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University of Cebu

Department of the Allied Courses

Cebu City
Subject: Philo 101—Ethics Subject Time/Days: 7:30-10:30 am/sat
School Year/Semester: 2022-23/1 Sem. Term: Prelim-Midterm Period

Individual Activity
(Reflection Composition: Article-Based)

Why being Ethical?

Name: Riza S. Catubig Course/Year: BSN 2O EDP No:77156

I. Instructions:
a. Refer to and consider the short reading provided.
b. Based on the given reading, do the things below.

- Make a reflection composition according to the guide

- Follow the standard structure in a composition;

Introduction 2-3 sentences

Body 2 paragraph with 5 sentences each
Conclusion 2-3 sentences

c. Use Verdana as font type with 12 font size.

d. Submit the output into your correct LMS.
e. Submit on: September 13, 2022/ 12:00 NN.
f. Make no delay in submission.
g. 40 point.

II. Guide Question:

 How reflective or similarly true the content of the reading to your

personal life as a human being?
 Provide situational example to validate your reflective assessment
of yourself vis-à-vis what the reading entails.

III. Output:
- Starts here below…


Similar to the given content, as a human being, there are certain cases
wherein I am not consistent with what I am saying towards my actions. I also
break promises, which can lead me to have that thought of "igo ra sa sulti
wala sa buhat".

For example, last June, before the start of summer 2022, I planned to
save up money for a gym membership because I wanted to exercise and lose
some weight. I’ve been gaining weight beyond the normal weight that I must
be. Months of summer have passed and I still haven't gone to the gym and
have spent all of my money on unnecessary things that cause me to gain
weight. I was too lazy to get up in the morning and exercise. I did self-at-
home exercise for a few weeks before the start of the new school year. Hence,
there’s a slight significant change, but still I was bothered by the thought that
I hadn’t made it to the goals that I wanted.

That situation has taught me lessons that will help me live a more ethical
life. Like everyone else, I am always trying to exercise my ethical life because
I want to live a consistent life without compromising others' reputations. By
knowing my limitations and boundaries, I can avoid chaos. In that case, it
somehow makes my life more meaningful and worthwhile.

Consistency is the key towards success. By dedicating my whole life

towards what I am passionate about in reaching my goals and paying enough
attention to what I am saying and doing, it will surely make me the person I
want and deserve to be.

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