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IBM WebSphere MQ Monitoring

User Guide Version: 0.2.2 Page 1 / 28

IBM WebSphere MQ Monitoring

User Guide Version: 0.2.2 Page 2 / 28

WMQ Monitoring............................................................................................................................... 1
User GUIDE .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Features Overview .................................................................................................................... 3
3 High Level Architecture ........................................................................................................... 3
4 Up and Running .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Prerequisite ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
4.2.1 IBM WAS Liberty Profile .............................................................................................................................................5
4.2.2 Apache Tomcat................................................................................................................................................................6
4.2.3 Oracle GlassFish..............................................................................................................................................................6
4.2.4 Important Notes .............................................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.3.1 Customize Settings ........................................................................................................................................................7
4.3.2 Configure Database .......................................................................................................................................................7
4.3.3 Configure Notification ..................................................................................................................................................7
5 Start Monitoring ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Login ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Logout...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Change Password ................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.4 Create Connection................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.5 Create Monitor ................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.6 Monitor Management ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.7 Monitor MQTT Clients ..................................................................................................................................... 16
5.8 Monitor MQTT Pub and Sub .......................................................................................................................... 17
5.9 Create Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................. 20
5.10 Simple Dashboard .......................................................................................................................................... 20
5.11 SenderReceiver Dashboard......................................................................................................................... 24
5.12 Alert View.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.13 Export Metadata ............................................................................................................................................. 26
6 Trouble Shooting .................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Get more verbose information ..................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Common issues .................................................................................................................................................. 27
7 Useful Links .............................................................................................................................. 27
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1 Introduction

This guide will cover how to use this lightweight but powerful web based WebSphere MQ
monitoring tool. This monitoring tool targets WebSphere MQ administrators and users who
would like to take advantage of this tool features, such as visualization of WebSphere MQ system
health and custom alert conditions for WebSphere MQ objects, including queues, topics,
channels, listeners, and queue managers.

2 Features Overview

The detailed monitoring features provided by this monitoring tool are as follows:

 Monitor multiple queue mangers on multiple hosts.

 Monitor the interested MQ objects (queue, topic, channel, and listener) with interested
statistics and custom settings. (i.e. monitor currentQDpeth of ORDERS.QUEUE and
displaying in line chart)
 Allow alert condition rules to be defined per monitor to track the health status of a MQ
 All the alerts will be notified by displaying the alerts on the web UI in a table view, and
allowing query alerts against a certain criteria.
 A monitor can be deactivated if needed, and can be activated later.
 Monitor's historical statistics are persisted in database of a certain range of time depends on
the settings of the monitor.
 Provide multiple dashboards with multiple patterns to aggregate a set of monitors.
Two patterns are supported at the moment:
a. Simple pattern: allow any monitors.
b. Sender-receiver pattern: only allow two queue monitors and two channel monitors.
 The statistics of the monitored the MQ object and the health status are displayed in real-
time charting in dashboards.
 Monitor MQTT client connections.
 Test the connectivity of MQTT clients.
 RESTful monitoring API for third party integration.
 Simple and flexible deployment, any Java servlet containers.
 Configurable database for statistics storage (Embedded derby, DB2, Oracle, MySQL etc.)
 Work with all of WebSphere MQ platforms (tested on Windows, Linux and z/OS, and should
support all platforms, Windows, Linux, Unix and z/OS)

3 High Level Architecture

This is the high level architecture describes how the monitoring application works.
Back-end: Java standard web application
Front-end: Dojo based web UI.
Database: Embedded Apache Derby (default), configurable for other databases, DB2, Oracle,
MySQL etc.
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Figure 1 High Level Architecture Overview

4 Up and Running

This monitoring tool is pretty simple and easy to install, since it is implemented as a standard Java
Web Application, it can be easily deployed on any Java application servers, for example WebSphere
Application Server for Liberty Profile and Apache Tomcat etc., and after deployment the monitoring
application is up and running.

4.1 Prerequisite

Make sure you have the following softwares are installed before installing the WebSphere MQ
monitoring tool.

 Install WebSphere MQ with minimum version V7.0.

(V7.1 and higher is recommended, this tool has some limitations on V7.0, e.g. the version
information is not available)

 Install Java application server, for example IBM WebSphere Application Server for Liberty
Profile, Apache Tomcat etc. with minimum servlet 3.0 supports. And of course JDK or JRE is
required to be installed with minimum version 1.6.

 Install a more modern web browser to access the web UI, Google Chrome is recommended.
Supported browsers: Chrome 26.0.1410.63+, and IE 9, IE 10, Firefox 17 ESR+, it works best
with Google Chrome.

Note: this guide will not cover any information about the installation of WebSphere MQ and Java
EE Application Server. Please refer to IBM Information Center: install WebSphere MQ and refer to
corresponding documentations for other Java EE application servers or servlet engines. Please use
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile instead of full profile that may have class loading
issue with this monitoring application.
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Since this monitoring tool is a java based application, so it will run on any platforms that support
java. E.g. Windows, Linux, Solaris and AIX etc. are all supported, and please do install IBM JDK or
JRE if you are running AIX.

4.2 Installation

Note: If you have already installed the softwares mentioned in the Prerequisite chapter, then
nothing else than the monitoring tool itself need to be installed. Please avoid the spaces in path if
you are using the default database derby.

Deploy the monitoring application as a WAR to Java application server, then the WebSphere MQ
monitoring is up and running. It’s just that simple.

Here we provide detailed instructions for IBM WAS Liberty profile v8.5.5 and Apache Tomcat

4.2.1 IBM WAS Liberty Profile

 Get WAS Liberty Profile runtime

Download the runtime from this link.

 Install WAS Liberty Profile

 java -jar wlp-developers-runtime-${version}.jar
 Accept the license agreement
 Select a target directory for Liberty

 Create a server for WMQ Monitoring

 cd wlp bin
 server create wmq-monitoring
 cd wlp/usr/servers/wmq-monitoring
 Edit server.xml, replace the content with the following (make sure the port 9080 and
9443 are NOT in use, or any other ports according to your requirement)

<server description="wmq-monitoring">
<httpEndpoint host="" httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>

<applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean" />

<application id="com.ibm.mq.monitoring" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/wmq-

monitoring" type="war" context-root="wmq-monitoring" name="wmq-monitoring">
<classloader delegation="parentLast" apiTypeVisibility="spec"/>
<webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>

 Deploy WMQ Monitoring

 Unzip the wmq-monitoring.war to wlp/usr/servers/wmq-monitoring/apps/wmq-
 And make sure the final folder structure should look like this:
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 Start and stop server

 cd wlp/bin
 server start wmq-monitoring (start the server)
 server stop wmq-monitoring (stop the server)
 Once the server is started, try to access http://localhost:9080/wmq-monitoring with
latest Google chrome browser (user/password: mqadmin/mqadmin).

4.2.2 Apache Tomcat

 Get Apache Tomcat

Download Apache Tomcat 7.x from this link.

 Install Tomcat
Just unzip it to a directory.

 Deploy WMQ Monitoring

Copy wmq-monitoring.war to apache-tomcat-xxx/webapps directory.

 Start and stop server

 cd apache-tomcat-xxx/webapps/bin
 startup (start the server)
 shutdown (stop the server)
 Once the server is started, try to access http://localhost:8080/wmq-monitoring with
latest Google chrome browser (user/password: mqadmin/mqadmin).

4.2.3 Oracle GlassFish

Only GlassFish server V4 are tested and supported, download it from here.
Installation steps are skipped from this guide. After the server is started, please do the following

 Go to GlassFish admin console, go to Configurations > Server Config > JVM Settings,
switch to the JVM Options tab and add the following option:


 Restart the server after the change is saved.

 Deploy wmq-monitoring.war, uncheck Implicit CDI - Enabled (disabled), otherwise it will
get and error during deployment.
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4.2.4 Important Notes

Note: if you need some customization, please unpack the WAR and make modifications on the
configuration files and redeploy it. Please follow the following chapter to customize the monitoring
application settings.

IMPORTANT: if you are using default database (derby), please do not deploy multiple wmq-
monitoring war in the application server, no matter same version or not. Because derby requires
ONLY one instance per JVM process, and also the database files cannot be shared if you are running
multiple application server instances but point to the same database directory. The database files
are located at wmq-monitoring/WEB-INF/database. You can just safely to delete this folder to
cleanup the database, and you will get a clean environment after restart.

4.3 Configuration

Monitoring application uses an embedded Apache Derby database by default. Customizations are
allowed, by update the configuration files inside the WAR and redeploy it after changes.

Note: all the configuration steps below are optional, unless you want some customizations.

4.3.1 Customize Settings

Please unpack the WAR and find config.properties in WEB-INF directory to update monitoring
application specific settings according to the comments inside this configuration file.

Note: please edit this configuration file with caution, any invalid inputs may cause the monitoring
application failed to start.

4.3.2 Configure Database

Unpack the WAR and find the jdbc.properties in WEB-INF directory and edit the configuration file
to switch to your preferred database instead of the embedded Apache Derby database, and also you
will need to drop the corresponding database driver jar to the WEB-INF/lib.

Note: currently supported databases are: Apache derby (default), MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and
IBM DB2 v7.1 and later. And the database schema is automatically generated on monitoring
application startup, so you do not need to create database schema manually. One thing you will need
to create the database.

It’s highly recommended configure the database to a more powerful RDBMS like MySQL. Because the
embedded Apache Derby database may not working very well when lots of monitors are running with
large data collected.

4.3.3 Configure Notification

Currently, there are two ways to get notified.
 Call alert RESTful API to retrieve the alert data by your owner and do whatever you want
with the data.
 Configure with a build-in email notification.
The configuration files located at WEB-INF/notification/mail

There two template configuration files, make a copy to configure your own.
WEB-INF/notification/mail/alert - for notifications
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You can have multiple email notifications by creating multiple properties files.

WEB-INF/notification/mail/server - for email server configuration

You can have multiple server configurations by creating multiple properties files.
And the server configurations are referenced by notification configured above.

Please look at the template for more details.

5 Start Monitoring

This monitoring web application UI is developed based on Dojo Toolkit with awesome look and

5.1 Login

Authentication is required by this monitoring application, it navigates to the login page if you
have not yet login. Entering the default username and password, mqadmin/mqadmin and click
Login button to login. After login successfully, it will navigates to the home page. You are
encouraged to change the password after first login.

Figure 2 Login screen

Note: After some time of inactivity, you will be out automatically logout.
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5.2 Logout

Click the username in the upper right corner of the home page, then click the ‘Sign out’ menu
from the dropdown list and click OK in the confirm dialog.

Figure 3 Logout

5.3 Change Password

Click the username in the upper right corner of the home page, then click the ‘Edit Profile’
menu from the dropdown list.

Figure 4 Change password dialog

Enter the current password and new password and click ‘Save’ button to save changes.

5.4 Create Connection

Note: Before you can start monitoring, you MUST have a QM connection created, and make sure
your QMGR is running when creating a QM connection, because a queue with a randomly
generated name SYSTEM.MONITOR.XXX will be created in the target QMGR, where XXX is UUID.

Click the Connection tab to monitor a Queue Manager.

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Figure 5 Connection tab

Click the New QM Connection button to create a connection that stands for a connection to a
queue manager.

Figure 6 Create connection dialog

Connection Basics: The connection metadata contains the following information in order to
be able to connect to the remote Queue Manager:
 Name: the unique identifier for a connection.
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 Server Host: the host of the Queue Manager you are trying to connect.
 Server Port: the listening port of the Queue Manager you are trying to connect.
 Server Connection Channel: the server connection channel of the Queue Manager.
 MQ User ID: the authorized MCA User ID for the server connection channel.
 Description: the basic description of the connection.

Figure 7 Queue Manager Tab

Once the connection is created, the queue manager is connected automatically, and the Monitors
tab will be available. And if the MQTT service of the queue manager is installed, the MQTT state
will be “Available”, which means MQTT related objects can be monitored, and the MQTT tab
will be available as well.

You can disconnect from the QMGR manually, if you don’t want monitor anything of the QMGR
for some particular reasons, e.g. reduce the QMGR resources consumption. And you can
reconnect it again later. All the connections will be started automatically when monitoring tool
starts. You can disable this by updating the property connectionAutoStart=false in the
config.properties file. And once it is disabled, you will need to connect each connection
manually from the Web UI. This feature is available since version 0.2.1.

Figure 8 Connect and disconnect Connection

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Note: the version information displayed on Queue Manager Tab is not available for MQ V7.0 and

5.5 Create Monitor

Click the selected connection to open a new tab named after the connection name, then open the
Monitors tab.

Figure 9 Monitors Tab

There are six buttons in Monitors tab:

Figure 10 Toolbar of Monitors tab

 Add: Open a dialog to create a monitor.

 Refresh: Refresh all monitors of the current connection.
 Edit: Select a monitor and open the property dialog to edit the monitor settings.
 Delete: Select and delete a monitor.
 Activate: Activate the monitor, start to collect data from queue manager
 Deactivate: Deactivate the monitor, stop collecting data from queue manager

Click Add button to open the Create Monitor dialog.

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Figure 11 Create Monitor Dialog

The monitor metadata contains the following information in order to be able to monitor a
MQ Object in a more desirable way:
 Monitor Name: the unique identifier for a monitor.
 Monitor Category: the category of a monitor, only queue, topic, channel, and listener are
 Monitor Type: the detailed MQ object type for a monitor.
 Monitor Measurement: the property of a MQ object that is monitored.
 View Type: the view that the monitor will be displayed. Line Chart and Area Chart are
 Monitor Object: the MQ Object name that is monitored.
 Update Every: the monitor view update frequency.
 Sliding Window: the monitor view display time window. It means the latest N minutes,
hours or days. (The monitor statistics is a historical data)
 Data Expiration Time: the long the monitor historical data will be kept. It means the aging
data will be removed from database after N minutes, hours or days.
 Alert Rule: the rule used to evaluate the health state of the monitored MQ Object and
generate alerts that can be viewed in alert tab.
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Note: the rule is using LDAP filter alike syntax, the rule syntax:

boolean-operator ::= '&' | '|'

operator ::= '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' | '!='
property ::= the value defined in the monitor measurement
dropdown list
value ::= most of cases are numeric values, and also there
are status values that are different from object
to object
expr ::= (property operator value)
alert-rule ::= warn(boolean-operator(expr)(expr)(expr)... ),
error(boolean-operator(expr)(expr)(expr)... )


Queue alert rule 1:

Description: alert a warning if currentQDepth>1000 or openInputCount>100
And alert an error if currentQDepth>30000 and openInputCount>200

Queue alert rule 2:

Rule: warn(currentQDepth>1000), error(currentQDepth>4000)
Description: alert a warning if currentQDepth>1000 and alert a error if currentQDepth>4000

Topic alert rule:

Rule: warn(publishedMessagesCount>1000)
Description: alert a warning if publishedMessagesCount>1000

Channel alert rule:

Rule: warn(channelStatus=Stopped)
Where the available channelStatus values are: Stopped, Running, Stopping, Inactive, Initializing,
Binding, Starting, Paused, Retrying, Requesting
Description: alert a warning if the channelStatus is Stopped

Listener alert rule:

Rule: warn(listenerStatus=Stopped)
Where available listenerStatus values: Starting, Running, Stopping, Stopped
Description: alert a warning if the listenerStatus is Stopped

Queue Manager alert rule:

Rule: error(queueManagerStatus=Unavailable)
Where available queueManagerStatus values: Starting, Running, Quiescing, Unavailable
Description: alert an error if the queueManagerStatus is Unavailable

Note: no validation is performed on the property, any invalid property input of the alert rule will
cause the monitoring system failed to evaluate the health state of the monitored MQ object and no
alert message will be generated.
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 Description: the basic description of the monitor.

The other way to create monitor:

Right click the selected connection in the left navigation of Connection tab, and click Create
Monitor from the context menu.

Figure 12 Connection context menu

 Create Monitor: Open the Create Monitor dialog.

 Edit Connection: Open the Edit Connection dialog to edit connection property.
 Del Connection: Delete connection.

If a connection is deleted, then all the related monitors that are created in that connection will be
deleted as well. There is no way to create monitor for QueueManager from UI at the moment, the UI
for QMGR monitor will be implemented in the later version.

The QueueManager is monitored by default, which means a monitor named qmgr is created
automatically when a connection is created. The default configuration for this monitor can be
changed in the config.properties, and it applies for all connections. The configurations are only
used when creating a new connection, which means any changes made to this configuration later,
will NOT affect the existing connections.

# QMGR monitor (a.k.a system monitor)
#support: s|m|h|d
#support: m|h|d
#support: m|h|d

You can only update the qmgr monitor configurations through RESTful API after connection is
created at the moment, we will provide the UI for this configuration in later version. Please refer to
the wmq-monitoring-devguide.pdf for details.

Here is a simple example to update the qmgr monitor configuration:

PUT /rest/metadata/connections/{connectionName}/monitors/qmgr

JSON data:
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Note: please refer to the wmq-monitoring-devguide.pdf for RESTful API usage.

5.6 Monitor Management

If create monitor succeeded, all monitors will be shown in the grid of the Monitors tab.

Figure 13 Monitors management

Select a monitor and click the Activate or Deactivate to start or stop monitor.

5.7 Monitor MQTT Clients

If MQTT service is configured and started, the MQTT tab will be enabled.
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Figure 14 Monitor MQTT clients

Toolbar actions:
 Filter: check box. Enable or disable the MQTT filter search.
 Filter object: dropdown list. Select a filter object from client id, channel name,
connection name, and channel status.
 Filter string: input text box. Input filter string, support wildcard such as ‘*’.
 Search: search MQTT client.
 Refresh: refresh search results.
 Previous page: previous 100 search results.
 Next page: next 100 search results.
 Monitor: click to open Monitor MQTT tab.


 If filter object or string is changed or filter is enabled or disabled, you should click Search
button to refresh the table below. Refresh button only refresh the last time search result.
 Each request can get a maximum of 100 results. And these results will be paged at the bottom
of this tab.

5.8 Monitor MQTT Pub and Sub

Click Monitor button to open Message tab to monitor MQTT.

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Figure 15 Message Tab

Click Configuration to add topics.

Figure 16 Add and remove topics

This step is the same as Add/Remove monitors in Simple Dashboard.

Select a topic from the Topic select dropdown list. The topic monitor will be activated
automatically. The topic measurement is ‘published messages count’, so when sending
message to the selected topic, the monitor chart will be updated accordingly.
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If you monitor topic: ad/discount, it monitors ad/discount/# automatically in this configuration.

Note:it is same to monitor the topics by creating a monitor in the monitors tab, except for the
topic string is different, which is exactly the same value as defined in the topic object without
implicitly added /# at the end.

Figure 17 Select a topic to monitor

Figure 18 Send message to topic or MQTT client

 Mode: message-sending mode, default is PubSub.

 Destination: if mode is PubSub, it lists all available topics. If mode is P2P, it lists all
available MQTT clients.

Select a destination, and type text in text box and click Send.
If message is sent successfully, the history record will be displayed in the box.

Note: if you failed to send the message to a topic or to a client, please check the OS that monitoring
application is running has the user account that exists in the target OS that the queue manager is
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5.9 Create Dashboard

A dashboard is a visual display of a set of monitors. And it can apply a display pattern for a
certain use-case.

Currently, only simple and sender-receiver patterns are supported. With the pattern, the
dashboard can display the monitors in a more appropriate way which better fit the business

Figure 19 Create Dashboards

Basically, the dashboard metadata contains the following information:

 Name: the unique identifier for a dashboard.
 Type: the dashboard display pattern. Available types:
 Simple: arbitrary monitors are allowed.
 SenderReceiver: only two queues and two channels are allowed.
 Description: the basic description of the dashboard.

5.10 Simple Dashboard

In this kind of dashboard, you can add arbitrary monitors here.

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Figure 20 Simple Dashboard

Click Add/Remove Monitors button to manage monitors in this dashboard.

Figure 21 Add/Remove Monitors in Simple Dashboard

 Available Monitors: All available monitors of all connections.

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 Selected Monitors: Existing monitors in this dashboard..

 >>: Add available monitor to dashboard.
 <<: Delete existing monitor.

If the monitor is inactive, click the Activate button in the center or in the top right corner of each

Figure 22 Activate monitor in dashboard

Detailed instruction of monitor chart:

Figure 23 Monitor Title

 Title text: monitor object.

 Tooltip: hover over the title text, tooltip will show which include connection name and
monitor name.
 The penultimate field: status of the latest statistic data of the monitor.
 The last field: stop and deactivate the monitor.

The dashboard supports two kind of chart, Line Chart and Area Chart.
The Area Chart is preferred to monitor the measurement such as channelStatus and
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Figure 24 Area Chart View

Figure 25 Line Chart View

Figure 26 Monitor Detailed information

The table in the bottom displays the detailed information of the monitor, and it refreshes every 5
minutes. Click on the scroll button on the right to view more information.
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5.11 SenderReceiver Dashboard

The SenderReceiver Dashboard is used for monitoring a topical messaging scenario, with
message sending from transmit queue via sender-receiver channels and finally reach the target
queue, normally would be a local queue.

When monitor a transmit queue, you may also want to know the information of the
sender/receiver channel and the target queue which receives the messages. In this way, the
dashboard provides a more clean view to show what’s going on behind the scene.

Figure 27 SenderReceiver Dashboards

Click Add/Remove Monitors button to manage monitors in this dashboard.

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Figure 28 Add/Remove Monitors in Sender-Receiver Dashboard.

Select monitors from the dropdown list and add or remove them to the specific position in the
dashboard as indicated above. For other information it is the same as Simple Dashboard.

5.12 Alert View

The Alert tab will collect all alert messages generated by the active monitors that met the alert
condition that is defined on monitor creation.

Figure 29 Alert Notification Tooltip

The tooltip displays the total of alert messages. It updates every 50 seconds.
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Figure 30 Alert Tab

Alert messages table will be refreshed each time when you accessed.

Alert basics:
 Connection: the connection in which the monitor is created.
 Monitor: the monitor that generates the alert message.
 Level: alert level. WARN or ERROR.
 Rule: the monitor alert rule item. A full rule may contain several items.
 Result: the alert reason that means the condition is met.
 Time: the time the alert message is generated.

And if you have configured email alerts, you will receive the emails once the alert conditions are

5.13 Export Metadata

You may want to export all the connections metadata and import to another monitoring instance
to avoid lots of recreation work.

Unfortunately, we didn’t provide way to export and import the metadata at the moment. We
suggest you create a script to create the connection and monitors etc. using RESTful API, please
refer to wmq-monitoring-devguide.pdf for more information.

6 Trouble Shooting

This WebSphere MQ monitoring tool is offered as free software, and it is not well tested and
without any support. There are might be some bugs and issues, please use it in production with

It’s highly recommended configure the database to a more powerful RDBMS like MySQL instead of
the default embedded Apache Derby database, and it may reduce the errors. And please don’t
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operate on the monitoring database tables manually, which may corrupt the application. If that
happed, just drop all the tables and restart deploys the monitoring application, the monitoring
application will create the schema automatically on start up.

If a connection failed to connect, but your QMGRs do running. It may probably because the
connection to the target QMGRs are lost due to some network issue etc. some time ago, and the
monitoring task failed to connect after certain retries, and finally stopped retrying, even if the
network issue get solved. In such case, you need restart the monitoring application, and it will
resume all the connections. A force retry feature from UI may be provided in future.

In case you are running into problems, please take a look at the error logs that is located in logs
directory of the monitoring application. For any unrecoverable errors, try to refresh the page or
restart the monitoring application. Please file an issue here if you need help.

6.1 Get more verbose information

Once you run into any error, please try to enable log level to DEBUG to get more information by
updating wmq-monitoring/WEB-INF/log4j.xml to:

<category name="com.ibm.mq.monitoring">
<level value="DEBUG" />

And you can check the logs at path wmq-monitoring/logs.

6.2 Common issues

Some common issues you may run into:

 Issue: ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database

Action: make sure you have not deployed multiple wmq-monitoring wars in webapps
directory. Please see explanations here.

7 Useful Links

WebSphere MQ product page

Product descriptions, product news, training information, support information, and more.

WebSphere MQ developer resources page

Technical resources to help you design, develop, and deploy messaging middleware with
WebSphere MQ to integrate applications, Web services, and transactions on almost any

WebSphere MQ requirements
Hardware and software requirements.
IBM WebSphere MQ Monitoring

User Guide Version: 0.2.2 Page 28 / 28

WebSphere MQ documentation library

WebSphere MQ product manuals.

WebSphere MQ SupportPacs
Downloadable code, documentation, and performance reports for the WebSphere MQ family of

WebSphere MQ public newsgroup

A non-IBM forum where you can get answers to your WebSphere MQ technical questions and
share your WebSphere MQ knowledge with other users.

WebSphere MQ monitoring tool github repository

The github repository for this monitoring tool

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