Juan Pablo Javarez II Assignment

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Juan Pablo C Javarez II

Foundation of Security and Correctional Administration


Answer the following questions comprehensively.
1. Cite significant example/s of the applied correction security measure on
the following aspects:

a. Procedural
Procedural security involves the detection of possible issues and problems,
and then isolating and dealing with them. This type of security can also
include much of the stuff that goes on internally, like information detection
and collation. This is used at search points located around the prison
complex, and also forming profiles and keeping records. This type of system
is very important because it keeps everything in a structured order and
includes information on all inmates and how things should run, particularly
the security side of things.
At Bucor, we always follow the standard procedure in safekeeping where
chain of command is being practice because we do believe that the senior
officers are veterans when it comes to experiences and decision making and
how we should handle the persons deprived of liberty so that we will not
violate the UN standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners.
Also, one of the most important was should not overlook the step by step
process because sometimes it can compromise the security measures.

B. Physical

Physical security measures have a major importance in the prison service as

all together provide multiple layers of security to prevent convicts from
escaping. This allows their movement to become restricted and they can be
supervised at all times as it's a small area where they can be monitored. By
using CELLS, LOCKS, PERIMETER FENCE, ALARMS and others mechanical
tools/equipment to ensure that the convicts can’t be escape.
Cells are important in physical security as they consist of strong walls or
bars that are hard to get through and so this is the inner layer that prevents
escape. Cells can be found in a number of places including police stations
where convicts are held temporarily; prisons to enable convicts to carry out
the length of their sentence and in prison vans where convicts are
transported to other prisons.
Locks to ensure cells are even more secure, each door will have a robust
lock in order to make sure the door to the cell will not open unless a prison
officer allows it to open. This ensures the convict remains in the cell. Locks
will be found on the outside of all cell doors and gates, as the lock is on the
outside, convicts will find it very difficult to escape as they won't have access
to the lock and therefore, can't try to get around this security measure by
picking the lock with items inside the cell.
Alarms are used around and outside the prison in order to detect when
convicts try to escape, when an alarm sounds, this alerts prison guards that
a convict is escaping and so allows other important security measures to
begin. It also helps to prevent escapes due to psychological reasons, if a
convict knows that there are alarms present it will give them more reason to
not try and escape as they are likely to be caught.

C. Labor
A prison guard will walk around a particular area a number of times in
order to check that everything is secure and therefore, this prevents convicts
escaping as if spotted, the correct procedure can then take place to stop this
escape. Patrolling happens throughout the day and night as escapes can
occur at any time

d. Information

Information security example was the transportation of person deprived of

liberty in to other prison facility. In this particular security a high level of
confidentiality must been followed because in every information that may
leak it can cause an opportunity to convicts to breach/break the security.
The information security will have all the data of other security like
physical security and labor security. Also, leak of information will be
threat not only in officer but also in the entire operation.

2. Among the above-mentioned correction facility security aspects, which

of those is/are the most vulnerable to assault, penetration, and/or breach.
For me, since prisoners usually have a lot of time in which they are doing
nothing, this gives them plenty of time to think, allowing them to devise
plans and figure out ways to escape. I think the first thing they would
encounter was the PRISON UNIT/LABOR itself because of daily interactions
in the prison guards/officers where they could study the movement of the
manpower inside the facility. And I can’t say it is the physical structure itself
because in escaping it is the last measures they will encounter. And
structure itself design to detained people by the means of prison facility.
Professional engineer designer itself will not design structure/building that
can be easily break or break.

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