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Study of CNC Machines

Project work undertaken in MTE Industries.

Here we try to present the general overview of an industry laying emphasis on CNC machines The principle involved in Numeric Control, the conversion of Numeric Control to Mechanical process, different types of CNC Machines with example program for each and finally a program generated by us to mill, grind, bore and tape a job.
The Team 21-05-2011

Study of CNC Machines

The following group of students from IIIrd year B.Tech, Aeronautical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Hyderabad were involved in the mini project in MTE Industries Ltd.,

y. jeevan kumar Krishna agarwal A. naresh A.sai kiran G.rakesh naidu

ROOL.NO 08951A2173 08951A2174 08951A2179 08951A2189 06951A2168

Industry is the overall application of technology and other resources to the generation of economic output by producing goods and services. An industry is any grouping of businesses that share a common method of generating profits, such as the "manufacturing industry". The term is also often used to refer to heavy industry. Industrial Process: Industrial processes are procedures involving chemical or mechanical steps to aid in the manufacture of an item or items, usually carried out on a very large scale. Manufacture: The process of manufacturing in the simplest of terms is making of articles or goods and providing services to meet the human needs. It creates value by useful application of physical and mental labour in the process. It can be more clearly defined as the flowchart given below. Design Selection of materials Process planning Production Quality control Marketing We will be concentrated on each one these for the Introduction to Industry and then move on to the CNC Machines.


Drawing is the language of engineers. Designers record and convey their idea using diagrams. Manufacturing of a product is the main activity in an industry. The design of a product may start with trial designs in the form of sketches on paper. As the design improves and undergoes changes, the final form of design must be the scaled manufacturing drawings with finer details included. These drawings are two dimensional representations of three dimensional objects designed.

During the process of design, the designer may have to carry out a large amount of computations so that an optimum design is obtained. A computer with good graphic capabilities helps the designer to

o Realize his ideas o Carry out complex computations o Present the results of computations in a useful form for decision making and possible improvement. o Present the improved model for evaluation. A part to be manufactured is defined first in terms of in terms of its geometry which also includes dimensions, tolerances, surface finish, and in some cases the type of fit between two mating parts. The two dimensional representation of a part, called a blueprint, shows three orthogonal views of a part. Sometimes, when three views are not enough to define the part, additional sectional views may have to be added for conveying the right information.

Selection of Materials:
This is actually a part of design process. This is done keeping in view the properties of a material with respect to the properties that are needed for the product to be manufactured. They are some of the basic properties which are considered for the desired properties of the product.

Youngs Modulus: Young's modulus measures the resistance of a material to elastic (recoverable) deformation under load. Depending on Youngs Modulus, a body can be distinguished as a stiff body or a flexible body. Stiffness: The stiffness of a body may be defined as the property of the body by the virtue of which the body changes it shape slightly under applied force (elastic). Flexibility: Flexibility of a body can be defined as a body which changes its shape considerably under the action of force. Youngs Modulus: Tensile Stress/Tensile Strain

Where E - Youngs Modulus. F Force applied on the body. A0 Original Cross sectional area through which the force is applied. L Amount by which length of object changes. L0 - Original Length of the object. Design Issues: Stiffness is important in designing products which can only be allowed to deflect by a certain amount and also in springs, which store elastic energy.

Strength: The amount of stress a material can sustain before it breaks is called strength of that body

Where = Stress. F = Force applied on the body. A = Area of cross-section. Design Issues: Many engineering components are designed to avoid failure by yield or fracture.

Toughness: Toughness is the resistance of a material to being broken in two, by a crack running across it (fracture) and absorbs energy. The amount of energy absorbed during fracture depends on the size of the component

which is broken in two. The amount of energy absorbed per unit area of crack is constant for a given material, and this is called the toughness. A tough material requires a lot of energy to break it (e.g. mild steel), usually because the fracture process causes a lot of plastic deformation; a brittle material may be strong but once a crack has started the material fractures easily because little energy is absorbed (e.g. glass).


= Strain f = Strain upon failure = Stress

Design Issues: High toughness is particularly important for components which may suffer impact or for components where a fracture would be catastrophic.

Elongation: Elongation to failure is a measure of the ductility of a materials, in other words it is the amount of strain it can experience before failure in tensile testing. A ductile material (most metals and polymers) will record a high elongation. Brittle materials like ceramics tend to show very low elongation because they do not plastically deform.


= Elongation l = Initial Length L = Final Length

Design Issues:

Elongation is important in components which absorb energy be deforming plastically.

Density: Density is a measure of how heavy an object is for a given size, i.e. the mass of material per unit volume. Changes in temperature do not significantly affect the density of a material - although materials do expand when they are heated, the change in size is very small. Many materials have a uniform internal structure. The density of these materials is therefore well defined - there will be little variation in different samples of the same material. Some materials have a variable internal structure. Because of this, the density between different samples of the same material will be more variable.


= Density m = Mass V = Volume

Design Issues: The weight of a product is a very common factor in design. In transport applications, lightweight design is very important.

Specific Stiffness: Specific stiffness is Young's modulus divided by density (more properly called "specific modulus").

Specific Strength: Specific strength is strength divided by density.

Maximum Service Temperature: The strength of a material tends to fall quickly when a certain temperature is reached. This temperature limits the maximum operating temperature for which the material is useful. For metals

the maximum operating temperature is usually around two thirds of the melting temperature. For prolonged loading the maximum stress will be lower because creep (permanent stretching over time) will occur. Design issues: The maximum service temperature is important for applications where components become hot. Jet engines, brake discs and extrusion dies are all examples of products which operate at temperatures of 400oC or more metals and ceramics are then required.

Cost: Materials are usually sold by weight or by size. Material costs are therefore given as cost per unit weight or cost per unit volume. Many materials are initially made in bulk (e.g. cast metal ingots). They are usually shaped into standard stock items (e.g. sheet or tube) before being bought by a manufacturer. As a result, the cost of a material to a manufacturer is often higher than the cost of the raw material. Also, as a general rule, the more a material is "improved", e.g. by alloying, the more expensive it becomes. Design Issues: Cost is often one of the most important design considerations when choosing a material. In most designs the aim is to minimize the cost. For products such as consumer goods, building materials and transport, material cost dominates design. Energy Content: Energy is used to mine, refine and process materials - this is called the "energy content" of the material. The energy used has environmental implications. The energy content is just one of the environmental factors. It is relatively easy to measure and is therefore a simple indicator of "environmental friendliness" of a material. Naturally occurring materials such as wood are energy efficient because there are no refining or synthesis costs. Metals tend to have the highest energy contents as most metals are extracted from ores, and need a lot of refining, which uses a lot of energy. Design Issues: All materials used for products have an environmental impact. This is of growing importance, so it is increasingly common to consider quantities such as energy content. Overall assessment of environmental impact over the whole lifetime of a product is very difficult to do with any certainty.

Environmental issues are particularly important in design for one-use products (e.g. packaging, drink containers, nappies) or large volume products which may consume energy in use (e.g. cars, domestic appliances). Energy content is closely related to recycling - high energy content materials are particularly attractive to recycle, particularly if the energy used in recycling is much less than is needed to make new material (e.g. aluminum).

Recycle Fraction: The fraction recycled is a measure of the proportion of a material in use in products which can economically be recycled. Materials which can be melted are most easily recycled. Some materials are difficult or impossible to recycle because they cannot be returned to their previous condition. Many other factors influence whether a material is recycled. It must be possible to collect and separate the materials from products at the end of their lifetime. Recycling has costs associated with transport, separating and melting, and these must be lower than the cost of using new raw material. Recycling is closely related to energy content, as energy is a significant factor in both the cost of recycling and the cost of new raw material.

Resistivity: Resistivity is a measure of the resistance to electrical conduction for a given size of material. Its opposite is electrical conductivity (=1/resistivity). Metals are good electrical conductors (high conductivity and low resistivity), while non-metals are mostly poor conductors (low conductivity and high resistivity). Design Issues: Resistivity is important in any product which conducts electricity. Components which must conduct easily ("conductors") must have low resistivity, while those which must not conduct (insulators") must have high resistivity. It should be designed that way.

Process Planning:
Process planning on the very broad sense is an operational activity which does an aggregate plan for the production process, in advance of 2 to 18 months, to give an idea to management as to what quantity of materials and other resources are to be procured and when, so that the total cost of operations of the organization is kept to the minimum over that period.

The quantity of outsourcing, sub contracting of items, overtime of labor, numbers to be hired and fired in each period and the amount of inventory to be held in stock and to be backlogged for each period are decided. All of these activities are done within the framework of the company ethics, policies, and long term commitment to the society, community and the country of operation. Process planning has certain pre required inputs which are inevitable. They include:

Information about the resources and the facilities available. Demand forecast for the period for which the planning has to be done. Cost of various alternatives and resources. This includes cost of holding inventory, ordering cost, and cost of production through various production alternatives like subcontracting, backordering and overtime. Organizational policies regarding the usage of above alternatives.

Process planning in a narrower sense describes the process involved in making the complete product from the raw materials. The machines to be used, the process to be acquired and the workforce to be employed for completing the task. This is one of the important part of the process as this is the stage wherein the objectives of the organization are converted to plans and so thereby kick starting the production process. Process Planning is a detailed plan of steps involved in manufacturing a given part. The following are the contents of a process plan: Machine Tool Used Fixture(s) Required Sequence of Operations Cutting Tools Required for Each Operation Process Parameters for Each operation

Processes and methods employed in transformation of tangible inputs (raw materials, semi-finished goods, or subassemblies) and intangible inputs (ideas, information, know how) into goods or services. The objective of the production process is to create goods that meet the needs and wants of the customer. There are three main parts to the production process as can be seen in the diagram below:

A firm must purchase all the necessary inputs and then transform them into the product (outputs) that it wishes to sell. Between this input and output lies our goal of giving brief descriptions of machines that are usually used.

Lathe Machine:

The lathe can be defined as a machine tool which holds the work between two rigid supports, called centers, or in a chuck or face plate while work revolves. The chuck or the face plate is mounted on the projected end of the machine spindle. The cutting tool is rigidly held and supported in a tool post and fed against the revolving work. While the work revolves about its own axis the tool is made to move either parallel to or at an inclination with axis to cut the desired material. Lathe carries the following main parts: Bed Head Stock Tail Stock Carriage Feed Mechanism Legs

Bed: The bed acts as the base on which the different fixed and operating parts of the lathe are mounted. This facilitates the correct relative location of the fixed parts and at the same time provides for a well guided and controlled movement of the operating parts (carriage).

An important point to be noted is that an accurate location proper leveling of the bed, during installation and afterwards plays an important role. Even strong beds are observed to be distorted if they are placed on unleveled flooring. Head Stock: The head stock is that part of the lathe which serves as housing for the power source, power transmission, driving pulleys the gear box, provides bearing for the spindle and keeps the latter in alignment with the bed. It is towards the left most ends on the bed and is fixed to it. It consists of: Cone pulley Back gears and back gear lever Main spindle or head stock spindle Live centre Feed reverse lever

The back-geared head stock consists of a casing accommodation the main spindle, the three or four step-cone-pulley and the back gears. A step cone pulley is mounted on the main spindle, which carries a spur gear G1 at its one end and a pinion P1 at the other. Gear G1 is firmly keyed to the spindle so that it can never revolve free of the same. The spindle carries a sleeve over it which is a loose fit. The cone pulley is firmly secured to this sleeve. This arrangement forces the pinion P1 to revolve with the cone pulley under all conditions. A spring knob K engages the gear G1 with the cone pulley. The cone pulley is driven by means of a belt, through a countershaft, by an electric motor as shown in figure. This enables 4 speeds of the spindle. Use of back gears: The back gears are used for effecting reduction in spindle speeds, thereby facilitating a wider range of speeds. The back gears are mounted on an eccentric shaft which is operated by means of a hand lever known as back gear engaging lever (L). The back gear consists of a spur gear G2 (opposite to P1) and a pinion P2 (opposite to G1). When speed reduction is required, the knob is pulled out to make the cone pulley free of gear G1 and hence spindle. The back gears are put into mesh with the spindle gears by pulling in the eccentric shaft. Now, the sequence of transmission of motion and power is such that the cone pulley is driven by the motor through belt. With the result, the pinion P1 revolves. This being in mesh with gear G2, transfers the motion to latter which in turn, revolves the eccentric shaft and hence pinion P2. This further being in mesh with gear G1, transmits the motion to the latter and hence to the spindle. Speed ratios: Now the countershaft is the driving shaft and lathe spindle is the driven shaft.

Spindle speed = Counter speed x

Dia of the step on counter shaft

Spindle: The spindle of the lathe is in the form of a hollow shaft and revolves in two bearings fixed one each at the front and rear ends of the head stock. The inside hole runs through the entire length of the spindle and at the front end it is made tapered to accommodate the live centers. Also at the front end the outside surface of the spindle is made threaded to receive the job holding devices such as chuck, face plate or driving plate. Live centre: It is the centre support which is fitted into the tapered inside portion of the spindle nose while using a driver plate. No such centre is used if work is held in a chuck. It acts as a bearing support for the work during the operation. It is usually softer than the dead centre fitted in tail stock, for the reason that there are no chances of wear occurring on its surface as it always revolves along the work piece. It is only due to its revolving with the work that the name Live centre is given to it. Feed reversal lever: This is fitted on the left hand side of the head stock and has three positions. Central it disengages and feed to the carriage is given by hand Top & Bottom it engages to give power feed to the carriage but one allows carriage to move left to right and the other in reverse direction. This is mostly used for left and right hand threads. It should not be operated when spindle is moving. Tail Stock: It also called as puppet head or loose head stock fitted on the bed on the right side of the lathe. It is capable of sliding along the bed maintaining its alignment with the head stock. And its main function is to provide bearing and support to the job which is being worked between the centers. Carriage: This serves the purpose of supporting, guiding and feeding the tool against the job during the operation on the lathe. It consists various parts like Saddle: Which slides along the bed ways and supports the cross slide. Cross slide: Mounted on the top of the saddle and moves in the direction perpendicular to the main spindle. This can be moved by hand or power. Compound rest: This is called as tool rest, on cross slide and carries graduated circular base swivel plate to swivel tool rest to any angle, which is moved by a compound rest feed screw. Tool post: Holds the tool Feed Mechanism: Provides power feed to the carriage.

Legs: They are the supports which take the entire load of the machine over them.

Drilling Machine:

Body: It is the part of the drill which carries flutes and extends from the dead centre upto almost the start of the neck. This part is always relieved. Axis: The longitudinal centre line of the drill along which the whole body, neck and shank are concentric. Chisel edge or dead centre: The short edge formed at extreme tip end of the drill, due to intersection of the flanks.

Shank: The portion of drill beyond neck which is gripped in the holding device. Point: The cone shaped surface at the end of the flutes, formed by grinding, and containing the dead centre, lips and flanks, etc. Lip or cutting edge: it is the main cutting part formed by the intersection of each flank and face. Body clearance: A small reduction in the diameter of the body adjacent to the land. Land or margin: Narrow flat surface which runs all along the flutes of the drill on its leading edge. Lip clearance: The part of the conical surface of point, which is ground to relief near the cutting edge. Face: The curved surface of the flute near the lip is called face. The chips cut the material slide upward along the surface Flutes: the helical grooves in the body of the drill are known as flutes. Commonly used drills carry two flutes, while special drills may carry four. These flutes make the chips curl and provide passage for their exit. Also, cutting edges are formed on the point due to machining of these flutes and the cutting fluid reaches the cutting area through these flutes only. Flank: It is the curved surface, on either side of the dead centre, which is confined between the cutting edge on its one side and the face of the other flute on the other side. Web: The central metal column of the drill body, that separates the flutes from one another, is known as web. Its thickness gradually increases from the tip side towards shank side, where it is maximum. It is this part of the drill which is largely responsible for providing strength and rigidity to the drill. Chisel Edge Corner: The point of intersection of the chisel edge and the lip is known as chisel edge corner. Outer Corner: That extreme of the dead centre, where the face and flank intersect to form a corner, is called outer corner

Neck: The smaller diameter cylindrical portion which separates the body and shank Tang: The flat portion of rectangular cross-section provided at the end of the tapered shank, which fits into the sleeve or spindle. Heel: An edge formed where the body clearance and flute intersect. Rake angle: Also called as helix angle formed between plane containing the drill axis and the leading edge of land. Positive for left hand flute Negative for right hand flute Zero for parallel flute

In machining, boring is the process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled (or cast), by means of a single-point cutting tool (or of a boring head containing several such tools), for example as in boring a cannon barrel. Boring is used to achieve greater accuracy of the diameter of a hole, and can be used to cut a tapered hole. The term boring is also sometimes used for drilling a hole, especially with respect to tunnels and wells in the earth.

The boring process can be carried out on a lathe for smaller operations, but for larger production pieces a special boring mill (work piece rotation around a vertical axis) or a horizontal boring machine (rotation around horizontal axis) are used. The dimensions between the piece and the tool bit can be changed about two axes to cut both along and into the internal surface. A tapered hole can also be made by swiveling the head. The boring machines (similar to the milling machines such as the classic Van Norman) come in a large variety of sizes and styles. Work piece diameters are commonly 1-4m (3-12 ft) but can be as large as 20m (60ft). Power requirements can be as much as 200 hp. The control systems can be computer-based, allowing for automation and increased consistency. Because boring is meant to decrease the product tolerances on pre-existing holes, several design considerations must be made. First, large length-tobore-diameters are not preferred due to cutting tool deflection. Next, through holes are preferred over blind holes (holes that do not traverse the

thickness of the work piece). Interrupted internal working surfaceswhere the cutting tool and surface have discontinuous contactshould be avoided. The boring bar is the protruding arm of the machine that holds cutting tool(s), and must be very rigid.

Milling Machine:
A milling machine is a machine tool used for the shaping of metal and other solid materials. Its basic form is that of a rotating cutter which rotates about the spindle axis (similar to a drill), and a table to which the work piece is affixed. The cutter and work piece move relative to each other, generating a tool path along which material is removed. The movement is precisely controlled, usually with slides and leadscrews or analogous technology. Often the movement is achieved by moving the table while the cutter rotates in one place, but regardless of how the parts of the machine slide; the result that matters is the relative motion between cutter and work piece. Milling machines can perform a vast number of operations, some of them with quite complex tool paths, such as slot cutting, planning, drilling; die sinking, rebating, routing, etc. Cutting fluid is often pumped to the cutting site to cool and lubricate the cut, and to sluice away the resulting swarf. Types of milling machines: To satisfy various requirements they come in different shapes and sizes. In view to large material removal rates milling machines come with a very rigid spindle and large power. They can be broadly classified as Knee and column type milling machines Fixed bed type milling machines Planer type milling machines Production milling machines Special purpose milling machines Further they are classified as Knee and column type milling machines: These are general purpose machines and have single spindle only. They are so called because their two main structural elements a column shaped frame and a knee shaped projection. Where the work table is supported on the knee and which can slide in vertical direction along the vertical column. These machines depending upon the spindle position are classified as: 1. Hand milling machine

2. 3. 4. 5.

Plain or horizontal milling machine Vertical milling machines Universal milling machine Omniversal milling machines

Fixed bed type or manufacturing type milling machines: These machines, in comparison to the column type are more sturdy and rigid, heavier in weight and larger in size. They are not suitable for tool room work. Most these are either automatic or semi automatic in operation. They may carry either single spindle or multiple spindles. They perform operations like slot cutting, grooving, gang milling and facing. Also they facilitate machining of various jobs together, called multiple piece milling. They are classified as: 1. Plain milling machine (having single horizontal spindle) 2. Duplex head milling machine (having double horizontal spindles) 3. Triplex head milling machines (having two horizontal and 1 vertical spindles) 4. Rise and fall milling machine (for profile milling) Planer type milling machines: They are used for heavy work. Upto a maximum of four tool heads can e mounted over it, which can be adjusted vertically and transverse directions. It has a robust and massive construction like a planer. Production milling machines: They are also manufacturing machines but dont have fixed bed. They are classified as: 1. 2. 3. Rotary type or continuous type Drum type Tracer controlled

Special purpose milling machines: These machines are designed to perform a specific type of operation only. They include: Thread milling machine Profile milling machine Gear milling machine Cam milling machine Planetary milling machine Double end milling machine Skin milling machine Spar milling machine From all types of milling machines knee type milling machines are used commonly in tool rooms and machine shops. The principal

parts of all knee type are similar although the movements of the moving parts differ they are:

Base: It is a heavy casting provided at the bottom of the machine. It is accurately machined on both the top and bottom surfaces. it actually acts as load bearing member for all parts. Column of the machine is secured to it. Also it carries the screw jack which supports and moves the knee. In addition it serves as a reservoir for the coolant. Column: It is a very prominent part of milling machine and is produced with enough care. To this, are fitted all various parts and controls. On the front face vertical parallel ways are made in which the knee slides up and down. And its rear end carries the enclosed motor drive. Top of the column carries a dovetail horizontal ways for the over arm.

Knee: It is a rigid casting, which is capable of sliding up and down along the vertical ways on the front face of the column. This enables the adjustment of the table height or in other words the distance between the cutter and the job mounted on the table. The adjustment is provided by operating elevating jack, provided below the knee, means of hand or application of power feed. Saddle: It is the intermediate part between the knee and the table and acts as support to the table. It can be adjusted along the ways provided on the top surface of the knee, to provide cross feed to the table. As it carries horizontal ways, along this moves the table during longitudinal traverse. Table: it acts as a support for the work. Work piece is mounted on it either directly or held in a driving head. It is made of cast iron, accurately machined on the top surface. It carries T- slots to accommodate the clamping bolts for fixing the work or securing the fixtures. Cross feed is provided by moving the saddle and vertical feed is given by raising or lowering the knee. Both hand and power feed can be employed for this purpose. Over arm: it is a heavy support provided on the top of the both plain and universal milling machines. It can slide horizontally, along the ways provided on the top of the column and adjusted to a desired position in order to support to the projection arbor by accommodating its free end in the yoke. Table moves along X-axis on the saddle while saddle moves along Y-axis on the guide ways provided on the knee. The knee moves up and down on the dovetail provided on the column. In the vertical mill the spindle axis is vertically oriented. Milling cutters are held in the spindle and rotate on its axis. The spindle can generally be extended (or the table can be raised/lowered, giving the same effect), allowing plunge cuts and drilling. There are two subcategories of vertical mills: the bed mill and the turret mill. Turret mills, like the ubiquitous Bridgeport, are generally smaller than bed mills, and are considered by some to be more versatile. In a turret mill the spindle remains stationary during cutting operations and the table is moved both perpendicular to and parallel to the spindle axis to accomplish cutting. In the bed mill, however, the table moves only perpendicular to the spindle's axis, while the spindle itself moves parallel to its own axis. Also of note is a lighter machine, called a mill-drill. It is quite popular with hobbyists, due to its small size and lower price. These are frequently of lower quality than other types of machines, however. A horizontal mill has the same sort of xy table, but the cutters are mounted on a horizontal arbor across the table. A majority of horizontal mills also feature a +15/-15 degree rotary table that allows milling at shallow angles.

While end mills and the other types of tools available to a vertical mill may be used in a horizontal mill, their real advantage lies in arbor-mounted cutters, called side and face mills, which have a cross section rather like a circular saw, but are generally wider and smaller in diameter. Because the cutters have good support from the arbor, quite heavy cuts can be taken, enabling rapid material removal rates. These are used to mill grooves and slots. Plain mills are used to shape flat surfaces. Several cutters may be ganged together on the arbor to mill a complex shape of slots and planes. Special cutters can also cut grooves, bevels, radii, or indeed any section desired. These specialty cutters tend to be expensive. Simplex mills have one spindle, and duplex mills have two. It is also easier to cut gears on a horizontal mill. A more complex form of the milling machine is the Universal milling machine, in which the rotating cutter can be oriented vertically or horizontally, increasing the flexibility of the machine tool. The table of the universal machine can be swiveled through a small angle (up to about 15 degrees), enabling the axis of the spindle to coincide with the axis of a helix to be milled with the use of a gear driven indexing head. Omniversal mill is provided with 2 spindles, of which 1 is horizontal and the other is carried by a universal swiveling head which can be set at 90 or rotated on both sides of the vertical (in a plane parallel to the front face of the column and up to 45 in a plane perpendicular to the former direction), i.e., towards or away from the column. Even the knee can be swiveled about a horizontal axis and the table can be tilted and moved horizontally also.

Shaping Machine:
Shaper is a versatile machine which is primarily intended for producing flat surfaces. These flat surfaces may be horizontal, vertical or inclined. This machine involves the use of a single point tool held in a properly designed tool box mounted on a reciprocating ram. The main significance of this machine lies in: It has Greater flexibility. Ease in work holding Quick adjustment of the work Tools used have relatively simple design. Principle: The job is held in a device like vice or clamped directly on the machine table. The tool is held in the tool post mounted on the ram. This ram

reciprocates to and fro and, in doing so makes the tool to cut the material in the forward stroke. No cutting of material takes place during the return stroke of the ram. Hence it is termed as idle stroke. There are different types of shaping machine
1. Standard Shaper 2. Draw-cut Shaper 3. Horizontal Shaper 4. Vertical Shaper 5. Geared Shaper 6. Crank Shaper 7. Hydraulic Shaper 8. Contour Shaper 9. Traveling Head Shaper 10. Universal Shaper

Standard shaper: It consists of a plain table with vertical support at its front. In some machines there is a provision for the table to swivel around a horizontal axis parallel to ram. This enables machining of inclined flat surfaces. Material is cut in the forward stroke and the return stroke is idle.

Main parts of shaper: Base: It is a heavy robust cast iron body which acts as a support for all the other parts of the machine which are mounted over it.

Column: It is a box type cast iron body, mounted on the base and acts as housing for operating mechanism of the machine and the electrical. It also acts as a support for other parts such as cross rail, ram, etc. Cross-rail: It is a heavy cast iron construction, attached to the column at its front vertical guide ways. It carries two mechanisms- one for elevating the table & second for cross traverse of the table. It carries accurately machined and scraped horizontal guide ways at its front. An apron to which is bolted the machine table, slides along these ways to provide cross traverse to the table and hence the job. The apron is moved by rotating a lead screw provided inside the cross rail. Up and down vertical motion to the table is provided by means of a vertical lead screw which is operated by rotating a table traverse screw. The table carries T-slot on its top side faces for clamping the work or a vice is provided. Automatic feed is provided by means of an eccentric driven ratchet and pawl operated mechanism. For the drive, an electric motor, fitted at the back of the machine, is used from which the drive is transferred to gear box through V-belts. Quick return motion of the ram is controlled by an eccentric pin sliding in rocker arm. Table: It is made of cast iron and has a box type construction. It holds and supports the work during the operation and slides along the cross rail to provide feed to the work. T-slots are provided on its top and sides for securing the work to it. Ram: It is also a cast iron casting, semi circular in shape and provided with ribbon construction inside for rigidity and strength. It carries the tool head and travels in dove tail guideways to provide straight line motion to the tool. It carries the mechanism for adjustment of ram position inside it. Tool Head: It is the device in which tool is held. It can slide up and down and swung to a desired direction or angle to set the tool at a desired position for the operation. Vice: It is the job holding device and is mounted on the table. It holds and supports the work during operation.

Slotting Machine:
Slotting machine is a reciprocating machine used in cutting different slots and proves to be economical. It is used for machining irregular shapes, circular surfaces and premarked profiles, both internal and external shapes. Main parts of the slotting machine are: Base: It is a heavy cast iron construction also called as bed. It acts as a supports for column, the driving mechanism ram and table. Column: It is another heavy cast iron body which acts as a housing for the complete driving mechanism. As its front vertical ways, along which ram moves up and down. Table: Usually a circular table is provided or sometimes rectangular table are provided with T slots to clamp the work or sometimes a machine vice is held on the table for the gripping of job. Ram: It moves up and down between the guide ways provided in front of the column. As its bottom, it carries the tool post in which tool is held. The cutting action takes place during the downward motion of the ram. And the upward motion it is idle. Tool Post: Carries the tool of the shape to be slotted.

Grinding Machine:
Grinding is the processes of removing material by the abrasive action of a revolving wheel on the surface of a work piece in order to bring it to required shape and size. The wheel used for performing the grinding operation is known as grinding wheel. It consists of sharp crystals called abrasives, held together by a bond material. The wheel may be a single piece or solid type composed of several segments of abrasive blocks joined together. It is basically a finishing operation used to remove a very small amount of material. This is used for the following purposes: 1. Machining materials which are too hard for other materials such as tool and die steels and hardened steel materials. 2. For close dimensional accuracy of 0.3 to 0.5 m 3. High degree of surface finish or smoothness Ra = 0.15 to 1.25 m

Grinding wheel designation and selection: Grinding wheels are produced by mixing the appropriate grain size of the abrasive with the required bond and pressed into the shape. The characteristics depend upon following parameters: o o o o Abrasive material used Bonding material used Grade Grain

Abrasive material: These are hard materials with adequate toughness. They are classified as:
1. Natural abrasives: they are obtained directly from mines like stone,

emery, corundum and diamond. Except diamond others are not used now as they have impurities. 2. Artificial abrasives: they are manufactured under controlled conditions in closed electric furnace to avoid impurities and achieve necessary temperature for chemical reaction to take place. Examples are:

a. Silicon carbide: Silicon dioxide is mixed with coke, saw dust, salt

and piled up around a carbon electric conductor of resistance type furnace. A heavy current is switched on and a temperature of about 2600C is generated to form silicon carbide. Sio2 + 3C = SiC + 2 CO where silicon combines with coke to form silicon carbide and salt vaporizes to form carbides with the metallic impurities present and removes them. The saw dust burns and provides porosity to the mass for escaping gases. b. Carborundum, crystolon and electrolon. c. Aluminum oxide (Al203): Bauxite is fused in to the furnace and current is passed where aluminum oxide block is formed along with iron scraps acts as flux to collect impurities. Common trade names are Aloxite and borolon. d. Artificial diamonds: artificially manufactured.

Bond materials: To have effective and continuous cutting action, it is necessary that the grains of abrasive material should be held firmly together to form a series of cutting edge. The material used to for holding the grains together with the wheel is called as bonds. They are different types like

Vitrified V: Clay mixed with fluxes like feldspar which hardens to a glass like substance on firing to a temperature of 1250C.this has good strength, rigid, and porous and not affected by fluids. But is brittle and is sensitive to impacts and also called as ceramic bond.

Silicate S: This is NaSio sodium silicate or water glass and hardened when heated. It is not strong as V and used at less generation of heat. It is affected by dampness and less sensitive to shocks. Rubber R: Of all this is the flexible bond and is made up of natural or synthetic rubber. The strength is developed by vulcanization. This has high strength and is less porous. This is affected by dampness and alkaline solutions. It is generally used for cutting off wheels, regulating wheels in centre less grinding and for polishing. Resiniod B: These are thermosetting plastics such as phenol formaldehyde. This has good strength and is more elastic than V. It is not heat and chemical resistant. Used for rough grinding, parting off and high speed grinding and for fine finishing of roll grinding. Shellac S: This is relatively less used bond. Generally used for getting a very high surface finish. Typical applications are rolls, cutlery, and cam shaft finishings.

Grain size: The term grain or grit denotes the approximate size of the abrasive particles and gives an idea of the coarseness or fineness of the grinding wheel. Compared to a normal cutting tool, the abrasives used in grinding wheel are relatively small. The size of an abrasive grain more generally called grit is identified by a number which is based on the sieve size used. These vary coarse size of 6 or 8 to a super fine size of 500 or 600. The sieve number is specified in terms of the number of openings per square inch. Thus larger the grain number finer is the grain size. The surface finish generated depends upon the grain size used as shown. Fine grains take a very small depth of cut and hence provide a better surface finish. Also fine grains generate les heat and are good for faster material removal. Though each grain cuts less, there are more grains per unit surface area of the wheel in case of fine grain size. Fine grains are also used for making from grinding wheels.

CNC Introduction:
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control and was first utilized in 1970s.Before CNC it used to be NC for Numerical Control then when computers made way into this it was called CNC. It has since then revolutionized the manufacturing part. If theres a person in manufacturing, it is very common for him work with CNC on a regular basis. Let us now take the example of a drilling operation to underscore the need for CNC in the manufacturing processes. A drill bit has to be placed in the drill chuck which is actually in the spindle of the drill press. The spindle speeds are selected by switching the belts and then the spindle is rotated. The quill lever is lowered to drive the drill into the workpiece. This requires a lot of manual intervention at every particular step and so can be used for making holes in small quantities .But when we have to machine a large number of workpieces it likely that the time taken will be very high and a lot of manual labor required. This is an example of one of the basic manufacturing processes and the complexities increases with the operation. This is where the need for CNC arises. In CNC the whole process is programmed beforehand by the operator. This will result in CNC doing all the operations done by the operator which may include changing the tool and placing the specimen in the particular direction and even starting or stopping the spindle.

Working of a CNC:

As mentioned above a CNC does everything that an operator of a conventional machine is supposed to do. All the operator has to do is setup a program to perform the series of events that will eventually end up doing the job. Once the setup is done and the machine is ready there is little for the operator to do except that of loading and unloading of the workpiece. In some CNCs even loading is automated. Principle: The principle of operation of an NC machine tool is that the basic information that has to be input into the system consists of the part geometry and the cutting process parameters followed by the cutting tools used. This part program is then entered into the controller of the machine, which in turn runs the machine tool to make the part. The command received from the operator is communicated to the corresponding axis driving system for execution. The axis motion control system operates in a feedback loop with suitable transducers such as linear scales and/or rotary encoders to get the appropriate position or velocity feedback. Most of these systems have a very high resolution of the order of 1m (micron) or less. Let us now look into specific programmable functions: Motion Axis: In any CNC, for instance, there are two or more programmable directions of motion called axes. Any axis in a CNC is either linear or rotary. This is one of the basic specifications that denote the complexity of a CNC. Generally speaking, the more the number of axes the more complex is the machine. Commonly used linear axes are named X, Y, Z. Commonly used rotary axes are named A, B, C. The basis of choosing the axes system is more to do with the part geometry and the type of machine tool being used. When the operator is developing the program, it becomes extremely important to choose the right type of datum, since a careful selection limits the calculation process. Also the part program becomes simple, being able to make use of the advanced software facilities like mirror imaging, etc. The first principle to e used while arriving at the datum is that; if possible keep all the part in the first quadrant of the coordinate system. This would help in having all the coordinate values as positive. It helps the first time programmer in the eliminating as many errors as possible. Sometimes the datum could be chosen as the geometric centre of the workpeice if all the geometry is symmetrical. In such a choice, the geometry calculation effort reduces to a minimum. Also the mirror image facility available in the controller can be effectively exploited.

The Z axis datum is kept generally to match with the top surface of the workpeice. This helps in two ways. First, all positive values of the Z coordinate keep the tool away from the workpeice, so that the collision o the tool with the work is avoided. Secondly when the tool is set the tool tip can be easily matched with the workpeice top surface. Programmable Accessories: Its not at enough if the entire CNC machine just has three axes. There are some programmable accessories in all the CNCs based on their specific use. A CNC has to depend a lot on the programmable accessories to perform a job. Here are some of the examples of programmable accessories: Machining Centers Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) Spindle Speed and Activation Coolant

The CNC Program:

A CNC program is nothing more than a set of instruction which is written in form of sentence and executed in sequential order. There needs to be some language for the communication of the operator with the CNC as to what it is supposed to do. These form some of the characters are basically used in the CNC to give instructions. These words when placed in a group forms the Command. Some of the characters and their addresses are given below: S Spindle Speed F Feedrate X, Y, Z Axis Motion CNC program usually is a set of codes put together which form the command for the machine. Listed below are the standard G Codes (Preparatory Codes) and M Codes (Miscellaneous Codes) which form the bulk of any program. Standard G Codes (Preparatory Codes): Codes G00 G01 G02 G03 Description Positioning in rapid traverse Linear interpolation feed Circular interpolation CW Circular interpolation CCW

G04 G07 G10 G11 G12 G13 G18 G20 G21 G22 G23 G25 G26 G27 G28 G30 G31 G32 G34 G36 G37 G40 G41

Dwell Cylindrical interpolation Programmable data input Programmable data input cancel Polar coordinate interpolation mode Polar coordinate interpolation mode cancel Zp Xp plane selection Inch data input Metric data input Stored stroke check on Stored stroke check off Spindle speed fluctuation detection off Spindle speed fluctuation detection on Reference point return check Return to reference position 2nd 3rd and 4th reference point Skip function Thread cutting Variable lead thread cutting Auto tool compensation X Auto tool compensation z Tool nose radius compensation cancel Tool nose radius compensation left

G42 G50 G51 G52 G53 G54 to G59 G65 G66 G67 G70 G71 G72 G73 G74 G75 G76 G80 G83 G84 G86 G87 G88 G89 G90 G92

Tool nose radius compensation right Coordinate system/max spindle speed setting Polygonal turning Local coordinate system setting Machine coordinate system setting Workpiece coordinate system Macro calling Macro modal call Macro modal call cancel Finishing cycle Stock removal in turning Stock removal in facing Pattern repeating End face peck drilling OD/ID driving cycle multiple threading cycle Canned cycle for drilling cancel Face drilling cycle Face tapping cycle Face boring cycle Side drilling cycle Side tapping cycle Side boring cycle Outer inner diameter cutting cycle Thread cutting cycle

G94 G96 G97 G98 G99

End face turning cycle Constant surface speed control Constant surface speed control cancel Per minute feed Per revolution feed

Standard M Codes (Miscellaneous Codes): CODES M00 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M08 M09 M10 M11 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 DESCRIPTION Program stop Optional stop Program stop reset Spindle normal rotation Spindle reverse rotation Spindle stop Coolant on Coolant off Chuck clamp Chunk unclamp Turret forward rotation Turret reverse rotation Spindle orientation on Spindle orientation off Programmable tail stock unclamp Programmable tailstock clamp Chamfering off

M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M30 M40 M41 M42 M51 M52 M63 M64 M65 M70 M73 M74 M83 M84 M85 M86 M87 M88 M98 M99

Chamfering on Tailstock quill out Tailstock quill in Work rest down Work rest up Program stop reset rewind Spindle neutral gear Spindle low gear Spindle high gear Air jet / air blow on Air jet / air blow off Chip conveyer forward Chip conveyer stop Chip conveyer reverse Bar feeder on Parts catch up Parts catch down Chuck pressure low Chuck pressure high Auto door open Auto door close Steady reset clamp Steady rest unclamp Sub-program call Sub program return

The CNC Control:

After the program is fed into the CNC machine, it is for the CNC Control to read, activate the commands so as to activate the appropriate machine function, cause axis motion so on and so forth. With the evolution of time CNC has also evolved. All the present CNC are equipped with an option to modify a program, edit the mistakes and special verification functions to confirm the correctness of the program. In general the CNC control allows all the functions of the machine to be manipulated.

Advantages of CNC:
-CNC works to reduce the non chip making time. -Since manual function like selecting spindle, feed rate, coolant control, automatic fixture, indexing etc performed by CNC -Such machines, reduces the unit cost of production. -CNC provides cost saving throughout the entire manufacturing process. -CNC makes it possible to produce even the most complex shapes without extremely high cost. -Changes and improvements can be made a minimum of delay and expenses. -CNC machine tool always produces parts to maximize accuracy without special treatment. -CNC machine provide good positional accuracy and repeatability. -Complex jigs and fixtures are not required. -For most operation the simplest form of clamping device adequate. -High degree of quality is inherent because of accuracy and freedom from operator introduces variation. -In process quality inspection is selling than required. -The high process predictability ensure accurate cost determination and the simplified low cost setup enable parts to be run in small quantity economically. -Cutting condition is under complete control of manufacturing supervision. -Actual Spherical manipulation of machine by operator is greatly reduced.

-Reduce scrap because errors due to operator fatigue, interruption and other factor are less likely to occur. -Improve production planning. -Reduce space requirement. -Simplified inspection -Lower tooling cost. -Reduce load time.

Disadvantages of CNC:
-CNC machine cannot cut metal faster than tools on conventional machines. -CNC machine tool can do nothing more than it was capable of doing before control unit was joined to it. -CNC machine position and drive the cutting tool, but the same milling cutters, drills, taps and other tools still perform the cutting operation. -Cutting speed, feeds, and tooling principles have to be adhered to. -Idle time or time to move into position for new cuts is limited only by the machines capacity to respond. -CNC machine tool can initiate nothing on their own. -Control unit cannot think, judge or reason. -CNC can't totally eliminate error since operator can still push the wrong button, make incorrect alignments and failed to look at parts properly in a fixture. This can be reduced by being careful and effective training.

Machining Center:
A machining center is a synonym for a CNC Milling Machine. It is used for wide variety of machine tasks on the same machine tools. Based on the Machining Center, CNCs can be divided into Horizontal and

Vertical Machining centers in the wider horizon

Horizontal Machining Center (HMC):

In our study we have taken the example of HMC of the Hitachi Seiki HG 630 II


1. Travel 2. Distance form spindle nose to pallet center 3. Spindle

Axis travel (x,y,z) Table surface Spindle speed range Spindle taper

950*820*760mm 175mm to 935mm 20~6000rpm(op:8000rp m) 7/24 taper No. 50

4. Feed rate

Rapid traverse Cutting feedrate

24 mts/min 1~10000mm/min

5. ATC

BT50 Type of tool shank Tool storage capacity 60 tools[40] Maximum tool diameter Maximum tool length 110 mm Maximum tool weight 400 mm 20 kg

6. Coolant tank

Tank capacity Flow rate Number of nozzles Pressure consumption Main electric power Machine height Machine space with NC door closed Machine weight

800 liters 100 liters/ min 3

7. Air supply

Minimum 5kg/square cm 0.4com/min 18KW 3038mm 2497mm*2620 mm

8. Power supply 9. Machine size

1500 kg 10. Table Table working area Maximum table load 1000mm*500mm 500kg


Some of the prominent and easily identifiable parts of the HMC are: 4 Servo motors each for X, Y, Z, Bed axis. Spindle Motor for spinning of the spindle and hence the tool. Automatic Tool Changer (ATC). 2 Pallets, 3 Beds Panel Boards 2 nos Electric Box 3 Coolant Motors 1 Hydraulic Motor Hydraulic Oil Cooler Chip Conveyer Unit Coolant Tank Transformer [Step Down] 45 KVA Servo Stabilizer. Coolant Gun. Shuttle. Pneumatic System. Lubrication Unit. Slides.

Panel Board Components: Power On Switch Power Off Switch LCD Color Screen Manual Pulse generator Main Power Lamp Alarm Lamp Manual Absolute Lamp Machine Lock Switch Feedrate override Manual Adjustment Zero Position Indicator Lamp Mode Select Switch Mirror Select Switch Rapid Traverse Override Spindle Speed Override Spindle Sped Motor Key Switch Manual Feed (+) Direction Switch Manual Feed (-) Direction Switch Single Block Switch Tool Holder Unclamped Switch

Dry Run Switch Lock skip Switch Tool Index Switch Optional Stop Switch Lay Back Switch Program Restart Switch Emergency Stop Switch Block Restart Switch Handle Interruption Switch x1 Handle Interruption Switch x10 Coolant Auto Switch Coolant On Switch Chip Conveyer Operation Switch Lead Display (Alarm and Tool Number) Work Light Switch ATC/AWC Manual Switch Automatic Operation Start Switch Automatic Operation Stop Switch Return to suspended Operation Point Switch Spindle Stop Switch Spindle c/w Start Switch/Lamp Door Interlock Release Switch

Program to Centre Drill, Drill, Tap using a Sub Program: O0001 (Program No) G21 G40 G80 G17 G91 G30 Z0 M5 G30 X0 Y0 M01 N1 T01 M06 (Tool Number 01 From Magazine) (Coordinates are set to the (Z axis is 0) (Both X and Y are 0)

G00 G90 G54 X-30.0 Y17.5 S1000 M13 T2 values indicated) G43 H1 Z5.0

G81 R2.0 Z-4.0 F100 M98 P1001 instigated) G91 G30 Z0 G30 X0 Y0 M15 N2 T02 M06 the Magazine) G00 G90 X-31.0 Y17.5 S700 M13 T3 G43 H2 Z5.0 G83 R2.0 Z-20.0 Q5.0 F150 M98 P1001 G91 G30 Z0 G30 X0 Y0 M15 N3 T03 M06 G00 G90 X-30.0 Y17.5 S350 M13 T1 G43 H3 Z6.0 G84 R6.0 Z-17.5 F350 (1mm pitch Diameter) M98 P1001 G30 G91 Z0 M15 G30 X0 Y0 M30 Sub Program: O1001 G91 X15.0 L4 Y-17.5 L2 (Tool Number 02 from (Program 1001 is

X-15.0 L4 Y17.5 G80 Z50.0 M99

VERTICAL MACHINING CENTRE:- For a generalized study we took

two Vertical Machining Centres.

BMV 45

Machine Specifications: 1.Table size 2.Load 3.T-slot 4.Traverse X,Y,Z axis 450mm*900mm 500kg 18mm/80mm/5no 600mm*450mm*500

mm 5.Distance from floor to table top 6.Distance from table top to spindle face 7.Distance from spindle centre to column face 8. Spindle Speed Power Taper 9.Feed Rate Rapid (x/y/z) 10.ATC No of tools Maximum tool diameter Maximum tool length Tool selection Tool weight 11.Toolchange time Tool to tool Chip to chip 12.Accuracy Positioning Repeatability 13.Machine floor space Width Depth Height Weight 14.CNC system Make/model 905mm 100mm-600mm 480 mm

6000rpm 5.5/7.5kw BT-40no 1-10000mm\min 24/24/15 m/min 20 80/125mm 250mm random 8kg 2.5 sec 6.5sec +5 to-5 microns +3 to-3 microns 2230mm 2350mm 2760mm 450kg Fanuc 0i mb / Siemens

810D/802D 15.Cutting capacity Milling Drilling Tapping 16.Tool holder type 17. Pull stud type 18.Pneumatic supply 19.Power supply 20.Total connected tool MAS 220cc/min 20mm M20 BT 40 P40T-1-45 6bar 415v,3phase,50hz 16kva

Parts of BMV 45 Machine tool control cabinet. Main power switch. Operator station. RS 232 port. Battery compartment. Manual pulse generator. LCD display unit. MDI unit Power on &emergency stop. Emergency stop push button. Automatic operation control elements. Cycle start push button /automatic operation indication lamp. Feed hold button/stop indication lamp. Feed rate over write rotatory switch. Spindle operation control. Spindle start button &indication. Spindle stop button and indication. Spindle speed over ride rotatory switch. NC modes Editor (memory editing mode). Memory (memory command mode) MDI(manual input data mode).

DNC/TAPE-external input mode Handle mode. Jog feed mode Manual rapid transfer mode. Zero refrence point return mode NC function. Single block button and indicator. Block skip button and indicator Dry run button and indicator Optional stop button and indicator Progarmme restart button and indicator Handle intrup button and indicator Machine light button Coolant on/off Coolant nozzle Over travel release button Rapid travel over ride rotatory speed Key lock switch Axis control Manual axis selector switch Axis direction selection push button Jog federate rotatory switch Spindle load meter Axis selection switch S/G poor inter lock

Program for BMV 45 15T support key milling 0.0302(15 T support plate) G91 G0 G80 G40 G54 G28 Z0 M19 T01 M06 T04 N10(Dia 16mm End mill) G90 G0 G54 X276.0 Y1.75

G43 H01 Z100.0 G0 Z50.0 M03 S1500 G0 Z-4.0 M08 G01 X-88.0 F300 G0 Z25.0 X276.0 Y-1.75 Z-7.4 G01 X-88.0 F300 G0 Z25.0 X276.0 Y-1.75 Z-7.4 G01 X-88.0 F300 G0 Z25.0 X-1.75 Y-64 Z-4 G01 Y64 F300 G0 Z25 X1.75 Y-64 Z-4 G01 Y64 F300 G0 Z25 X-1.75 Y-64 Z-7.4 G01 Y64 F300 G0 Z25

X1.75 Y-64 Z-7.4 G01 Y64 F300 G0 Z100 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T04 M06 T02 N20(Center drill) G90 G0 G54 X41.5 Y41.5 G43 H04 Z100 M03 S750 G0 Z50 M08 G98 G81 Z-6 R3 F75 X41.5 Y41.5 X-41.5 Y41.5 X-41.5 Y41.5 G80 M04 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T02 M06 T03 N30(diameter 6.8mm drill) G43 H02 Z100.0 M03 S850

GO Z50.0 M08 G98 G81 Z-27.0 R3.0 F75 X41.5 Y41.5 X41.5 Y41.5 X41.5 Y41.5 G80 M09 G30 G91 Z0 .M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T03 M06 T5 N40(diameter 13mm drill) G90 G0 G54 X41.5 Y41.5 G43 H03 Z100.0 M03 S450 G0 Z50.0 M08 G98 G81 Z-2.5 R0 F60 X41.5 Y41.5 X41.5 Y41.5 X41.5 Y41.5 G80 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T05 M06 T07 N60(diameter 12 end mill)

G90 G0 G54 X273.0 Y34.0 G43 H05 Z100.0 M03 S1600 G0 Z-4.0 M08 G01 X158.0 F300 G01 Z10.0 F300 G0 X273.0 Z-8.5 G01 X158.0 F300 G01 Z10 F300 G0 X273 Z-13 G01 X158 F300 G01 Z10 F300 G0 X273 Z-13 G01 X158 F300 G01 Z10 F300 G0 Z100 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T07 M06 T08 N70(diameter 19mm t-slot) G90 G0 G54 X280 Y34 G43 H07 Z100

M03 S900 G0 Z50 M08 Z-17.4 G01 X158 F150 G01 X280 F250 G0 Y-34 G01 X158 F150 G01 X280 F250 G0 Z100 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T8 M06 T14 N80(diameter 25mm end mill) G90 G0 G54 X275 Y75 G43 H08 Z100 M03 S200 M08 Z-15 G41 X245.982 Y63.5 D22 G17 G02 X245.982 Y-63.5 R127 F40 G0 G40 X275 Y-75 G0 Z-28 G42 G0 X245.982 Y-63.5 D22 G03 X245.982 Y63.5 R127 F40 G0 G40 X275 Y75

G0 Z-42.5 G41 G0 X245.982 Y-63.5 D22 G02 X245.982 Y-63.5 R127 F40 G0 G40 X275 Y-75 Z-42.5 G42 X245.982 Y63.5 O23 G17 G03 X245.982 Y63.5 R127 F40 G0 G40 X285 Y85 Z100 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T14 M06 T6 N90(CH + 12MM SLOT) G90 G0 G54 X280 Y34 G43 H14 Z100 G0 Z-4 G01 X158 F100 G0 Z10 X280 Y-4.5 Z-3.5 G01 X-88 F100 Y4.5 G01 X280 G0 Z0

X-4.5 Y-64 Z-3.5 G01 Y64 G01 Y-64 GO Z10 G30 G91 Z0 M09 G30 G91 X0 Y0 T6 M06 T1 M0 N50(M8 TAP) G90 G0 G54 X41.5 Y41.5 G43 H06 Z100 M03 S200 G0 Z50 M08 M135 G98 G84 Z-18 R10 F250 X41.5 Y-41.5 X-41.5 Y-41.5 X-41.5 Y41.5 G80 M09 G30 G91 Z0 M19 G30 G91 X0 Y0 M30

Vertical Machining Centre:

Machine Specifications: 11. Travel Axis travel (x,y,z) Table surface Spindle speed range Spindle tapper Spindle bearing tuner diameter Spindle Drive motor 900*500*450mm 150mm to 600mm 120~1200rpm(op:20krp m) 7/24 taper 40.4 70mm(65 mm for 20krpm) 18/22 kwatts 14. Feed rate Rapid travel Cutting feed 40 mts/min

12. Distance form spindle nose to 13. Spindle

1~40000mm/min 15. ATC Type of tool shank Tool storage capacity Maximum tool diameter Maximum tool length Maximum tool weight Tool changing time(tool to tool) Tool changing time(chip to chip) MAS-4032-BJ40 20 tools[30] 114 mm 300 mm 8 kg 1.3 sec

2.5 sec

16. Coolant tank

Tank capacity Flow rate Number of nozzles Pressure consumption Main electric power Machine height Machine space with NC door closed Machine weight Positioning w/o and w scale Repeatability w/o and w scale Table working area Maximum table load

300 liters 80 liters/ min 2


Air supply

Minimum 5kg/square cm 0.4com/min 40KVA 3038mm 2497mm*2620 mm 7600 kg +-0.003/+-0.0015mm +-0.002/0.001 mm 1000mm*500mm 500kg

18. Power supply 19. Machine size





Parts of VMC: Machine tool control cabinet.

Main power switch. Operator station. RS 232 port. Battery compartment. Manual pulse generator. LCD display unit. MDI unit Power on &emergency stop. Emergency stop push button. Automatic operation control elements. Cycle start push button /automatic operation indication lamp. Feed hold button/stop indication lamp. Feed rate over write rotatory switch. Spindle operation control. Spindle start button &indication. Spindle stop button and indication. Spindle speed over ride rotatory switch. NC modes Editor (memory editing mode). Memory (memory command mode) MDI(manual input data mode). DNC/TAPE-external input mode Handle mode. Jog feed mode Manual rapid transfer mode. Zero refrence point return mode NC function. Single block button and indicator. Block skip button and indicator Dry run button and indicator Optional stop button and indicator Programmed restart button and indicator Handle intrup button and indicator Machine light button Coolant on/off Coolant nozzle Over travel release button Rapid travel over ride rotatory speed Key lock switch Axis control Manual axis selector switch Axis direction selection push button

Jog federate rotatory switch Spindle load meter Axis selection switch S/G poor inter lock

Program for VMC: 00205(15T counter plate) G0 G91 G28 Z0 G54 G40 G80 M19 N10 (FACE MILL) T6 M06 T2 G0 G90 G54 X-30 Y-7.0 G43 H6 Z-100.0 M03 S300 GO Z-50.0 Z0 G01 X-118.0 F150 Y-88.0 X-30 Z-2.1 X-118.0 Y-7.0 X-30 Z-4.2 X-118.0 Y-88.0 X-30

G80 M05 N20(CENTRE DRILL) G0 G91 G53 G30 Z0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-350.0 Y-10.0 M30 T2 M06 T12 G90 G0 G54 X-68.0 Y0 G43 H2 Z-30.0 M03 S1000 G98 G81 Z-6 R-3.0 F90 X-68.0 G80 M05 N30(20MM DRILLING CYCLE) G0 G91 G53 G30 Z-0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-550.0 Y-10 T12 M06 T20 G0 G90 G54 X-68.0 Y-0 G43 H12 Z-20 M03 S400 G98 G83 Q10 R-3.0 Z-82.0 F40 X-68.0 Z-48.0 G80 M05 N40(30MM BORECYCLING)

G0 G91 G53 G30 Z-0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-550 Y-10 T20 M06 T18 G0 G90 G54 X-68.0 Y-0 G43 H20 Z30 M03 S500 G98 G86 R-3.0 Z-68.3 F35 X-68 Z-40.3 G80 M05 G0 G91 G53 G30 Z-0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-550.0 Y-10.0 M30

CNC Lathe:
Machine Specifications: SPECIFICATION CAPACITY: Swing over bed Swing over carriage Admit between centres Maximum turning length Interference free turning diameter Maximum turning diameter Chuck size SPINDLE: Spindle nose A2-6 510mm 340mm 610mm 500mm 265mm 320mm 210mm DATA

Spindle inside taper Hole through spindle Maximum bar capacity Spindle speed range Motor power Spindle speed range for power Maximum torque in spindle Spindle front bearing TURRET: Number of station Tool shank size Maximum boring bar diameter Indexing Indexing time TALE STOCK: Quill diameter Quill taper Tale stock base stroke FEED SYSTEM: Cross travel (x-axis) Longitudinal travel (z-axis) Rapid traverse (x\z axis) X-axis motor torque Z-axis motor torque X-axis motor power

MT-7 61mm 51mm 3500rpm 11/7.5kw 1000-2250 rpm 140(fanuc 8i) 100mm

8 25*25mm 40mm Bi-directional 0.9sec

75/100mm MT/4 385mm

185mm 560mm 30000/30000 mm/min 11.0nm 11.0nm 1.8kw

Z-axis motor power Ball screw x-axis Ball screw z-axis Feedback element Guide way on all axis GENERAL: Machine size Floor space required Weight Air requirement basic machine Air requirement for option Lubrication for slide ways and ball screw Lubrication for spindle bearing Coolant tank capacity Coolant pump motor POWER SUPPLY: Voltage Frequency Power ACCURACY: Positioning off slides x-axis Positioning off slides z-axis Repeatability x-axis/ a-axis CNC system

1.8kw 32*10mm 40*12mm Absolute encoder Linear motion bearing

2255*1925*1680mm 4.35m*m 3500kg Nil lpm Nil lpm Automotive pressure lubrication with fault detection Grease pack 125lts 1.1kw

Ac ,415+-10%,3v 50hz 22.2kva

0.005mm 0.010mm +0.002 ,-0.002,/0.003mm Fanuc 0i-mate TC

Parts of CNC Lathe:

Check Table Spindle Turret Chuck Tool Holders Assembly Sleeves Sockets Splash Guard Headstock Assembly Main Motor Assembly Bed Assembly Carriage and Cross Slide Assembly Z Axis Assembly Tool Post Assembly Lubrication Routing Coolant Routing Hydraulic Routing Splash Guard Wipers Power Transmission Belts Hydraulic System: Tank Capacity 40 liters Type of Oil Servo System 32 Maximum Working Pressure 35 bar Hydraulic Pump Delivery 20 lmp Hydraulic Motor Power 1.5 kw ATC Unit

CNC Board Nomenclature: Power on switch Power off switch LCD color screen Manual pulse generator Main power lamp Alarm lamp Second LS remove lamp Manual absolute lamp Machine lock switch Feed rate overwrite manual adjustment Display lock lamp Z axis neglect switch High and low range lamp Feed axis sector switch Zero position indicator lamp Mode select switch Mirror select switch Rapid traverse over side switch Spindle speed over side switch Spindle speed meter Key switch Manual feed (+) direction switch Manual feed (-) direction switch Second Ls remove switch Tool holder clamp switch

Single block switch Tool holder unclamped switch Dry run switch Lock skip switch Tool index switch Optional stop switch Lay back switch Program restart switch Emergency stop switch Block restart switch Handle interruption switch *1 Handle interruption switch *10 Coolant auto switch Coolant on switch 2nd and 3rd coolant nozzle on switch Chip conveyor operation switch Lead display ( alarm and tool num) Work light switch ATC/AWC manual switch Automatic operation start switch Automatic operation stop switch Return to suspended operation point switch Spindle stop switch Spindle c/w start switch/lamp Spindle load meter Door interlock release switch

Program for CNC Lathe: O0115 (15T 10SLEEVE 1ST OPERATION) G0; T0202; G97 M03 S800; G0Z20; X100; G0 Z5; M08; X63; G01 Z0 F0.5; G03 X64.86 Z-1 R1 F0.08; G01 Z-5 F0.1; G01 X63 F0.08; G01 Z-10 F0.15; G03 X64.86 Z-11 R1 F0.08; G01 Z19.5 F0.15; G01 X63.86 F0.15; Z40 F0.15; G01 X61 F0.1; X70; G0 G28 U0 W0; T0505; G97 M03 S800; G0 Z20; X40; G0 Z5;

X45; G01 Z0 F0.5; F01 X45 Z-1.5 F0.08; G0 Z5; G0 G28 U0 W0; M30; (15 T 5A 10 SLEEVE 1ST OPERATION) G0 G28 U0 W0 T0101 G50 S1000 G96 M3 S150 G0 Z20 X120 G0 Z5 X85 G0 Z3 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X85 G0 Z1.5 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X85 G0 Z0.5 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X85

G0 Z2 G10 X82 Z-82 F0.15 X78 X74 X70 X66 G0 Z2 M05 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0606 G17 M04 S800 G0 Z20 X-270 G0 Z5 M08 G01 Z-62 F0.05 G0 Z5 M09 M05 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0404 G17 M03 S600 G0 Z50 X32 G0 Z5 X35 G0 Z2

G10 X36 Z-61 F0.15 X40 X44 G0 Z5 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0707 G97 M03 S300 G0 Z20 X100 G0 Z-10 X70 G01 X55.45 F0.05 X70 G0 Z-8 G01 X55.4 F0.05 G01 Z-10 F0.03 X70 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0202 G50 S1000 G96 M03 S120 G0 Z20 X100 G0 Z0 X80 G01 X38 F0.15 G0 Z5

X80 G0 Z-45 X70 G01 X63 F0.08 Z-7.4 F0.15 X70 G0 Z-50 G01 X59 F0.08 Z-79 F0.15 X70 G0 Z-55 G01 X55 F0.08 Z-79 F0.15 X70 G0 Z-60 G01 X51 F0.08 Z-79 F0.15 X62 G01 X64 Z-80 F0.08 X80 G0 Z5 G0 G78 U0 W0 M30 % 00114(15T 5A 10SLEEVE 2N OPM) G0 G28 U0 W0 T0101

G50 S1000 G96 M03 S120 G0 Z20 X100 M08 G0 Z5 X80 G0 Z3 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X85 G0 Z1.5 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X85 G0 Z0.2 G01 X0 F0.1 G0 Z5 X80 G90 X74 Z-40 F0.15 X70 X66 G0 Z5 M09 M05 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0606

G97 M04 S800 G0 Z20 X-270 M08 G0 Z5 G01 Z-60 F0.05 G0 Z5 M09 M05 G0 G78 U0 W0 T0707 G97 M03 S300 G0 Z-10 X100 G01 X70 F0.8 M08 G01 X55.45 F0.05 X70 F0.2

G01 Z-8 F0.5 G01 X55.4 F0.05 G01 Z-10 F0.03 X70 F0.5 M09 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0404 G97 M03 S600

G0 Z20

X35 G0 Z5 G90 X36 Z-60 F0.15 X40 X44 G0 Z5 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0202 G97 M03 S800 G0 Z20 X100 G0 Z0 X80 G01 X40 F0.15 G0 Z5 Y63 G01 Z0 F0.5 G03 X64.86 Z-1 R1 F0.08 Z-5 F0.15 G01 X63 F0.08 G01 Z-10 F0.15 X63 G03 X64.86 Z-11 R1 F0.08 G01 Z-19.5 F0.15 G01 X63.97 F0.08 G01 Z-40 F0.15 G01 X61 F0.08

G0 Z-65 G01 X63 F0.08 Z-79 F0.15 X70 G0 Z-60 G01 X59 F0.08 Z-79 F0.15 X70 G0 Z-55 G01 X55 F0.08 Z-78 F0.08 X70 G0 Z-55 G01 X51 F0.08 G01 Z-79 F0.15 X75 G0 G28 U0 W0 T0505 G97 M03 S700 G0 Z20 X44.8 G0 Z5 G01 Z-115.8 F0.1 X44 G0 Z2 X48 G01 Z0 F0.5

G01 X45 Z-1.5 F0.08 G01 Z-115.8 F0.1 X44 G01 Z5 F0.9 G0 G28 U0 W0 M30 % Program generated by us do milling, drilling, boring and tapping: G90 G91 G20 Z0 M19 T M06 T G0 G90 G54 X-40.0 Y0 G43 H Z100.0 M03 S350 G0 Z5.0 G01 Z-1.5 F100 X95.0 Y25 X0 Y50.0 X95.0 G0 Z50 M05 G0 Z50 M05 G0 G91 G53 G30 Z0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-550 Y-10

M30 M 08 G0 Z10.0 G0 Y67.5 G01 Z-25 F50 G0 Z10 G0 X67.5 Y 67.5 G01 Z-25 F50 G0 Z10 G0 X67.5 Y17.5 G01 Z-25 F50 G0 Z10 M05 M09 G0 G91 G53 G30 Z0 M19 G0 G90 G53 X-550 Y-10 M30 T17 M06 T3 G90 G54 X-19.2 Y-19.2 G43 M17 Z100 M03 S500 G98 G82 P500 Z-1.7 R2 S50 X-69.2 Y69.2 X 19.2 Y69.2 G18 M05

T2 M06 T3 GO G90 G54 X43.55 Y3.6 G43 H2 Z100 M03 S1000 G0 Z0 M08 G98 G81 Z-80 R5. F90 G80 M05

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