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Engineering / Computer Science

Every information retrieval (IR)system is expli…


Every information retrieval (IR)system is explicitly or implicitly associated with a theory of

information access. These theories inform the IR model of the IR system. There are different
IR models. Compare the vector space IR model with the probabilistic IR model.

 Expert Answer

Step 1

Information retrieval (IR) is the process of obtaining the information system resources
which are relevant to an information need from a collection of those resources. This is
the science of searching for information in a document, searching for documents
themselves, and also searching for the metadata that describes data, and for databases
of texts, images or sounds. This may be based on the full text or content based

VECTOR SPACE IR Model is an algebraic model which is used for information filtering,
information retrieval, indexing and relevance ranking. 

Step 2

This is  a simple model based on the linear algebra to perform in, It includes term
weights not binary, This allows the calculating a continuous degree of similarity
between the queries and documents. Therefore the ranking documents are according
to their possible relevance, it also allows partial matching.

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