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How can the attainment of 21 century skills contribute to the realization of educational goals
Ans. “21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance ways of thinking,
learning, working and living in the world. The skills include critical thinking/reasoning,
creativity/creative thinking, problem solving, metacognition, collaboration, communication and global

2. How can you prepare, plan, and deliver a lesson with the end goal of attaining the 21 st century skills
Ans. In order to know how to teach the 21st Century Skills that we want our students to obtain mastery
of prior to graduation of high school, we need to know what they are.

Plain and simple - What you are saying you are doing by offering 21st century skills to students, is that
you are focusing on elements of (The 4 C’s) - collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and
creativity, via technological, hands on, and real world applicable avenues for practice and application.

3. How can you integrate 21st century skills into the teaching-learning process?

Ans. “21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance ways of thinking, learning,
working and living in the world. The skills include critical thinking/reasoning, creativity/creative
thinking, problem solving, metacognition, collaboration, communication and global citizenship. 21st
century skills also include literacies such as reading literacy, writing literacy, numeracy, information
literacy, ICT [information and communications technologies] digital literacy, communication and can be
described broadly as learning domains.”

4. What activities can help learners enhance their 21 st century skills. Let Your Students Lead The Learning.
Learning takes place best in environments where students feel empowered to learn. ..


Some activities that can help learners to enhance their 21stCentury skills are:

 Presenting a report using PowerPoint.

 Creating a film by using Video Editor applications or Software.
 Making flyers using MS Word or Publisher.
 Having a group discussion using Zoom, Messenger, Google Meet and Skype.
Learning takes place best in environments where students feel empowered to learn. Effective teachers
are more like moderators, offering inspiration and guiding students to discover for themselves. Give
students the opportunity to be self-learners, which guarantees lifelong learning.

5. Given the traditional/conventional concept of literacy how literate are you

Ans. Given the traditional and conventional concepts of literacy, I believe I am more than literate.
Different things from the past and present both provided me knowledge and skills to use in my
everyday life. I was able to learn the history of our country, the things that surrounds us, and the skills
to live on this world. Knowledge, skills and values brought me to my current position and I believe that
it happened because I am a human, a literate human guided by Almighty Father.

6. How deep is your level of comprehension?

Ans. Perhaps I am in between or just mediocre, my comprehension or my ability to understand is

neither good nor bad.Just like in this case, I can clearly understand the given question, I barely even
think what the question indicates because at the very moment I saw this question, my brain quickly
recognizes what the given question means and what it is all about.

Let's say for example, I, myself is a reader of "young adult" novels and I hardly struggle to understand
every words in the story, because my fundamentals in grammar and my vocabulary is not so good nor
bad. This means my ability to understand is at an average level.

7. As an aspiring teacher, what kind of written materials? How well can you understand them?

Ans. To make sure documents can be understood by the reader, they must be written in plain language. This is
clear, simple, direct writing using only as many words as necessary to state a point. "Plain language also avoids
jargon and instead uses common words that are easier to understand," says Seubert.
8. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? which of the new literacies do you lack
knowledge in

I am knowledgeable in reading and writing because it is the fundamental of our learning i am locked in
comprehension specially that there are words that new to me.

9. Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop functional/practical literacy in learners,
what level of literacy is being developed when classroom practices focus more on memorization rather
than on understanding and application?

Ans. I’ve noticed that the emphasis of memorization in the educational system in the Philippines
produces a kind of elementary/rudimentary thinking. The students produced are excellent in technical
know-how but not so much on creative problem-solving and critical thinking. I think it also depends on
what university/school one goes to. Some schools do emphasize critical thinking but most schools
don’t. They are just concerned with bar/board exam passers because it helps the marketing and
economic goals of their schools.

10. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.

Ans. The current technology and the evolution of cultures over the world. this includes influence and
experience. the liberal agenda has replaced academics in the schools with various social issues so the
kids dont learn anything anymore.

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