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Standard for Evaluation

开课学期: 2021--2022 学年第 一 学期 Assess Method:Videos

Course Name:Piano Ensemble Course Class:____

1、 题目 Assessment Topic:Students need to hand in 2 videos which count as a final

exam. Students need to record one of the 2 duo-parts (primo or secondo) along with the
provided orchestra- or piano-video as a playback. The first piece is a recording of a piano duo (2
pianos): Infante – Gracia (El Vito) from 3 Andalusian Dances. The second piece is an orchestra-
recording of: Debussy – I. En Bateau, from Petite Suite.
二、评分标准 Standard for Evaluation:
90 and Above : Excellent demonstration of technique and musicality; sensitive
understanding and reproducing of orchestral timbres on the piano; rhythm, tempo, pacing,
phrasing and style in strong synchronization with the recording. Sufficient mastery and control
of all written notes even in complex sections of the score, without the need of compromising or
simplifying the texture. Concert-worthy performance.
80-89:Good performance, demonstrating sufficient coherence when reading the score to
make musical sense. Good synchronization with the recording, student shows clearly more
familiarity with the score than in a pure sight-reading exercise
70-79:Decent performances with minimum coherence; performance as a whole might not
be very fluent and convincing. Closer to sight-reading than to a performance.
60-69:Lack of technical and musical abilities, poor preparation, stumbling and stuttering
sight-reading. Lack of good will to try performing with a certain standard.
59 and lower:Students failed to join the examination or showing a carefree attitude that
causes a fail for final examination

Course Teacher Sign:

Prof. Patrick Lechner

Date:28th March 2022

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