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Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State University

Lucban, Quezon

College of Engineering


EEN01L: Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits I


Experiment No. 1:
Familiarization with Electrical
Measuring Instruments

Name: __________________________ Date Performed : _________________

Course and Year: _________________ Date of Submission : _________________



Rating Laboratory Instructor

1. To identify the operating controls of typical analog and digital multi-meters.

2. To be able to give in writing the purpose of each meter control.
3. To be able to identify the meter lead polarity and connections.
4. To determine the value of a selection of resistors using three different methods:
a. Using the color codes (to give the nominal value)
b. Using the digital Ohmmeter.
c. Using Ohm’s Law.


Use of Laboratory Instruments

One of the major goals of this lab is to familiarize the student with the proper
equipment and techniques for making electrical measurements. Some
understanding of the lab instruments is necessary to avoid personal or equipment
damage. By understanding the device's purpose and following a few simple rules,
costly mistakes can be avoided.

Use of Ammeters and Voltmeters:

The most common measurements are those of voltages and currents.
Throughout this manual, the ammeter and voltmeter are represented as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Ammeter and voltmeter.

Ammeters are used to measure the flow of electrical current in a circuit.

Theoretically, measuring devices should not affect the circuit being studied. Thus,
for ammeters, it is important that their internal resistance be very small (ideally near
zero) so they will not constrict the flow of current. However, if the ammeter is
connected across a voltage difference, it will conduct a large current and damage
the ammeter. Therefore,

“Ammeters must always be connected in series in a circuit,

never in parallel with a voltage source”
High currents may also damage the needle on an analog ammeter. The high
currents cause the needle to move too quickly, hitting the pin at the end of the scale.
If you are not sure about the level of current your are measuring, always set the
ammeter to the highest scale possible, then adjust downward to the
appropriate level.

Voltmeters are used to measure the potential difference between two points.
Since the voltmeter should not affect the circuit, the voltmeters have very high
(ideally infinite) impedance. Thus, the voltmeter should not draw any current, and
not affect the circuit.

In general, all devices have physical limits. These limits are specified by the
device manufacturer and are referred to as the device rating. The ratings are usually
expressed in terms of voltage limits, current limits, or power limits. It is up to the
engineer to make sure that in device operation, these ratings (limit values) are not

Two types of measuring device used in electricity used today are: the analog
and the digital. The analog meter uses a moving pointer which indicates the
measured voltage on a calibrated scale. The quantity measured by the digital meter
appears a number on a numerical (digital). Anyone who reads numbers can read
the digital meter, but it takes a little practice to read the analog meter.

Types of Electrical Measurements

Measurements performed on an electric circuit include the circuit current,

voltage, power, and resistance. The measurement of the current and voltage are
basic as other quantities can be obtained such as power and resistance-power can
be measured from the product of voltage and current and resistance can be
measured from the voltage to current division (Ohm's Law).

Electrical measurements are classified into two major types, each using and
requiring different instrumentation:

(a) DC measurements indicate the average value of a time-varying quantity. DC

instruments are used only in circuits where the current is unipolar (dc), thus it has
a non-zero average value. Figures A1 and A2 show two time-varying quantities
that have non-zero average value. The dotted line in each case shows the
indication of a dc instrument measuring the quantity. Equation (1) is the formula
used to calculate the average (also called dc) value of a periodic wave form. Note
that, if the quantity is constant with time, its instantaneous value is also its
average (dc) value. That is the case, for example, when a circuit is supplied by a
(b) AC measurements indicate the rms (root mean square) value of a time-varying
(usually periodic) quantity. Circuits that operate with ac current can only be
measured by ac instruments. A dc instrument used in an ac circuit will indicate

Current Sensing in DC Measurements.

The measurement of both the current and voltage requires sensing

(measurement) of current. Many analog instruments sense current employing the
d'Arsonval meter. Figure B shows a diagram of this meter.
The core is an electromagnet surrounded by a permanent magnet. The current
that flows in the terminals of the electromagnet coil generates a torque on the core
which is directly proportional to the current. This forces the needle to move. The
motion of the needle is restrained by a mechanical coil (spring). The torque of the
spring is directly proportional to the deflection of the needle. Therefore, the deflection
of the needle is directly proportional to the current at the terminals of the instrument.

Current sensing instruments are rated at a maximum current and a maximum

voltage. Thus, the instrument can safely operate in measurements that do not
exceed its ratings. The ratio of the rated voltage to the rated current of the current
sensing instrument is its internal resistance-this appears in series with its terminals.

The Ammeter

A dc ammeter can be created employing the d'Arsonval current sensor, as

shown in Figure C. The ammeter must be inserted in series with the current it
measures. An internal arrangement of resistors is used to divide the current so that
the sensor sees only a fraction of the circuit current. With reference to Figure C, this
arrangement consists of several scaling resistors and a selection switch. By
selecting one of the scaling resistors, the portion of the measured current "seen" by
the sensor varies.

The scaling resistors determine the range of the current the ammeter can
measure. The resistance of a scaling resistor is chosen so that the current of the
sensor is the rated (maximum) value when the circuit current is at the upper limit of
the range. The different ranges are indicated on the scale of the instrument.
The Voltmeter

The voltmeter is connected in parallel to the measured voltage. Thus, it should

insert a large resistance so that the circuit is not disturbed. Figure D shows a
voltmeter created using a current sensor, series resistors and a selection switch.
The current sensed by the sensor is proportional to the measured voltage. The
resistance of the scaling resistors determines the range of voltage measurement.
Their value is chosen to limit the current into the sensor.

The Ohmmeter

A simplified schematic diagram of the ohmmeter is shown in Figure G. The

instrument employs a current sensor and a battery. The battery drives a constant
current into the resistor measured by the current sensor. The value of the resistance
is indicated on the instrument scale (sensor scale) from Ohm's law dividing the
battery voltage by the current. The variable resistor in Figure G is adjusted so that
only rated current flows into the sensor when the instrument terminals are shorted.
The maximum deflection of the scale is, therefore, graded to zero ohms and the
minimum deflection of the scale (open terminals) is graded to infinite ohms.
Operating Controls

Most meters have two basic operating controls: the function switch and the
range switch. First the desired measuring function must be selected. We’re
discussing voltmeters, so we would select the voltmeter function by setting the
function switch to VOLTS. We can further select the function by switching to AC
VOLTS or DC VOLTS. This represents alternating current (ac) or direct current (dc),
as in the household power outlets or batteries, respectively. You will learn more
about the different types of voltages in later exercises. We are concerned with only
direct current at this time.

Second, we must choose the range. The range switch works in conjunction
with the function switch to select the proper operating range for a specific
measurement. One other control is found on most meters. On DMMs it is called
ZERO control. Its purpose is to set the meter to zero before any measurement is
made. This is much like setting your watch to the correct time so that subsequent
time checks will be correct. On VOMs this same control is called the ZERO OHMS
control and is used only to adjust the ohmmeter. This is discussed in greater depth
when you learn to use the multimeter as an ohmmeter.


1. Analog Multimeter
2. Digital Multimeter
3. 3 – 47Ω Resistors
4. 3 – 4.7kΩ Resistors
5. 3 – 680 kΩ Resistors
6. Breadboard
7. Jumper/Connecting wires
8. DC Power Supply


1. Familiarization with the equipment

a. The instructor will discuss the resistor, breadboard, power supply and the
digital and analog multimeters.
2. Use of the Ohmmeter
a. Mark each resistor with letters (A,B,C,D,....).
b. Using the ohmmeter, measure the resistance of each resistor.
c. Record your findings on Table 1 in data and analysis section and fill the other
information/data required.
d. Interpret the data.

3. Measurement of Resistance Using an Analog Ammeter and a Voltmeter

a. Perform the circuit arrangement shown below. Use any of the 47 Ω resistor
that pass the tolerance test.

b. Vary the voltage supply to 1.5V, 3V, 4.5V, and 6V.

c. Record the measured voltage and current on Table 2 in data and analysis
d. Graph the measured current and voltage.
e. Interpret your data.


Table 1: Resistor Rated Value and Actual Value

Within the
Ohmmeter Percentage of
Resistor Resistor Rating tolerance range?
Reading Discrepancy
B 47Ω
E 4.7kΩ
H 680 kΩ


Table 2: Current and Voltage Test on 47Ω Resistor

Ammeter Voltmeter
Supply Voltage Value using
Reading Reading
Ohm’s Law






1. List the controls on the panel of a analog and digital multimeter, and state the purpose
of each.
2. Draw a linear scale with number calibrations from 0 to 10. Divide each of the major
divisions into10 minor divisions. Show where 8.7 would be on your scale.
3. Design an ammeter with two scales: 0-2 mA and 0-10 mA. Use a current sensor rated
at 200 μA, 100 mV. What resistance does the instrument insert in the circuit at each
4. Using the same current sensor as in (5), design a voltmeter with two scales: 0-10 V
and 0-100 V. What is the maximum current the instrument draws from the circuit for
each scale?
5. There are two(2) 4Ω resistors (Resistor A and Resistor B). One of them must be used
in a circuit. If the power rating of the resistors are 2W and 3W respectively, which one
will you use and why?

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