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Physical security measures have a major importance in the prison service as all together
provide multiple layers of security to prevent convicts from escaping. This allows their
movement to become restricted and they can be supervised at all times as it's a small area
where they can be monitored. By using CELLS, LOCKS, PERIMETER FENCE, ALARMS,

If a convict is secured in a cell, this allows their movement to become restricted and they can be
supervised at all times as it's a small area where they can be monitored. Cells are important in
physical security as they consist of strong walls or bars that are hard to get through and so this
is the inner layer that prevents escape. Cells can be found in a number of places including police
stations where convicts are held temporarily; prisons to enable convicts to carry out the length
of their sentence and in prison vans where convicts are transported to other prisons. 

To ensure cells are even more secure, each door will have a robust lock in order to make sure
the door to the cell will not open unless a prison officer allows it to open. This ensures the
convict remains in the cell. Locks will be found on the outside of all cell doors and gates, as the
lock is on the outside, convicts will find it very difficult to escape as they won't have access to
the lock and therefore, can't try to get around this security measure by picking the lock with
items inside the cell.
Alarms are used around and outside the prison in order to detect when convicts try to escape,
when an alarm sounds, this alerts prison guards that a convict is escaping and so allows other
important security measures to begin. It also helps to prevent escapes due to psychological
reasons, if a convict knows that there are alarms present it will give them more reason to not
try and escape as they are likely to be caught. 

The main purpose of fences is to stop the convict from escaping from the prison unit as they are
wide and tall and so it's very difficult to climb over them. These tall fences can be found around
the prison unit as this provides the outer layer of security. It further prevents the convict from
escaping as even if they are able to climb over, it delays the escape and allows prison guards to
either stop the climbing or be present on the other side of the fence in order to stop the escape
and send the convict back to their cell. ever, alarms are only important when there is a prompt
response as if this is not occurring, the convict may have Gates: 
Although gates are passages where convicts would be allowed to pass through, they are secure
enough to help improve security. Locks are provided so it ensures that all convicts pass through
only when allowed and there will be police officers controlling the movement ensuring that no
convicts can escape.

Security of surrounding area:

This is an important feature in the physical security measures as it’s the last measure in the
multiple layers and so is the last opportunity to prevent escape. If a convict has managed to
escape the prison unit, the security of the surrounding area provides another way of capturing
the convict before escaping and gives prison guards more time in order to identify and react to
the escape. This security will happen throughout the day and night as escapes can happen at
any time.

The main purpose of patrolling areas is to detect whether convicts are trying to escape or
providing any use of unsafe actions. A prison guard will walk around a particular area a number
of times in order to check that everything is secure and therefore, this prevents convicts
escaping as if spotted, the correct procedure can then take place to stop this escape. Patrolling
happens throughout the day as escapes can occur at any time.

 Checks of all security areas: 

Routine checks of all security areas are essential in providing full security within the prison. At
certain times of day, the prison guards will carry out these routine checks which will be the
same each day. By checking security often like this it can identify when a security measure is
not working properly and this can be fixed to prevent escape. Non- routine checks are also
important as if anything seems suspicious or if something has happened that needs a security
check to be done this ensures that this improves safety, this will happen at any time where it is
needed. This prevents convicts from escaping as it ensures that all security measures that are
provided are secure and working. If all security measures are in place correctly, convicts will
find it very difficult to escape.

Search equipment:
Search equipment such as firearms, weapons and escape equipment is used when searching
areas for security as this ensures that all people are safe when this equipment is used
appropriately. This equipment is used each time security is checked and prison guards will
always have easy access to any of this equipment. This search equipment helps to prevent
escape as not only does the use of weapons decrease the likelihood that an escape would occur
but also if an escape does occur the escape equipment will almost always ensure that the
escape is prevented.

Definition of search area:

The main purpose of having a definition of a search area is to understand which security
measures need to be provided and this ensures that all prison guards know the same thing so
that it's not changed. This prevents escape as it gives a sense of continuity to the convicts but
also secures the security measures put in place to prevent the escapes. 

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