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Philosophical Reflection on a

concrete situation from a Holistic

Perspective apa102520
Philosophical Reflection on a concrete
situation from a Holistic Perspective

1. To Differentiate Primary and Secondary

2. To value the Importance of Philosophical
3. To Apply philosophical reflection in
concrete situation from holistic perspective.
1. School/House Rules, Subject
2. Definition of Terms-Philosophy,
Philosopher, Philosophize/Zing
3. Use Of Philosophy
4. Differentiation between Holistic
from Partial Point of View
5. Definition of Philosophical
6. Four things of definition of philosophy
(Scientific Approach, Natural Light of Reason,
Study of all things and the First Cause or
Highest Principle)
7. Four concepts or principles of First Cause or
Highest Principle-(Principle of Identity,
Principle of Noncontradiction, Principle of
Excluded Middle and Principle of Sufficient
8. Branches of Philosophy
9. Value of philosophy in the lives of Filipinos
including thoughts and values from local to
global perspective
Philosophical Reflection on a concrete
situation from a Holistic Perspective

1. To differentiate Primary and Secondary

2. To value the Importance of Philosophical
3. To apply philosophical reflection in concrete
situation from holistic perspective
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
A leader is a dealer in hope.
—Napoleon Bonaparte
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
Love is being stupid
together-Paul Valery
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
A leader is one who knows the
way, goes the way, and shows
the way. —John Maxwell
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
I believe that love is the greatest
thing in the world; that it alone can
overcome hate-John D. Rockefeller
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
He who has never learned to
obey cannot be a good
commander. —Aristotle
An Activity
“What can you say?”
“Ive been rejected but was
still in love”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“you gotta find what you
love”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“Death is very likely the single best
invention of Life. It is Life's change
agent,”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“time is limited, so don’t waste it
living someone else life”-Steve
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“don’t be afraid to follow your
heart and intuition”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Parents on Children “its very

difficult to raise todays
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Children on Parents “its very

difficult to engage with the
past generation,”
An Activity
“What can you say?”

“love is everything, but when

the stomach ache, it becomes
An Activity
“What can you say?”
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
Sometimes, its hard to explain why this
thing had happened, the problems,
pains and uncertainties.
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
However, its our choice whether you
make yourself bitter or better
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
Philosophical Reflection is the process by
which a person undergoes a reflective
state or evaluates his or her experiences
first before making any related action
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
Philosophical Reflection is the capacity of
humans to exercise introspection and
the willingness to learn more about
their fundamental nature, purpose and
essence (Antonio T. Delgado 2019)
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
Philosophical Reflection allows a
person to look back on previous
experiences and evaluate the
meaning or significance of his or her
Philosophical Reflection on a
concrete situation from a Holistic
When we say introspection, we mean a
person’s ability to do self-examination
and analysis
Philosophical Reflection on a concrete situation
from a Holistic Perspective
During the process of reflection, if man
realizes things and is derived and
directed to and from the clear concept of
reality then it is called Primary Reflection
ie. love, color, death
Philosophical Reflection on a concrete situation
from a Holistic Perspective
On the other hand, if man realizing that
things, his reasons for existence is in
holistic perspective, this process of
reflection is known and are considered
Secondary Reflection ie. value of
existence, essence of things, meaning of
life, life after death
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
Answers the following
activity and post your
answer in our hang out in
sequence and by the
number 
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
A leader is a dealer in hope.
—Napoleon Bonaparte
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
Love is being stupid
together-Paul Valery
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
A leader is one who knows the
way, goes the way, and shows
the way. —John Maxwell
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
I believe that love is the greatest
thing in the world; that it alone can
overcome hate-John D. Rockefeller
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
He who has never learned to
obey cannot be a good
commander. —Aristotle
An Activity
“What can you say?”
“Ive been rejected but was
still in love”-Steve
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“you gotta find what you
love”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“"Death is very likely the single
best invention of Life. It is Life's
change agent,”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“time is limited, so don’t waste it
living someone else life”-Steve
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“don’t be afraid to follow your
heart and intuition”-Steve Jobs
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Parents on Children “its very

difficult to raise todays
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Children on Parents “its very

difficult to engage with the
past generation,”
An Activity
“What can you say?”

“love is everything, but when

the stomach ache, it becomes
An Activity
“What can you say?”
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
Answers from the following
activity by classifying
whether the quotes is
Primary or Secondary
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
1. A leader is a dealer in hope.
—Napoleon Bonaparte
Leader-Reason and Essence
for Existence SR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
Love is being stupid together-
Paul Valery
Love-Clear Concept of Reality
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
A leader is one who knows the way,
goes the way, and shows the way.
—John Maxwell
Leader-Reason and Essence for
Existence SR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
I believe that love is the greatest
thing in the world; that it alone can
overcome hate-John D. Rockefeller
Love and forgiveness-Clear Concept
of Reality PR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
He who has never learned to
obey cannot be a good
commander. —Aristotle
Follower and Leader-Reason
and Essence for Existence SR
An Activity
“What can you say?”
“Ive been rejected but was still
in love” Steve Jobs- love for
work and losing it-Reason and
Essence for Existence SR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“you gotta find what you love”
Steve Jobs on work and love
Love-Clear Concept of Reality PR and
Leader-Reason and Essence for
Existence SR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“Death is very likely the single
best invention of Life. It is Life's
change agent”-Steve Jobs on
Death-Clear Concept of Reality
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
“time is limited, so don’t waste
it living someone else life”
Steve Jobs on purpose of life -
Reason and Essence for
Existence SR
An Activity
Forbes Magazine Famous Quotes
“What can you say?”
10. “don’t be afraid to follow
your heart and intuition” Steve
Jobs on living a life -Reason and
Essence for Existence SR
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Respect-Reason and Essence for Existence SR

An Activity
“What can you say?”

Rejection-Reason and Essence for Existence SR

An Activity
“What can you say?”

Parents on Children “its very

difficult to raise todays
Family Relationship-Reason and Essence for Existence SR
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Children on Parents “its very

difficult to engage with the
past generation,”
Family Relationship-Reason and Essence for Existence SR
An Activity
“What can you say?”

“love is everything, but when

the stomach ache, it becomes
Love and necessity-Clear
Concept of Reality PR,
Love-Clear Concept of
Reality PR
An Activity
“What can you say?”

Wealth and wisdom-Reason and Essence for Existence SR

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