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Minimum Compression
Concrete Usage Mix Designation Strength @ 28 days

Water Retaining Concrete WR 28

High Strength Structural HSS 28

General Structural
Main Structure A 24
Sub Structure B 21

Mass Concrete C 17

Porous No-Fines No-Fines 2.75

Concrete – See Clause 4.6


1. In miscellaneous work involving small quantities of concrete, and where permitted by MWC, a
small mixer may be used. Any concrete placed under such conditions, however, shall be
mixed for not less than 1-1/2 minutes after all the materials are in the mixer drum.


1. Where concrete is to be obtained from a ready –mix supplier, the Contractor shall obtain
MWC’s approval of the source and production methods and facilities, and it shall conform to
ASTM C94, and the requirements herein.

2. Batch deliveries shall not exceed the rated capacity specified for the mixer by the
manufacturer of that equipment. The Contractor shall submit affidavits (for the approval of
MWC) from the ready-mix concrete supplier, certifying that the proposed mix to be supplied
will satisfy the requirements of these specifications.

3. The Contractor shall also inform MWC what alternative suppliers are available to him if the
approval of the source referred to above has to be withdrawn by MWC during the currency of
the Contract or the supplier unable to deliver on time or breakdown of facility.

4. The delivery ticket required for each load of ready-mixed concrete shall, in addition to the
information prescribed under ASTM C33, detail:

a) the type and nominal maximum size of aggregate,

b) the type or name and proportion of any admixture,
c) the actual cementitious content,
d) the position of the concrete in the Work.
e) the time when water was introduced into the mixed concrete.
f) the time when the concrete mix was deposited.

5. All delivery tickets shall be kept at the Site and shall be made available for inspection by
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6. Ready- mixed concrete shall be sampled an tested in accordance with the following methods

Sampling / Test Method Applicable ASTM Standard

Compressive Test Specimens C31

Compression Tests C39
Yield, unit weight C138
Air Content C138 / C173 / C143
Slump C143
Sampling Fresh Concrete C172


1. Ready mixed concrete mixes shall conform to ASTM C94. The mix design shall be submitted
to MWC for codifying at least fifteen (15) days prior to placing concrete or before the start of
concrete production.

2. Further information specified in the procedures to be used in producing and transporting

concrete shall be given to MWC at appropriate times.

3. The use of site produced concrete shall, in general, be allowable. The tenderer shall submit
details of any proposals he may have, together with his tender.

4. Unless otherwise described in the Contract, the cementitious content of concrete shall not
exceed 300 kg/m3. In any structural member, the maximum water/cementitous ratio 0.60.
Concrete in members of structures that are to retain an aqueous liquid shall have a maximum
free water/cementitious ratio of 0.450.

5. The maximum size of aggregate in any structural member shall not exceed 25% of the
minimum thickness of the member with an upper limit of 20 mm, unless described otherwise
in the supplementary document.

6. The frequency of sampling shall, except otherwise described in the Contract, be as follows:

Type of Structure Sample to represent

A Volume of (m3)

Critical Structures 10
Intermediate Structures 50
Heavy Concrete Construction 100

The ‘type’ of structure shall be determined by MWC.


1. Mortar shall be mixed only as and when required in the relevant proportions indicated in the
following table, until its color and consistency are uniform. The constituent materials shall be
accurately gauged, allowance being made for bulking of sand.

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Nominal Mix by Volume
Class Cement: lime Cement: Sand Class Masonry
Putty: Sand with Plasticizer Cement: Sand
M1 1:0 to ¼:3 1:2-1/2 to 3 M5 1:2 to 2-1/2
M2 1:1/2:4 to 4-1/2 1:3 to 4 M6 1:2-1/2 to 3-1/2
M3 1:1:5 to 6 1:5 to 6 M7 1:4:5
1 1
M4 1:2:8 to 9 1:7 to 8 M8 1:5- /2 to 6- /2

2. All mortar shall be conveyed fresh to the work as required for use. Mortar which has begun
to set or which has been site-mixed for a period of more than one hour in the case of Classes
M1, M2, M5 and M6, and two hours in the case of Classes M3, M4, M7 and M8 shall not be

3. Mortar for making good holes cut through existing concrete walls shall be Class M2, with the
addition of an epoxy compound, mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Alternatively, a proprietary ready mixed epoxy mortar may be used. In either case, the
Contractor shall provide full details of his proposal to MWC for review.

4. Non-shrink grouts and mortars shall be a ready mixed proprietary brand, mixed and used
entirely in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Full details shall be provided by
the Contractor for MWC’s review.


1. Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the following table, using
the minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary fluidity and to render it capable of
penetrating the works.

Class Nominal Mix by Mass

Cement Sand

G1 1 -

G2 1 3

G3 1 10

2. Cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing except when containing retardant


Compressive Strength Tests

1. Where trial mixes are required, three separate batches of concrete shall be made using
materials typical of the proposed source of supply and, where practicable, under full scale
production conditions. The suitability of the proposed mix proportions to meet the specified
strength shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C31, C39 and ACI 211.1

2. The workability of each of the trial batches shall be determined and three cylinders made
from each batch for test at 28 days.

3. Additional sets of cylinders from each batch may be required for tests at an earlier age.
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4. The suitability of the proposed mix proportions to meet the specified maximum free
water/cementitious ratio shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C31, C39 and ACI

5. Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C39, ASTM 31 and ASTM 172. Obtain cylinder
samples at the rate of three (3) sets of five (5) samples for each day’s pour or for every 150
cu.m. of concrete poured or for every 500 sq.m. of area for slab or wall whichever is greater.
Test two (2) cylinders at 14 days and two (2) cylinders for 28 days and hold one (1) cylinder
for reserve.

Slump Test

6. MWC will make a slump test from each batch of concrete at the time of its being placed in
position, in accordance with ASTM C143.

7. The Contractor shall provide the required labour, materials, and equipment to assist in
making slump tests.


1. The proportions of aggregate, cement and water shall be determined by trial mixes, starting
with a cement aggregate ratio of 1:8 by volume and a water/cement ratio of 0.45 weight. The
trial mix shall be considered suitable when all the aggregate particles are coated with a
shining film of cement grout. The water content shall be just adequate to ensure that the
cement paste completely coats the aggregate. The concrete, when placed shall maintain
large voids with no layers of laitance.

2. To prevent unsatisfactory mixing of the cement half the water is to be placed in the mixer first
followed by the aggregate and then the cement. The remainder of the water is to be added
after the aggregate and cement have been partly mixed. No-fines concrete shall not be
mixed by hand. Vibration shall not be used to compact the concrete. Three test cylinders of
no-fines concrete shall be made of each trial mix and a further three cylinders made of the
chosen mix. The minimum strength of the chosen mix shall be 2.75 N/mm 2 at twenty eight

3. Following the successful testing of the trial mixes, a sample specimen, not less than 1.22 m2
in area and of the thickness of the permanent work of no-fines concrete, shall be made and
subjected to a porosity test. The method of testing shall be to MWC’s satisfaction and the
test carried out in the presence of MWC. The test shall be considered satisfactory if the head
loss through the specimen floor does not exceed 0.03 m of water at a rate of flow of 200 liters
per square metre per hour. If this head loss is exceeded, the no-fines concrete mix shall be
redesigned to MWC’s approval and further tests performed.

4. No-fines concrete shall not be placed in the Work until the results of the trial mixes, and of the
porosity test, have been approved by MWC.

5. The concrete shall be cured for fourteen days and, before further concrete is poured against
the no-fines concrete, 1000 gauge polythene sheeting shall be placed over the no-fines to
prevent the sealing of the voids by the cement paste of the newly poured concrete.

6. When no-fines have been cast in position, the Contractor shall ensure that all surfaces are
kept clean. Any area that, in MWC’s opinion, has become so contaminated that it would not
perform its function as a drainage layer shall be removed and replaced.

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7. When the polythene sheeting is laid, the Contract shall take all precautions to prevent
damage to the sheeting by the movement of plant, equipment, labour, etc. Any damage shall
be made good, to MWC’s satisfaction.

8. Aggregates for ‘no-fines’ shall be rounded gravel. Limestone aggregates shall not be


1. Where air-entrained concrete is required, it shall have an average air content by volume of
the fresh concrete at the time of placing in accordance with ASTM C260.


1. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used in the
production of concrete.


1. Workability of fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete can be handled and placed
without segregation and, after compaction, can completely fill the formwork and surround all
reinforcement and ducts.

2. The quantity of water used shall not exceed that required to produce a concrete with
appropriate workability to be placed and compacted in the required location. (See also Sub-
clause 4 of Clause 4.4)


1. Concrete shall be transported from the mixer and placed in the Work as rapidly as practicable
by methods which will prevent the segregation or loss of any of the ingredients and will
maintain the required workability. It shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final
position and all equipment for transporting concrete shall be kept clean. No concrete shall be
placed until the depth and character of the foundation, the adequacy of the forms and
falsework and the placement of the steel reinforcement of embedded items have been
inspected and approved by MWC. Before depositing concrete, all debris, foreign matter, dirt
and water shall be removed from the forms and the surface of any concrete previously
placed, such as a manhole base or horizontal construction joint shall be cleaned and then
brushed with cement paste.

2. The Contractor shall give adequate notice to MWC of its intention to commence concreting.

3. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge
from the mixer, unless carried in purpose-made agitators operating continuously, when the
time shall be within 2 hours of the introduction of the cement to the mix and within 30 minutes
of the discharge from the agitator.

4. The plant used for compaction shall be operated continuously during the placing of each
batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has virtually ceased, and in a manner which does
not promote segregation of the ingredients.
5. Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the design of formwork and disposition of
vibrators shall be as such to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid blemishes.

6. Concrete shall be placed in a continuous operation and compacted in layers not exceeding
400mm thick, such that no concrete is deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently
to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section.
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7. Concrete shall be placed during daytime as far as practicable except with the consent of
MWC. If permission has been obtained by the Contractor to carry-on working during
nighttime, an adequate lighting system must be provided. Fast flowing water shall not be
permitted to flow over the surface of fresh concrete within four days after placement.

8. When troughs and chutes are used in placing concrete, their angle of inclination with respect
to the horizontal should not exceed 30 degrees. When pipe is used, it shall be kept full of
concrete with its discharge end submerged.

9. Concrete shall not be allowed to drop into place from a height exceeding one-and-one-half
(1-1/2) meter inside forms for walls nor from a height exceeding two (2) meters on floor slabs.

10. The addition of water after batching to compensate for stiffening of the concrete before
placing will not be permitted.

11. Outdoors concreting shall not be started during rain. If concreting is already in progress, it
shall be suspended if the rain adversely affects the quality of the placed concrete.

Pumped Concrete

12. Positive displacement pumping or other approved methods may be used to place concrete in
locations approved by MWC. The type and arrangement of equipment shall be subject for
approval by MWC, and the equipment shall be operated only by experienced persons.
Pneumatic placing shall not be allowed. If in the opinion of MWC, the pumped concrete does
not produce satisfactory end results, the Contractor shall discontinue the pumping operation
and proceed with placing of concrete using conventional methods.

13. The equipment and its method of operation shall allow the concrete to enter the forms at a
low velocity.

14. Concrete pumps and auxiliary equipment shall be in good condition and shall be maintained
as such throughout. Thorough washing down of all parts that come in contact with concrete
shall be performed after each concreting operation.

15. Aluminum conduits for conveying the concrete shall not be permitted.

16. The minimum conduit size shall be 100mm diameter.


1. The resultant temperature of the combined materials in any batch of concrete at the point and
time of delivery to the Work shall not exceed 6 C above the prevailing shade temperature,
when the latter is over 21 C.

2. The Contractor shall not permit any cement to come into contact with water at a temperature
greater than 600C.
3. Where the temperature of the fresh concrete is likely to exceed 32 C, concreting shall not be
permitted unless measures are taken to keep the temperature below the level.


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Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

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1. Careful attention shall be given to the proper curing and protection of all new concrete. This
work shall be protected from the elements, fast flowing water and from defacement.
Concrete shall be cured for a period not less than that given in the following table by methods
that shall ensure that cracking, distortion and efflorescence are minimized:

Type of Structure Curing Time (Days)

Vertical Walls and Roof Slabs
Thrust Blocks
Bedding Concrete
Supporting for Existing Concrete
Other Minor Structures

Thrust Blocks and Bedding Concrete may be backfilled after concrete has hardened
sufficiently to permit removal of forms, but pipes cannot be filled with water until 7 days
have passed.

2. Components which are intended to have a similar exposed surface finish shall receive the
same treatment.

3. Care shall be taken not to disturb the concrete by direct or indirect loading, striking of forms
or otherwise, until it has hardened sufficiently.

4. Construction loads shall not be allowed on beams, decks or slabs until the concrete has
attained its designed strength, nor shall the Contractor impose loading exceeding the design

Water Curing

5. Concrete shall be moist cured by maintaining all surfaces wet continuously (not periodically)
for the duration of the entire curing period or until covered with fresh concrete. Wooden
forms shall be wetted immediately after concrete has been poured and shall be kept wet with
water until removed. Water for curing shall be free from any elements which will cause
staining or discoloration of the concrete.

Curing With Moist Earth

6. Encasement concrete and thrust blocks may be cured by this method, in lieu of the burlap
method. The surface shall be covered with moist earth minimum 0.15 meter thick, for not
less than four (4) hours and not more than twenty four (24) hours after the concrete is placed.


1. The Contractor shall keep up to date records of the dates and times when concreting is
carried and of the water and temperatures at those times. The records shall be supplied to
MWC every week.


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Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

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1. Formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete and
to maintain the correct position, shape and dimensions of the finished work. It shall be so
constructed as to be removable from the cast concrete without shock or damage.

2. The forms shall be capable of producing a consistent quality of surface as described in the

3. Where holes are required in forms to accommodate projecting reinforcement, fixing devices
or other built-in items, precautions shall be taken to prevent loss of mortar matrix.

4. Formwork shall give access for the preparation of joint surfaces before the concrete has

5. For the purpose of compliance with the provision of Clause 4.14, the Contractor’s method of
constructing formwork shall allow for props to soffit forms to remain in position continuously
for the period described.

6. Unless described otherwise all exposed vertical and horizontal ariser shall be finished with a
25 mm x 25 mm champer, with the exception of :- weir tops, sheer nosings, and horizontal
arriser abutting flooring, covers or stair heads.


1. The interiors of all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before any concrete is placed. The
faces of the forms in contact with the concrete shall be clean and treated with a suitable
release agent, where applicable.

2. Where a concrete surface is to be permanently exposed, only one release agent shall be
used throughout the entire area. Release agent shall be applied evenly and contact with
reinforcement and other embedded items shall be avoided. Where the concrete surface is to
receive an applied finish, care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility of the release agent
with the finish.


1. Formwork shall be removed without shock or disturbance of the concrete and shall be in
accordance with ACI-347.

2. Formwork to vertical surfaces or sloping formwork not supporting concrete in flexure shall not
be removed until, the concrete strength shall be sufficient to meet any wind loading upon the
concrete likely to arise at the time when the formwork is removed; and

a) the concrete strength (as confirmed by tests on cylinders cured under representative
conditions) has reached 5 N/mm or;

b) for concrete containing Portland cement only, in the absence of cylinder test results, a
minimum period shall have elapsed since the concrete was poured equivalent to 11
0 0
hours at 15 C for unsealed plywood forms, or 8 hours at 15 C for impermeable forms.

3. Formwork supporting concrete in flexure shall not be removed until concrete strength (as
confirmed by tests on cylinders) has reached adequate strength to support its own weight
plus any additional loads on it.

4. The Contractor shall give adequate notice to MWC of his intention to strike formwork.

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1. Top formwork shall be provided to surfaces with a slope of 30 or more from the horizontal.


1. Cutting and bending of reinforcement shall be in accordance with ASTM A615 and shall be
done without the application of heat and in a temperature of not less than 50C. Bends shall
have a substantially constant curvature.

2. Reinforcement shall not be straightened or re-bent without the approval of MWC. If

permission is given to bend projecting reinforcement, care shall be taken not to damage the
concrete and to ensure that the radius is not less than the minimum specified in ASTM A615.


1. Reinforcement shall be firmly supported in position and secured against displacement.

2. Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be made with tying wire
or other fixing devices. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that projecting ends or ties or
clips do not encroach into the concrete cover.

3. The concrete cover shall be not less than the required cover minus 5 mm and where
reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member, not more than the required
cover plus:

5 mm for bars up to and including 12 mm size

10 mm for bars over 12 mm up to and including 25 mm size
15 mm for bars over 25 mm size

4. All reinforcing steel shall be supplied by an approved reinforcement manufacturer. Site

records shall be kept of delivery documents and labels.

The Contractor shall check the schedules against the drawings and be responsible for their
accuracy and fit.

The Contractor shall maintain a record of test results for Qualification, Performance and
Retests to include the following:

 Yield load

 Yield/Proof stress

 Ultimate load

 Mode of failure and where occurring

 Other pertinent data

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Reinforcement shall be fabricated to the shapes and dimensions shown and shall be fixed in
strict accordance with the owner approved Drawings as prepared by the Contractor. However,
minor adjustments may be made to keep reinforcement clear of pipes, openings, water bars,
built in items etc.

Reinforcement shall be fixed into cages or mats by binding the intersections and laps with
tying wire or approved fixing clips. The fixings shall be of sufficient quantity to ensure that the
reinforcement is held securely in place during construction and concreting. Use of additional
steel for support of temporary works shall be permitted subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Tack welding shall not be carried out unless authorised by the Engineer and recommended by
the reinforcement manufacturer, and then only to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

In addition to supports shown on drawings or schedules, the Contractor shall provide chairs
and spacers as necessary to support reinforcement in position and maintain the specified
cover. Bar reinforcement must be fixed in position before the concrete is placed.

Suitable precautions shall be taken by Contractor to prevent displacement of the

reinforcement during the placing and compaction of the concrete and maintain the specified
cover. The placement of reinforcement with kinks or bends shall not be permitted.

Contact between ordinary carbon steel and stainless or galvanized reinforcement shall be


1. Concrete shall not be placed until reinforcement is free from any substance, which might
adversely affect the steel or concrete chemically or reduce the bond.

2. Reinforcement which is to remain exposed for future extension of the work shall be coated
with cement grout.


1. Laps and joints in reinforcement shall be made only at the positions described in the Contract
or as agreed by MWC.


1. Reinforcement shall not be welded on site except where described in or permitted under the
Contract. All welding procedures shall be subject to the prior approval of MWC in writing.


1. Where pipes, sleeves, water bars or other items are built into concrete, they shall be rigidly
secured in position to prevent movement and shall be free from external coatings which might
reduce the bond. The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent the formation of air
pockets, voids or other defects while the concrete is being placed.


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Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

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1. Except where construction joints in concrete are described in the contract, the Contractor
shall obtain MWC’s approval to the positions and details of such joints before any work is

2. Joint lines shall be arranged to coincide wherever possible with features of the finished work.

3. Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints. No concrete shall be

placed against in-situ concrete that has been in position for more than 30 minutes, unless a
construction joint is formed.

4. Concrete shall not be allowed to taper off to a thickness of less than 50 mm. Vertical joints
shall be formed against a stop board suitably notched to accommodate the reinforcement.
The top surface of each lift of concrete shall be straight and level unless described otherwise
in the Contract.

5. Where kicker is used, it shall be at least 70 mm high and shall be incorporated with the
previous concrete.

6. The surface of any concrete against which new concrete is to be cast shall be free from
laitance and shall be roughened to the extent that the large aggregate is exposed but not
disturbed. The joint surface shall be cleaned immediately before the fresh concrete is placed
against it.

7. Where practicable, such preparation of joints shall be carried out when the concrete has set
but not hardened if not a bonding agent shall be applied. (ASTM C 881)


Screeded Finish

1. The concrete shall be leveled and screeded to produce a uniform plain or ridged surface as
required. No further work shall be applied to the surface unless it is a first stage for a Wood
Float or Steel Trowel Finish

Wood Float Finish

2. The screeded finish shall be wood floated under light pressure to eliminate surface

Steel Trowel Finish

3. When the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
prevent laitance from being worked to the surface, the surface to the Wood Float Finish shall
be steel-trowel under firm pressure to produce a dense, smooth, uniform surface free from
trowel marks.

4. Where the type of finish is not given it shall be Wood Float Finish.

5. Surfaces where people may step on shall be wood floated under light pressure to eliminate
surface irregularities.

6. Vertical surfaces and others not intended as walkway or stepping board shall be steel-
troweled under firm pressure to produce a dense, smooth, uniform, surface free from trowel

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Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

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Rough Finish

1. This finish shall be obtained by the use of moulds or properly designed forms of closely
jointed sawn boards. The surface shall be free from substantial voids, honeycombing or
other large blemishes.

Fair Finish

2. This finish shall be obtained from forms designed to produce a hard smooth surface with true,
clean arises. Only very minor surface blemishes shall be permitted and there shall be no
staining or discoloration. Any projections shall be removed and the surface made good.

Fair Worked Finish

3. This finish shall be obtained by first producing a Fair Finish and filing all surface blemishes
with fresh, specially prepared cement and fine aggregate paste while the concrete is still
green. After the concrete has been properly cured, the faces shall be rubbed down if
required, to produce a smooth and even surface. If the surface is to be exposed in the final
work, every effort shall be made to match the color of the concrete.

4. Exposed surfaces shall be fair finish while those to be covered by soil can be rough finish.


1. Only tie bolts which avoid embedding any metal parts permanently within 50 mm of the
concrete surface shall be permitted. Voids remaining after the removal of all part of each tie
bolt shall be filled flush with the surrounding concrete using a freshly prepared cement and
fine aggregate paste. In the case of structures designed to retain an aqueous liquid, the
Contractor shall ensure that the measures adopted shall not impair the water tightness of the


1. Concrete surfaces in the final work shall have no abrupt irregularities to an extent observable
by eye. Subject to retaining the required concrete cover to reinforcement, other deviations
from the surfaces described in the Contract shall be no more than the following possible

Deviation from Line, Level, Vertically Cross

Type of Finish
Sectional Dimension or Length (mm)

Screeded or Rough 10

Any Other 5


1. Where appropriate, indelible identification and orientation marks shall put on all precast
concrete components in such a position that the marks shall not show or exposed in the
finished work.


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Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

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1. Rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from oil,
standing or running water, mud, loose rock, objectionable coating, debris, and loose or
unsound fragments.

2. Immediately before concrete is placed, all surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly by the use of
either high velocity air-water jets, brooming, wet sand blasting, bush-hammering, or other
satisfactory means including combinations of the above.

3. Rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be kept wet for at least 12 hours
during the 24 hour period prior to placing concrete and shall be in a damp condition at the
time of placing, with all pools of water removed.


1. Before any concrete is cast against previously placed concrete, the surface of the old
concrete shall be prepared as described in this Specification. When placing wall concrete on
top of footings or other horizontal joints, a 9.5mm maximum size gravel concrete mix with the
same compressive strength as the regular concrete mix shall be placed for a height of 0.15
meter from the footing or horizontal joint.

Repair of Defective Concrete

2. As soon as forms are removed, all surfaces shall be carefully examined and any irregularities
shall be immediately rubbed or ground in a satisfactory manner in order to secure smooth,
uniform and continuous surface. Plastering or coating of surfaces to produce a smooth
surface will not be permitted. No repair shall be made until after inspection by MWC, and
then only in strict accordance with his directions. Concrete containing voids, holes,
honeycombing, or similar depression defects, shall be completely removed and replaced;
provided that where required or approved by MWC, defects shall be repaired with gunite or
with cement mortar placed by an approved compressed air mortar gun. In no case will
extensive patching of honey-combed concrete be permitted. All repairs and replacements
herein specified shall be promptly executed by the Contractor at his own expense.

3. Defective surfaces to be repaired shall be cut back from true line a minimum depth of 15mm
over the entire area. Feathered edges shall be avoided. Where cutting and chipping is
required to remove all laitance or soft materials, the surface shall be wetted sufficiently in
advance before shooting with gunite or with cement mortar. While the repair material is being
applied, the surface under repair will remain moist but not so wet as to overcome the suction
upon which a good bond depends. The material to be used for repair purposes shall have
the same sand, cement and air proportions as the mortar in the mix of the concrete to be

4. Surfaces of repaired concrete shall receive the same kind and amount of curing treatment as
required for the surrounding concrete.

5. The use of a well-established brand of epoxy mortar for the repair of concrete will be allowed
only with the prior consent of MWC. The method of repair shall follow the manufacturer’s

6. Stains and discoloration of exposed concrete surfaces shall be removed in a manner

approved by MWC.

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7. Steel reinforcement shall not be spliced at points other than those shown on the Drawings.
Lapping length requirements shall be as shown on the Drawings. When it becomes
necessary to move the position of such splices, the new position and the type of splice shall
be subject to the approval of MWC.

8. Welded splices, if acceptable to MWC, shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318 and all
welding shall be done in accordance with the “Reinforcing Steel Welding Code” (AWS D



1. Acceptance criteria is outlined in ASTM C-94 (Sections 16 and 17) and ACI Code of Practice
214. Concrete which achieves the required compressive strength will be accepted as
satisfactory for payment provided placement, finish and tolerance meet the specified

2. Concrete may be accepted if the average of the test results indicate a deficiency of not more
than fifteen percent (15%) provided further that no individual test is deficient by more than
fifteen percent (15%) of the required strength subject to cost reduction in accordance with the
following schedule:

Percent (%) Deficiency Percent (%) of Unit

In Average Strength Price Reduction

Less than 3 0

3 to less than 5 15

5 to less than 10 30

10 to 15 40

more than 15 100

3. Concrete represented by test results wherein the average strength indicated a deficiency of
not more than fifteen percent (15%) but with an individual test that is deficient by more than
fifteen percent (15%) will not be eligible for payment but may be accepted or ordered
replaced at the discretion of MWC.

4. Concrete represented by compressive strength tests which fail to achieve the required
strength as specified shall be liable to rejection and subsequent removal and replacement.

5. The Contractor may be given the opportunity by MWC to verify the strength of the concrete
based on tests results of diamond drill core samples cut from the suspect concrete.

MWC Standard Engineering Version 01

Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

Waste Water Page 14 of 15 Date: October 2009

6. Such core samples shall be taken and tested in accordance with ASTM C 42 except that they
shall have an L/D ratio of not less than 1.25 prior to capping for testing. All core samples so
tested shall be water cured for a minimum of 24 hours prior to testing and shall be tested in a
saturated state.

7. Rebound Hammer Tests (ASTM C 805) may be carried out by the Contractor prior to drilling
core samples from suspect concrete and the results of such rebound tests will be used as
basis for acceptance or non-acceptance of the concrete.

8. All cost associated with the cutting, preparing and testing of diamond drill core samples will
be borne by the Contractor. Acceptance of the suspect concrete and subsequent payment
for the concrete be based on the result of such tests.


9. If any test specimen fails as per PNS 49, retest shall be permitted on two random specimens
for the batch. If all results of these retest specimens meet the requirements, the batch shall
be accepted, if not, it shall be rejected. All cost associated with testing and retesting will be
borne by the Contractor.


10. After removal of formworks, any defective concrete surface beyond repair shall be rejected,
demolished and replaced with new concrete. The evaluation and acceptance of concrete
shall be in accordance with Chapter 17 of ACI 301.


1. For all concrete directly in contact with sewage, use Type II cement plus fly ash (not more than
25% by weight) conforming to the requirements of ASTM C-150 and C618. Design concrete mix
as per ACI 211.1.

2. Alternative: Cemex Marine Cement or approved equivalent. Design mix as per manufacturer’s

MWC Standard Engineering Version 01

Specifications Section 04 Concrete and Formwork

Waste Water Page 15 of 15 Date: October 2009

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