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CHAP 1 INTRODUCTION 2. Avoid Profiteering − Dishonest business actions such as hoarding,

black-marketing, selling banned or harmful goods to earn exorbitant
Ethics is a topic of social science that is connected with moral values and profits must be avoided.
social values. 'Business Ethics' can be called as a study of proper business 3. Encourage Healthy Competition − A well reasonable atmosphere that
policies and performs regarding possibly controversial issues, such as offers certain profits to the consumers must be encouraged.
corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social 4. Accuracy − Correctness in weighing, packaging and quality of
responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities. providing goods to the consumers has to be followed.
5. Pay Taxes Regularly − Taxes and other duties to the government must
Businesses must stand by some simple principles. It should offer quality be fairly and frequently paid.
goods and services at sensible prices to consumers. It must also evade 6. Get the Accounts Audited − Good business records, accounts must be
adulteration, misleading advertisements, and other unfair malpractices. achieved. All official persons and authorities should have admission to
these details.
A business must also implement other duties such as allocating fair wages, 7. Fair Treatment to Employees − Fair wages or salaries, facilities and
providing good working situations, not abusing the workers, encouraging incentives must be delivered to the employees.
competition, etc. 8. Keep the Investors Informed − The shareholders and investors must
know about the financial and other important choices of the company.
9. Avoid Injustice and Discrimination − Evade all types of unfairness
Business Ethics – Definition and prejudice to employees. Judgment based on gender, race, religion,
language, nationality, etc. should be avoided.
There are numerous meanings of business ethics, but the ones given by 10. No Bribe and Corruption − Do not give expensive gifts,
Andrew Crane and Raymond C. Baumhart are considered the most commissions and payoffs to people having influence.
appropriate ones. 11. Discourage Secret Agreement − Making secret agreements with
other business people to influence production, distribution, pricing
etc. are unethical.
 According to Crane, "Business ethics is the study of business situations, 12. Service before Profit − Accept the principle of "service first and
activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed." profit next."
 Baumhart defines, "The ethics of business is the ethics of responsibility. 13. Practice Fair Business − Businesses should be fair, humane,
The business man must promise that he will not harm knowingly." efficient and dynamic to offer certain benefits to consumers.
  14. Avoid Monopoly − No private monopolies and concentration of
  economic power should be practiced.
Features of Business Ethics 15. Fulfill Customers’ Expectations − Adjust your business activities
as per the demands, needs and expectations of the customers.
There are eight major types of business ethics  16. Respect Consumers Rights − Honor the basic rights of the consumers.
17. Accept Social Responsibilities − Honor responsibilities towards the
1. Code of Conduct − Business ethics is really a form of codes of conduct. society.
It lets us know what to do and what not to do. Businesses must follow 18. Satisfy Consumers’ Wants − Satisfy the wants of the consumers as the
this code of conduct. main objective of the business is to satisfy the consumer’s wants. All
business operations must have this aim.
2. Based on Moral and Social Values − Business ethics is a topic that is 19. Service Motive − Service and consumer's satisfaction should get more
based on moral and social values. It proposals some moral and social attention than profit-maximization.
principles (rules) for conducting a business. 20. Optimum Utilization of Resources − Ensure optimum utilization of
3. Protection to Social Groups − Business ethics defend numerous social resources to remove poverty and to increase the standard of living of
groups counting consumers, employees, small businesspersons, people.
government, shareholders, creditors, etc. 21. Intentions of Business − Use permitted legal and sacred means to do
4. business. Avoid Illegal, unscrupulous and evil means.
Offers a Basic Framework − Business ethics is the basic framework for
doing business correctly. It constructs the social, cultural, legal,
economic, and other limits in which a business must operate. Nature of Business  
5. Voluntary − Business ethics is intended to be voluntary. It should be
self-practiced and must not be enforced by law.  Business is as old as a human Civilization. 
 Business is an activity that is part and parcel of human society.
6. Requires Education & Guidance − Businessmen should get good  Business also is complex enterprises that involve major activities like
education and leadership about business ethics. Trade Relations and purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, advertising, selling and
Chambers of Commerce should be active enough in this matter. accounting.
 Business deal with suppliers, customers, workers, employees and even
7. Relative Term − Business ethics is a qualified term. It alters from one competitors.
business to another and from one country to another.  Business is a good human activity however, it is the selfish motive and
personal interest of scrupulous businessmen that make business bad and,
8. New Concept − Business ethics is a comparatively newer concept. in some instances, unproductive. 
Established countries have more experience to business ethics, while
poor and developing countries are moderately backward in applying the The Importance of Ethics in Business
principles of business ethics. a. The study of Business Ethics paves the way for a common ground in our
understanding of the fundamental idea of what is good and what is bad
in our human conduct. 
Principles of Business Ethics b. Ethics as a science does only evaluate the morality of human conduct but
also provides us with a common understanding of the universal,
The principles of business ethics are connected to social groups that include of objective, and irreversible moral principles that should govern our
consumers, employees, investors, and the local community. The important human behaviour and guide our moral decisions.
rules or principles of business ethics are as follows − c. Business Ethics opens a novel way of resolving moral problems and
ethical dilemmas affecting business transactions and the interactions of
1. Avoid Exploitation of Consumers − Do not fraud and abuse consumer people in the corporate world.
with measures such as artificial price rise and adulteration. d. The study of Business Ethics will also enhance the human and
interpersonal skills of managers so they can be more effective in
managing the human side of organization. 

The Businessman’s Myth’s about Business Ethics

 Businessmen are not immoral, and it would be disastrous to judge and
conclude that business people commit unethical act in doing business. The Good and the Bad Sides of Profit Motive
 Business, certainly is a good and productive human activity. However, it
is the businessman’s wrong perception about the role that ethics plays in The Good Side of Profit Motive;
the world of business that affects the moral judgment and decision  Profit motive motivates people to do something meaningful.
making.  Profit motive promotes ingenuity and cleverness in running business.
 Profit motive makes people productive.
Here are some myths that businessmen have about Business Ethics;  Profit motive generates potential capital for the business.
a. Ethics is a personal affair and not a public debatable matter
b. Ethics and business do not mix
c. Good business means good ethics The Bad Side of Profit Motive;
d. Business is a war  Motive promotes rivalry among competitors.
 Profit motive makes people focus only on making money, that is, to sell
as many goods as possible without considering whether or not these
The Relationship between Ethics and Business products satisfy the needs and wants of consumers and end users.
Ethics play an important role in business. Without morality, business will be a  Profit motive turns the businessman from being a reflective and a
chaotic human activity.  Ethics is not a study of positive laws intended to questioning person because he focuses his attention only on the practical
govern and regulate the actions of people doing business. The concern of activity of making money.
ethics as a philosophical science is to discover that there are unwritten laws,  Profit motive promotes self-interest rather than the common good.
written in the hearts of man that should govern our human conduct where
positive law may be absent, and in some cases are not clear. Ethical Considerations of Profit Motive Business
 Earning profit is a good and valid activity in business.
The following arguments justify the significant role that ethics plays in
 Making excessive profits is totally wrong. It leads to greed, avarice, and
the world of business;
manipulation of the customers.
1. Business is an integral part of human society. Therefore, the actions of
 Profit is not the “be-all and the end-all” of doing business. Certainly,
individuals and institutions in business must be subjected to moral rules
there are factors to be considered in business such as, customer’s
and moral evaluation.
satisfaction, respect for the environment, enhancement of the quality of
2. In business, as in any other human endeavor, “what is legal may not
life and the preservation of the society.
necessarily be moral.” People tend to be confused legality and morality.
An action may be legal but not necessarily moral.  The teachings of the Catholic Church do not totally condemn profit as
3. Law is insufficient. part of business activity. Pope Pius XI, does not prohibit the producer
from himself provided “one respects the law of God, does not prejudice
the right of others, and work according to faith and right reason.”
Moral Reasoning in Business
The Concept of Moral Responsibility
The essence of studying Business Ethics is to provide the manager as a  Moral Responsibility refers to holding to people morally accountable for
decision maker with a framework for the resolution of moral issues and some past action or actions. This simply means assigning to people
problems affecting business activates and the organization itself.   Moral blame or praise for particular actions that they have performed.
reasoning is a process in which ethical issues and problems are benchmarked  Moral Responsibility also means care, welfare, or treatment of others as
against a moral standard so that a moral judgment is made possible. derived from the specific social role that one plays in the society. 
 Moral Responsibility likewise refers to one’s capacity for making moral
Characteristics of a Good Moral Standard; or rational decisions of his own.
1. A good moral standard is one that looks as the issue as something that is
very serious. CHAP 2: INTRODUCTION
2. A good standard must be grounded on good moral argument. A good
argument is an argument that always tells the truth.  A solid moral Business Ethics as an applied branch of General Ethics must be studied from
argument leaves the room for loopholes and counter arguments. the perspective of philosophy. This is because ethics is a part of philosophy,
3. A good moral standard should be objective not subjective. It should be and t it is unthinkable to discuss ethical concepts and moral principles without
universally accepted and should apply to all.  being philosophical. Secondly, the process of moral reasoning involves use of
4. A good standard, when violated, brings about feelings of guilt, shame metaphysical technologies and concepts that is best understood only in the
and remorse of conscience. light of philosophical abstractions.
Requirements for a Good Moral Judgment A. Ethics and Philosophy
1. A good moral judgment must be logical. 
2. A good moral judgment must be based on facts and solid evidence. What is Philosophy?
3. A good moral judgment must be based on sound and defensible moral Philosophy, etymologically, came from two Greek words “philos,” which
principle. A weak ethical principle is open to a lot of criticisms. means love, and “sophis,” which means wisdom. Philosophy means “love of
wisdom.” As a science, philosophy is interested with the meaning of reality,
The Morality of Profit Motive including our human experiences. It is a science that seeks to explain the
 People go into business for a number of reasons: ultimate cause of everything by the use of human reason alone. To
 Some go to business for personal satisfaction.  philosophize means to wonder about life, to question reality and to find sense
 In business to earn a livelihood.  in what we do as human beings.
 Others are in business because they want to serve the society through the
goods and services they offer to the customers.  Other definition of Philosophy;
 To make a profit. (Most common reason)
1. Philosophy according to Plato, is the highest form of inquiry.
Businessmen consider profit as a form of anticipated reward or a 2. For William James, philosophy is a collective name for questions that
compensation for the efforts they spend, skills they apply and returns for the have not been answered to the satisfaction of the one asking question.
capital they invested in putting up and organizing the business. Questions like; Who am I? How do live? Where am I going?
3. Philosophy is also defined as the science that studies the ultimate causes
or explanation of things attained by the use of human reason alone.
The issue of profit motive is a subject matter that needs to be carefully
considered in the study of Business Ethics. Is profit motive in business good
or bad? Is it moral or immoral?

These different definitions of philosophy only affirm that it is a metaphysical

science which basically deals with abstractions. It is from this perspective that It does not prescribe how people should act, rather it describes how people,
Business Ethics, as an applied branch of philosophy must be discussed since it when grouped and observed in their own cultural realities, actually differ in
involves investigating the human values which are basically metaphysical in their behaviour. What is good or bad, moral or immoral according to this
nature and which are operative in fiduciary relationships both in business theory is relative to the people’s own culture or sets of cultural beliefs and
transactions and in the interactions of people in business organizations and in practices.
the corporate world.
Normative Ethics involves moral judgment based on ethical norm or theory. This
consists both of the basic moral principles and values and the particular moral rules
DEFINITION OF ETHICS that govern people’s behaviour, which is right or moral and wrong is immoral.

 Ethics is a practical science of the morality of human acts. The three tasks of Normative Ethics are the following;
 Ethics is the study conduct from the standpoint of morality.
 Ethics is a practical science that guides us in our actions that we live  To form into a related whole the various norms, rules and values of a
rightly and well. society’s morality.
 Ethics is the science which lays down the principles of right living.  To find the basic principle from which the particular norm can be
B. ETHICS AND MORALITY  To justify an ethical norm or moral principle.

The term ethics and morality are often used interchangeably. Indeed, these Metaethics is a branch of Normative Ethics. In some other ways, both Normative
terms usually can mean the same thing, and in casual conversation there is not and Descriptive Ethics involve some mathematical activity. Metaethics is concerned
a problem with switching between one and the other. However, there is a with analysis of the meaning of words and logic of moral reasoning. It analyses
distinction between them in philosophy. moral terms like, “good”, “bad”, “moral”, “immoral”, “moral obligation”, and the
Morality refers to the quality of goodness or badness in human act. Good is like. Metaethics does not describe moral belief of people, does not evaluate the
described as moral and bad is described as immoral. It means conformity to process of moral reasoning but simply analyses the usage and meaning of words.
the rules of the right conduct. It implies judgment and refers to what we could
call moral standards and moral conduct while ethics is used to refer to the
formal study of those standards and conduct. For this reason, Ethics is also B. DEONTOOGICAL VERSUS TELEOLOGICAL
often called “moral philosophy.” APPROACHES TO ETHICAL EVALATION OF
Ethics, on the other hand, involves the study of those standards and judgment
which people create. Ethics assumes that the standards exist and seeks to 1. Deontological Ethics or non-consequentialist approach is a body of
describe them, to evaluate them, or to evaluate the premises upon which those ethical theories that measures and evaluates the nature of a moral act
standards exist. Ethics, basically indicates the nature of moral principles, based on the validity of the motive of an act. This means that the motive
ethical systems and moral norms that people use to justify their moral or intention is good, then regardless of the consequences, the whole
judgment. action is good.


Ethics is a branch of philosophy and it is considered as a normative  Kantianism is also known as the categorical imperative approach, the
science because it is concerned with the systematic study of norms idea that one should always base his action on maxims or rules that are
of human conduct. Ethics is a normative science because it believed to be universal. For Kant moral goodness or badness of the act
involves a systematic search for moral principles and norms that does not depend on the consequences of the act but on the motive or
are used to justify our moral judgments. intention of the actor, the motive is good if it is an expression of the
person’s sense of duty.

 Divine Command Theory holds that the standard of right and wrong is
the will or law of God. The Christian Ethics is an example of an ethical
system that uses deontological approach in evaluating the morality of
human conduct, the will of God is expressed in the Bible and in tradition
of Roman Catholic Church.

2. Teleological Ethics or consequentialist theory measures the morality of

an action based on its consequences and not in the motive or intention of
the actor. If the consequences is good, regardless of the motive, then act
is always morally good.

There are three categories of General Ethics;
 Hedonism or the view that measures is the only good as an end.
1. Descriptive Ethics consists of studying and describing the morality of people,  Utilitarianism is another example of a consequentialist theory. This
culture, or society. It also makes comparisons and contrasts on the different values, school of thought, maintains that the “greatest good is the greatest
principles, code of ethics, beliefs, and practices of people. It does not prescribe or happiness or pleasure of the greatest number.” This means that if the
attempt to assess the moral soundness of any ethical system but only to describe action can provide the greatest happiness to the greatest number of the
objectively the values and belief of people. people who are affected by the action, the action s to be considered
morally good.
Implications of the Deontological and Teleological Ethics to Decision
a. Psychological Egoism Making
A concrete example of Descriptive Ethics is the study of human motivation. Is
says nothing about what is god or bad or right or wrong, rather it simply These two approaches to the ethical evaluation of the
declares results based on various scientific studies. human conduct are also used by the managers in the decision-
making process. Some managers decide on the basis of their
personal principles and convictions. In this regard, managers are
b. Cultural Relativism

said to be biased towards deontological perspective because of 1. Pre-conventional- This behaviour is generally found in young children
their principle-oriented decision-making process. On the other and older children. There are two stages in this level; (1) reaction to
hand, some managers could be result-oriented in terms of decision punishment, (2) desire for the right behaviour that will satisfy the
making. In this regard, they favor the perspective of Teleological person’s self-interest. Stage 1 explains the concept of being good by
Ethics because they focus on the consequence or the result of the following commands and authority and avoiding being punished. Stage 2
action regardless of the intention of the motive of the one is the stage of individual instrumental Purpose of Exchange.
performing the action.
Business and Organizational Application
Some individuals do the right thing only to avoid punishment or to obtain
One of the basic questions in ethics is to determine how people approval, an employee who thinks that the only person not to steal money
develop their fundamental concepts of good and evil. Traditional from the employer is the currently of getting and fired. The person at hi stage
ethics believes that man has a natural insight to morality, this being has little sense of needs of the others. At second stage, the persons become
the gift the Creator who gave man a “moral sense.” aware that others have their needs also and begins to defer to them to get what
the individual wants.
1. The Synthesis of Man According to St. Thomas Aquinas
According to Aquinas, the moral sense in man is manifested and 2. Conventional
expressed in three ways;
This level is generally found in an ideal civilized society, hence, the name
 Man is able to distinguish or to know what is good or what is bad. Of all “conventional.” The first stage of this level (Stage 3) is the Stage of Mutual
creatures, only man has the capacity to know the difference between Interpersonal Expectations, Relationships and Conformity. This is
good and bad action. characterized by an attitude which seeks to do what will gain the approval of
 Man is always obligated to do good and to avoid evil. In any given others, commonly referred to us as “Putting oneself in the other person’s
circumstance, man is the only creature who feels time primary duty to do shoes.” Stage 3 is also known as the “good boy and good girl” orientation
what is good and to avoid what is evil. stage. This implies that a good or bad behaviour of the person depends on
 Man knows that he is accountable for his actions- good or bad. Of all his/her conformity or non-conformity with the norms of his/her immediate
creatures, only man realize that the performance if an action entails community or environment. Stage 4 on the other hand is the stage of Social
reward and punishments. If he does an evil action, he expects System and Conscience Maintenance wherein one is oriented by the law and
punishment. responding to the obligations of duty. A person is considered a law-abiding
citizen when he or she follows the law of society but will be considered
2. Freud’s Theory of the Id, Ego, and the Superego deviant when the same person violates the same law.

Freud believes that the human mind has three important components, that of Business and Organizational Application
the preconscious, conscious, and unconscious. No other psychologist except
Freud has studied the unconscious part of the human mind. Stage 3 of the second level describes the right behaviour is one that conforms
Freud founded the Psychoanalysis Theory where the approach is to understand to conventional expectations, an employee considers the importance of being
human behaviour which views men and women as constantly between internal loyal follower to avoid conflicts. Stage 4 on the other hand, explains that the
unconscious forces and external social forces. The key points of right behaviour consists of performance of duty, respect for authority and
psychoanalytic theory are the following; maintaining social order, an employee address to organizational rules and
policies and obeys order from the superior.
 Man must learn to control his inborn desires.
 Man must achieve fulfilment in ways that are harmonious with others. 3. Post-Conventional

Business Application This third level of moral thinking is one that Kohlberg felt is not reached by
majority of adults. Stage 5 is the Stage of Prior Rights and Social Contract
A businessman may be tempted to cheat to his customer in process of selling. Utility. It is the stage of understanding of rights and values. It gives the person
He realizes however, that to give in to this enticement could be a violation of a sense of democracy but relativity of rules. This means that people at this
Code of Ethics for Businessman and the other positive laws, like Customer stage realize that there are fundamental concepts of right and wrong but the
Act of the Philippines. He therefore discerns well and begins to rationalize application of which is confined to their own culture and environment. Each
that it is better not to fool or cheat the customer. In this case, the perceived person’s moral rights however, must be protected. The last stage (Stage 6) is
good action not fooling the customer is a decision made by the ego as a result the Stage of Universal Principles. It is based on respect of universal principles
of its interaction with the enticement of the id and the pressure of the and the demands of individual conscience. At this stage Kohlberg believe that
superego. people do good and avoid evil because they are convinced that there are
universal ethical principles that govern and justify their actions.
3. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Business and Organizational Application
Kohlberg believe that the people progressed in their moral reasoning through a
Stage 5 maintains that the laws may be important and must be followed but
LEVEL STAGE SOCIAL ORIENTATION they are not absolute, they can be changed if necessary. Stage 6 maintains that
Pre-conventional 1 Obedience and Punishment people could act in accordance with their conscience and universal ethical
2 Individualism, Instrumentalism, and principles, the individual is likely to act in accordance with these principles
Exchange rather than rules.
Conventional 3 “Good Boy/Girl Image”
4 Law and Order
Post-conventional 5 Social Contact Rights
6 Principled Conscience
7 Transcendental Morality
series of stage. His theory of moral development was based on the earlier
works of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Kohlberg help to clarify the general
cognitive development approach of Piaget, through the analysis of changes in
moral reasoning or extending the approaches into a series of stage.

Kohlberg Classification of the Person’s Moral Development

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