Test 1. Answer Sheet

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1. According to historians, how old the city of Rome?

Nearly 800 years before Christ

2. What do the archaeologists do?

They dig in the ground and find remains from the past.

3. What is colosseum?

It’s a stadium built by Romans, which could hold 50,000 people.

4. Why does archaeologist have a difficult job?

Because: they needs to read and found all the evidence and clues about the place. Then he dig so slowly
and professionally so they could damage any artefact.

5. Who were Patricians in Roman time?

They were powerful rich families. Who: controlled Rome after the last king.

6. Who were Plebeians?

Normal Roman citizens. the everyday people in Roman society.

7. How many years’ wars took place between Romans and Carthages?

Over 100 years

8. Who many wars did Romans and Carthages fought with each other?


9. When did the first Punic war started?

264 BC

10. When did the first Punic war ended?

11. For how long Romans siege the city of Agrigentum?

Six months

12. Which area did Roman gain after the first Punic war?


13. What did Romans do with the Carthages people after defeating them?

Thy sold them into slavery.

14. What was the duty of the Governor of the Province?

To make sure the province was ruled the way the Roman wanted. And they pay taxes to Rome.

15. How old was Hannibal when become the commander of the Carthaginian forces?
29 ears
16. Why Hannibal could not invade Spain from the sea?

Because: it was controlled by Romans and would sink his ships.

17. What is a boulder?

It’s a rock

18. Why Hannibal didn’t attack the city of Rome?

Because he did not have enough men and equipment to capture the city

19. Who defeated the Hannibal?


20. What was the difference between an auxiliary and a legionary?

Legionary was a born Roman and had training for his who life. Auxiliary were soldiers from the
conquered lands

21. Julius Caesar took three actions to make people of Rome happy. Write them.
1. He gives them free food
2. He gives them free entertainment
3. Give them jobs by starting different construction projects.
22. Who does not want Julius Caesar to come back and why?
Senate does not want Julius Caesar to come back because they know if he comes back to Rome
he is going to be the one in power and senate is going to lose their power
23. Who was the first emperor of Rome?


24. Match the words with suitable definitions.

1 Tent A Group of eight men’s

2 Century B Group of ten tents

3 Cohort C Six century together

4 Legion D Group of 5000 men

5 Centurions E Commander of century

6 Standard F An emblem

7 Javelin G Two meter rod made of wood.

8 Tunic H Short trousers

9 Helmet I Made of iron to protect the head

10 Shield J Strips of leather covered with

metal discs hung from it

11 Catapults K Used to fire stones on walls

12 Battering L Used to hit on walls by force to

rams make it weak.

13 Testudos M Covered head with shields in a


14 Senate N 600 influential citizens of Rome

15 Consuls O Two people who governed the

Rome and command the army

25. Fill in the blanks with given words.

Tactics, forces, cavalry, auxiliaries, swords, 45kilos, stones, siege, shields, tennis ball, outwards, weaken

Fill in the blanks

Their weapons and ___tactics_______ were not really any better than their enemies. Before a battle the
Romans world line up their ___forces_______ with the legion in the centre and
___cavalry___________and ______auxiliaries_____________ on either side. Using their
___swords________ and _shields_________ they would try to knock a hole in the enemy’s formation
and work their way ___outwards_______ from there. Large catapults fired ___stones__________ which
ranged from the size of a ___tennis ball___________ to over ___45kilos______ in weight. Roman
soldiers attack fortress from inside a ___siege_____ tower. Battering rams were used to
__weaken________ walls.

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