CampusLIVE Student Exam Report

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Student: B

Bhhoonnee TThhuuttaa@
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Bhone Thuta (Ivan) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. He is well-prepared for class each day. He can ask and answer such questions as
who, what, when, where, why and how about key details in a story. He can complete the graphic organizer story elements with minimal prompts. He shows
eagerness to learn and spell words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences.

Mathematics -

Bhone Thuta @Ivan is a hard-working student who always focused on his tasks during class. He has a solid understanding of all math concepts taught. He has a
good attitude towards Math work.


Bhone Thuta@Ivan is an intelligent student in an ICT class. He involves actively in every ICT activity. He can identify the parts of the computer and the kinds of
the computer. He can di�erentiate well input and output devices of a computer.


Bhone Thuta@Ivan is a smart student in the STEAM class. He always participates actively in every STEAM project. He always gives respect to teachers. He can
make the tower with the given prompts from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’.

Science -

Bhone Thuta@Ivan is an attentive student in science class and well participated in science activities. Although he has challenges in some concept-checking
time, he �nishes all his assignments. He is encouraged to revise science vocabularies to have better scores. He did pretty well in the Term End Test too. Please
continue to nurture and encourage this behavior over the next term.

Social Studies -

Bhone Thuta@Ivan is an intelligent student in the class. He can name his family members and relatives. He can explain why people need homes. He can describe
the responsibilities at home and school. He can classify three types of food.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Bhone Thuta (Ivan) participated actively in all the activities. He seeks responsibilities and follows through. He is considerate when
interacting with his teachers. He sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.


Bhone Thuta@Ivan loves to sing songs. He likes to do physical Education activities and follows the instructions well. He participates cooperatively in Creative
studies class. Moreover, he enjoys drawing pictures and can express his idea by drawing pictures.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Bhone Thuta @ Ivan is a pleasant student who listens to his teacher in class. He is good at writing sentences. He can remember and write some of the Myanmar
words he has learned in his text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: B
Bhhoonnee W
Waaii P
Student-ID: 8
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Bhone Wai Paing exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. He is well-prepared for class each day. He can ask and answer such questions as who,
what, when, where, why and how about key details in a story. He can complete the graphic organizer story elements with minimal prompts. He shows eagerness
to learn and spell words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences.

Mathematics -

Bhone Wai Paing is cooperative and well-mannered and is always happy and pleasant in class. He can think of many di�erent ways to get the correct answers
when he solves Mathematics sums.


Bhone Wai Paing is an intelligent student in the ICT class. He is able to identify the di�erence between Human and computer work. He always shares the
information associated with the lesson to his classmates. He can also express the di�erent parts of the computer.


Bhone Wai Paing is an outstanding student in the STEAM class. He is very active in doing the STEAM projects. He can build the water tower very well. He can also
create the lava lamp by using the materials.

Science -

Bhone Wai Paing is one of the outstanding students in science class. He is interested in exploring food groups and contributed his ideas about diet in team
works. He answered open-ended questions meaningfully and did pretty well in chapter end tests too. In the future, he should do more reading of science texts
and science articles to have a better score.

Social Studies -

Bhone Wai Paing is an intelligent student in the class. He can name his family members and relatives. He can explain why people need homes. He can describe
the responsibilities at home and school.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Bhone Wai Paing participated actively in all the activities. He readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal experiences and
opinions with peers. He welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Bhone Wai Paing is always participating in dance time. He loves to do PE activities and follows the instructions well. He participates cooperatively in Creative
Studies class. He enjoys doing all co-curriculum activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Bhone Wai Paing is a motivated student who is always enthusiastic during lessons. He is always happy to raise his hand to read, answer a question or start a
game. He is able to read the short sentences from his text on his own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: C
Chhiitt KKhhoonn C
Student-ID: 8
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Chit Khon Cho (Pinky) is an intelligent and hardworking student. She shows positive attitude towards learning and being in class. She has improved in speaking in
English with her teachers and friends. She needs occasionally prompts to answer language shells. She can read texts in the story and can identify story
elements such as the beginning, middle and end independently.

Mathematics -

Chit Khon Cho can count the numbers from 1-100 correctly. She slows down her speed and takes more time before she does the activities. She likes to draw
shapes and solids in the pattern.


Chit Khon Cho is a great student in the ICT class. She is very active in learning ICT subjects. She can describe the input and output devices independently. She is
always ready to learn new things in the class.


Chit Khon Cho is a brilliant student in the STEAM class. She participates actively in every STEAM project. She can identify two types of bridges from the lesson
topic ‘Investigating Bridge.’ She can design the tower from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’.

Science -

Chit Khon Cho is an attentive student in science class. She follows instructions and participates in all science activities. She could identify the body parts and
�ve senses. She is also good at identifying the taste of food. She always checks her understanding by asking questions on some science concepts. She is
encouraged to read more science articles so that she can answer open-ended questions.

Social Studies -

Chit Khon Cho works well with other students to complete group activities. She is always ready to share her ideas and listens carefully. She can describe the
responsibilities at home and school that she had learned from her text.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Chit Khon Cho (Pinky) participated actively in all the activities. She readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal experiences
and opinions with peers. She welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Chit Khon Cho loves to draw and paint pictures in Creative Studies time. She enjoys singing songs with her classmates. Moreover, she actively participates in PE
class and likes to do physical exercises.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Chit Khon Cho is a motivated student who is always enthusiastic during lessons. She has learned many new words in this term and can remember and spell most
of the words from her text. She can spell and read the short sentences from her text on her own. She is able to write the words and short paragraphs properly. It
would be better if she practice spelling more at home.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: C
Chhiitt KKyyii N
Nyyeeiinn C
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Chit Kyi Nyein Chan (Jacob) is a quiet observer in class. He shows interest in learning new English lessons however he needs prompts to �nish the task at hand.
His skills in reading story texts and identifying story elements such as the beginning, middle and end is emerging. He can answer the graphic organizer, reading
vocabulary words and language shells with prompts and modelling. His handwriting is improving, and he can communicate in short English phrases with his
classmates and teachers.

Mathematics -

Chit Kyi Nyein Chan is a hard-working student. He takes more time before he does the activities. He can able to think of many di�erent ways to get the correct
answers when he solves Mathematics sums. He is one of the best students in my class.


Chit Kyi Nyein Chan is a clever student in an ICT class. He can identify the tasks of computer well. He always takes part actively in group activities. He can
classify the di�erent parts of the computer and the kinds of the computer very well.


Chit Kyi Nyein Chan is a smart student in the STEAM class. He participates actively in every STEAM project. He can make the lava lamp and the water tower very
well by applying given materials.

Science -

Chit Kyi Nyein Chan is an attentive student in science class and well participated in all class activities when he gets focused on the lesson. He could identify the
body parts and �ve senses. Although he has challenges with some concepts, he �nishes all his assignments. He is encouraged to revise more science
vocabularies. In this way, he can be a better student in the coming term.

Social Studies -

Chit Kyi Nyein Chan is a pleasant student who shows respect to teachers and classmates in Social Studies class. He can introduce himself and his family
members. He can recognize rules and behaviors. It will be better if he participates and shares his opinions during class activities and discussions.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Chit Kyi Nyein Chan (Jacob) participated actively in all the activities. He seeks responsibilities and follows through. He is considerate
when interacting with his teachers. He sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.


Chit Kyi Nyein Chan loves to draw and paint pictures in Creative Studies time. He enjoys singing songs with his classmates and knows the music notes. Moreover,
he actively participates in PE class and likes to do physical exercises.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Chit Kyi Nyein Chan @ Jacob is a bright boy in class and is ready to share his ideas. He likes to recite Myanmar Rhymes and Poems with his classmates. He has
learned many vocabulary words from his text and can spell most of the words on his own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: C
Chhuuuu M
Myyaatt C
Chheerrrryy TThhaaw
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw (Kay Kay) is a cooperative and well-mannered student in the class. She shows eagerness to pay attention to her teachers in lesson time.
She can complete the graphic organizer story elements independently. She shows interest in writing her own sentences however she needs minimal prompts in
using correct articles and tenses. She remains focused on the activity at hand.

Mathematics -

Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand. She is able to clearly understand addition as well as subtraction. She is
showing a great interest in Mathematics.


Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw is a bright student in ICT class. She can describe the parts of the computer. She always participates actively in group activities. She can
divide the input and output devices independently.


Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw is an excellent student in the STEAM class. She loves doing STEAM projects. She can identify two types of bridges from the lesson topic
‘Investigating Bridge.’ She can also make a lava lamp independently.

Science -

Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw is an attentive and smart student in science class. She can identify the healthy and unhealthy food. Although she participates in all
classroom activities, she prefers to do it with a small number of students in her team. It would be better if she cooperates with others in team works and
projects. To conclude, she is one of the best students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw has a good attitude in class. She can name her family members. She can describe and explain the di�erences between personal
responsibilities and self-discipline.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw (Kay Kay) was very quiet throughout the projects, but seemed to enjoy most of the activities. She contributed to
the more physical activities, such as the fruit tasting activity and the fruit group presentation. Next term I would like if she actively participates more in group
discussions and activities, as it will help to build con�dence when participating in group discussion and activities.


Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw loves singing songs with her classmates. She enjoys doing physical movements during PE time. She likes to join Creative Studies class
to create artwork. She is an active girl who involves in all the classroom activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Chuu Myat Cherry Thaw is a happy student in the class. She can participate in discussion time and is willing to share her ideas with the class. She can spell most
of the words she has learned from her text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: EEaaiinntt TThhaaee S
Siitt A
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Eaint Thae Sit Aung is a cooperative and well-mannered student in the class. She shows eagerness to pay attention to her teachers in lesson time. She can
complete the graphic organizer story elements independently. She shows interest in writing her own sentences however she needs minimal prompts in using
correct articles and tenses. She remains focused on the activity at hand.

Mathematics -

Eaint Thae Sit Aung is a hard-working student who always focused on her tasks during class. She has a solid understanding of all math concepts taught. She has
a good attitude towards Math work. She always submits her homework on time. She enjoys answering Math’s quizzes at assembly.


Eaint Thae Sit Aung is an amazing student in the ICT class. She cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students. She can classify the di�erent parts
of the computer. She can di�erentiate the input and output devices in her ICT activities.


Eaint Thae Sit Aung is an intelligent student in the STEAM class. She is enthusiastic to do the STEAM projects. She can make the tower from the lesson topic
‘Water Tower’ and the lava lamp.

Science -

Eaint Thae Sit Aung is one of the outstanding students in science class. She could identify the parts of the body, the �ve senses, and the types of food. She
always �nishes assigned homework or tasks with great e�ort. She is encouraged to read more science articles and revise vocabularies to have a better score
next term. To conclude, she is one of the best students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Eaint Thae Sit Aung is active in class discussions and group activities. She can describe rules and behaviors. She can explain the basic human needs that she
had learned from her text.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Eaint Thae Sit Aung participated actively in all the activities. She seeks responsibilities and follows through. She is considerate when
interacting with her teachers. She sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.


Eaint Thae Sit Aung is always eager to participate actively in music time. She loves to do physical Education activities and follows the instructions well. She
participates cooperatively in Creative studies class. She enjoys participating in all co-curriculum activities eagerly.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Eaint Thae Sit Aung is a motivated student who is always enthusiastic during lessons. She is always happy to raise her hand to read, answer a question or start a
game. She is able to read short sentences from her text on her own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: H
Hmmyyuu H
Hnniinn D
Daa N
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Hmyu Hnin Da Ni shows interest in learning new English lessons however she needs prompts to �nish the task at hand. She shows eagerness to spell words,
answering the language shells and construct simple sentences. Her handwriting is improving. She can communicate in English with her classmates and

Mathematics -

Hmyu Hnin Da Ni is cooperative and well-mannered, and is always happy and pleasant in class. She can think of many di�erent ways to get the correct answers
when she solves Mathematics sums. If she concentrates more on the lesson, she will get a better result.


Hmyu Hnin Da Ni is a bright student in an ICT class. She can identify the parts of the computer and di�erent kinds of computer. She is always ready to learn new
things in the class.


Hmyu Hnin Da Ni is an intelligent student in the STEAM class. She is enthusiastic to make the STEAM projects. She can build the water tower and the beam
bridge from the lesson topic.

Science -

Hmyu Hnin Da Ni is an attentive student in science class and well participated in all class activities. She could identify the parts of the body, and the �ve senses
as well. She is encouraged to have more notes in the future to improve in open-ended questions. She can be an outstanding student with more e�ort in writing
and reading science books in the coming term.

Social Studies -

Hmyu Hnin Da Ni has a good attitude in class. She can name her family members. She can describe and explain the di�erences between personal responsibilities
and self-discipline.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Hmyu Hnin Da Ni exhibits a positive outlook and attitude throughout the projects. She participated in group discussions and is gaining
the con�dence to ask for help when needed.


Hmyu Hnin Da Ni loves singing songs with her friends as well as she actively participates in PE time. She likes to do physical activities. She shows great interest
in drawing pictures and loves to describe her artworks in front of her friends.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Hmyu Hnin Da Ni is a brilliant student in the class and she can cope with her entire lessons well. She has learned many new words in this term. She can name
several vocabulary words from her Myanmar text. She is able to work independently with con�dence.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: H
Hssuu H
Haann TThhaarr KKoo
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Hsu Han Thar Ko (Babylone) shows interest in learning new English lessons however she needs prompts to �nish the task at hand. She shows eagerness to spell
words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences. Her handwriting is improving. She can communicate in English with her classmates and

Mathematics -

Hsu Han Thar Ko is inquisitive sometimes and active in-class activities. She can use di�erent strategies to �nd missing addends when she solves Mathematics


Hsu Han Thar Ko is a brilliant student in the ICT class. She always takes part actively in group activities. She can distinguishes the tasks those computers can do
or cannot do in ICT activities. She can identify the parts of the computer and the kinds of computer. She can describe the input and output devices.


Hsu Han Thar Ko is a bright student in STEAM Class. She can do well in every STEAM project. She can save Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’. She can
build the water tower by using given logistics.

Science -

Hsu Han Thar Ko is a cheerful student who has a well-developed sense of humor. She is well-liked by her classmates. She always shares personal experiences
and opinions with peers in all science activities. She is good at identifying the �ve senses. She is encouraged to have more revision to have better score in next
term. To conclude, she is one of the smartest students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Hsu Han Thar Ko is a pleasant student who shows respect to her teachers and classmates in Social Studies class. She can introduce herself and her family
members. She can recognize rules and behaviors.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Hsu Han Thar Ko (Babylone) was very quiet throughout the projects, but seemed to enjoy most of the activities. She contributed to the
more physical activities, such as the fruit tasting activity and the fruit group presentation. Next term I would like if she actively participates more in group
discussions and activities, as it will help to build con�dence when participating in group discussion and activities.


Hsu Han Thar Ko is always participating in dance time. She loves to do PE activities and follows the instructions well. She participates cooperatively in Creative
Studies class. She enjoys doing all co-curriculum activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Hsu Han Thar Ko enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can read and comprehend the short sentences from her text. She has
learned many vocabulary words from her text and can spell most of the words on her own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: KKaauunngg KKhhaanntt S
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Kaung Khant Shein (KK Shein) actively participates in class. He can read and answer language shells very well. He shows great interest in writing language shells
however he needs occasional prompts when spelling vocabulary words, completing the graphic organizer story elements and sentence construction. He is very
eager to share his ideas in class and responds attentively to the topics discussed in class.

Mathematics -

Kaung Khant Shein can count the numbers from 1-100 correctly by himself. He slows down his speed and takes more time before he does the activities. He likes
to draw shapes and solids in the pattern.


Kaung Khant Shein is a smart student who shows his great interest in learning ICT. He recognizes the di�erent parts of the computer. He can relate the lesson
that he studies and his daily life well.


Kaung Khant Shein is a bright student in the STEAM class. He can classify two types of bridges from the lesson topic ‘Investigating Bridge.’ He shows his ability in
the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’ and can save Humpty.

Science -

Kaung Khant Shein has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about his interests in science. He is a conscientious, hard-working, and quiet
student in science class. He could identify the types of food and likes to play blindfolding and guessing games. He is encouraged to practice science
vocabularies to have a better score. To conclude, he is one of the best students at his level this term.

Social Studies -

Kaung Khant Shein is an intelligent student in the class. He can name his family members and relatives. He can explain why people need homes. He can describe
the responsibilities at home and school. It will be better if he participates and shares his opinions during class activities and discussions.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Kaung Khant Shein (KK Shein) was a very friendly and helpful student to both his peers and his teachers. He always worked positively
with others. Next term I would like to see him participate more, as he sometimes lost focus and become distracted from the task.


Kaung Khant Shein enjoys singing with his friends during music time. Likewise, he likes to draw and color various pictures. He enjoys doing physical exercises
and participates actively in all co-curriculum activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Kaung Khant Shein is focused on classroom activities and participated in class discussions. He puts his best e�ort into homework assignments. It would be
better if he practices spelling more at home.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: KKaauunngg M
Myyaatt H
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Kaung Myat Htun (Michael) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. He is well-prepared for class each day. He can ask and answer such
questions as who, what, when, where, why and how about key details in a story. He can complete the graphic organizer story elements with minimal prompts. He
shows eagerness to learn and spell words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences.

Mathematics -

Kaung Myat Htun is a cheerful student who is helpful and loves to help others. He can think of many di�erent ways to get the correct answers when he solves
mathematics problems. Likewise, he understands the concept of addition and enjoys calculating numbers. He enjoys answering Math’s quizzes at assembly.


Kaung Myat Htun is an intelligent student in an ICT class. He participates actively in group activities. He recognizes the kinds of computers and the parts of the


Kaung Myat Htun is a brilliant student in the STEAM class. He always shares the content associated with the lesson. He shows his ability in the lesson topic ‘Help
Humpty’ and can save Humpty. He can identify two types of bridges from the lesson topic ‘Investigating Bridge.’

Science -

Kaung Myat Htun is an active student. He is eager to participate in class discussions as well as share his ideas in group activities in science class. He could
identify the �ve senses well but he was sometimes confused about touching (skin). He is encouraged to read more science articles and explores more hands-on
activities in the future. To conclude, he is one of the outstanding students in science class.

Social Studies -

Kaung Myat Htun is a studious boy who can cope with his lessons well. He always listens to what the teachers say. He can name di�erent types of houses and
their properties. He can describe the responsibilities at home and school. He can also identify di�erent kinds of behaviors such as ‘politeness’ and ‘rudeness.’

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Kaung Myat Htun (Michael) participated actively in all the activities. He readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal
experiences and opinions with peers. He welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Kaung Myat Htun actively participates in all CCA classes. He sings songs happily and shows interest to learn the music notes. Besides, he likes to draw pictures
as well as do exercises during PE time.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Kaung Myat Htun is a well-mannered and hardworking member of the class. He can follow instructions and likes to do activities. He loves reciting Myanmar
Poems with his classmates. He can also spell and write words �uently.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: KKhhiinn Y
Yaattii S
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Khin Yati Su (Michelle) is a quiet observer in the class. She has improved in speaking in English with her teachers and friends. She needs occasionally prompts to
answer language shells. She can read texts in the story and can identify story elements such as the beginning, middle and end independently.

Mathematics -

Khin Yati Su can count the numbers from 1-100 correctly. She can identify the shapes according to their properties. If she concentrates more on the lesson, she
will get a better result in the future.


Khin Yati Su is an attentive student in the ICT class. She can distinguish the input and output devices of a computer well. She can identify the parts of the
computer individualistically.


Khin Yati Su is an intelligent student in the STEAM class. She is enthusiastic to make the STEAM projects. She can build the water tower and the beam bridge
from the lesson topic.

Science -

Khin Yati Su is a smart student in science class. She is good at critical thinking. She can identify the �ve senses and also like to play sensory games. It would be
better if she writes down the vocabulary in her notebook. She is encouraged to participate in teamwork and do science observations and projects in the future.

Social Studies -

Khin Yati Su is a good performer in the class. She can introduce herself and her family members. She likes to discuss the problems in the local environment and
why do we need to take care of the environment.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Khin Yati Su (Michelle) was very quiet throughout the projects, but seemed to enjoy most of the activities. She contributed to the more
physical activities, such as the fruit tasting activity and the fruit group presentation. Next term I would like if she actively participates more in group discussions
and activities, as it will help to build con�dence when participating in group discussion and activities.


Khin Yati Su loves to sing songs and has a natural talent for dancing. She participates cooperatively in Creative studies class. Moreover, she is a very active
student in PE classes.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Khin Yati Su enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can remember and write some of the Myanmar words she has learned from her
text. She is able to read the short sentences from her text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: M
Maayy P
Pyyaaee S
Soonnee A
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

May Pyae Sone Aung (Dora) is a well-mannered student. She works hard to give her best. She can read text story and can identify story elements such as the
beginning, middle and end with minimal prompts. She can spell and read vocabulary words independently.

Mathematics -

May Pyae Sone Aung follows classroom rules consistently and is bright, motivated, and hardworking. She can identify the keywords of addition and subtraction
facts in solving word problems. She consistently hands in homework on time and has a good understanding of mathematical concepts.


May Pyae Sone Aung is an outstanding student in the ICT class. She always takes part actively in group activities. She gives respect to teachers and her friends.
She can describe the input and output devices of a computer well.


May Pyae Sone Aung is a bright student in STEAM Class. She can do well in every STEAM project. She always gives respect to teachers. She can save Humpty
from the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’. She can build the water tower by using given logistics.

Science -

May Pyae Sone Aung is a clever student and shows good manners in the classroom. She shows interest in doing science activities and she could identify the
types of food. She likes to identify and tasting food. She is con�dent in answering exercises given in class independently. To conclude, she is one of the best at
her level this term.

Social Studies -

May Pyae Sone Aung is an a�ectionate student in the class. She likes to explore more about the lesson. She can share ideas with her peers and teachers during
Social Studies time. She shows great interest in discussing the physical needs and emotional needs.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, May Pyae Sone Aung (Dora) participated actively in all the activities. She readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal
experiences and opinions with peers. She welcomes leadership roles in groups.


May Pyae Sone Aung is always eager to participate actively in music time. She loves to do physical Education activities and follows the instructions well. She
participates cooperatively in Creative studies class. She enjoys participating in all co-curriculum activities eagerly.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

May Pyae Sone Aung enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She has learned many new words in this term. She can spell most of the
words she has learned from her text. She is a very good listener. She is able to read short sentences from her text independently.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: M
Miinnnn TThhw
waaee KKhhaanntt
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Minn Thwae Khant (Alvin) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. He is well-prepared for class each day. He can ask and answer such questions
as who, what, when, where, why and how about key details in a story. He can complete the graphic organizer story elements with minimal prompts. He shows
eagerness to learn and spell words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences.

Mathematics -

Minn Thwae Khant is frequently the �rst to help and mentor other classmates. He works well with classmates in group work. He can use objects of solids or
shapes correctly.


Minn Thwae Khant is a clever student in an ICT class. He can describe the parts of the computer. He always participates actively in group activities. He can divide
the input and output devices independently.


Minn Thwae Khant is an outstanding student in the STEAM class. He enjoys doing STEAM projects. He always pays attention when the teacher is giving
instructions. He can make the tower from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’ and the lava lamp.

Science -

Minn Thwae Khant is one of the outstanding students in science class. He has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about his interests in
science. He can work well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership role. He has done a great job even though he takes time to accomplish
assigned work this term. Please continue to nurture and encourage this behavior over the next term.

Social Studies -

Minn Thwae Khant is a good performer in the class. He can introduce himself and his family members. He likes to discuss the problems in the local environment
and why do we need to take care of the environment.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Minn Thwae Khant (Alvin) participated actively in all the activities. He readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal
experiences and opinions with peers. He welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Minn Thwae Khant enjoys doing physical movement in PE time. He is interested in drawing and coloring pictures. He can express his idea by drawing in Creative
Studies class. He loves to sing songs with his classmates.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Min Thwae Khant @ Alvin is a happy student who has always a big smile. He can participate in discussion time and is willing to share his ideas with the class. He
can spell most of the words he has learned from his text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: M
Myyaatt S
Suu ZZiinn M
Student-ID: 8
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Myat Su Zin Myo (Lucy) is a cooperative and well-mannered student in the class. She shows eagerness to pay attention to her teachers in lesson time. She can
complete the graphic organizer story elements independently. She shows interest in writing her own sentences however she needs minimal prompts in using
correct articles and tenses. She remains focused on the activity at hand.

Mathematics -

Myat Su Zin Myo is cooperative and well-mannered and is always happy and pleasant in class. She can think of many di�erent ways to get the correct answers
when she solves Mathematics sums.


Myat Su Zin Myo is a bright student in ICT class. She can describe the parts of the computer. She always participates actively in group activities. She can divide
the input and output devices independently.


Myat Su Zin Myo is a brilliant student in the STEAM class. She is enthusiastic to do the STEAM projects. She can save Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help

Science -

Myat Su Zin Myo is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school. She cooperates consistently with the teachers and other students. She could identify the
�ve senses and is good at tasting food. She could do pretty well in the tests too. To conclude, she is one of the smartest students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Myat Su Zin Myo is a pleasant student who listens to her teachers in the class. She can identify di�erent kinds of behaviors such as ‘politeness’ and ‘rudeness.’
She can retell about the types of families that she had learned from her text.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Myat Su Zin Myo (Lucy) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude throughout the projects. She participated in group discussions and is
gaining the con�dence to ask for help when needed.


Myat Su Zin Myo enjoys singing songs with her friends and knows the music notes. She likes to do body movements and exercise during PE time. Also, she is
interested in creating various pictures.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Myat Su Zin Myo enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can read short sentences from her text. She can remember and write some
of the words she has learned from her text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: S
Saauunngg LLaappyyaaee H
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Saung Lapyae Htun (Joy) is a self-motivated student. She responds to what has been read or discussed in class and enhances group discussion through
insightful comments. She can ask and answer such questions as who, what, when, where, why and how about key details in a story. She can complete the
graphic organizer story elements independently. She can express herself in English very well however she needs occasional prompts when using grammar
tenses and articles. She shows initiative and looks for new ways to be involved in all class activities.

Mathematics -

Saung Lapyae Htun listens attentively to the responses of others and follows instructions. She can classify solids and shapes according to their properties. She
is skilled in addition and subtraction and can apply both concepts to word problems.


Saung Lapyae Htun is a brilliant student in the ICT class. She always takes part actively in group activities. She can distinguishes the tasks those computers can
do or cannot do in ICT activities. She can identify the parts of the computer and the kinds of computer. She can describe the input and output devices.


Saung Lapyae Htun is a lovely student in the STEAM class. She always pays attention when the teacher is giving instructions. She can make the tower from the
lesson topic ‘Water Tower’. She enjoys doing ICT activities.

Science -

Saung Lapyae Htun is inquisitive and highly interested in science topics. She completes every assigned work on time, with great focus. She always comes to
class with great questions based on the assigned homework tasks, showing thoughtfulness and independence. She is encourage to read more science articles
to have a better score. To conclude, she is one of the best at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Saung Lapyae Htun is active in class discussions and group activities. She can describe rules and behaviors. She can explain clearly the basic human needs that
she had learned from her text.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Saung Lapyae Htun (Joy) participated actively in all the activities. She readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal
experiences and opinions with peers. She welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Saung Lapyae Htun loves singing songs with her classmates. She enjoys doing physical movements in PE time. She likes to join Creative Studies class to create
artwork. She is an active girl who involves in all the classroom activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Saung Lapyae Htun enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can remember and write some of the Myanmar words she has learned
from her text. She is able to read the short sentences from her text.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: S
Shhiinn TThhiirrii KKhhiitt
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Shin Thiri Khit (Vicky) is a quiet observer in the class. She has improved in speaking in English with her teachers and friends. She needs occasionally prompts to
answer language shells. She can read texts in the story and can identify story elements such as the beginning, middle and end independently.

Mathematics -

Shin Thiri Khit can classify shapes and solids according to their pictures. She can use the number sequences to represent repeating patterns. She excels in
counting and the numbers 1-100 correctly.


Shin Thiri Khit is a bright student in ICT class. She recognizes the di�erent parts of the computer. She can classify di�erent between human and computer in ICT


Shin Thiri Khit is a brilliant student in the STEAM class. She likes doing STEAM projects. She can create the beam bridge from the lesson topic ‘Investigating
Bridge’ and she can save the Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’.

Science -

Shin Thiri Khit is an attentive and focused student who performs well in science class. She always participates in all group activities and projects. She can
identify the healthy food and unhealthy food. She is encouraged to have more revision on science vocabulary in the future to improve in open ended questions.
To conclude, she is one of the smartest students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Shin Thiri Khit is a pleasant student who shows respect to teachers and classmates in Social Studies class. She can introduce herself and her family members.
She can recognize rules and behaviors. It will be better if she participates and shares her opinions during class activities and discussions.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Shin Thiri Khit (Vicky) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude throughout the projects. She participated in group discussions and is
gaining the con�dence to ask for help when needed.


Shin Thiri Khit is always participating in dance time. She loves to do PE activities and follows the instructions well. She participates cooperatively in Creative
Studies class. She enjoys doing all co-curriculum activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Shin Thiri Khit is a pleasant student and hardworking in class. She puts her best e�ort into homework assignments. She loves reciting Myanmar Poems with her
classmates. It would be better if she practices handwriting more at home.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: S
wee P
Paa C
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Shwe Pa Chi (Lily) shows interest in learning new English lessons however she needs prompts to �nish the task at hand. She shows eagerness to spell words,
answering the language shells and construct simple sentences. Her handwriting is improving. She can communicate in English with her classmates and

Mathematics -

Shwe Pa Chi is frequently among the �rst to help and mentor other classmates. In Math’s activities, she accepts the feedback from peers and acts on them when
appropriate. She has a good attitude towards the mathematics work this term. Please continue to work on it.


Shwe Pa Chi is a nice student in ICT class. She can identify di�erent types of the computer. She is able to di�erentiate well input and output devices of a


Shwe Pa Chi is an active student in the STEAM class. She is very interested in doing the STEAM projects. She can save Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help
Humpty’. She can make the tower with the given prompts from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’.

Science -

Shwe Pa Chi is an active and sociable student in science class. She likes to play science games and taste food. She can identify the �ve senses and types of
food. It would be better if she practices writing and open-ended questions properly in the future. To conclude, she is one of the smartest students at her level of
this term.

Social Studies -

Shwe Pa Chi has a good attitude in class. She can name her family members. She can describe and explain the di�erences between personal responsibilities and

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Shwe Pa Chi (Lily) was very quiet throughout the projects, but seemed to enjoy most of the activities. She contributed to the more
physical activities, such as the fruit tasting activity and the fruit group presentation. Next term I would like if she actively participates more in group discussions
and activities, as it will help to build con�dence when participating in group discussion and activities.


Shwe Pa Chi is always participating in dance time. She loves to do PE activities and follows the instructions well. She participates cooperatively in Creative
Studies class. She enjoys participating in all co-curriculum activities.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Shwe Pa Chi enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can read short sentences from her text. She can remember and write some of
the words she has learned from her text. She is slowly improving her reading skills.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: S
Siitttt A
Auunngg Y
Yaaiirr Y
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Sitt Aung Yair Yint (Ko Sitt) is a quiet observer in class. He shows interest in learning new English lessons however he needs prompts to �nish the task at hand.
His skills in reading story texts and identifying story elements such as the beginning, middle and end is emerging. He can answer the graphic organizer, reading
vocabulary words and language shells with prompts and modelling. His handwriting is improving and he can communicate in English with his classmates and

Mathematics -

Sitt Aung Yair Yint can count the numbers from 1-100 correctly and independently. He can use the number sequences to represent repeating patterns. If he
concentrates more on the lesson, he will get a better result.


Sitt Aung Yair Yint is a brilliant student in the ICT class. He involves actively in group activities. He can classify the parts of the computer. He knows the kinds of
computers very well.


Sitt Aung Yair Yint is a smart student in the STEAM class. He always gives respect to teachers. He is very active to do the STEAM projects. He can make the tower
from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’ and the beam bridge.

Science -

Sitt Aung Yair Yint is an attentive student in science class. He’s having a hard time maintaining focus in the lecture. He used to ask questions when needed. He
could identify the body parts but he would be better if he revises science vocabularies in the future. To conclude, he is one of the smartest students in science

Social Studies -

Sitt Aung Yair Yint is a pleasant student who shows respect to his teachers and classmates in Social Studies class. He can introduce himself and his family
members. He can recognize rules and behaviors. It will be better if he participates and shares his opinions during class activities and discussions.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Sitt Aung Yair Yint (Ko Sitt) was a very friendly and helpful student to both his peers and his teachers. He always worked positively with
others. Next term I would like to see him participate more, as he sometimes lost focus and become distracted from the task.


Sitt Aung Yair Yint loves singing songs with his classmates. He enjoys doing physical movements in PE time. He is an active boy who involves in all the classroom
activities. He likes to join Dance classes.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Sitt Aung Yair Yint is an intelligent student. He is able to read short sentences from his text independently. He puts a lot of attention into completing the
classroom exercises and homework. It would be better if he practices handwriting more at home.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: TThheett H
Htteett ZZaaw
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Thet Htet Zaw (Erika) is a cooperative and well-mannered student in the class. She can complete the graphic organizer story elements with minimal prompts.
She shows eagerness to learn and spell words, answering the language shells and construct simple sentences. She can work independently.

Mathematics -

Thet Htet Zaw is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom. She listens attentively to the responses of others. She is quick and accurate in responding to
math facts and performs outstanding work in her Mathematics activities.


Thet Htet Zaw is an outstanding student in the ICT class. She always takes part actively in group activities. She gives respect to teachers and her friends. She
can describe the input and output devices of a computer well.


Thet Htet Zaw is a clever student in the STEAM class. She is very interested in doing the STEAM projects. She has always been involved in the activities during
lesson time. She can save Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’.

Science -

Thet Htet Zaw is an active student and can work well independently to complete activities in science class. She is good at identifying the �ve senses and healthy
and unhealthy food as well. She used to work productively in groups of all sizes to get tasks done. To conclude, she is one of the best students at her level this

Social Studies -

Thet Htet Zaw is always participating in social studies time. She shows great interest in Social Studies time and comes out with many questions and possibilities.
She can describe and explain the di�erences between personal responsibilities and self-discipline.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Thet Htet Zaw (Erika) participated actively in all the activities. She readily grasps new concepts and ideas. Shares personal experiences
and opinions with peers. She welcomes leadership roles in groups.


Thet Htet Zaw loves singing songs with her friends as well as she actively participates in PE time. She likes to do physical activities. She shows great interest in
drawing pictures and loves to describe her artworks in front of her friends.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Thet Htet Zaw is a motivated student who is always enthusiastic during lessons. She is always happy to raise her hand to read, answer a question or start a
game. She is able to read the short sentences from her text on her own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: ZZiinn TThhiirrii A
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Zin Thiri Aung (Snow) shows interest in learning new English lessons however she needs prompts to �nish the task at hand. She shows eagerness to spell words,
answering the language shells and construct simple sentences. Her handwriting is improving. She can communicate in English with her classmates and

Mathematics -

Zin Thiri Aung can classify shapes and solids according to their pictures. She can use the number sequences to represent repeating patterns. She excels in
counting and writing the numbers 1-100 correctly.


Zin Thiri Aung is a bright student in ICT class. She recognizes the di�erent parts of the computer. She can classify di�erent between human and computer in ICT


Zin Thiri Aung is a lovely student in the STEAM class. She is enthusiastic to do the STEAM projects. She participates actively during lesson time. She can make
the tower from the lesson topic ‘Water Tower’ and the lava lamp.

Science -

Zin Thiri Aung is an attentive and inquisitive student in science class. She always cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students. She likes to play
sensory games and taste food. Although she has challenges in some science concepts, she �nishes all her assignments. To conclude, she is one of the smartest
students at her level this term.

Social Studies -

Zin Thiri Aung works well with other students to complete group activities. She is always ready to share her ideas and listens carefully. She can describe the
responsibilities at home and school that she had learned from her text.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Zin Thiri Aung (Snow) exhibits a positive outlook and attitude throughout the projects. She participated in group discussions and is
gaining the con�dence to ask for help when needed.


Zin Thiri Aung enjoys music time and sings the songs happily with her friends. She loves to draw colorful pictures. She likes to do physical activities and actively
participates in PE classes.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Zin Thiri Aung enjoys participating in classroom activities with her classmates. She can read and comprehend the short sentences from her text. She has learned
many vocabulary words from her text and can spell most of the words on her own.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________
Student: ZZw
wee KKhhiitt N
Student-ID: M
Term: TT11 ›› TTeerrm
m--11 ((TTeerrm
Class: G
Brreeeezzyy ((220

Suubbjjeecctt G

English -

Zwe Khit Nay actively participates in class. He can read and answer language shells very well. He shows great interest in writing language shells however he
needs occasional prompts when spelling vocabulary words, completing the graphic organizer story elements and sentence construction. He is very eager to
share his ideas in class and responds attentively to the topics discussed in class.

Mathematics -

Zwe Khit Nay is a brilliant student and always actively participates in Mathematics time. He knows the shapes very well and understands the concept of


Zwe Khit Nay is an outstanding student in the ICT class. He always participates actively in group activities. He can identify the parts of the computer and the
di�erent kinds of the computer. He can describe the input and output devices independently.


Zwe Khit Nay is a brilliant student in the STEAM class. He likes doing STEAM projects. He always pays attention when the teacher is giving instructions. He can
create the beam bridge from the lesson topic ‘Investigating Bridge’ and he can save the Humpty from the lesson topic ‘Help Humpty’.

Science -

Zwe Khit Nay showed enthusiasm for classroom activities. He can understand science concepts easily. He can identify the body parts, �ve senses and healthy
food and unhealthy food well. But he is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group. He is encouraged to cooperate well with others in group
activities next term. To conclude, he is one of the best students at his level this term.

Social Studies -

Zwe Khit Nay is always participating, and he shows great interest in Social Studies time. He comes out with many questions and possibilities. He can describe
and explain the di�erences between personal responsibilities and self-discipline.

Global Perspectives -

In Global Perspectives, Zwe Khit Nay participated enthusiastically in all the activities. He o�ered many useful ideas and was very helpful towards both teachers
and students and re�ected well on the lessons learned from taking part. He looks for ways to be helpful for his group.


Zwe Khit Nay enjoys singing songs with his friends and knows the music notes. He likes to do body movements and exercise during PE time. He is also interested
in creating various pictures.

Mother Tongue and Culture -

Zwe Khit Nay is a brilliant student in the class and he can cope with his entire lessons well. He has learned many new words this term. He is able to name several
vocabulary words from his Myanmar text. He is able to work independently with con�dence.

Class Teacher: Parents:

Name: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________
Date: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________

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