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Level 1 Match the words and expressions in the box with one of the descriptions in
the table. There are three extra words.( Прочитайте визначення і вставити
слово з таблиці. Записуємо цифру-слово)
breakfast brownies café celery
chocolate chip eggs frying pan lunch noodles pizzeria potato

Description Word
0 a food from chickens eggs
a meal we have in the
2 a popular kind of cake
a place to go for a hot
drink and a snack
4 a kind of cookie
5 a long green vegetable
you can cook bacon in
a place where you can
7 buy a popular Italian
two pieces of bread
8 with some other food
between them
Level 2. 1. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word or
expression.( записуємо лише правильне вибране слово. Речення НЕ
0 There are a lot of / much sandwich bars in my city.
1 How many / How much ice cream is there in the freezer?
2 There’s some / any salt on the table for your omelette.
3 There isn’t many / much cola or water in the fridge.
4 Can I have an / any apple, please?
5 How many / How much pieces can I cut this pizza into?
6 Can you pass me many / four of those apples, please?
7 How many / How much are those cookies, please?
2.2. Make sentences using the correct form of there is or there are. Make them
affirmative (+), negative (–) or questions (?). Use contractions where you can. (
Скласти речення з виразами there is( isn’)/ there are( aren’t), або ж запитання.
Записуємо речення ( + розповідне,
- заперечне, ?- запитальне_
0 there / a / fork / on the table (+) There’s a fork on the table.
1 there / any / breakfast cereal (?) ______________________________
2 there / any / bananas (–) _____________________________________
3 there / lots of / potatoes in the cupboar(+) ________________________________
4 there / some / orange juice / the fridge (+)_________________________________
5 how many / muffins / there / the kitchen (?) ___________________________
6 there / much / chicken / this soup (–) ____________________________________
7 how much / oil / there / the bottle (?)
Level 3 The recipes below have the wrong amounts of food. Use the lists of food for
the recipes to complete the sentences. Add is or are with too much, too many or not
enough using contractions where you can.
( Подивіться на рецепти і доповніть речення фразами is/ are too much/too
many isn’t/aren’t enough)

0 There aren’t enough eggs. Cheese Omelette (for four people)

1 There ____________________ milk.
1 egg
2 There ____________________ salt. 1 small spoon of milk
3 There ____________________ cheese. 10kg salt
4 There ____________________ oil. 5g cheese
10 litres of oil

Level 4 Choose a word or expression from the box to complete the dialogues.
There are three extra words or expressions.(Вставити фрази в діалог.Є 2 зайві
фрази.Запиисуємо лише цифра і фраза)
any can I have can you make Good morning
Have you got here I’d like I’d want
is everything OK it’s delicious many
no, thanks of course would you like
Waiter: 0 Good morning, sir.
Customer: Oh, hello. There are some nice things on the menu.
Waiter: What 1 ________________________?
Customer: Umm, 2 ________________________ an omelette and chips, please?
Waiter: Yes, 3 ________________________. Cheese or mushroom omelette?
Customer: Cheese, please. And
________________________ a glass of cola too.
Waiter: No problem! And
________________________ dessert?
Customer: Oh, 6 ________________________. I’m not that hungry.
* * * * * * *
Waiter: OK, ________________________ you are, sir. Omelette and chips.
Customer: Thanks, that looks really good.
________________________ any salt, please?
Waiter: Yes, it’s on the table, just behind the menu.
* * * * * * *
Waiter: So ________________________, sir?

Customer: Oh yes, 10 ________________________, thank you.

Waiter: Excellent!

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