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Submitted by- Kunal tiwari

Program- B.Tech + M.Tech Biotechnology (dual)
Enrollment No.- A0523117025

To achieve success in every field we need support and strength from everyone
and also it depends upon the coordination, cooperation and united power of
knowledge and energy. However, nothing would have been possible without the
strong support and help of my classmates and any individuals. Hence, I express
my gratitude towards all who helped me directly and indirectly in the
completion for the project
A profound perception of appreciation and gratitude is proved to the Little
Seeds NGO for taking and allowing me to volunteer in this organization and
helping me to be a part of this project.
I would also like to express my gratitude and my regards to Amity University
for all the support and making all of us to be a part of social service. I also
convey my regards and heartfelt gratitude to my HVCO faculty Dr. Neetu
Jabalia who gave her all tremendous support and time to guide us and complete
this project. I am indebted to each and every one who helped and supported me
to complete the case study successfully.

 About the foundation
 Purpose of Establishment
 Words of Little Seeds NGO
 Initial challenges faced by the NGO
 List of activities and expected outcome
 Who is it for?
 Who manages it?
 How is it Managed?
 Model of functioning
 Background
 Problems Identified
 Observation
 Case study
 Success stories
 Successful events/projects
 Challenges in achieving the desired goals for the ngo
 Learning Outcomes
 Aspects of Improvement


Little Seeds is registered NGO under Indian Trust Act,1882. Mr. Abhilash
Sinha and Mr. Abhishek Srivastava are currently running this trust and working
round the clock to create the change they envision. ‘Little seeds’ is the most
active NGO of East Delhi. Its official Address is -B-22 street No -8, 3rd Floor,
above Ch. Ratan Singh Dairy, (Landmark: Kukreja Hospital) Mayur Vihar
Phase-1, Delhi-110091.
Depending on their structure and goals, Little Seeds fill many roles. Here are
some examples of what Little Seeds focus on:
1) Primary Education being adopted as a key thrust area, a vast majority of
children remain uneducated. However, there is a high percentage of dropouts
in the lower socio-economic strata. This can be attributed to several factors
including poor quality teaching, lack of support at home. Little Seeds
addresses these issues by providing education through trained teachers for
guidance and support to the children.
2) Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has
nothing to eat. Think twice then waste food there are some who don’t get
food and died because of it and people waste food like nothing. Little seeds
taken an initiative- mission aahar and run many foods distribution drive.
3) No one can imagine the existence of life on the earth without trees. They are
essential for combating the global warming effects being created by excess
carbon dioxide generation. It is very common sight that every other day
numerous trees are being felled, sometimes to expand the riad or sometime
to construct building. Little seeds NGO organizes various plantation drive
and also promote sustainable development.
4) Months during lockdown have been extremely difficult for daily wagers. The
government of India has said that 8 crore migrant workers are facing
difficulty in feeding themselves which is why the government will provide
them food grain for three months. Apart from the migrant workers, there is a
large proportion of the rural population that has lost livelihood or has
suffered huge losses in farming. With no cash, they cannot buy food. So,
malnutrition will increase and they may be pushed even deeper into poverty.
Outbreak the food hunger is an initiative taken by NGO and through this
campaign they provide food to needy people during lockdown.
5) When the youth of the India is educated, when the youth of the India is Self-
sufficient, when the youth of the India is not begging on the streets, where
every single teen is getting enrolled in schools and studying; that day our
nation will be able to put fire on every single social issue prevailing. NGO
taken an initiative- Mission Badlaav to ensure that every child who comes
under NGO’s vision will be taught- “not to beg but to earn hard money by
their skills”.


The objective of NGO is admitting more and more students in school who are
not privileged to go school by themselves and ensuring that each and every
child gets education. The objective is to promote holistic development through
sensitization programme and including hygiene habits.

A determined young professional came together to set up Little Seeds NGO to
work with grassroots initiatives for effecting positive changes in the lives of
underprivileged children. Primary Education being adopted as a key thrust area,
a vast majority of children remain uneducated. However, there is a high
percentage of dropouts in the lower socio-economic strata. This can be
attributed to several factors including poor quality teaching, lack of support at
home. Little Seeds addresses these issues by providing education through
trained teachers for guidance and support to the children.

Main focus of Little Seeds:
 Education for all
 Poverty and Hunger
 Environment protection
 Creating awareness about various social issues
 Promote sustainable development
 Community Development and services
 Public health management


A Child without Education is like a bird without wings
“Our purpose of existence is to enhance the lives of disadvantaged children and
women”, continues to vow a credible, honest, transparent and accountable
organization that devotes itself towards a privileged future.
At Little Seeds, we believe that everybody should have a reasonable quality of
life. A life in which they need not struggle or suffer to make ends meet. A life
that allows one to provide reasonable safety and security to their families and
children. A life that one can live with dignity and in their own terms. We
believe, a reasonable quality of life can be achieved if individuals are covered
on two fronts: they are Free from Exploitation and they have the Ability to Cope
with Life Crises.


1) Fund raising at the time of commencement:
Little Seeds goal doesn’t lie on accomplishing a project alone. After the success
of a certain project, NGOs would want to maintain contact with their
beneficiaries and make sure continuous progress is happening. Apart from that,
NGOs would also want to be able to help more individuals and communities
depending on their needs. To do so, NGOs need to constantly acquire funds. In
some cases, NGOs become complacent and simply wait for donations or
previous supporters to contact them. This practice will in no way contribute to
the successes of an NGO. Although partner organizations and supporters will
want to continually support an NGOs causes, they may possibly see more
potential in other organizations and decide to fund others instead. Not having
enough funds not only pose difficulties in accomplishing projects, but it also
puts NGOs in jeopardy given that there are also many operational costs.

Solution: Although Little Seeds at current possibly has numerous partners who
fund for their projects, that shouldn’t be an excuse to grow complacent in
searching for new opportunities. Always research for the latest grants and
offerings, funding opportunities for NGOs, and even small grants for NGOs.
While searching for additional funders would benefit you in the long run, it
certainly won’t be enough. The end goal should always be acquiring funds, and
not simply getting hold of grant-funding agencies. The secret to receiving
various grants is simple. To avoid partner organizations having second thoughts,
create well-crafted proposals. Invest in necessary trainings if needed, as this can
bring many good opportunities. Little seeds also organize various donation
drives to raise funds. Fundraising events are also being organised.

2) Finding Deserving Members and forming a team

An unsupportive and unmotivated board can quickly dismantle an NGO. On the
other hand, a supportive and motivated board can help your NGO grow quickly.
Following characteristics should be present in a member:
 Strong work ethic: Setting and achieving goals
 Dependable: Consistently following through
 Positive attitude: Creating a good environment
 Self-motivated: Working effectively with little direction
 Team-oriented: Making the most out of collaboration
 Effective communicator: Understanding the benefits of clarity
 Flexible: Adapting in a meaningful way
So, it is very important to select deserving and dependable members.
Little seeds NGO face many problems initially in finding the deserving
Solution: interviews were conducted in order to select the candidates. These
interviews were taken by founder and president of the NGO. Gradually, Little
seeds became like a family.

3) From where to start, how to start

At times, many bright ideas can come to place but it can also cause confusions
and stray you away from the initial goal. Although many good ideas come,
sometimes, they don’t always remain in line with the goals set out.
At the initial days of NGO, all the things are messed up. There is a lot of
confusion regarding goals.

Solution: Although some organizations may already be experienced and their

employees are familiar with their operations, coaching and training every now
and then can still be helpful. In every situation, employees and volunteers will
inevitably pick something up and be able to apply it for further development of
the organization.

4) Absence of Networking
NGOs working together to reach their goals more efficiently is one perspective.
However, some NGOs also see it as a form of competition. For some reason,
there are NGOs who believe getting close to other NGOs will cause them to
have more competition in terms of applying for grants.

Solution: Having a mindset that other NGOs should be seen as competition is

unhealthy. If other NGOs get approved of grants, it should, in fact, be seen as an
opportunity to partner and learn from them. Making use of the technology could
also help in making networks within your space. The internet keeps us updated
with the events we can attend and keeps us in contact with other NGOs too.

5) Lack of maintenance
In many developing countries, the lack of infrastructure is quite common and
NGOs believe that people deserve a better standard of living. Thus, many NGOs
have decided to address this issue by building communities beneficial to a lot of
individuals. Initially, results are evident and people live a better life. But it
should be kept in mind that not all communities have the capacity to maintain
the same lifestyle they were expected to have. Without proper maintenance, the
benefits to their living standards may only be temporary. Additionally, having a
number of projects which do not have lasting results will also affect your NGOs
capacity to gain funds. Grant-funding agencies will rather give to those who can
prove their capacity to implement and maintain on a long-term basis.
Solution: Given the number of communities in developing countries and the
limited funding sources for non-profit organizations, it’s quite tempting to move
on to the next project to provide aid for other communities who are equally in
desperate need of help as well. Thus, it would be best to make sure there is
enough resources and manpower to both maintain an existing project and begin
a new one. It will be better to successfully accomplish just a few projects with
lasting impact rather than accomplishing a lot but with temporary results. In the
end, a slow but sure process is still more effective as compared to handing more
than your capacity.

the governing body is empowered to decide and undertake from time to time
various activities and events that is essential for achieving these objectives of
the organization. Considering the objectives of the NGO it shall take specific
activities as under oh the society as follows:
 Mission Education
It a flagship programme running by Little Seeds NGO, which is committed to
providing basic education to underprivileged children. Our educational
initiatives include Pre-school [3-6 years], Non-Formal Education [6-14 years
non-school going], and Remedial Education [6-14 years school going].
 Free Clothes and Stationery
Little Seeds provide educational material consisting of text books, notebooks,
geometry box, pencils, pens, and school uniforms, clothes, shoes, school bag,
lunch box. We select the candidates by personal visits to their homes to assess
the family background.
 Sensitization Workshops
Once academics were stabilized, we started exploring options for all-round,
holistic development. We have collaborated with different individuals and
organizations across various fields to conduct workshops for the children almost
every month.
 Nutrition programme
Sprouted beans, such as green mung, are widely available and one of the
cheapest super foods. Its high protein content is a good supplement for poor
diets with carbohydrates. So, sprouts are given with mixed fruits like bananas
and dates.

 Mission Badlaav
Mission Badlaav will ensure that every child who comes under our vision will
be taught- “not to beg but to earn hard money by their skill.” Little seeds is
trying to ensure the best to enhance the life of these little kids who will be the
future leaders of our nation.
 Mission Aahar
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has
nothing to eat. Think twice then waste food there are some who don’t get food
and died because of it and people waste food like nothing. Little seeds taken an
initiative- mission aahar and run many foods distribution drive.
 Outbreak the food hunger
Months during lockdown have been extremely difficult for daily wagers. The
government of India has said that 8 crore migrant workers are facing difficulty
in feeding themselves which is why the government will provide them food
grain for three months. Apart from the migrant workers, there is a large
proportion of the rural population that has lost livelihood or has suffered huge
losses in farming. With no cash, they cannot buy food. So, malnutrition will
increase and they may be pushed even deeper into poverty. Outbreak the food
hunger is an initiative taken by NGO and through this campaign they provide
food to needy people during lockdown.
 Plantation drive
No one can imagine the existence of life on the earth without trees. They are
essential for combating the global warming effects being created by excess
carbon dioxide generation. It is very common sight that every other day
numerous trees are being felled, sometimes to expand the riad or sometime to
construct building. Little seeds NGO organizes various plantation drive and also
promote sustainable development.
 Hygiene campaign
Little seeds NGO has taken an initiative to start the hygiene campaign at the
times of Global pandemic Covid-19, where there is an immediate need to take
care of ourselves and to protect us and our society. As youth caters the majority
of our population, Ngo is trying to bring out the sense of insight into every
person about the cleanliness and the good hygiene practices.
 Mental Health Campaign
Issues related to mental health can impact different people in different ways. If
one start to see changes in overall happiness and relationships, there are always
ways to get the support you want.

“Every child who comes under the vision of Little Seeds NGO will be taught.
Not to beg but to earn hard money by their skills. When the youth of India is
educated, when the youth of India is self-sufficient, when the youth of India is
not begging on the streets, when every single child is getting enrolled in schools
and studying; that day our nation will be able to put fire on every single social
issue prevailing.” This is the expected outcome of the NGO.
They were not able to organize events at a very large scale as they didn’t have
that much amount of funds. They have done many successful events for poor at
a small scale as of now. Every year they provide funds to government aided
schools to get them uniforms, notebooks, books and stationary to children.


The NGO is run by independent community who does not have any ties with
the Government. The work is done by board members.
 Service user- Little Seeds supports and operates in various different fields
for the upliftment and empowering of under privileged. A part from
volunteers, staffs and core members work hard to bring harmony and achieve
the NGOs objectives.
 Supporters/funders- funds are arranged by its members and through various
donation and fundraising drives.

 Staff and volunteers –

The core team consist of 15 members along with many interns and volunteers.
 Key profile in this NGO-

 Mr. Abhilash Sinha- Founder & CEO of Little seeds NGO

Little Seeds established February, 2019 is a dream and vision of Mr. Abhilash
Sinha to bring a revolution in current working structure of NGO's. Mr. Sinha is
in the field of academics for 8 years. He started his journey as an Assistant
Professor or Economics at various renowned coaching institute of Delhi NCR,
but his passion and determination towards his career has helped him in
converting his “dream into reality” of having an own prominent coaching
institute which is today popularly names as “commerce Hub”. He not only stops
here but also convert another biggest dream into reality by opening an NGO-
Little seeds where child is treated as a crucial asset.

Mr. Abhilash Sinha

Founder & CEO

 Mr. Abhishek Srivastav – Co-founder of Little seeds NGO

He along with Mr. Abhilash Sinha, established Little Seeds (NGO) in 2019.
Due to his hard work and passion, this dream became reality.
 Ms. Poornima Chauhan- President of Little Seeds NGO
She is the backbone of NGO. She is very hardworking and passionate towards
her work and NGO. She is a student of Delhi University, pursuing Masters of
Art (Italian Language) and also a social Activist.

Depending on the type of NGO, a Board may be responsible for a number of
tasks, for example hire and supervise the Executive Director, develop and
approve budgets, etc. Board members will also be expected to champion the
NGO's cause, and represent the NGO to the larger community. Many NGOs
also expect board members to help raise fund for their projects
Funding- The funding is mainly done by the volunteers who raise the money by
social media marketing or by personal contact. The money raised by the
volunteers are used for the programs especially for the education of
President and Vice President- He or she is responsible for the overall direction
in which the NGO moves, and the responsibility for managing the day-to-day
activities of the NGO.
Secretory and Joint Secretory- Ensure events and drives are effectively
organized. Maintaining effective records and administration.
Treasurer and Co-Treasurer- All the funds of society shall remain under the
care and management of the treasurer. Treasurer maintains the accounts of all
money which is received and/or paid by him/her on behalf of the organization.
Marketing Head- Marketing Head are responsible for NGO’s marketing and
communications strategies, as well as overall branding and image.
Administrative Manager- Administrative activities are led by an
administrative manager. He/she also manages the NGO's members, membership
fees, customer relations etc.
Corporate Relationship Manager- Corporate Relations Manager is
responsible for managing key partnership; as well as identifying and making
contact with suitable partners in order to secure funding.
Program Manager- Create programs and challenges that are as effective and
efficient as possible. Ensure that all implemented activities are relevant to the
mission and vision of the organization.
 NGO TYPE: Independent


Little Seeds is registered NGO under Indian Trust Act,1882. Mr. Abhilash
Sinha and Mr. Abhishek Srivastava are currently running this trust and working
round the clock to create the change they envision. ‘Little seeds’ is the most
active NGO of East Delhi. The objective of NGO is admitting more and more
students in school who are not privileged to go school by themselves and
ensuring that each and every child gets education. The objective is to promote
holistic development through sensitization programme and including hygiene
habits. This main objective of the NGO is well planned and executed by the
manager, board members and volunteers. As flexibility is given to the
volunteers, they won’t find it difficult to carry on the projects given to them.
The education for the underprivileged are done with so much effort and
dedication with all the support from the NGO. As the current situation is not
suitable for physical teaching and learning online classes are provided wherever
possible. There has been shortage of funds and active donations and support
(internally and externally) from various organisations and bodies. Volunteers
provide their services without any biasing towards the people. The NGO is
working hard for the empowerment and upliftment of the underprivileged.
 Lack of Funds- Lack of funds would means complete closedown of Little
Seeds NGO. Although funds are being raised, more amounts are to be
gathered towards helping humanity as well as sustaining the foundation in
the long term.
 Pandemic-There are several limitations for doing the work in a public area or
a community due to the pandemic public gatherings are restricted, so many
activities of the NGO finds it difficult. The work has to be carried out so that
it doesn’t affect the people living there.
 Lack of office management skills

As an intern for almost 2 months, NGO’s board members done all the jobs
perfectly even when there is a shortage in funds. Interns and volunteers provide
their helping hand in promotion and fundraising. Fund raising has become an
issue which alters the functioning of the NGO as the raised amount has been
completely used up by now and donations aren’t coming due to pandemic. A
more efficient way can be adopted for the smooth running of the NGO as there
are some management faults that can occur from time to time. Little seeds team
is doing all their job with full enthusiasm. They are doing a great job for free
and not leaving a single stone unturned from their side to provide facilities to
the poor who cannot afford it.


Napoleon once famously said that an army marches on its stomach. Many argue
that the present countrywide lockdown is causing widespread poverty and
consequent hunger, making it that much harder for the nation to fight the Covid-
19 pandemic.
In this context, the work of Little Seeds NGO, Outbreak of Food Hunger
Campaign in Delhi, is notable. For the last few months, this group of activists,
academics and frontline field workers has been advocating on issues related to
food security and monitoring all over Delhi public distribution system. Today,
however, the good folk at Little Seeds NGO are working overtime. “In the last
few weeks, even we, who have been working on food security-related issues for
so many months, have been taken aback by the extent of economic vulnerability
of the country’s lower income groups,” says Abhilash Sinha (Co- Founder), and
a member of Little Seeds NGO. “In the last two weeks, the food insecurity
we’ve witnessed even in the nation’s capital has left us shaken. We are facing
difficulty in allocating food stock since lack of money.”
He recounts how when they took relief supplies to a migrant labour colony in
Patparganj in Delhi, it nearly resulted in a small fight. “The number of packets
was just not enough,” he rues. “We realised that there was only so much that
organisations, corporations or individuals could do; food is every citizen’s
entitlement and the government’s responsibility!”
Consequently, Little Seeds NGO has been monitoring the state and central
government’s relief measures and highlighting the gaps in the process. “The
idea isn’t at all to simply criticise the government,” says one of the members.
“We believe that if the government plugs the loopholes that we identify, public
health and food security infrastructure can be strengthened.”
To this end, Little Seeds NGO has been monitoring the functioning of ration
shops and feeding centres through a network of volunteers and ration
cardholders. Till April 5, 150 on-ground audits were conducted on 34 ration
shops. “We found that 10 of the 34 (29 per cent) shops were closed during
working hours,” says a member of Little Seeds NGO. “Of the 15 shops which
were open and distributing grains, 14 were found to be distributing grains in
accordance with the enhanced entitlement of 7.5 kg per person on priority
category ration cards and were following some system for social distancing.
Little Seeds NGO is also advocating that access to food be further simplified
and during this present economic and health crisis, food should be available to
all who ask for it. Some of this advocacy seems to have reached the
government’s ears. “In the initial days of the lockdown, we had highlighted that
by shutting down schools, children dependent on the school midday meal would
be deprived of it,” says one of the members of NGO. “The government has
agreed, in principle, to do something about this. We also have the support of the
various Rasoi’s working all over Delhi and nearby areas like Trilok Puri Rasoi
and we are also supplying food to various foundation, one of them is Gautam
Gambhir Foundation
Meanwhile, the hunger crisis that they have witnessed on the ground has been
so severe that Little Seeds NGO members have been forced out of their
watchdog role to do relief work. “Much of our present effort is directed towards
ensuring that people don’t starve during the Covid-19 lockdown,” says the Co-
founder of Little Seeds NGO.
“LITTLE SEEDS NGO has provided food requirements to over 20,000 people
and has been able to raise nice contribution from the general public, which has
been directly transferred to those in need.” Going forward, Little Seeds NGO
will have its work cut out. “Many more are going to need government support
in the form of food, pensions and scholarships after this lockdown; we'll do
what we can to ensure their voices are heard by the government.” Says the
president of the NGO.



As estimated by the Government of India, out of 200 million children from age
group of 6 to 14, about 59 million don’t go to school. And from those who
currently attend school, 4 out of every 10 children will drop out before they
complete their primary school education.
Added to that, the quality of education received by these students is in poor
condition. India is one of the countries which hasn’t solved the problem of
illiteracy. As per to the National Census of 2011, the rate of literacy is 74.04%.
When it comes to children, the effects of illiteracy multiply by ten folds.
Lack of education in parents also affect the way they take care of their children,
which results in children becoming underprivileged. This is also one of the
primary reasons why child labour is on rise. Therefore, it is our responsibility to
take care of these issues so that these children will be able to have a better and a
bright future since they decide the future of our country. Primary Education
being adopted as a key thrust area, a vast majority of children remain
uneducated. However, there is a high percentage of dropouts in the lower socio-
economic strata. This can be attributed to several factors including poor quality
teaching, lack of support at home. Little Seeds addresses these issues by
providing education through trained teachers for guidance and support to the
Importance of Education
The children of today are gearing up to become adult citizens of tomorrow. The
growth is parallel to the future of our country, reflected through quality of the
present education system. A school must stimulate curiosity in the young,
impressionable minds and equip them with tools to be better human beings.
It is widely accepted that the learning process is instrumental in shaping one’s
personality and the way he/she deals with situations of life. The shift of
thoughts from bookish knowledge to knowledge of life, in schools, has brought
forth a sea of change. People have warmed up to the idea of education being the
key to a well-rounded development instead of just a mean to acquire degrees
and monetary success in life. Education must facilitate the cultivation of a
healthy thought process and groom our cognitive abilities. In the present
competitive world, education is a basic necessity for human beings after food,
clothes and shelter.

Changing the mindsets of parents

As mentioned earlier, many slum parents are of the mindset that their children
don't need an education. It would be a major challenge to change this mindset—
an almost impossible task. So how do we help underprivileged children with
this challenge blocking our way? I have devised a work-around in which our
school has created flexible class schedules, offering a chance for these children
to earn their livelihood and still attend their classes regularly.
In addition to this, Little seeds provide children with various vocational training
classes where they learn basic skills such as plumbing, stitching and more. With
tens of thousands of underprivileged children in India, it's an uphill battle. But
we're getting there and we're equipping them with the essential tools to make
their own future. As of today, more than 3000 slum children have successfully
completed their education through Pratham Shiksha.


 Little Seeds NGO successfully completed their 1 year in February 2020.
There has been total of 50 underprivileged kids who are associated with
NGO as of now. The founder Mr. Abhilash Sinha and team of all the board
members and volunteers teach these children daily.
 Little seeds NGO was a part of blood donation camp which was organised
by BJP.
 Little Seeds NGO successfully completed 61 days of their campaign
‘outbreak the food hunger’ during lockdown serving the needy people.
 Successfully admitting 30+ students in school through pwd category and
ensures that each and every child gets education.
 Little Seeds successfully completed 1 Month campaign of educating the drop
out adults in collaboration with “Kannan animal welfare”
 Little Seeds worked in project H.O.P.E in collaboration with Rotaract Club
and helping out people every day.

There are some great initiatives taken by the Little Seeds NGO and they have
been a great success. Some of these include:
 Mission Education
It a flagship programme running by Little Seeds NGO, which is committed to
providing basic education to underprivileged children. Our educational
initiatives include Pre-school [3-6 years], Non-Formal Education [6-14 years
non-school going] , and Remedial Education [6-14 years school going].

 Free Clothes and Stationery

Little Seeds provide educational material consisting of text books, notebooks,
geometry box, pencils, pens, and school uniforms, clothes, shoes, school bag,
lunch box. We select the candidates by personal visits to their homes to assess
the family background.
 Sensitization Workshops
Once academics were stabilized, we started exploring options for all-round,
holistic development. We have collaborated with different individuals and
organizations across various fields to conduct workshops for the children almost
every month.
 Nutrition programme
Sprouted beans, such as green mung, are widely available and one of the
cheapest super foods. Its high protein content is a good supplement for poor
diets with carbohydrates. So, sprouts are given with mixed fruits like bananas
and dates.
 Mission Badlaav
Mission Badlaav will ensure that every child who comes under our vision will
be taught- “not to beg but to earn hard money by their skill.” Little seeds is
trying to ensure the best to enhance the life of these little kids who will be the
future leaders of our nation.

 Mission Aahar
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has
nothing to eat. Think twice then waste food there are some who don’t get food
and died because of it and people waste food like nothing. Little seeds taken an
initiative- mission aahar and run many foods distribution drive.
 Outbreak the food hunger
Months during lockdown have been extremely difficult for daily wagers. The
government of India has said that 8 crore migrant workers are facing difficulty
in feeding themselves which is why the government will provide them food
grain for three months. Apart from the migrant workers, there is a large
proportion of the rural population that has lost livelihood or has suffered huge
losses in farming. With no cash, they cannot buy food. So, malnutrition will
increase and they may be pushed even deeper into poverty. Outbreak the food
hunger is an initiative taken by NGO and through this campaign they provide
food to needy people during lockdown. Little Seeds NGO successfully
completed 61 days of their campaign ‘outbreak the food hunger’ during
lockdown serving the needy people.

 Plantation drive
No one can imagine the existence of life on the earth without trees. They are
essential for combating the global warming effects being created by excess
carbon dioxide generation. It is very common sight that every other day
numerous trees are being felled, sometimes to expand the riad or sometime to
construct building. Little seeds NGO organizes various plantation drive and also
promote sustainable development.

 Hygiene campaign
Little seeds NGO has taken an initiative to start the hygiene campaign at the
times of Global pandemic Covid-19, where there is an immediate need to take
care of ourselves and to protect us and our society. As youth caters the majority
of our population, Ngo is trying to bring out the sense of insight into every
person about the cleanliness and the good hygiene practices.
 Mental Health Campaign
Issues related to mental health can impact different people in different ways. If
one start to see changes in overall happiness and relationships, there are always
ways to get the support you want.


Lack of funds would mean complete closedown of Little Seeds NGO. Although
funds are being raised, more amounts are to be gathered towards helping
humanity as well as sustaining the foundation in the long term. There are
several limitations for doing the work in a public area or a community due to
the pandemic public gatherings are restricted, so many activities of the NGO
finds it difficult. The work has to be carried out so that it doesn’t affect the
people living there.


The outcome of this case study is-
 an opportunity to grow as a person by doing something that you may or may
not consider doing full time. This is a good way to explore what you would
like to do.
 an exposure to that part of life that you may not have had an opportunity to
have any dealing with. For instance, there are limited chances for a college
kid / middle class professional to engage with people living in slum.
Volunteering with municipal schools or NGOs working in the slums will
give you exposure and learning.
 an opportunity to contribute to society. I do not mean this in a paternalistic
way, that would be improper. You contribute because you gain. It is a selfish
thing in the end.
 a chance to learn humility. You can afford to be arrogant while working for a
wage, never while volunteering. A volunteer must remember that others are
making efforts to ensure that they have the opportunity. Volunteering
demands a professional demeanour. A volunteer should discharge their role
as if they were being paid a fortune. Being casual about it is not the way to
 Volunteering internships allow you to work closely on important societal
issues and let you contribute to the society.
 During volunteering, I get to work and interact with people coming from
different backgrounds working for various social causes. An NGO internship
could be your chance to make new friends and get inspired by your fellow
volunteers. You could even discover yourself while working with an NGO
for the betterment of the society and this could play a significant role in
building your character as you inculcate in yourself, eminent qualities like
empathy, humility, patience, and optimism.

 As the NGO is facing a lot of funds issues, fund raising should be done
regularly to meet all the needs
 A proper promotion should be done so that more people can join this
 Create more partnerships to promote themselves
 They should update regularly with all activities they have done.

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