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Narrator : Once upon a time, there lived a handsome man named Ron. Ron is also known as a
friendly and helpful person. But until now, Ron has not decided to drop his heart to anyone.


Narrator: One day on the pathway, Ron met a girl named Gabby.

Gabby : Aihhh, How heavy and a lot of my shopping. I feel I can’t carry these groceries on
my own.

Ron : (It is such a coincidence) Exuse me, Sorry if I bothering you, but you look so exhausted
with that much shopping. Can I help you?

Gabby : Oh hi, yaaa, it’s quite heavy . Can you help me to bring it all the way to my
house? But my house is quite far. I'm afraid to bother you.

Gabby : For sure, give it to me (while taking Gabby’s groceries)

Narrator: Finally, Ron helped Gabby to carry her shopping



Gabby : Oke, we arrrived. Give it to me (asking for groceries while putting things away).
Okeeyyy, thanks for your kindess. It’s mean a lot for me.

Ron : Don’t mention it. If its done, I have something to finish. See you... (Ron stepped
away from Gabby)

Gabby : Hey wait... let me know your name . We don't know each other yet. Then, I will
so happy if I get your phone number. Can I ?

(Ron turned around and walked over to Gabby)

Ron : Sorry, almost forgot. My name is Ron, and you ?

Gabby : I’m Gabby . Wait Ron, can I get your phone number ? If you don’t mind. Here you
are, (while giving her cellphone to Ron)

Ron : (Accepting Gabby’s phoneand write his phone number) Okeyyy, done. Nice to meet
you (returned the cellphone to Gabby and reached out his hand to Gabby for a handshake),
Gabby : Thanks Ron. Nice to meet you too (Gabby still holding Ron's hand while looking
at Ron with a smile)

Ron : Gabby exuse me, I have to go now (while looking at the hand that Gabby was still

Gabby : Ohh... I’m sorry.. Sure , take care...

Narrator : From that meeting, Gabby began to like Ron. Unfortunately, Ron doesn’t have
the same feeling as Gabby.


Narrator : One day, a woman named Marrianne was walking around the campus.
Suddenly, she saw a wallet lying there.

Anne : Oh wait, why is there a wallet here ? Someone have dropped it I guess.

Nrarator : From a distance, Ron seems to approach Anne who was holding the wallet.

Ron : Exuse me, I just lost my wallet. Did you see it ?

Anne : Ohh, is it yours ? I found it here.

Ron : Oh My God, I must be dropped it.

Anne : But wait.....tell me if you are not lying.

Ron : You could check there. You must be find my card with my name . Ron Dawson.

Anne : (while checking the business card in the wallet) , Ohh ya it’s true, Ron. Here you are
(while giving his wallet to Ron)

Ron : Thank you, you are very kind and so honest. May I know your name?

Anne : My name is Marrianne. You can call me Anne (while drinking a mineral water)

Ron : I’m so lucky to meet you Anne. Honestly, tomorrow is my birthday, I want to treat you
for some meal because you found my wallet. I will so happy if you accept.

Anne : Thank you for the invitation. Just tell me what time is it ?.

Ron : So please, let me know your phone number (While thrusting the cellphone towards

Anne : Oh, sure Ron (Accepting Ron’s phone, and write her phone number), Oke done.
Ron : Thanks Anne.

Anne : It’s not a big deal Ron. Okey, I think I have to go. Good bye


Ron : Good bye..........(smiling)

Narrator : From that meeting, Ron began to like Marrianne. He can’t wait to celebrate
his birthday with her.


Narrator : The next day at Gabby’s house, she felt really had fallen in love with Ron.
Every day she kept thinking about him.

Gabby : Oh Ron, I trully falling in love with him immediately. I'll check instagram. (check
Ron's instagram) Wow , Ron Dawson . Hey waitt, today is his birthday ?? Oh my God
what should I give him? I will chat with him first. (Gabby began to chat Ron) “Hey Ron,
Gabby. I just want to make sure what item do you like the most?” . Okey I just have to wait.
(Gabby lie down in the room)

Narrator : Gabby has been waiting a reply from Ron for a long time, but Ron hasn't replied to
her message yet.

Gabby : Where is he?? So what should I give him ? But wait, everyone loves chocolate right?
What if I give him a chocolate? He must have liked it. That’s perfect idea. I’ll give him a
choclate. Okeyyy, the gift is ready , I must call Ron now. (trying to contact Ron). Why
didn't pick up, I think I should track him down. (Gabby started tracking Ron's whereabouts on
her cell phone) At the restaurant ?? I should go there too.

Narrator : Gabby rushed to the location where Ron stayed, which was at the Restaurant that
not too far from there. That’s the location where Ron and Anne met.


Narrator : At the restaurat, Ron celebrated his birthday with Anne :

Hey Ron, guess what I brought..

Ron : I dont know but I’m sure it’s something special. (While smiling)

Anne : There you go. Happy Birthday Ron, happy sweet 20.. .I hope you can become a better
person. I'm happy to be your friend. (While lighting birthday candles)
Ron : You brought me a birthday cake? You are very kind Anne (with a big smile)

Anne : So,, go ahead blow the candles.. eiiii Wait wait ron, but you should make a wish first.

Ron : Alright, Hufhhhhh (blow the candles.)

Anne : Yeaayyy (hand clap) . ahh now, Let see a special one (while giving

out gifts)

Ron : Really ?? I feel so bad to bothered you Anne.

Anne :Oh no no no no, Don’t say that, it’s your special day Ron (while handing the present to

Ron : Thanks a million Anne. So let’s get to order the food.. (while looking at Anne
and smiling)

Anne : what do you wanna order ? Steak, French fries Or do you wanna order
something sweet? or coffe ?

Narrator : Before they could order the food, Gabby came over to them.

Gabby : Hey Ron..

Ron : Wait, Gabby is that you ? How come you here? (shocked, and both stood up)

Gabby : Happy birthday Ron... This is for you (while giving gifts) I wish you all the best.

Anne : Exuse me Ron, who is she ?

Gabby : I’m Ron’s girl friend. who are you ?? (while staring intently to

Anne) Ron : What the hell Gabby, No Anne, she’s not my girl.

Gabby : Hey, what is this ? (while holding a gift from Anne on the table). This is so bad!!
(while kicking a gift from Anne)

Anne : Heyyyy what are you doinggg?! (angry at Gabby while taking a gift that has been

Ron : Gabby enough!! can you go ?? I’m sorry I can’t receive this gift. You are sick. (mad
at Gabby)

Gabby : Wait, why Ron, this is for you. I just want to spend my day with you Ron. And for
you, (while looking Anne) You are not perfect enough for Ron.

Anne : Why I’m not perfect enough for Ron??

Gabby : You are ugly, your stupid. Ron never liked you, you have to know that. I’m Ron
girlfriend so you have to stop broke our relationship. You have to avoid me and Ron,
you should understand that!! (while pushing urges with Anne)
Anne : I know I deserve to be his mine, he loves me from the first. Who are
You suddenly entered our relationship, you are so sick, I’m so sorry that Ron ever met the
girl like you!! (while pushing urges with Anne)

Anne : Awwww… I'm okay thank you, I was just surprised.

Ron : Hey Hey Hey stop!!, Gabby stopp!! (Ron was trying to separate them, and he
accidentally pushed Gabby down)

Gabby : Awwww... (feel the pain)

Ron : Ohh...Gabby are you okey ??

Gabby : Don’t touch me. You are a rude man Ron!! just see what I will do to repay you
(while crying)

Narrator : Gabby ran crying. Her heart was so broken, but she still loved Ron so much. So,
she decided to go to the house of shaman who had black magic. Gabby do that to make Ron
be her mine.


Gabby : (Look around while holding back a little fear) Why does it feel so creepy ..(When
Gabby looked around, she was surprised to see the priest's face) HA !!! Ohhhh you surprised
me!!! (while facing the priest)

Mr. shaman : Come in (while inviting Gabby into his house) What do you want young lady ?

Gabby : Mr. Shaman, I love someone. His name is Ron, I really want to be his girl friend. But
there is a woman who stands in my way. Can you do something?

Mr. shaman : Of course I can. Can I see their

photos? Gabby : Here you are (while giving photos)

Mr. shaman : (Read the spell until it's finished) Listen, when you meet this man, he will
immediately fall in love with you. I have also sent a ghost who will make your rival woman
be an ugly and damage her face.

Gabby : Wowwww, it’s incredible. Thanks Mr. shaman. How much price I must pay for this

Mr. shaman : Ten hundred thousand.

Gabby : What??? Why sooo expensive ???

Mr. shaman : If so, don't expect your wish to come true.

Gabby : Okeyyy okeyyyy, I’ll pay for it (while taking out a wad of money in an
envelope). There you go. (give the money to the shaman)

Mr. shaman : I trust you young lady. Thank you.


Narrator : On the way home, Gabby meets Ron and Anne.And of course, Ron became
enamored with Gabby.

Ron : Hey, Gabby is that you ?

Gabby : Hi Ron (with his arrogant face)

Ron : How beautiful you are?!!

Anne : (facing Ron) Exuse Me !!

Gabby : I know you’ll said that. (closer to Ron)

Anne : Stay away from him (talk to Gabby)

Ron : (talk to Anne) stop Anne!! don't get into our business, you better to go! Now!! (Ron
snapped at Anne)

Anne : Ron Please, Are you sure ?.... Okay I deserve this.

Narrator : Anne was very surprised by Ron's change in attitude, but she was also
speechless. Anne just burst into tears, running away from Ron and Gabby.

Gabby : You did a good job Ron ..

Ron : Doesn’t matter Gabby. Would you be my girl friend?

Gabby : You must be know the answer... sweet heart (talk sweet heart with a sly face)

Ron : I’m so lucky to be your man.

Gabby : Me too (still have a sly smile), Ohh ,Ron, Come to my house, we can do anything

Ron : Suree.


Narrator : At night in Anne's house, she doesn't feel well. The atmosphere at home was
suddenly tense.
Anne : Ahhh, why my head suddenly dizzy...aaaaaahhhh (while touching a head) Wait, I feel
someone is watching me... (with fear tone)

(Then she hear someone crying)

Terkejut denger suara cewe nangis….
Anne : Oh my god, Who is there, someone help me please!! GOD ??? (Anne tries to find the
source of the sound)

(From the left behind, there was a ghost who immediately approached Anne and she
was frightened. The ghost then attacks Anne until she faints)


Narrator : The morning came, Anne woke up from her stupor. She realized her face was
already covered with wounds that tortured her so much. Anne could only cry, then she tried to
run to Mr. Row’s house which often treats cases like this.

Anne : Why my face already like this, it hurts. Ghost yeah ghost.. I have to go to Mr Row's

Anne : (while crying to Mr. Row) Come onnnnn, Mr. Rowwww... it’s meee Marrieaneee (in
a panicked and very sad tone)

Mr. Row : (Mr Row who was sitting directly looked at Anne) Innalilahiii..., Marrianne, is that
you ?? What’s going on???

Anne : Mr.Row something hit me last night. It was scary. When I woke up, my face
was already like this. Help me Mr. Row... (can’t stop crying)

Mr. Row : Calm down Anne, come in (invite Anne into her house). I think someone is trying
to harm you by sending a sinister ghost to hurt you Anne.

Anne : what?? who could do this to me?

Mr Row : Think it later Anne. I'll try to heal your face

first… (Mr Row holds Anne's forehead while reading a


Mr. Row : (Finish reading the prayer) I know you are here! Don't bother this woman
again. Who ordered you? Allahu Akbar (while grabbing Anne's forehead, and Anne
immediately fainted)

(Suddenly, the ghost figure came to Mr. Row with a growl. Mr. Row puts his hand
forward while reading the verse of the chair towards the ghost)

Mr Row : Who told you to do

this? The ghost : My lord…

Mr Row : Who’s your

lord?? The ghost : The


Mr Row : If so, do you want me to make you suffer?

The ghost : (Laugh) Try if you can! Hahaha

(Laugh) Mr Row : (Reading the prayer with a high


The ghost : Aahhhhhh stopppppp!!!! Stoppp!!!! It hurts!I will follow your rules, please

Mr. Row : (Stop readingthe prayer) Go back to your lord, you won't get anything from him,
he only makes you a slave and don't ever bother this woman again, or I'll decide to hurts you
more! (The ghost put his palms together and knelt down towards Mr. Row and instantly

Narrator : After the incident, Anne woke up from her stupor.

Anne : Mr. Row ... (while holding a head because


Mr Row : Slowly Anne… (while helping Anne get up), you are safe now, that ghost is gone.
Let me treat your face now!

Anne : What ? Ghost ? Oh My God.. (with a soft talk)

( Mr. Row reads the prayers while holding Anne's forehead)

Mr Row : It’s done Anne, go home and take some rest, Insha Allah your face will get better

Anne : Once again, thank you Sir. But wait, Ron.............his act was really weird the last
time. Why he did suddenly falling in love with Gabby,Or maybe this has something to do
with Gabby?

Mr. Row : Who’s Ron? and… Who's Gabby?

Anne : Mr. Row...can you help me one more time? I can't believe all of this happened
because of Gabby. Let me call him (panic)

(Anne tried to call Ron but no one picked up)

Anne : Ohh come on Ron pick up. No answer. Mr Row, you have to come with me to see
Ron, I'll track his location on the cell phone. I'm sure something happened to him.

Mr Row : Ok fine, let’s go Anne..

Narrator : Finally, Anne and Mr Row immediately found Ron by tracking the location of
Ron's cell phone. It turned out that Ron was at Gabby's house with Gabby.


(They are talking very romantic in the living room)

Ron : Why can I see a woman as beautiful as you...

Gabby : Hahah (chuckle & smile) you are gone too far Ron, thank you.. (shy)

Ron : Whatever you want, whatever you ask for, just tell me. I will do it.

Gabby : Really ? Soo... (while standing close to Ron's chair) I want you to .....

(Suddenly Anne and Mr Row came)

Anne : Gabby!!!!

Gabby : (startled) What ??? What are you doing here?!! And who are you ? (while looking at
Mr. Row) get you out of here!!

Anne : Listen, Mr Row, I’m sure there is something with Gabby to win over Ron. I think
she's the one who ruined my face. She went to the shaman and made Ron and me like this.
(Talk to Mr Row)

Mr Row : Your prediction is not wrong Anne. This has something to do with mystical
things. I'm sure the ghost will attack you after this. (say this while facing Gabby)

Gabby : I don’t done anything. Get out of here!! Ron help me!

Ron : Get out of here Anne !! I told you Don’t get to our businnes! (while angry at Anne
and Mr Row)

(Mr Row immediately grabbed Ron's forehead and read him a prayer, and Ron felt dizzy)

Anne : Your life won't settle down, Gabby!

Narrator : Gabby was immediately frightened and ran out of her house to Mr. shaman's

house (Here Ron has come back to his senses after being prayed for by Mr Row)

Ron : Ahhhh (feel dizzy), Where am I ? Anne ?? (while looking at Anne)

Anne : Ahhh, thanks God, you are safed. Something was happened to you Ron. It's
complicated to explain now. Thank you Mr Row, It's mean a lot for me. (while looking at Mr
Row) He is Mr Row Ron, he expert of treating something related to mystical things.

Ron : What ? Really ? Ahhh If so, thanks a million Mr Row.. (while holding back)

Mr Row : No problem Anne, Ron, You have to increase the quality of your worship to Allah
SWT. Mystical things have attacked you both, but thank God this all were passed.
Narrator : Finally, they could breathe a sigh of relief, but not Gabby. She was determined to
ask the shaman back for help.

Anne : But wait, we're at Gabby's house. I don't wanna be here for a long time. I hate her!

Ron : What?? Gabby’s house ? How could I here ?

Mr Row : Wait, Anne, Ron, Islam teaches us not to hate each other even though that person
who has hurt us. However, forgiving someone would be much better. Listen, I have a bad
feeling about that woman. I think he's in danger!?

Anne : I’m sure I don’t care Mr Row (put on a cheeky face)

Ron : Wait Anne, I don't like Gabby's attitude either. But I don't want to be a vindictive
person. We'd better follow Mr Row's advice. Mr Row, what should we do now?
(while looking at Mr Row)

Mr Row : My feeling is that the woman is at a shaman's house. I was afraid what would
happen to that woman. I think we should go there. I know where the shaman house is…

Anne : Wait, are you sure Mr Row ? After all of incident happend with me and Ron? (with
the upset tone)

Ron : Come on Anne (persuade Anne)

Anne : Okee, whatever .. (with a litle bit upset)

Narrator : Finally, they caught up with Gabby at the shaman's house.


Narrator : At the shaman's house, Gabby hurried over to him.

Gabby : Mr. shaman, please help me! They already know my plan. What should I do ? I
am so scared.

Mr. shaman : I know you will come here again young lady. Someone is trying to broke our
plans. He tried to go against me but don't worry, I won't lose.

Gabby : Then, you have to do something Mr. shaman, I don't want to lose the man I love.

Mr. shaman : You have paid dearly to me . I won't let you down.

Narrator : Suddenly, Mr. Row, Ron, and Anne reached the shaman's house.

Gabby : Oh My God ( surprised), how you guys come here ? Mr. shaman, look, that man
broke our plans. (while pointing at Mr. Row)

Mr. shaman : (sly smile) Don’t worry young lady. This is my businnes.
Mr Row : You'd better end all your action now! You will only harm other people. (look at
Mr shaman very sharply)

Mr shaman : Hahahaha, who are you to get in my way?!

Mr. Row : I'm here to help them, I don't like anyone suffering. You have gone too far!

Mr. shaman : Hahaha. Did you see that ? this guy wants to go against me (smiles at
Gabby) Hahahhaha !

Gabby : So you have to do something, don’t just laugh! (still panicked)

Mr shaman : Show me what you can be if you are better than me. (challenge Mr Row)

Anne : Mr. Row, what should we do ? what if he can beat us? I’m so scared


Ron : Don’t worry Anne, just trust Mr Row.

Mr. Row : Yeah, don't worry! He won't be able to beat

us! Mr. shaman : You better give up Hahahha!!

Gabby : Are you sure Mr. Shaman ?

Mr. shaman : Trust me young lady.

Mr Row : Show me, what you have!

Mr shaman : Looks like you want to die soon. So you will see a creature who will kill you !

(Mr. shaman cast a spell) Come in my child, something fresh is available for you! Come
in! Come in ! (summon the ghost)

(Suddenly a ghost appears, every one there were very shocked)

Gabby : Oh My God!!

Mr shaman : Hahahha, don’t worry young lady. We’ll be okey. Ooohh My Child did you
see that ? Your fresh meal were in front of you ! (talking to the ghost)

Mr Row : Listen! I have made you suffer, and I promise to make you suffer more if you
dare to touch us again. He is not your Lord! He just tricked you. (shout out to the ghost)

Mr shaman : Don't listen to it !! Go ahead and kill them!! (talking to the ghost)

Mr. Row : He won't be able to hurt you like what I did to you. You want me to do it to
you once again?

Ghost : (says to Mr Row) You're my lord. Please don't make me suffer.

Mr. shaman : What ?? What the hell you're saying !!? (angry with

ghost) (The ghost growled and immediately approached Mr shaman)

The ghost : You’re not my lord!! Your something fresh I get. I want your blood.

Mr. shaman : No, no !! Please, stay away from me. You should kill her, she asked me to
do this. (pointing to Gabby) but please stay away from me!

Gabby : What the hell ??! You are sick Mr. shaman. No, no stay away from me!! ( avoid
the ghost)

(The ghost attacks the shaman until he dead)

Anne & Ron : Oh My God (shocked)

(The ghost look at Gabby very sharply and appropched her slowly)

Gabby : No, stay away from me! I don’t have done anything



Narrator : Gabby fled into the forest while crying. Of course the ghost was after her. Anne,
Ron, and Mr. Row looks very panicked. They let the ghost kill Mr. shaman so that no more
disaster occurs. But for Gabby, they immediately felt very pity. So they followed Gabby
into the forest to safe her.

Ghost : You're my fresh blood (while choking

Gabby) Gabby : Please, let me go (with difficulty

breathing) (Mr. Row, Anne, and Ron arrived there)

Ron : Oh My God, Mr. Row please, you have to safe her.


Anne : Please do something Mr Row (panicked)

Mr. Row : Stop it! You must go away. You can get what you want elsewhere! (talking to
the ghost)
(The ghost looked at Mr. Row and just dissapears. Mr Row, Anne , and Ron
approached Gabby)

Anne : Oh My God, Gabby are you oke?? Oh My God. Your face

Ron : Mr. Row, what should we do ?

Anne : I hope you can cure her Mr Row. (while looking at Mr


Gabby : I’m so scared (While crying)

Mr Row : Is Okeyy ... Gabby. Calm down, you are safe

now. Gabby : I’m so sorry Anne, I’m so sorry Ron..

Ron : No problem Gabby... just take a deep breath

Anne : We've forgiven you Gabby. Come in (while hugging Gabby and Gabby hugged Anne

Gabby : I’m so sorry Anne. I just ....

Anne : It’s okey. Just forget about it. Look at, He is Mr Row, I'm sure he can curing your
face. (while introducing Gabby to Mr Row)

Gabby : Thanks Mr Row, I’m very sorry for all of my mistakes (while crying looking at
Mr Row)

Mr Row : It doesn’t matter Gabby. Look, I'm going to take you on some therapy,
because honestly there's still something stuck in your body. I'll take you to the mosque
for this therapy.

Gabby : I’ll follow your words Mr Row, thank you so much , and I’m so so apologizes..
(with speaking softly)

Mr Row : No problem Gabby. All humans make mistakes. Is not late to repent. Listen, Anne,
Ron , we have to call people to bring the shaman’s body, I don’t know if he is still alive or
not. Just ask for help from someone else there, Ok ? (talked to Anne and Ron)

Ron : Sure Mr Row..

Mr Row : I'll take Gabby to the nearest Mosque so she can rest, she looks really scared and

Anne : It doesn’t matter Sir. We will ask the citizens for help to move the shaman's body.

Mr Row : Thanks Anne, Ron.

Narrator : Then, Mr Row helped Gabby up and they went to the nearby mosque. Ron and
Gabby immediately contacted the villagers to ask for help lifting Mr Priest's body at his


Narrator : Finally, the shaman's body was immediately brought by the villagers. Anne and
Ron left that house with a feeling relieved.

Ron : Anne,

Anne : What ? (smiling)

Ron : Thanks for saving me. Can you explain what is trully happened with us ?

Anne : I’ll explain it later Ron. I’m so exhausted, I think you so.

Ron : Okey, Let me take you home (while spreading his fingers wide towards Anne)

Anne : Okeey (while taking Ron's hand)

Narrator : Finally, everything has been resolved. Anne and Ron experience mystical things
that threaten their safety, but with the power of God, everything can be saved through the
intercession of Mr. Ro’uf Akash. Gabby and the evil priest had their pay off too.

This story teaches us that loving someone shouldn't be too much, then we should avoid to
asking for help from an invisible creature. Because someone will be rewarded for what they
have done in the past.

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