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~~ Sa (G32) Summary @) ® ® @ @ + hydrephebre (nen polar) melecaies can pass though Sipid pilayer jwkile polar molecules can'k | active. (requires enegy ) etypes of transport das possive | | LI grodient + electrechemica! gasient i = voltage across the membrane. transporters ee «F_- Coun ens) Ce ‘channel’ Jd Solstrates ith cless stereospecifzity igh Skereespechiry ran carriers _ sokurble anor Saturable = mony Funcion as oligomeric complexes mohomer® prakeins & severe) whnait> 2° active ago tas ath idence) subunits = corres Iceni CJ graaient ) 2° active transport (uphill transport os SP one Substrate y abipecl Coupled. with Symport aigaek downhill oF hs | mn & C5 another ) \ § , i! Scanned with CamScanner , Gorrier proteins: uniporters Cdiffusion down 0 r | ——s transcellulos} | \}- Gniperk: —Fodkttabed cliffusron y ln passive transport (ne enegy jus) 1 ~ transport of Single Soluke, 2g, GIVTI, Fonophore valinemycin = glucse Hransperter 7S on example of unipork | permease in Facilitaked ciffssion | = insulin- responsive cells have GLOTH transporter 1a Sympert: -cotranspork 5 ac mere. apart —tronspork oF A Solutes P octive transperk (movement agoinst gadiont << concentra) ae active transport (uphill transport coupled alos to dousnhill, Fransperk of | arfferent solute ) (She gluese < Ne" sympert) + bacteria) lackese pumease (H* syaport contr) sHtA Sucrese sympart 7} |3 - Pnkiperk: exchanger ) pWA~A_——._ -adtive traosprk exhibits “ping pong” Windies neg. Nat / HT ontiperk | GnFlox F pet fh efelus of HT) Wot kinked transporters in apical domain of PM epoctively tansperts nutrients into cel) } Nel -depencdent transporters in bas D lateral) domain ollow nutrints to lowe Ye cell, @ Passively down is TY gredient Scanned with CamScanner | = ifhusian 1 simple diffusion (passive Qunassidel) 2. Fasititoded diffusion CWreugh carrier) | B- Channels (Selective permeabilil > | diffusion oF jons Eramctoy, down thar C3 gradicnt \ Octive trensperk : Fequires energy , QL Movement 7s ogoinsk a CI gradient. Osmosis; uoter diffuses From Pegion OF Lower solute C) +e region oF higher solute CJ TSetonie solution: Solute C1 outside = Solute C7 inside he cell hypertonic solution: solute C1 75 grater than thet inside. the cell =p cell loses usaber hypetoniz sin: sotuke CI 7 less Hen thot inside the Ce =P. cell gains Loker. esmoreguistion: the conkol oF solute CJ) B water balonce Scanned with CamScanner ~ } Rqueporins | on. channels ono phwres 2 Cchannels ) mare prominent 30 cells} —inkegral membrane, —Small hyaraphobic melecates —passive movement of oder have merce a impermeable -Contoins. 2 pore net Sporasines Hcontain Central Chanel fice dined by hyarephobre an highly Spectre Rr wpder molecutes Na holes | Conan Leudne <. | Chydrephabre) Protens thak enclose a) —not coupled to energy centred aqueous pore Passive diffusion highly apecifite Selective Cone type of en) properties: | Ton Selectivity beth types: shield the > Sa gedings chage SF transperted. Ten ancibaye ete! Sit can. penetrate the. b— mechanically gaked| choonels bilayer. 7 } Valinomyca: Mobile Ton, Corrier transports KY down its LI gradient j ? + Gramiddlin: Channel Forming ~ Wenophore, aimee i Acetyl choline Fecephort ligand-gated von channel vallows passage of Nol, Catt, KF shes 5 subunits (f,¥, $, dc!) 2 each have 4 fransmem| heical sejmenls (Mi tog Surfund eens! pore ~ Lined with Ma Scanned with CamScanner example of ra | voltoge —goked channels: bacterial Kt zon cheonel (KesA)e \ —H subunits Ceach has membrane Spenning haces M, 2M a) Ra pore Pegien v = ot exhaellular end —Conkaaas ‘selec ity Fitter eNat Volkage gated Channels — Single polypeptide chain Contains H Structurally ~ Simler domains -centoin membrane —assedaked rae helices (S) - Se) the 6 belies or grouped ‘nto 2 Functionally distind: domains ; pore domain —conkoins selectivity Filter (allows Pessoge of K* ions) ~ ConsBts 6€ helices a hewes 1 2ALP S-Sy Wet Seginenk oF Kesh chase senses. he are homologous +o Voltage. across PY hetwes S54 Se QP segnert = Sy be contain P volhage —qadecd eulh. charnels @xly = SG helices Vine much oF Pe Charged ao ore (Ke MX Weirees ah ROSA) Scanned with CamScanner | SS Jranspork: depends on integral membrane proteins essed sesruss Cite Fadilitoted diffusion) = Movement SF sobwre Coupled— casries 1 against oO gradient Cunlike Faciitaled diffusion ) - endergonit Movement against o CI gradient % coupled to exergonre Process $ eg. hydrolysis sf ATP, Franspork Sesy + Pumps: proteins Pek carry out VP active Fransperk Active transporte ATP. driven pumps | 7} Jaghr_ driven pumps = couple uphill transparr &F one Schuhe dousnhill transport 8 the ansther (2° active tansplt) uses energy of on even greater” radio oF a a4 molecule. a involwe either: | Sympartess, eabipertert 3 4 transport Franspotk oF both in opposite Solutes directions in Some | diredinn —Couple uphill transport bo Ye hydrolysis of ATP CY active Fransport)) dlirechly uses enegy — ore called transport ATPases. transfers primarily fon HY inko| eae ee linker ior Smad} oth motewles organdt @ Found mainly in) bacrerial cells couple uphill trans perk +o an input sf energy From stgghk. Scanned with CamScanner A =p Futypes uses H* gradient to ® NV ~rypet -ATP sya PM of Lirglahera membrane oF chloroplasts —Staidurally related to Vy aalsd called ATP_synthases awork in reverse SF Vtype | Ftype ATPase P-type ATPase _are pTP_driven cation transportes His an integrel protein ost Lo membrane Spenming regens hydalyss Pane in single Polypeptide. uses ATPAto drive HT transport P_type ATPases drive Synthesis of ATP From ROP 2 phosphake. Frases are Found in bacterra , IMM , maankoin Tone compositibn ATPase & electro, gent Scanned with CamScanner i + ABC trenspertes: structurally differtat From 2) | Pltype ATPases | | — Move loge molecules acess 7 \ membrone Cageinst £3 gradient ) Gnpoins a hight ATP. dependent conserved ATPL weg: CFTR Pay marae —use’ ATP binding Phydeatysis For transpertadion — >y F instecules “acress the bilayer in prokaryotes : bath importing Lexperting ABC i) binding coseltes. weg: multi-dnug transporter CMDR) ca | | | Wonsporhers afe Round | i 10 eukaryotes: Exportiry ABC transporters | | | | | | | Scanned with CamScanner

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