Miss Yvonne B. Lucero

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‘Bark deposit wo, protektada! RECEIVERSHIP AND LIQUIDATION SUPPORT GROUP Records Control and Logistics Department September 22, 2022 MISS YVONNE B. LUCERO. joylucero25@yahoo.com Dear Ms. Lucero: This refers to your request for a statement of account for the loan with Rural Bank of Kebacan, Inc. now, the closed Rural Bank of Central Mindanao (N. Cotabato), Inc. secured by a mortgage on Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. P-48753. Please be advised that the subject account is not outstanding as of bank closure. To factitate the release of the fille and issuance of a Cancellation of Mortgage, please submit the inal notarized or certified true copies of the requirements as per attached list. Also attached is a pro-forma Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quifclaim and Special Power of Atlomey. Please be informed that the process MAY TAKE TIME as jf requires thorough checking, painstaking evaluation and exhaustive verification/validation from various Inventory and Turover Schedules of voluminous records/documents tuned over by the previous bank management fo the PDIC as of closure. These records are stored in a warehouse outside the PDIC premises and are being retrieved on a scheduled basis. While we cim to address alll the requests of clients of the 726 closed banks under the charge of the PDIC, the volume as well as the various nature and complexities of the same hinder ‘our expeditious resolution/action thereon. The transaction involved pertains fo a loan account that took place several years before the subject bank closed. The lapse of lime adversely affects our efforts to retrieve documents that old. For your information and guidance, we are currently undertaking the following validation in order to ascertain the status of the account: * Determination whether or not the account is an asset of the bank either as Real and Other Properties Acquired (ROPA), loan collateral or Other/Miscellaneous Asset. © Determination whether or not there are other proofs of ownership fitie, Tax Declaration, etc.) in the possession of the bank. + Determination whether or not there ore available vital records pertaining io the subject account (e.g. Fully paid credit files, loan subsidiary ledgers or copy of the Release and Cancellation of Real Estate Mortgage, Acknowledgment Receipt/proot of release of documents of fully paid accounts) from which the documentary requirements may be compared/authenticated/validated (e.g. Official Receipts to be validated against the Teller’s Blotters, Proof sheets, Dally Transaction or other records.) Processing will commence only upon receipt of the complete requirements which you may send thru courier to avoid unnecessary costs and risk of travel. Additional documents may later be required by higher authorities, as may be necessary. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION {d= Woth Foor SSS Bldg, 6782 Ala Ava. comer VA. Rano St. Maka ly 1226 Pallpines Tor ce8a) os-4620 031 Sol Pren-000% 00.7543 or 800-888 ‘Emsitpadtipdegovps! webate warp goXh Please submit the requirements to: The Public Assistance Department Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation 2228 Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City Telephone Number at (02) 8841-4141; Toll free hotline at 1-800-1-888-PDIC or 1-600-888-7342 (accessible thru landline and Sun/Smart networks); Email at pad@pcic.gov.ph; or PDIC official Facebook account at www f ae 1ok.com/OfficialP DI Thank you. Truly yours, AGG Ben Officer-in-Charge Attachments: as stated Copy furnished: Public Assistance Department, PDIC File PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGE LIENS AND OTHER COLLATERAL/SECURITY ON LOAN ACCOUNTS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID PRIOR TO BANK CLOSURE Name of Requesting Party/ies ‘Molling/Email Address : Contact Numbers Name of Closed Bank 7 Account/Borrower/s' Name/s Reglstered/Declared Owner/s (f not the borower/s) ISTERED O} STERAL/SECURITY IS. ENTITY O11. tetterrequest (proforma attached} 2. Certified tue copy of the collateral/secuiity bearing the annotation of the mortgage in faver of the bank (all pages, front and back) Note: if property is titled and bears the annotation of mortgage, there sno need to submit the Tox Declaration (1D). 3. Owner's duplicate copy of the collateral (all pages, front and back) (14. Notarized Affidavit and Indemnity Agreement and Quitclaim (pro-forma attached) O15. Official Receipts/proofs/evidences of full settlement of the account. G6. Reol Estate/Chattel Mortgage if annotation in the collateral is illegible/unclear/unreadable (17. Cancellation of Mortgage issued by the bank priorio bank closure 18. Acknowledgement Receipt/proof of release of collateral and other documents prior to bank closure 19. Secretary's Certificate giving authority to the representative to request and receive the appropriate document to be released by the PDIC. 1110. One {1} valid identification document (ID) with soecimen signature of the Corporate Secretary and the representative NOTES: 1. The original copies of Requirements Numbers 2, 4, 6 and 7 should be submitted thru the regulor mail while the scanned copies of the other requirements can be submitted thru social media (Email, Messenger). The original copy/ies of Number 6 and 7 will be retumed upon release of the appropriate requested document. 2. During processing of the request, additional document/s may later be required by hicher authorities as may be necessary. 3. This is to be accomplished in duplicate copies - ariginal copy for PDIC and the duplicate copy for the requesting party/Atomey-in-Fact. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGE LIENS AND OTHER COLLATERAL/SECURITY ON LOAN ACCOUNTS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID PRIOR TO BANK CLOSURE Nome of Requesting Party/ies Mailing/Email Address Contact Numbers, Name of Closed Bank Account/Borrower/s' Name/s: Regisiered/Declared Owner/s : (i not the borrower/s) R ING PART! 11. tetterrequest {pro-forma attached) D2. Ceriiied tre copy of the collaterai/security bearing the annotation of the mortgage or other lien in favor of the bank (ll pages, front and back) Note: If the collaterai/secutity is titled and bears the annotation of mortgage, there is no need to submit the Tox Declaration (TO). Os. o4 Os, o« Owner's duplicete copy of the collaterai/security (all pages, front and back} Notarized Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quitcloim (pro-forma attached} Real Estate/Chatte! Mortgage if annotation in the collateral isilegible/unclear/ unreadable Official Receipts (ORs)/proofs/evidences of full settlement of the account 17. Cancellation of Mortgage issued by the bank priorto bank closure 118. Acknowledgement Receint/proot of release of collateral and other documents prior fo bank closure O°. PSA-authenticated Death Certificates of the deceased registered owner/s and hetr/s Oo. Affidavit of Sett-Adjudication (for lone heit)/Letter of Consent or Notarized Special Power of Attomey (SPA) of Notarized Extra -judiciol Settlement of Estate signed by all the heirs 1 11. PsA-cuthenticated Birth Certifcate/s of the lone helt/all heirs who signed in the Letter of Consent/SPA/Exira-jucicial Settlement of Estate, 112. Montage Contract, as applicable 13. One (1) valid Identification Document (ID) with specimen signature of the lone hei/all the heirs and the Attomey-in-Fact (APF) Ifany. NOTES: 1. The original copies of Requirements Numbers 2, 4, 6 and 7 should be submitted thru the reguiar mail while the scanned copies of the other requirements can be submitted thru social medic (Email, Messenger). The original copy/ies of Number 6 and 7 will be retumed upon release of the appropriate requested document. 2. During processing of the request, additional document/s may later be required by higher authorities as moy be necessary. 3. This is to be accomplished in duplicate copies - original copy for PDIC and the duplicate copy for the requesting porty/Attomey-in-Foct. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGE LIENS AND OTHER COLLATERAL/SECURITY ON LOAN ACCOUNTS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN. FULLY PAID PRIOR TO BANK CLOSURE Nome of Requesting Party/ies Malting/Emall Address Contact Numbers : Name of Closed Bank Account/Borower/s' Name/s Registered/Declared Owner/s : (f not the bortower/s) ESTING PARTY/I :D) MORTGAGED PROPI E O11. Letterrequest (pro-forme attached} C2. Cerlified true copy of the colateral/security bearing the annotation of the mortgage or other lien in fovor of the bonk (oll pages, front and back} Note: If the collateral/security is tified and becrs the annotation of morigage, there is no need to submit the Tox Declaration {7D}. Os. O4 Os. oe o7. Oe. (Owner's duplicate copy of the collateral/secutity (all pages. front and back} Notarized Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quitciaim (oro-forma attached) Real Estate/Chattel Mortgage if annotation in the collateral is ilegible/unciear/ unreadable Official Receipts (ORs}/proots/evidences of full seitiement of the account Cancellation of Mortgage issued by the bank priorfo bankciosure ‘Acknowledgement Receip!/proof of release of collateral and other documents prior to bank closure O¢. Mamiage Contract, as applicable O10. One (1) valid Identification Document (1D) with specimen signature of the buyer/s-partial owner/s 1111. Notarized Deed of Sale on @ portion of the land in favor of the buyer(s)/new owner(s) *Ifrepresented by on Attomey-in-Fact (AF): 11 12. Special Power of Atomey (SPA) executed by the buyers-new owner/s 113, One (1) valic Identification Document (10) with specimen signature of the AF NoTES: 1, The original copies of Requirements Numbers2, 4, 6 and 7 should be submitted thry the regular mail while the scanned copies of the other requirements can be submitted thru social mecia (Email, Messenger). The original copy/ies of Number 6 and 7 will be retumed upon release of the appropriate requested document. 2. During processing of the request, adiional document /s may later be required by higher authorities as may be necessary. 3. This is to be cecomplished in duplicate copies - original copy for PDIC ond the duplicate copy for the requesting porty/Attomey-in-Fact. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGE LIENS AND OTHER COLLATERAL/SECURITY ON LOAN ACCOUNTS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID PRIOR TO BANK CLOSURE Name of Requesting Party/ies Mailing/émail Address Contact Numbers Name of Closed Bank Account/Borrower/s! Name/s Registered/Declored Owner/s : {it not the borrower/s) REQUESTING PARTY/IES IS/ARE THE BUYER( D1. Letterrequest {proforma attached) 01 2. Certified true copy of the collateral/security bearing the annotation of the mortgage or other lien in favor of the bank (all pages, front and back) Note: If the collateral/security is titled and bears the annotation of mortgage, there is no need to submit the Tox Declaration (1D). Os. Da Os. O68 Owner's duplicate copy of the collateral/secutty (all pages, front and back) Notarized Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quitclaim (pro-forme attached) Real Estate/Chattel Mortgage if onnotation in the collateral is ilegible/unclear/ unreadable Official Receipts (ORs|/proots/evidences of full settlement of the account 7. Concellation of Mortgage issued by the bank priorto bank closure Os Acknowledgement Receipt/proof of release of collateral and other documents prior to bank closure (9. One {1) valid identification Document (ID) with specimen signature, each of the requesting party/ies (10. Mariage Contract, as applicable (211. Notarized Deed of Sole between the registered /declared owner/s and the buyer/new owner/s * If represented by on Attomey-in-Fact (AF): 1 12. special Power of Attomey [SPA] executed by the buyer/s-new owner/s 1113. Ong (1) valid Identification Document (iD) with specimen signature of the AIF NOTES: 1. The original copies of Requirements Numbers2, 4, 6 ond 7 should be submitted thru the regular mail while the sconned copies of the other requirements can be submitied thru social media (Email, Messenger). The original copy/ies of Number 6 and 7 will be retumed upon release of the appropriate requested document. 2. During processing of the request, additional document/s may later be required by higher authorities as ‘may be necessary. 3. This is fo be accomplished in duplicate copies - original copy for PDIC and the duplicate copy for the requesting party/Attomey-in-Fact. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISCHARGE OF MORTGAGE LIENS AND RELEASE OF COLLATERAL/SECURITY ON LOAN ACCOUNTS CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN FULLY PAID PRIOR TO BANK CLOSURE AND TITLES FOR SAFEKEEPING. Nome of Requesting Party/ies : Mailing/Email Address y Contact Numbers Name of Closed Bank Account/Borrower/s' Name/s + Registered/Declored Owner/s : (tt not the bortower/s) IS/ARE THE REGISTE O11. Letter-request (pro-forma attached} 12. Certified true copy of the collateral/security bearing the annotation of the mortgage or other lien in favor of the bonk {all pages. front and back) Note: If the colloteral/security is tiled and bears the annotation of mortgage, there is no need to submit the Tox Declaration (1D) 03, Da. Os. O64 Owner's duplicate copy of the collateral/secutity (all pages, front and back) Notarized Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quitclaim (pro-torme attached) Real Estate/Chattel Mortgage if cnnotation in the collaterals ilegible/unclear/unreadable Official Receipts (ORs)/proots/evidences of full settlement of the account 7. Cancellation of Mortgage issued by the bank priorto bank closure 118. Acknowledgement Receipt/proot of release of collateral and other documents prior to bank closure D9. One (1} valid identification Document {1D} with specimen signature, each of the requesting party fies (1110. Mariage Contract, os applicable * Ifrepresented by an Attomey-in-Fact {AF}: 111. Special Power of Attomey (SPA) executed by the regisiered/deciored owner/s 112. One {1) valid Identification Document (lO) with specimen signature of the AIF NOTES: 1. The original copies of Requirements Numbers 2, 4, 6 and 7 should be submitted thru the regular mail while the scanned copies of the other requirements can be submitted thru socicl media (Email, Messenger). The original copy/ies of Number 6 and 7 will be retumed upon release of the appropriate requested document, 2. During processing of the request, additional document/s may loter be required by higher authotties os may be necessary. 3. This is to be accomplished in duplicate copies - original copy for PDIC ond the duplicate copy for the requesting party/Attomey-in-Fact. Date: |THE RECEIVER/LIQUIDATOR Bank Name: [This is to request for the following: Concellation of Mortgage Cerfification tor a terminated bank Release of collateral/security/titie for safekeeping Others (Please specify) IPurpose/s or reason/s for the request: Documents submitted: See attached checklist Hihank you. [iruly yours, Signatures Printed Name/s: IMailing/Email Address : iContact No/s. : Registered/declored owner/s Buyer/s-New Owner/s Hels Co-owner/s-Particl owner/s Attorney-in-Fact Representative of a corporate entity FOR PDIC USE ONLY: Signature over Printed Name: Date Received Remarks Complete With document deficiency/ies REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) CITY/PROVINCE OF 3.8. Affidavit with Indemnity Agreement and Quitclaim (and Special Power of Attorney) (ive), __, of legal age/s, Flipino/s, (sinale/married) and (9) resident/s of ___, after having been duly swoi fo in accordance with law, hereby depose and soy: 1. That (W2wesour porents/the former owner/s} obtained a re9! estote/chottel ‘by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC|; 2. That os a security to the aforescid loan, (l/we/she/he/thev) exec! REM/Chatiel_Morlagel in fovor of the closed, (ni iheid| property to closure: OR oF any proof of payment) “That the oforescid loon Receipt/s {ORs} Nos. ata aT ar Reo Necks an Should the closed (nome of bank) and/or (cnylour represeniotions hereof, (we) hereby agree to ‘edition to (qnulout) other licbilies, civil oF criminal, that f Mortgage) {is/are} found later on, f ank] or to PDIC for verification sany loss or damage from (my/oun) representations hereof, (I/we) hereby agree to ‘them for the same, in addition to {my/our} other liabilities, civil or criminal, that may arise therefrom; 4. Thot (lave/ne/she/they) (was/werel not able to Immediately work on the cancellation of the Gforescic mortgage because; 7. That (we/he/she/the (has/have) no oustanding obligation with the ‘bank! and if if should have been discovered that {l/we/ha/she/thov! with the bank, (dw) undertake to pay the some fo the closed (no) Alfiont's Signature over Printed Name IN TO before me this _day of __ 2021. ffiant/s exhibited to ification D« 11D) as follows: t NOTARY PUBLIC Doc. No, Page No. Book No, Series of 2021.

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