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Research Proposal

My Personal & Professional

Development Plan

Student Name : Ankit Savaliya

Module Title : Personal and Professional Development


Module Code :

Professor Name :

Date Submitted :
Continued Personal and Professional Development

Table of Contents
The Importance of CPD and PDP.........................................................................3
Current Situation and Background.......................................................................9
My Personal Development.................................................................................11
SMART Goals.................................................................................................12
Short Term Goals.........................................................................................13
Medium Term Goals....................................................................................13
Long Term Goals..........................................................................................13
Learning Styles...................................................................................................14
Appendix 1 – Felder & Soloman LSQ............................................................20
Appendix 2 – LSQ Synopsis Honey & Mumford...........................................20
Appendix 3 – Honey & Mumford 2nd LSQ Result..........................................21
Appendix 4 – Personal SWOT Analysis.........................................................22
Appendix 5 – SMART GOALS......................................................................23
Appendix 6 – MBTI and Stress Indicator........................................................23
Appendix 7.1 – Management Style.................................................................25
Appendix 7.2 – Management Style 2..............................................................25
Appendix 8 – Memletic Learning Style Questionnaire...................................25
Appendix 9 – Personal Resilience...................................................................27
Appendix 10 – Workplace Culture..................................................................29
Appendix 11 – Motivation at Work.................................................................31
Appendix 12 – Skills Audit.............................................................................33
Appendix 13 – Assertiveness..........................................................................34
Appendix 14 – Temperament..........................................................................35
Appendix 15 – Extract Reflective Log............................................................37

Continued Personal and Professional Development

A Personal and Professional Development Plan (PDP) is a plan developed for

personal development at both the personal and professional levels. In this mandate, the PDP

was created with the next five years in mind and how it will help me develop and improve my

skills and knowledge. PDP has always played an important role in personal career

development, helping to improve planning and nurture life in a more balanced way. Be

prepared for opportunities and never fail to seize them. Develop and manage career paths

with set goals and objectives to be achieved. You can plan your personal life by going

through a PDP. Analyzing research can help you understand its impact on your learning and

leadership style.

Continuing professional development (CPD) is acquiring knowledge and expertise by

improving job skills. It will perform better and last a lifetime. CPD is described by the CPD

cycle. The CPD Cycle helps identify obstacles encountered in a person's professional and

personal development and helps develop plans to achieve goals and overcome challenges.

During these challenging times, creating and managing personal development plans to ensure

growth and employability becomes increasingly important. A person's career is an integral

part of a person's life. Therefore, it must be adequately planned and managed. This research

explores the importance of learning, how Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is

relevant to my organization, and how I can instil that skill for future endeavours. It helps you

gain insight. The study also covers your journey during the course, the obstacles you

encountered, and the actions you took to overcome those obstacles. The insights gained from

the research have informed my future associations and led me to re-evaluate my goals for

more likely outcomes in the future. It aims to analyze and evaluate various concepts and

theories that help demonstrate understanding and form the basis of Continuing Personal and

Professional Development (CPPD).

Continued Personal and Professional Development

My research aims to analyze the theories and concepts available for subject research

critically and to demonstrate the knowledge gained in this research. I also explained how it

helped me. To deepen my understanding, I also conducted self-evaluation and learning style

questionnaires and obtained comprehensive knowledge. It is also an ongoing process of

developing skills and improving over time for continued employability. I will take some tests,

such as Felder & Solomon LSQ (Appendix 1) and Honey & Mumford LSQ and their

summaries (Appendices 2 & 3). The results obtained from these tests help identify one's

strengths and weaknesses, which are included in the individual's SWOT analysis (Appendix

4). You can also recognize SMART goals for the short, medium, and long term (Appendix 5).

I use several other learning and testing resources available online to understand and validate

my learning style and techniques. As PDP and CPD are ongoing processes that support the

continuous improvement and development of skills that lead to continued employability and

success in professional and social life, they should be considered when implementing future

personal development plans to help you be better prepared.

The Importance of CPD and PDP

CPD is known for the continuous growth of individuals as they enter the profession.

The CPD process is continually extended throughout an individual's life to enhance their

professional and personal qualities, expand their knowledge and skills, and help them grow in

their professional roles and responsibilities. It is a process that helps individuals track and

document their learning and development through a continuous process of reflection and

action (Collin, Van der Heijden and Lewis, 2012). The whole process allows individuals to

empower and inspire their goals. It helps individuals to update and improve their knowledge

and abilities. It can be described as a combination of approaches, ideas, and techniques that

Continued Personal and Professional Development

support personal growth and learning throughout a professional career. CPD processes are

planned, evaluated, and improved, and professional skills are developed (Masoumi, Hatami

and Pourkaremi, 2019).

Personal Development Plan (PDP) is an introspection and self-awareness plan that

helps individuals reflect on their learning style and development. It helps analyze, schedule,

and alter personal and professional development plans. The core learning process helps

identify personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement to reach those

goals. It helps identify knowledge gaps and fix them for future efforts (Greenan, 2016). A

PDP is created or developed to achieve the goals and objectives set by the individual. The

PDP includes a variety of methods to help individuals review individual progress. PDP

enables individuals to reach their maximum level of skill and technique by improving their

performance, so they can consistently achieve the top results of their efforts at any point in

their career (Ketels, Beausaert and Segers, 2012).

A model proposed by CMI maps the continuous cycle of PDP. A CMI model is

represented by various steps that must be followed to achieve a set goal. The model works in

seven steps: establish, identify, develop, formulate, implement, record, and evaluate. Also, it

is a continuous process to achieve the desired goal, and once completed, it is pursued again to

reach another set of plans. It is one model that describes PDP and presents personal

development as a continuous process of nurturing, shaping, and developing an individual's

skills and knowledge to ensure maximum effectiveness and continued employability.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Gibbs (1988) proposed a model known as Gibbs's Reflective Model that represents

learning from experience. The cyclical nature of the framework allows us to explore, evaluate

and review experiences and develop action plans. It can be a single experience or multiple

experiences. Reflection is the act of recalling and reconstructing an event. Also, it is

evaluated, and areas for improvement are analyzed. The cycle offers an examination of felt

experience throughout the process. It's constantly improving, an ongoing process that needs

to be maintained (Wain, 2017). It is recorded and divided into sections (Appendix 15).

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Diagram: Gibbs G [1988] Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford

Polytechnic: Oxford.

Moon (1999) describes reflection as "a form of mental processing." Moon represented

reflection through four stages. It begins with descriptive writing, a report that leads to

descriptive writing over some reflection. This leads towards reflective writing 1, which is a

thorough but incomplete reflection, and finally, there is reflective writing 2, in which the

practice of reflection benefits the individual (Warner and Picard, 2020).

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Kolb's (1984) model is known as Kolb's reflection model of learning or experiential

learning because it is based on individual experience, reviewing, perfecting, and

experimenting with knowledge gained from experience. This model has four stages that begin

with an individual's concrete experience and lead to reflection. Knowledge, i.e., observation,

the next step is analysis, i.e., learning gained from experience, and then evaluation, i.e.,

planning or testing what has been learned. Once the cycle is completed, a new understanding

of another process emerges (Morris, 2019).

Schön (1991) describes reflection as "Reflection in action" and "Reflection on

action." Reflection in action means the learning and action produced during the situation, and

reflection on action means the learning and action made after the situation. When you reflect

on your actions, you experience yourself, think about the current situation, and act quickly.

During behavioural reflection, individuals reflect on what happened and how they might

handle the situation in the future, helping them process their emotions and actions (Tan,


Continued Personal and Professional Development

Study different models, help point out deficiencies and restructure our development

plans to achieve more favorable results for future growth. All models helped identify

weaknesses so that we could work again towards goals. When traversing a PDP, reflection is

its central pillar. Reflection is evaluating one's experience, measured through practice and

approach. Ratings are compared and observed for future reference. It's always difficult to

reflect on your own experiences and use them for self-improvement. Engaging with PDP

early in career also has benefits, such as identifying and unlocking a person's potential,

providing evidence of their strengths, and helping them plan for the future.

I am always looking forward to improving my skills and constantly reflecting on the

achievements and want to accomplish in the future. This will allow me to improve all aspects

of life. Thinking about learning helps you set goals to achieve and measure them within a

specified time frame, making you more realistic. I am focused on gaining knowledge that will

help me gain an exceptional edge when applying for jobs. It is therefore vital to promptly

update my skills and expertise. Gaining experience is significant as it allows you to

understand how to react and act in a crisis. Various literature and theories helped me

Continued Personal and Professional Development

understand the importance of PDP and CPD. It enables you to plan and execute accordingly

and improve your knowledge and skills in multiple subjects. As a result, I can shape my

professional and personal career. Reflections help individuals develop new skills and check

the effectiveness of acquired skills. We review and evaluate the actions performed, take

corrective action on what can be done for improvement, and implement those corrective


The learning encouraged me to prepare and develop specific, measurable, and realistic

goals and showed me how to achieve them within a time frame. It helped me adapt and stay

flexible, which will help me plan and shape the future more predictably.

Current Situation and Background

I was born & brought up in Surat, a city in the West of India. I have completed my

early education and professional qualification of company secretary course from Surat. Due

to my keen interest in business & finance, I decided to pursue my bachelor's degree in

business administration in the city of Bhopal (India). To take this passion for business studies

one step further, I'm currently pursuing a global master's program at Solent University,

United Kingdom. I have chosen this course to improve my skills and abilities, which will

help me to develop the expertise that will help to attain my future goals. The prime objective

of choosing the course is to gain knowledge and a degree that will increase my chances of

landing my dream job that caters to my passion and interest and helps me progress


Right from childhood, I was inclined toward various outdoor sports such as cricket

and football. I participated in many interschool competitions for these sports, which enhanced

my team-building traits, coordination, and interpersonal skills. Indoor games such as tennis

Continued Personal and Professional Development

and chess helped me develop my focus and decision-making skills. Apart from sports,

reading various articles and books on the stock market and business cases is a leisure activity

I enjoy the most. It also helps me in staying up to date about business and market trends.

After completing my bachelor's degree in business administration in India, I started

working as a business development executive at a local company in Surat. These two plus

years of experience have helped me understand the market, develop my business acumen, and

maintain clientele. I had to collaborate and interact with various other company departments

and external clients, which improved my interpersonal communication and problem-solving

skills. In this role, I learned to develop business strategies and apply them in real-life

scenarios. These aspects contributed to developing my practical skills and theoretical

knowledge gained through my bachelor's degree. I was ambitious to work internationally as a

business development manager with an FMCG company and want to be associated with

Unilever UK. Although, I realized that I still have to gain skillset and expertise to take this a

step ahead. At that point, I decided to continue further with my studies and started searching

for a program where I could build and develop new skills that would help me land the

position I had aimed for. The research for taking up the course, which will help me develop

new skills and the ideal place where I can nurture my dream, took me to opt for Solent

University, UK.

After moving to the United Kingdom, I have opted for a part-time job to manage the

expenses. I am currently a sales assistant at Morrisons, where my key responsibilities include

order and check of portfolios, customer management & assistance, and rectifying any errors.

During the job interview for my current position, I was questioned about my lack of

professional knowledge in business administration. However, the skills I developed during

school and graduation helped me demonstrate my abilities and secure the job. The course will

further allow me to develop skills and gain insights and perspective to understand what I have

Continued Personal and Professional Development

learned and what is needed in the future to increase the required skillsets. I am confident that

the chosen degree will help me to land the right job in a managerial role at a reputed UK firm.

The PDP course has allowed me to reflect upon the areas I lack and how to overcome those

challenges in the future. I will continue the CDP and PDP in the future to be updated,

employable, and successful.

My Personal Development
I experienced PDP early in my career and focused on it for my overall growth to

succeed in my professional and personal life. I understand the importance of sticking to my

development plan. This includes focusing on your studies and agreeing to a professional plan.

I keep it in every vital part of my goals. I realized through my PDP and CPD that I lacked

various skills and competencies due to the wrong learning approach. Following the right

direction of learning will help remove or limit the barriers that cross the path in the future.

PDP and CPD help you learn in a structured, relevant, and actionable way. While PDP is

concerned with long-term personal development, CPD focuses on short-term learning of the

necessary skills and knowledge. Following these processes allowed me to determine my

strengths and weaknesses and analyze new opportunities and threats that may arise in the

future (Appendix 4). Identifying your SWOT can help increase your chances of future

success and lessen the impact of potential problems. I could also find new opportunities and

eliminate threats by understanding my weaknesses. A SWOT analysis helped me develop a

personal vision that helped me create a plan to help me achieve my personal goals (SMART

goals). I also set new goals while doing assessments to keep me motivated. I seek knowledge

from peers and professors and try to connect more with friends. I also signed up on various

professional networking sites to understand some articles and get advice from like-minded

people on my future development. I continue to work on the learning part of my development

Continued Personal and Professional Development

plan. It helps you reach your goals, identify your learning style, and influence your focus

(GÜREL, 2017).

CPD helped me understand my goals and what I wanted to achieve. It helped me get

the knowledge I needed to reach my goals. Helped create personal SWOT analysis and

mentioned development needs. I had a problem when setting goals. As the LSQ results

showed, I couldn't decide what to do with my plan. I scored highest on visual style on

Memletic LSQ Physical Learning (Appendix 8). This means I must also focus more on aural

and verbal learning. The leadership style results (Appendices 7.1 and 7.2) also show that I am

a producer, composer, and collaborator.

I am aware of this and am committed to improving my leadership style to become a

better leader in the future. Honey and Mumford's findings (Appendix 3) describe me as a

reflector because I observe more and always pay attention to my work. Other results, like my

previous results, point to pragmatist and activists (Singh et al., 2020). I need to pay more

attention in the future and develop my skills overall. It also shows that I am thorough in my

role and need to stick to it. My leadership style reveals that I challenge my skills to get the

job done.

I added different elements to my CPD and passed all the tests to best identify and

work on my learning and leadership style, increasing my chances of being more successful

and career-focused. This also helps you gain an unspoken advantage over your competitors.

The MBTI Personality Test (Appendix 6) enables you to identify your personality's positive

and negative aspects. My result showed my personality closer to ENFJ, which means I am

like a protagonist.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

SMART goals are a significant and continuous part of this task as they should be set

for skill and knowledge development. Goal setting has five steps: clarity, challenge,

commitment, feedback, and task complexity (Ogbeiwi, 2017). To better understand your

goals, you need to be more explicit and measure your results more often. Also, timely follow-

up can motivate individuals to succeed for a higher purpose. Those who participate in the

goal-setting phase of the method are more likely to set higher and more ambitious goals. The

main practical benefit of influencing unachieved goals is to reassess and simplify plans to

make goals more achievable in the long run (Bjerke and Renger, 2017).

Short Term Goals

 My short-term goal is to get a placement as an "Assistant Business development

manager" at Unilever UK in the food and refreshment sector by March 2023.

 My second short-term goal is to complete the Business Development level 7

certification course by October 2023.

Medium Term Goals

 My first medium-term goal is to be in the "Business Development Manager" position

for the food and refreshment sector in Unilever UK by May 2024.

 My second medium-term goal is to go on a world tour with my family by June 2025.

Long Term Goals

 After going through the process of self-reflection, I determined my long-term goals.

The first goal is to be in the "Senior Business Development Manager" position for the

food and refreshment sector in Unilever UK by 2027.

 My second long-term goal is to buy a 3BHK flat for myself in my home country

India, preferably the city where I was born, i.e., Surat, by the end of 2028.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

My learning and leadership styles were identified through various tests, and the

results were analyzed to find out where I need to improve to prepare for future challenges and

be on my way to success. Participating in CPD has helped me understand my goals and what

I want to achieve in my career. It helped me understand and be informed about what I needed

to do to achieve my desired goals. With his help, I created a personal SWOT analysis that

helped me identify my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This allowed us to

identify potential threats that could cause problems in development and deal with them.

Setting goals gave us a rough idea of what we wanted to achieve.

Learning Styles
Undergoing this course, I have been through several readings and taken several online

and offline tests. Going through all these materials and getting the results have helped me to

understand my learning style and work on its improvement. I started with Felder & Solomon

LSQ (Appendix 1), making me more intuitive, active, global, and verbal. It means that my

approach toward learning is based on my intuitions (Wang and Mendori, 2015). The results

from the Honey & Mumford LSQ (Appendix 2 & 3) gave me an idea that my learning

approach is a reflector, meaning I learn by watching, which does not match entirely with the

previous test results. However, the other nearest result was pragmatist, which means that I

like new ideas, and speculations and my approach is to put the concepts in life practically.

The results gave me a picture of my learning styles and what corrective measures should be

taken to improve them. I understood that I should have to reflect upon theories and

understand the traditional methods of learning, which are theoretical concepts. That will help

me to be more logical during challenging situations.

The online and offline tests I took to understand my skills and knowledge gave me

some surprising results as I understood the areas I lack and need improvement. The MBTI

Continued Personal and Professional Development

and Stress Indicator test (Appendix 6) showed my personality type, ENFJ, which displays

that I am people-oriented, responsible, idealistic, and expressive. The drawback of this type

of personality is short-sightedness, indecision, and excessive criticism. I also agree with the

results, as I feel like I do have some of these. The leadership style quiz (Appendix 7.1 & 7.2)

also showcased similar results as I have a democratic or participative leadership style.

Management style 2 also showed that I follow a producer, composer, and collaborator style.

It means that I judge carefully and believe in mutual respect & conflict resolution. The

Memletics style quiz (Appendix 8) displayed that I have a visual learning style, followed by a

physical and logical style. The personality, management, and learning style tests have helped

me understand which areas I must improve and what skills I lack and nourish them further.

The personal resilience test (Appendix 9) helped me to understand my resistance to

change, which means how good I am with the changes which will be constant throughout

one's personal and professional lifespan. The result showed that I have a high score when it

comes to coping, but also, there is an area of improvement in organizing, which I must work

upon the most. Also, the results depicted that I can still improve in the rest of the areas, which

are problem solving, self-confidence, working with others, and support networks (Rice and

Liu, 2016). The Workplace Culture (Appendix 10) quiz results demonstrated that I have to

work on my drive to perform, take feedback, and judge constructively. The scores are mid-

range, meaning there is a considerable margin to improve myself to be highly effective in the

workplace culture. The Motivation at Work (Appendix 11) quiz demonstrated that although I

have scored significantly in several areas, I must work on failure aversion, an essential skill I

lack. I should also work on stability and interaction (Jain, Gupta, and Bindal, 2019). Taking

the Skill Audit Test (Appendix 12) helped me identify the skills I have and skills I lack or

have to improve. The results made me realize that I lack many skills, and to be professionally

and personally successful, I have to work on those skills immediately, and also keep

Continued Personal and Professional Development

improving my skills. The Assertiveness Quiz (Appendix 13) shows the mid-range of results

which again implies that I have to improve, and the Temperament Quiz (Appendix 14) results

in displays that I have to work on perceiving attitude, which will help me to build and

develop myself.

I have so far not emphasized the learning process or factors. After going through

various tests and concepts, I found it essential to understand and assess my learning style.

This tells us what personality and learning style an individual has and what actions can be

taken to improve. The results of various tests show that you need to work hard on the skills

you lack to enhance your character and succeed in being recognized. However, I also

realized that the process of self-improvement is continuous and continues throughout a

person's life. To achieve what you want and become a successful person in the future, you

need to start working immediately and make the learning process for personal and

professional development a constant in your life.)

This assessment helped me understand my growth, validate it for future growth, and

understand the process of CPD with PDP. CPD is a constant learning cycle in which you can

identify your direction, learning needs, the path to success, and overall process reflection.

PDP improves skills and ensures maximum effectiveness and employability of people. It is an

ongoing process throughout a person's life. This assignment helped me understand different

theories and concepts and helped me gain insight and reflect on my learning style.

I could identify and improve my learning style, skills, and future goals by taking

several online tests and using available resources. CPD and PDP helped me identify my

strengths and weaknesses and see my skills and development effectiveness. By studying

Continued Personal and Professional Development

CPD, understand where you are going, what you need to learn and improve, and how you can

reach your goals. All these activities lead to reflection, and the process continues again. CPD

helped me identify areas where my skills and knowledge were lacking, and PDP helped me

think about the goals I wanted to achieve. This research has helped me identify and develop

my overall personality by improving my skills and setting SMART goals. Various online

tests help you better understand your management, learning style and characteristics, and

future goals and learning needs. Access to your knowledge is minimal when presenting

online, as you need a hands-on approach to deepen your understanding. The feedback I

received while taking various online tests helped me improve my skills and grow in my

learning process. I learned that defined goals are SMART and should be reviewed promptly

and adapted to our needs. The study helped me become more confident, approachable,

resilient, and understanding. I have found it essential to develop, learn and improve the skills

that will help increase my employability. I have future perspective requirements that help me

understand what people think of me and what they want, making me more relatable.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Bjerke, M. and Renger, R., 2017. Being smart about writing SMART

objectives. Evaluation and Program Planning, 61, pp.125-127.

Collin, K., Van der Heijden, B. and Lewis, P., 2012. Continuing professional

development. International Journal of Training and Development, 16(3), pp.155-163.

Greenan, P., 2016. Personal development plans: insights from a case based

approach. Journal of Workplace Learning, 28(5), pp.322-334.


International Social Research, 10(51), pp.994-1006.

Jain, D., Gupta, D. and Bindal, D., 2019. A Study of Employee Motivation in

Organization. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, 09(06),


Ketels, N., Beausaert, S. and Segers, M., 2012. The Use of Personal Development

Plans (PDPs) in Organizations and the Role of Its Perceived Purpose. Learning at the

Crossroads of Theory and Practice, pp.71-92.

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Masoumi, D., Hatami, J. and Pourkaremi, J., 2019. Continuing professional

development: policies, practices and future directions. International Journal of Educational

Management, 33(1), pp.98-111.

Morris, T., 2019. Experiential learning - a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s

model. DGfE Conference for Adult Education,.

Ogbeiwi, O., 2017. Why written objectives need to be really SMART. British Journal

of Healthcare Management, 23(7), pp.324-336.

Rice, V. and Liu, B., 2016. Personal resilience and coping with implications for work.

Part I: A review. Work, 54(2), pp.325-333.

Singh, S., Yadav, S., Kalra, R., Naeem, R., Verma, A., Gupta, R. and Sarin, N., 2020.

Honey-Mumford's learning styles of medical laboratory students: An observational study

with implications for laboratory efficiency. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences, 8(1),


Tan, C., 2020. Revisiting Donald Schön’s notion of reflective practice: a Daoist

interpretation. Reflective Practice, 21(5), pp.686-698.

Wain, A., 2017. Learning through reflection. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(10),


Wang, J. and Mendori, T., 2015. A Study of the Reliability and Validity of Felder-

Soloman Index of Learning Styles in Mandarin Version. 2015 IIAI 4th International

Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics,.

Warner, R. and Picard, M., 2020. What do Master's students' structured reflections say

about the learning processes involved in commencing a research project?. Journal of

University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17(1), pp.92-107.

Continued Personal and Professional Development


Appendix 1 – Felder & Soloman LSQ

Appendix 2 – LSQ Synopsis Honey & Mumford

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 3 – Honey & Mumford 2nd LSQ Result

Continued Personal and Professional Development

My Results
Activist – 10
Pragmatist – 14

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Theorist – 9
Reflector – 16

Appendix 4 – Personal SWOT Analysis

I am a good listener and pay attention to the Less interest in the traditional approach
Planning and execution of activities. Does not worry about the future.
Quick decision-making. Consistent approach
Quick learning and memorizing. Time management causes a delay in
completing tasks and activities
I am an efficient team member.
I have patience, which helps to analyze and
evaluate situations.
A new thinking and working approach may Quick decision-making can lead to unlikely
lead to success. results.

Appendix 5 – SMART GOALS

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 6 – MBTI and Stress Indicator

MBTI Head Type

MBTI Stress Heads

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 7.1 – Management Style

Appendix 7.2 – Management Style 2

Appendix 8 – Memletic Learning Style Questionnaire

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 9 – Personal Resilience

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 10 – Workplace Culture

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 11 – Motivation at Work

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Self-Motivation Quiz - Goal Setting Tools from

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 12 – Skills Audit

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 13 – Assertiveness

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 14 – Temperament

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Continued Personal and Professional Development

Appendix 15 – Extract Reflective Log


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