Written Assignment

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Peer-to-peer learning, or peer learning, is an educational practice in which students

interact with one another to attain educational goals. Peer learning allows students to work
through new concepts and material with other individuals engaged in the same work and
provides them with opportunities to teach and be taught by one another, expanding their
perspectives and fostering meaningful connections.
University of people is a place where peer assessment plays an important role. Here,
there are two places which peer assessment is included. First, in discussion forum, we have to
share ideas and get ideas from the others. We have to rate and respond at least three of our
classmates. The next one, in written assignment, we get grades from assessing other people’s
assignments. We have to read and give rates three of our classmates. There we must read
carefully and try our best to give feedbacks. If we think of it easily then, it can affect other
people’s grades.
Peer assessment offers both educational and social benefits to students, while it
provides valuable skills for their careers. While we are doing peer assessment, we can learn
from other people’s mistakes. Even learning from our mistakes has so many advantages.
Then when we can learn from other people’s mistakes, we will definitely get countless
advantages. In workplaces, peer assessment is also important. It can help employees work
together and the organization can be improved. With the help of peer assessment, employees
get new skills.
On the other hand, when each individual has improved his or her skills, the
organization can improve, too. The effort of individual is directly proportional to the
improvement of the organization. With the help of peer assessment, each person in the
organization can be closer to each other.
There we meet with so many difficulties in giving and receiving feedbacks. The first
one while giving feedback is that as we are not teachers, we are afraid that our feedbacks will
be wrong. That is the main problem I am currently facing. As I am not qualified enough, I
am afraid that my feedbacks will be wrong and the grades I give the others will be lower than
the actual grades they should get. The next one is for the people who do not have high level
reading skills including me. I am very lazy to read thoroughly and it can give bad effects to
my peers. Mainly for those who are not native English speaker, they can misunderstand the
meaning and they cannot get the actual meaning of the writer. The last one is the lack of
enough time. We sometimes submit assignments just before deadlines and then we do not
have enough time to check other people’s thoroughly and we can do it just briefly. That is
not good for the peers. The three I have mentioned above are the difficulties we have to face
while giving feedbacks.
We also have difficulties while receiving feedbacks, too. Some people may lack of
beliefs because other people are not instructors or qualified enough. They cannot believe the
other people’s assessments. Sometimes, they will definitely want to complain about it. For
example, some people will believe that their writings are flawless and when their grades do
not meet with their expectations, they will first think that the problem is with the person who
assesses their assignments. It does not mean that the complainers are bad people. We must
complain when we are not satisfied. I am just pointing out the fact that can happen for sure.
For me, to avoid making mistakes in assessing written assignments, I will give a lot of
time for assessing. Most of the written assignments are so long and at least 1-2 pages so it
would be difficult for us to complete it in just 1 or 2 hours. When I give enough time, I can
read the assignments frequently and thoroughly. We must plan on how to give grades. For
example, when the written assignment has 1-5 grammar errors, then we must subtract
1points. Discussion forum’s assignments are not too long and we must reply at least 100
words. While replying, netiquettes are very important. We must follow those rules.

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