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Muhammad Rizky Kurniawan

NIM 1988203014


TAHUN 2022/2023

COVER ............................................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................................
A. Research Background...................................................................................................
B. Research Problem Formulation....................................................................................
C. Research Purpose..........................................................................................................
D. Research Significant.....................................................................................................
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................
A. Theoretical Review.......................................................................................................
B. Previous of Relevant Study..........................................................................................
C. Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD.......................................................................
A. Research Setting...........................................................................................................
B. Research Design...........................................................................................................
C. Population and Sample.................................................................................................
D. Data Collecting Technique...........................................................................................

A. Research Background

Listening is one of the most important language skills. Listening is the part in
communication, thought listening we can share our ideas with other people. Listening is
an active process by which students receive, construct meaning from an integral part of
the communication process and should not be separated from the other language art.
Listening is needed by the students for facing both local and national tests of English
stated in written form, so that listening should be learned earlier since kindergarten until
the higher educational level.
Based on the researcher observation when conducted internship at Highschool,
the researcher found some problem in the teaching and learning process. The problems
are student lack of focus, students lack of vocabulary. There was some reason why the
students faced the above problems. They did not the three primary element of listening
comprehension namely, main idea, specific information, and vocabulary. So they were
difficult to hearing the English work correctly and miss understanding the meaning of
native speech. This thesis will observe about comparing the mastering in listening
comprehension by using Video and Audio as media.
Video and audio are one of media that can be used to teach learning listening
comprehension. The implementation of video and audio in teaching listening
comprehension is necessary because by using video learners can see the language in use
from natural contexts and can make connection between word and image which help
them to analyze their own use of the language. In using audio tape provides
opportunities for students to hear a vast amount of authentic native speech.
The researcher would give a comparison from that media in listening skill, and
how far the students can achieve from them. The writer focuses the Comparing the
effectiveness of mastering in listening skill by using video and audio visual at the first
grades students of Vocational Highschool 1 Sampit. While the material will have
focused on the simple short texts (asking and giving information) and the research use
into two group in the research, the experimental class I in which use Video and
experimental class II use Audio. The researcher use video in experimental class I
because the researcher assumed that video is better media for students increasing they in
listening comprehension that Audio.

B. Research Problem Formulation

From the Research Background, the reasearcher can identify the problem that
will be discuss as following. Such as the difficulties of the student listening
comprehension, lack of focused on the materials, and lack of vocabulary.

C. Research Purpose

The aim of the research was to proof which is the better method in listening
comprehension at first grade of student in Vocational Highschool 1 Sampit.

D. Research Significant

1. Theoretical Benefits

a. For Researchers
Enriching insights to the study of comparing audio and video listening
comprehension this research is expected to contribute to development of science and
technology in the education system at STKIP MUHAMMADIYAH SAMPIT

2. Practical Benefits
a. For educational institutions
it can be shown as empirical material and evidence based to prove that this
research is genuine existence.
b. For students
Can be used as an evaluation material for the study of comparing listening audio
and video on listening comprehension.

A. Theoritical Review

Several research already to conduct about listening comprehension. The research

will briefly describe some of the research related to previous research, those are:

1. Alivi (2016) in her research “Obtaining Listening Comprehension by Using

Video Material” the result of her research teaching using videos is deemed to
offer better comprehension than provide the students with auditory material
only. The availability of images and real-life contexts in the video could assist
the students to be able to infer and interpret the situations and information of the
video content in addition, being more selective in preparing video materials
should be fair adjusting to the students‟ level of proficiency.

2. Alfian, et al (2019) in the research “The Use of Audio Podcast for Teaching
Listening comprehension”. This research aimed to introduce audio podcast as a
portable media for teaching listening. This research of the study showed that the
use of podcast in listening was an effective media for teaching listening
comprehension. The result of the interview indicated that most of the students
are interested in audio podcast media. The media can motivate.

3. Fatmawati (2016) in her research “A Comparative Study Between Teaching

Students by Video and Audio in Listening Comprehension for the First Grade
Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Gemolong in the Academic Year
2016/2017”. the result of the research study implies that there is a significant
different ability between students taught by video and those taught by audio in
listening comprehension.

The previous researchers above are similar to the research that the researcher would
conducted in students listening comprehension. The differences between this research
and previous of the research is to focus on comparing video and audio as learning media
in listening comprehension.

B. Previous of Relevant Study

a. Definition of Listening

Listening is one of the most important language skills. Listening is the

part in communication, thought listening we can share our ideas with other
people. Tarigan (2006: 19) explains that listening skills as a process that
includes listening activities the sounds of language, identify, interpret, and react
to meanings contained in it. Another opinion regarding the definition of listening
skills delivered by Al-Khayyat (2015: 39) as follows:
“Listening is more than merely hearing words. Listening is an active
process by which students receive, construct meaning from, and respond to
spoken and or nonverbal messages. As such, it forms an integral part of the
communication process and should not be separated from the other language

This implies that listening will brings the listeners to get the massage or
goal what they want to express. That is why, listening is very important to get
some purpose which is intended by the listeners.

b. Listening Process

According to K. Steill et all (1983) in Wicaksono (2017) there are fifth

proses in learning listening comprehension includes:

1) Sensation: Physically hear and pay attention to the sound of the message.
Physical reception can be interrupted by various factors, such as noise, hearing
loss, or inattentiveness.

2) Interpretation: Parsing messages and pervading what is heard. When listening

we give value to words based on values, beliefs, ideas, expectations, and

3) Evaluation: Form opinions about messages. Selecting and sorting various

utterances, separating facts from opinions, evaluating the quality of evidence,
especially if the subject matter is a complex or emotionally charged problem.

c. Listening Comprehension

Listening comprehension is the different processes of understanding the

spoken language. These include knowing speech sounds, comprehending the
meaning of individual words, and understanding the syntax of sentences (Nadig,
2013 as cited in Pourhosein Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016). According to Hamouda
(2013), listening comprehension refers to the understanding of what the listener
has heard and it is his/her ability to repeat the text despite the fact that the
listener may repeat the sounds without real comprehension.

O„Malley, Chamot, and Kupper (1989 as cited in Pourhossein Gilakjani

& Ahmadi, 2011) said that listening comprehension is an active process in
which the listener constructs meaning through using cues from contextual
information and from existing knowledge, while relying upon numerous
strategic resources to perform the task requirement.

Meanwhile, Buck (2007) says that listening comprehension as a process,

a very complex process, and if teachers want to measure it, they must first
understand how that process work. If teachers consider how the language
comprehension system works, it is obvious that a number of different types of
knowledge are involved: both linguistic knowledge and non-linguistic
After noticing the theories above, it can be concluded that listening
comprehension is the mind activity to understand spoken materials containing
information to get the meaning the speaker want to convey using his background
knowledge through the interaction between the listener and the speaker.
According to Hughes (2001:134) there are two skills involved in the listening
comprehension, there are:

a. Micro Skill

In micro skill, to understand what someone say a listener has to interpret

intonation patters (e.g. recognize stress and rhythm), recognition of function of
structure (interrogative as request, imperative e.g. sit down! cohesive device e.g.
such as and which, detect sentence constituents, e.g. subject, verb, object,
preposition), recognize discourse markers (e.g. well; oh, another thing is; now,
finally). Each skill has its usefulness in gaining information and objective. For
example, the micro skill is that be mostly used in this research. It deals with the
information that the learner or students will be retained.

b. Macro Skill

In macro skill, to understand what someone says a listener has to involved

with listener for specific information, obtaining a gist of what is being heard or
the listener should get the general idea of the information, following instruction
or direction etc.

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