r r,uc,c -l 500 (This will add 500 total Rare, Uncommon, and Common cards)
6. -rarity <c, uc, r, sr, ur> or -r (This will include the cards based on the rarity you want)
7. -series <insert series name> (This will only display raids with cards from a particular series, use a comma to
include more if necessary)
8. -talent <insert talent name> or -t (This will display cards with the desired talent name)

If you are unsure about specific commands, you can type .help <insert command name>. To see a short list of
commands that you can do, type .help. To access the link to this guide, type .basics.

Support the Bot

This bot is maintained due to the assistance of the many helpers and the developer. If you would like to provide any
support, you can donate to the bot. You will need a PayPal account for this. Below is a series of steps that you can
follow to donate money to the developer:

1. Go to your DMs with the AniGame bot and type .email.

2. This will prompt you to type your email within the DMs. Make sure you type the correct Email associated
with your PayPal so that rewards for donating will be linked to the correct Discord account.
3. Go to any bot-enabled channel with AniGame and type the command .donate. This will send you a DM with
the donation link and rates. The amount of money you donate will give you Diamonds.

You can check the amount of money you’ve donated to the bot with the command .donation. Thank you!
Final Words
If you’ve made it to the end, thank you for reading my guide. As I’ve said in the beginning, this is the first guide
I’ve ever written. My background is in Graphic Design, so my goal is to provide a guide that is simple, easy to
navigate, and aesthetically pleasing to look at. This was a fun project to work on and I’m impressed at how much
I’ve typed over the past few days.

I would also like to thank my friends who helped answer some questions for me and thank you to Zenith and
helpers for giving me a chance to share my knowledge of the bot.

With much gratitude,

[CGBS] Aceonight#8584

Guide Updates
Throughout the beginner’s guide event, I’ve gotten a few suggestions which I’ve taken to heart and included. Many
thanks to those who kindly told me which information needed changes and provided some suggestions which I’ve
considered adding! Any changes that I’ve made to my guide will be noted below!

April 9, 2021
Designed and included a new Element Diagram for cards along with some formatting changes.

April 21, 2021

Designed and included a new Evo Diagram for evolving cards along with some formatting changes.

May 1, 2021
Tweaked the language in Leveling Up cards for clarity.

June 11, 2021

Updating Talents (Anigame Update), including new packs, and a new daily command for server boosters.

June 16, 2021

Updated Unlucky Coin as per change-logs from OS.

July 6, 2021
Included Change Logs and the new Reminder command to Misc Commands.

August 20, 2021

Included the AniGame Community Floor Guide in the ending section of Locations & Floors
November 2, 2021
Based on the #change-logs in OS, .daily2 no longer works, changed the talent values to Precision and Bloodthirster,
and included the new Talent, Reflector.

November 21, 2021

Made edits to the card claims due to the introduction of buttons, edited the text for the talent changes + Reflector.
Pity system now mentioned in the packs section for Legendary Packs.

January 10, 2022

Made updates to some commands that Zenith has changed - event redeems and change of pity system for packs.
Updated some wordings to reflect the new sorting and updates to clan renaming. Reordered the misc commands
to be in alphabetical order. Let me know if anything else is missing. Thank you.

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