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Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

88:353-366, August 1976


Vol. 88 August 1976 No. 524



Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
Received 24 May 1976

I. Introduction The most successful theory for the origin of the light
There are at least two reasons why the study of the elements — at least of Be and Β — is the galactic cosmic
rare light elements lithium, beryllium, and boron is of ray (GCR) spallation theory of Reeves, Fowler, and
interest: (1) We would like to know the origin of these Hoyle (1970) and Meneguzzi, Audouze, and Reeves
elements and why their abundances are so low com- (1971). A flux of galactic cosmic rays with an energy
pared to their neighbors on the periodic table: H and spectrum in the form W~2 6 bombards atoms of C, N,
He and G, N, and O; (2) From the pattern followed by and O in the interstellar gas with sufficient energy to
the abundances of the light elements as stars evolve, break them into smaller atoms including Li, Be, and B.
we can determine details of internal stellar structure. This theory can account well for the observed cosmic
Relevant to the origin of the light elements are ob- abundances of Li6, Be and B, but does not produce
servations of the cosmic (= initial = primordial = enough Li7.
universal) abundances found in stars, meteorites, or The surface abundances of the light elements in
the interstellar gas. (Where these three are in con- stars also provide many clues about stellar interiors.
flict, the abundances in young, stable stars are con- The surface abundances will be reduced by convec-
sidered to be the most reliable because of the effects tive depletion — where the light elements are trans-
of grain formation in the interstellar medium and ported by convective mixing to temperatures at which
chemical fractionation in meteorites.) The cosmic they are destroyed by nuclear fusion reactions — and
abundances of Li, Be, and Β are veiy low on the uni- by convective dilution — where the thin surface layer
versal abundance curve: 10-9 to 10-11 relative to H. containing light elements is mixed through a larger
These low abundances cannot be attributed to the region of the star as the convective zone deepens.
usual processes of nucleosynthesis, like nuclear fusion Additional depletion may occur by convective over-
in the interiors of stars. The light elements are de- shoot, by microscopic diffusion, by turbulent diffusion
stroyed by nuclear fusion reactions at cooler tem- (e.g., from the effects of rotational braking), and from
peratures than those at which they can be created. mass loss. New Li may be created in the interiors of
For example, Li7 is formed during the proton-proton some red giants and transported to the surface by con-
chain by He3 (α,γ) Be7{e~ v) Li7 at temperatures of vective motion. Some additional quantities of light
about 2 X 107° K, but will be destroyed by Li7 (ρ,α) elements may be made during flare-like activity on the
He4 at Τ ~ 2 X 106 0 Κ. Thus the stellar volume in surfaces of stars. In some cases diffusion may act to
which light elements are destroyed is much larger enhance the surface abundances.
than the central region where they may be created. At Relevant observations on stellar structure are of
the end of its main-sequence lifetime a star of one solar main-sequence stars and post-main-sequence stars.
mass will preserve Li7 only in the outer 2.5% of its mass For example, a slow depletion of Li in main-sequence
(Iben 1967), Be9 only in the outer 4.8% (Boesgaard and stars is seen from the work of Herbig (1965) on field
Chesley 1976), Β10 in the outer 18.8%, and B11 in the stars and from the work of several authors, most re-
outer 17.8% (calculated from reaction rate tables of cently Zappala (1972), on young clusters. Also, the
Zimmerman, Fowler, and Caughlan (1975) and 1 SK© existence of Be-deficient main-sequence stars hotter
model of Iben (1967)). than Teñ — 6600° Κ probably can be explained as an
internal structure effect (Boesgaard 1976). Observa-
*One in a series of review articles currently appearing in tions of both Li and Be in subgiants and giants can be
these Publications. interpreted in terms of post-main-sequence dilution

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

(e.g., Herbig and Wolff 1966; Alschuler 1975; Boes- TABLE I

gaard and Chesley 1976) and serve as a test of stellar
models, particularly the predicted expansion of the Resonance Lines and Ionization Potentials
of the Light Elements
surface convective zone (e.g., Iben 1965fc, 1967). The
existence of the super Li-rich red giants (e.g., Torres- Ion Resonance λ loniz. Pot.
Peimbert and Wallerstein 1966; Boesgaard 1970b)
caused new ideas for the structure of red-giant in- Li ι 6707.7 5.39
teriors to be suggested by Cameron and Fowler 1971; 6707.9
Scalo and Ulrich 1973; Iben 1973; Sackmann, Smith, Li π 199.3 75.62
and Despain 1974). Be ι 2348.6 9.32
A third reason for studying the light elements, or at Be π 3130.4 18.20
least the abundance of Li7, relates to cosmology. Some 3131.1
Li can be produced in the Big Bang. However, ac- Βι 2497.7 8.30
cording to Reeves (1974), neither the Big Bang as it is Βπ 1362.5 25.16
presently modeled nor GCR spallation can account
for the observed cosmic abundance of Li, which is useful to know, from the observations, what the uni-
Li/H = 10~9 (Zappala 1972).* If, as Reeves suggests, versal or cosmic abundances are. The best source of
a case can be made for the Big Bang origin of Li, then these abundances appears to be stellar atmospheres.
the observed Li abundances will put some important Each element will be discussed in turn and where the
constraints on cosmological models. stellar abundances conflict with those from other
This review is concerned with the stellar abun- sources the relevance of the nonstellar data will be
dances of Li, Be, and Β that are relevant to both the considered. Synthesis of the light elements will then
origin of the light elements and to the details of stellar be discussed.
structure. It concentrates particularly on research
developments, both theoretical and observational, A. Lithium
that have occurred since the reviews by Wallerstein Stellar Li was found in Τ Tauri stars (Sanford 1947;
and Conti (1969) on Li and Be in stars and by Reeves Hunger 1957) and abundances were determined by
(1974) on the origin of the light elements. Bonsack and Greenstein (1960) and Bonsack (1961a).
More recently, Zappala (1972) has determined the Li
II. Observations content of stars in several young clusters and redeter-
Since Li, Be, and Β are trace elements with low mined the Li content in the Bonsack-Greenstein Τ
abundances, we rely almost exclusively on the reso- Tauri stars. He derives "initial" Li values. For the
nance lines for abundance analyses. Table I gives the pre-main-sequence stars in NGC 2264, the Τ Tauri
wavelength(s) of the resonance lines for the neutral stars and FU Orionis, the mean initial Li/H ratio is
and singly ionized species and the ionization po- 9.8 X 10_1(). The upper main-sequence stars in the
tential for each species listed. As can be seen in Table Pleiades, Praesepe, and Hyades clusters give Li/H =
I only Li ι and Ben have resonance lines in the 1.1 X 10~9. Meteorites — carbonaceous chondrites,
visible part of the spectrum. The ionization potential type I —give similar values: Li/H = 2 X 10-9 from
of Li ι is so low that most Li is in the form of Li π even Nichiporuk and Moore's (1974) value of 60 per 106
in M stars. Most Be is Be n in solar-type stars, but the Si atoms and Lambert and Warner's (1968) solar Si
ultraviolet spectrum is crowded and the stronger line abundance, Si/H = 3.5 X 10~5.
at 3130.4 Â is badly blended. In addition, the earth's Lithium abundances have been determined for
atmosphere transmits only about 30% of the light at main-sequence field stars by Herbig (1965) and Dan-
3130 A. In spite of these difficulties, Li abundances ziger and Conti (1966). Mean Li abundances as a func-
have been determined in hundreds of stars of a variety tion of spectral class can be determined for stars in
of masses and evolutionary ages and Be observations which Li has been detected. These values are given in
have been made in nearly 100 stars. Boron has been Table II. (Solar Li/H has been taken as 10-11.) The
observed in only a few stars, primarily with the dependence of Li on mass, as discussed by Herbig
Copernicus satellite. (1965) and by Herbig and Wolff (1966) is shown clearly
by these data. A star arriving on the main sequence
III. Cosmic Abundances at spectral type earlier than about F4 should not lose
To understand the origin of the light elements, it is more than a few percent of its original surface Li
through pre-main-sequence Li burning according to
♦Throughout the paper the notation Element/Hydrogen Bodenheimer's (1965) theory. Some Li depletion ap-
denotes the abundance ratio by number; where used,
X(Element/H), means the abundance ratio by mass. parently takes place during the main-sequence phase

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

TABLE II 10-11 based on center-to-limb observations in the solar

Lithium Abundances in Pre-Main-Sequence disk. Thus the sun is deficient in Li by two orders of
and Main-sequence Stars magnitude relative to the cosmic and meteoritic
Objects η Li/H abundance of 10-9. According to Bodenheimers
(1965) theory the sun would lose only about 50% of its
original Li by (ρ,α) reactions during the deeply con-
NGC 2264
vective stage of its pre-main-sequence evolution.
Τ Tauri Stars 13 9.8 X 10-10
Mechanisms that have been proposed to explain this
FU Ori
additional depletion will be discussed in the section
Upper-Main-Sequence on stellar structure and the light elements.
Pleiades The two stable isotopes Li6 and Li7 are present in
Praesep'e 1.1 X io-9 the ratio Li6/Li7 = 0.0813 for the earth (Hollander,
Hyades Perlman, and Seaborg 1953) and 0.0822 in chondrites
(Krankowsky and Müller 1967). Cohen (1972) has
Field Stars, Main Sequence
made interferometric observations of the Li ι λ6707
F0-F2 7 8.8 X 10-10
line profiles in eleven F and G dwarfs and three red
F3-F4 4 7.2 X 10-10
giants and concluded that for at least ten of the stars
F5-F6 10 4.1 X 10-10
there was no evidence for any Li6. The other four
F7-F8 8 2.3 X 10-10
stars had only marginal evidence for the presence of
F9-G0 11 2.6 X 10-10
Li6, with Li6/Li7 ^ 0.1; these latter stars had the high-
G1-G2 14 2.1 X 10-10
est ν sin i values (between 7 and 10 km s-1) which
G3-G4 5 8.8 X 10-11
cause greater uncertainties in the analysis.
An abundance ratio of Li6/Li7 = 0.04 ± 0.02 has
also, but on a long time scale (Herbig 1965; van den been estimated for the solar disk by Traub and
Heuval and Conti 1971). However, it is expected that Roesler (1971). The Li line is veiy weak and blended
F0-F2 dwarfs would reflect the initial Li content; so the determination of the isotopic ratio is uncertain.
within the errors of the determinations the Li abun- Li6 is destroyed more readily by (ρ,α) reactions than
dances of these field stars do agree with Zappala's Li7 so its virtual absence in solar-type stars is not sur-
initial Li values. The value for the cosmic Li abun- prising. An upper limit of Li6/Li7 < 0.14 was deter-
dance then is Li/H = 1.0 X 10-9. The observed scat- mined by Traub and Carleton (1973) for the inter-
ter about this mean of a ± factor of two could be due stellar gas in the ζ Oph cloud. This amount is con-
to intrinsic dispersion in initial values and/or due to sistent with the terrestrial/meteoritic value which may
observational errors. represent the cosmic ratio, i.e., Li6/Li7 = 0.082.
Lithium has been detected in the interstellar me- The following values are taken as the observed
dium by Traub and Carleton (1973) in front of ζ cosmic abundances: Li/H = 1.0 X IO-9, Li7/H = 9.2
Ophiuchi and by Vanden Bout and Grupsmith (1974) X 10-1(),Li6/H = 7.6 X 10-11.
in front of 55 Cygni. They find that Li is depleted
relative to its abundance in meteorites by 65-85% but
the ratio of Li/Na near ζ Oph, 7.0 X 10~4, is close to the B. Beryllium
solar-system value. (The meteoritic Li abundance is The abundance of Be was first determined in the
used since the sun has undergone Li depletion.) Li sun by Greenstein and Tandberg-Hanssen (1954).
and Na are alkali metals and are expected to behave Abundances of Be in normal A, F, and G stars have
similarly in forming chemical compounds; the way been found by Bonsack (1961b), Merchant (1966),
they fit into lattice structure may differ, however. The Conti and Danziger (1966) and Conti (1968). These
implication of the similar Li/Na ratios in present inter- results have been discussed in the review by Waller-
stellar gas and the material out of which the solar sys- stein and Conti (1969). As is shown in their Figure 4,
tem formed 5 X 109 years ago is that there has been these data appear to indicate that the Be abundance
little if any depletion of cosmic Li by processing in increased regularly from F0 to GO along the main
stellar interiors (astration). sequence by over an order of magnitude. However,
The abundance of solar Li has been determined in Boesgaard (1976) has recently redetermined Be
several investigations both of the solar photosphere abundances in F and G dwarfs from both old and new
and of sunspots. Grevesse (1968) has reviewed and Be observations with a model-atmosphere abundance
evaluated earlier results. Stellmacher and Wiehr analysis replacing the previous homogeneous-
(1971) find Li/H = 1.25 (±0.15) X 10-11 from analyses atmosphere approximation. These new results show
of sunspot spectra and Müller (1971) reports Li/H = no such temperature dependence, and yield an aver-

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

age Be/H abundance of 1.31 (±0.36) X 10-11 for 27 of the Be π reasonance doublet in the Be-rich star, κ
stars (see Fig. 2 below). As is the case for Li, the ob- Cancri, on four spectrograms of 6.8 Â mm-1. The
served scatter can be due to intrinsic dispersion in ultraviolet region near the Be π lines in this Ap star of
initial Be and/or observational errors. The primary type B8 is relatively free of line blending and the Be
reason for the differences in the two sets of results is lines are quite strong: 140 m and 105 mÂ. They
that all the stars in the newer investigation were ana- concluded that neither short-lived isotope is present
lyzed with the same technique. in this Hg-Mn peculiar-Α star. According to Iben
There is little hope of determining Be abundances (1965α) the pre-main-sequence lifetime for a star of
in pre-main-sequence objects like Τ Tauri stars since this mass (^-4 9Ko) is about 1 X 106 years. The lifetime
the spectral lines are broad and near 3130 Â the lines of the star could be less than the Be10 half-life, but it is
are crowded at best, and the continuous radiation at more likely greater so no firm conclusions can be
that wavelength is weak. drawn about the presence (or absence) of Be10 in the
interstellar gas. (However, conclusions based on ob-
Calculations by Bodenheimer (1966) predict that no
servations of Ap stars may not be relevant since some
appreciable depletion of Be should occur from (ρ,α)
mechanism, perhaps diffusion, has to be invoked to
reactions at the base of the outer convection zone dur-
explain the Be overabundance in these stars.)
ing pre-main-sequence or main-sequence evolution in
The observed cosmic Be abundance is 1.3 X 10-11.
stars hotter than K5. The atmospheres of those stars,
There is no evidence for Be isotopes other than Be9.
then, should reflect the cosmic Be abundance. There-
fore the average abundance for the F and G stars found C. Boron
by Boesgaard (1976) is assumed to represent the cosmic
Boron has long been sought in stellar spectra, both
abundance, Be/H = 1.3 X 10-11.
in the weak, subordinate atomic lines or in molecular
Observations of the surface Be content of both
form such as BH or BO. Table I demonstrates the
dwarfs and giants in the Hyades cluster have been
difficulty of observing the resonance lines of Β ι and
made by Boesgaard, Heacox, and Conti (1977). They
Β h. Now, however, with the advent of high-resolution
find that for six F and G main-sequence stars the
spectroscopy above the earth's atmosphere, Β has
average Be/H is 1.0 Χ ΙΟ-11, consistent with the value
been detected.
for the dwarfs in the field. The abundance of Be in
The resonance line of Β π has been found in Vega
Vega (type AO V) has been determined (Boesgaard
(Boesgaard et al. 1974) and possibly a Andromedae
et al. 1974) to be 1.0 X 10-11 also. This indicates that
(Stalio 1974), and suspected in η Canis Majoris (Under-
the same value for cosmic Be extends to the hotter
bill 1974). With observations from the Copernicus satel-
main-sequence stars, i.e., that no temperature de-
lite at 0.2 A resolution, Boesgaard et al. (1974) deter-
pendence exists.
mined the Β abundance in Vega by two independent
The known solar-system Be-abundances cluster methods which yielded nearly identical results. They
about these same values. An analysis of the solar-disk made an estimate of the effect of departures from LTE
spectrum, by Ross and Aller (1974) using the method and derived B/H = 1 X 10 ~10. They suggested that this
of spectrum synthesis gives Be/H = 1.2 X 10-11. With represents the cosmic Β abundance since Β is not ex-
the aid of high-resolution, center-to-limb observations, pected to be destroyed during pre-main-sequence or
Chmielewski, Müller, and Brault (1975) have done a main-sequence evolution. Praderie et al. (1977) have
more refined, non-LTE analysis and obtained Be/H = studied high-resolution (0.05 Â) Copernicus spectra of
1.4 (±0.6) X 10-11. In meteorites, the Be/Si ratio is Vega and Sirius in the Β π region. Sirius shows no
usually between 5 and 10 X 10-7 according to a re- line at the wavelength of Β π (nor does it show the
view by Buseck (1971). With Lambert and Warner s Be π resonance lines), but it does have a clean profile
(1968) value for solar Si/H, the corresponding meteor- of a V m line which blends with the Β π line in Vega.
itic value for Be/H is about 2 X 10~1 ^ The resulting Β abundance in Vega is still about 1 X
Lines of Be have not been seen in interstellar ab- 10_10, after correction for this blend.
sorption. The lowest values for an upper limit on the An upper limit for solar Β of 1.2 (±0.6) 10-10 has
Be/H ratio are Be/H < 5 X 10-11 found as the average been obtained by Hall and Engvold (1975) from the
from seven stars by Boesgaard (1974) and Be/H < 6.8 absence of Β ι λ16240 in the solar photosphere. The
X 10-11 in front of ζ Oph derived by Morton (1974). Β ι resonance lines in the sun have been observed by
These upper limits are not at variance with the stellar Kohl, Parkinson, and Withbroe (1976) with a photo-
initial Be abundances. electric detector in a rocket-borne instrument. They
The only stable Be isotope is Be9; the half-life of Be7 identify the Β ι line at 2496.772 Â with a spectral
is 54.5 days and Be10 is 2.7 X 106 years. Boesgaard resolution of 0.028 Â and derive B/H = 1.6 X 10-10.
and Heacox (1973) measured the central wavelengths Since Β compounds are volatile when gaseous and

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

are refractory when solid, meteoritic Β abundances no

longer reflect the cosmic abundance. The isotope I ι
ítl 1—1
r—i o
ratios may be representative though; Baedecker (1971)
ä Χ X X O
reports Β1VB10 ~ 4 in both carbonaceous and en- oq
statite chondrites. οο CM
Only a small amount of Β depletion is expected in
the interstellar gas (Field 1974). Morton, Smith, and
Stecher (1974) made a careful search at a spectral Χ ο o o
^ 1—ι 1—I
resolution of 0.05 A with the Copernicus satellite X o
spectrometer for the Β π resonance line in the inter- Γ-
stellar gas in front of ζ Oph. An upper limit on the ΟΟ
equivalent width of 1.3 m A gives an abundance ratio,
B/H, of less than 7.6 X 10-11 on the assumption that
I ι
all the Β is singly ionized. They also report that Ο 0 o
Ε r—i r—I
similar scans of ζ Ori A give an upper limit of 1.1 m S χ χ X o
and an abundance of B/H < 1.7 X 10_1(). Field (1974) oo
predicts that interstellar Β should not be depleted by CO
more than a factor of two in the presence of grains.
The interstellar upper limits on the Β abundance are Η
ίζ 1 I
thus consistent with the observed stellar and solar B. W
ι—( o
i—( T5
W>-] 5 2 o
The value of B/H = 1 X 10"10 is taken as the çQ Χ χ o
ω X O
cosmic Β abundance with Β1VB10 ~ 4. Η CO CO
IV. The Origin of the Light Elements
Since Reeves (1974) has recently published a de- ω Η
tailed review of the origin of the light elements, a H-l Ο
PQ inω o o
lengthy discussion of the production mechanisms will υ £ S o
Η S Χ χ
not be given here. The observed cosmic abundances
Q oq cq 00I
are compared to the predictions of the galactic-cosmic- ai
Ρ Γ-
ray (GCR) spallation theoiy in Table III. New pre-
dictions by Reeves (private communication) from GCR
spallation are given in the third line; the theory is \ ι I
o o
able to predict light element ratios better than the Ο 5 s f-H rH o
absolute abundances and here Reeves uses Be/H = U J X Χ X o
1.3 X 10-11 as the standard. It is apparent that this οο ίο
theory can explain the abundances of Li6, Be, and prob-
ably Β10 and B11. The GCR theory appears to produce
too much Β10 and Β11, but the agreement is within the ι ι
o o
uncertainties in the observations and the theory. Other Κ ^ r—ι o
3 χ Χ -Mo
mechanisms are needed to account for the observed
cosmic abundance of Li7. Some quantities of this oq m
isotope can be produced in the Big Bang (e.g.. t-
Wagoner 1973,1974), in the interiors of red giants (e.g.,
Cameron and Fowler 1971), and by low-energy
spallation reactions (Meneguzzi and Reeves 1975; «
Bodansky, Jacobs, and Oberg 1975). T3CD * T50
On the assumption that Li7 is produced in the Big O .o
Bang and by GCR spallation only, some constraints
0 ^
-½0) og o3
can be put on the baryonic density, pb, for standard ^ £2. Ä> ε 3
Big Bang models. Figure 1 is adapted from Wagoner ^ rrT Q-)O C/aiD ΝΝ CU
(1974) and shows final abundances (in mass fractions) S ο 05 ö0 3 C/5
03 Ph S bJD ^
as a function of present density. The observed cosmic
δ ε G O
^ α;ε I £
Li7/H is 9.2 Χ 10-10, within a factor of two, of which £ &0 rO .tí Í-HCD
GCR spallation (as modeled by Meneguzzi et al. 1971) < ^

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Rogerson (1976) from observations with the Coper-

nicus satellite, give a mean D abundance in front of
five stars of X(D) = 2.4 X 10-5. They state that this
could not be more than a factor of two larger or a
factor of four smaller. That abundance and that error #
bar are indicated on the horizontal axis of Figure 1 as
X(H2)present. The corresponding values of pb are
3-10 X 10-31 gm cm-3. According to the evaluations
by Audouze and Tinsley (1974) the present D is ~0.4
of the primoidial D for two different models of galactic
evolution. This corrected value (and the same error
range) is plotted in Figure 1 and corresponds to a value
of pb of 2-7 X 10~31 gm cm-3.
The estimate of pb from both D and Li7 involves
assumptions, for example: 60% of the D has been
destroyed since the Big Bang; Li7 is made predomi-
nantly by the Big Bang but does have a GCR spalla-
tion component. The good agreement between the
two results is encouraging. One can conclude that the
present density of the universe is ~6 X 10-31 gm cm-3
from the overlapping values for primordial D and Li7.
Or one can conclude that ρ is actually closer to 3 X
10~31gm cm~3 and search for another source of pro-
duction of Li7. (At ρ = 3 X 10-31 gm cm-3 the de-
ficiency of Li7 is a factor of 7.) I prefer the former con-
clusion since both the observed abundances and the
assumptions involved are equally questionable or
equally certain for Li7 and D. This observed value of
ρ = 6 X 10-31 is a factor of 10 below the value re-
quired for closure, pcrit = 5 X 10_30 (H0/50)2, i.e..
Pent = 6 X 10-30 with the Hubble constant, H0 =
55 km s_1 Mpc-1, which indicates that the universe is
open and expanding.

(gm cm V. Stellar Structure and Evolution

Some features of the internal structure of stars — at
Fig. 1 — The mass fraction of H2 and Li7 produced in "stan- various stages of evolution — are revealed by the sur-
dard" Big Bang models as a function of the present baryonic
density adapted from Wagoner (1974). The observed values face abundances of the light elements. In some cases
of Li7 (with the GCR component revoved) and of H2 are indi- the abundances can be used to test stellar models, for
cated on the y-axis along with the predicted value of the initial example, the post-main-sequence convective dilution
abundance of H2. The values for ρ and the corresponding error predicted by Iben's models. In other cases the
bars are shown in the central part of the graph. The value p abundance information has necessitated the develop-
= 6 Χ 10"31, shown by the arrow on the x-axis, fits the obser-
vations of Li7 and initial H2 within the error bars. This value ment of new theoretical ideas to explain, for example,
is 10 times smaller than the density required to close the uni- the low abundance of Li in the sun, or the super-Li-
verse. rich red-giant stars. Information on the evolution of
stars in young clusters and of pre-main-sequence stars
is revealed by their Li abundances. In this section of
can produce 1.2 X 10~10. The Big Bang must make
this review the observations are discussed in a se-
Li7/H = 8 X 10~10 or, in mass fraction, X(Li7) = 4 X
quence of stellar evolutionary age. The physical
10~9. This abundance of Li and its error bars are in-
mechanisms, which are thought to be responsible for
dicated on the vertical axis of Figure 1*. This Li
the observed abundances, are described. Convective
abundance indicates a value of pb = 8 X 10-31 and a
spread in possible values of 5-14 X 10-31 gm cm-3. *1 assume there has been no detectable depletion of cosmic
The abundance of interstellar deuterium can also be Li by nuclear processing in stars (astration) since the meteorites
(age — 5 X 109 years) have the same Li abundance as the Τ
used to estimate pb. The recent results of York and Tauri stages (age ~ 106 years).

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

depletion is discussed in section Al. The observations of the stars observed (at each spectral class) the Li line
described in sections A2 and A3 relate to convective is too weak to be detected.
overshoot and diffusion below the outer convective Herbig (1965) has found an empirical correlation of
zone in main-sequence stars. Convective dilution in Li abundance with age for field stars in the sense that
post-main-sequence stars is discussed in sections Bl, the younger main-sequence stars have more Li. Work
B2, and B3. Enrichment of Li in late-type giants is on Li abundances in the Hyades, Pleiades, Praesepe,
considered in section B4. and Ursa Major clusters (Wallerstein, Herbig, and
Conti 1965; Danziger and Conti 1966; Danziger 1967;
A. Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Stars
Zappala 1972) confirm this trend in cluster stars.
1. Pre-Main-Sequence Li Depletion Zappala finds an e-folding time for Li depletion of
During pre-main-sequence evolution destruction of 1.5 X 109 years for solar-type stars and 5 X 108 for
the light nuclei occur as these atoms are transported K0 stars.
by convective motions to regions in the stellar interior Standard models for main-sequence stars show that
where proton fusion reactions take place. This pro- the outer convection zone does not extend to high
cess continues in the fully-convective late-main- enough temperatures to destroy Li by (ρ,α) reactions.
sequence stars. The critical temperature for proton Convective overshoot has been suggested as a possible
fusion is lower for Li than for Be than for B, so main- mechanism to transport Li to hotter temperatures.
sequence convective destruction of Li persists to Weymann and Sears (1965) have estimated that it is
earlier spectral types than that of Be or of B. Boden- energetically possible to reach depths where Τ ~
heimer (1965, 1966) has made calculations which give 3 X 106 0 Κ if the convective cells start at the very top
the amount of destruction of D, Li, and Be during of the convective envelope. But they estimate that the
pre-main-sequence evolution. penetration that actually occurs is negligible for stars
The pre-main-sequence destruction of Li can be in the mass range 0.55-1.2 SW©. Recently Straus, Blake,
tested by observations of Li in stars that are post-T and Schramm (1976) have reexamined this problem.
Tauri but pre-main-sequence stars. Catchpole (1971) Using a dynamical description for the overshoot
has observed a KO Ve star in Scorpius-Centaurus that process, they find that the amount of overshoot that is
is somewhat above the zero-age main sequence. On energetically possible increases with stellar mass — a
an 82 Â mm-1 spectrogram of this 10.8 magnitude requirement if the overshoot mechanism is to be effec-
star he measured a Li equivalent width of 280 m and tive in those higher-mass, F-type stars that show little
determined an abundance of Li/H = 6.3 X 10~10 — or no surface Li. This is necessary also to account for
somewhat less than Zappala's initial Li values. The the gradual (rather than rapid) decrease of Li with
G-K dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster (age 6 X 107 years) stellar mass. Again the amount of overshoot that
show Li abundances of 4 X 10-10 (Danziger 1967). actually occurs is difficult to estimate. It may be
Zappala (1972) finds two cooler (K3) dwarfs in the difficult for this mechanism simultaneously to explain
Pleiades to have lower Li abundances: 2-5 X 10-11. the observed main-sequence Li depletion and to ac-
Herbig (1975) has reported observations of several count for the Be-deficient stars hotter than 6600° Κ
post-T Tauri, pre-main-sequence stars in regions like (see next section).
the Taurus-Auriga clouds, with ages of no more than Diffusion can occur below the convection zone, and
3-5 X 107 years, in which he finds a Li ι feature and Vauclair (1972) and Schatzman and Vauclair (1973)
Ha weakly in emission. He cited evidence to show have discussed this as an explanation of the Li deple-
that the low-mass stars lose their Li faster than higher- tion. According to them, microscopic diffusion can
mass stars: Li is found in Τ Tauri stars as cool as account for the observed dependence of Li abundance
spectral type M2, in the Pleiades consistently to K3, on stellar mass and age. The diffusion velocity is due
and occasionally in K5, K6 stars, but not at all in the to a number of factors, e.g., gravitation, radiation pres-
vast majority of Κ and M main-sequence stars. Pre- sure, temperature, and composition gradients. The
main-sequence destruction of Li is therefore a function effectiveness and duration of diffusion could account
of both stellar mass and age. for the spread in Li abundances at a given tempera-
ture. More detailed discussion of these effects appear
2. Main-Sequence Li Depletion in the thesis of S. Vauclair (Meudon Observatory 1976).
Both Figure 1 in the paper by Herbig and Wolff Schatzman (1969) has made calculations relevant to
(1966) and Figure 2 in the review by Wallerstein and the turbulent diffusion of Li; this mechanism could
Conti (1969) show the range in the Li abundances in produce additional Li depletion in main-sequence
main-sequence stars at each spectral type and the stars.
decrease in the maximum (or average) Li abundance Mass loss can contribute to the surface depletion of
with decreasing surface temperature. For nearly half the light elements, because mass lost from the surface

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

would be replenished in the convection zone by Li- and analysis by Boesgaard (1976) show that these Be-
poor material that was once deeper in the star. How- deficient stars have upper limits on their Be abun-
ever, Weymann and Sears (1965) found that the solar- dances about an order of magnitude less than the
mass-loss rate would have to be about 3 orders of cosmic Be abundance. Figure 2 shows the Be abun-
magnitude higher than the observed rate to deplete dance in F and G dwarf stars as a function of surface
the solar Li7 by a factor of 30. It appears unlikely that temperature. The Be-deficient stars are plotted as
this mechanism can be responsible for main-sequence open circles. (Two additional stars could be added to
Li depletion, but it may contribute in later stages of that plot: a Lyrae (AO V) with normal Be abundance
stellar evolution. and a Canis Majoris (Al V) which is Be deficient.) All
Spiegel (1967) has reviewed other mechanisms, in- the Be-deficient stars are hotter than 6600° K; in fact
cluding the effect of rotational braking, which might one-third (6 of 18) of the stars hotter than 6600° Κ are
account for main-sequence Li depletion. Of the Be deficient. Since all the stars without detectable Be
mechanisms considered — diffusion, turbulent con- are also Li-deficient, the same mechanism is probably
vection, convective overshoot, mass loss — none is responsible for the deficiency of both elements. The
completely adequate. It is certain that the observed fact that the separation is so marked between the stars
dependence of Li on mass and age is intricately con- with Be and those without argues that in the Be-
nected with the details of stellar structure and evolu- deficient stars the surface material has been trans-
tion. ported to temperatures where Be has been readily
destroyed by (ρ,α) reactions. But apparently this does
3. Be-Deficient Stars not happen in the cooler stars. Both Be and Li must
Main-sequence stars having no detectable Be have be mixed to temperatures of ~4 X 106° Κ and de-
been reported by Bonsack (1961^), Merchant (1966), stroyed in some of the hotter stars, while only Li is
and Conti and Danziger (1966). New observations destroyed in the cooler stars. A more detailed discus-

F2 F4 F6 F8 GO G2
ι ι ι—π—ι—ι ι r
+ 0.5-

* ·
• · ·

0.0 - • ·
[Be] • * · ^


% Î
-1.0 - ,-12

-1.5 -

I I I ι ι I I I L
7400 7000 6600 6200 5800 5400

Fig. 2 — The Be abundance for F and F dwarfs as a function of effective temperature. Filled circles are stars with the cosmic Be
content; there is no dependence on temperature. Open circles with arrows show the upper limit abundances for the Be-deficient
dwarfs. All the stars are hotter than 6600° K.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

sion appears in Boesgaard (1976). It appears that reached the red-giant tip yet nor entered into the
microscopic and turbulent diffusion may be able to ac- second phase of Li dilution after Ν14 α-burning takes
count for the Li depletion and Be deficiencies. The place in the core.
temperature demarcation observed for the Be-deficient To further test the predictions of Li dilution in 3 SÎq
stars may be difficult to explain by the convective stars, Alschuler (1975) detennined Li abundances in
overshoot theory. But more work on the stellar struc- 64 F4-G5 giants believed to be moving from left to
ture theoiy needs to be done with the constraints in right across the H-R diagram for the first time. On the
mind provided by both the Li and Be observations. assumption that all these the stars have the same mass
(3 Sî©), Alschuler concluded that the observed dilu-
4. Be and Β in Ap Stars tion is a much more gradual function of temperature
Be has been found to be overabundant by two than predicted. The observed onset of dilution oc-
orders of magnitude in four of ten Ap stars of the Μ η curs at about spectral type F6 while the predicted
type; see Sargent, Searle, and Jugaku (1962) and a onset is near type GO. Better agreement between ob-
review article by Sargent (1964). Boesgaard and served and predicted Li abundances would have been
Heacox (1973) find Be/H = 2.5 X 109 for one of these achieved on the assumption that the mass actually in-
stars, κ Cnc, from four high-dispersion ultraviolet creases systematically from F4 III to G5 III (i.e., F5 is
spectrograms^ They tentatively identify a weak fea- 1.9 3)Ϊθ, GO is 2.4 Sî© and G5 is 3.2 SK©). The Li his-
ture at 3451 A with a high excitation line of Β n and tory of these stars is unknown (and may be compli-
find a large Β overabundance, B/H = 2 X 10 ~7. cated). No pre-main-sequence depletion is expected
Further ground-based and Copernicus satellite ob- in stars of this mass, and presumably no main-
servations of Hg-Mn-Ap stars are now underway to sequence depletion. But the main-sequence predeces-
determine Be and Β abundances. Bonsack (1961b) sors of these stars are too hot to show detectable Li i,
found the Be/H abundance in the Ap star a2 Canum so their Li content and range in abundances is un-
Venaticorum to be 1.6 X 10~9. The ideas of Michaud known.
(1970) on diffusion in Ap stars may be able to account
for the observed Be and Β abundances according to Figure 3 shows the Li abundances that have been
preliminary calculations of S. Vauclair (private com- determined in giant stars of spectral types F, G, K,
munication). and M. Data from several papers (Bonsack 1959;
Li upper limits in this temperature range are not Danziger and Conti 1966; Wallerstein 1966a,b; Mer-
very significant. Wallerstein (1968) has found Li/H — chant 1967; Boesgaard 1970a; Alschuler 1975) have
10~9 for two Ap stars of eight observed. While this been combined and scaled to a solar abundance of
amount is comparable to that found in Τ Tauri stars, Li/H = 10-11. Except for Τ Sagittarii (see section 4
it may result from other mechanisms operating in Ap below), the heavy-metal-rich stars (Ban, MS, and S)
stars. studied by Boesgaard (1970¾) follow the same trends
and fit well with their normal counterparts. The
B. Post-Main-Sequence Stars lower envelope in Figure 3 results partly from the fact
1. Dilution in 3 Sî© Stars that the upper limit abundance value to which Li can
Wallerstein (1964, 1966α) discovered a strong Li be detected decreases with temperature. The general
line in the GO III component of Capella, but saw no Li decline observed can be attributed to increasing con-
in the G5 III companion. He estimated that the hotter vective dilution. The gradualness of the decline, or
star had 60-100 times more Li than the cooler one. the range at a given spectral type, can be due to the
Iben (1965fc) explained this difference by proposing range of mass and evolutionary age of stars in the
that the cooler star was further advanced in its post- giant phase of evolution. Mass loss — on the main se-
main-sequence evolution and had therefore diluted its quence and during the red-giant phase — may also
surface Li abundance by mixing surface material contribute to the observed range in Li content. The
throughout the deepening convection zone. (The progenitors of these stars were upper-main-sequence
temperature at the base of the convective zone is never stars. Late A and F stars leaving the main sequence
high enough to destroy Li by nuclear reactions, how- show considerable range in Li content (Herbig 1965;
ever.) On higher-dispersion spectrograms, Boesgaard Herbig and Wolff 1966) at that point in their evolution,
(1971) found a weak Li line in the G5 III star. The and that range surely contributes to the observed
difference in Li content between the two components spread in the red giants.
is a factor of 15-40 (Boesgaard 1971; Alschuler 1975). The observations of Be in main-sequence stars show
The dilution of Li takes place in two stages according that the history of Be is more uniform and better un-
to Iben; the lower difference between the two com- derstood than that of Li. Since Be is also confined to a
ponents implies that the GO III star need not have thin shell in the outer layers of a star, it too will un-

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

dergo post-main-sequence convective dilution. The The range in Li shown in the subgiants is large and is
next section discusses Be dilution 1-1.5 SW©? but ob- similar to the range in main-sequence stars. Except
servations of the Hyades dwarfs and giants are rele- for δ Eridani, the stars in the Li-dilution region show
vant here. Boesgaard, Heacox, and Conti (1977) have no detectable Li ι line and have only upper limits for
found that two Hyades yellow giants have 25 times their Li abundances so no firm conclusions can be
less Be and the other two have upper limits of 50 times drawn about the effect of Li dilution. The position of
less than the main-sequence Hyades stars. They show δ Eri indicates that its surface Li has been diluted by
that Iben's (1965b) model for a 3 äft© star predicts a a factor of 7. Thus its main-sequence abundance is
dilution of Be by a factor of 25 at the tip of the red- predicted to have been 2 X 10_1() (with solar Li/H =
giant branch. If the Hyades giants are on their second 10-11) as an F7 dwarf in good agreement with the
crossing, their position in the H-R diagram indicates value of 2.3 X 10-10 given in Table II for F7-F8 stars.
that their masses are somewhat less than 3 Sî©. Dilu- Boesgaard and Chesley (1976) have made similar
tion plus post-main-sequence mass loss can explain the predictions for the post-main-sequence dilution of Be.
observed Be and Li abundances. A study is currently Since Be is preserved in a shell of greater depth than
underway of Be in G and Κ giants. Li, the degree of Be dilution is less than for Li and the
onset occurs a little later in the evolution. Figure 4
2. Dilution in 1-1.5 Sí© Stars shows an H-R diagram with Iben's evolutionary tracks
Herbig and Wolff (1966) compared Li observations and lines of equal dilution for both Li and Be. Boes-
of 21 subgiants with the predictions of Iben (1967) for gaard and Chesley determined Be abundances in 14 of
post-main-sequence Li dilution in 1.0,1.25, and 1.5 Sí© the stars observed by Herbig and Wolff. The stars in
stars. No dilution is predicted for stars bluer than the pre-dilution region showed either the main-
(B—V) = 0.75 so the surface Li abundances for these sequence Be abundance (Be/H = 1.3 X 10-11) or no
stars should be equal to their main-sequence values. detectable Be; these latter are presumably the evolved

F5 F8 GO G2 G5 KO K2 Κ4 Μ0 Μ4
+3.0 ,-8

+2.0 .-9

+ 1.0 rIO
[Li] Li/H

0.0 ί·· : 10"

Κ •· t
r .
ν ·.·
. .· -n^· .
ν •12
-1.0 .·>- · 10
ν · ·<**,
V ν J·· ·

-2.0 ν 10

J_ _L
7000 6000 5000 4000 3000

Teff (0K)

Fig. 3 — Li abundances in giants as a function of temperature showing a range of over four orders of magnitude. The arrowheads
represent upper limits on the Li abundances. The gradual decline is interpreted as evidence of convective dilution while the range
at a given temperature results from the range in mass and evolutionary age.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

counterparts of the Be-deficient stars. When the be moving to the right through the giant region of the
abundances of stars in the dilution region were mul- H-R diagram for the first time." Apparently, all of
tiplied by the dilution factor indicated by their evolu- their stars have diluted their original Li and Be during
tionary position, the "restored" abundances were their earlier evolution to the upper right of the H-R
equivalent to the expected main-sequence abundance. diagram.
It is clear that Iben's idea about convective dilution Merchant (1967), Gähm and Hultqvist (1972), and
of the light elements is valid and that the specific Warren (1973) have determined Li abundances in Κ
predictions of his models agree well with the observed and M supergiants. In these stars, Li/H ranges from
abundances. 5 X 10-13 to 10_1(). Again, none show the cosmic Li
abundance indicating that they have all undergone
3. Li and Be in Supergiants some dilution, and/or mass loss, or, as Warren sug-
Conti a*nd Wallerstein (1969) have searched unsuc- gests, they left the main-sequence with Li values of
cessfully for both Li and Be in the spectra of F and G 10_1(). Warren's interpretation is that the "Li-rich"
supergiants. On the scale of solar Li/H = 10-11 they stars have not yet reached the tip of the red-giant
found upper limits on the Li abundance in the range branch whereas the others have diluted their surface
4 X 10"11 to 1 X 10~9 (from about 50 stars) and upper Li. All the Κ and M supergiants should have experi-
limits on Be/H of about 4 X 10-13 to 2 X 10~12 (from enced some dilution since, as the star moves to the
six stars). The exact numbers are sensitive to both right in the H-R diagram, the convective envelope
effective temperature and gravity, but they found no deepens and the onset of Li dilution occurs before a
supergiants having the cosmic abundance of either Be supergiant reaches type KO as it does in the 1-5 ä)?©
or Li. They point out that "according to Kraft's (1966) models of Iben. If we assume these stars left the main
interpretation of the evolutionary tracks of stars from sequence with Li/H values of ~10_9, then Warren's
5-9 3^0? between one and five of our 50 stars should seven Li-rich stars have undergone Li dilution by

Fig. 4 — The H-R diagram showing the main sequence and the evolutionary tracks of Iben (1967) for 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 Wq stars.
Dotted lines show the lines of equal Li dilution, diluted by the circled number above the evolutionary tracks. The solid lines are
equal Be dilution, indicated by the circled number below the evolutionary tracks.

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

factors of 10-50. The K4 II star, 105 Herculis, ob- mediate mixing times a range of Li abundances are
served by Boyarchuk (1972) to be overabundant in Li produced, but for long-duration mixing little or no Li7
relative to the sun and other K4 stars could be remains.
similarly diluted by a factor of 10. The supergiants It appears possible to account for both the phe-
show the same range in Li content as the giants do, nomenon of the super-Li-rich stars and the great range
apparently for similar reasons. in Li abundances in C and S stars by invoking the
Cameron-Fowler mechanism with the model of Scalo
4. Super Li-Rich Stars and Ulrich or that of Sackmann, Smith, and Despain.
A number of heavy-metal-rich stars have a par- These models are able simultaneously to account for
ticularly strong λ6707 line of Lii: Three carbon stars, the other observed spectral and abundance pecu-
WZ Cassiopeiae (McKellar 1940), WX Cygni (Sanford liarities in these late-type stars. If a large number of
1950), and Τ Arae (Feast 1954); a CS star, Case 621 these stars existed in the past, they could have made a
(Warner and Dean 1970); an SC star, Henize 166 contribution to the cosmic Li abundance.
(Catchpole and Feast 1971); and an S star, Τ Sgr
(Keenan 1967; Boesgaard 1970b). The determination VI. Summary and Conclusions
of Li abundances for these cool stars is fraught with It is proposed that the best values for the cosmic
difficulties, but some estimates have been made. The abundances of the light elements come from the
log Li/Ca value for Τ Sgr of — 2.0 found by Boesgaard abundance determinations in stellar atmospheres. The
(1970¾) translates to Li/H ~ 10~8, an order of magni- cosmic abundance of Li/H is ~10_9, of Be/H is ~1.3
tude above the cosmic abundances. Torres-Peimbert XlO-11, and B/H is ~10_10, as determined from
and Wallerstein (1966) use Spitzers (1949) Li/Na ratio analyses of stellar atmospheres. Isotopic abundances
of 5 X 10~2 for WZ Cas and infer a Li/Na value of of Li6/Li7 = 0.08 and B^/B11 = 0.25 come from
7 X 10-2 for both WZ Cas and WX Cyg. This cor- analyses of meteorites. Apparently there are no ap-
responds to Li/H ~ 10 ~7, or two orders of magnitude preciable quantities of Be7 or Be10 in stars.
above the cosmic value. Cohen (1974) has confirmed The observed light-element abundances point
the reality of these high Li abundances by studying strongly toward an origin in galactic-cosmic-ray-
the analogous Κ ι resonance line. Catchpole and Feast spallation reactions (Reeves 1974). Additional Li7 is
(1971) point out that the frequency of occurrence of probably produced during the Big Bang. The present
lithium stars in the intermediate class CS/SC is con- density of the universe is about 6 X 10-31 gm cm-3
siderably higher than in C stars and probably higher based on the constraints placed on theory by the
than for the S Stars. present-day observed abundances of H2 and Li7.
Cameron and Fowler (1971) revived an idea by There is evidence that the Li abundance with which
Cameron (1955) in which Be7 is made by the reaction stars are "born", is depleted during pre-main-sequence
He3 (α,γ) Be7 at temperatures near 107° Κ and pre- stellar evolution. Atoms of the light elements are
served until transported to regions where the tem- transported to regions within the star where they are
perature is low enough not to destroy the Li7 that destroyed by (ρ,α) reactions. Some main-sequence
results from electron capture: Be7 {e~ v) Li7. Deep depletion of Li and Be occurs as a function of both
mixing (to ~1080 K) of the hydrogen envelope will age and mass (or surface temperature). Many normal
convert He3 in the envelope to Be7, much of which stars have large deficiencies of both Li and Be.
will be returned to cooler regions to form Li7. Scalo The greater-than-cosmic abundances of the ele-
and Ulrich (1973) postulate that the mixing is done in ments Li, Be, and Β in the atmospheres of Ap stars
plumes during the He shell flashes. The Li7 is formed may help to illuminate details of the structure of these
from Be7 in the plumes. They suggest that the range stars. Diffusion in stellar atmospheres is a likely cause
in Li content in S and C stars is due to effects of evolu- of the abundance variations.
tion and mass, and if the mass effects are dominant, Both supergiant and giant stars appear to show the
then the super Li-rich stars are the most massive. A effects of post-main-sequence dilution of the light
large number of flashes (they suggest ~ 103) are elements, i.e., the surface layer in which the light ele-
needed, however, to produce the large overabundances ment is preserved is spread throughout the star and
in the carbon stars. They discuss the concentration of mixed by convection with material which contains no
the super-Li-rich stars in the SC boundary region and light elements. The quantitative predictions of Iben's
in the 2400°-2700° Κ temperature range. In a detailed theories are well-supported by the Be abundances in
study of carbon and eruptive late-type stars, Sack- post-main-sequence stars. Due to the complicated
mann. Smith, and Despain (1974) find that high history of Li in stars, the interpretation of the Li
abundances of surface Li7 can result from a single deep abundances in giants and supergiants is more am-
mixing of short duration (~103 years). For inter- bigious. The theory of Li dilution in normal giants is

© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

the most satisfactoiy way to interpret the abundances Catchpole, R. M. 1971, M.N.R.A.S. 154, 15p.
of Li in those stars, however. New ideas about stellar Catchpole, R. M., and Feast, M. W. 1971, M.N.R.A.S. 154, 197.
structure and evolution have been developed to ac- Chmielewski, Y., Müller, Ε. Α., and Brault, ]. W. 1975, Astr.
and Ap. 42, 37.
count for the light-element content, as well as the Cohen, J.G. 1974, Pub. A.S.P. 86, 31.
heavy-metal content, of the peculiar, late-type stars, Conti, P. S. 1968, Ap.J. 151, 567.
the carbon, and S-type stars. It is clear that the en- Conti, P. S., and Danziger, I. J. 1966, Ap. J. 146, 383.
richments in Li, C, Tc, and s-process elements are Conti, P. S., and Wallerstein, G. 1969, Αρ. J. 155, 11.
giving us clues to the complicated structure and evo- Danziger, I. ]. 1967, Ap. J. 150, 733.
Danziger, I. J., and Conti, P. S. 1966, Ap. J. 146, 392.
lution of red-giant stars. In addition the mass lost Feast, M. W. 1954, Mem. Soc. Roy. Sc. Liege (Coll. No. 8), 15,
from these stars to the interstellar gas tells us some- 413.
thing about the chemical evolution of the galaxy. Field, G. B. 1974, Ap.J. 187, 453.
Theoretical and observational studies of the light Gähm, G. F., and Hultqvist, L. 1972, Astr. and Ap. 16, 329.
elements have melded and interacted successfully to Greenstein, J. L., and Tandberg-Hanssen, E. 1954, Ap. J. 119,
increase our comprehension of element formation, Grevesse, N. 1968, Solar Phys. 5, 159.
cosmology, stellar structure, and evolution. At times Hall, D. Ν. B., and Engvold, O. 1975, Ap. J. 197, 513.
the observational results have directed the theoretical Herbig, G. H. 1965, Αρ. J. 141, 588.
interpretations and at times the theoiy has led or dic- 1975, A.S.P. meeting, Ensenada.
tated the observations. The continuing frontier areas Herbig, G. H., and Wolff, R. J. 1966, Ann. d'Ap. 29, 593.
Hollander, J. M., Periman, L, and Seaborg, G. T. 1953, Rev.
are predominantly in the study of stellar structure Mod. Phys. 25, 469.
through the surface abundances of the light elements. Hunger, Κ. 1957, A.J. 62, 294.
Iben, L, Jr. 1965α, Αρ. J. 141, 993.
I should like to express my appreciation to Dr. 1965k, ibid. 142, 1447.
George H. Herbig for his many valuable comments on 1967, ibid. 147, 624.
this work. Drs. Sidney C. Wolff, Walter K. Bonsack, 1973, Ap.J. 185,209.
Peter S. Conti, and George Wallerstein kindly read the Keenan, P. C. 1967, A.J. 72, 808.
manuscript and made numerous useful suggestions. Kohl, J. L., Parkinson, W. H., and Withbroe, G. L. 1976 (pri-
vate communication).
Kraft, R. P. 1966, Ap.J. 144, 1008.
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